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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Neku and Jowai
Vistani Hill Camp
Tag: Rovana

"Devil worshippers cheat? Perish the thought..." Neku smirked while Jowai merely cracked his thick neck side to side.

"Just cheat'em roight back. At's the way to do it, innit?" the half-orc said.

Neku gave a polite, soft clap when Rovana identified him as Anurien.

"Right you are, Captain Rovana. Anuirien - from the ramshackle hegemony that is Mieres. Although my friend and I have strayed far from home. You're the first fresh voice of Cerilia that I've heard in nigh on a month."

Rovana would recognize Mieres as being a distant pirate haven off the wealthy southern coast region of Anuire. Due to the geography of Cerilia, her home continent, she had never sailed that far from the Great Bay, but far ranging craft that braved the Thalasean Passage during the summer would share stories of this pirating haven that rivaled the hidden City of Lanterns where she often made port on the Zweilund Isles. It was a place of scum and villainy, if the tales bode true, though so to were the shadow ports she frequented. It was all a matter of perspective.

"Ye are seeming a bit cooky," Jowai bluntly agreed with her, looking around at the elves and scowling as he did so.

"Oh yes, don't let us interrupt your business," Neku said. Neither of the men moved on though as Rovana knocked at the door to the hovel. There was some shifting around heard within, followed by the door opening just a crack and some gold colored eyes peering through at Rovana. After a moment, the door opened wider and in the doorway stood an elf.


"Hello? Who are you?" he asked, in a Barovian accent.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Vallaki hill

"I tried doing that, but Damned imp misplaced his stinger in me neck at that point. Quite troublesome." Rovana grinned then, seeming to cheer up a little futher. "Mieres? I heard theres nothing but untrustworthy cutthroats and ne'er do wells over there. So I thought about visiting but ran into an issue or two. Long story."

Rovana eyed the elf. "Ah hello! I'm Captain Rovana, sent here by..


Ugh.. what was her name...

Alright, listen, she told me to tell her brother she send me so he would know I wasn't one of Strahds servants, but I misplaced her name.. Petrienova? No.. no that wasn't it. why does everything in this place have to have such complicated names.

Alright, listen, I'm looking for an older elf. His dead sister sent me, she's been a great help, in exchange she wants me to assist in giving a hand in returning her to live. Blue, see through. about.. this size"
Rovana indicated someone marginally smaller than her. "Actually in love with Strahd, of course that didn't end well. Great wizard. so so sense of humor.." she tipped her chin. "Oh, she's a banshee now if that rattles any memories and before you ask, I was a ghost at the time." The, to the orc, she added: "Temporarily dead, not crazy.
.. you know what, I'll just tell you the whole story, alright?

So, the story begins with me bleeding to death from a wound I cut into my own neck. Yes, I had to do that, because.. I wont let a whimp like Strahd take me life. Anyway, so I found myself floating over me corpse[...] and then I said 'Hah, Strahd thinks me dead... yet he neglected to destroy my bird. So I bound my soul do the bird, while she told me how to proper restore myself using a diamond[...] and then, I waited in the towers shadow until I caught meself two ravens, and holding onto them, I had them fly me out of the castle."
Rovana told the story that had lead her here, though she made sure to enflourish it at apropriate points.

"Bottom line, I'm bound by The Code to assist the banshees brother in rescuing her. That means unless you refuse me, cross me or ask for the impossible or suicidal I'll aid you to the best of my abilities... so think wise of what you ask."

Int fail with a 4 for trying to remember the proper names of the elves. personal check. ^^

However, pretty much a sure sucess for fanciful retelling of the story!: Performance oratory: (Its Rovanas kind of persuasion!)
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Kasimir Velikov
Vistani Camp

"Yes... I know of you, Captain Rovana. For many weeks now, I have heard and seen my late sister, Patrina, in my dreams. I know she suffers the curse of the banshee. She tells me that the many years of her guilt in that accursed state have diminished the evil heart she once possessed. Come in."

The elf withdrew into his small home, dug into the side of the hill. His hovel had a decorated vestibule in it and a comfortable room beyond with a fireplace. Wooden statuettes of elven deities... things that are bizarre and alien to Rovana, for on her continent, the elves worship no gods... stand in cubbyholes along a wall. A tapestry of a forest hangs on the opposite wall, its trees much different to the beech pines of the Svalich Woods.

"My name is Kasimir Velikov. I am the leader of the remaining dusk elves in Barovia. Many years ago, my sister fell into corruption and evil as she sought power through forbidden magical arts. She did this for her love... nay, her infatuation and lust for Strahd, and what power she believed he could offer her as his bride. She committed many evil acts and cast unforgiveable spells in her courtship of him. When at last, I learned that the devil Strahd had consented to make a bride of my sister, I thought only to save her soul from the dread curse. I did not believe she could be redeemed for what she did, and I made my peace with the fact that my sister... had to die. We caught her in the act of evil necromancy, the raising of undead thralls to terrorize the people of Barovia. We bound her... and with me casting the first stone, bludgeoned her to death.

"For this horror, and the denying of Strahd's bride, the devil came among us, slaying ever female elf in Barovia, ensuring that our people were now doomed to fade."

The dusk elf sighed heavily and then revealed his back, which had horrible burn scars upon it.

"I was tortured, burned, and then released purely so that I could oversee the demise of my people. That was the devil's wish. Not to kill me, but to allow me to live so that I might see hope fade and wither. Such is his method with many, I have observed. Perhaps he intends much the same for you? He is pure evil. And my sister in her life, wished to wed herself to such a creature. Now... now perhaps she has truly repented. But I believe the secret to her eventual release is the destruction of Strahd. And she whispers to me of a place in the mountains. A temple at the end of a long and weathered road where the devil made his pact with the dark powers - a place where that pact could be *unmade.* Now... the road is long and the way is dangerous. It will be bitterly cold. A proper expedition and a larger party would need to be put together to explore such a place. I could not ask you to take on such a place alone. What I need from you is to scout the way. Find out what challenges lie on this path. Mind you, I do not require you to enter the temple if and when you find it. Merely confirm where it is and return to me with directions and warnings. Oh... and one other thing. There is a place called Yesterhill. If you follow the main road to Krezk, and then turn south, past the vineyards, you will come to it. At the top of the hill is a great tree. The sap of this tree can be used to create an incense that will placate my sister's spirit, should the time come when I need to approach her to wrest her from her curse... If you bring me a sample of this sap and scouting information on the path to the temple on Mount Ghakis, I would consider your debt to my sister repaid in full."

He raised a finger and added, almost as if he had nearly forgotten a very important fact.

"Lest you think I ask too much of you by adding another task... Patrina's voice in my dreams has told me that something very special awaits you and... someone named Ludmilla... at Yesterhill. Something she says that could provide another... more direct way... to solve your problem."

He shrugged. "Her words did not get any more specific than that."
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Vallaki hill

"Patrina! Thats the name!" She grinned. "Real close with the name.. ugh, sorry buddy you should give up woodcrafting, that doesn't look realistic at all." She noted, staring at one of the wooden effigys.

"Kasimir! Think thats the name she told me. pfew. got lucky. You look young for.. how old are you?. Oh.. geesh." She cleared her throat. So that was the bit Patrina hadn't told her. She had figured there'd been more to it.

"Right, err.. oww.." She looked at the elfs back. "Yeah, I agree, frankly, he almost succeeded with me.. but I have a reason to fight on that he cannot completely destroy, no matter what. But yeah, I thought I had seen evil men, frankly, I kind of romanticized evil for a while, whats the harm if the strong took from the weak, but, .. ever since seeing the extreme of that I find myself... regretting some of my own actions. Though I'd be here one way or the other. The Code has to be followed. Well, enough of that.

Strahd made a pact with dark powers? Now -that- explains why the wizard couldn't overcome him.. so you need the holy or the unholy to truly deal with him. Ugh. I don't like dealing with either.
We've got a problem there, as much as I want to go ahead and just destroy Strahd, I don't think I'm quite ready for that. Oh.. just scout? Hrmnn.. well, luckily, I need to go to that mountain anyway. Got my own questions to ask, so that mountain, what can you tell me about it.. you need me to scout it, yes, but is there anything you suspect on whats there.. or in that temple? You see, I've kinda an interest in some knowledge hidden on that same mountain.. as well as another thing... wait, on Yesterhill it could be? Alright then. The hill first it is, no amount of knowledge about Strahds powers will help you if your sister just screams you to death.

