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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Maybe we can count on Clara's protection now," she laughed quietly once not seeming very convinced. "Oh no doubt, a good idea too, I didn't think about not wanting it with us. I mean, anything more than we need at least."

As they began to finish their meal someone burst in through the door, an older man in his mid thirties. "The heroes! I need to speak with them!" he exclaimed, red in the face, expression lit with panic. "Have they gone!?" He looked around and laid eyes on Lena and Jaime, eyes widening. "Please! You have to help me! It's my daughter! She's gone missing. Please, I need your help!" He seemed near on the verge of a full blown panic attack as he approached them, and immediately dropped to a knee, bowing before them. "I'll give anything, I don't have much coin but I do have some saved up, please!"
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Maybe, let's hope so at least. I think she's trustworthy enough to not let us get captured again," Lena replied, grinning as she led the way to get their breakfast.

"N-No sir, we're... right here. But you really don't have to call us heroes. We only did what anyone would, or should do in the same positions," Lena replied when the man burst in as they finished breakfast.

"Wait... just calm down and tell us what's happened to your daughter okay. When was she last seen, and where? We'll need all the details okay, as we can't figure things out without more information." Lena told the man after he spoke, trying to calm him down a bit so he could explain more precisely what was wrong.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"If you say so," Lena said with a shrug before the man burst in.

"Oh geez," she said quietly, empathetically as the man bared his sudden panic. Jaime moved over when he knelt down, and as Lena tried to calm him she helped him into a chair.

"Thank you, my name is David, my daughter, Susan, went missing. I know where she went but...it's out of town and I'm no fighter. I'm worried if I go after her I'll just be killed or worse, and then...nobody..." he tried to reason what he felt was his own cowardice. "I saw her last night, this morning she was missing. My wife...she passed recently and, well...Susan hadn't been dealing with it well. She put on a brave face but well, t-t-the nearby keep. She heard about it and kept asking if we could go. There's rumors that spirits...well gather there and...I'm afraid that she...oh I'm certain that's where she went. People say they saw her sneaking out of town there but were unable to stop her. Please, I'm sure she's there, but there's no way someone like me could go look for them. C-can you help? Please say you'll help!"
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Hearing David out, Lena sighed softly and patted him on the shoulder before giving him a kind hug. "It's alright, we'll go and try to find Susan for you sir. Just, try and keep calm, and we'll go look around at this keep you mentioned. We'll head up to the lord's keep for now then and get going as soon as we can," Lena told him, nodding to Jaime before they headed to the keep in town to see about getting the lord to hold onto their valuables before they headed out to the keep in question that Susan may be at.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Tears welled up in his eyes, he seemed to be exploding with joy. He threw his arms around Lena and hugged her tight, doing the same for Jaime moments after. "Thank you, thank you thank you, I cannot thank you enough. Please, please, please, be safe. M-my Susan means the world to me, but I couldn't stand if something happened to either of you." The man was still crying openly with gratitude as the two made their way out.

The Lord was all too happy to hold on to your money. Promising on his honor he'd keep it safe for them on their return, and thanked them gratefully for their service. If it came up that they were off to the Keep he wished them luck and warned them to keep their wits about them, reminding them that if they gained any information on the Keep proper that they'd be rewarded for it. It'd become rumored to be a bastion of dangerous monsters, and he wanted to put it to rest. He told them that when they returned he'd have a job for them if they were interested, but declined to give details on it at the time, ensuring them that this task seemed more important.

Was there anything that Lena wished to do before setting out?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"We'll do our best David, try and not worry okay. And it's our job to help people. It's what we've chosen to do. I won't fault you for worrying more about your daughter than us," Lena told him gently before they headed on out, moving quickly.

After arriving at the lord's keep, Lena would explain why they were wanting to leave their earnings there, and where they were headed just in case. Lena thanked him for the warning, as well as for the rest, and she also told him that they would indeed be interested in the job when they came back as well, promising to hear about it when they got back. Taking only a few gold and silver coins with her, Lena decided to take their main camping gear with them, just in case they were out for more than a single night, her spirits high, and the feeling of adventure teeming within her as she led the way to this other keep after they got directions of course.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

They set out with little delay, Jaime grabbed enough food for four days, in case they were delayed, and her own camping gear. It didn't take long for them to get underway, they had a map marked with the location and two routes they could take.

One was sticking mostly to the road, it'd take longer but keep them on 'civilized' route for longer. The other was straight through the hilly plains in a direct course for the keep. Which did Lena choose?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Alright, we've got a map this time, so no more getting lost in the woods. Do you want to go over the hills straight there? Or take the roads?" Lena said, wanting to go the roads, but knowing straight across the hills would be better in the long run most likely, as they had to hurry. "If we run into any trouble we can make our way back to the roads too I guess. So let's head straight there I think," Lena added, deciding for a straight path there unless Jaime didn't want to that is.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"The idea of a little kid being alone in a monster filled place really pisses me off, I'm fine with the direct route, Lena. And that makes sense, though I think we can handle whatever we run into." Jaime noted prudently. it appeared she was pretty amped up about this whole quest and seemed infinitely relieved that Lena had agreed to take it .She probably would have even if Lena turned it down.

