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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"O-oh! Oh! That sounds...that sounds awful," Jaime whispered as Lena panted softly, kissing along her neck. "They just....it was a trap or something right?" Her hands slipped between her legs, taking Lena's length between her hands squeezing her gently, stroking it. One hand moved lower to cradle her balls gently while Lena suckled on her neck.

"Y-you must be suffering then, I can help," she promised, kissing Lena's neck gently in return. The hand around her balls had slipped away, gripping at her pants as she pushed Lena gently to the ground, wiggling her way along her waist. "L-let me give you some relief," she whispered, kissing Lena deeply.

That same moment she pressed down, burying Lena's length inside of her about half way. She let out a moan, breaking the kiss. "W-wow...wow that's....that's," she moaned and began to thrust against Lena. "Incredible~ incredible!~"
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"It was awful, an awful trap. They made me cum so many times, and then just left me hanging for more, and now you're here to make me feel all better Jaime. I think you scared the succubus woman off. She called herself Seraphina, and... I think she wanted me, l-like Ira did. I'm not sure, but it scared me, but now you're here," Lena said, kissing Jaime's neck and nuzzling against her.

Lena relaxed in Jaime's hands, her balls trembling in the one cradling them, while her shaft twitched in the other. Lena helped Jaime pull her pants down as Jaime mounted her, biting her lip as she slid inside of Jaime and spreading her legs a bit as she held Jaime there by her hips. "Oh gods yes... it... it is incredible, e-even more than last time Jaime," Lena panted, letting Jaime set their pace and simply enjoying the ride she was about to get.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"You poor thing," she whispered, kissing her, pulling her close, squirming against her gently. "I am, you just lay back and let me...t-take care of you. I won't let them hurt you, you're all mine," she giggled. Unlike all the others who claimed it, with Jaime there was an undeniable tenderness.

"Y-yes! Yes it is! A-ah oh my god Lena...y-your so good..." she moaned softly and, unable to speak further merely rode Lena at a firm yet slow pace, erotically shuddering with each thrust until she quite obviously came, practically collapsing against Lena, shuddering and mumbling. It took her a long time to get anything coherent out, merely grinding against Lena until she had assuredly been brought to climax.

This time it brought a different kind of satisfaction, with Jaime's orgasm and her own it felt like satisfaction, the same kind that satisfying a basic need, like enjoying a good meal. She felt...filled up by it, and it felt wonderful on a level aside from the incredible delight of the orgasm itself.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you love, I... I really need it... I need you," Lena panted softly, kissing Jaime on the neck again before laying back.

Lena let Jaime go until they both came, where Lena caught her in her strong arms, smooching her on the lips the whole time after Jaime came, until Lena decided to roll her over and get on top. Lena was worried about Jaime as she lay there atop her, and Lena caressed her cheek and kissed her too, hoping she was okay. Her climax had felt wonderful, more so than any other before that had felt, and it was just... satisfying, very much so.

"Are you okay love? You look a little tired after that," Lena asked curiously, holding Jaime's ass with both hands as she kissed her on the lips again.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I-I need you too...more...more than anything," she breathed, eyes looking unfocused as she laid her back.


"Mmmm, no, I'm fine," she murmured, smiling up at her as she returned the kiss gently. She laid back comfortably, wiggling once contentedly as she moved a hand to Lena's cheeks and rubbed it gently. The pink aura suddenly vanished and she smiled brightly at her. "It was wonderful, just what the doctor ordered I think," she giggled and returned the kiss. "We really ought to get the hell out of here though, don't you think?"
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Y-Yeah, we probably should get out of here. L-Let's head on out honey," Lena said softly, caressing her cheek and raising up with her.

Lena got up and helped Jaime to her feet, where she helped her get into her clothes and then got her own clothing on too. Once they were dressed, Lena held Jaime's hand and led her out of the old keep, keeping her friend close. Once outside, Lena looked up and sighed softly, looking up at the stars. "Well, I think that succubus ran away, so we can tell the lord at Farnshold that we chased her off. Because I doubt that she'll be back, here at least," Lena told Jaime.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"R-right," Jaime noted climbing slowly to her feet smiling softly as she helped Lena dress as well. She followed closely. The place seemed...quiet somehow. It was a lot more peaceful than it was before.