Tell me about this Jester hill. I'm assuming its not the 'Ha ha' kind of jesters. Oh and while at it, ask your sister if she knows anything about the mad mage that attacked Strahd a year ago.. or if any of your people do know of him, would gladly talk to them. Currently I'm .. ugh.. well lets just say I want to gut the bastard, but..."
Again, thinking how a noble scion would have acted.. "I need to know how he acted before his madness, as he struggles to restore himself as we speak." Rovana rubbed her hand.

"I'd like to head to Krezk first, would be lovely if you could tell me the way. For the scouting I need the help of an old friend and for that, you need to find someone in or close to Vallaki for me, A Vistana, She got my parrot with her.. I could call him to my side anyway, but that'd leave her without assistance, which she might need."
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Kasimir's Home
Tag: Rovana

"No... I don't imagine she would be proud or willing to admit such errors. It would not exactly endear you to her if she admitted to the number of people she killed to provide bodies for her studies in undeath. She has much to answer for, but then... perhaps she has answered for it. I can only imagine what the curse of a banshee would be like. It is something that all elves fear."

He listened patiently to Rovana as she spoke, then moved to drink from a waterskin before offering it to her. Sadly, it was just water, by the smell of it.

"I know nothing of what lies within the temple. Its construct and origin are a mystery to me. Until my sister's voice came to me in dreams, I did not know of it at all. Mount Ghakis, on the other hand... I know that there is a mountain road running south from the Raven River Crossroads. It leads to the Tsolenka Pass, a place rumored to be the site of ancient, dark sorcery. The lower mountains before that are said to be the sight of wild tribes, bandits, mad druids, wild animals and the ever present threat of the undead. If there is more on the road than this, it is unknown to me right now, and I would appreciate knowing about it. That is why I need you to scout it for me."

"The Raven River by the way, is near to Krezk, as is the road beyond that to Yesterhill... not Jester, but Yester... so all your destinations take you west from here, before turning south."

After hearing her question about the mad mage, he smirked ruefully.

"I heard of him only from the Vistani. Rumor of his countenance traveled. He was supposedly the image of what a true archmage should be... cryptic, intelligent, wearing splendorous robes, with a spellbook an a blazing staff of fire. He had the bearing of a king, and eyes that had seen many mysteries - so they say around the campfires. Perhaps if he had traveled to Vallaki before marching on Strahd, I might have joined him in his fight against the devil, but... it appears that patience was his downfall. He felt that his magics would allow him to storm past any defenses the castle might have. It appeared that he met more than he bargained for when he fought against Strahd. It is as you say... he did not know of the pact that Strahd had made. Heh... you say you don't like working with the deities... but of all Strahd's foes, the most effective they say was Saint Markovia, for whom the Abbey in Krezk is named after. A woman of faith who... after her death in Ravenloft, led to twenty years without a sighting of Strahd or his minions in the Western Valley. Faith has its uses..."

He mused, stroking his chin with his fingers in a nervous tick that would look better if he sported a beard.

As Rovana asked her question relating to locating Damia, she sensed the presence of Joe the Parrot entering into her senses. He was close! Perhaps Damia was not far away? Stretching out her sight, she saw that Joe was near the top of the hill, near the circled Vistani wagons. Through his eyes, she could see very clearly a smiling Vistani man clapping his hand on the butt of a very angry and defiant looking Damia, whose hands were bound behind her. She was being sat upon the man's lap and lightly molested out in public. Other Vistani saw this, but were then looking away, ignoring it.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Vallaki hill

"Well, speaking from personal experience, being incorporal and unable to attone for the things you did is worse than the things you did. Obviously she's yours to judge.. that said, not to sound.. disrespectful to your sister or anything but if you could properly revive and.. encourage her, the dusk elves might not fade from these lands after all." Rovana chuckled slightly.

She reluctantly accepted the water, saving any further comments for now.

"So a bunch of trouble on the way up the mountain. And you suspect Strahd is no fool and may have added a security measure of his own, for everyone getting a little too close, don't you?" Rovana theorized. "I'd do that if I was suspicious enough and had realized some knowledge might have gotten out." Rovana grinned a little to herself.

"Raven River? Sounds good, I'll follow that, birds are among the few things that haven't screwed me over in these lands." Rovana chuckled. "I like to think the most effective was Leo Dilisnya, who killed him once, more than any saint can claim. Faith has its uses, but not in intangible nonsense and empty promises and.. wearing robes. I do have faith but .. I believe in crafting my own fate. coincidentially, strike the need for searches." She hesitated, focusing for a moment. ".. Excuse me, I think that was all then, I think I shall head west to the river then. but first, I have things to attend to.. see, my faith is very practical." She got up and nodded, sending a mental greeting to Joe and having him fly a bit towards her to get the layout of the way ahead.
"We'll be talking.. I hope within a day. For now.. well.." She stepped outside, with a dangerous grin and, if the two Anurien were still about she'd extend her arms, demonstratively, and proclaim: "Neku, Jowai, sorry for the waitin, talks with the elf are done, but I'm afraid I have to see to another matter right away." She said, one of her eyes covered up as she shared sight with Joe.

"Why don't you come along, take a good look on how I handle things. If ye be who I think you might, you must be bored stiff wandering this place.. and a proper captain could change that... and its either the crazy woman or the elves. And although these elves are less arrogant than I'd have thought... Which one would you think more interesting?" She grinned, posing briefly, a confident woman, knowing of her beauty.. and danger, pretty, no, a beauty, if not for her few scars, and perhaps a certain paleness, remaining longer after the second dark kiss. Still, just because she admired.. yearned for lady Ludmilla didn't mean she would truly mind.. indulging with a real man either.. if Ludmilla didn't object. Her... display ended up being quite sensual, even if she ended it with her coiling her cloak around her and drawing her blade, suddenly dropping low, out of the sight of anyone not directly observing her. "The code on fighting fairly.:
There be no 'fair' fighting among us. That be getting you killed. However. If one man binds or stabs a man asleep, if he drugs his drink or plucks his eye, not with skill but trickery, he's a coward and shall be up to the mercy of the one he attacked. If that mercy be only found in the beyond then send him there. If ye can even the odds before, then do so."
She recited, before, keeping herself hidden, she rushed up the hill swift and deadly.

Rovana was fast, and with Joes guidance, could hopefully avoid detection until she was right in the middle of the Vistani, right behind the man.. raising her blade.. it'd be easy to cut him down in one swift blow. But this was not her justice to claim.

If not fate stopped the pirate-captain her blade whizzed down with dangerous precision, cutting right through Damias ropes, only to stop, be reversed, and have the grip of it fall solidly into Damias hand.. at about the same time as Rovana had Joe flap down before the 'couple' and.. say whatever he saw fit. Her familiar had more than deserveda bit of freedom in these situations.

(Rolls: There is -no- in between for Rovana, I swear, either they go all or almost all great, or the opposite. .. kinda fits her. ^^)
Charisma to tempt-tease Neku and Jowai:


(Tripple move action to get within reach of the guy if it matters, next turn:)

Attack .. on the rope binding Damia:.. om nom nom.

(Damage, if needed at all, figure rope can't take a good slash nor can it be sneak attacked: Roll(1d8)+4:

And then a move action to give Damia Rovanas blade.

Finally, bonus action to simply hide again afterwards, if the location allows this at all.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Vistani Camp, Vallaki

"Leo Dilisnya?" Kasimir's brows furrowed in momentary confusion, then understanding came to him. "Ah... one of the older families right? It's difficult to say what may or may not have occurred so many centuries ago. But one thing is clear, the evil of Strahd has not been dispersed. He was mortal once... and so perhaps this Leo was the one to end his life, only for him to rise again in a more terrible, vampire form."

Their conversation came to an abbreviated halt as Rovana sensed through Joe a situation occurring at the top of the hill. With her excuses made, the pirate left Kasimir in his hovel and stepped past the waiting Neku and Jowai, who were having a quiet conversation between themselves when she exited the home.

"Considering the only elves around here are men, I must confess that a beautiful woman from the world I know is a far better ray of sunshine to me than these morose and haggard battlers," Neku said, spreading his hands and then strolling behind the captain as she trotted up the slope. His jet black eyes seemed focused squarely on her backside.

"Eh, yeah, why not?"
Jowai said, marching beside his companion. The two men seemed hard of body and sound of mind. What was more, they didn't seem as hopeless as the natives of Barovia. They were able to joke freely and grin, and therefore stood out among the landscape like a sore thumb.

