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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The Ork woman would give no answer, replying only with a wink.

Jaime made a face."By not doing it you're making me let you be punished in my place, you think I'm okay with that? Dummy, don't be so selfish."


Jaime looked over and frowned. "I'll do it!" she exclaimed. "I'll do it so she doesn't have to." Iradin smiled and clamped a hand over her head. "A generous offer, but I have no interest in that sight, now be silent or you can eat with the Worgs." Jaime frowned and went silent, looking away.

"Miss Ira?" she laughed. "A fancy noblewoman in the big city am I? I believe I said Ira, or Mistress. Wonderful loving mate will do as well. And no, on the floor, if you feel I am being unkind I can take away the privilege of your hands if you wish and you can eat like the rest of the animals."

She waited for Lena's reply and then began to attend to her own food. Some of the collected Ork's laughed and sneered at Lena, seemingly amused and pleased at seeing a human reduced like that.

The food was delicious, especially to her near famished state. Plenty of meats wonderfully seasoned. Juicy too, but messy as a result. The liquid rolled down her hands and face, quite the messy ordeal no matter how well she tried to. Ira glanced wondering how her pet would deal with it, did she embrace it or embarrassedly try to stop it as best she could?

Jaime ate near silently, watching over Lena briefly, worried about her friend.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I know Jaime, but I couldn't let you get punished because of me," Lena told her friend, hugging her again.


Lena cringed a bit at Jaime's request, and subsequent denial of said request. She couldn't help but feel bad for her friend. "S-Sorry... mistress Ira," Lena replied when Ira laughed at Lena calling her miss Ira. "A-Alright," she then said, in barely more than a whisper after being told no she couldn't hold her plate in her lap.

Trying to ignore the other orcs laughing at her, Lena left her plate on the ground and ate her food off of it, picking it up and biting into it as she did. Lena tried to push everything else out of her mind for the time being, ignoring it all and focusing on her food, her food was more important right now, Lena thought to herself. Lena would only look up again after she had finished eating, though during that time, she would wipe her mouth and face with the sleeve of her robes.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"See, they can be trained," Ira let out a laugh joining the chorus of the Ork's around her as Lena called her mistress.

When the food was finished, Ira grabbed Lena roughly as she went to wipe her face on her sleeves. "Don't sully your robes," she laughed and released her. "You really are like the animals."

She paused for a moment and whistled. "Don't move," she warned as her Worg plodded over. "I was considering letting you wash up from the stream, but this will be much quicker," she grinned, wondering how Lena would respond.

Without warning the Worg lunged forward and began licking at her face neck and hands. For a moment Lena forgot that she was at the hands of the terrifying Ork war animal and felt very much like she was being assailed by one of the larger dogs some people owned in the Capital.

Other than a few licks near her breast there was nothing untoward about the gesture, she was left somewhat moistened by the creatures tongue but...arguably more clean than before hand. Ira bellowed out another laugh as the Worg plodded away, walking past Jaime as it went.

"Good, you did well, Lena. You and your friend will be free to go about, but you will be watched. Do not abuse my trust, it is a sign of what is to come."

The people broke from the table in droves, finishing with their meals as Jaime and Lena were set free. Ira went off, talking seriously with a few as they moved into a tent.

"I'm sorry, are you alright Lena? Wasn't so bad I guess, at home we ate a lot of meals without our hands...probably not like eating at the Capital though...and that Worg, egh, mortifying!"

She peered around briefly, it appeared they could talk without being overheard but there were yes on them. "S-so what should we do now?"

The whole camp lay around them. They noted the woman at the table had been taken to a tent, and seemingly left there. They could also look for their belongings, or something else entirely?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"W-Well you didn't give me anything else to wipe my face with, so I don't have much choice," Lena whined about how she'd began to wipe her face.

Then Ira's worg hopped over and began licking Lena on the face. Lena gasped at first, but then... she actually felt a little more at home, feeling like a big dog was playing with her. She even giggled ticklishly some when the thing's tongue went across her neck, wriggling underneath the big creature. 'Hmhm, come on big guy, that tickles," Lena giggled, petting the worg before he trotted away once he was done.

