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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The voice laughed. "What do you think failure was? Slipping on the slime and falling on your own weapon?" They became a blur of movement, Lena traded her blow and came out ahead.

"Don't get, COCKY!" a poor choice of words but an excellent maneuver. Her spear caught along the arm, shattering the armor present but the woman came in with force, smashing the haft of her weapon against the side of Lena's head and sending her sprawling. Stars exploded in her vision and the world seemed to shift uncomfortably.

Lena swings at Knight
Lena 17 vs 5 Knight
1 FP!

Knight preforms a stunning blow
Knight 13 v 6 Lena
2 FP! Dazed! (-1 on actions until it wears off)

Lena 5/7 FP, 2/8 AP -DAZED-
Knight -3/? FP, 0/10 AP
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Something along those lines yeah. If sex is failure to you, I would love to see what victory is," Lena commented, trying to get under the skin of whoever this woman was.

Lena managed to damage the chest area of the woman's armor, but she paid for it this time around and was sent to the floor, seeing stars. She couldn't help but want to just sit there and rest a while, after her earlier fun, but Lena quickly scrambled back to her feet, knowing she couldn't afford to. Lena steeled herself and went into full a on defensive posture, raising her shield in front of her and keeping it pointed towards the woman as she recovered from the heavy blow.

"Well come on then, I'm waiting," Lena said, trying to enrage her foe and make her make the next mistake and hopefully countering her next attack.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"You really wouldn't," the metallic voice hissed, "But keep it up and you'll find out." The promise was a chilling one.

"Fine! Here I come then!" she roared, charging in.

Lena's defensive posture worked out, she was given time to recover without trying to go for the attack and thusly overextending herself. The knight rushed in keen on taking advantage, following up with a heavy slash which caught Lena's shield and diverted, leaving her open for a follow up.

Lena lunged forth, smashing the woman in the sternum with the tip of the spear. Her armor snapped under the blow revealing a modest pair of perky breasts. "D-damnit! Don't look! Grrgh!" The Knight let out a furious cry and swing hard, Lena managed to catch it on the spear but was sent tumbling to the side. The knight left herself exposed to Lena's next attack!

Knight attacks!
Knight 9 vs 12 Lena


Lena attacks!
Lena 10 vs 8 Knight
1 FP

Knight is embarassed!

Knight attacks!
Knight CRIT!!! vs CRIT!! Lena
1 FP! Lena gains advantage on her next attack!

Lena 4/7 FP, 2/8 AP
Knight -4/? FP, 0/10 AP -EMBARASSED-
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Heh, well maybe you'll see what my kind of victory is when I win then," Lena said, chuckling as she grinned at her foe.

Keeping her defensive stance, Lena tensed a bit and forced the armored woman to overextend in her attack. Lena blocked the incoming blow with her shield and batted it aside as she thrust her spear forward, breaking her chest plate portion of her armor. Lena smirked as the woman cried out and got embarrassed, and Lena took the fight back to her and swung her spear around to flip her foe's helmet off of her, to reveal her face, and leaving only her legs armored, making her legs heavier than the rest of her and forcing her to move slower.

If Lena managed to embarrass her further, by taking her helmet off, she would then knock her sword away and reach in to rip her underwear off, roughly, before shoving her down and pinning her to the floor.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The Knight steeled her stance, twisting to respond to the incoming attack coming in for her helmet. She was too slow, distracted as she was and Lena in and advantageous position managed to smash the helmet clear, revealing gleaming blonde hair and a pair of elf ears. The woman looked stunned for a moment, stumbling backwards.

As she went in for the coup de grace tearing away the protection on her waist revealing the woman's groin she swept forward, catching Lena's weapon hand off guard and ripping it free of her grasp. A follow up swept down and knocked the shield away too and a quick thrust of her shoulder sent Lena tumbling back. The woman was red faced and panting now.

"That's enough! You're gon-gonna pay for that you punk!" she cried. "Stop looking! S-stop it!"

Lena felt a sudden surge of lust roll through her, her cock began to pulse with desire. She saw clearly, if she went for it she would have the woman writhing in pleasure beneath her begging for more.

Her weapons weren't far, if she moved quick, she could resume the fight.

Lena attacks!
Lena 17 vs 8 Knight
1 FP!
Knight is mortified!