Neku was undeniably handsome, if you could look past those alien eyes. There were altered people from her homeland, and it usually mean they were tainted in some way by the bloodline of Azrai. The worst of these became entities known as awnshegh... monstrous rulers of domains whose evil corrupted the land which they oversaw. Still, he didn't seem THAT affected by it, if indeed this was an accurate assessment of who and what he was.

Jowaii was a half-breed with one of the evil races. He didn't look goblinoid, so that would place him in the category of an orog. His human side was visible, and he seemed to carry himself in an intelligent enough manner. She'd no doubt he could handle that greatsword of his.

Rovana outpaced both men when she sped up the hill. They were not particularly alarmed by this, and if she looked back, she would see them turn to each other and shrug their shoulders.

Keeping low, she silently came alongside the wagon where, with Joe's help she located easily, and could see Damia being bounced lightly upon the brawny, drunk Vistani's lap. She was dressed no longer like a noble but had picked up clothes that Rovana would likely approve of. They were the garb of a woman of the sea.


Unfortunately, they were loosened and the molesting man had dipped his meaty hand inside her opened blouse and was cupping and fondling one of Damia's breasts. Damia was gagged with her wrists and ankles tied up together.

Anticipating what Rovana's plan was, Joe alighted on the wagon top and squawked and warbled only enough to get the man's eyes to peer over curiously at the bird. It was all the opening needed as the pirate captain moved in and with one clean motion, neatly severed the rope on her sharp saber's edge before letting the sword hilt fall neatly into Damia's hands.

The Vistana turned his gaze back to Damia, only to be greeted by a blur of motion as she brought her hands forward from behind her back and drew the edge across his throat. Blood curtained down his neck and stained his shirt, and his hands went uselessly to his own throat as Damia rolled herself back from him and tucked her legs up enough to draw the blade against the rope that bound them together. She then tossed the blade back to Rovana and shoved the dying man down into the dirt. Elsewhere in the camp, a shout of alarm went up, as the deadly strike had been noticed. Damia tugged down her gag and plucked up a dagger and a dueling blade that had been set on the ground beneath the steps of the molester's wagon entrance.

"Fucking prick!" Damia said before looking to Rovana, her eyes brightening. "So much to say, but now's not the best time. Should we get going?"

Shouts in the gypsy tongue grew louder as men and women grabbed weapons. Jowai and Neku, just cresting the hill took a look around at all this and noticed that more and more angry Vistani were now pointing at them as well as the women.

"Hurnh! A fight?" The half-orc grinned and grabbed his large sword, which Rovana noticed had a significant silver sheen to it. "Been itching for one!"

"We do seem to be outnumbered... I count nine at least." Neku said, simply standing still, unarmed and unarmored, assessing the situation with calmness.

"But these gypsy folk have played us false before. I wouldn't mind teaching them a lesson... and taking their things." the dark eyed man added with a smirk.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Vallaki hill

Rovana grinned ever so slightly, first at Kasimir. "I see it as getting the job done.. with just some stubbornness." Then at Neku and Jowai. At least their heads were on right. She would chat them up more, but had more important issues at hand, like for example, soon, an alarmed Vistani camp.

She caught her weapon and grinned ever so slightly, having to comment. "Love the new getup. Catching up later. Whats the plan now?" She nodded at 'get going', but stayed behind, letting Damia retreat first.

"Joe!" Rovana shouted, letting her parrot Survey the situation from above, covering her eye again and reasessing. "They're Vistani, if theres a half dozen you see and three hiding badly, theres another three sneaking up on you right now. That said, we don't have to kill them.. all. I feel like finally things are back on tradition... Look lively you mangly crew! Damia, take the lead, you know how Vistani fight, You two, lets not get them all organized." She barked at her impromptu crew, then brandished her own blade, ready to step back.

Rovana raised her voice. "Vistani of Strahds! Welcoming you at this Red Dawn be Captain Rovana, The Reaver and her jolly crew. I apologize for the bad first impression, but I'll give yer a chance at redeeming yerselfs for it by handing over all yer valuables forthwith. If you do, we'll claim only what you've taken in the name of Strahd as your false tribute, none of the heirlooms belonging of the Vistani. If however ye chose to resist, we'll take what we want and give nothing back and those that resist, shall join yer friend upon the floor." Rovana shouted, sending a command at Joe to assist by distracting where needed, ready to fall back if the Vistani did not surrender.. only to sneak back and strike from a flank afterwards.

Intimidation of.. 10 prolly not enough.
Rovana is keeping a move action readied to retreat out of melee range and draw her crossbow, also, trying to get a better read on what they face through Joe before striking at any possible priority targets.. either easy to take down to intimidate them, or someone appearing similiar to madam Eva for this group.
Presuming they don't surrender, moving away, only to move flank, stealth as bonus and attack with prefered cutlass, less prefered if range is necessary crossbow.

Total:15 (Or 23, if she manages to attack with advantage through stealth)

(presuming cutlass, reduced by 2 for crossbow):
oooh naughty rolls.. 21 total!




Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Combat at the Vistani Encampment

The early hour of dawn paired with what seemed to be typical Vistani drinking the night before had led to most of the camp being slow to awaken. This was a much larger camp than Madame Eva's, and Rovana suspected that if she remained around here for very long, the numbers would be untenable.

Already there were nine Vistani, seven men and two women, wielding daggers, short swords, hatchets and light cross bows which they were snatching from their wagons, which formed a ring along the top of the hill, which contained a magnificent, round tent, not unlike in size to a circus tent. tethered to stakes driven into the ground were two dozen horses. Most of these were draft horses, but six or so seemed like riding horses, and they looked as if they were already prepared for setting out. These particular horses were about 50 feet away from Rovana, through the middle of the encampment.

One of the Vistani, who emerged from the nearest wagon, came around the corner and was easily run through by Rovana's blade. This was soon followed by a second Vistana, whose blade Rovana parried with ease. Likely this man was still recovering from a hangover by how uncoordinated he was.

Other Vistani fell upon Rovana's crew, but quickly found their efforts rebuffed. Rovana and Jowai each deftly gave their nearest opponents a grievous but non lethal wound that sent them sprawling backward and crawling desperately away from the fight. Neku sidestepped a wild swing from a jabbering woman's axe, and then with ruthless effeciency, sent his open palm into the woman's head, his hand glowing with a dark violet energy that impacted upon the Vistani, dropping her lifeless to the ground at his feet.

At the sight of the interlopers handling themselves so well in melee, the next wave of waking gypsies were loading crossbows and grabbing arrows.

"The horses!" Damia cried, and ran to the animals. With a blur of motion, Neku seemed to move at inhuman speed, running past Damia to arrive at the horses and quickly untethering the nearest pair.

"Oi, 'Captain', you any good at riding a horse?" Jowai asked as he warded off one last overeager combatant.

Rovana had one gypsy fighter between her and a relatively clear run to the horses. However, there would soon be a volley of arrows coming her way if she hung around.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Vallaki hill

"Second thought, this place is bigger than what I've seen. We'll have to replan the robbery." Rovana realized-informed. "I dunno." She responded in regards to her ability with horses.:

"Lets find out." As she lifted her blade, cutting at the man before her.. she planned to either take him down, or wound his sword arm, allowing her to rush past him and towards the horses.

"Head towards the west, then south. We want to follow the Raven River, but if they try to pursue us we head up to the shores of lake Zarovich; I'll have a little suprise for them." She informed, calling Joe to her side in case of any stray arrows going wild with her and ready to attempt to mount one of the horses, ready to ride off before the situation got all too.. prickley.

Attack roll:Roll(1d20)+6:

Doesn't matter though, as Just trying to attack something in melee allows a swashbuckler to move away without aoo chances.

Move plus dash around and towards horseys.

Handle animal: Roll(1d20)+3:
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

The Vistani Encampment

With a warding slash of her cutlass, Rovana was able to feint and then duck under the Vistani's weapons, using her quickness and nimbleness to dash and cut through the encampment. Running up a convenient stack of gathered firewood, she leaped onto the saddle of the horse that Neku had just finished untethering. It neighed, but was well tamed enough to not buck her off. Damia swung up onto her palfrey next to the captain, while Jowai hustled to catch up. The half-orc ducked under a bolt, and glowering menacingly enough at a remaining axe-wielding Vistana to make the man think better of remaining in his way.

Neku handed the reins of a large horse over to his companion, before swinging up on his own sleek looking coarser. A bow-wielding Vistani took aim and fired an arrow right into the center of the dark-eyed man's chest, but amazingly it snapped off of it a though it had struck stone. Neku stared at the man, who stood dumb in disbelief, before suddenly grabbing his head and screaming as he fell to his knees.

