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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Urgh..." Jaime looked away, Lena was right but she didn't want to admit it.

"So then it's decided right?" Clara noted, hand trailing dangerous close to Lena's groin before she replied. "Hm...a no then? I see..." She pulled her hand away and released her.

"Good, I don't like women who give up so easily. I look a good bit of fight. I will protect you for the night, and take you home as well, because I am such a generous beauuutiful soul." She giggled softly and shifted away from Lena, plant sliding over the ground slightly. She disappeared into the bed of the flower, petals curling around her and the air became rich with the fragrance, so much so it became almost impossible to keep her eyes open.

Adelaide and Sarah went first, curling up together with Marle on the bed of flowers which seemed to spring to love, covering the area around them with rich and surprisingly comfortable vegetation. A wall of taller flowers surrounded them, obscured further by dense vegetation which began to spring up almost as a wall. The last sight Lena would see would be Clara winking from behind the curtain of her petals. "Sleep well~"

That night Lena had wonderful dreams and stirred feeling better rested than she had in weeks, she heard a faint sound, like arguing, nearby.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you Clara, and... that one orc woman, she took me so many times," Lena replied to Clara, sighing softly and hugging her. "We appreciate it Clara. We're dead tired, and... you may need to bind Marle up, just to keep her from running back to the orcs. Or... if need be, just show her my cock and she'll jump on it I guess," she added in a whisper to Clara.

Sleep overtook her quickly as Clara began raising defenses around them to hide their presence, and by the time her eyes closed for the night, she noticed Marle squished between Sarah and Adelaide and hoped that would keep her quiet through the night as Lena snuggled up with Jaime.

Her sleep was very pleasant, and the dreams... oh the dreams were so nice. She had convinced Ira in one of them to let her leave and take Jaime and the others back to Farnshold with the promise she'd come back and help their tribe, which she kept, and did. That dream was quite nice, she stayed with the orcs for several years, and had nearly a dozen children with Ira, over half of which were half-orc hermaphrodites. She'd also convinced Ira and her tribe of orcs to become more civilized and brought peace between them and the settlements out this way, traveling to each of them and talking with their mayors and whatnot, until she had convinced all of them the orcs really didn't wish to fight anymore. The dream ended with her teaching hers and Ira's eldest children how to fight while Ira, and her own papa watched, feeling pride in how strong hers and Ira's children had become and that they wanted to be just like Lena.


When she woke back up, Lena heard someone arguing from the sounds of it, and couldn't help but groan softly. Sighing, Lena raised up and looked around to find the source of the voices, and moved in that direction after doing her morning business.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena stirred, breaking up her wonderful fantasy. Ah, what could have been. As she stirred she found she was hidden in foliage, but could see out towards the voices. As she went to move towards them a vine slid around her leg, up to her thigh and held her firm. "Don't interfere, precious. I shall handle it" Though she wasn't quite sure where the voice was coming from.

Now that she had awoken she could make out the voices. "I do not have to do anything, Ork," obviously Clara's.

"We know they came into your lands, plant-whore, we know that you know where they are!" Was that...Ira? Fumbling for view she could see them standing opposite of Clara, tense, there were five of them, all armed. Ira looked like she'd just got done with a vicious battle, covered in bruises and a few cuts.

"And so what if I do? This was not our arrangement. You were not to step foot in my lands, and yet here you are. Does that mean you've come to join me after all?"

There was a tense moment of silence, vines began to rise into the air around the Ork's who tensed for battle.

"No," Ira said simply, looking at Clara with a burning expression that promised great violence. "We will return to our lands. But this is not over."

"Travel safe~" Clara said dreamily.

Ira turned to go but then bellowed out. "I know that you can hear me Lena! I will find you! No matter where I must go, you are -mine-!" And they began to retreat. If Lena waited, she'd be freed from the vine, and able to go speak with Clara, if she wished. Her other companions seemed to stir as well.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Stopping when she noticed that she was hidden like she was, likely for a good reason, she stayed put, especially when the vine stopped her. Hearing the whisper, Lena nodded and eased back down, keeping an eye on everyone else for now as she peeked through the foliage at the ruckus. Lena saw Ira and a small group of other orcs, and gulped, especially when they looked a little beat up.

