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A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"There are only a few up in around that area because I was getting ready to pump you full of them you little cute thing," the lamia said, narrowing her eyes a bit more.

Anya's fist hit the lamia in the cheek, with her head snapping back a bit, but she retaliated after a moment with a backhand to Anya's tits, making them bounce and jiggle. She then grabbed Anya's face, cupping her hand under Anya's chin, and turned Anya's head to the right, and then hissed, biting down into Anya's neck where it met her shoulder, injecting her venom into the young human. Anya immediately felt the effects, her body growing weak from the bit, and she knew that her last chance to escape was now, before the lamia's venom weakened her too much, and made her too horny to continue, her juices flooding into her panties.

Within moments, Anya glanced down to see the lamia pulling her skirt aside to reveal she had a large ovipositor cock between her legs, and was already pressing it against Anya's inner thighs. She was also grabbing one of Anya's breasts with one hand while pinning her left hand to the tree, so Anya had only her right hand left free.

Anya - FP: 1/5, AP: 7/10, pinned to a tree, being molested

Lamia - FP: 1/6, pinning Anya to a tree and molesting her, about to rape her
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya knew this was it, she was either going to win or lose on the next strike. Given that massive ovipositor between her legs she really didn't want to waste another week or who knows how long being filled to the brim with those eggs! But she could only hope that wouldn't be the result as she lashed out once more with her legs and arms. The strikes more like flailing then anything really well planned at this point, just hoping to hit the lamia enough to cause her to collapse and free her.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya reared back her right fist, and swung, only for the lamia to lean back just in time to avoid it. Somehow though, Anya managed to keep up her struggle to prevent her opponent from either biting her, or finishing her off, though that ovipositor cock was rubbing across her folds harder and harder, making her wetter by the second as the pleasure started mounting. "C-Come on, just... give up for me. I can smell the scent of okami on you. I know you've already been the bitch of one alpha out there," the lamia said, struggling with Anya for dominance here.

Anya reared back one final time and managed to connect with her punch, barely, though it was only a glancing blow. This happened however at the same time as the lamia leaned in and bit her on the other side of the neck, draining the last of her strength with another burst of venom, with both of them falling to the ground next to one another. The lamia was groaning softly, seeing stars, while Anya's body was very sluggish, and her senses dull and hard to use properly, her arms taking what felt like years to lift all the way to even do anything.

"D-Damn you... little human. Why didn't you just... s-surrender? Now we're both too weak to move," the lamia grumbled softly, groaning as she lay there next to Anya, struggling to remain conscious it seemed, and giving Anya the victory... she thought.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya groaned back. "Because I already lost once...I don't want to have...even more babies here...it's still my first real adventure!"

Also maybe out of a bit of loyalty to Shiori for being so nice to her after her loss, but she wasn't going to admit that one. Stuck there on the ground she decided to add. "Though...that was the closest fight...I've had...What's your name?" Given they were both going to be stuck here for a while, might as well try to be a bit friendly. Anya really didn't have any continuing grudge against the Lamia after all.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Who says you can't have babies and still adventure?" the lamia asked softly, holding her head with both hands as her forehead pressed against the soft moss. "And you can call me Fiona," the lamia groaned softly.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Well last time I was out of action for a week...and given eggs have a physical presence earlier then normal babies... I figure that I'd be stuck not able to move if I was...full of your eggs." Anya said back. "So...how long have you been down here Fiona?"
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"My eggs would come out in only a day or two. And I've been down here all my life really. These woods are vast, and they've been the home of many creatures and beings," Fiona replied, rolling over to her right with a groan, until she was on her back again, where she sighed softly, holding one hand over her eyes for the moment.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya tried to roll over just enough to be able to get on her side, but ended up overestimating how much force she'd need, and rolled all the way over, ending up ontop of Fiona. "Sorry." She said with a blush as she tried and failed to extract herself. "Though, maybe you should h-have said that to s-start." She muttered. "M-Maybe I c-could help you with that, but only if its f-for a day or two! A-And I am n-not your pet g-got it! O-Only Shiori gets to call me beta or anything like that..."
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

When Anya rolled over onto her, Fiona actually let out a cute little gasp, and blushed, her ovipositor cock twitching against Anya's ass cheeks. "I-It's alright. And... i-it depends on a couple of things. But y-you're a human, and the last human I filled full of my little eggs only had them in for a couple of days or so before she laid them, and she was quite pleased I thought, when she left," Fiona replied, with Anya finding a hand on her ass again, while another slipped up her back, Fiona's headache seeming to have calmed down a bit for the moment as Fiona leaned up slightly to kiss Anya. "Why not let me call you pet, hmm?" Fiona asked curiously, smirking at Anya's blush.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"C-Cause its demeaning!" Anya exclaimed at the pet comment, though then she blushed again. "T-Though its not so bad when you say it s-softer like that." The human was very thoroughly blushing between the hand on her ass and the feel of the ovipositor resting against her, but the girl did kiss back even if it was rather tentatively still. "But yeah...If it's just going to be for a d-day or two. T-Then I'll help c-carry your eggs. Just be gentle o-okay?"
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"And being called beta isn't demeaning? It means you're her lesser, you know," Fiona asked with a chuckle.

