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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime darted backwards away from a stinger and shot an arrow into one near point blank range, but another swept down and stung her, causing her to cry out and stumble. She was having trouble standing it seemed.

Sarah was busy once more keeping the girls protected and was unable to help their battle.

Lena, filled with a rush of adrenaline slammed her shield into the one stuck to her, prying it free with a small jolt of pain that ran through her body, unfortunately it left he open as one of the other bees swept in and slashed along her back, stinging her. Her weapons were starting to feel incredibly heavy in her hands, it was becoming difficult to keep fighting.

Jaime buries her arrow into a target at close range.

Lena tries to remove her parasite.
Lena 14 vs Fail!!! Swarm
1 FP!

Swarm Attacks
Swarm 9 vs 7 Lena! Hit! 1 FP! 1 Weakness!
Swarm hits Jaime! 1 FP! 1 Weakness!
Sarah keeps girls safe.

1 Weakness to Jaime for parasite!

Lena 3/6 FP, 0/8 AP, -4 Weakness-
Jaime 3/5 FP, 0/10 AP -5 Weakness- -PARASITE-

Swarm 4/12
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Seeing Jaime in dire straits, Lena felt a burst of adrenaline flow through her as she managed to get the parasite off of her. It hurt, but Lena managed to endure it as she got back to her feet, though she paid for it with a sting to her back, making her stumble a bit.

"No Jaime... we have to keep fighting. Can't... l-let them beat us. How will we ever... keep adventuring if we give in. It's no different than the orcs," Lena told Jaime, trying to inspire Jaime to keep fighting as she moved over and got the parasite off of Jaime, slamming her shield into the thing to kill it.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"T-trying my body, it won't listen...!" Jaime tried to push to her feet but stumbled and fell to her knees panting as she struggled to push the parasite off her but failed.

Jaime made it over, fighting fatigue and warding off the remaining swarm and managed to barely swing her shield hard enough to bash the thing off Jaime and slay it. But found that another had flown in between her legs, stinger burying itself in her inner thigh. As the venom pumped into her body she found that it became too difficult to stand, or carry her weapons, forced to use her hands against the creature.

Two swooped down on Jaime, but a bolt of fire cut through and caught one square torching it. "Hold on! I'll do what I can!" Sarah cried out. But one made it through, burying itself between Jaime's legs with its face pressed against her groin. "W-what the hell!" she cried out, shuddering.

"I-..I feel strange..." she whimpered.

Jaime is unable to attack.

Lena attempts to remove her parasite!
Lena Crit!!! vs 5 Swarm
1 FP!

Sarah cast a bolt of fire, torching another of the swarm!

Swarm attacks
Swarm 12 vs 5 Lena
Parasite! 1 Weakness!
Swarm begins pleasuring Jaime! 1 AP! 1 Weakness!

Lena 3/6 FP, 0/8 AP -5 Weakness- -PARASITE-
Jaime 3/5 FP, 1/5 AP -6 Weakness- -Mounted-

Swarm 3/12
When mounted, Weakness applies penalty to total AP. Caps at 7 stacks.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"You can do it Jaime. I have faith in you hon," Lena called to Jaime, rushing over as her friend failed to free herself, and bashing the thing off of her.

This gave a free shot at her though when another one swooped in and latched onto her leg once more. Grunting in pain, Lena tried to get the thing off, before it pumped too much venom into her and she was in the same boat as Jaime, who Lena noticed was getting mounted by one of the things. "N-No... dammit, get off," Lena panted, trying to bash the thing off of her with her shield and or butt of her spear. "Sarah... get as many as you can," Lena cried out to the mage woman, hoping she could finish the rest off since it seemed Lena would likely not be able to help much as she tried to get up and get the one off of her.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena found that her legs wouldn't listen to her, the shield was too heavy to effectively use anymore, instead she was forced to grab at the insect as it pumped its last dose of venom into her body, it then removed its stinger from her and moved slightly adjusting itself until its head was position against her lower sex, brushing past her balls to do so. Something, fel like an appendage of some kind latched on to her clitoris and a gentle sucking sensation was felt, stimulating her sex with a sudden intensity as she felt something slimy slip into her folds. She wasn't sure if it was the pleasure, or the strange venom but her body felt unable to resist, almost immediately she felt like she was about to cum.