After listening to the exchange between the two, Lena relaxed a bit, feeling her tension bleeding away... until Ira bellowed out at her. Lena cringed a bit and shuddered, not wanting to go back to the orc camp like a prisoner to be used and abused. She remained where she was for now, waiting until the orcs were well good and away from them, before showing herself to Clara openly. "W-What was that all about?" Lena asked, looking curiously at Clara, a hint of fear on her face.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Clara smiled at Lena, the others rubbing their eyes and sitting up. "That? Oh nothing, I said I would protect you did I not? I had planned to take you home while you slept, but, well, things have become complicated. No worries, it will effect you note, follow my garden path and you'll find the glade we first met. Hurry. No delays. I have business to attend to." Clara would thusly begin to curl into her flower, as a path of bright red flowers began to spread off in a direction into the woods.

"Stay on the path and don't dawdle for anything!" She called out.

Jaime gave Lena a concerned look, as she pulled her weapon on. They all felt incredible, well rested, and well fed.

"W-well you heard her." Sarah noted, scooping up Marle who seemed, dazed but peaceful. Adeliade rubbed her eyes and stuck close.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Aye you did. I was just curious why they came here is all. And... what deal?" Lena replied, curiously wondering what the deal between Clara and the orcs was. "I don't want you to get hurt because of us though, so... be careful yourself okay," Lena then told Clara.

Lena kissed Clara on the cheek and hugged her before gathering her things, and then she helped the others up and once they were ready to leave, Lena led the way, staying on the path Clara had laid out for them. "I wonder if they guessed that Clara would find us, or if they managed to track us," Lena commented about the orcs as they made their way out of Clara's grove.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Clara smiled at her. "If you wish to know, I'll make a deal with you, return and offer yourself to me, otherwise it's none of your business~" she said happily, without a trace of menace in her voice. "Oh and you're sweet, don't worry, I'll be okay. These are my woods after all." Clara returned the kiss and hug, mischievously moving to give her cock a gentle squeeze before sending her on her way.

Jaime followed closely behind Lena and the others trailed behind not too far. "They could have easily tracked us. A bunch of exhausted girls stumbling through the mud and muck? They'd have to be idiots to not follow a trail like that. Even as dense as the forest is we aren't exactly proper rangers." The path was vastly easier than before, winding past most obstructions.

"So, what do you think of her, Lena? Do you trust Clara...?" Jaime asked.

Oh yeah one thing not asked, bugs preference??? Not sure if I'd use this one
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena gulped a bit when Clara basically told her it wasn't any of her business what the deal between her and the orcs was. Nodding, Lena turned and headed off after the grope of her crotch. Lena decided that maybe it was for the best that she didn't know what the deal was, else she'd end up trapped out here forever possibly.

"Still though Jaime, we went through at least three streams I know, one of which was right next to their camp. There's no way they could have followed the trail that easily," Lena replied, glancing over to Jaime when she asked if Lena trusted Clara. "Hmm... I don't know honestly Jaime. I mean, she could have easily given us back to the orcs, so I think that means she's at least a little trustworthy. I just... don't truly know really, I mean they trust her and all," she then said, glancing back to the others.

Don't mind bugs one bit. I think all of my threads actually have some bugs of some sort. So I'll give it a 5/5 setting and edit it into my settings post at the beginning. XD
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Perhaps, but is it hard to pick up our footsteps on the other side? It wasn't as if they were particularly wide, or that we walked down river particularly long. Plus, maybe it was by scent? Even with the worgs we didn't exactly bathe before making out way out. Maybe they went to find Claire assuming we'd be with her, it's like she'd snatch up any women who entered her domain. I'm not really sure."

"Maybe she just knows the price of a good set of grateful women," Jaime said, sticking out her tongue. Staunch in her lack of trust, but at least she was being a little lighthearted about it. "Yeah I guess, but then that doesn't mean they should."

Sarah spoke up finally. "Well, you see...w-we've each been tending to her for awhile now, the forest was quite a bit less...lively a few years ago. T-the seedlings we carried have helped spread her domain, which I guess brought her into conflict with the Ork's."

