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A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Well I am a demon after all," the demon woman said, sounding amused.

As Anya began moving into the woods, she could move the lantern to her belt and turn it off if she wished, as the magical lights far above shone down with enough to light her way down here. She didn't find much in the way of an actual path at first, and was kind of walking through blind. "I wonder what might find you first, hmhm. Oh the possibilities," the demon woman said with a chuckle.

As Anya made her way through the woods down here, she could have sworn she heard a snort of some sort. When she stopped to look around, Anya heard what sounded like a hoof hitting the ground, and then again, and again, she heard it, steadily getting closer to her. Quickly looking to her left where she'd heard it coming from, Anya saw a minotaur charging straight at her, its own large axe in hand as it bore down on her.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

A minotaur...really! This wasn't fair! If she lost to the alpha before how was she supposed to take on this! Still she wouldn't let herself get down. As the minotaur charged she tried to step to his weak side, and tried to use his charge against him, her axe being swung toward his legs, trying to knock him over and give her an easy opportunity to hit him on the head.
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya was able to easily step aside and countered the minotaur's charge, tripping him up as she did, and she slashed him across the shoulder as he fell to his knees beside her. Anya then swung at him again and managed to catch him in the face with the flat of her axe, knocking him back. He tried to get up but Anya kept him from it, landing blow after blow on him, likely making him regret attacking her.

The minotaur did finally manage to get back from Anya and to his feet... hooves, whatever, and hefted his axe up, swinging it at Anya and managing to catch her in the side with his huge axe, that was equally as large as her own. "Little bitch. You'll regret cutting your soon to be master," he roared at Anya, blood leaking down his face and body.

Anya - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10

Minotaur - FP: 2/5
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Or maybe you should just surrender and bandage those wounds. Not like I'll ever see you as 'master.'" Anya said as she rolled to her feet and swung this time with the flat of her blade instead of the cutting end. She had already got the minotaur bleeding fairly well, and given it was speaking she figured it definitely counted as 'sentient' so now it was just a matter of knocking him down before he bled out and died or something.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Bah! A proud minotaur would never surrender," the minotaur said, looking angrily at Anya and roaring at her and charging at her again.

Anya was able to catch him with her axe right in the face, the flat of it and then she managed to bring it up and buried her axe into his chest, taking him down as if he hadn't a chance in the world against her. "Oh... so sad. Oh well, he wasn't worth the time if he couldn't even land a good blow on you," the demon woman said, sounding a little amazed that the minotaur had lost so easily to Anya.

With the minotaur now dead at her feet, Anya was free to move on, and by luck she saw a small path which he'd been on nearby.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"I must admit. That was much easier then I was expecting." Anya said to the voice. "You know, since you are basically narrating my adventure here and I can address you. What is your name succubus?"

Anya flicked the blood off her axe and checked the minotaur for loot before she'd start to follow the path, wondering what would accost her next.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"He was young. Though, I did still expect him to do better than that to be honest. And you may call me... Ashra. Should I narrate your adventures in here like a story book for children, hmm? Young Anya, after becoming Shiori's cute wittle bitch beta, and bearing her children, has finally managed to move on into the temple's catacombs, where she handily defeated the young minotaur before her. He hadn't a chance in any of the nine hells," the demon woman said, sounding amused at herself. "Or is that a bit much? If so, I'll leave you to it so as not to distract you," she then asked.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"That...might be a bit much." Anya said, a bit embarrassed at the narration. "Though yes, I should be focusing on my surroundings shouldn't I. I'm sure you have many more creatures in this wood."

With that Anya continued moving forward, her clean axe ready to face whoever her next challenger would be.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"A fair few, yes. Some that'll try and hold you for quite a while, some that won't. Others that just want a good fuck with you," Ashra said, with Anya able to imagine a shrug if the woman was standing in front of her.

Moving along, Anya found the moss and foliage steadily growing thicker and thicker. After a few minutes of walking, Anya was sure that she'd just seen something moving just ahead of her in a small clearing. Sure enough, she did, and as she neared the clearing, a large plant came into view, with a young woman with greenish skin dangling from a vine, her legs bound together as she hung from it. She was squirming around and whimpering, as if struggling to get free, but unsuccessfully.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya was about to run to the help of the green skinned woman, but stopped herself just before she did. What were the odds that someone had walked in that soon ahead of her and picked the same route. Not to mention green skin and a plant. This could all be a honey trap! So instead she shouted. "Hello, who are you? What happened?"