She heard the shriek of another one being lit and reduced to a pile of ashes nearby.

Jaime is unable to attack.

Lena attempts to remove her assailant
Lena 10 vs 14 Swarm
1 AP! 1 Weakness!

Sarah torches another of the swarm
1 FP

Lena 3/6 FP, 1/2 AP -6 Weakness- -Mounted-
Jaime 3/5 FP, 1/5 AP -6 Weakness- -Mounted-

Swarm 2/12
When mounted, Weakness applies penalty to total AP. Caps at 6 stacks.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The parasite on her was sapping too much of her strength for Lena to get back to her feet, and as she made to pull the thing off, it dosed her one last time and Lena felt her body weakening a lot, almost too much to keep fighting. Lena gasped when she felt the appendage slipping into her folds, her legs shuddering as she tried to endure it.

"F-Fuck... I think the last two... a-are these ones on us," Lena called to Sarah, trying one last time to get rid of the one on her as she pulled her spear over as she lay on her back, and thrust it down into the thing.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"O-oh, dear, Lena I don't think I can just burn them off..." Sarah called back, moving to hurry over, trying to figure out what to do. With the weight of the spear working against her Lena was unable to do much more than ineffectually bash at the creature, seeming to cause it to clutch harder. Without warning she found her body thrust into a suddenl powerful body orgasm, it wasn't all that pleasant but physical intense, cause her body to tingle in a surprisingly enjoyable way. Her seed oozed slowly from her semi-erect shaft in a small amount. Something sprayed from her pussy, from her or the insect she wasn't sure, but a strange scent hit the air suddenly.

Jaime struggled just as ineffectually, on her back with legs spready she desperately tried to pry it off. Sarah arrived at her first, grabbing and pulling away the bug and throwing it into the air, hurling a bolt of flame into it and finishing it off.

Lena finds her mind reeling from the strange orgasm and without any chance to rest another one begins to rush forth ready to sweep her with it again. It's an incredible feeling, with each orgasm not as strong as others she'd had before but coming within moments of each other.

Provided she didn't force Sarah away she'd rush over to help, removing it and encasing it in a spray of ice which she then shattered with a hard stomp.

Jaime is unable to attack

Lena tries to remove the insect
Lena 0 vs 1 Swarm

Sarah removes the insect from Jaime
1 FP

Lena is brought to abrupt orgasm!

Lena attempts again to remove assailant.
Lena 0 vs CRIT!!! Swarm
1 FP

Sarah comes to the assist!
1 FP!

Lena 2/6 FP, 1/2 AP* -6 Weakness- -Mounted-
Jaime 3/5 FP, 3/5 AP -6 Weakness- -Mounted-

Swarm 0/12
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"T-Then, g-get my spear and prize them off, o-or something," Lena called back to Sarah, panicking a bit, but unable to do a whole lot herself with the venom in her system.

As the creature caused her to erupt in climax, Lena squealed, though it wasn't quite as overpowering as her orgasms with Ira or Jaime, or Clara, or even those she'd gotten from masturbating even, but she was quite shocked to find that another climax was already starting to burst from her loins just as the first ended. "F-Fuck... what is it... doing to me?" Lena asked aloud, trying feebly to push the thing off, her spear laying forgotten as she did.

Lena couldn't even talk hardly at that point, let alone lift her arm enough to wave Sarah off. When she did get the bee thing off and finished it off, Sarah would see Lena laying limply on the ground, panting like crazy.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"O-oh my, are you okay?" Sarah asked, through the dim haze of fatigue Lena realized perhaps that the ordeal was over, she was laying on her back now, feel intensely relaxed, although part of her burned for the desire of further release. Sarah fretted for a moment then extended her foot over Lena's length and pressed down, it felt heavenly and with a few quick motions she could feel her body exploding in another sudden yet more intense orgasm.

Sarah flushed and moved to help Jaime up slowly, it appeared like the venom had already begun to recede from the two of them.