Neku and Jowai snapped their reins and caught up with Rovana and Damia, as the four riders galloped down the road leading from the top of the hill. Behind them, the gathering Vistani crowd's shouts faded into the distance.

They rode quickly, until there appeared to be no one following them, and they were headed west on the Old Svalich Road, with Vallaki now out of sight behind them.

Damia broke the silence as Joe the Parrot found his way onto Rovana's shoulder.

"Fancy that... me trying to figure out how to rescue you for two days... and then I get caught by those good for nothings and you end up saving me."

The girl shook her dark hair and huffed, then cast a glance at the two men. "Who're you?"

The pair introduced themselves with simply their names.

"Just a couple sailors who ended up coming to strange shores," Neku added. "We sailed under Captain Imh Thoth, aboard the Fanged Death. We... came upon a storm... a storm without wind, yet still a fury upon the water. Mist arose out of the ocean, until we were all blinded by it. Then we ran aground, and the captain ordered a scouting party to head out into the unknown. There were ten of us to begin with. We climbed a steep ascent, then came upon a forest. Something in the mist hunted us then... Ten became nine, then seven... then four... Jowai and I found a fast running river as the last two were silenced. We jumped in and rode the water current into a flipping big lake. We've been living off the land for weeks. It gets scary out here at night. Wolves."

"They make good eating, them wolves." Jowai grunted.

"Okay... more pirates then?" Damia rose a brow and looked at Rovana.

For her part, Rovana would vaguely have heard of Imh Thoth, Captain of the Fanged Death. Apparently of part Masetian descent, he was known as a dreaded pirate who preferred to hire exiles and cutthroat outlaws on his crew. He sailed the Southern Seas though, and so his area of operation was not near the Great Bay where Rovana had sailed.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Vallaki hill-> The flight!

"You have some.. interesting tricks." Rovana remarked at Neku during the ride. She wouldn't ask further unless he volunteered any information.. some men joined a crew to forget, they were pirates, nothing more mattered.
She definitly couldn't make people fall over by staring at them though. Neither had she heard of anyone that could. Frankly, it felt kind of like cheating, she felt. She also made sure to give the Vistani-camp a parting:

"Thats what happens if you mess with pirates!" feeling her spirits lift between this and Ludmillas earlier words about truly desiering the piratess sinking in.

"Heh. Well, you're part of my crew, you help me, I help you... lets not speak about who got in what situation, lets just say Lady Wachter turned out to be a devil worshipper, the serious kind, a few.. not fool proof aspects of the plan went awry." Rovana nodded. "Also.. ugh, they didn't tell me that riding one of these things would make your butt sore.." Her first time riding a horse, after all.

"Indeed, they are more pirates. By the by, apologies for dragging you two into the fight like this, I'd tell you it wasn't a potential part of the plan, but you'd know I'd be lying.. we got good horses out of it, it seems.. plus this innocent girl likes to hear tall tales from faraway lands from strong men." She informed, riding a little closer to the two sailormen... without lowering her voice, ensuring that Damia still heard her..

"Well then, seeing as I'm in need of a crew and you lack a captain, how about you sail with me, free to leave as the code allows. I have a ship and a plan, though, to be fair, its dangerous, more dangerous than what you've seen yet.. oh, right, introductions, This is Joe, the Lookout, Damia, Quartermistress. My first mate is.. currently napping. A dark lass with beau.. bears strength and.. fierce eyes, she'll join us in the night, though sadly, for now, she's under a spell of some scurvy ridden dog that fancies himself this lands master.. propably because he is. Names Strahd and if you see him, or any other of his wenches, propably wiser to retreat, I put a bolt straight in his face and he didn't blink." Rovana explained, as they rode on. "Kind of like you did just now but.. well, I have faith in my aim. Things I hit usually don't just shrug it off." She cleared her throat.

"We're currently riding down west, then to the south along a river, to find some treesap or other such nonsense, though a lot of things about here are more than they seem. This Strahd fellow may not even be the main problem, but more to that as it arises." She tipped her chin... then quickly reached down, holding to the reins again. She adapted well, but not that well that she could ride without focusing on it. At least, now she could fantasize about being a noble warrior-princess on her noble steed, whilest her dark knight Ludmilla.. She shook her head quickly. This was most definitly not the right time, as interesting as the bouncing between her legs felt to a part of her.

"Damia, do you know anything of the Yesterhill ... oh, or while at it, of the Mad mage, beyond hearsay? Or would perhaps your grandmother know more? I've met the man and I've yet to decide if he be friend or foe.. enemy of my enemy can still attack me just for associating with a woman of an unliving persuasion... and with these horses, I could make my way to there and back again without a day lost.." She pondered, whilest herself responding to the Orc-man and the unholy blooded: "I've heard of Imh Thoth, but not much, so he be around these parts still? Where did he land?.. Whats wolf taste like?" Just like Damias fate with the other Vistani group, another pirate could be a dangerous threat, or a valuable ally.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

The Crew
Old Svalich Road, West of Vallaki

Damia eventually stopped looking over her shoulder after about a mile without further pursuit, but along the way grew more and more willing to share what had happened since last they had seen one another.

"When you didn't come back, I was prepared to move in and get you, but Joe found me first. It took a bit, but eventually I figured out that the 'scurvy dogs' had you bound up, but alive.

"I went to stay at the inn to have a think about things, and I met up with Marlena, that raven shifter girl again. Her family runs the Blue Water Inn there and have been keeping an eye on things. I shared what had happened and they took turns watching the Wachterhaus in raven form. The Lady Wachter had all sorts of people coming and going to her house, getting busier and busier as the lead up to the festival went on. Vistani disguised as commoners brought in large boxes in and out of the house, and over to the warehouse district in town. The Baroness was released and went back to her husband the day before the festival, but we found out that a woman named Ludmilla - a vampire - had requested you to be delivered to the castle. We followed the procession, and attacked, trying to ambush them, but they were ready for us somehow. I was captured and Marlena escaped. It turned out they were just taking a chest to Ravenloft with something treasured inside of it - you were sent out with an unarmed guard. This man, Arrigal, he was the leader of this band, and he questioned me. Called me a traitor to the blood, and said I would have to be a wife to that pig, Mielo, as a way to make amends. Suddenly this wizard fellow waded in among everyone and started casting spells. Arrigal took me and a few others back to the camp, leaving the others to die at the hands of that mad spellcaster. And... well, the rest should be obvious... I had to put up with a very annoying night... fortunately Mielo had too much wine and couldn't get it up. And in the morning you came along before he could do anything terrible."

Later, after Damia had shared her tale, Neku added his own tidbits.

"You both seem to be good at getting into trouble," he grinned. "But good at getting out of it too, and that's what counts in the end."

He nodded to Rovana, who had acknowledged his 'tricks.'

"You're right captain, I do have my little tricks. When I was a child, I ventured into the Shadow Lands by accident. A place where the veil between worlds was thin. I met a traveler, lost like me, and journeyed with him. He taught me to look within myself for power, to unlock the hidden potential of my own mind, and through my mind I was able to master my body."

He looked at his hands and arms, holding them out in front of him and turning them over.

"I am still learning much about what I can do. I was parted with my mentor before I could learn all that he might have told me. I found my way back to Cerilia, stepping through a portal onto the Isle of the Serpent. Fortunately, Thoth was in port on a lucrative deal, and he allowed me to join his crew."

Neku's story was an odd one, though no stranger than Rovana's own backstory. The Shadow World was a dark, fey place filled with wild and negative energies that clung to the real world like a shadow, hence its name. It was considered a realm of death, where the Cold Rider and the fey of the Unseelie Courts ruled, though it supposedly held dark beauty as well.

As for the Isle of the Serpent, it was a place that even pirates feared to go. Ruled by an awnshegh who could - if the tales were true - take the form of an enormous snake and cast terrible magics.

"So what's his story?" Damia asked Jowai.

The half-orc shrugged.

"Me mother got taken by a raid to the Five Peaks. She got passed around to different tribes before being traded to Thurazor. I popped out when she was owned by the goblin king, and I grew up a slave warrior for his army, trained by the hobgoblins for their military auxilliaries. We waged war on Dhoesone, and during that fighting, my troop was wiped out. I survived and deserted. Traveled north for a while along the coast, before offering my services to a free trader. Got to a pirate port, signed up with Thoth. Pirated.... got caught up in this mist nonsense... now I'm here. Ain't life a peach?"