At the same time she looked around, checking for things like maybe equipment or something that might signify the woman was an adventurer.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Looking closely around, Anya saw no equipment, only the plant and other foliage around them. When she spoke, the young woman whimpered and looked at her. "P-Please... help me. I've been trapped up here for over an hour, a-and I can't get it to let me go," the young woman said, looking frightened as she continued trying to get herself free.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Nice try girl, but given I've been in this woods for barely a few minutes and I've already been attacked by a minotaur. I'm fairly sure if you had been stuck like that for an hour something would have come along to try to make use of it." Anya felt kinda bad about wording it that way, but it was true. "Not to mention you kinda look green, and you aren't an orc. Sooooo doesn't leave very much options for what else you could be. So any chance you can just give up the act and let me get by? It'd save me some time going and finding another path."
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Well gosh. Can't fault a girl for trying for the easy way. Can you?" the green skinned woman said, flipping down as the vine let her go.

"And you're right. I'm not an orc. I'm a special kind of plant woman. But unfortunately, I can't let you go on without at least trying to stop you. I want a taste," the woman said, crossing her arms and smirking at Anya, before Anya found a large pair of vines extend from the woman's back and flail dangerously.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Doesn't everyone around here it seems." Anya said as she raised her axe when the plant women raised her tentacles. She wasn't quite sure how to handle this one, so she'd wait for the plant girl to strike at her and then cut the tentacles. She didn't want to walk closer and step on a trap afterall.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

The plant woman's tentacles flailed out at Anya suddenly, who was just unable to avoid them, and found both of them slap her, one across her breasts, and the other in the gut. Anya's retaliation against the plant woman's attacks were unfortunately, avoided by her foe, who pulled her tentacles out of the way of Anya's axe, before darting them back in and tripping her up. Anya slipped and fell on her butt, where the plant woman sent several more tentacles out from her back and Anya found her left ankle and wrist bound by a couple of them.

"Hmhm, looks like I've got you," the plant woman said, another of her tentacles worming up Anya's shirt and tickling her tummy, throwing her fiery red hair over her shoulder as she did.

Anya - FP: 4/5, AP: 1/10, partially bound, -1 to attack rolls.

Venus Trap Girl - FP: 5/5, partially binding Anya
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"H-Hey! Tickling is not fair!" Anya growled out as she tried to break free from the tentacles. To bind her they had to stay mostly static so they couldn't dodge away from her now! Though she just needed to get away enough to keep fighting normally. She also had that lantern but well...she didn't want to just set the girl on fire.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Squirming around, Anya prevented herself from being bound up further, but the one tickling her tummy was starting to make her laugh at the feel of it. She did manage to swing her axe around and cut her leg and arm free though from the plant woman's grasp, with the plant woman gasping in pain as she stumbled back, pulling those two tentacles back and bringing two others out. She swung them again, slapping Anya's face with one, and her breasts again with the other, before Anya caught one of those with her hand and yanked the plant woman towards her, slamming her big axe into the woman's face, knocking her to the ground, and still maintaining her own hold on the tentacle now.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 2/10, partially grappling the Venus Girl Trap.

Venus Girl Trap - FP: 3/5, partially grappled by Anya.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Come on plant girl, just give up before someone gets hurt!" Anya said as she tried to pull the Venus girl in again, hoping to swing at her again to finish her off if the plant girl didn't give up. She had pondered trying to tie up the girl further with her own tentacles, but given that the plant girl didn't need her hands to control the tentacles, that probably wouldn't help.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya saw the plant girl wasn't giving up and tried to pull free, slapping Anya almost halfheartedly as she did, not doing any real damage and only making Anya's right breast jiggle a little bit. "N-No... let me go... you... meanie!" the plan woman said, struggling to pull free.

Anya swung her axe at her foe, but the plant woman amazingly managed to lean back just in time to avoid the strike to her face. Anya then found herself tripped again, where she fell forward and landed on top of the plant woman, who yelped and flailed a bit. Quickly, the tentacles grabbed Anya's legs and wrapped around them, basically tying her to the plant woman, who began tickling her directly now with her hands as Anya was forced to release the tentacle she'd grabbed.

"Ha! Now I've got you," the plant woman cheered, one of her hands roaming into Anya's top and grabbing her breasts directly, while the other went for her butt.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 4/10, being tickled by the Venus Girl, taking +1 AP per turn until she stops the tickles.

Venus Girl Trap - FP: 3/5, tickling Anya.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Why...the...tickling!" Anya said between tickle induced laughs as she forwent grabbing at the tentacles, given that her current position would just leave her easily vulnerable to being grabbed before she got back upright. So instead she grabbed her axe and tried to ram the haft the plant girl in the gut. She wasn't sure if the woman needed to breath but she was hoping that it would cause her to react like a human, by suffering from all the air being forced out of her lungs.