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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"If we're not careful, they'll know somethings up, try not to rely on it if we can help it," she noted.


Jaime nodded to Lena, frowning at Marle.

"Y-yes now though, now, just a taste, please, please," the kiss only seemed to embolden her, Jaime moved to cover her mouth, carefully to keep from hurting. Whispering something to her that seemed to help keep her calm.

Lena managed to snatch up a clay-pot housing what she hoped was water but suggested something maybe a bit more foul. The guard began to turn as she made her approach, but with a sudden decisive blow Lena dropped him.

With a quick search she managed to rustle up the keys, Jaime helped drag him inside before anyone saw and soon the girls were free...save Marle.

"What do we do with her? With them? We should just get out of here."

"Y-yes, if we go out the back I'm sure we can escape notice." Sarah glanced about nervously.

"Why are we standing around, let's go," Adeliade urged.

What would they do with the girls? How would they handle Marle? Would Lena make the attempt for the gear knowing it could bring the camp down on them?

Then there came the rest of the woods they'd need to cross.

Lena attempts to knock out guard quietly!
Lena 11 vs 8 Ork
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, I know," Lena whispered back to Jaime.


"No Marle, we can't just yet. But I promise we will soon," Lena whispered to Marle before kissing her and moving to the tent flap.

Grabbing what could only be the waste/chamber pot, Lena slammed it into the guard's head and knocking him out cold, where she dragged him into the tent quickly. "Alright, Marle... listen to me... I need you... to listen right now okay. We're going to leave soon, and I want you to be quiet okay... please. If you don't, then we might not ever see our families again, and then me and you, wouldn't get to have any fun like I promised you. Okay honey," Lena whispered to Marle, kissing her on the cheek again. "And if I give you a little taste now, you'll only want more from me. You have to be strong, for me, for us," she added softly, kissing her on the other cheek this time to try and inspire some willpower back into the poor girl.

"Alright, I'm going to go and try to get our things from the tent our gear is in. Head to the stream where your herbs were at, and wait for me there, I'll come as soon as I can, but if I'm not there within fifteen minutes, leave me and go as fast as you can back home to Farnshold," Lena told everyone, before leaning in and whispering to all but Marle. "If you have to, gag her and knock her out and carry her. But only if you think she'll cause a ruckus. I'm not leaving her," she whispered to them before creeping out towards their gear tent.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Marle had a look that could only be described as near blind panic at the mention that she might be taken away from here. "N-no, I...I need to stay, I need them, I need them or they'll...I'll die. P-please, I need it, I need it, I need it please you can't!" Practically begging Jaime moved in and spoke quietly to her, she shook her head. "No, you don't understand I need it, s-...so much..." Jaime put a hand to her mouth, she looked confused for a moment but then slowly began to nod off.

"S-sorry, but I don't think she was going to understand."

Sarah looked a bit concerned but said nothing. "I can carry her." Adelaide moved to help her as the trio moved to run to the stream. "What about me?" Jaime asked. "Do you want me to watch over them? Or help you."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Seeing Marle being a bit crazy about staying and fucking the orcs, having obviously been addled from her time here, Lena was about to do just what Jaime did, and knocked her out. "Aye Jaime, go with them. I'll get our stuff and be there as soon as I can. Sarah, Adelaide, is there anything of yours I should look out for?" Lena replied to her friend before looking to the girls as they picked Marle up.

Once they were out and sneaking away to the stream, Lena pulled the orc they'd knocked out over and took his clothing after tying him up, and then she put them on and took his weapons, hoping to blend in from a distance, since most of the orcs would be drunk, and then she made her way towards the tent their things were in, slipping around the back and through the shadows.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"C-clothes, that's all, the rest are just possessions, we don't care. Please be safe." Jaime frowned and studied Lena for a long moment. "You better come back to me," she commanded and gave her a quick kiss before moving to accompany the girls.