The group bounced along for a while, having shared their tales and listening to Rovana go into detail about her own experiences, if she wanted to. Otherwise, small talk and the occasional reminiscing about Cerilia happened, much to Rovana's nostalgic delight. Neku confirmed that Thoth and his ship were somewhere near here, within the mists, though whether he and his men had followed after the initial landing party didn't return, he had no clue. Neku and Jowai seemed not overly sad to be rid of him. Jowai said that Thoth had some strange habits, even for a pirate. Apparently he drank poison regularly, and preferred to make examples of those who displeased him with his venom tipped blades.

The captain eventually asked Damia her follow up questions, to which the Vistana quickly replied.

"Yes, I know of Yesterhill. It's along this road and south of Krezk, past the Wizard of Wines vineyard. It's a slightly dangerous place. Wildfolk and druids gather there. Supposedly its got a lot of old tribal graves surrounding it and a great grove of big trees at the top. As for the mad mage... I never met him personally, but I've heard tell of him. Madame Eva thinks that he's paid a heavy price for his defeat at the falls. She thinks he's made a bargain that has shattered his mind. You say you're not sure if he's friend or foe. It may be that he's under some dark curse, and if freed, he would be an ally."
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
On the road again

Rovana grinned at Damias recounting of what had happened. "I'd not trade Joe for that ugly flying scorpion Wachter had and if you paid me." She remarked, petting Joe.. she almost had forgotten the need to fix him up as well. He didn't seem to much mind his undead state though. Perhaps she'd ask him about that later.
"Marlena.. oh, the bunch that works against Strahd? I see. Ugh, normally I'd say I have unfinished business to deal with at Vallaki, but I can't deal with an entire militia or easily sneak in.. plus last time didn't go well.. and got more important things than revenge.

Well, thanks for your effort either way, you've aided me a lot and all I so far offered you for it was... more excitement than you could've ever have dreamt of, heh.

Oh you have no idea the amount of trouble I.. we can get ourselfs into."
She chuckled at Neku next. "See, whatever you just said I'd dismiss as nonsense philosophy .. iiif I hadn't seen you make people fall over... I'd ask about that trick, but, just a guess, it works best on the living? Those aren't our only opponents. Say.. if you know of shadows, do you know a way to restore a lost shadow? .. Please don't ask how that happened, theres enough stories to tell already." She smirked slightly, then presented her own shadow, or rather lack thereof, by pointing at the horses shadow, if Neku hadn't realized it yet, then she chuckled ever so slightly... it looked slightly odd. Like having no mirror image, wasn't that another vampire thing? She ought to test that out. Perhaps she'd have a slightly faded, pale image only, to mark her as Ludmillas.. She shook her head, blushing at the idea of reclaiming her shadow so it could serve her beautiful mis.. miss Ludmilla. "Err.. or does having no shadow have any benefits perchance, you know, like resisting others of you that want to do.. whatever you did to the Vistani." Rovana considered, then sighed.

"Well, I have some training of my own to do. I'd like to ... " She shook her head from another hint of melancholy. "I need to get stronger. So, you survived the shadow world. Its it like its tales? Oh, better or worse than this place?" She grinned slightly. "I thought the isle of the serpent was but a legend.. then again, I thought vampires were all pale, seductive cloak wearing types that went after.. pretty, helpless blondes... you know what, stopping whilest I'm ahead."

She hesitated. She had used her beauty, but with a lot of pirates being superstitious about women she hadn't really -felt- pretty. When had that changed? She looked down on herself.. the elegant armor, the cloak flying behind her.. she blushed ever so slightly, in thought for a moment. Am I actually pretty enough to just.. deserve her desire? She only tangentially followed Jowais story, having guessed something similiar before she agreed. "Aye to the mist nonsense, though a ship strong enough could sail away from these mists and to better places, I'm certain.. but theres.. things to deal with first." And a strong ship needs a strong captain, else its just a larger bunch of wood. She thought, but then grinned, adding: "Plus all five of us seem to have a talent of getting into messes. Yar harr harrr.. I'm starting to think the main reason I'm the captain is because -I- get into the biggest messes." She laughed with gallows humor, but honest humor nonetheless.

With a little hesitation, Rovana shared the story of Dagon, or at least, what she knew. Damia had heard pretty much all of it if she was also aware of the story of the Deep ones and the only thing the pirate left out was Dagons connection to herself and Molly. "Not sure -what- precisely he.. it, is, not sure what they're up to, beyond breaking free, I just know that they're supposedly as bad news as the Strahd, which, to those who haven't met him.. imagine the worst vampire the old stories tell about.. then go a bit further still." Rovana explained, before listening on to Damia.
"Wild folk? We'll fit right in then. Lets ride up to the grove if nothing gets in the way and keep the horses stationed. A curse after being defeated? Madam Eva is annoyingly right, I think the mage said something about that, but I'm still hesitant. He was arrogant enough to rival Strahd even as he was and already has caused many people pain with that. He's making this harder than it already is by keeping something I need away from me, hoping I could somehow find a cure to madness, or perhaps his lost staff or book.. as if I had a clue about magical things... I mean.. yes, I have some things on me.. but.. ugh. Frankly, Neku or you are the only ones who could propably even tell me if what I see is a spellbook or a cookbook written in an exotic language before me. Either way.. I guess he is the ally Eva predicted to me, at the same time, every last of her predictions also was close to mortal danger to me.. fool me twice and all that. Not that I'd mind having a powerful mage indepted to me, but I also wouldn't mind a barrel of rum that refills as soon as you drink from it, doesn't mean I expect to find one. Plus I'm busy enough trying to save the entrapped mind of one who actually values me." Plus.. didn't Lady Eva say something.. "Plus, thinking about it, when reviving me, didn't Eva also speak of prices paid?.." She hadn't grown insane, at least.. she thought so? If she was insane, wouldn't she think she was sane? Part of madness was after all not realizing your insanity, right? The Mage seemed to have to though.. She avoided thinking about it too much. "She also said death is dangerous. If the mage has lost his mind in returning, has something happened to me as well?" She wondered. "Because, I feel.. frankly, sobered and more cautious than normal if anything... don't laugh. Babysteps."

Rovana sighed, then shrugged. "Then again, with the horses and your help I could transport the skull.. another story, basically, next up on the charter is burying a dragons skull, so perhaps I don't need to somehow cure or fight the mage. Ugh.. but he still also has the Dilisnyas body. All I wish to do is to put some long dead corpse to proper rest." Rovana sighed, then, towards Neku and Jowai added, uncharacteristic, at least for her old self: "A word of caution, let the dead rest if you have a chance.. one day you might find yourself at the mercy of the living yourself." volunteered continuing with her story to go on.

"No reason to lie to you.. I'm neither magically talented, powerful or special, all I know to do is to swing a sword swiftly and.. just somehow survive odds that should have killed me five times over. Frankly, that mage propably far excells me in power, yet somehow suspects me to fix his curse. Me? .. I've died too easy already... more than once. Granted, I never stayed dead, but each time got me into more trouble. I'm paying up the easier death first.. though Ludmilla expects me to find something more atop these hills." Though what could that be? This can't be the mountains peak the brazier described, sounds a lot more like Strahd would want a shortcut to his temple, just in case anyone tries to mess with it... oooh! Thinking about it, thats something to report already, actually.. damn it though, I can't lie to the elf about scouting the mountains already. Should have promised on something other than the code..
This also means I shouldn't dawdle and get the skull the next morning if possible, if I had a place that held a secret to my powers and an infinite lifespan, well.. timespan. I'd check up on it periodically, just for my own paranoia..
Rovana exhaled.

"One more thing, " She hesitated, for a moment considering Ludmillas.. influence on her and asking Damia, or perhaps also Neku about .. more, but she felt a brief, guilty tingling of pleasure at just keeping the real reason for her pale skin secret.. though likely, Damia could guess at it after watching her.

"... as you speak of wild creatures and we are nearing Krezk, if you happen to see a black, muscular man that turns into one of the wolf-creatures, speak my name.. he owes me no debt, but will recognize you as not foes.. well, if he survived. I figure he might have turned here, as those with a darker skin color.. incidentially, I wonder, how come there are people of so dark a skincolor in Barovia? Where I hail from they are only found far away, where theres lots of sun. They speak of sand, as far as the eyes can see.. not very inviting either.." She looked over to Damia. "Hmnn.. I guess I could just ask if you've ever visited Krezk or know of its history." Rovana asked, scolding herself for not questioning the elf who indubitably had lived longer than Damia earlier about Krezk. She wondered if Ludmilla had reasons not wishing to return... then again, hearing what Strahd had done to the elves had made her wonder if some things were perhaps left in the past. Just how many centuries has Strahd tortured these people? I can almost understand the peoples mood. She shook her head. Why would a proper pirate feel pity for those that didn't try anything to save themselfs?

