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A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 32/38, PP = 36, EP = 31/57, Status = Slightly Injured

Clarissa looked surprised when Ione grabbed her wrists, and she even withdrew her claws from his flesh as the silence stretched by for a few moments. He winced in pain as they were removed from his body, but his expression was relieved as well, so it didn't seem like any permanent harm had occurred. He blushed slightly as Ione reiterated his memories to the demoness standing behind him, but Ione was likely surprised at how much Clarissa's color changed to match his, her face turning pink and a startled expression appearing on her face. "Tel me something? Alright...." She replied, and pulled her claws away form Arthur's body as her hands returned to normal.

Arthur looked slightly less enthusiastic than he had been a moment ago as Ione issued her final orders, the subconscious fear that such feelings as he held for Clarissa might be rejected palpable to the plant girl as she continued to dominate his mind. When she released her hold upon him, however, he rocked forward slightly, startled by her release of her control upon him. For a moment, his stunned face was a little closer to Ione's than might be considered proper, and his open mouth and the blush evident upon both of their faces suggested that they were about to kiss. But, after a few heartbeats, he closed his mouth and settled back with a nod, and then turned around to face Clarissa with a stoic expression on his face. The barely dressed demoness had stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest, her fingers still dripping with some of Arthur's blood.

"Clarissa... When I said that I didn't want you around, it... Wasn't the truth. I... We've been through a lot together. Shared a lot that I couldn't have shared with anyone but you. You've tasted my soul, so you know that I don't.... That I..." Arthur paused, and Clarissa quirked an eyebrow at him expectantly, causing him to sign and laugh nervously at himself. When he spoke again, his voice was very quiet, more like the boy that Ione had seen in his memories than the cackling madman that he had been when Ione had first seen him; "I was afraid. I was always afraid. That you hated me, for having you around. That you would get killed, or that I would, and that you would be stuck in the clutches of whoever or whatever had killed me, unable to defend yourself. I was.. I was afraid that when I went back to Amraul, that he would take you away from me, and send you back to hell. I was afraid.... That I was never going to see you again, and it... It made me angry, and I took that anger out on you." He stepped toward her, his arms spread out, but Clarissa held up a hand to stop him, her face an expressionless mask.

"I have tasted your soul, Arthur. You have told me nothing that I did not already know. What I'm not hearing is a reason that I shouldn't dissect you for all of the disgusting things that you've forced me to do. I'm afraid that an; "I'm sorry, it was just because I was scared;" simply isn't going to cut it." She stepped toward him, and Arthur shrunk away slightly, his arms falling to his sides, but Clarissa continued until she was up against his chest. Ione couldn't see his expression, and could no longer feel his emotions now that she had released her hold upon him, but Clarissa was smiling and hadn't got her claws out again, so at least things didn't seem to be turning violent again.

"You have kept me as a slave for five years, Arthur. I think that it is time for you to repay my faithful service." She said, grinning widely in a matter that wasn't exactly friendly. "What do you think, pretty flower? I suppose that I won't take my payment in blood, but there are other ways...." She said, looking around Arthur at Ione, but she trailed off and smiled widely as she saw the blush on Ione's face, and finally detected the scent of her arousal. "A VERY pretty flower.... Would you like to join in? I don't mind sharing, and you do seem like the type to enjoy a... Dominant position, in your relationships." Clarissa's finger was idly drawing a circle in Arthur's chest, and he said; "What? What are... Oh.... Oh! No, you couldn't.... Err." He trailed off, and glanced back at her only to notice her blush as well, and he paled slightly at the sight of her rather clear arousal.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

Ione's look grew into a smile as her efforts disarmed the grown hostility. It took a long moment, but Clarissa finally did remove her claws from Arthur, much to the man's relief. Curiously, the Alraune noticed the reaction the demoness made from her account of Arthur's memories, the pink blush growing apparent as she spoke on. She had also declawed herself, and had moved back to stand with crossed arms, waiting to hear what the man had to say to her. Arthur on the other hand, previously mildly embarrassed from his memories, had grown unenthusiastic. Through the last vestiges of the link Ione held to him, she felt his worry of rejection wash through him, before being replaced by something else. Startled by the sudden return of control, the plant girl watched cutely as he rocked forward, for a moment almost coming so close as if to kiss her.