Lena's disguise did well to keep her from being molested on her way towards the tent, but it was guarded from the interior, an Ork on careful patrol of the interior of it. This was unbeknownst to her as the Ork spotted her when she slipped inside, and bellowed out a cry as it drew its weapon. "You! Girl! What are you doing in here!?" It began to stalk towards her. "Ira's play thing!? Hmph...I shall have some fun with you."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Alright, be there as soon as I can," Lena whispered before they departed. "And of course I will," Lena added to Jaime.

After slipping around, Lena got to the tent and saw no guard, until she tried to go in that is. "Dammit all," Lena thought to herself when the guard inside called her out basically.

Lena inwardly cursed herself and drew the weapon she'd taken from the knocked out orc from the girls tent, and walked forward. She stood there before him and motioned him to make the first move, and when he did, she lunged forward and put the hilt or handle of the weapon into his face, hoping for a quick knockout, but if she couldn't knock him out with that, she'd quickly look for her shield and grab it before slamming it into his face to finish doing so, nimbly avoiding any attacks or grapples he attempted.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

He walked towards Lena confidentally, blade drawn and ready, without warning he launched forward, swinging hard for her. The slash caught her as she attempted to evade and counter, giving her a shallow gash along her left rib cage. It wouldn't be too hard to deal with but it did hurt. She managed to deliver her counter bashing him with the hilt of the blade, but was unable to knock him unconcious.

He let out a roar and rushed her, tackling her to the floor as she went for a shield. He moved to pin her for a moment as she fought him off, it seemed he went for the coup de grace immediately, pants slipping down around his ankles as her robes were forced open.

The scent of his manhood hit her and for a moment her body was caught up in it, she realized she had drooled the moment she saw it, a thin line of saliva curling out of the corner of her mouth. Her body suddenly ached to feel it inside of her, how wonderful it might be to have him thrust away inside her. Just a taste...she could make it to the others after, there'd be time.

Could Lena muster up the will to resist her dark desire?

Round One!
Ork attacks Lena
Ork 6 vs FAIL Lena
2 FP Taken

Lena counters
Lena 14 vs 6 Ork
Lena hits! 1 FP

Round Two!
Ork grapples Lena!
Ork 17 vs Lena 5

Desire: Ork triggers, does Lena attempt to resist?

Lena 4/6 FP, 0/8 AP

Ork -1/? FP
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena wished she'd had her shield already, for she could have blocked that blade from cutting her. Grunting in pain, Lena retaliated and slammed the hilt of her sword into the bastard's face, but didn't knock him out unfortunately.

"Gah!" Lena grunted aloud as he tackled her to the floor when she went for her shield, and as soon as she was down she saw him tugging his pants down, which was making her droll unconsciously. "N-No... I'm not... going to be your slut... you fucking bastard," Lena growled, throwing her leg up at his exposed testicles out of instinct, as hard as she could. She would not be these orcs slutty bitch.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Look at that, you needy bitch, don't worry I'll fill you up," he grinned at the sight of her drooling and moved to penetrate her, but Lena managed to snap out of it, driving a devastating blow to the Orks groin, he shuddered and dropped with a whimpering sound, Lena delivered a savage blow which put his lights out.

It didn't take long to find her weapons, they stood out from the Ork fare, but Jaime's was nowhere to be seen and neither was her armor. Still there were other bows and plenty of arrows to grab. Did she want to try to get anything else?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I don't want you to though," Lena told the orc as she flung her foot out.

Seeing how devastating it was to him, Lena could only feel sorry for him, as she had balls too. She followed that up with a quick slam to the head with her shield, knocking him out the rest of the way. After he was down, Lena got her things, then Jaime's, and everything of the others that she could carry, put it all into her pack, and crept out, keeping the orc garb on for now to keep the disguise going as she headed to the meeting spot.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena could find little she could identify as the girls as she crept out of the camp towards the stream. There was a sound of violence up ahead, and as Lena raced to the assist she found a heavy breathing trio of Jaime, Adelaide and Sarah all standing over one thoroughly unconscious Ork. It appeared Lena made the right call sending Jaime to help them.

