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A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She parried the fiend's blade, but not before it managed to get one last blow in, but she managed to run the thing through with her spear, where it soon fell dead to the ground, and then its body, along with its companion, seemingly faded into dust. She stood there panting a bit, deciding to take a small break on one of the beds to tend to her arm, where she pulled one of her bandages out to tie around her arm where it was cut after cleaning it with a bit of her water, or her medical cleaning agents if she had any in her pack, and hoping she had remembered to bring her cleansing liquids for cuts and whatnot.

Either way, after she had gotten her wounds tended to, she moved on towards the inner courtyards and further into the keep, keeping a Very close eye out for more undead. "I don't know What the hell is happening here, but I don't like," Lena muttered as she walked on.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena takes a few moment to patch her wounds, preventing the flow of blood from the arm wound and taking care to prevent any infection from setting in. She was left alone during this time and emerged from the guardhouse moments later. She moved along the path into the outer wards courtyard, she saw the destroyed ramp leading up to the second level of the outer keep, unfortunate as it had a direct path into the keep.

She has two paths ahead of her, one leading further to the gate leading to the bride to the inner ward, or to an entrance into another building that looks much like a small modest chapel.

FP 7/10, 0/8AP, Exhausted MP, -Mild Fatigue-
A mild fatigue has set in

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully nothing accosted her, and Lena bandaged her arm up so she needn't worry about any infection setting up in her arm, and then once she had, she got ready to set out. Heading out to the path leading inward towards the inner fort, Lena was Very wary, and kept her eyes open for anything. Spotting the chapel after walking onward, Lena thought to go check it out before she went across the bridge to the inner wards and whatnot, hoping that maybe the chapel had a survivor or two for her to help.

"Come on, please someone be in here," Lena muttered softly to herself as she walked towards the chapel, pushing the doors open as soon as she made it to them.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena steps into the chapel and feels a sensation of peace and calm that cuts through the oppressive feeling of the fog. Every step into the small chapel seems to help lift the weight off her shoulders. There are 3 rows of pews leaving an aisle down between them the leads up to a modest dais with a podium of sorts, a chain glass on the left wall that allows a faint light within.

There are no people inside, but it certainly feels like a place she could catch her breath for a moment.

FP 7/10, 1/8AP, Exhausted MP, -Mild Fatigue-

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena sighed with relief that there was nobody in the chapel that would attack her, but was worried that nobody at all was in there. But, it did feel... relieving to step inside finally and she sat down on one of the front pews nearest to the alter that was in there to rest. However, if the dais of sorts looked more comfortable, then Lena would move over to it to rest for a couple of minutes to catch her breath, as the oppressive feel of the fog was just... terrible really.

"Ugh, this fog is terrible. But I can't stay long I know," Lena muttered to herself, and after resting up a bit she'd look around the chapel to see if anything of use might be in there.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena grabbed a seat on the dais to recover, a few minutes past and while the feeling of peace and contentment seemed to help her take off some of the burdens the fatigue rested with her.

Within a few moments, she felt a little warm, a bit of a stirring in her loins. She remembered the words of the Fae, her experience with Seraphina. Her mana was quite low, perhaps if she...just a moment of fun she might be able to charge up a little bit. She couldn't do it in the stable with Akemi watching, and anywhere else would leave her vulnerable, this was the only safe place. Maybe it was a sign? A good chance for her to show that angel how she really felt.

FP 7/10, 2/8AP, Exhausted MP, -Mild Fatigue-

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena sighed softly as she sat there resting, and after a minute or two she felt safe enough to relax. Looking down she felt her loins growing warmer by the minute, and knew that her mana was gone pretty much, which was likely what was causing her fatigue, if she had to guess. "A-Alright, let's do this a bit. Maybe it'll help some," Lena thought to herself, looking around to make sure nobody was around to see, before she eased her skirt up and pulled her gloves off for a moment to stroke her cock some.

"Heh, yeah why not use her. She was quite pretty after all," Lena thought to herself as she stared up at the ceiling for a moment, before she laid back a bit and started going at it, using the angel that had tried to kill her, as her material for masturbation, and imagining the angel completely nude, and submissively sucking her off, before willingly turning around and presenting her ass to Lena to get her pussy pounded like the slut she was... and the thought made Lena smile as she stroked herself.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Every touch felt delightful as usually, a comfortable position with eyes closed she felt the slow build of pleasure as she imagined the damned angel beneath her, satisfying her every depraved whim. She felt a dark presence, not unlike that of her use of powers familiar to that of her use of the Succubus powers prior. She knew that it was through those powers she recharged her mana with acts like this. It felt similar, did she indulge as she continued to pleasure herself?

FP 7/10, 5/8AP, Exhausted MP, -Mild Fatigue-

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

It felt amazing to say the least, and Lena wanted to cum so badly, but she held back just a bit, not wanting to pop Too quickly. The thought of that angel kneeling before her, sucking her off, was just too good an image to resist indulging in a bit more. She knew she needed to recharge her mana, and to do that, she'd have to indulge in her... slightly darker powers a bit. What could be the true harm in it, Lena thought to herself. Surely so long as she maintained control, she would be just fine. Right?