Fiona scooped Anya up and raised up as she did, and though she looked a little wobbly and dazed from the blow Anya had given her, Fiona was able to carry Anya along, scooping their weapons up along the way since that was really all Anya had dropped during their fight, or afterwards. Moving over to a small cave entrance that went downward from an old rather huge tree that was open on one side, Fiona set Anya down on her little nest/bed of moss, and started stripping Anya's clothes off, kissing her while her hands roamed all over, peeling Anya's clothes off little by little until she was fully nude.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"D-Don't point out the h-holes in my logic!" Anya protested as she was picked up and brought to Fiora's home. The human letting herself be carried with an embarrassed blush as her naked breasts pressed up against the snake girl's own bosom.

She blushed even further as her remaining clothes and the top that was still barely clinging on to her were stripped off by the Lamia. The snake woman certainly taking her time. Anya tried to at least reciprocate if her limbs let her, taking off the snake woman's skirt and and any top she might have until they were both naked as the day they had been born and Anya would fall back onto her back and spread her legs a big. "S-Sooo, how many eggs d-do you normally lay in one go?"
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Fiona smirked at Anya and leaned down to act like she was going in for another kiss, when she suddenly pricked her fangs just barely, into Anya's flesh again, this time in the side of her neck a bit higher up than before, but she didn't bite nearly as hard this time. Until then, Anya's hands were able to roam, the venom from before having filtered through her somewhat, and though it was sluggish, it was possible. When the next bite came though that injected more venom, Anya felt her arms being weighed down by a ton it felt like. She did manage to get Fiona naked too though, their breasts pressing against one another to create a nice huge titty valley that anyone would be envious of.

As Anya spread her legs as she asked how many eggs Fiona would give her, Fiona grinned and actually kissed her this time, with Anya's folds leaking out a practical flood of juices now from how hot and horny she was from the venom. "Oh... two or three... dozen, give or take. It depends really, but I haven't lain any eggs in... oh several months. And while we only lay eggs twice a year normally, I haven't found a mate I like to do so with, until now that is," Fiona replied, smirking and chuckling at the inevitable blush and incredulous look she thought Anya would likely give her at how many she'd said.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya was almost expecting the second bite at some point, so she didn't protest as her arms slumped to her sides after stripping Fiona. As it was she instead couldn't help but look a bit at where their breasts were squeezed together, the sight of the flesh pushing against eachother making her already wet pussy even more dripping.

Then came another kiss that Anya would respond to, not just because she was dripping like a bitch in heat as it was but because she was starting to get into the flow. At least until Fiona told her how many eggs there would be. "T-T-Two or three dozen! H-How am I supposed to hold those all. Though...thanks for the c-compliment I g-guess." The girl did indeed blush again at being what seemed like a prime mate for so many different creatures, though she wondered just why that was.

One deep breath later and she put that aside for now, instead focusing on preparing herself for what was to come, and with a nervous grin she said. "Well...I said I'd h-help...so no turning back now. I'm r-ready when you are Fiona."
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Don't you worry your pretty little head dearie, you can easily bear two or three dozen lamia eggs. The last human I got a hold of took all of my eggs in one go, and another lamia's eggs too. She had a total of fifty eggs, and was so full she couldn't move an inch without us carrying her," Fiona said with a chuckle, holding Anya down and smooching her again and again, trailing kisses down her neck and breasts, suckling on one to drink some milk from Anya.

Fiona lifted her hips up, reached down with her left hand, and aimed her cock at Anya's folds, pressing hard against them, but just enough so she didn't push through just yet, teasing Anya a little more until she was squirming, aching for it. Only then, did Fiona thrust downward, hilting inside of Anya with a moan of pleasure. Fiona immediately began thrusting in and out, moving her body to pleasure them both. Anya could feel that Fiona's cock was different from Shiori's having tiny little barbs all up and down her length, each of which was hitting all of Anya's most sensitive spots and driving her wild.

"Mmm... so tight, so wet. F-Feels so good," Fiona moaned as she plunged into Anya repeatedly, already bucking her hips hard and fast as the lewd wet sounds of sex filled the little cave/den.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya's mind boggled a bit at the idea of having fifty eggs inside oneself and was about to ask what happened to the second lamia, when Fiona kissed her and she decided it wasn't that important. Instead she just kissed the lamia back until they broke off and Fiona trailed down to her breasts. The human, with her arms completely unable to move, wasn't able to do more then moan as she felt her milk being suckled out of her.