Lena nodded to Ira, wanting to find that stream she talked about so she could wash her face, and her crotch off, more than anything. "Yeah I'm alright, and he wasn't that bad. I was expecting to get bitten, not licked to death like one of the big dogs back home. And... I want to find my stuff. My papa gave me that spear and shield, and I want them back," Lena said, standing up once she and Jaime were done eating, and looking around once back outside. "Well, we might as well see what the camp here looks like too while we're at it," she added, deciding to look around, and see what all they could find, and to see if they could find the women from the dinner tent.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I didn't think I'd need to tell you, truth told, perhaps I thought too highly" Ira teased, looking quite amused with herself.

"He likes you," Ira noted while the large wolf-like creature gave Lena the tongue bath.

"Bleckh," Jaime clearly took a different consideration of the Worg, and considering her experience it wasn't hard to blame her. "I've been peeking around, it seems they store most of their gear in that tent over there, either our things will be there, or we'll be able to replace our weapons at least. Our captor might have put our things elsewhere."

The tent was like any other small community, although it was likely Lena was familiar with any of the nomadic tribes that existed, far away from the capital. It was eerie how similar the Ork's culture appeared to their own out here. Of note, there was the large tent likely containing their gear, a nearby stream obscured such that she could get a good clean wash, a way to refresh herself from the accumulated filth of the last few days, and the small tent that seemed to house the woman.

In addition, a ring was currently being used for wrestling and practice among some of the Ork's.

Ira was nowhere to be found from her general overview.

Jaime and Lena made their way towards the tent, knowing eyes were on them as they made their way inside. They found three women, each chained to a post with limited mobility, two of them gasped in surprise as Lena and Jaime entered.

"O-others, from the village? Y-you were taken too?" The eldest one spoke, in her mid thirties. She was a radiant woman, long brown hair. Completely naked, as the three were.

There were three women in total, each matching the description of the ones missing from the village.

"T-they let you walk free? D-do you know what this means Sarah they co-" the second one look at her, a look of hope in her eyes.

"Q-quiet," the older woman seemed fearful looking over them.

"B-but they could..."

"W-we don't know if we can trust them," she tried to speak silently but Lena could hear her. It appears the eldest one was worried that Lena might be...content with her capture.

The youngest merely looked dazed into the distance, smiling faintly
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena blushed at Ira's words and looked away with embarrassment. "That's... good I guess," Lena replied softly when Ira told her that her worg likes her.

"I hope they haven't put them too far away or anything. I can't leave my spear and shield behind. They mean a lot to me," Lena replied to Jaime as they looked around the camp/village.

Heading to the tent with the women, Lena figure it best to talk to them first, for if they could determine if they were the ones they were looking for, then Lena would be able to plan their escape together. When they entered the tent with the women, Lena was surprised they seemed to be in good condition.

"Well, not from the village per se, we were with the mercenary group that escorted the supplies to one of the outlying villages. The two of us came back to Farnshold ahead of the others to look for you three actually... at least... I believe you're the three from the bounties. We met Clara yesterday... I think, and then Ira, the big orc woman, whom I'm assuming is the leader here, got the drop on us while we were birthing Clara's seedlings. And I'm only allowed to walk freely after demeaning myself in front of most of the orcs in the dinner tent," Lena replied to the girls, sitting down next to them to talk. "I can't deny that it felt good, what Ira did to me. But I don't want to be here against my will either, no matter how well they treat me," Lena went on to say to the trio, and looking determined to get them out.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Of course it is good, you two will be wonderful companions one day," Ira said cheerily, pausing for a moment. "Not like that you foolish girl, I do not share." She paused and added, "Perhaps if you find yourself in the mood," and let out a laugh.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Lena...we'll do whatever we can to make sure you don't lose them, okay?" Jaime said hopefully, but was worried if they weren't in that tent, let alone how they might get them if they were.

Lena's frank and accurate account of their trip seemed to win over the hesitant woman who nodded suddenly. "M-much the same happened to us. We've known Clara for awhile, she left us to return home, but we were caught by their patrols. It appears they discovered Clara's little...w-well us..." She blushed bright, but considering the circumstances decided to be honest with what was incredibly embarrassing for her.

"T-then...you will help us escape? My name is Sarah, her there is Adelaide, and...she is Marle." Adelaide nodded as she was pointed to, the second youngest. The one apparently named Marle only smiled. Then, seemingly noticing Lena was there turned to her, staring at her groin. "O-oh new...new meat. C-come here, w-we can feel good together."