"W-we really need to move," Sarah said with a building sense of panic. "The liquid that came out is going to attract a much bigger and much scarier one!" Jaime reached for her bow.

Already a loud buzzing sound could be heard, but even as the venom began to recede Lena found it hard to even stand up, let alone fight. Still if she got some help perhaps they could limp away, but maybe it was time to put an end to this, if Lena got some time to catch her breathe she might be ready for the fight.

Lena 2/6 FP, 0/3 AP** -5 Weakness-
Jaime 3/5 FP, 3/5 AP -5 Weakness-
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

When Sarah came over to her, Lena was coherent about as much as a drunken orc she imagined. As soon as Sarah's foot touched her shaft, Lena moaned aloud, gripping two handfuls of grass and pulling it up. The orgasmic feeling was stronger this time around, and Lena gasped and came a bit more on that release. Her senses were starting to come back to her now though thankfully, and when Sarah mentioned they needed to leave, Lena didn't need to be told twice.

"C-Come on, Sarah, help me up, and then help Jaime up. Adelaide, keep carrying Marle and let's go," Lena said, and once she'd gotten up, Lena would move as fast as she could while Sarah supported Jaime. "We've got to be close to Farnshold surely. If we can just make it to the edge of the woods where the guards can spot us from afar, we'll make it I think," she added, moving as fast as her legs would carry her, and forcing them to work as best she could.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Sarah took her hand firmly, a confident gleam in her eye as she pulled Lena to her feet, handing her her weapons. Lena wasn't exactly sure if that little foot play helped was for her benefit or not, but at least now there was no distracting ache for pleasure, well, any more than normal.

"Run fast! I'll hold it off if we get close!" Sarah pulled Lena along as they all began to run, Jaime was able to move on her own now, recovering a bit quicker than Lena as Sarah helped her first. The party, thanks to their clear line of flowers to follow, managed to bolt quite quickly away from the scene, the sound of buzzing grew intense, Lena's gaze turned back and saw the massive black bee staring in their direction, but not pursuing as they hurried away. Had she made another enemy? Surely the insect couldn't hold a grudge.

"I am familiar with this part of the woods!" Sarah declared

"Me too!" Adelaide said with a follow as the group began to slow. Lena and Jaime, after about a half hour felt back to normal entirely and now it was just a short jaunt back home.


They were given a heroes welcome! When the guards spotted them, they rushed and got assistance, Marle lifted away by two guards who brought her to the doctors. It wasn't long before a crowd had gathered! Cheering and hollering for the brave heroes return after Sarah explained how selflessly Lena and Jaime rescued them from the heart of the ork camp. She told the story with a fervor, embellish grandly their heroic tale until Lena and Jaime weren't captured at all, instead they fought the leader of the camp and his towering ogre pet in combat, were betrayed but still managed to in the a daring plan steal the key and free them both.

Sarah would later explain, if pressed, that sometimes people need a hero, and that the muddy truth is not always the best thing, though lena could clarify the truth if she wanted.

It appeared the mercenary troop had departed in their absence, urgent business out west. They sent word to tell Lena and Jaime if they wished to rejoin, to return to the capital. The company would find their way there before too long.

They received their reward, Lena had more coin than she'd ever seen in her life, enough that if she wanted she'd be able to return and buy her own business, perhaps a home, and begin a normal life with a rather notable leg up, but that was far off! Tonight was a night of celebration and Lena and Jaime were the toast of the town!

How did Lena choose to celebrate?
Did she join the crowd at bars, of people eager to buy their brave hero a drink?
Did she seek out a house of ill-repute, looking for companionship? And if so, what kind?
Did she want a quiet night in, perhaps with her friend Jaime to reflect on their adventure?
Something else?

(Summary/Recap/Chapter Close to Follow Next Post!)
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"A-Alright Sarah, but be careful and don't get caught yourself," Lena said, panting like crazy as she moved as soon as she had her stuff and was on her feet again.

Moving as fast as possible, Lena and the others just managed to get away, with the flower path not leading them astray as they ran. By the time she heard the buzzing beginning to fade in the distance, Lena glanced back to see the giant black bee buzzing angrily and staring at her, hoping the thing wouldn't track her down and do anything to her. Then again, Ira had done so, and swore that she would track her down again in the future.