Her moaning only grew in pitch and speed as Fiona started to tease her pussy, prodding against her entrance every few moments without actually pushing in. Eventually Anya bit her lip, and then a short while after that said. "J-Just put it in already!"

When the snake girl finally did stick her ovipositor inside the human, Anya nearly had a climax right there, the unusual feeling of the small barbs that ran its entire length caused her to cry out as she was hilted inside. The thrusting that started after that was just icing on the cake to some extent, and each thrust in and pull out would draw another moan from the human, at least until she bit her lip to keep herself from making the sounds too much. Letting herself be used by the Lamia she actually seemed to like being dominated a bit, though she wouldn't ever admit it if pointed out.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Fiona kept knocking away at Anya's folds with wild abandon as Anya moaned up a storm, her hips swinging this way and that. The barbs on Fiona's length were really increasing Anya's pleasure much more than she'd have thought they would at first. While Fiona plowed Anya hard and fast, for all she was worth, Anya heard more hissing nearby, and she found that the small cave they were in, was in fact a slightly larger cavern, and she saw several pairs of eyes glowing in the distance, with at least half a dozen or more other lamias coming into view not long after she spotted their eyes.

"Oooh, Fiona got herself another human. Lucky girl," one of them said, as they closed in around them, some laying down close by to watch, while others hovered next to them.

"Hmhm, listen to those moans. That girl's got some lungs," another one said, giggling as Anya moaned almost uncontrollably from the pleasure Fiona was giving her.

Fiona, hearing the other lamia around her, grinned and raised up, pulling Anya with her, and into a sitting position. She turned Anya around to face away from her, where she grabbed her legs and spread them wide, giving all of the other lamia the perfect view of where they were coupled. "We have an audience, cutie. Isn't it fun letting them all see just how much fun you're having with me? They're all going to see me pump you full of eggs. Then they might want to have a turn too you know. I don't know how many of them have eggs to give though, and if they really want you, I won't be able to stop them, you know. Doesn't the thought of them just grabbing you when I'm done, and holding you down while they have their way with you, get you all hot and horny?" Fiona whispered in Anya's ear, nipping playfully at it.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya would probably have protested the extra observers, but honestly she had had them when she was being plowed by Shiori, and she really couldn't bring herself to care given how much pleasure she was in at the moment. Each thrust and pull Fiona did sent waves of pleasure through her, and she was trying desperately to control her moans, and failing at hit rather drastically.

Instead she just found herself blushing hotter and tightening around Fiona as the lamia spoke. The human's subconscious side had taken over at this point thanks to all that pleasure, so while she didn't give Fiona a vocal response, the snake girl could rather easily tell that her words struck a cord in Anya's head. Even as her tongue rolled out of her mouth a bit, giving the other lamia a look of her rather shameful face at the moment.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

As Anya was bounced up and down Fiona's cock, her tongue lolling out, with the lamia whispering in the young human's ear and driving her crazy with all of it, Fiona suddenly hilted inside of her and let out a deep moan. The other lamia watching all giggled as Fiona finally couldn't hold back, cumming hard. Anya felt a large lump pushing up the length of Fiona's cock inside of her, her folds stretching wide around the intruding bulge.

"Goodness... Fiona, she's awfully tight. Do you think she'll be able to manage to bear them all?" one of the others said.

The bulge spread Anya open further, and with a burst of pleasure, she felt it deposited into her womb. The second orb deposited into her womb moments later, followed by a third, then a fourth, and so on. Each egg sent a burst of pleasure through Anya, making her entire body tremble, and go weak from the sensation. After the dozenth egg entered her, Anya's belly was bloating to near that of a 7 month pregnant woman, and another 3 eggs entered her, and made her look another month pregnant. The eggs kept coming, making her moan lewdly while a pair of the other lamia moved over and latched onto her nipples, suckling hard on them to drink her milk, driving more pleasure into her.

Anya lost count after the twentieth egg, an incredible orgasm having struck around the fifteenth one, and only dragging on with each egg after that. Her orgasm finally died down after a few more minutes, after Fiona sent a huge burst of seed into her womb. Looking around, Anya saw her belly was huge, impossibly huge, even larger than when she was pregnant with Shiori's children, and she was still sitting on Fiona's cock, pangs of pleasure washing through her as Fiona gave little rocks of her body, sliding her cock around inside of Anya.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya had to admit. She did not thinking being filled with eggs like this would be so pleasurable but god was it good. She the first egg had felt a bit painful, but by the fifteenth she orgasmed hard, and it just kept going. Each egg dragging her climax on longer and longer and longer until the eggs finally stopped, and just when the human though they were done, there was a burst of cum deposited into her egg filled womb, nearly causing her to climax again at the surprise.

Rubbing her hands over her massive belly she moaned. "Soooo many, but...it feels so good."