"L-lena! You made it." Jaime moved over handing out clothes and taking her bow and arrows. "Only question now is what do we do? Where do we go? We better decide quick," she murmured.

The other girls swiftly dressed, Marle given clothes as well.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Not knowing what exactly was theirs, Lena simply grabbed everything she could carry that didn't look orcish. After she started getting away though, Lena heard the sounds of fighting, but when she got to them they had already managed to settle the problem.

"Yeah, had to... really hurt this one orc guy, who is going to be really fucking sore tomorrow, especially... down here," Lena said after she got to Jaime and the others, impressed that they took him down. "Farnshold is our target. It shouldn't take too long to find a trail leading there, and the orcs won't really know what's up for at least a few hours probably, or at least... they won't know we're gone for a few hours anyway," Lena then said, opting to head back towards Farnshold, though she'd have to figure out which way Farnshold actually was first. She headed across the stream and figured that way would be best for now, to put distance between them and the orcs.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Good," Jaime said without an ounce of regret in her voice. It was clear where she stood on the subject of their captors. "Farnshold, hopefully we can find our way."

Sarah nodded, "We know these woods well, if we find some landmark we know, we'll be fine. Either way we should get moving immediately."

Jaime nodded and followed after Lena as she began to head out.

They walked long into the night, for hours until their fatigue of the day and hunger began to gnaw at them. The forest was dense, pressing all around them, and the excitement at their escape was replace by a quiet fear, being lost. They'd made it a fair distance away, perhaps it would be safe to rest?

Sarah and Adelaide requested it, exhausted from their escape, but were willing to press on at Lena's insistence, they weren't home yet.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I'm sure we can," Lena told Jaime with confidence.

Lena nodded to the girls when they told her they could find their way once they found some landmarks of some sort to guide them with. So, they walked, for quite a while, long into the night, until they were simply too tired to keep going. When Sarah and Adelaide called for a halt, Lena obliged and agreed that they needed to rest, else she and Jaime would collapse as well from exhaustion.

"We'll rest for a few minutes okay girls, try and not fall asleep yet though," Lena told them, sitting down next to the girls so they could huddle for warmth until about twenty minutes had passed, and then she would see if they felt rested enough to press onward.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"If anything it's worse," Adelaide complained, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Sarah frowned by nodded. "We were both kept awake...used for most of the day. Our bodies tremble with each step. We will press on if you wish, Lena. I apologize...we have both endured much, a little more can be done if needed."

Jaime yawned and glanced around. "They might be looking for us soon, but I think we could hide ourselves well. It's up to you Lena."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I know you're tired, but the longer we stay put, the easier it'll be for them to find us," Lena replied, knowing the two were exhausted, but also knowing that they couldn't afford to rest for too long yet.

"Hmm... I'd like to press onward until we got to a more defensible place, or at least something off the beaten path, you know. Heading through the stream will throw their worgs off our scent too, that's why I chose to go this way on the way out. Any streams, creeks, or any water we find, we ought to go through it somewhat to keep them off our scent. How about this, we'll go for another hour, and if we haven't found any landmarks to guide us, then we'll stop for the rest of the night. Sound good?" Lena said after a few moments of thinking it over in her head.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The girls didn't seem particularily pleased, but Lena's reasoning was solid. The break helped them rest their weary muscles and they pressed on. It was exhausting, Lena was forced to slow and help them frequently over tough terrain as they scoured for appropriate landmarks that would show them where to go. By the end of the hour they hadn't madem uch headway, although everyone was a good deal more fatigued and messy, the terrain here was difficult and it appeared like they had no idea, even that they were heading further into the woods.

As the girls faltered and fell, apologizing for their weakness Lena caught a strange scent, familiar and-

An arm wrapped around her waist, green hands moving to give her breasts a gentle squeeze. "There you are my lost little waifs." A voice that could only belong to Clara rang out.