When Sarah and Adelaide mentioned that they recognized this area of the woods, Lena sighed with relief and rushed on after them. After a while, Lena felt the venom starting to fade completely, and she was relieved when Farnshold came into view not too long after that too. As soon as the guards rushed out to help them out, Lena's legs gave out finally, too tired to keep her up any longer, and she would have to be helped back up herself as they traveled back into town.

Lena blushed a bit in embarrassment as Sarah told their tale when the crowd gathered, knowing it wasn't all true. But as she heard it unfolding, Lena couldn't help but grin a bit and glanced over at Jaime, enjoying the attention they were getting. Lena, in the end, decided to not reveal the total truth about it, and let the people of Farnshold have their hero, knowing that it would help boost morale throughout the town. When her reward came, for not only bringing word of the girls back, but also rescuing them to boot, Lena gasped and felt... proud.

"Wow, so much money. I've never held this much in my life before... well, not held it and it be mine anyway," Lena said, staring with pride at her reward, and at Jaime.

When the offer of drinks was mentioned, Lena grinned again and looked at Jaime, offering her arm to escort her friend to the bar. Once they arrived, Lena asked for a glass of scotch for her and Jaime, to have a personal toast to victory, and a job well done. Lena felt incredibly relaxed now, and she decided to indulge in drink that night, though not overly so to the point she passed out drunk in the bar. When she and Jaime stumbled off to the room readied for them, wherever it was at, or to the inn to get a room if one hadn't been made ready for them, Lena would collapse onto the bed after stripping down naked, and sleep the night away without a care in the world with her friend.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The drinks flowed freely that night, people crowded whatever bar Lena decided, with Jaime at her side. Everyone seemed in good cheer for nobody on the edge of the woods believed that the Orks could be defeated, that anyone could come back if they had their hands on someone. They had an honest to goodness hero in their midst, and that meant their troubles were over!

They sang songs! People demanded dances with the heroes, stole kisses, and everyone was all too happy to share in her presence. In truth, the attention, the praise, was intoxicating, wasn't it? Wasn't this why Lena had set out? To see all those smiling faces, to bask in adoration and know that it was she who was responsible for making the world a little better place.

With Jaime at her side, how high could she climb?

The night went long, it was hard to convince people to let her and Jaime go, but eventually they did. Jaime giggled, helping to support Lena to their room, though not doing a great job of it. Guards even helped make sure the girls made it to their room safely.

The two collapsed together on to the bed, a tangle of limbs and fumbled out of their clothes. Jaime pressed herself tight against, an erotic position but one done more for the intimacy of it. "Thank you, Lena, I knew that I could trust you," she whispered drunkenly, nuzzling along her neck. "I've never had anyone I've felt this comfortable with, you're amazing, I hope you know that." She planted a gentle kiss on her neck, as Lena felt herself begin to drift off.

"I love you," she murmured, and both fell asleep.

Little did they know what would await them next.

5 XP gained! 1 for overcoming Ork. 1 for overcoming Swarm. 3 for rescuing all girls from the heart of the Ork Camp!
XP: 5/8

Gained 1 FP! Total of 7 now!
Gained Denial Rank 0!
(User is able to resist an orgasm for x+1 turns per battle. This results in taking an FP point. Higher ranks reduce risk of FP cost.)
Gained Shield Rank 1!
(User is able to protect an ally, negating opponents ability to attack them in MOST cases. This does not take an action but is subject to situational benefits/drawbacks)

Noted! Spear Rank 1 has granted Trip!
(User is able to attempt to trip up an opponent with their spear. If successful the opponent will miss their action for potentially this turn, and is stunned for the next.)


Gained 2 CP! 4 for conduct with Ira, 1 for encounter with swarm. -1 for refreshing cleanse in stream, -1 for Clara's restful protection.

CP: 9!!! (High risk for spontaneous corruption)

Lost Desire: [Ork]
Due to her strong will at resisting the Ork in the supply tent at a crucial moment, Lena has lost her intense desire for Ork's.