Sadly it wasn't the case, and Arthur quickly composed himself, turning to address the demoness. His words at first were done with wariness, but as he continued on a change came over him. After a nervous laugh and sigh, he sounded much more like the younger man she had seen from his memories. As with his fear of her rejection, he had apparently been afraid of many other things as well. Of her being killed, of her hating him, of what might have happened concerning what ifs, of never being able to see her again. He had taken his fears out on her in anger, and Clarissa was quick to prevent him from approaching her with further apologies. Her face expressionless, she made it very clear to the man that a simple apology was not going to cut it for everything that had occurred.

For a moment Ione feared that Clarissa might simply return to her work to dig into the man, but her claws didn't reform. Instead, the Alraune watched as she slowly approached the man, who had shrunken away slightly perhaps out of fear, until they were chest to chest with each other. Eying Clarissa's smile, she felt herself calm as the demoness made rather clear her intentions. If no blood was to be spilled for the years of imprisonment, then something else would have to take it's place. Considering Arthur's role all these years to her, as well as the general nature of Clarissa herself, it was easy to figure out what the substitute punishment would entail.

"YES!" Ione felt herself blurt out at Clarissa's question of her thoughts before shrinking herself, "I mean...yes Clarissa. I think this will...ah...be a much more suitable way to repay his debt...to you..." The Alraune stopped when her blue eyes met Clarissa's crimson ones, noticing her knowing stare. With intent, the demoness asked her something she had been waiting awhile to hear, something Ione's nature had been waiting for her to say. 'Do I want to join them...' It wasn't even a question at this point, and as Arthur stuttered and paled, Ione felt herself ease back into a comfortable mischievous flair, a seductive undertone much like the one she had first greeted the demoness with returning in force. "Mmmm...you don't mind sharing you say? Well how could I ever refuse such a generous offer! And from such beautiful blooms as the two of you." Taking strides toward them, her eyes narrowed and smile widened with lust as she approached them, "You two really look so cute together...yes...I would love to join the both of you. We've all been far too distant for way too long."

As she approached, Ione was distracted by Arthur's injury for a moment. The cuts didn't appear to be all that deep through his clothes, more like nasty flesh wounds more than anything. With a pleasant sigh, she gingerly felt her hands around to the wounds as she pressed her body onto him. Working up a healing spell, she held her hands on him until she was sure the spell's effects had healed the cuts enough. Now so close to Arthur, with Clarissa just as close, Ione let off a giggle beside his ear as she and Clarissa sandwiched the man between them. "I'm going...to enjoy this. To enjoy the both of you...you'll both enjoy me too won't you?" Ione questioned playfully, while smoothing her hands down Arthur's thighs, her lips seeking the side of the mans neck and face teasingly, looking to Clarissa with clear excitement and eagerness for her to join in.

Not sure if it would count as just RP fluff, Arthur's injuries that is. If not then...

- Natures Breath {Heal}: Target = Arthur
+HP to Target = (1d8 + 3)
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 38, PP = 36, EP = 57, Status = Fine

Clarissa laughed richly at the eagerness of Ione's response, her delight evident on the demon's face at how eager the flower-girl was to join in on her fun. "I think that that lack of intimacy shall right itself shortly, my beautiful little flower. Might you have a name that I can call you? Something to whimper into your ear, perhaps?" Calrissa said, her tone sultry and her voice a low purr that could have melted a glacier. Arthur sputtered and blushed brightly, but before the mage could speak, Ione came up behind him and laid her hands on his wounded sides. He winced in pain, but her spell knitted the minor wounds closed, and his pained expression became a thoughtful one as he turned his head to look at Ione. "I did not know that your kind could even work magic. How did you learn to-"

Arthur was cut off as Clarissa grabbed his chin and pulled him back to face her once more, a broad smile on her face as her eyes suddenly blazed. "You really needn't concern yourself with that right now, Arthur." Her gaze seemed to pull the mage in, and he looked as if he was about to speak for a moment before he suddenly stiffened and then instantly relaxed. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that to him." She said over his shoulder, the glow form her eyes fading slightly. "It's a more subtle form of control than what he used on me, and what I believe you used on him. He'll barely be able to keep his hands off me when things start, but he should behave... For a little while. Might you know of a more private place where we could enjoy one another's company more fully, my delectable little flower?"

