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A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Well, it's making you giggle and have fun, isn't it?" the plant woman asked while Anya squirmed and giggled from the tickles.

Pulling her axe up, Anya was able to slam the haft of it into the plant woman's gut. She cried out and gasped from the blow, her body curling up a bit, though she didn't release the tickling tentacles from Anya and kept them up. "Ugh... y-you bitch. T-Take this!" the plant woman said, one tentacle brushing across Anya's folds over her panties while her left hand pinched one of Anya's nipples.

Anya managed to hit her foe again, who had tears in her eyes at this point from the pain she was in, but she was still trying to maintain her hold on Anya, and now trying to bind her up a little more, managing to grab Anya's right hand that held her axe, leaving only her left hand free now. "J-Just... g-give up," the plant woman whimpered, struggling to manage a win against the obviously stronger Anya.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 7/10, partially bound and being tickled, now taking -1 to escape rolls, and +1 AP per turn.

Venus Girl Trap - FP: 1/5, AP: 1/10, binding and tickling Anya
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"How bout... you give up...Come on...don't want to hurt you more." Anya said, not sore like the woman, but struggling given how aroused she was feeling at the moment. If the woman didn't surrender, Anya would use her left hand to try to knock the girl on the head. Hoping it would just be enough to knock her out and get her released.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya lifted her fist, and just as she felt the plant woman slid her right hand down into her panties, Anya punched her in the side of the head and knocked her out cold, only her middle finger finding its way into Anya's folds. The tentacles holding Anya had released her, and she was free to get up now. "Aw, the poor thing," Ashra said, obviously in regards to the Venus girl.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Yeah even I feel bad about that one." Anya admitted as she stood up, ignoring the tension in her torso for a moment so that she could extract herself from the venus girl. "S-Say...I-I figure when she said s-she wanted a taste she wanted to f-fuck me. W-Was it just going to be with her tentacles?" Anya embarrassed asked Ashra.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"That and eating you out most likely, and milking those big hefty tits of yours. She's a plant after all, technically. So fluids are a necessity for her kind really. She can sustain on just water, but your fluids would help her grow bigger and stronger," Ashra replied when asked by Anya about what the Venus girl would have done to her.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya bit her lip, and then reached down and felt how wet she was against her panties, before blushing at herself and sighing. Lowering her panties and cloth she approached the fallen plant girl and grabbed one of her tentacles. Lifting the green appendage she slowly brought it to her dripping petals, and after biting her lip again, she pushed the tentacle inside her, and after a moment to adjust she started to use the tentacle to work herself off much to her own embarrassment.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

The Venus girl was out cold, so she didn't try and stop or take advantage of Anya, though her tentacles were quite... flaccid to say the least. Anya was able to get one of them inside of her though, and it felt... much different than Shiori. It wasn't knotted at the base, and it could quite literally reach in as deep as Anya wanted it to, though it was still warm, but not quite as warm as Shiori's cock had been.

Sliding it in and out of her like a dildo, Anya, who was already burning up down there, quickly found her pleasure mounting. While she went at it, Anya slowly felt her orgasm closing in after only a couple of minutes, and just as she was on the brink of climax, Anya could have sworn she heard something nearby, a twig snapping underfoot, but she saw nothing but stars as her climax struck just as she started to look around for the noise, her strength sapped for a few moments as she sat or lay there.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya kinda wished the tentacle had been a bit less wiggly but that was what she got for waiting till after she was knocked out she guessed. She felt a bit bad about how the girl needed to apparently feed on her liquids, so she moved herself over one of the plant petals at least to make sure her feminine juices would fall onto the plant girls feeding area.Once she was in position she only just caught the twig snapping, and more or less ignored it as she was in the middle of blanking out from climax. Her cry would echo around the clearing as she finished her climax and then she slumped with post climactic bliss.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Having moved near the petals of the large plant that the Venus girl was using to try and trick her, Anya found the petals cupping up a bit to catch her juices as they leaked from her folds. When she came, her folds gave a little squirt of her juices into the plant's grasp, and looked over to where she'd heard the snapping of the twig. She saw nothing at first, but knew something was nearby, though whether it was a monster, or another monster girl like being, she wouldn't be able to tell without finding it.

Her body's senses soon came back to her after a couple of minutes, with nothing bothering her in the meantime thankfully. After she got back up, and got her clothing righted, Anya could move on, her needs sated for the time being.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya was surprised that whatever had been so close hadn't tried to ambush her while she was climaxing or in her post coital bliss. Not that she was complaining, just surprised. Standing back up with an embarrassed flush at what she did she pulled her clothes back on and picked up her axe again. Before heading along the path, focusing on going forward over wandering into the woods to try to find the source of the sound, which she was fairly sure would eventually come to her anyways. Though if they were both in relatively the same direction she wouldn't mind taking a short detour toward the source of the sound.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Searching the woods around her area, Anya found a small trail of sorts, about 2-3 feet wide, with the grass pressed down flat within it, and as she began to follow the trail, Anya saw it stopped at a large tree. Looking up into the tree though, Anya didn't see anything, but there were large sections of leaves missing, as if whatever it had been had knocked several of them down as it moved along the treetops.

Anya did notice that she could follow the trail and still be going in the same direction she had before, so she followed it along. After a short while, Anya came to a spot where whatever the creature was, it had come down from the trees, and left another trail of grass trampled underneath it, and as she followed it as it was curving around in a large circle, with Anya coming back to where she'd started circling around, and she heard a little hiss behind her, followed by something whipping out and knocking Anya's legs out from under her, catching her by surprise.

