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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime leaned against her softly, struggling for a moment with her words. "I'm...worried about you." She turned to face Lena, chewing nervously on her lower lip.

"It's just, we met less than a week ago now...and when we met you were...a lot more shy about this sort of thing."

She pinched the bridge of her nose and turned seemingly too embarrassed to face her. "It's just...I'm worried that our encounters...with that Ork woman and that Alarune. W-well...some people...like that poor girl there. They get changed, it happens and it's...usually slow but it happens. Some mercenaries become...consumed. They become slaves to their own feelings."

"M-maybe I'm being dumb, I'm sorry. Just be careful okay? Those things that the Ork says, they aren't true. Remember all the great things you want to do, the look on your loved ones faces when we come back a hero, don't lose sight of that okay?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't just...ah...forgive me." Jaime frowned and folded her arms over her chest, facing away.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena listened to Jaime's worries, and hugged her tightly. "Oh honey, I'm sorry if I've worried you. I... have to admit though, I have been feeling a little more aroused than normal lately. My papa, she told me and my sisters that are like me, that as herms, we'll have a higher libido naturally. But I won't give in that easily, most of that with Ira was me putting on a good show for her, to make her trust me more, so we'd have freedoms, which we can use to escape," Lena replied, kissing Jaime on the cheek. "I could never lose sight of my dreams honey, don't worry about that," she added, nuzzling against Jaime a bit and smiling.

With that, Lena took a deep breath, and let it out as she stood up, and then looked refreshed, and Jaime would be able to see that Lena looked more confident after her words. "I'll see if I can convince Ira to throw a party in honor of us being conquered, and then, we'll get out of here. It might take a day or two though, maybe," Lena said softly to Jaime, winking at her and helping Jaime to clean up too before they left and headed back to the camp.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I...I see...just try to keep a hold of yourself. A little libido never hurt anyone, lords knows I've proven that," some playfulness has returned to her voice. "Let's make sure we work together to get out of here okay?" She leaned against Lena's embrace happily.

"Sounds like a plan! We can do it together as a team."

The pair cleaned up, and Lena actually felt like the bathe washed something...intangible away from her. She felt refreshed in a way she couldn't quite place as the pair made their way back to camp.

There was some time left, was there anything Lena wished to try to do before night when Ira would surely call on her?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, a bit never hurt anyone, but overindulging was something papa always told me to be careful of, or I'd be nothing more than a slut," Lena said with a nod. "Yep, I believe we can do anything together. Ira only beat us because we got caught off guard and in a bad way," Lena then said.

Lena wanted to get her things, but knew it best not to try and do so just yet, so she left them there for now and hoped everything would work out for them, and went back to the tent for now with Jaime, unless Jaime wanted to do anything else.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Bein' a slut ain't so bad. It's becoming a slave to it is when it becomes a real problem," she giggled. "And yeah! We'd of kicked her ass otherwise," she said confidently, spirits renewed with her pep talk. Jaime made no mention of any plans content to return to the tent with Lena where she flopped on the Ork's bed the moment they entered. They'd have a few hours to kill and it seemed Jaime was content to spend them relaxed on the bed as opposed to the cage.

"So..." Jaime patted the side of the bed. "What's our game plan here? Just...sneak to the stream before a meal, slip the food in there, wait before people get groggy, get our things, the girls, and get out? Just like that?" She paused. "I hope we don't get caught. I keep thinking of Merle...that poor girl."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, I guess you're right, hmhm, my cute little slutty friend you," Lena giggled in Jaime's ear.

"Aye, that's the main plan really. You think we can handle it? Although, it'll need to be a big feast I think, so everyone is celebrating and eating together," Lena said back in the tent, being quiet for obvious reasons. "And don't worry, we'll make sure Marle's taken care of," she added.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime only winked and gave Lena's ass a gently slap in reply.


"Right...ah, I feel so nervous, my heart is beating a million miles an hour." Jaime took Lena's hand and placed it over her chest, robes parting to allow her to. feel directly. Jaime truly was a little nervous about the whole ordeal. She blushed faintly and closed the robes after a moment. After their talk...where they were, it would be inappropriate, but the thought obviously crossed her mind. "Right. Though I worry how long that might take, perhaps it would be wise to cause some sort of larger distraction and then attempt to go. Like...feed them that and then...set the food tent on fire or something." She was looking over Lena again, pausing before looking up the ceiling and sighing.