Jaime, without delay, drew her bow and notched an arrow.

"What...did you miss me?" Lena found a seductive alluring kiss planted on her neck, as Clara whispered. "I know you did," a hand slid from her breast to her belly as the rich scent of Clara's domain filled the air.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Heading on after they had rested a bit, Lena wasn't very happy about trudging either, but she sucked it up and went anyway, leading them through the woods and remaining ready to fight just in case. She had to fall back and help them move over things every now and then, mainly because of Marle, but after a while they managed to get through the more difficult areas. In the end though, Lena sighed as they hadn't gotten anywhere fast, and seemed more lost than before even, if that were possible.

"Well shoot, I was hoping we'd have spotted something familiar by now. And don't apologize girls, it isn't your fault that your bodies aren't at full strength right now," Lena said, preparing to take a seat herself beside some of them.

Before she could though, Lena smelled... Clara's scent. Gasping as she felt an arm around her, Lena turned to look and sure enough Clara was there. "Oh Clara, you... really got us into a lot of trouble. But we found the girls fortunately. Now we're lost, and we don't know where Farnshold is, and we're completely exhausted. Plus Marle's a bit addled thanks to what the orcs did to them all," Lena said to Clara, turning to look at Clara with a soft, yet serious look on her face. "Can you help us? We need a place to rest until the sun comes up, and then we need to know which way to go," she then asked hopefully.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Clara giggled, having kept her from turning completely unless Lena really fought. "Oh, no you're right," she frowned and paused, that relax fragrance spreading over the field. "I really did put you all in a bad spot..."

Sarah and Adelaide wavered, exhaustion with the fragrance was a powerful opposition, all they wanted to do was curl up and sleep, even Lena felt hard pressed to resist, especially in the comfortable embrace of Clara.

"Poor little Marle, she was the most enthusiastic. I never meant for..." she didn't appear too heart broken over it, but she appeared to be a bit miffed about the whole thing. "Well, she'll recover in time, it's all temporary you see."

Clara's hands glided along Lena, rubbing against her stomach gently, and down, along her pelvic area over her groin.

"I can help you, those Ork's have been muscling into my territory, cutting away at the vines of my children...your children too I might add."

Jaime made a face. "We should just press on,"

Clara grinned for a moment. "If you wish to I won't stop you, but I will make you a deal. Lend yourselves to me for the night, get a good sleep and I shall protect you. The Ork's won't dare oppose me directly, and if they wish to, they will regret it. Then, I will take you back to the glade where you each met me, and you can head home by the afternoon, what do you say?"

Each paused to consider it. Adelaide already slipping in and out of sleep it seemed, nodding off against Sarah's side. "Clara never hurt us before, I trust her..."

Jaime shook her head. "Remember what happened last time, we can't trust her. Let's just press on, we can camp somewhere and...and figure it out." She seemed uncertain but unwilling to trust the mischievous plant.

"It's up to you though..." Jaime added.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena was relaxing a bit more as Clara's scent wafted into her nose, and filled the grove around them. "Aye you did. And... we paid for it, quite a bit," Lena replied, looking back at Clara for a bit longer.

Lena listened to Clara, glancing at Jaime in the process and noting how little trust she had in the plant woman. Lena had to admit, even she was having trouble believing Clara this time around, but she also knew that they would never survive on their own through the night that easily. "Jaime, we aren't gonna last the night I don't think without some sort of a guard. And... I'm too exhausted myself to take up a watch, and a fire is too dangerous too. I... say that we trust Clara on this," Lena said after thinking it over a bit.

"Clara, I... no... we are placing our trust in you. Please, don't leave us alone like you did the last time. We already gave you babies though, so please, just let us rest. Giving birth to those seedlings last time is what got myself and Jaime both caught by the orcs," Lena said to Clara, hoping she would see things her way so they could rest.