Knight disarms Lena!
Knight 19 vs 7 Lena

A strange lust fills Lena, she can now assault her opponents AP!

Lena 4/7 FP, 2/8 AP -DISARMED-
Knight -5/? FP, 0/10 AP -MORTIFIED-
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Knocking the girl's helmet off, Lena grinned as she beheld an elven girl of some sort. As she went in to yank the elf's panties off though, Lena was knocked back and grunted as she did so. "How can I not look at something so lovely as you?" Lena replied, smirking as her cock throbbed with desire for this girl.

Rolling aside, Lena grabbed her spear, then spun and swung low, taking out her leg armor and tripping her up as much as she could. If Lena tripped her to the ground, she'd dive over and hold the elven girl down, pinning the elven girl's wrists down with one hand, while her other went to the girl's breasts and groped her soft tit flesh.

"You're the one that started this whole thing, and now you're not wanting to finish. You looked down on me, and now look who's on top... Me!" Lena said, growling softly in a primal way and forcefully kissing the elven woman on the lips, assuming she'd managed to pin her down.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"B-because!" She flushed scarlet. "S-stop I can tell...what you're thinking..." The woman's body quivered, demeanor changing now that her armor was off, a thing trail of liquid appeared between her inner thigh. The woman darted back as Lena swung, but got tripped up in the swing, she fell hard to the ground and quickly Lena took advantage of it and gripped the woman's wrists pinning her down. She struggle valiantly but for the moment Lena had the advantage

"G-get off, y-you win! You-you can move on!" But the gate had no opened and Lena felt so wonderful. The woman's breasts were warm in her hand, perky and playful, at her touch the nipples made themselves known, hard against Lena's touch.

"A-ah please, please don't," she murmured body trembling in pleasure in a way that Lena recognized. "I-I had to test you..." The kiss cut her off, she found an unwilling participant who struggled, legs splayed out, her sex exposed. It would take a great deal of willpower to keep herself from thrusting inside and taking her prize now.

Lena attempts to trip!
Lena 8 vs FAIL!! Knight


Lena grapples Knight!


Lena gropes the Knight!
Lena 17 vs FAIL!!! (wow) Knight
3 AP!

A strange lust fills Lena, she can now assault her opponents AP!

Lena 4/7 FP, 2/8 AP -Grappling-
Knight -5/? FP, 3/10 AP -MORTIFIED-
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Hehe, you're right I'm thinking naughty things," Lena said, chuckling at the elven girl. "And you're getting horny too from the looks of it," she added.

After tripping the elven girl up, Lena grinned again as she dove in and pinned her. Lena found that she was apparently physically stronger than the elven girl, at least now that she had her armor gone. "Are you sure? But I haven't even shown you what all I'm truly capable of yet," Lena asked, smirking and finding herself overcome with an almost uncontrollable urge to slid inside and fuck her foe.

Just as she was pressing her shaft against the elven girl, Lena stopped and realized what she was doing. Lena tried to pull away and shift herself to the side before she raped this poor woman. "You said I win right? But I won't be able to keep going without some relief though. I won, so the spoils of battle are mine. I won't rape you though. But, you have to make me cum a time or two, using your hands, breasts, and or mouth. It's the least you can do for showing me your sexy ass," Lena asked, trying to resist the urge to rape the elf girl, and hoping she could.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"T-that's not my fault! It's your stupid eyes! I can...I can feel what you're thinking! D-don't!" she complained, struggling to her feet as Lena went in and pinned her abruptly with a quick motion, she struggled but in vain against Lena's strong grasp, it appeared with most of her armor gone her will had weakened?

"I-I don't care! This isn't honorable, fight me, damn you! I'm-I'm way better th-than you!" she was squirming, writhing at Lena's touch. Her body shivered even at Lena's touch away from any sensitive area. Perhaps she was cursed, but as much as she argued she didn't seem...particularly against it.

At the press of her shaft the elven girl slackened, her resistance muting as she moaned softly. "S-stop, please, I can't...I can't handle that..." As Lena pulled her shaft away she gasped, and tried her best to regain composure. "N-no! I refuse, I won't!" She struggled vainly against Lena' grasp. "I won't do anything!" She blushed scarlet at Lena's compliment. "T-that's not my fault!" she argued. "You broke me armor with your damn sword, it's her fault for giving me such shitty breakable armor! Damnit! Why did I let her talk me into this! Let me go!" Lena noticed her sex was all but begging for her entrance.