Name: Lena Weiss
Age: 18
Description: This is Lena's pic while clothed. She is a human hermaphrodite with full DD-cup breasts, and a 12 inch long, inch and a half thick cock, and large testicles that the various beings she'll run into can milk dry of her delicious seed.

Attitude: Lena is a warrior that doesn't give up easily in a fight unless she knows there is no way to win. She is a very kind hearted girl, but will fight viciously when pressed to protect her friends and loved ones, or the innocent. Lena is quite sensitive and weak to pleasure, and tends to give in easier than most, but she can go many more times than most in exchange for that weakness. When pushed too far though, her mind turns submissive and she will willingly allow whatever may be raping her or just having sex with her do whatever they wish.

Max FP: 7
Max AP: 8
XP: 0/8
CP: 9!!!
Spears Rank 1 - Trip
Shield Rank 1 - Shield Bash, Cover
Denial Rank 0 - Deny Self Orgasm

Trip - User is able to attempt to trip up an opponent with their spear. If successful the opponent will miss their action for potentially this turn, and is stunned for the next.
Shield Bash - An extra attack delivered with shield. Deals very little damage, can stun opponents. Usable x times per fight.
Cover - User is able to protect an ally, negating opponents ability to attack them in MOST cases. This does not take an action but is subject to situational benefits/drawbacks
Deny Self Orgasm - User is able to resist an orgasm for x+1 turns per battle. This results in taking an FP point. Higher ranks reduce risk of FP cost.


Cured Corruptions
Desire: [Ork]
Lena's body has been molded slightly by the experience, her surrender to delight has result in her body reacting more strongly to Ork attempts to give her pleasure.

Notable Deeds:
Arrived at Farnshold from the capital! Ready to adventure!
Was assaulted by an Ork woman named Iradin, a chief of the tribe near Farnshold. Marked as her mate.
Assisted in repelling an ambush of Orks, providing vital supplies to Barroton
Has contributed to futa-scientific research!
Journeyed into the woods outside Farnshold, to rescue a trio of women who have gone missing
Carried and birthed the flowering children of Clara, the Mother Alarune of the woods.
Captured by Iradin, placed in the Ork camp as the mate.
Escaped and rescued the woman, together all five of them escaped
Earned the aid of the Mother Alarune of the woods, a likely ally
Annoyed the Sqarm that lived within the Mother Alarune's woods. Bugs don't hold grudges right?
Returned to Farnshold with all three women, heralded as a hero of Farnshold.

Hero of Farnshold
Mate to Iradin, Cheiften of the Blood Haven Ork Tribe
Novice Member of The Company
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena danced with anyone that asked her to, feeling very happy and honored to do so. She enjoyed the smiles that were on everyone's faces, and she couldn't help but feel that this was what it was all about. Being an adventurer, a hero even, and bringing happiness to people. That was worth the trials she'd undergone in the orc camp. There was the inevitable retaliation from the orcs she knew, but for now, everyone deserved to feel good. Every time a kiss was stolen from her, Lena kissed back, each time kissing deeper as she drank more.

By the time they were on their way out of the bar, Lena was stumbling with every step, having never consumed so much alcohol before. Thankfully she noticed the guards were keeping an eye on them and some even helped them to their room. Falling onto the bed as soon as she was inside and out of her clothes, Lena yawned and pulled Jaime over against her. "Mmm, same here Jaime," Lena murmured softly as they closed their eyes and fell asleep quickly in each others arms, where they would sleep the night away in peace, dreaming of sweet pleasant dreams.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

A late morning, or perhaps more accurately an early afternoon? By the time Lena awakens the sun is streaming through the windows. She feels groggy, but it's fading slowly as the minutes drag by. She's sprawled on a rather spacious bed in a nice room, there's two windows, plenty of space, and a bed big enough for her and whoever else she might invite. Today it seems to be Jaime whose content to snooze, snoring quietly as she lays spread eagle partially over her, half naked with her shirt, no pants and pink underwear.

In the bright light of the new day she remembers where she is, in Farnshold, having celebrated her heroic return. Thanks to her and Jaime three women which were sure to be slaves and breeding stock for the Ork's have been given a new lease on life. The coin the pair received would be enough to start a wealthy normal life, but surely that won't be for them. Adventure awaits.

