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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"N-no, you won't, I won't, no, no, no~!" she cried out as she orgasmed hard against Lena's impressive length, fulfilling Lena's lewd promise.

"M-my body loved it..." she murmured as Lena began to collect her strength, pulling out carefully. She shuddered as Lena moved down to kiss against her length, it pulsed gently, suggesting a strong need the Elf seemed hard pressed to control. "A-ah! S-stop, stop it! Why..." she gasped laying back as Lena dressed and left. It was a long walk to yet another circular room, did she dare press forward?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Yes you did love it, in mind, body, and soul," Lena told the elf girl, kissing her on the neck and leaving another hickey.

Lena felt in high spirits now, and was pressing forward, leaving the elf to rest after what all had happened. She felt like she could take on anything now, and couldn't help but feel very good at the moment. Moving into the next room, Lena readied herself to fight whatever came at her next.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Eerie perhaps, how close her words trended to the Orkish woman who had held her captive. "N-no," she denied, writhing gently against Len'a soft kiss along her neck.

She emerged proudly into the arena, this time greeted by a puff and distinct smell of sulfur that filled the air. From a shimmer wave of darkness in the air a woman emerged, Lena could barely describe her. Beautiful didn't begin to fit. Her skin was blemish free, a soft face with eyes that suggested endless pleasure. Her long white hair spilled over her bare perfect breasts, accompanied by a pair of dark crimson wings which stretched from her back. She smiled at Lena.

"Hello, child, I have been awaiting your arrival. You have made me very proud," she gleamed happily at Lena.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena shuddered as she remembered how Ira had spoken to her in the same exact way before. Shaking her head to try and clear her mind, Lena looked onward as puff of smoke sprang up in front of her. Staring blankly at the woman before her stepping out of the shimmering darkness, Lena had to pinch herself on the arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming or seeing things.

"W-What? Why have I... m-made you proud? A-And how?" Lena asked, gulping very audibly as she raised her shield a bit more, too stunned to do much more than what she had as she beheld the woman's wings.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Ohohoh, surely you know, don't you?" she giggled, amused by Lena, and even the sound filled Lena with delight, as if any pleasure that she derived was worth any amount of effort or suffering on her part. She took a single step towards Lena and immediately her cock began to swell, twitching strongly with desire, her feminine sex pulsed with lust. How she wanted to both take her and be taken at once. A long tail coiled around the woman's waist. "I've been watching you since you arrived in this area. Such a wonderful little vessel of lust you are, with the farm girl, and the scientist, and the ork woman and the plant, ah," she shivered. "You have paid homage to me in so many ways, I just had to meet you. I'm so glad you came."

Woman -

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"N-No I... don't. Or... wait... did, what I did to that elven woman... d-do that?" Lena said, her voice a little shaky.

As soon as the winged woman stepped forward, Lena felt her shaft swell immediately, and her juices also began flowing as well. "B-But why me? And... what are you?" Lena asked curiously, feeling the lust building within her as her cock twitched and throbbed a couple of times with desire, to just drop her weapon and shield, and take this devilish woman repeatedly, all night long.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

She covered her mouth and giggled watching as Lena's shaft swelled. "Sort of, it was me, my power, but your will. Exciting wasn't it? Utilizing the power of so called 'corruption' to your whims. She was so much more fun when you altered her wasn't she? She was my pet, I just made your wish real, but it's something you could do. Oh the corruption in you, so proudly cultivated, by choice to! By your wished, every time you gave in, every inch of pleasure you welcomed."

She giggled delightfully and ran her hand along the top of Lena's exposed cock. She froze, unable to lash out, unable to lunge, unable to run. The woman's touch had paralyzed her, all she wanted was more of that same touch.

"Why you? Because of that! Ah! Do you not know why 'monster's desire you humans and your kind?" She grinned taking Lena's cock in her hand, stroking once for a faint moment Lena would do anything that this woman asked for more pleasure.

"Mana." She sighed, delighted by the sound of the word.