"I wish Idryll was here..." she said absently.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena merely wriggled her butt at Jaime when she got the spank.


"Aye I wish Idryll was here too. But she's not unfortunately, but I have faith in us Jaime. If we have to do that, then we will. But... even though I don't like it here... well, not that much at least, can't deny that Ira felt good, though I'd rather not destroy their lively hood if we can help it," Lena told Jaime, though that didn't mean she wouldn't do it at all.

Unless Jaime had anything else to say on the matter, Lena would lay back and relax on the bed with her friend, feeling how her heart raced, and enjoying the feel of Jaime's flesh in her hand. "I've got faith, you should too," Lena whispered to Jaime, smiling softly.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Bah, I don't care what beef they have with humans. We didn't do anything to them, she...sicked her dog on me. I don't care how good of a lay she is," Jaime leaned over and popped her friend gently in the arm. "There's a saying my brothers always blather on about, brothers before...something or another. Those girls don't have it as nice as either of us do. If we see an opportunity to get them out of here, we should take it." She noted firmly. "I'm not sayin'...burn it and shut the doors. Just...something big to get their attention." Jaime shrugged helplessly.

By all indications Jaime enjoyed Lena's touch as well, she closed her eyes and laid beside Lena too, hand moving to rest on her waist. "Faith...I believe in you Lena. We'll do it...no problem. I just want it to be soon. I miss a real bed...and not worrying about someone deciding to take me for kicks."
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I... I understand that Jaime, but even still, they have children here too, so I couldn't bring myself to hurt them just out of spite. And the saying is bros before hoes... I heard a few guys in the tavern I worked at say it. If we have to distract them like that though, I won't hesitate, in order to get out of here, don't worry about that," Lena said, kissing Jaime on the cheek to soothe her worries as they awaited Ira.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I'm not saying to burn ork babies! Geez." Jaime made a pouty face and rolled on to her side. "That's the one I think...but okay good, I'll trust you to it." She smiled when Lena kissed her cheek, leaning forward to plant a tender soft kiss on Lena's lips that lingered for a few moments before she began to pull away, if Lena didn't pursue it Lena would simply roll over and attempt to catch a quick nap.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Maybe I'm just too kind hearted," Lena said, feeling bad about what she'd said now.

Lena laid back with Jaime, deciding to get her a quick nap in too since she would likely be in for a helluva night. She wrapped her arms around Jaime and hug her close, feeling warm and comfortable right now, and a bit more safe and of sound mind than she had been.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The two slipped into a peaceful nap, which quickly turned to sleep, catching up from their ordeal. Lena found herself woken by the entrance of Ira, whom Jaime was staring at worriedly through the haze of sleep. "What's this, my mate sharing our bed with another? Shame, do I need to send her to the dogs?" She laughed. "Oh, relax. Lena, get hard. I am here to mount you finally," and just like that the woman strode to the side of the bed, awaiting Lena expectantly.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

After sleeping a while, Lena was awakened by Ira coming in, and she noticed through her bleary eyes, that Jaime was tense, and obviously worried. "N-No, please Ira, we were just resting. We didn't do anything," Lena said quickly, gulping softly when Ira ordered her to get hard.

Lena undid her robes slowly, and once she was naked, she blushed a bit and laid back, reaching down and stroking herself to get hard and ready to go. Once she was rock hard, Lena sighed softly, a bead of her pre on the tip of her shaft as she nodded to Ira.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I was teasing, goodness you are a jumpy little girl, have I not treated you both with kindness since taking you? Others would have sent your friend to the pits, ah, you will learn how lucky you are to have me." She said as she strode aside waiting. Jaime blushed, glanced at Lena. "I-I will help, and then get out of your way," she leaned over Lena and moved her hands to gently stroke her shaft, helping work her gently as she whispered. "The feast...remember to ask." Her hand trailed over the bead of precum and licked it off her palm, moving to climb off the bed.