A faint distant buzzing sound was heard, was Lena curious about investigating or did she continue on her way.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Maybe... still though, they should have only thought to look there if they suspected us to go across the water, and we didn't really give any indication that we were you know. Just, feels a little curious, and maybe they've got some other way of tracking us, because Ira knew that I was in Clara's little grove back there," Lena said, scratching her head a bit. "Eh, no use in worrying about it now I guess," she added.

"Hmm, well if you girls trust her, then I will, for now at least," Lena told Sarah and Adelaide.

When she heard the faint buzzing in the distance, Lena wanted to go investigate, but after looking to the girls, she decided it best to keep going for now, as she had to ensure these poor girls got back to their homes. She could come back and investigate some other time perhaps. "Come on, let's keep going, stay on the path. I don't want to fight anything unless we have to," Lena said, glancing in the direction the buzzing came from with a cautious look on her face.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Oh good point, but how? They don't seem to be all that bright for the most part, and I didn't see any of them be potent with magic. Maybe they got some kind of mystic that can track their semen?" Jaime made a disgusted face. "No it's alright to worry about I think, I never even thought of that."

"And I guess I'll have no choice but to trust you," Jaime said to Lena, patting her shoulder gently.

Deciding to abandon investigation Lena found only that the buzzing grew louder, Sarah perked up. "Oh no, we should probably get moving...!"

Jaime turned to Sarah, "Why is tha-"

A swarm descended from the top of the trees towards the group, at least a dozen buzzing insects, like bees with the same long stingers and chitinous coverings. They were jet black in color and seemed rather hostile.

"Oh no, don't let them sting you!" Sarah cried, handing Marle over to Adelaide as she braced herself. Jaime notched an arrow.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Maybe, we'll only figure it out I guess if we go back. And I don't plan on doing so," Lena said, glancing around at the buzzing again.

"Shit... giant bees now. Come on girls, run," Lena said as the things came down from the trees at them, moving to take up the rear guard with Jaime as everyone got moving, and using her shield to cover everyone and draw them to her first as she thrust her spear out at a couple as she withdrew along with the others.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena gave the order to run and the girls were quick to listen. If Lena didn't pick up and go she'd be stuck fighting them, they seemed pretty quick.

Did Lena make a full retreat? Stay behind to delay them and fight them off? Get everyone to stand and fight?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

As soon as Lena was certain that everyone was running, she turned and followed quickly, only glancing over her shoulder to see if the bees were catching up and if so how close they were. If the bees got close enough to attack, before they could get away, Lena would whirl around and raise her shield, as she thrust her spear at the nearest one, before turning and running again.

"Keep going girls, don't stop until they leave us along," Lena said as they ran.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena broke into a run taking up vanguard, but it had cost her sometime. The bees were closing on her, but the girls were clear. She took a heard step and spin, battering the first that came for her into her shield before cutting it down. She wasn't alone it seemed, Jaime had stopped when lena turned to fight, loosing an arrow into one, but as Lena turned to run she'd realized she was overtaken. Sarah turned briefly, a good distance away and extended her palm, she saw her mouth something as the air grew briefly warmer and then, with sudden force a bolt of fire lanced from her fingertips, burning up one of the bees. "I-I'll keep them safe!" she called out. Readying for any bees that pursued them. She might be of assistance if Lena wanted to call her back.

She attempted to dance back nimbly as the swarm descended upon her but found that one of the creatures had slipped past her defenses, stinger scraping along her side. From contact an icy chill spread from the injury, and she found her grip weakening on her weapon.

Jaime faired little better, wih no shield she managed to avoid being swarmed but too received a cut for her efforts.

Lena manages to catch one of the swarm! 1 FP!
Jaime's arrow catches the mark! 1 FP!
Sarah's surprise use of magic eliminates one of the swarm! 1FP!

The swarm stings at the party!
Swarm 21 vs Lena! 1 FP! 1 Stack of Weakness!
Swarm stings Jaime! 1 FP! 1 Stack of Weakness!