Lena preforms a submission hold!
Lena 5 vs FAIL!!! Knight
Knight is held in submission

Knight struggles!
Knight 9 vs 17 Lena
Knight fails!

Knight takes 2 AP!

Lena 4/7 FP, 2/8 AP -Grappling-
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Obviously you aren't better at fighting than me, or you wouldn't be in the situation you are right now," Lena replied, smirking a bit.

Sensing the elf girl's muscles weakening as she pressed in, and managing to catch herself, Lena shook her head a bit as her foe spoke. "Who had you await me here? Tell me, o-or I'll thrust inside," Lena asked, giving a bit of a threatening look as she pressed the tip of her cock against the elf's folds again and made to thrust if she wasn't told what she wanted to hear. "I'm stronger than you, and I've already proven it by defeating you. Now tell me," she added.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"S-shut up! You don't know anything! I'm ten times the fighter you are!" she yelled, glaring at her smirking face. "I-I won't! I can't tell you! I can't! D-don't do that, or-or I swear..." she stared for a moment, eyes flicking over to Lena's member pressing against her, a thin line of saliva traced down the corner of her mouth. "I-I don't...I won't tell you, you can't make me...." she murmured, pressing against Lena ever so faintly.

Knight takes 1 AP! Lena takes 1 AP!

Lena 4/7 FP, 3/8 AP -Grappling-
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Are you really though? Or are you squirming underneath me because you want me and can't help yourself because I'm so sexy and beautiful?" Lena asked, teasing the elven girl as she left a hickey on her neck and suckled lightly on her pointed ears. "You swear you'll what? You'll thrust your hips down and try and fuck me into submission?" she then asked teasingly, running her tongue up the elf's neck.

Seeing that she wasn't going to get any answer, Lena felt her lust building again, and this time, she couldn't stop herself. Thrusting forward, Lena buried her shaft inside of the elven beauty under her, going in halfway before stopping, and sighing softly with relief. "Guess I'll just take my spoils of battle then, and be on my way to find someone who will talk," Lena commented to her now defeated foe.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"T-that's not my fault, it has nothing to do with you, i-idiot! My body just...jus--ahhh." Her complaints were dragged out with a quiet moan as Lena left a firm kiss along her neck. "S-stop stop doing that you have no idea wha--oh...oh no please..." she murmured as Lena began to suckle gently along her ears. "I-I'll beat you up...it'll be really really bad..." she promised as the tongue ran along her neck, causing her to tilt, exposing her neck to Lena's efforts.

"W-wait...wait!" she cried as Lena began to thrust forward but soo nher shaft was buried half deep inside. "O-oh my god...!" the elf woman shuddered, insides squeezing tight around her. "A-ah, you villain, you...you jerk..." she began to writhe, thrusting herself underneath Lena against her length. "T-take it out...or you'll pay..."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Your body just... what? Got wet on its own?" Lena teased, flicking her tongue across one of the elf's nipples. "Oh you won't beat me up, you're loving this. Just look at how wet you already are for me," she then commented, teasing the elf girl further.

"I'm not the villain here. You're the ones who trapped me in here, and now you can't take it. My mother has a saying. If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. And... even if I want to take it out. You aren't letting me you sexy thing you, you're thrusting your hips up to meet mine, and when I pull away, you're moving with me to keep me inside of you," Lena told the elf, sucking on her neck again and leaving another hickey before pulling her into a kiss as she began thrusting away, building a perfect rhythm as her balls slapped wetly against the elf's ass and inner thighs, her pleasure already building to the point that she couldn't stop herself from knocking away with wild abandon, burying her cock inside to the hilt with every thrust.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"G-god your so dumb...s-so...dumb...ooh~" she shuddered, eyes shutting tight as a look of pure ecstasy crossed of her face while Lena licked across her nipples. It appeared that was enough to push her offer the threshold. Her insides squeezed tight around Lena's shaft, and she wiggled firmly against it, pressing it in her deeply. "T-that's...that's..." she tried to find something to respond to Lena's cutting jabs but she seemed way too distracted for the effort. Her body was practically abuzz with pleasure the moment Lena thrusted inside of her, a fact that Lena was...strangely, rather aware of. She wouldn't do anything against her so long as Lena was pleasuring her.

