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A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games

I still fail to see how this is sad o_O Since that seems to be the over-all opinion of it, anyone mind explaining?

isn't that why I mentioned it?

I bet the fact that they can block whomever they want is going to cause some sort of stir in the news. I mean, sure, a lot of gamers are idiots, but there are going to be those ones that sign up for this service and also happen to be extremely technically oriented and a simple block won't stop them from e-stalking their chosen victim. I wonder how long it takes before someone cracks the security of the service and the harassment suits start.
I was just making sure - I'm thoroughly used to people using "This is degrading to women!" referring to the service itself, not the women who are volunteering for it.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games

It's sad because it took someone this long to figure out that they could exploit male gamers out of even more of their money by doing this.


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games

Warning: The person who's run out of things to say, has a lot to say about this.

This service is pathetic.

I'm pretty much taking this as a personal insult. It seems to me, the people who came up with this idea, thought "Hey! I know a huge group of people that are lonely, love to talk to girls who pretend they're interested in them, and fritter away their money on stupid crap!"... And it's working. It's a slap in the face to someone like me who plays online games when I'm bored, because it feels like I'm being labeled as a social outcast, someone who's too shy/embarrassed/awkward to go talk to women out in public. I don't like to think I'm a social outcast - but then again, we all tend to enjoy thinking we aren't, no?

I'm not pissed off because it's a form of prostitution; really, it's not. This is a generation of women that grew up with mothers that burned bras, and were literally given the power to choose what they wanted to do. If young women choose to join this site for money, more power to them. Hell, I've even told a few friends about it who need some extra cash.

It's the people who'll be using the service that make my blood boil to the point where it shoots out of my ears. The fact I've grown up with a generation of guys who are just so desperate, even to hear the voice of a woman, that they'll pay money while playing a game with them... It makes me want to shake something (preferably a baby). It's making me so mad, I can barely articulate my rage towards this.

If I wasn't taking this like a personal insult, I probably would let this roll off my shoulders and ignore it completely. But I can't look at it that way; this website is literally an insult to people like me. I like to play video games, but I don't let them control myself, and I sure as shit don't need to have a girl I will never meet make dull conversation with me for 6-10 minutes. I can go to a bar and do that, which, ironically, only costs me the price of a coke most the time.

Why is this site so popular? I don't want to know, because the answer will depress me too much. I'll just take solace in the fact that I'll never use this site, and, even though the bar scene is pretty much dead, I can have a hell of a lot more fun Friday night then playing Checkers with Tiffany.

/Rant over.


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games

The only thing I have to say is that I think people throw around the phrase "degrading for women" much too freely. I'm not saying that this service is or is not degrading for women, just that people should think on what degrading actually means and decide what in their point of view constitutes degrading. For example, treating someone as an object of lust is *not* degrading. It is natural, and everyone does it. It is not intrinsically linked with considering them to be less of a person.

For this particular one, I'm on the fence. Preferring to game with people of the opposite sex? Not degrading in itself. Paying someone to do this, while they flirt with you? Possibly.

In any case, I think people are overreacting at how bad this is. I would never go for this personally, one because it costs money and two because I hate losing to girls at games :rolleyes:, but to me it seems like a phone sex hotline but you also get to interact with the girl. And phone sex is only one step below porn.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games


Yes, game testers get a bad rep. Yes, there are complete idiots out there that make me go 'wtf'. The thing is, without any game testers, we'd be constantly getting games that didn't go through any sort of testing. I mean, hell, look at Modern Warfare 2; they didn't have a Beta test, and look at how much shit they got.
I'm not saying it's a good job, but it is necessary.
And? I didn't say testing was unnecessary; in fact, I even pointed out a reason that they WERE necessary in order to prove my point. See, look, here it is:
So that's another part of the reason testers are there, so designers can appropriately dumb down the games.
I have no idea why you're trying to prove that testers are necessary. Where exactly was I insinuating that I thought that?

I was talking about the negative connotations that come with BEING a tester, and how you might get all excited at the idea of getting paid to play games when in reality it's not a very good job.

Besides, you can't seriously sit there and tell me you wouldn't like to get paid to do something you already do, which is what's happening with this 'service' here.
Actually, yes, I can seriously sit here and tell you I wouldn't like to get paid to play games. Playing them doesn't hold enough interest to me. Why play in someone else's imperfect world when I can be making my own perfect world? Unless a game is completely and thoroughly engrossing in all aspects, I have a very short attention span (for someone that will game for 16 hours straight that is). I'd rather be coding one of my own projects - and as a side note, which do you think gets paid more, the tester or the designer?

The downside could potentially suck, though - you're under contract to do it, instead of being able to just do it during times you'd normally be doing it anyways.
Exactly. And unless you're one of those creepers who only have self-confidence when they can't see who they're talking to, I seriously doubt you are constantly flirting with every girl you happen to meet on a game. Which is what you'd have to do with this.

@Twisted: Ah, I see where there might have been some confusion now. Yes, that's what I meant. I think (and this is only opinion mind you and not based on fact) that the type of woman who would apply for this kind of job would have to have no self-respect. I mean, if it were me, I'm not sure I could even bring myself to do that - I have friends, much as I don't want to, and I'm sure that even with my overall misanthropy I could get into easy relationships whenever I wanted. To submit myself to the fawning attention of people who by and large are going to be social rejects in their mother's basement would just make me feel.... degrading.


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games

Would you say the same about porn stars? I'm not saying one is better or worse than the other, just wondering.


Nov 28, 2008
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games

ima make my friend Jordan shave his beard, straighten his hair, and do this. after doing that he looks like a girl.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games

I still fail to see how this is sad o_O Since that seems to be the over-all opinion of it, anyone mind explaining?
Actually I don't find it sad at all, I was going for sarcasm with my whole my soul died thing. Maybe a little pathetic, but as it doesn't really affect me at all. I don't really even care, so more ambivalence than anything.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games

Would you say the same about porn stars? I'm not saying one is better or worse than the other, just wondering.
To a certain extent yeah. I wouldn't be able to decide which one was worse though. On the one hand, I'd assume many porn stars enjoy what they do for a living, and I have a hard time believing that anybody could enjoy forced flirting with the kind of person that most likely would pay for this service. On the other hand, porn stars are doing much more than just flirting with some guy they can't even see.


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A new form of prostitution, except with less sex and more video games

To a certain extent yeah. I wouldn't be able to decide which one was worse though. On the one hand, I'd assume many porn stars enjoy what they do for a living, and I have a hard time believing that anybody could enjoy forced flirting with the kind of person that most likely would pay for this service. On the other hand, porn stars are doing much more than just flirting with some guy they can't even see.
And one would have a hard time believing that one enjoys being forced to call random people and ask them questions, most of the time getting yelled and swore at by angry old people... but i do =P

also - the big thing is that unless they don't use the webcam part, they Don't see them. Thats the best part - the girl can imagine him to be whatever kind of hunk she wants. It's pretty much phone sex with video games added in