"And who is thisssss, cute little pet, hmm?" a girl's voice asked behind her, as she was knocked down, looking over her shoulder and seeing a large lamia towering over her, smirking, and with a scimitar in hand as her long snake tail stretched out behind her.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Wah!" Anya cried as her legs were knocked out from under her, and she was dropped to the ground. The girl seeing a quite large, and armed lamia behind her, and quickly tried to roll onto her back and from there to her feet. Brandishing her axe ahead of her to try to block any potential strike. "My name's Anya, and I'm not your pet!"
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

The lamia swung her scimitar down at Anya, forcing her to stay on the ground to protect herself, while her tail swished around and wrapped around Anya's left leg, holding her down as another blow came down that Anya was forced to block. Anya was unable to find the room to maneuver and get up.

"Heh, little pet thinks she can fight me. You can call me mistress though," the lamia said, swinging again, and forcing Anya to catch her blow with her axe again, where she reached down with her other hand and grabbed Anya's breast while Anya's arms were starting to numb a bit from the multiple blows she had to block. "Mmm, nice and soft, and I can hear the milk sloshing around in it," she went on to say, smirking at Anya as she leaned down over her, pressing Anya's axe back a bit more.

Anya - FP: 4/5, AP: 2/10, pinned

Lamia - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10, pinning Anya
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Get away from me dammit!" Anya shouted and tried to find a way out of the position she was stuck in. She couldn't attack here and stuck defending was how you lost, so she'd wait for the woman to strike again and try to roll out of the way, hoping the weapon would get stuck in the ground and give her time to swing at the lamia as she got up.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya managed to roll to the side as the the scimitar got stuck in the ground, using her axe to help pin the thing down in the dirt. The lamia let go of her weapon though and shoved Anya down onto the ground, even as Anya managed to use her free leg to kick the lamia in the side pretty hard. Before Anya could do anything else, she felt the lamia's lips pressing into her own, and the snake woman's tongue pulling her own tongue into the lamia's mouth.

"Mmm, you're a good kisser. I wonder if you'll be better in bed, hmhm," the lamia giggled playfully as she pulled away from the kiss, her tail lashing around and slamming down over Anya's face, making her see stars from the force of the blow, before the tail rolled up and pinned her hands above her head, leaving her totally exposed and defenseless. "Hmhm, now time to have some fun," she went on to say, yanking on Anya's top enough to pop her breasts free, where she leaned down and took one of them in her mouth, sucking hard on it and getting a drink of Anya's milk.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 3/10, pinned and being molested

Lamia - FP: 5/6, pinning and molesting Anya
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"That milk, isn't for you dammit!" Anya shouted as instead of trying to attack the woman, she instead focused on trying to overpower her. The woman trying to force the snake girl away and pin her down so that she could deal with them.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Oh who are you saving it for, hmm? It's not being used right now by anyone else. And by the time we're through and you get back to whoever you planned to give it to, it'll be replenished I'm sure," the lamia asked teasingly, pinching her other nipple with her thumb and forefinger, before twisting lightly to make a few beads of milk well up and leak down her breasts and chest.

While the lamia was distracted sucking on her breasts and teasing them, Anya was able to buck her legs just right, and enough, to force the lamia's tail up to pull her arms free and shove her off. Anya was then able to throw a punch up into the lamia's face, busting her lip, as she was sent back a little. Her breasts were leaking her milk from them, as she got to her feet, and their weapons were both sitting a few feet away from both girls. The lamia stared daggers at Anya, whose breasts were fully exposed to the air, and she starting to hunker down a little bit, like she was about to charge at Anya again.

"I'm gonna take you, and lay my eggs in that belly of yours. How would you like that, hmm? It'll feel nice," the lamia said, narrowing her eyes at Anya, whose cheeks were flushed, and her panties growing wetter by the second yet again.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 5/10

Lamia - FP: 3/6
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Why can't anything around here ever just ask nicely first! Maybe then I'd be receptive!" Anya shouted as she fell into an unarmed stance and rushed at the Lamia. She actually tried to avoid further blows to the face, if there was any way to piss off a female it was to punch them in the face. Instead she went for the Lamia's stomach, and breasts, wondering if maybe if she hit the latter target it might make the Lamia get a bit hot under the collar as well, though she figured probably not.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Would you truly? Alright then. May I mate with you, and plant my eggs in that tight little pussy you've got, hmm?" the lamia asked, raising an eyebrow, as if she didn't believe Anya's words.

Amazingly enough, Anya was able to dart in and slap the lamia's breasts, and got a pinch and a tug on one of her nipples, which did seem to have an effect somewhat. The lamia retaliated however with a slap of her own, to Anya's breasts, making hers jiggle in return. The lamia was blushing slightly and covering her own breasts with one arm, before Anya took advantage of that fact and managed to get a good blow in on the lamia's stomach, where she pulled back with a bit of a worried look on her face, before she hissed at Anya and swung her tail around and slammed into Anya's side, knocking her up against a tree, as she moved over to Anya, wrapping her tail around her waist twice with her long tail.

"Y-You'd better hope that didn't hurt my little eggs in there, or I'm going to really spank you good," the lamia said, an angry look on her face.

Anya - FP: 2/5, AP: 6/10, pinned to a tree

Lamia - FP: 2/6, pinning Anya to a tree.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"I meant before you start randomly attacking someone! It kinda defeats the purpose of being polite if you just ask it midway through a fight!" Anya said just as she made the hits, then she found herself pinned to a tree and said. "Y-Your a snake woman! Why do you hide your eggs in your human stomach area! You have all that space."

Pinned as she was and without her weapon. Anya only had one option really, raising her hands and holding them into a single fist as she tried to bring the attack down on the top of the Lamia's head and knock her out like she had the plant girl.