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A Knights Tale (Feris)

Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 10 + 42 = 52 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: 2 + 15 + 4 = 21 damage.

Mirunas attack hammers into the demons head, knocking it to the ground and indeed knocking loose a few teeth. It falls and doesn't rise, blood covering the creatures face and apparently unconscious.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

"Still breathing pity...It would bring me dishonor to kill a demon who couldn't fight back." She muttered sheathing her blade for the code of chivalry that drove her to such heights dictated that she spare the individual if she had slain it in battle things would have been different. Though she sighed at the prospect of letting the demon live mostly because he would mostly cause more trouble for the people here but she had to.

Turning her back to the demon she decides to investigate all the scurrying movements that she heard before this battle began whether they had already fled or were still there were up to her eyes to behold.

(Investigate sounds)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Turning around, Mirunas stomach sinks down to her feet at the sight of at least a dozen of the gray skinned demons standing in a formation in front of a house, three of whom hold their hands out as if preparing to cast a spell of some kind. The demons were all at least twenty feet away from her, many of them farther, and even as she watched, more came out of the house behind the creatures already arrayed before her. They must have used her fight with the other demon as a distraction. An arrogant booming voice suddenly sounds out from the top of the house, though Miruna can't spot its source; "You cannot hope to win, human. Surrender, and we shall be merciful. Resist, and your reward shall be agony like you have never experienced before. What say you?"
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

The moment she saw the formation she felt like an army was truly upon her Miruna's will sank to the lowest as fear nearly gripped the courage that kept her from fleeing this encounter. Yet her pride roared as the mysterious voice that spoke the common tongue asked for the submission such a demand was impossible.

"You surely jest me heretic...No Knight would accept any sort of surrender especially from thee's ilk." Was her reply firm and without single stutter she raised her blade over her head to prepare to charge the thought of summoning Mathias to this encounter had crossed her mind but the same pride that held her together refused to accept help from that Daemon to fight other Demons.

"AHHHHHH!" She roared charging at the formation intending to crash into the fray attacking whomever was closest.

(Attack Demons)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 6/40, P = 30, EP = 30, Stunned

'Daemons aren't demons damnit. Don't they teach you kids anything in knight school anymore? I was born and raised on this world, just like you, and I died here too. And I fought off the demons at the last three invasions, ages before you were a twinkle in your parents eyes.' The daemons voice says in her mind, though she knows not where it had come from.

To-hit: 6 + 42 = 48 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: Epiced for Braveheart charging.

Her slash takes the first of the demons she comes to, one of the mages, in the throat, causing an eruption of demonic blood to cover her face. The other creatures roar, but don't attack, and a moment later Miruna finds out why.

Casting: 15 + 11 + 8 + 5 = 39 vs 30 = Success.
Casting: 6 + 11 + 8 + 5 = 30 vs 30 = Success.
Damage: 4 x 2 = 8 + 11 = 19 - 2 = 17 damage.
Damage: 4 x 2 = 8 + 11 = 19 - 2 = 17 damage.
Mind vs Body: 11 + 22 + 10 = 43 vs 3 + 30 = 33 == Enemy wins.

Twin bolts of black lighting rush out from the mages and strike Miruna squarely in the chest. Agony lances throughout her entire body as the two bolts of dark energy go through her, the pain holding her in place.

'Well now, aren't we in a pickle? Going to hold to your pride, or ask for help?' The daemons mind once again goes through her mind, reaching a part of her that somehow resisted the incredible pain caused by the demons magic.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

"Your complaints are unwanted yet you never told me you can peer into my mind Daemon how troubling...though I can care less of your distinct devils lineage." Miruna stated aloud though it would probable baffle the demons that she was talking to the air as it seemed. Her first blow was a truly deadly one nearly decapitating one of the demonic mages as his blood splattered upon her face yet her victory was short-lived.

The twin bolts flung directly upon her chest sending Miruna crashing back her sword out of her hand but nearby rolling rapidly on the ground until the momentum subsided. However her eyes were barely alive and her one thunderous voice was now a whisper. "Guh...Ahhh...nuhh" Painful grunts laced her words as she tried to reach for her blade but an electrical shock bound her to the position she was in. Miruna knew she was now helpless and the Daemon Mathias knew it as he egged he on to summon him she was fearful not just of the fate of what would happen if she didn't summon him but also the destiny that awaited her if she did thinking she could owe a debt to a demon could prove disastrous for her yet...

"M...M..." It was the only way she could save everyone. "Mathias!" Though her voice wasn't as thunderous as before a low whisper of the Daemons name was said now it was up to him if he truly wanted to save her.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

'See, that wasn't so bad. Now you won't get tortured and gangraped, and I get a meal out of it! Everybody wins! Except the demons! Which I'm not one of, by the way!' The daemons voice rings through her mind, sounding disturbingly cheerful.