Sarah frowned, "D-don't mind her...she doesn't mean it-"

"Y-yes I do," Marle cut in, beginning to get worked up. "P-please, I promise, it'll be wonderful." She squirmed her hips, wiggling her aroused sex at Lena.

"W-we tried to escape once before, Marle was caught and punished. She spent days in the den they keep the other Worgs...h-hasn't been the same since. We have a better plan, but none of us have been allowed to move free...it'll be risky but we think it's our only hope..."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"It... it's alright Jaime. If we end up having to leave without them, I'm sure papa would understand. I'd rather not though, she worked hard to get those made just for me," Lena replied to Jaime as they walked.


"Of course we will. That's the reason we were looking for you. And I'm Lena, and this is Jaime," Lena replied, listening to the two talking before Marle looked to her and smiled at her and began to beg Lena to fuck her.

Lena nodded to Sarah and Adelaide when they explained what was wrong with Marle. "Marle... how about I make you a promise. If you'll help us get back to Farnshold, then I'll let you have me for an entire night. Does that sound good to you?" Lena told Marle, glancing at the others and giving them a look that easily told them that she didn't trust Marle to keep quiet unless she had a good reason to. "And I've got lots of stamina, so you can keep going until you're completely and totally satisfied," she added, kissing Marle on the forehead in a kind and loving manner, hoping her proposal got through.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"T-thank goodness," both the woman said in tandem, sighing in relief.

Marle shook her head. "N-no, right now, it won't take long, please, please, please..." she tried to squirm closer as Lena kissed her forehead, frowning.

"She'll...be okay. In time, I can make something for her to help when we get free," Sarah said sadly.

"O-our plan?" Adelaide said glancing to Sarah. Sarah nodded. "T-they let us forage for them to earn our keep. Among other things...of course," Sarah made a disgusted face.

"We've been hording herbs, hiding them away nearby. A plant that we use as an anesthetic. If we were able to slip it to them before a big feast we'd be able to escape in the confusion."

"But," Adelaide took over, "None of us have been allowed to go free since our last failed attempt."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Oh Marle, if you need it that badly, then... I suppose I could give you a sampling of what you'll get if you help us," Lena told Marle, kissing her on the cheek this time.

"Alright ladies. I'll see if I can slip over to that place then, and if I can get my things back. I'll need to earn Ira's trust a little more though first I think," Lena told Sarah and Adelaide, promising to try her best for their sake to get the herbs. "Just tell me where they are, and I'll see what I can do," she added, before kissing Marle lovingly again, this time on the lips, to try and keep her occupied.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Y-yes yes, yes, please." Marle tried desperately to rub herself against the front of Lena's body, Jaime looked a bit concerned.

"M-maybe..." but decided not to say anything and went quiet.

"By the stream, near a patch of rocks with a single flower between them, underneath the rock is the pouch we store them. All you have to do is tear them up and put them in the cooking pot at their next celebration."

Marle kissed Lena back hungrily, with a lust that she had so rarely encountered before, it was clear how hotly this woman desired her, how much she burned for her.

"M-Miss maybe you shouldn't," Sarah warned although not too firmly. Marle absolutely didn't seem to mind.

Jaime glanced outside the tent flap, keeping watch.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"It's not like I don't want to, though... I kind of do at the same time. And alright girls, I think I can handle that," Lena said, caressing Marle's cheek and smiling kindly at her.

"Marle, if you promise to be quiet, so the orcs don't hear, then I'll give you a quickie okay. But if you aren't quiet, then I might get in trouble too and then we can't play anymore," Lena told Marle, pulling the tie of her robes around and gently slipping it around Marle's face to gag her some so she would remain quiet.

"I'm sorry about this girls, but she won't stop pawing at me until I do this, I can see that," Lena told them, slipping her robes open and getting behind Marle and sliding into her. "C-Can one of you girls help make sure she stays quiet?" Lena asked the others, while Jaime kept watch for her.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime looked outside and didn't say a word. Marle smiled brightly and nodded. "I'll be silent, please, hurry, please, please..." the gag settled in and she gave quiet muffled sounds, pleased ones, grateful.