"Mana, and you have it in spades. It is the power of life, of magic. Prolly runs in your family no doubt." She grinned again sandwiching Lena's cock between her legs, rubbing it gently between her thighs.

"I'm here to make you an offer, to teach you to use this so called corruption, to allow you the power of your birthright, all will desire you, you will claim abilities most would kill for. But you have to choose to. If so, simply nod, I will mount you and show your body carnal desires undreamed by any other, and I will give you a glimmer of power that will grow inside of you."

She slipped away from her, torture at the distance.

"Or. You can use that weapon and fight me back. Resist 'corruption' and my influence. Oh I won 't give up so easily, but you will escape this place with your life and a fun mark of our time together."

She grinned mischievously.

"So, what will it be hero?"

Lena is paralyzed with corruption temporarily! She can fight back, by the end of the post if she desires!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"W-What? I... I'm not corrupted. I... I'm a good person," Lena panted softly, trying to still her breath as she felt the lust building inside of her loins again even more.

As the woman moved in and ran her finger up Lena's length, Lena froze, unable to move... as if paralyzed. She listened though, curious about this offer that she was apparently being given. "N-No I... don't know why. Is... my mana... something you want? And... I don't want to corrupt anyone, t-to turn them evil," Lena said after the woman was done, trying to maintain her hold on her sanity. "W-What abilities though? I... n-need to know what I'm getting into before I can decide," she then asked, making it obvious that she was very tempted at the moment, her cock throbbing in the woman's hand, even as her balls twitched a bit too.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Being good doesn't meant not having fun~" she teased, squeezing Lena's length between her thighs gently.

"No, your Mana is something to be shared with the world! And corruption is freedom. Surely you've felt your highest joys when at the height of pleasure? The trick is learning to control that, to use it, without becoming a slave to it and you know you can." She winked.

She giggled. "You don't need to know what abilities, and you've already decided haven't you?" She glided Lena's length over to her entrance, hand moving to fondle her balls gently. "Just go ahead an admit it~" she purred, waiting for Lena's thrust to signify her decision.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena moaned softly as she felt the woman cupping her balls in her hand, her legs trembling. "C-Can you really teach me all that?" Lena asked, and if the answer was yes, then Lena would thrust her hips forward, burying herself inside of this lovely woman's folds, wrapping her arms around her and grabbing her ass in both hands. "Maybe I don't need to know... but I want to," Lena told the woman.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The woman giggled. "Of course I can," she whispered. As Lena thrusted herself inside she felt the world vanish, she was floating upon an endless void, body entirely comfortable. The woman was there smiling at her, laying her back.

"Congratulations," she whispered, kissing softly along her neck. She lifted herself off Lena's length, and Lena's body ached with pleasure. "You did well, you're everything I hoped and more," she giggled luxuriously, pushing her hips down to swallow her entire length.

With a sudden shock of pleasure, Lena felt herself orgasm. The woman, uncaring, began to thrust Lena's length, sliding halfways off before pounding her deeply. Her insides were heavenly, milking her of every drop. It was exhausting, Lena found herself exhausted after the several moments it too her to cum, much longer than normal.

"You will no longer find corruption the same way, you will not need to accept pleasure offered, you will need to inflict it," she whispered, sliding Lena's length out of her, slipping down along it, sandwiching it between her groin as she grinded gently along it.

"You'll be given the powers like I have, to inspire those desires in others, as others have done to you, to have them welcome your thrusting length inside them~"

She slipped down Lena's length and with a wave of her hand she grew a cock, close to Lena's inside, twisting squirming and engorging to full size. She with minimal effort thrusted it into Lena, and Lena exploded with pleasure, drowning out anything she might say for the next few moments.

She thrusted easily inside, hitting Lena's most sensitive areas, bringing her to climax once more, but as she did the woman pulled outside of her and clamped her mouth around Lena's pulsing cock, sucking down every last drop of her seed. She giggled as Lena's length slipped free of her mouth. "This is the first step to a wonderful road~" she promised as she slid close to Lena, pulling her arms around her as she kissed along her neck.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

As soon as she thrust inside of the woman, Lena felt everything else crumbling away, her resistance, her mission... everything. Bliss was replacing every fiber of her being, and soon she finally let out a soft moan that had caught in her throat moments before. Lena let herself be laid back, her cock throbbing inside of the tight wet folds engulfing her length. "I... I am?" was all Lena could muster to ask in response as she watched her cock disappearing into the woman's folds again, her eyes rolling up in bliss.