"Nooo~ nooo~ that's not how it is at all," she whined body thrusting along her length, admirably trying to bring her to orgasm. "You don't get it, ah~" Her legs wrapped around Lena's waist, pulling her firmly into her. When Lena began thrusting in deeply the elf woman cried out in pleasure, gripping her tight and working with her wild rhythm, breathlessly.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I'm dumb huh? Does this... feel dumb to you?" Lena asked, giving her a deep thrust and slapping her balls against the elf again.

Lena could tell that her current lover was enjoying herself, so she didn't stop, and picked up her pace even more, loving it herself too much to stop now. After Lena felt herself starting to get close to release, and the elf too, she latched onto one of the elf's breasts and sucked hard on her nipple, letting her lover wrap her legs around her as she picked up her pace again. "Oh you want it don't you. You love it. T-Tell me how much you love it. I won't let either of us cum until you do," Lena said, slowing her thrusts momentarily as she awaited her lover's answer, and only then did she pick up the pace again and let both of them cum, not pulling out as she let her release wash over her.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"No~ no~ no~" she moaned, trying to reply to Lena but finding her mind unable to grab at the words she so desperately wanted to say.

"H-hn! You're...you're cumming aren't you!?" she moaned loudly shuddering as her legs tightened. "D-don't, please!" she cried thrusting herself against her. "A-ah! No...please...please don't stop, please...I need...I need...p-please, it-it's wonderful please don't stop," she begged.

Her eyes fluttered, rolling upwards slightly as Lena resumed her thrusting, releasing deeply inside her spraying her seed fully inside her. She moaned and pressed tightly against Lena's shaft, greedily swallowing every drop.

Suddenly an idea appeared in her mind, that she could change this woman if she wished, to make her more...receptive to Lena in the future, or perhaps even modify her body, perhaps even give her a cock to match Lena. All she would have to do would be to will it. Did she?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I am, and you're loving it. You know you are, and I do too, so that's enough. C-Can't hold it anymore," Lena panted softly.

Moaning deeply as she came, Lena spurted every last drop she had out, and let her release go for as long as it needed to finish. Lena couldn't help but feel the power she had over the elf at the moment, and her mind imagined the lovely thing with her own cock and balls, both as large as Lena's, where once the shaft came into being, Lena would grasp it and begin stroking it wildly while she began thrusting again.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"A-ah...ah...I do...damnit...damn you..." she cried out, thrusting gently against her.

To Lena's delight a cock began to emerge at the top of her sex, same as where Lena's appeared, although it was rather average inside the woman shuddered it its touch. "W-what!? What, what did you do to me, no, no no! Y-you couldn't...f-fuck!" She cried out, the cock became instantly erect to Lena's hand and as she and Lena were brought to orgasm exploded in a shower of the woman's seed, which laid over and painted the both of them.

Lena felt herself relax at the second orgasm, the need dissipating. The elf woman lay under her, relaxing against her, holding her gently as the sound of a gate shuddered, allowing her to advance.

"I-I...I'm going to...beat you up...one day...just so you know..." she panted softly, hand tracing gently along her butt.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Y-Yes I can fuck. I'm doing it right now," Lena moaned softly, stroking her more furiously and grinning as she pounded away.

The burning aching need to cum again was still in Lena's loins, and she kept going, even though she'd just came not long before that. Picking up her pace again, Lena kept going and pounded her good and deep, her cock throbbing like crazy as she neared her second release. "I... I'm gonna cum again soon. And I'm gonna make you cum too," Lena panted, squealing lewdly as she stroked the elf to completion and came inside of her again, her balls clenching until they ached pleasantly.

When she finally finished, Lena collapsed a little against the elf and lay there, resting a bit and recollecting her strength. "If you... w-were gonna beat me up, you would have already done so. You loved that, a-and you know it," Lena told the elf, pulling out and kissing her on the lips one last time, before kissing the tip of her cock and tickling her balls before she left, getting her armor and clothes back on as she went.