"Why did she run...? Not to run myself down, but if she had you down for the count she coulda got me just as easily."

Which was likely true, Lena had been all but powerless to her. Now she had powers too it seemed...how did she feel about that?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I... I don't know Jaime, let's get out of here for now though, and we'll figure things out afterwards," Lena said softly, kissing Jaime on the cheek as they headed out. "Maybe she was worried that you would catch her in the middle of the act or something," she added.

Lena wasn't sure what to think about the new powers she apparently had, and decided to keep quiet about them for now, just in case she frightened Jaime. She felt that she needed to go to the temple and pray, perhaps.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Maybe, I don't know. Did anything else happen?" she asked as they pressed up through the last of the arena's. Each one that past for hit her with the faint recollection of her lustful experience within them.

"It's just all so bizarre, I really don't know what the think now, ugh, what a waste of time. It's dark now. Maybe we should set up camp somewhere? We can press on if you think it's wise. Truth told I don't like the idea of camping out here either, but treading on in the dark..."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Well, I kind of blinked as soon as I heard you, and she was gone. I just remember that she was making me cum like crazy though, and it felt amazing," Lena replied, wondering why Seraphina had left her alone.

"We can set up camp in front of this place," Lena suggested, and once they were outside, Lena helped set up their campsite, just inside of the gates, and hoping that would provide them with shelter to keep from being caught by anyone or anything out in the open. She would help Jaime get their fire going, and using the fallen walls to block the light emitting from the fire.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Oh, huhn...t-that sounds like fun at least?" Jaime smiled faintly. "Seems like a Succubus, but I'll be honest, everything you hear about them is all wives tale crap. No idea what's really true. If she's interested in you though, keep on your guard okay? They're manipulators..." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Oh, alright. Lets hope it doesn't rain, I really don't want to have to head back in there, gives me the willies."

She helped Lena set up the campfire, careful to keep the light obscured. She laid out next to in her own bedroll, perhaps wisely for the sake of temptation. They could both use the rest anyway.

Did Lena make any final preparations before heading off to sleep?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, I know. My papa said she used to run into them from time to time," Lena replied, looking around as they exited the keep. "Thankfully we have the tent to keep us from getting wet," she added.

After they got the fire ready and ate something, Lena went to bed, hoping to get some rest after such a long day. After they ate, Lena slid into the bed and snuggled up next to Jaime, too tired to ask Jaime to keep watch, and knowing that she was too tired too.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"For real? Huhn, maybe certain people just kind of attract them."

Within moments she fell asleep, effortlessly dropping off.

Then she was awake, like no time had passed. She was where she had fallen asleep, but, there was no tent...no Jaime.

A woman sat across from her, completely in the nude and utterly unbothered by it, she looked up and smiled at Lena. "Hello again," Seraphina said brightly, turning her attention to the flagging fire, prodding it gently with a stick.

"Don't panic about your friend, this is a dream, dear."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Maybe, I guess. Perhaps she just really liked me or something," Lena suggested shrugging a bit as she spoke.

As she fell asleep, Lena found herself in an empty land, without Jaime there, or the tent, and she gasped when she saw Seraphina. "W-What the... hell? Where are we?" Lena asked, a bit frightened, but otherwise okay. When Seraphina explained where they were, Lena relaxed a bit. "Why are you here?" Lena then asked.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"We are in a dream, I just told you. And since I am obviously the object of your lust and adoration it must be your dream~" She giggled good naturedly and gave Lena a friendly smile. "You must be scared, I'm sure. I want to apologize about the abruptness earlier. It's just..." she tapped her lips slowly and looked around.

"Well, I know what you think of me. Temptful demon, wicked, maybe even evil..." she sounded weary.

"I wanted to give you a chance to see for yourself the joy of the things that I do. Your friend there, she enjoyed herself with you didn't she? That's the nature of my power, sublime joy of pleasure." She smiled.