"Haha, a good show," Ira took Jaime gently as she went to climb off, hand trailing down to her sex. The way Ira held her, Jaime was fully exposed to Lena's view. The Ork finger trail along her lips, revealing glistening folds. Jaime shuddered, and Lena could tell that she was incredibly aroused, leaving the question of why and how this happened. "Heh," Ira chuckled releasing her, Jaime slid to the floor and covered herself, trembling, blushing bright. "You've been holding it in since my pet mounted you, haven't you. You may watch from the corner." Jaime blushed and moved away as Ira slid over Lena, straddling her waist. She pinned Lena's cock up along her stomach, and with her legs positioned on the bed began to grind it against her sex. In no time at all Lena began to feel a lubricating moisture begin to coat the length of her cock, a sudden unusual twinge in her stomach and she could feel a sudden dark desire to take the Ork woman flared, at this rate she wasn't even sure if she'd manage to hold her first orgasm until the Ork woman slid her length inside.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena sat there and listened to Ira as she readied herself for the orc matron. "Mmm, thank you Jaime, having someone else touching it does feel so much better than doing it myself," Lena cooed softly as Jaime began stroking her, nodding when Jaime whispered about the feast.

After Jaime had gotten her ready and Ira moved in to tease Jaime a bit, Lena's shaft twitched at the sight of Jaime's exposed sex. Lena felt relieved to hear Ira telling Jaime she could watch from the nearby corner. When Ira mounted her though and teasingly ground against her, Lena moaned from the pleasure, and felt her cock already throbbing in preparation for release. Feeling the twinge in her tummy growing, Lena gasped and felt the urge to try and roll Ira over, plus it would also go a long way to making her think that Lena was giving in more, she thought to herself.

Assuming she was able to roll Ira over, Lena would thrust inside and begin knocking away with wild abandon, her feverish thrusts slapping her balls heavily against Ira's ass and filling the room with the lewd sounds of it all.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena would find herself unable to roll Ira over, the powerful Ork woman grinning as she tried. "Look at this initiative, wonderful. But no, I think instead we will do something else." Ira leaned down legs pinning her to the bed as she continued to grind full along her length. She pulled Lena into a passionate kiss, tongue flicking against hers with sudden forcefulness.

As she grinded Ira would reach back, taking Lena's balls in her hand and beginning to massage them. This continued until Lena was almost brought to orgasm where she would stop, leaving Lena frustratingly close but preventing her from going further. "A-aha, how is that...?"
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena whined a bit, but didn't stop Ira from preventing her rolling over. Forced down, Lena returned the kiss Ira gave her and moaned softly into her lips, grinding back against the orc woman atop her. As soon as she felt Ira's hand on her balls, Lena groaned and felt the urge to cum building very close. "O-Oh I... I'm about to... c-cum," Lena moaned, her hands grasping at Ira's hips as she thrust her own hips up to try and bury herself in Ira's pussy.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Ira grinned. "I know, that's the point you silly girl...you need to learn a little restraint." She shifted off of Lena keeping her cock subdued with one hand, and keeping it from stimulation. This would go on until Lena began to calm, where Ira would lean down, taking the length into her mouth and begin to thrust it gently along her tongue which writhed along the base until Lena was close once more where Ira would slip it out of her mouth. "Tell me...tell me how much you want release, how much you desire it. If you confess your bodies true purpose I'll let you cum. Resist and...perhaps I'll let you and your friend spend the night together."

Jaime until then had been sitting flushed in the corner, trying not to watch, she perked up there, worried.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Oh please Ira... it... it's so hot," Lena whined, but didn't resist, even though she squirmed a bit.

Once she'd been edged to the brink and backed off again, Lena moaned as Ira took her cock into her mouth, one hand running through Ira's hair as she did. When she felt her climax closing in again, Lena remained silent so she could reach that without Ira stopping her. However, Ira seemed to instinctively know and did so again, making Lena whine some more.

"I... I want to cum Ira... so badly. If... If I confess it... t-to you Ira. Will you let Jaime sleep in the bed too?" Lena panted, wanting to give in, but at the same time not wanting to, and wanting to leave here. She decided to stick to the plan, and get on Ira's good side.