The girls were unfortunately bound and too far away to be of any assistance as Lena slid inside of her. Marle's folds were drenched, her insides practically clinging to Lena. Her entire body trembled in the grips of what seemed like an orgasm from the moment she slid inside. Her body writhed, thrusting down and against Lena quickly, to her credit other than a few muffled moans, she didn't make a sound, but if Lena wasnt' careful the sound of their sex would soon be heard.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"You'd better, or I'll give you a spanking," Lena said, teasing her as she pinched her ass and thrust inside.

Lena reached forward after they had gotten into it a bit, and put a hand over Marle's mouth to help muffle her further. "Oh gods, Marle... you're so tight," Lena panted quietly, holding her own moans back as she pounded into Marle hard and fast, trying to bring her to her sweet release and satisfy her as soon as possible.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Marle listened immediately, obedient to anything Lena said for her to do, so long as she was delivered her promised pleasure. Marle's muffled moans were the only reply she could give. As Lena thrust Marle's insides continued to grip and pulse tightly around her member pulling her in. Lena had trouble telling if Marle had came or not, her insides felt like she was in a constant state, which helped bring Lena swiftly to her own.

If she pulled out Marle would only slacking, giggling softly, content by whatever love making Lena gave her. If Lena tensed Marle would try her best to keep her inside as she came, to capture her seed as best she could but bound she could only do so much.

-1 CP from the refreshing wash
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

It was almost like Marle was cumming constantly around her cock, her pussy gripping her oh so tightly. "Marle, just give me a nod if you want me to cum inside, and a shake of your head if not. Okay hon," Lena whispered in Marle's ear, holding the girl's hips firmly as she pounded away and picked up her pace some more.

Once she got the nod that she probably would get, Lena would lean in and kiss Marle on the cheek as she let loose inside of her, cumming as hard as she could and urging it all out before she pulled out. Lena quickly wiped Marle's slit off of her seed, doing her best to hide what she'd done from the orcs. "Did that sate you for now Marle?" Lena asked softly, kissing her on the cheek.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Marle nodded vigorously, wildly almost knocking into Lena's chin. Seemed that was the signal she wanted. She let out a loud moan, one which echoed slightly through the muffle as Lena's seed poured into her. "O-oh...yes..." she murmured when the gag was free from her mouth, she resumed with glassy eyed quiet giggles as Lena's seed dripped out of her slowly.

"T-that'll hopefully keep her calm for...a bit..." Sarah noted, somewhat shyly. "Best go before...anyone sees you. Remember, by the stream, don't get it unless you can keep it safe. It shouldn't be long until they have some cause to celebrate."

Adelaide nodded, glancing sideways at Marle, blushing bright. "If we do this carefully, I think we have a chance, b-but if we get caught, I doubt we'll get another shot for awhile. W-we trust in you, good luck you two. C-come see us, when you can."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, I hope it will keep her sated," Lena whispered, sighing softly as she redressed and got her tie on her robes. "Don't worry, I'll see what I can do," she added to Sarah.

Lena headed out and checked around to try and find the tent with hers and Jaime's things, before she headed to the stream, if allowed to, where she would undress and wash up, using that time to look around for the place Sarah mentioned as she and Jaime got washed up.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena found the tent without delay, but it was well guarded, at least one Ork on watch at all times, who watched Lena as she approached. If she wanted to get in it'd take a plan, and no small amount of risk either.

Provided she'd head to the stream Jaime would go with her, an Ork standing watch but indirectly as they went.

Jaime stripped down, having felt that modesty was a bit of a lost cause as she slid into the water beside her.

"H-hey...Lena?" Jaime peered over in the midst of her wash. It hadn't taken long to find it, the pouch was right where they said it'd be, a rich fragrant scent resonated that felt entirely relaxing.

"Are you...feeling okay Lena?" Jaime asked. She bit her lowerlip for a moment and fidgeted. "It's just...I'm worried about you..." It seemed like the poor girl had something pressing on her mind.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

After they got to the stream, once they'd spotted the tent their things were in and all, Lena slid into the water, sighing softly as she did. When Jaime slid down in next to her, and asked if she was okay, Lena smiled and hugged her. "Of course I am Jaime. What's the matter?" Lena replied, making sure the orc wasn't watching, and leaving the pouch where it was for now as she washed up.