She'd slow down the horses, to allow Joe to fly up and scout ahead with an aerial view of the area below if they got close to the hills without trouble.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)




The Old Svalich Road, heading West.

Soon after their leaving the sight and sounds of distant Vallaki, and the hilltop encampment behind, Rovana and her troupe passed a small bridge over a misty river that flowed from north to south. Beyond this was an intersection, but Damia interjected before any decision could be made.

"This is the Luna River, not the Raven River. We must travel further before we turn aside. Ahead of us still is the road to Krezk and the Tsolenka Pass to Mount Ghakis. To the north is Lake Baratok, which is the source of the Raven River, that runs east to west. To the south..."

Damia paused, frowning. "Nothing but pain lies to the south. Ruins and a swamp. We should not go there."

As it was Rovana's stated desire to pursue their course westward to the Raven River, there would be little reason to veer off course at this juncture, but the parrot flew up at the pirate captain's behest just to glimpse the roads in either direction. It was a foggy day, as per usual, but a small lake in the rising elevations to the north became visible to confirm what Damia said. Joe then flew south for a ways, as the road turned into little more than an overgrown path that seemed to have not been traveled for centuries. Undead as the parrot was, Rovana could sense through what Joe saw a feeling of dread as the land soured, and the familiar had the strong inclination to turn back. There was nothing for the captain here...

Joe flew back to Rovana and settled again on her shoulder, receiving his pets and wobbling his eye-patched head this way and that, at comfort.

In the meanwhile, Neku seemed willing to talk a bit more about his powers.

"That talent I have is what my mentor called a 'mind thrust,'" Neku explained. "It works on those who have intelligent thoughts. If I can overcome their mental defenses, I can drop them. It works better on the weak of mind... but it's a talent that I have not fully explored. My training was turned inward. I use my mental abilities to enhance my body - my strength, my speed, my endurance."

The dark eyed man spread his arms and let his vest fall away, allowing Rovana to observe his finely sculpted body, lean and muscular like an Adonis. Neku was a specimen of what a handsome and fit man was to be.

"I cannot equal Jowai's orog-blooded strength, but in any given strike, I am able to set my mind in motion. By the methods of Gith, my thoughts acquire speed, my muscles acquire force, and my body becomes a weapon. Mind and body as one."

"And he's humble, too," Jowai grunted dryly, to which Neku lowered his hands and smiled.

"Being humble is for penitents and beggars. We are corsairs. The Captain Rovana is not shy, and neither should we be. Now then... what's that you said about a shadow?"

The mystic considered for a moment then responded.

"In my journey through the Shadow World, I came across living darkness. Animated void that acted with malevolence. My mentor told me that such things could be made from the shadows of the dead - ones who had ceased to have need of them - and be filled with necrotic energy and a hatred for the living, or depending on their creation, a more specific hatred. It is this hatred that sustains them, and as they are shadow, they are anathema to the light. My assumption would be that if your shadow was taken in this realm, where death is an ever present, yet oddly different thing, then perhaps you will need to destroy the spell that animates your shadow, before it can be returned to you."

Damia quietly spoke after him.

"He is not wrong, Rovana, but your shadow is taken from you by a curse. I know the nature of curses... my people deal in them regularly, and my tribe more than most. Only great magic or the payment of something equal in value for what you bargained for may truly lift such a curse and return your shadow to you. That was your price - a shadow. I imagine for the Mad Mage, the price was his sanity."

The Vistana said this with such sad certainty that it stunned Neku into somber silence, and even Jowai turned to regard the gypsy with a profundity that was at odds with his thus far irreverent demeanor.

After a long pause, Neku turned to the captain. "My powers work on the mind, not through shadows. I would presume the only advantage of not having a shadow is that no magic could be used to turn it further against you."


As they moved westward through the winding Svalich road and dips and crests through vale and valley, Rovana recited the tale of Dagon, the mysterious entity of the deep whose spirit was present here in the Mists, and to whom her sword and various objects had a meaningful connection. This, paired with her recollection of the Deep One in the Wachterhaus, produced looks of surprise.

"We have seen similar creatures. Foul things from the water, with the likeness of drowned men. Like the undead zombies that litter these roads at night, yet they are connected to the rivers, lakes and... somehow the sea, though there is nothing in this realm that we have seen to indicate a way to get to a place of saltwater. Jowai and I tried for days to get back up the river to the Fanged Death, but the mists blocked us at every turn, forcing us onto this road. I've not heard of Dagon before, but just the name gives me an eerie feeling - like saying it aloud is a blasphemy that will draw an unwelcome gaze upon me."

Jowai merely grunted, displeased.


An hour and a half later, having spent much time riding through the woods at a leisurely pace, the four riders and one parrot saw a road jutting south away from the main path and a worn wooden sign saying "to Tsolenka Pass."

"This is the way to Mount Ghakis," said Damia. "It is the path to the foothills and will continue to rise until the weather will turn snowy and bitterly cold. My tribe has paid it little notice, and no Barovian giorgio goes there."

"Barovian what?" Jowai asked.

"Giorgio. It is our term for... non-Vistani."

Jowai chuckled. "The goblins have rude words for outsiders too."

"It is not rude, as we see it. A Vistana is simply born, not made like a pirate. One cannot join the Vistani, but one can leave it... I am going against much of the wishes of my people in journeying away from my Vardo and my father's caravan. But Madame Eva told me it would be all right, that I was destined to not walk the same path as my family. She is the rauna of our tribe. Her word supercedes all others, so my father cannot punish me."


A short while later, continuing west, at last Rovana heard the sounds of a second body of water, a fast flowing river running westward, with a wide wooden bridge crossing it, reinforced underneath by ancient stonework, whose masonry had begun to crumble.

Before the bridge, a road followed the river as it veered west and then bent south. Across the bridge a sign pointed onward and read "Krezk." This would be the home town of Ludmilla, or at least Ludmilla as she had been as a mortal woman - and a noble apparently. Would that mean that some of Ludmilla's family might reside there still?

"Krezk is a high-walled town that does not like the outside world." Damia said when asked about it. "Vistani are not welcome. Outsiders are rarely welcome either unless they have business. It is self-sustaining, trading only in wine, and it is the site of the Abby of St. Markovia. Its people vary in skin-tone, but the darker colors are prevalent there. Old tribes from the wildlands far to the west, where the air is hotter and the weather humid and wet, traveled to Barovia long, long ago and settled. More than that, I do not know. It is giorgio business."


If they chose to follow the road south, as Rovana wished, they would soon come across a figure in the road, standing before them. The figure was dressed in old plate mail, emblazoned with the crest of a large winged lizard - a dragon, in fact, though Rovana had only ever heard of such creatures in wild legend - yet judging by the skull she had seen in Ravenloft, this depicted creature could easily be a symbol of Argynvost.

As they drew closer still, the appearance of the figure's face revealed itself to be undead, with unfeeling eyes that blazed with pin-points of red in the middle of otherwise grey orbs.


The undead warrior regarded them, then in a loud voice said:

"Halt. Whom do you serve?"

Its gauntlet-covered hands rested on the pommel of a large, two handed sword.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
On the road again

"Well now I'm curious as to whats in the south.. but thanks, I'd have gone along the wrong river. Navigating with so much.. ground all around is tedious." The naval captain commented, following Damias lead.

"Yikes, nevermind, had Joe peek at the south, whole place hasn't been traveled for decades it seems and considering what things walk the streets lets spare the places even they'd not head, sometimes I ought to keep my curiosity In check I reckon." She listened to Neku. "A mental thrust.. and then you turned your talents to your own body? Heh, I'll spare you the humor." She glanced over. Without Ludmillas own not unimpressive form in mind she'd be quite tempted, she had to admit.. the pirate captain was ambidextrous in more ways than one after all. "So in other words, a good workout that mental stuff. .. and here I was thinkin the mental types all be lean and lanky."

"Aye, he be right though, Jowai, if someone tries to humble you, prove them wrong." Rovana grinned. Being among fellow pirates really helped her find her center again. Though still she felt as if this place had forever changed her. "Ugh, how do I destroy a spell though? Well, the spellcaster that took me shadow was Strahd and true enough, I died soon after and the shadow seemed rightfully malicious. So .. either the priests of Kreszk have an idea, I stay without shadow.. or I need to find me some divine plunder to throw on Strahd, ideally without hitting Lady Ludmilla in the process." Rovana crossed her arms thoughtfully.