Lena 5/6 FP, 0/8 AP -1 Weakness-
Jaime 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP -1 Weakness-

Swarm 9/12 Remaining
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Taking down the nearest bee or two, Lena watched as Jaime's arrow flew directly into one and took it down too. However, turning to fight a little had caused them to get surrounded by the things as they buzzed crazily around them. "Dammit... just what we... WHOA!" Lena began muttering before yelping when Sarah unleashed a bolt of fire into one of the bees and scorched it.

Grunting as she was stung, Lena felt her strength weakening a bit once again. "Gah, does everything in this forest sap your strength?" Lena asked aloud, thrusting her spear out at another. "And Sarah, keep them covered and blast these bastards whenever you can," Lena then called to Sarah, seeing her potential power in this fight.

Lena moved to Jaime's side and used her shield to block as many stings that came towards both of them as possible, thrusting her spear out and swinging when she could to club one of them into the ground, where she would step on it and plunge her blade through its chitinous hide.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"No choice Lena! I wasn't going to leave you to fight them!" Jaime said, desperately diving away from a swooping insect, rolling into a crouch and firing an arrow which went wide. "Damnit," she swore.

Lena's shield held strong against many, but missed one as it flew under her guard and up along her legs, clinging tightly to the inside of her thigh as she felt the stinger slip into her leg, pumping the venom inside her.

She managed to lash out catching another one as it happened, and burying it.

"U-understood! I'll do my best!" She began to whisper something after, hands gesturing slowly as the ground trembled nearby, a spike formed of earth shot up, skewering one of the bees before crumbling back to the ground.

Jaime's arrow misses a target!

Lena lashes out
Lena 5 v 2 Swarm
Hit! 1 FP!

Sarah launches a spell of earth!
Casting! 11! Hit! 1 FP!

The swarm attempts to attack the part!
Swarm 15 vs FAIL!!! Lena (PARASITE, 1 FP due to crit!)
Swarm lands on Jaime! PARASITE

PARASITE in this cause will result in 1 stack of weakness per round until the parasite is removed.

Lena 4/6 FP, 0/8 AP -2 Weakness- -PARASITE-
Jaime 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP -2 Weakness- -PARASITE-
Sarah ??/?? FP, ??/?? AP

Swarm 7/12
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Thanks hon, I appreciate it," Lena said to Jaime as she prepared to strike again, watching Jaime's next arrows soar past her intended target.

Hearing their stingers banging against her shield, Lena grunted and pushed back, thrusting her spear through one and skewering it dead, before she felt something pricking her leg. Yelping in pain, Lena looked down and spun her spear in her hand, before stabbing down at the one clinging to her leg, skewering it as well hopefully, where she'd raise her shield against any others that came her way.

"Good job Sarah, keep it up," Lena called to their companion as she magicked up a mud spike through one of the bees.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"No worries, you know I've got your back, Lena!" Jaime shouted as she spun, notching another arrow and sending it sailing for one about to attack Lena from behind it. It hit the ground twitching.

Sarah was unable to assist for the next few moments, busy keeping the girls out of harms way. Lena could only imagine how much more chaotic it would be if they weren't being watched by her.

Lena found the poke poking just below her skirt, clutching tight. She found it difficult to stab at with her weapon, delivering a glancing blow with her spear but unable to dislodge it. Thankfully she avoided a stinger from one that came in, able to bash away the group that came for her.

Jaime buries her arrow into a target.

Lena tries to remove her parasite.
Lena 4 vs 12 Swarm

Swarm Attacks
Swarm 9 vs DODGE!!! Lena
Swarm misses Jaime
Sarah keeps girls safe.

Lena 4/6 FP, 0/8 AP, -3 Weakness- -PARASITE-
Jaime 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP -3 Weakness- PARASITE-

Swarm 6/12
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Thanks hon, I appreciate that," Lena called back to Jaime as she finished one off coming from behind her.

Growling as the one on her leg refused to budge, Lena knelt and raised her shield this time, and slipped the butt of her spear between it and her leg, and prized it off, slamming the bottom of her shield down onto it as hard as possible once it was off. Glancing up as she did this, Lena saw Sarah was busy for the moment, leaving her and Jaime on their own unfortunately.

"G-Get off you bastard," Lena said angrily at the bee, trying desperately to get it off before her body became too weak to fight.