The demons close in around her, grinning maliciously as they close in on the wounded knight. Until the back of the daemons coat simply appears in front of her, flapping slightly, as though in a light breeze. Looking up, the rest of him had appeared along with it, as she saw the top of his hat as well. The rest of the world seemed to slow down, the demons grins disappearing almost as fast as Matthias had appeared, and then Matthias sweeps one hand before him, as though he were indicating all of the demons gathered in a semicircle around them. Mirunas vision turns red, and a sudden burst of heat causes her to shut her eyes and raise her hands in front of her face. A roar like that of a great flame fills her ears, along with a great many crunching sounds, like that of a collapsing building.

When she opens her eyes, her jaw drops at the sight before her. Matthias is still standing in front of her, blocking her view, but since the demons had been on all sides he'd had to make his blast cover a wider area, and she could see the devastation the daemons power had wrought with her own eyes. Everything within at least a hundred feet was simply... Gone. The buildings, the streets, the demons, everything. Gouges in the ground, thirty feet deep, was all that remained up until the blast ended, which had actually cut a building in half in a few places, opening rooms up to the open air where the flames had consumed part of them. Several buildings which had been touched by the flames were on fire, already burning down despite the fact that the flames had just reached them. "Hmmm..... Maybe I overdid it a little. Oh well, sometimes it pays to impress, I guess."

Miruna also found that her wounds were healed, the pain caused by the demons magic abruptly gone.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna watched helplessly as the demons closed in until the Daemon finally showed up there he stood clothed in black he wasted little time in dispensing any pleasantries with the demons and then everything became chaos. Her sight was blinded by the flames that erupted infront of her it was like starring into the sun she couldn't help but use her now free hands to cover her sight yet as she did the terror that followed were of her enemies who had were either screaming or being devoured alive the sound of their helpless sitchuation couldn't be ignored in her ears.

Forever it seemed to last even with her eyes closed the mind wandered with visions of the demons demise to the Daemons gruesome and horrible deaths until her sanity could no longer bear it and she blacked out. When she awoke only carnage awaited her Miruna prayed she was still asleep that this Daemon wasn't real and she would be back in the monastery as if nothing had happened but it was all real for he calmly remarked about his showmanship during the struggle.

"Your...No..." Miruna quickly grabbed the hilt of her blade and pointed it at the Matthias though she was still sitting and her grip was very loose with the entire blade shaking, nothing in the world could've prepared her for an encounter with a creature so powerful of this world. 'He's like a dragon of a demon...I can't let such a creature live but I can't...stop...please stop...' Miruna pleaded to herself trying to stop the shaking but her body refused it was already wary of the Daemon's power and couldn't help but be fearful of him.

"If you have so much power at your command...What good am I to you Matthias...Am I just bait for your true prey or do you have other plans...I will...I will not be mislead by you! Now speak truthfully or I'll...I'll..." Kill you was the threat she intended but the words were so shut up inside her lips and hands she couldn't even speak to the Daemon properly.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

"I do, in fact, require your help, and the help of the other mortals that have come here. And bait is not an accurate word, you are more like the trap itself. Let me explain; these creatures have invaded three times since I was born, and at least once before then. I died in one of their invasions, over four thousand years ago, and was reborn as you see me now, though it took me many centuries to amass as much power as I have. Every time the demons have come, I have sensed the same vague presence, that of the being that opened the portal in the first place, and hunted for that individual. Every time, I have found no possible sign that might lead me to it. Not a trace of a spell, no scent, not even among the memories of the pathetic creatures it sends forth to die in this world. Not even on the other world, that dark ruined pit that the demons inhabit, have I found any trace of this creature."

"I want this to end, human, so that I may leave this world with a clear conscience. Every time, I have hunted alone, across some moderately sized town that the demons chose to invade first. And every time, I have been met with failure. Failure angers me. So, this time, I try a new tactic. I tell the hunters and looters and lunatics that come here to keep their eyes open, and I lie low, rather than leveling the place down to a thirty mile crater like I have every other time. I let them get a foothold, because if I kill the daemon or the demonic sorcerer that has opened the portal four times over the last five millennium, the demons will never be able to step foot in our world again. And in the meantime, I protect those that agree to aid me in my search, and ensure that the demons do not spread far beyond the borders of this village. That is my plan."
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

His explanation was long and seemed to tell a tale that spanned over the years before she was even born but most of it entailed a plan with no other purpose than to destroy the creatures to prevent them from expanding out of this area. Her eyes widened when he calmly announced that he possessed the power to indeed destroy this entire area if the Daemon desired but the why disappeared.

Everything he entailed left out a why though she herself never questioned the why of her actions just requisitioned the deed the troubles of personal agenda's usually were for those without a cause to decide. She had many reasons to cut ties with him here and also not too though he clearly didn't act in the name of justice his own evil couldn't be ignored she didn't know what to do and wished she could ask a senior Paladin for advice but they were thousands of miles away.