They set out quickly, the route would take them pretty much to sundown to arrive at the keep, but the road would have got them somewhere in the dead of night which meant travelling in the dark or camping out.

As they traveled, the sun which had soon reached noon began to travel lazily over the sky. Lena made small talk about this and that. The hills were an arduous and tiring way to travel, but Lena was starting to get used to all the walking around now.

A cry broke out, shrill and strange sounding. Jaime turned her gaze over towards them, and not far from them, hidden behind the hill they had just walked up, was a small group of diminutive green skinned humanoid creatures that Lena likely recognized as goblins.

Nasty little creatures, frantic about sexual activity with anyone or anything and clever to the point of being one of the most absolutely annoying creatures. "Woman!" the front one called, as they pulled out their respective weapons and charged!
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, same here. But I want us to get there in one piece too is the only reason I asked," Lena replied, patting Jaime on the shoulder before putting the map away and leading the way onward.

Moving onward, Lena led the way and climbed the hills, feeling good and in high spirits as they went. Her legs hadn't been quite as used to walking so much before leaving home, but now they were starting to become used to it. After sometime in the noon, Lena heard a cry and recognized some goblins at the bottom of the hill. "Shit... goblins... get ready Jaime. They like to... mate... a lot," Lena said, readying herself for a fight... though perhaps she could trick them, they weren't as smart as a human and could be easily tricked she knew.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Of course, I know, still..." Jaime didn't seem too concerned for personal safety here.


"On it," Jaime nodded, notching four arrows on to her bow as she readied to fire. They charged were charged by the group of four, three female, one male, one of the females actually had a penis the was full erect and rather large too. "Eheheh! We're gonna mate!" one cried. "We'll fuck all night!" shouted another. "I want the one with the bow!" "I'll take the one with the dick!"

They appeared ready to take them by force, Lena knew the only deal they'd take is a copious amount of sex here and now, did she want to try to bargain or by her signal would a fight begin?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Keep ready hon, I'll see what I can do about coaxing them away. Heh, I could send them to the orcs," Lena said, chuckling a bit as she decided on what to say, letting Jaime stay ready to fire. "Try and not kill them though, I can't help but feel a little sorry for goblins sometimes. I mean, they are kind of cute, with how short they are and stuff," she added, smirking and chuckling lightheartedly about this, likely drawing a grin from Jaime in the process.

"Hold on now you lot. Nobody's going to fuck anybody right now. It's the middle of the day, fucking is meant for night time and stuff, and it's several hours off," Lena called out to them all, holding her spear pointed out at them. "I'll tell you what though, I know someone who would love to fuck around, and would be able to satisfy all four of you if you want her to. She lives down that way there, and her name is Clara. She's got so much stamina that even I couldn't keep up with her," Lena told them all, pointing her spear in the direction of Clara's grove.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime grinned and shook her head. "Your incorrigible you know that? Ah...just be careful, they're tricky."

The goblins halt their advance, pausing at Lena's words. "Fucking meant for night?" "What's she talking about!" "That's nonsense" "Be quiet you three!"

"Someone who could..."

"Satisfy all of us...?"

"Who is it! Where is she!? That way! Hmph! Fine! But if she doesn't help us out! We're coming back to fuck you!"

"Both of you!"

"I still want the one with the bow!"

"Oh fine, maybe after!"

"Let's go gang!"


The group began tearing off in direction of where Lena pointed.

"...Wow, I..."

Jaime paused for a long moment watching them disappear over the hill and shaking her head. "Well...whatever, I suppose. Good thinking, hope they don't bother Clara. Shall we continue?"
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I'm trickier though," Lena giggled as they came up.


"Aye, all of you, at the same time even. All of your cocks and pussies teased at the same time, by the same person," Lena told them, sweetening the suggestion. "Just tell her that Lena and Jaime sent you, and that they were in a hurry. If she doesn't fuck around with you guys some, then I will make it up to you somehow and I won't even complain so long as you don't try and hurt me," Lena told them after they decided to head towards Clara, winking at them as they went.

After they were gone, Lena sighed a bit and grinned at Jaime. "Told you I could do it, now let's go hon. Susan needs our help," Lena told Jaime, winking at her and leading the way onward, hoping that the goblins didn't try and doing anything to anger Clara too much.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The goblins only seemed to be further encouraged by Lena's words, and as they retreated she had to wonder if it was the last she'd see of the strange trio plus one.