"I'm not saying you should go around being like those monsters, it's so wasteful, but it's done out of desperation. Did you know that? Mana. It's what sustains monster-kind, it's what allows them to flourish and live, and pushed to the edge of the world like this..."

She shook her head. "I'm getting off topic," and smiled faintly as she set the stick aside. "These powers are yours now, as is the choice, to indulge and grow them, or cast them aside. They won't hurt you, they won't control you, you will forever be you, with or without them. You've got a lot of potential, ah, there's so much I wish I could tell you..." she sighed.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I... I get that it's a dream and all. B-But... how? A-And why?" Lena stuttered out, listening to Seraphina's response, and nodding when she asked if Lena was scared.

Lena listened curiously, though she was finding it tough to believe to say the least, that Seraphina wasn't evil in some way. Though... there was little she knew about demons and whatnot to be perfectly honest. "T-Then why don't you tell me?" Lena asked curiously, when Seraphina mentioned there being so much she'd like to tell Lena, who looked a little wary, but not hostile or scared any longer.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Because, I am all about choice, Lena. It's how this works. Too much information, too little, both can be dangerous if mishandled." She climbed to her feet, and if Lena did not move away she would sit beside her, the fire burning low. She leaned her head on Lena's shoulder, providing her a full and ample view of her body.

"What would it take for you to trust in me? For you to not be scared of these powers...?"
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I... I don't know. Maybe... maybe if I had someone here who could vouch for you. Maybe an angel who could sense whether or not you're evil. I... I've only ever heard of the trio of succubi my papa had to deal with in her younger years, and they captured her once, and had their way with her repeatedly, making gods only know how many children out of it. But she managed to overpower them after a while and escape, got the strength to resist, and did so," Lena said, relaxing a bit, and not shoving Seraphina away. "I just... I don't really know Seraphina. I hope you're not mad, and understand where I'm coming from with this," she added, gently wrapping an arm around the succubus.

"Is there anything you can tell me at least? About my powers and stuff I mean, o-or just... anything," she asked curiously.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

She smiled weakly and laughed. "An angel huhn? Well that's a trick, and that's reason enough to fear I suppose, a little bit of deja vu when we first met too then, I suppose." She leaned off over Lena and laid back, staring up at the beautiful twinkling stars in the sky.

"Of course I do," she reached over and placed a hand on her back, rubbing gently.

"Good and evil, black and white, it's a wonderful world to live in, but in my experience, it isn't real, you know? Those Orks you encountered, nasty individuals, but there's reasons that they're so hateful, you know? Why they do what they do...to survive, to perpetuate their life and way of culture."

She giggled. "Sorry, I have a habit of going on sometimes. Come here," she would guide Lena to lay with her, putting a warm around around and snuggling close, if allowed.

"The powers certainly, they will develop much like mine, directed by your own desires. As you indulge, as you use them, they will grow and you will gain new ones. That aura for example, it will amplify the desire in those around you, not create, but amplify. And you can also resist the temptation of monsters, and turn the tables on them, mana as I had mentioned. You'll also be given control over your form, likely, in small simple ways. Entirely under your control of course."

"Ahh...the truth is, the world needs you, Lena. I know it seems ludicrous but you're gonna have the power to make some pretty important decisions in time. A lot sooner than you might think. I just want to make sure you're equipped and ready when the time comes. You grew up in the Capital, you had such a...specific view of the world."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Y-Yeah, kinda. I guess. It scared me a bit for sure. But... how can I make important decisions? I'm just... s-some common girl, well... herm, from the capital," Lena said, listening to all the succubus had to say, and feeling that maybe, she wasn't evil... or mean. "How do I know I can trust you though Seraphina? I... I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just... I'm scared. And, you haven't truly given me a real reason as to why I can trust you," she went on to say, looking up at the stars along with Seraphina.

"Can you at least tell me why you lured me out here, and who those two you had face me before you were? And... why you had them do what they did, and what the elf in the armor was supposed to do to me, had she won? It would go a long way to getting me to believe all you've said and that you truly don't mean me any harm," Lena then asked after a few moments, looking hopefully at Seraphina.