"You...You catch me dazzled...I cannot make up my mind I always saw you as living sin that must be purged once I had banished the demons that you also seek to rid but now I cannot decide on the deed for your more like a walking enigma that must live. Yet my code commands I destroy you!" Yet her reason was telling her the opposite though her chances were slim she stood up against Matthias and to work with him but she swore she'd fight against all evil even the undefined ones like him. She tightly grappled her hilt knowing she was out of her league but that didn't stop her she took a deep charge intending to impale Matthias with her blade

(Attack Matthias!@?) *Game over man XD *
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 1 + 42 = 43 vs 15000 = Miss.

"Oh for the voids sake..." Matthias mutters as Miruna thrusts at him. He disappears completely as her blade is about to strike him, and his voice now comes from behind her. "This is a fight you cannot win, and have no reason to start. Stop it."

(Yes. He's that hard to hit.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

There was no hope of victory as it clearly expressed she knew this but the fact he must be expelled for the sake of the future ran deep in her thoughts he could be just twisting his words to her liking so she would merely consider him an ally but after what she witnessed she couldn't ever think of such a monster would be anyone's friend without it's own agenda one that couldn't live to what she strived to achieve.

"I won't you will have to kill me to stop my onslaught I will never rest until you are banished from this world I will not be a pawn in your grand scheme Daemon!" She shouted proud fully as she gave another slash attempting to cleave away at the area she heard his voice.

(Attack Matthias) (Any chance my roles can go that high? :D )
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled

(Lol, not even on a 20. Not that the damage would hurt him that much.)

To-hit: 12 + 42 = 54 vs 15000 = Miss.

She spins, slashing, and sees Matthias lean back slightly to avoid her sword.

To-hit: 12 + 10000 + 3 = 10015 vs 33 = hit.

Miruna suddenly finds her sword knocked from her hand and herself lifted a foot of the ground, one of the daemons hands clenched around her throat. The daemon glares at her, the reflective substance of his eyes glowing crimson; "Stop that. I'd rather not have to kill you or enter your mind. If it makes you feel better, yes, I basically am using you. But I am using you to achieve a mutual goal. You have nothing to lose by accepting my deal, I will maintain no hold over you, and I will not seek to harm you even if you fail."
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Like a tornado descending Matthias's counter offensive is near decisive her blade suddenly knocked aground by a mysterious force and her neck grappled by the Daemon, She knew her battle against him was one of near futileness yet without any of her order here she felt that it was her duty to oppose him there were no other around that would now. Miruna wanted one of her higher brothers or sisters whom she could trust at her side not this person whom she should be slaying.

"I won't...For the sake of all my brothers and sisters who perished in this place fighting the evil for their sakes I cannot forsake my vows or aid you in anyway. Now either finish it or allow me to slay you Matthias, I will not give your offer anymore thought!" Miruna stated with both her hands trying to desperately pry away from the Matthias grasp though he could probable crush her windpipe just as easily as she did with the demon beforehand.

(Escape Grapple)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Grapple: Failure. I'm too lazy to roll.

Mirunas struggles are fruitless, and she feels the daemon slowly tighten his grip on her throat, cutting off her air. Just as her consciousness begins to fade, he suddenly drops her to the ground; "The latter is impossible, and the former I will not do, at least not yet. But perhaps I will settle this once the demons and their master have been dealt with. So, good day, human." He says, as she recovers her breath, her aching lungs drawing in great gasps of breath, and then he disappears.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

The tightening almost began and ended at the same moment as the air failed to enter through, reality distorted fading in and out until her eyes began to roll back about to finally black out from the lack of oxygen. The end seemingly was at hand until a relief hit her suddenly. "Cough ngg COUGH!" She let out grunts and gasping sounds as he suddenly released her from his grasp. Words couldn't come to mind as he vanished into thin air knowing that she just made a very powerful enemy yet she stood up as her breathing calmed down grappled her sword and looked toward her intended direction.

"I won't let you or your enemies win this battle...For the sake of humanity and my brethren I cannot allow such an outcome." Miruna muttered as she continued on her way she knew that her alliance with him was null or was it? She couldn't know for sure if he appeared before her in a different form or thing he seemed to have more in store for this place more than anyone else.

(Continue on the way ahead of the destroyed battlefield.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

After reclaiming her sword, Miruna headed off around the destroyed chunk of the town. She spotted a Fey, a kobold, standing in one of the destroyed buildings, staring at the place where a chunk of the house had once been.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

As Miruna approached the duo she noticed that the beastmen and the fey didn't seem aggressive toward one another so she assumed that they both were friendly or perhaps something more basing on this she approached them.

"Excuse me...Have you seen any sort of portal around this area?" She asked the Fey and his possible companion.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

(The kobold IS they Fey I was talking about.)

The lone Fey looks up at the approaching knight, and at her question he simply points across the wreckage, to an area far away, which seems to have a dark glow about it.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(Fey's confuse me so! and for some reason I thought your a was an "and" dunno why!)

She nodded silently and tried to be on her way but the feet stopped as she couldn't just ignore a fey in need she sighed and turned to the Fey.

"Do you have any relatives nearby? I can protect thee if you know the way." She offered herself as a guard to the Kobold wanting to help him gain shelter before heading in the direction she needed to go in.