"I guess I should never doubt you, strange and stranger crap keeps happening around you, babe," Jaime giggled, trying out the appalation before sticking to Lena's heel, moving onward.

The rest of the journey was uneventful, and as the lowering sun cast a brilliant burnt sky across the horizon they arrived at the entrance to the ancient keep. It was built into a mountain, more of a mountain dwelling than a proper keep now that its walls lay tattered and abandoned, ruined and easily by passed. As they stepped inside Lena felt uneasy, it was a strange place but there was nothing strange in sight.

The entrance to the keep proper lay before them now, the gate long rotted allowing them easy entry, it was dark, but they saw a pair of footsteps leading inside disturbing the dust.

Jaime called out for Sarah but heard no reply.

"Well, I suppose this is the place...let's be ready for anything. Let's go?" Jaime noted, following after Lena.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Heading onward, Lena led the way over a few more hills, and then in the distance they saw their destination, just as the sun was beginning to set. "Hmm, I'd rather go in during the middle of the day, but that's just not gonna happen I'm sure. Susan needs us sooner rather than later," Lena said before stepping through the battered and broken down gate.

After Jaime called out to Susan and got no answer, Lena nodded and headed on inside, hoping to catch her before anything bad happened to the poor girl. "Let's be vigilant, don't know what might be around, and I'm... feeling a little uneasy about something, can't quite place it just yet though," Lena said as they went on in.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Either way it'll be dark," Jaime noted. "It's not like the sun'll be shining inside the mountain." She agreed with Lena though, somehow the place felt a little more...dire. Perhaps it was all that talk of ghosts.

The moment Lena stepped past the threshold she felt a chill run down her spin, followed by a thud. Jaime ran into something, and as Lena turned she realized there was something in the air, a shimmering presence that stood at the entryway.

"W-what the hell?" Jaime said, pressing against what looked to be the open air. "I-I can't pass through! What's going on here!" She began to beat her fists against it to no avail. The invisible barrier shimmered and began to change from the outside in, a darkness that spread, cutting of visibility, and soon Lena would discover, sound too.

"Hang on! Lena! I'll get you out of there!" Jaime shouted.

It appeared like Lena was trapped inside. She had a moment to say something before the barrier shut closed and she was cut off from Jaime. She'd find any attacks doing little to it the barrier.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"True I guess. Let's get a couple of torches lit and move in, slowly okay," Lena suggested, stopping and pulling out one of their torches from her pack for each of them.

Moving forward with torch in hand, Lena was immediately beset with troubles as a barrier blocked her and Jaime off from one another. "What the... hell?" Lena mumbled aloud, looking at Jaime through said barrier.

"Jaime... try and find another way through... I'll be fine, just stay calm and keep looking for Susan. She's top priority here," Lena called back to Jaime just before they lost sight and sound of one another.

"Well now, guess I should explore some. No use in staying put when we have to find Susan," Lena mumbled to herself as she looked around where she was at for any signs of Susan, and or other things, after lighting her torch of course.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I will! I'll do my best to find another way in!" Lena's calm seemed to reassure the girl, but she was clearly on edge about being seperated from her. Soon they were truly seperated.

Lena's torch lit easily, casting dim light in all directions, she was in a massive hallway that stretched forward for awhile before fading into darkness. As she proceeded she felt a tingle run down her spine, a strange feeling that soon began to shift to something pleasant. There was a faint whispering in the distance.

Soon she found the entryway to a room, any diverging paths seemed collapsed or otherwise blocked and made her feel like she was being herded somewhere. As she entered she noticed the floor was strange, a thin clear blue film had developed along it and it was sloped downward towards the middle. As she stepped inside a gate shut tight behind her, and the film which turned out to be a slime began to gather in the middle, shifting a growing into a figure. It was a woman, transparent but shapely with modest breasts and clearly defined pretty face, even eyes peering at her. It smiled, or she smiled whichever Lena considered it, but it's lower half was a collection of slime in the middle of the room.

"Oh hello there, you're Lena aren't you?" she smiled brightly. "I'm you're first test, it's a pleasure. Shall we begin?" she grinned widely, and began to ooze closer, maintaining her shape as the puddle from which her body formed began to move closer to her.

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I know you will Jaime. Be careful," Lena said to her friend as she faded from sight.

Looking about and taking in the sights around her, Lena stilled her breathing and relaxed herself. The long hallway was creepy as all hell to say the least, and the whispering made it all the creepier to her. Thankfully there weren't too many paths she could go down, making it easier to find her way. The room she found that was open, felt... off, but she had little choice in the matter, and so she stepped in.

It was then that she realized that she shouldn't have done so, and gulped as the gate slammed shut behind her. Watching the slime forming itself into a quite lovely woman, Lena stared at her, amazed when she was addressed. "T-Test? For what?" Lena asked timidly, raising her shield, for all the good it would likely do, and unsure of what was expected of her.