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A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 63

The threat ended and her golem returned to its original form, though it did seem that the stones were much looser than they had been, the leven necromancer sets off. Enigma begins to feel her energies return as she releases the golem, and heads on her way.

She reaches a T in the road, which has large avenue heading into town and toward something that seems to glow darkly. There is a large stone building, possibly a church, opposite the road leading into town. There aren't any houses nearby, but rather a fountain lies in the middle of the wide road, and there are stalls ringing it. Enigma spots a variety of mostly metal goods on the tables, including a set of the human weapons that used fire to throw a metal ball at an enemy.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Ah, here we are... doesn't seem to be anyone around though. Hmm, odd. Not a sign of what I'm looking for either. Pity. There is that fountain over there though and... is that, ooo!

Walking over to one of the stalls, Enigma deftly picks up what she made out to be the famed "guns" that people had talked about in her travels.

Haven't gotten a chance to take these things apart yet, and here they are! Need to look for the owner first though, can't be walking around looting things simply because I'm curious...That and I don't have my tools here anyway. Right, memo to self, find owner and ask him for one of these to take back to the lab with me. First things first though, a short rest before I continue moving again.

With that thought, Enigma proceeded towards the fountain, intent to take a short break there.

((May I add points now?))
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 63

Enigma thoughts are once again interrupted as someone from up above her says; "Oooohh...... What do we have here?" The voice is definitely female, and she thinks it's coming from somewhere up on the church.

(Not yet.)
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Yes, a rest here would be quite-

Thoughts interrupted by a female voice seemingly coming from the church, Enigma turned her attention towards it, seeing as this would be the first "person" she had met since her encounter with the troll.

"A traveler of course! What else? Were you expecting a mutt or something? Or perhaps one of those greenies?"

Her reply is sharp, and unwavering, similar to her response to the troll. All this, despite remaining as composed as she usually was...

Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 63

"And so full of anger too! You'll be a treat, I'm sure. And an elf too! Your kind always were ever so delicious." The voice said, and Enigma spotted what looked like a person standing on top of the church. The thought that whoever this was was quite likely insane suddenly came to Enigma, and this was only reinforced as they jumped off the top of the church.

While she had expected an ugly squishing noise and a splatter of blood and bone chunks, Enigma watched as the female figure landed in a roll and came swiftly to their feet, unharmed. It was a thin woman with bright pink hair that fell to just past her shoulders, and with quite possibly the largest breasts Enigma had ever seen, which caused the elf to wonder just how she supported them on a frame that was so skinny.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Anger? Of all the nerve...Wait is she hopping off from that building? That's got to be a silly thing to do, she's going to break all her bones that way...Or not? Can it possibly be?

A smile crossed Enigma's face as she observed the feat the female figure performed, beginning to come to a realization of what its true nature was. Leaping off a building without coming to harm...referring to other species as prey...possessing an impossible bust... Provided Enigma's deductions were correct, she had just stumbled on the quarry she was hunting.

"Treat? Am I correct to assume you're a demon then?"
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 63

The woman winks, and lifts one of her hands and points at her; "You betcha! And I'm afraid I'm going to have to eat you all up. And you'd better not resist, or I'll have to give you such a spanking, the entire town might hear it. Not that they won't, once I've started having some fun with you...."
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"Only if you win dear, there's no fun in hunting if the prey doesn't resist a bit you know? On the other hand, if I win you're coming to my lab with me so I can do some experiments on you~. That and as a pet to replace the kobold that passed away last month."

Enigma removed the hood of her cloak, to reveal her long purple-white hair with pink streaks, and properly show her face for the first time since arriving in the town. A smile on her face, and an odd playfulness in her eyes, the same life stealing aura from earlier seemed began to emanate from the elf's body.

"Well, then, shall we begin?"

Not waiting for a confirmation, Enigma's aura suddenly surged greatly in power, and "lunged" forward at the demon, intent on disabling her.

((15 points life leech, avoid killing if possible :p))
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 33/63, Grappled

To-hit: 9 + 30 = 39 vs 60 = Miss.

The woman doesn't seem at all taken by surprise by her sudden attack, and Enigma feels a sudden surge of energy from the woman as she forms a resistance to Enigmas absorbing aura. This proves disastrous for the elf, as her aura leeches all of its energy from her own body, rather than taking any from its intended target.

"Now now, don't you go wasting all that energy. I'm hungry!" The woman says, giggling. Suddenly, she rushes forward, and tries to grab Enigma by the shoulders.

To-hit: 12 + 40 = 52 vs 31 = hit.

She succeeds, lifting the light elf of the ground with surprising strength, madness gleaming in her eyes.

(Methinks I went overboard.)
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

((Nah, I doubted a spirit attack would work on a demon anyway.))
Well that failed quite miserably, guess the stories about them being immune are true.

Unperturbed still, as if returning the demon's madness with some of her own, Enigma seemed to be wrapped up in her own thoughts, more so than what the demon was saying.