Their friends, the Company, have left town on urgent business, with no destination that they know of. If they were desperate to rejoin they might have luck chasing them down, otherwise it would be back to the capital. Short of that, surely there would be more work for the intrepid heroes.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Rolling about as the sun shined through and into her eyes, Lena groaned a bit and opened her eyes, shielding them from the sun with her left hand. Lena glanced over at Jaime and smiled, wrapping her right arm around her a bit and gently shifting out from under her. Yawning as she raised up to stretch, Lena got up and found that she was completely naked. Shrugging since she was in their bedroom, Lena went to the bathroom and did her morning business before she found her clothes and went to see if breakfast was ready, and what it was for that matter, leaving Jaime to sleep a bit longer, unless she woke up.

"Whew, I suppose we need to head back to the capital. Find some more work, and so I can see everyone again maybe," Lena mumbled to herself as she got her clothes on.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime would stir, yawning plaintively as she sat up. "Hey, don't leave without me," she complained rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Just gimme a sec, oy my head hurts." She complained climbing up to slip into a fresh change and clothes and following her downstairs. Breakfast had long since been over, but the owner promised to fix them up a nice brunch immediately, refusing to take no for an answer and showing Lena and Jaime over to a table.

"Yeah I suppose so, although there is the outstanding bounties for exploration stuff around here. Though I'd understand if you weren't interested in it. Not so keen on hurrying back home only now that we just left it, but I wouldn't fault you for wanted to see your family. It'd be fun." Seems Jaime assumed she was going with Lena, though that probably wasn't too odd to her.

"Maybe we'll find some work on the way too huhn? As for the Company I wouldn't worry too much, they'll turn up before long, they're pretty well known. Though I can't imagine what got 'em going in such a hurry like that." She shrugged helplessly.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I wasn't leaving just yet, was just going to check and see what was for breakfast and bring you some back hon," Lena told her, giggling as she leaned back down to kiss her.

"And I'll get us both something, my head hurts too," Lena told her as she headed out, but stopping and glancing back. "Hmm, do you want to stay around here, with the possibility of Ira tracking us down and doing stuff to us? That was my reasoning on leaving, but then again, there is plenty of good work I'm sure that would take us in other directions than back towards the orc camp," she then asked, sitting back down on the bed and tapping her chin.

"If you don't want to head back just yet though, I don't mind staying and doing a couple of other jobs before we do decide to leave," Lena said after a few moments, smiling back to Jaime and kissing her again. "Now, you stay there, I'll go and get breakfast for us, and something for the hangovers," she added, winking to Jaime before heading out to get them something to eat, feeling the pangs of hunger in her belly.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Aww, you're sweet, but I'll come with you if it's just the same," she tilted her head up to kiss her softly, sighing contentedly. It appeared her drunken admission of love had all but faded from their minds.

"Ira caught us off guard...both times. I'm not worried about her, anymore than I'm worried about any other monster we might encounter. But that's fair enough, maybe we can just steer clear of the forest? The frontier's a big place."

"Ah, we'll figure it out, I'm with you no matter what you decide. Going back to the Capital gives us a chance to spend our coin too."

The Innkeeper served them a broad lunch, a wide plethora of food, likely leftovers warmed up but delicious none the less. Seems they had a heroes breakfast awaiting them.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, well they seem to be further to the south and west I think, so we could just head to the east instead for jobs in the forest. It doesn't seem like the orcs come too far to the north and east, so we ought to be fine," Lena said, stretching again and getting up. "As for our money... hmm, well... I'm sure we could have it locked up in the lord's keep or something. Surely he'd keep it safe for us while we help out some more," she then suggested, before they headed down for breakfast.

They ate in peace, devouring their breakfast and thanking the innkeeper for it, with Lena giving him a silver as a tip before she got up and went to speak to the lord in his keep to see if there were any jobs that he himself needed done, if they could get in to see him that is. If he did have any jobs, Lena would ask if they could leave their valuables in his care, locked up for a while, and leaving it all written down what was what and who it belonged to and all.