"Hold on, I thought the price was a diamond. You folks here have no idea how to properly bargain." Rovana growled. "And't was Strahd that took it in the first place, moreso, he owes it back unless Ludmilla manages to fulfill his bet.. another long story, so he be the one to pay the debt.. ugh, but honorless cur wont do it anyway. Well, if its already against me, no point in turning it further on me I guess, lovely." She pondered.. "Well, for now, its not like I feel any worse off for it, but we might have to make a stop to talk to a priestly gettogether, little as I like them religious lot, I heard the priests of Kreszk have a knowing of shadows, savy."

"Whys everything about here requiering great magic anyway. Restoring the mages mind, restoring my shadow, reviving a Banshee, if they wanted a great mage they should have summoned a proper witch to this place." Rovana shook her head, riding on along the winding road.

"The curse of the Black spot. Thats what he be, matey. Perhaps the pirates invented him, or perhaps he invented the pirates, or perhaps both existed, but the pirates made use of him unknowingly. Damia, perhaps can tell more, but the pirates got a curse all of their own, for the worst of betrayers, for those that break the code and kill one of theirs, for the executioner that wouldn't just hang a pirate but steal his boots and hat for himself.. we draw a message on one side and make the other all black. Then, it needs to be placed, the blackness first, upon the victims hand. Its said that those that don't end themselfs recieving it don't live long. I had one prepared when that Bastard Strahd killed a .. temporary crewmember, at his gravesite, drenched in rum, ink and.. well, the dirt where he stood on, there was no blood left...

Either way, I decided not to use it once I learned its origin. Oh and I ain't afraid and never felt odd saying the name. Dagon!"
She shrugged. "Perhaps if you got a sword stuck in yer gut theres no need to fear a dagger. Either way, yes, theres both a nasty vampire and his minions, and the deep ones and Dagon here, I guess, technically, I'm a deep one, if the only prerequesite be to drown, I just don't follow any master but the code. Just.. don't go skippy dipping into Lady Zarovich for now." She adviced, despite what she had done earlier... then she shrugged. "Well, you know what you do when you see two mighty warships from different kings in the same waters, you stay back and loot the remains." She grinned slightly, though a part of her was certain it wouldn't be that easy.

"Theres sure a lot of woods about here..." Rovana complained, also not used to so much greenery. "Hey lets play a game, I see something htats now Jowai and its green.. right, its one of those damned hundreds of trees."

"Tsolenka pass hmnn.. perhaps we'll try scouting it on the way back as tasked of me, get that all of my back."

"Interesting. So being Vistana, really, is like nobility, and you will continue being Vistani unless you break your code, which you haven't because of Evas words. Piracy meanwhile is something you choose to be... sure, you can get what many pirates yearn for, a letter of Marque, to become a privateer, but you still are a pirate, you simply treat a nation and noble as your crew. .. well, others may see it differently, but I say you, once the sea gets into you, it wont get out, you may crave a harbour to call your home.." perhaps lead by a cabal of beautiful vampiresses, none as wicked as Strahd of course, but all glad to welcome back exotic tastes from the seas.. slaves, runaways, all men and women that would have a worse life if they stayed where they be, like the three with me. Proper nobility that rules over their port-city with centuries of wisdom and gentle bites.. Rovana quickly shook herself out of the fantasy to go on.. "But piracy is something thats in your blood, you can be a scoundrel pirate, a noble pirate, ugly and spiteful, or beautiful and heroic, it changes your methods, now what you are. There are respected capatains, but.. no leaders, never for long. No proper captain would follow another beyond a mutual goal. If an older captain feels a younger one has strayed too far from the code, well, I told you of the black spot before." She shrugged..

Rovana thoughtfully eyed the sign.."Krezk.. so thats how you spell it.
Suspicious? -Hmn.. I can't blame them, considering the outside world..

Hrmnn.. interesting. I'd try knocking, but first, we have other things to do, to the south, if I'm not mistaken. Say, Neku, can you turn off the.. eye-thing? The abs thing might help with female guards, but the eyes ruin any honest first impressions, price of your powers eh?"

And then they came upon another, suprisingly unhostly undead. Rovana answered on instinct: "The Code and none but ourselfs...." then, after a moments hesitation and sorting the symbolism to what she has seen already. "That said, looking at you..." wait, hold on, didn't Ludmilla speak of an order.. lets try and turn on the noble..

She lifted her head high, expression calm, avoiding eye contact with the skeleton, not because it wasn't an.. interesting sight, but because she tried to act lilke it was beneath her noble. Compared to earlier at vallaki gates her 'noble act' had definitly improved at least. Now, what did Ludmilla call them.. "With what authority do you block mine way, knight of the silver dragon? I'm on an important mission, not the least part of which is returning your masters skull to its rightful resting place. Your honor should compel you to assist us not halt us like a bandit upon these streets would." Rovana found herself suprisingly less shocked by talking to a walking, armored up skeleton, her past experiences had left her a bit hardened up to it
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Beyond the Raven River

Damia merely nodded at Rovana taking her warning about the road to the south to heart, and her eyes seemed to lose some small amount of anxiety at having mentioned it in the first place.

Neku shrugged when the captain responded to his description of his abilities.

"There's little left that I haven't heard, as far as humor about my powers goes. Many a sailor thinks it's amusing. Never got a joke out of anyone I tried it on though. And no woman from any port has had cause for complaint about my use of physical enhancement." He grinned and held out his arms, letting them flex slightly, to show off his muscle tone. "I would hardly call myself lanky."

"Compared to me, ye are," Jowai grunted.

Again, it was Damia who cryptically was providing the more direct answers about Rovana's shadow woes.

"Divine spells may be able to ward off a curse. Perhaps there is a priest in Krezk who could perform a ritual. Or some other sort of divine spellcaster. Perhaps even this Dagon creature could be bargained with."

Neku winced at the name being spoken aloud again.

"Somehow I doubt a creature of the deep - the black spot no less - is going to be so easily bartered with. Would be one hell of a parley. Best to leave this vampire and this deep king to fight each other as Rovana says."


Damia guffawed at Rovana's assertion that Vistani were like nobility.

"You couldn't be more wrong, oh Captain Reaver, ma'am. We are nothing like nobility. In fact, we are its anathema. And to be of the blood... the blood of my people, is a far more complex thing than the inheritance of land or a family name. But yes, there is a code, a language, a history. But none can be learnt by a giorgio - I'm sorry, captain, but that would include you. Even if I were to tell you, you would not understand.

"The sea, your sea, calls to me. But no port will be my home, no boat my nation, no crew my people, lest I cease to be what I am. And though I reject my father's wishes for me, I do not abandon my blood. To be Vistani is to not have a home or a nation, and there is only one family. But this does not mean I shall not travel with you."

"Sounds like your loyalty is in question," Neku offered softly, in a neutral tone.

"On the contrary, the mere fact that I traveled with Captain Rovana willingly was the reason for my forced partnership to that oaf on the hill. Were I to return to my people now, I may expect to face judgement for that deed. I could be on my way to exile." Damia held her head up high, growing stony faced at the mention of this touchy subject.


Neku had shrugged at the mention of his eyes.

"What has been seen, cannot be unseen. My eyes are the window unto my mind, reflecting the Stars of Gith, who burn dark on my irises. The burning is a warning."

Damia gave the mystic warrior an odd look, and Jowai explained with a wave of his meaty hand.

"He's always saying that weird tripe. Best to just ignore it. There ain't no meaning to it that I can ken."

Neku closed his eyes and proceeded to meditate while on horseback.


The meeting with an unlikely undead.

The dark figure, whose eyes were filled with unmistakable malice and hate regarded Rovana for a long moment, then spoke again in its gravelly voice.

"The Master of the Order of the Silver Dragon is long dead. The skull of his desecrated corpse was brought to the Castle Ravenloft. We who are the risen spirits of the dead knights, exist to destroy those who serve Strahd - in any form... but you are wrong.

"No honor is left to us, only vengeance. And that is denied to us, for Vladimiir Horngaard, greatest of our knights, forbids any attack upon the evil conqueror. If you would restore the corpse of the creature who united champions of good long ago, then you must journey to Argynvostholt, and convince Horngaard to allow the assault to proceed. There is nothing that I would desire more than to let my cold blade sunder the very pillarstone of that damned castle. Until then, I guard the roads, and I kill those who would call Strahd master. There are many such creatures here. Wolves, lycanthropes, blighted plants, and humans with evil hearts. My blade drinks deeply of them.