Almost instantly, Lena felt her balls clenching as she came, spurting her seed deeply into her lover as she squealed into the room. Lena's voice caught again in her throat as the woman finished her off, and she looked up at the woman. "But I... I couldn't f-force that on people. C-Could I?" Lena replied, before she lost the ability to speak, when the woman thrust her own cock into Lena's folds.

Lena came again, her folds clamping down around the woman's cock, and Lena's legs wrapped around the winged woman instinctively, pulling her deeper inside, until the woman decided to pull out and finish Lena off with her mouth. By that point, Lena had no resistance left, her cock throbbing and twitching madly as she stared almost blankly up at the winged woman. "W-Who are you?" Lena finally managed to ask, her eyes fluttering in bliss as she desired more, and tried to roll the woman over to take her again.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Consider your experiences so far child, all of those moments of pleasure brought to you, were they truly forced? Consider how you invited them, consider how your body sang to those 'unwelcomed' touches. Even now, is this by your choice? You deny, but only on the surface. It would be the same, at worst, and many more would invite you openly when you gain strength." She licked her lips once, catching the bit of seed she missed.

Her hand traced along Lena's belly, her body pressed to her side. "My name is Lust," she giggled moving a hand down grabbing and stroking Lena's cock gently, each time her hand reached the tip her vision went white for a moment as pleasure overwhelmed her. "You may call me Seraphina," she said with a smile.

She giggled, legs spreading open as Lena rolled on top of her, and let Lena do to her whatever she wished.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena listened, her mind wandering like crazy. "I... I didn't invite them t-to have sex with me. Ira... she... she raped me, repeatedly. I... I didn't want that," Lena replied, moaning softly as she shuddered a bit.

Lena had no defense against this... succubus, was all she could imagine that she was facing. The pleasure was just too damn good for Lena to resist it, her vision swimming with every stroke of her shaft by Seraphina's hand. Once Lena lost control over her desires, she rolled Seraphina over and thrust back inside of the luscious body of the succubus beneath her. It didn't take long for Lena to lose herself completely in the lust of the moment, her cock pulsing like mad as she took Seraphina again and again.

"I... I want to be stronger. T-To be able to resist my foes, o-or defeat them, a-and make them want me instead," Lena panted, nearing her next release already. Lena didn't stop and kept going until she came again, and even then Lena didn't stop, and kept thrusting, her balls tingling and her cock still twitching from the amazing pleasure.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The woman said nothing to Lena's insistence, her response was made vocal by Lena, by her soft cries, by the pleasure which radiated through her.

Seraphina welcomed her as she thrusted inside, immediately matching her rhythm, body pulled tight around her. Perfect. Heavenly. The weight of her body faded away immediately. She became like a vessel to lust and pleasure, filled up from head to toe. It made her quiver, every delightful moment dragged out longer until it felt like there was nothing but that pleasure. She stood timeless in a sea of it, all that mattered was her desires, and how wonderfully Seraphina fulfilled them.

"You will~ stronger than anyone, nobody will be able to claim you~, you will claim them instead~ all will be powerless you your charms~" she promised, her words whispered to her ear making her body tingle. She came again, but even that couldn't sate her.

What felt like hours passed, that same chorus of lust, her body singing out in pleasure, the sound of the lewd act echoing around them. It was her body that made her stop, her cock pulsing gently, not urging her or demanding she go further, just radiating the faint echoes of the pleasure she just indulged in.

"It doesn't come for free though," she heard a whisper, but as she turned to see she found she was alone.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Cumming again, Lena squealed softly in Seraphina's ear, holding her tightly in both arms as she spurted her seed without a care in the world. After a while, Lena finally stopped her wild thrusts, and collapsed gently next to Seraphina, still holding her close. "W-What... what do you, w-want of me?" Lena asked, panting like mad, trying desperately to catch her breath.