Lena indulged, her thoughts turning back to the angel, whom she roughly pushed down onto a bed, and raised her ass up high into the air, before she plowed into her and started fucking her silly, spanking her ass sharply to make it jiggle and make the angel squeal with each thrust and spank. "Yeah you like that don't you, little slutty angel you," Lena muttered softly to herself, though in her daydream realm, she said it much louder to the angel as she knocked away with wild abandon.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She felt the dark energy fill her, causing her entire body to respond with heightened sensitivity. She continued to stroke, lost in her fantasy, feeling that orgasm begin to mount, getting closer and close. Her free hand wormed its way into her shirt, grabbing and pinching her nipple gently, mouth hanging slight agape as she felt herself get close.

She stopped for a moment, shuddering with desire as she felt that need to cum grow. Then as she calmed just slightly she began to stroke again...wait...why was she? Did she...mean to? For a moment the question of who decided that she would do these things passed her mind, only to vanish as with gentle stroke of her balls and one final firm stroke that brought her over the edge. She came powerfully, thick white strands shooting out across the floor of the chapel filling her with an exhausted by delighted glow.

Her breaths came deeply, but she felt great after, almost brimming with power. Her cock throbbed faintly after the release, hands coaxing it gently to the last little spasms of her release...before they began stroking her length again. A dim realization cut through the once again mounting wave of pleasure, was it her decision to continue?

FP 6/10, 3/8AP, Moderate MP, -Mild Fatigue- -Horny???-
Lena came! MP restored!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena moaned softly as the pleasure mounted in her loins, and she started going faster, her hand not stroking herself drifting up under shirt where she pinched and tweaked her nipples. Lena kept stroking, harder and faster she went, until suddenly she... stopped for some reason. Lena didn't understand why she stopped there, but she did, and it helped to build up more and more in her balls, her cum aching to escape. Finally, she let loose with her pent up seed, which spilled all over the chapel floor and the dais around her, enough that she knew she should probably clean up... if anyone was there that is, but since it was really just her and Akemi, that she knew of, she didn't have to worry so much really.

When her hands started stroking again though, Lena gulped softly and tried to stop herself, because she knew that she didn't have Too much time to dally here. "N-No... come on let's not... get lost here in the pleasure of the moment Lena, come now... let's go," Lena muttered softly to herself as she tried to pull her hands back up to wipe them off on her skirt hem, before putting her gloves back on and righting her clothing to continue onward further into the keep, after checking the chapel here out some more that is.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She continued for a moment longer, shuddering as she felt the pleasure mount. Realizing time was of the essence she stopped with a sharp exhale and pulled her hands away, climbing up from the dais and taking one last look around.

There wasn't much to find, other than the pews, it was a modest chapel, there was a bible, nothing really of note.

As she made her way towards the exit, she noticed thick fog in the way just like when she stepped into the guardhouse. Before she could investigate further she felt her legs wobble, and realized another orgasm was near. As she looked down she saw her hand planted between her leg, gently rubbing her balls, reaching up along her moist slit to her cock, gently stroking it. She realized she'd been doing it the whole time she was exploring? But...

She shuddered again, one hand planted on a pew as she felt another orgasm coming, so close...! Pleasure threatened to overwhelm her again, silencing the concerns, obviously she was just backed up, it had been awhile on her wast to Eastmarch.

FP 6/10, 7/8AP, Moderate MP, -Mild Fatigue- -Horny???-
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena oh so wanted to keep going, but she knew she couldn't do so. Looking around, Lena saw really only a bible in the chapel, which she decided to grab just in case, thinking it could possibly come in handy, before she headed on out into the foggy grounds of the keep once more. As she walked towards the doors of the chapel, Lena gasped as she stumbled a bit, her legs growing weak as she glanced down and saw that she was still masturbating, and had been the entire time without realizing it. Another orgasm was closing in fast, Lena could feel it, and it was a little worrying, especially when she saw the fog covering the door like in the guard house room.

Lena frantically looked around just in case she was about to be ambushed, but she couldn't stop stroking no matter how hard she tried. It just felt too good to really even want to stop. Grabbing hold of the pew, Lena aimed at the foggy doorway and sped up her stroking, thinking maybe if she shot her cum directly at the door, the fog might dissipate so she could get out of here. "C-Come on... please... o-open up, c-can't stop," Lena panted softly to herself.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena embraced the feeling, letting the orgasm mount and riding the wave as she released once again. She felt that surge of magic like before, the utter delight but there was a heavier exhaustion now that came with it. Still...it just felt so nice, relaxing even. her seed spread across the floor, even against the entryway but did nothing. Seemed like she was trapped.

She took a seat in the pew, reclined and resumed stroking herself. It felt a little sore, almost painful to continue so soon but the feelings were quickly disappearing, replaced by the delight of continuing to pleasure herself. She fished through her top with her free hand and resumed groping at her breast.