"A gathering of such foes lies to the south. I believed you to be joining them. But you are not dressed like them, and I perceive no obvious sign of treacherous allegiance."

Rovana instinctively checked and saw that her cloak was obscuring the markings on her neck. Perhaps it would be best to not let this creature see that, as it appeared to have missed it thus far.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Raven river talks and beyond

Rovana grinned at Jowai and Nekus competitive spirit. "If Dagon is anything like Strahd, I don't trust it. I don't like the idea of it connected to my soul either.. then again, neither do I trust the priestly lot... perhaps we'll see how easy it is to get into Krezk.. I seem to have a talent for getting into things, getting out be another thing, savy." She chuckled. "The problem is those creatures, at least Strahd, don't even respect the rules of proper hostmanship and parley, let it be said I'll not rob people while they are still on my ship." Rovana considered in response. "Well, if I have a choice. Anyway."

But her point made, they rode on, chuckling about Damia reacting the way she did about nobility. "Well, it sounds a lot like a high society as I heard of it, refusing itself from anyone but those born into it, speaking of unusual blood.." There was just the subtlest of hints of bitterness in Rovanas voice. She had dismissed nobility so far, but only on stories and principle, after meeting the more.. hands on people of these lands and exspecially Luldmilla she could buy into some tales of heroism. But more than that, the image of the beautiful, innocent noble maiden wooed by the dark, vampiric seductress just refused to stay out of her mind ever since Ludmillas first kiss upon the pirates neck.. just sinking into those strong, dark arms, feeling herself wanted, desired, lusted after, helpless to resist..

"That said, Vistani you be, pirate you be too, it's not impossible to say 'I'm a Orog, a vampire, a werewolf but a pirate, similiarly, to me you are Vistana and pirate, for as long as you observe the codes of both, and the former I have no clue about, so that'll be easy enough for yer. If yer people judge you just for whom you travel with, their loss. A pirate would laugh at you if they found you in wrong company. Its fairly hard to exile an exiled one. Most pirates stories are like Nekus and Jowais, ostracized, down on your luck, even the odd banished noble or naval captain willing to do more.. or less, than he is told by the merchants he used to serve, few chose to adopt the label like I did, few spent their first few pilfered coins to bear the Jolly Roger upon their chests but even someone taking it more.. serious than I would mock and insult, not ostracize you for associating with even the worst of non pirates, like the priests and the watchdogs and their executioners, better to make friends where you can..." Rovana tipped her chin. "Chosing to be banished to seek freedom, rather than out of necessity, is something to be admired." She finally smiled to Damia.

"A warning hmn?" She looked at Neku "Not everyone welcomes you if they see the sabre by your side, all I'm saying." She understood a bit more than Jowai, about power, though without knowing more of this Gith thing, little point in theorizing further. For now, Neku seemed to be a valuable ally.

-Facing the Undead-

Rovana, more or less sucessfully, held her horse steady in face of the undead warrior before them. She propably ought to feel more adventurous and noble riding upon her steed, personally, she was just glad that the Vistani horse was well trained and tolerant of its light rider. She reconsidered her earlier plans of attempting to steal Strahds coach while he was distracted and shook her head.. lucky she hadn't taken that foolhardy risk, she rather commanded boats than horses. Exspecially magical boats, that needed no rowing. But for now, she had to wonder. A gathering of those loyal to Strahd, yet Ludmilla had hinted at a potentially pleasant suprise? Well, the vampiress wasn't aware of all that was going on, lady Wachter had proven that. Then again, the skeleton also seemed the quick do condemn sort as well and as long as she could hide or reveal her mark, she could act for both sides, hopefully. "Just who or what can we find to the south? We are heading to the Yesterhill ahead, I'd rather not stumble into a gathering of those loyal to Strahd-" She hesitated, then, focusing her speech, added. "Lest my blade be compelled similiar to yours along the way, though, I'd like to avoid joining your ranks all too soon. Wait, if you hunt down these creatures, why aren't you there fighting at the moment?

Either way, stay your blade knight of Argynvost, know that I have not the time to share all of my desires, but right now I am working to diminish the Dark master of Ravenloft. Infact, I already have, the skull is in Ravenloft no longer... though I need make haste, before its temporary hiding place is uncovered."
She grinned, wondering if she could trust the creature. She decided not to give away more yet, it was propably the lack of eyes... Also, not attacking Strahd? Perhaps the undead could be controlled by him if they came to close, either way, they lacked the strength to help her, but perhaps they could help with the skull?

"Thinking about it, if you are allowed to roam these lands, you could assist me, either in retrieving it, or against the servants of Strahd." She suggested, expectantly, innocently pulling her cloak a little closer around her chest. She also avoided hinting that a hammer was propably better suited at sundering pillars than a sword, the creature didn't seem the humorous kind.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


"Wild men and their shamans. They worship Strahd as if he were some god. Their primitive minds are not far from ghouls - yet they are of the living. I have journeyed to Yesterhill many times to slay them. They cut down my body eventually. Overwhelming me. The last dozen times, I have been slain by their conjured blights. Plant creatures animated by dark sorcery. There is little vengeance gained in slaying such things, and my blade goes unsatisfied. Yet still, I pursue them with each reincarnation of my spirit."

The creature raised its dark, ancient blade high in the air.

"My hatred is undying. But I am no mindless undead. I saw that there were many gathered, and so I have resolved to cut down those that approach this gathering, so that I might slay more, before I am cut down once again. Perhaps with you and your companions, I might be able to better slay the druids who summon these hated blights in Strahd's name."

He then considered Rovana's words about the skull.

"If you know of its location, and you are dedicated to returning it, then do you not hasten to it? Where is the skull of Argynvost?"
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Guard of the southern hills

"I see, I imagined wild would mean throwing spears and wearing teeth-necklaces not.. more animal than human. Foolish. Strahd is not even a false god." She hesitated. Perhaps with her vampiric marking she could make her way to the hills -without- summoned plants murdering her. The only downside of course, was that letting grim and undead know of her.. affliction might lead to a similiar reaction the Mad Mage had shown her, with less of a chance to respond.

"Perhaps we could help, but the four of us have only limited lives to give, even if I agree with your cause. I need to retrieve something from the hills top to fulfill an oath of mine helping one Strahd has wronged as well, us dying along the way if there is too many of these men would help little in the long run." She decided to leave out the whole 'wanting to be a bride to Strahd' part this time.

"Why I have no dragon skull on me? For one look at me, do I look as if I have the strength to carry a great dragons skull? It was enough a task to smuggle it out of the castle, frankly, it cost me my life, so I know how you feel." She looked more directly at the undead. "You can move, yet you can't feel, no cold, no hunger, no pain, only the desire that drives you on, unendingly and you will never stop, worse, your leader forbids you fulfill what could bring you and many in this land peace.. but I guess he has good reasons." She sighed.

"Alright, I shall trust you. Tsolenka pass. Upon the mountains height, Strahd has an unholy sanctuary, this many know, but what few know is that somewhere close there is apparently way to teleport to this sanctuary. I managed to bring the skull away from Strahds disgusting trophy room of bones in Ravenloft and magically transport it upon the mountains spire, I don't know its exact location just this destination. Further knowing I lacked the strength to carry it on my own and of dangers on that mountain, I first traveled to find the means to. She pondered, then sighed a bit at herself. "Just not.. strong enough.."

"There are many a danger on Tsolenka pass, but danger means little to you. Perhaps we could both aid one another..." She considered. "I need the sap from the tree atop the hills. I trust myself to sneak, and maybe even talk my way past these creatures, but if that fails, you could prepare to strike them while they are distracted or pursuing me." She looked over to Damia.

"What do you think? You and I could do like Vallaki, pass as loyal to Strahd as Vistana and her friend if we fail to sneak through, whilest Jowai, Neku and..

What is your name anyway, knight?"
She asked after a moment. "Whilest the other three prepare to strike these men while we distract them, if things go awry." She nodded. "Then, if things went well and you wished to help me find the dragons skull your help would be welcomed, but first the enemy closest." Now that she thought about it, the elf had never specified just how much sap he needed.. he'd have to be content with a pint at best if there were plant creatures and wicked druids summoning them abound..

"Joe here is linked to me and can give you a signal, even if you stay a little behind." Rovana additionally suggested, petting her undead parrot.
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