Her shaft still ached for more, wanted it... desired it, but her mind was able to hold her back enough for her to talk, for now at least. Lena did want to be able to have strength, to resist the lust others instilled in her loins. To be able to conquer Ira if she ever ran back into her, to make Ira want her to the point she couldn't resist Lena instead of the other way around. Whatever Seraphina here was offering her, Lena couldn't resist the urge to at least hear her out, for now at least.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena found herself alone, any attempt to capture the attention or gain a response what met with silence. Minutes passed, allowing her body to slowly regain its energy. She'd be able to move, to stand soon. Her shaft would calm, briefly, still unbelievably horny but in control.

Something was different, she couldn't put her finger on it, but something had changed, it was still early enough that she could deny it, if she wished. It might not undo it but it would help it from taking hold.

Footsteps sounded in the distance, seemed like a rapid approach.

Converting CP to a resource, Lena will gain some related powers that will grow as she gains corruption. Or she can resist and it will proceed as normal.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Seeing Seraphina disappear, Lena was left alone, without an answer of any kind as she rolled over onto her back, panting like crazy and trying to catch her breath. What had happened? Hearing the footsteps, Lena reached for her spear and shield, trying desperately to raise up, without success. She remembered the things her papa had told her about demons and devils, that they almost always tricked those they made deals with. Shaking her head, Lena tried to resist those urges that Seraphina had put in her loins, her body, inwardly cursing herself for being so weak that she couldn't resist the urge to stick her dick inside of that lovely body.

"C-Come on Lena, r-resist it. You... you need to get to a temple, a-and soon," Lena thought to herself, not daring to speak aloud as yet as she lie there, hoping that whoever was approaching was Jaime.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Trembling with desire and exhaustion she tried to keep her weapons at the ready. In the entrance suddenly emerged the familiar form of Jaime, who breathed hard as she strode in. "Lena! You're okay! You're naked, but you're okay!" Jaime threw her arms around Lena suddenly, pulling her into a tight embrace.

She felt her cock press firmly against Jaime, desire welling up again. Jaime had always been ready for a quick tumble, now was perfect wasn't it? An energy surged through her, powerful and she could see faintly a pink hue fill the air, Jaime didn't seem to notice it, or made no comment.

"I-I think that we were tricked, I heard some voices on my way in, I don't think there's any girl here, there's no tracks or anything..." she paused trailing off and blushed. "A-ah...I think there might be something nearby..." her eyes turned to the side as if to search before becoming drawn to the cock sandwiched between her legs.

Lena could feel a sudden heat from Jaime's sex, suddenly acutely aware of the woman's desire for her.

She stared at Lena and smiled slyly. "We-we don't really need to rush though..." she squirmed gently.

New stat gained CP: 1/1
New power gained. Lustful aura, costs x CP, lasts for x*2 rounds. Inflicts AP on opponent.
New ability gained. Sexual Prowess 0, allows inflicting AP Damage on monsters otherwise impossible!
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

When she saw Jaime, Lena relaxed and let her weapon and shield slip back from her hands to the ground. Lena hugged Jaime back and held her tightly. As she hugged Jaime though, Lena felt lust building back up within her, and the desire to take Jaime here and now was growing stronger by the second. As Lena peered back into Jaime's eyes, she noticed the pinkish aura around them, which Jaime didn't seem to notice at all. It was as if it was emanating from Lena.

"I... fought a slime girl on the way in, and an elf girl in armor. The slime girl... she beat me, and... raped me, I... c-couldn't resist her, it just felt so good. And, the elf girl, I... beat her, and my... d-desires just overwhelmed my mind, and I took her as spoils of battle. T-Then there was this other woman, who... was so beautiful Jaime. She... had wings, a tail, and... I think she was a succubus or something. She... conquered me, I couldn't even try and resist. She left me aching for more so badly," Lena panted softly in Jaime's ear, leaning in and kissing her neck, leaving a hickey there as she did.