"Mmmm...guess that doesn't work after all... how about this then?"

Unable to whistle as she normally did for her spells, Enigma chose to hum instead, using it in place of the standard incantations. As she did so, the cobblestones of the street began to shift once again, forming a towering golem right behind her captor. This time however, rather than being armed, the automaton possessed a set of vice like hands. Hands which, upon being created, stretched forth and sought to remove the pink haired woman from its master.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 24/63

Grapple: 10 + 50 = 60 vs 60 - 20 = 40 == Golem wins.

The woman seems oblivious of Enigma summoning her golem, and the creature grabs the demoness about the waist, pulling her off of Enigma and into its massive arms.

Grapple: 3 + 40 = 43 vs 18 + 50 = 68 == Golem wins.

The woman struggles, but fails to free herself from the massive stone golems grasp.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Brushing herself off as the pink-haired woman was removed from her, Enigma then twirled her staff a bit... before delivering a sound whack to top of the demon's head, apparently intent on knocking her out.

"The faster you fall asleep, the less whacks you get pinky~"

The golem also tightens its grip on the demon, in an attempt to derive her of air so as to make her pass out...

((Attack the demon with her staff))
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 22/63

Grapple: 3 + 40 = 43 vs 5 + 50 = 55 == Golem wins.
Damage: Epiced, because that line was hilarious.

The demoness is unable to escape the golem, and Enigmas staff smacks soundly against the top of the demons pink haired head. She blinks a few times before slumping in the golems arms, seemingly out cold. Despite this, the gold begins to choke the life from the demon, following Enigmas instructions.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

((Lmao? XD))

Knocking the demon out with her staff, possibly due to the eccentricity behind that blow rather than actual strength, Enigma seems content for a moment... until she realizes her golem is choking her quarry to death.

"No no no, bad golem, don't choke the demon to death. Stop. Just hold her still until she's properly tied up."

After changing her golem's orders (which now dangled the demon upside down by her legs), Enigma proceeded to animate the rope she had brought with her into an automaton, and then have it levitate over to wrap itself snugly around the pink haired woman's body, binding her arms to her side.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 17/63

Enigma begins to feel the strain of using so much power, though she can maintain her spells for a while yet. The golem complies with her orders, and her rope animates itself to tie the demoness securely. Though, Enigma has to wonder how strong she was, given that she'd just jumped off a building and landed without even a bit of harm, and whether the rope would hold her all that well.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Well...this is getting exhausting. No guarantee this will hold her either. Wonder if they have any chains or anything...Well, improvise a bit I guess... just in case...

"Now then... drop her, and reform into some stocks or something, something strong that will hold her for a bit in case she wakes up. Then stop moving again and give me back my energy."

The golem doing just that as it was ordered, it proceeded to "meld" itself together into two bulky and crude earthen stock, one of themselves locking itself around the demon's ankles to restrict her movement, and the other locking itself around the demon's main body. After that, the became still and ceased to move, the energy that moved them returning to the caster.

Now then, I'll have to apologize to the town for stealing their cobblestones, but science comes first after all...

((Do tell me if this isn't allowed :p))
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 15/63

(It's allowed, as it does basically the same thing as the shape stone spell, but I wonder at the wisdom of having her in the middle of the street.)

The golem takes its shape as required, and then becomes inert once more. Now that the woman is held by both rope and stone, Enigma feels much more secure about keeping her captive.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

((Thought about that after I posted, and also the stocks are in such a way that they're still portable.))

Wiping sweat from her brow, Enigma desperately needed a rest after such an expenditure of energy, a short one at the very least. But it was then that she realized that she had to move the demon to where she wanted from this point on if she wanted to keep her quarry, something that would prove difficult until she got her strength back.

Whoops... forgot that I had to carry her...Oh well, guess I'll just do this...although I really need a break

Taking a look at the church that the demon had leapt from and deciding that the place was reasonably secure for a quick rest, she proceeded to put her fingers to her lips, and give out a sharp whistle. Which...resulted in a smaller, more human sized golem, to form from earth, and lift the demon in its arms. Golem and demon in tow, Enigma advanced towards the church for much needed rest...
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 9/63

Her golem animates, lifting the captured demon in its stony arms and hauling her into the church, Enigma leading. The massive hardwood doors slowly creaked open as she pushed against them, and Enigma had to wonder at the point of making the door so big and heavy. The building is empty of anything living, and Enigma sees the rows of wooden benches leading toward an altar are all intact. There was a small door to her immediate right, and another small door on either side of the altar.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Exhausted, Enigma lays down in one of the wooden benches away from the near the middle of the church, away from the door to the right and directs her golem to place the captured demon on the ground next to her.

"Righto...need a break now, put the girl over there will you? Then undo yourself afterwards."

Dismissing the golem once the task had been done, Enigma then tried to make herself comfortable for a bit, until her energy returned to her.

((Can I add points now? :p))