The doorway would open eventually right...? In the meantime, she could just relax, whatever was happening just felt so good. Was there anything she could do...? No...no. The hands resting gently over hers continued to guide her, continued to keep her pleasuring herself. Huhn...? Hands? What a silly thought. It was just her here, after all.

FP 5/10, 3/8AP, High MP, -Moderate Fatigue- -Horny???-
Lena came! MP restored!
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Watching her seed not have any effect on the fog door as she continued to stroke herself, Lena panted softly, feeling her exhaustion starting to mount a little more as time went on. "D-Damn... come on you stupid door," Lena growled softly at the fog covering the door.

Feeling herself needing to take a seat, Lena sat down on one of the pews closest to the fog door, and sighed, letting her hands keep going as she bit her bottom lip, and moaning softly as she felt a dull ache in her balls, and her cock actually had a spark of pain shoot through it from how sensitive it was and that she was still stroking, despite having just came. Thankfully though Lena had a quite short refractory period and the pain subsided soon thereafter. Glancing down as she fondled her breast and balls in between strokes of her cock, Lena noticed a pair of... ghostly hands or something over her own, but surely she was just seeing things in the haze of her pleasure, she thought.

"W-What the... g-go away damn you," Lena panted softly, trying to shake her hands around a bit to push those ghostly hands away, because if that's what it was, then she had to stop it, because she Had to get out of here before she just jerked off until she fainted.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She tried to shake the hands away and in attempting to do so tried to focus on the sight of them, just a faint outline just a moment and her head stung to try but there -was- something wasn't there? A momentary alarm bell started ringing her mind and she felt -fact- emerge. Something else was near her, pressed against her, but it wasn't physical.

Knowing this did nothing, not yet, she continued to feel that mounting pleasure, the sounds escaping from her throat, she wanted to cum so badly, just again and again until she had nothing left to give. Could she fight it? Did she try? Could she escape through the fog wall? Or perhaps find this entity, was it even something she could fight?

FP 5/10, 5/8AP, High MP, -Moderate Fatigue- -Possessed-

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena panted softly as she tried to shrug the hands away, before she truly felt... something there against her. It was as if she were a hermaphrodite possessed or something. She didn't know what to truly do here, but she knew that if she wasn't quick, then she'd not be able to escape, and she so wanted to just keep fapping until her balls were completely empty. "C-Come on Lena... what's... going on," Lena panted to herself, her left hand still stroking, despite not wanting to, before she looked back to the dais, and tried to stumble her way back to it, and she'd try to pull the bible she'd taken back out of her pack, so she could look at it, thinking maybe it had something to do with this whole thing.

Regardless, when she got back to the dais, she'd kick the thing with one foot, to see if that prompted any response from the entity against her, and then she'd kick the altar for the same, and then she'd quickly try and test each object in there, the pews, any statues, Anything that she could find that could possibly be.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena forces herself into action, moving to the dias, investigating. Was it the book? Was it the altar? Her experiments prove nothing, but perhaps there's something to it, if only she could find out the source then-

Her thoughts evaporated in a flash of delightful white, her entire body arcs as she cums again, not as much as before but enough to bring her to her knees with pleasure. Lena regains her senses on her side, she rolls to her back, body spread out in delight, A hand pressed against her entrance, under her balls, gently rubbing against her slit. One more...one more would be great.

What point was there in fighting this? Lena knew she could just lay here, accept this...but maybe there was still a chance?

FP 4/10, 3/8AP, Full? MP, -Moderate Fatigue- -Possessed-
Lena came!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Panting frantically, Lena looked around at anything that might help her to understand and figure out what was going on. Just as she was about to turn back towards the door and run for it, Lena's vision blurred and went white as she came again, her seed spurting out like crazy all over the dais and alter. She collapsed to her knees as she came, and her panting quickened even more, feeling out of breath and getting extremely worried now. "O-Oh no p-please... I just w-want to leave," Lena whimpered as she rolled over onto her back.

Feeling her folds being teased by what felt like a hand, Lena whimpered cutely as her back arched a bit again. "N-No... Let me... Go!" Lena growled after a few moments, her growl sounding rather... cute actually, instead of menacing, but she was struggling back to her feet and trying to shrug the thing away from her, and trying to remember what the fairies had taught her, and trying to activate her sight like they had done to see if that helped her to determine what exactly was molesting her here before it was too late.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She saw nothing, at first, staring off at the fog revealed a trace of something but it wasn't anything she could discern. Then she looked down at her hands and saw it, a translucent bony human seeming hand over hers, guiding it gently as she pleasured herself, another wrapped around her on the other side guiding her hand up her shirt to tease her achingly sensitive nipples.

As she leaned her gaze up she saw the translucent vague outline of a robed almost skeletal figure pressed against her, she could feel its presence, not on her body but...on her in another way she couldn't figure. It didn't seem to notice, or perhaps care...? Her body continued to pleasure herself. It seemed she found her culprit, but did it matter? Her body was exhausted and it...wasn't hurting her right?

FP 4/10, 5/8AP, Full? MP, -Moderate Fatigue- -Possessed-
Ghost FP 0/??