As she spoke, Clarissa watched Ione as she began rubbing along Arthur's thighs and kissing the back of his neck, drawing slight gasps from the young man. Smiling knowingly, Clarissa continued; "Or we could continue right here... Though the dangers of this jungle are somewhat legendary." She began toying with her top idly, pulling it down slightly but not yet exposing her breasts in full. "That sort of danger could make it more... Exciting, I suppose." Clarissa said thoughtfully, but she continued to wait, standing just shy of touching Arthur and farther until Ione had given her some response.

(Gain 6 experience for managing that whole situation. Also, you can come up with a location if you want.)
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

Ione momentarily stopped as Clarissa asked for a name, growing excited as the sultry tone of the demoness cut through her. "Might I have a... oh... Oh! Hmmm... I forgot that neither one of you knows my name, even though I've learned of yours. Both of yours that is." The Alraune said, looking away briefly as a flash of embarrassment crossed her features. "To be honest I didn't really have a name until... until recently that is. Little under a couple of seasons ago I recall. Before then I was..." She stopped, a pained look miring her before shaking it away. "It... doesn't matter. I was given a name better than anything I acknowledged before, and by much more pleasant company too. You both may call me... Ione."

The plant girl let out a giggle as Arthur was cut off by Clarissa. The demoness was really enjoying being dominant before him and the sudden flaring of her eyes caught Ione's attention. A blazing look of crimson shone from the woman, and the Alraune watched as Arthur stiffened and relaxed under her gaze before he could let loose something to say. 'That look... seems so familiar...' She thought as she listened to Clarissa explain what had occurred in the moment, the eyes of the demoness still glowing as she looked to her. Clarissa's talk lingered on as the plant girl planted her kisses on the man and enjoyed the feel of his thighs. A suggestion airing from the woman to find a place for the three of them to... enjoy themselves at.

Pulling her face away from the mans neck, Ione let out a wide grin as a realization came to her about Clarissa's flaring eyes. "That was... a magic you used. No... not a magic... a power. Yes, I remember now. I was told some demons could 'charm' another to crave their contact. I have something like that myself, though what I shoot out to get a person's attention isn't a gaze from my eyes. Not the main part of it that is." Laughing lightly Ione pondered for a moment, looking to the sky before returning downward. Noticing Clarissa toying with her top, the Alraune took in a number of breaths before regarding her proper. "We would be safe here I'm quite sure. If what the forest tells me is right, this place makes up the core of a hunting ground. A hunting ground belonging to those recently deceased wolves that is. Their marks are... fresh all around, and it should be awhile before any other predators, especially other wolven packs, dare to cross these lands to dominate, claim, and hunt here themselves."

Ione's eyes narrowed into lust as she continued to stare at Clarissa. "However... scavengers will come upon this place, looking for those corpses. It'd be a bit distracting, so let us move elsewhere yes? I know of a nice spot nearby, a little dip in the forest where the two of you would be safe. Your scents would be obscured from predators, and when we get there I think you'll understand why." The Alraune smiled, a hint of mischievousness playing through. Motioning for them to follow, Ione would briefly stop to collect Arthur's discarded cloak and staff before continuing on into a section of the forest that dipped lower. A number of gnarled roots and rocky deposits winded around the group as she lead them down what appeared to be a side path of sorts, the destination obscured by foliage and turns.

Smiling broadly, the plant girl came to a stop gesturing for the duo following her to move ahead without her. As they should do so, the sight of a break in the path would fill out in front of them, a small clearing in the jungle coming into view. Compared to where they had just been, the sight in front of them was... vastly more serene. The most striking aspect of which was a plethora of flowered plants, nearly of all types and colors, scattered all around the edges of the place. An alchemist's or herbalist's dream to be sure, with so many plants growing without conflict in one area. Amongst those blooms, the visitors would find that the most successful of them were flowers tinted blue or violet. Gnarled roots and rocks seemed to form a natural enclosure, and further back a rock overhang looking as though cut from the very earth stood.

Humming happily, Ione moved ahead of the pair as they took in the sight, laying aside Arthur's staff and cloak on the soft grass, before starting to disrobe herself. Placing down her own staff, and 'her' items she taken from Arthur, she turned herself barely sideways toward the two as she slowly unhooked the restraints on her own armor. Pulling it all off, and letting it fall to the side, the Alraune gazed lustfully as her own form was left shamelessly in clear view of the two. "Welcome to... my sanctuary. I've wandered these jungles for many seasons, and I've come to know of many places like the one you now see. In these lands, they are usually the creation of Fey, little hermit hideaways you might say. This particular place... I'm proud to say is of my own pruning."

With a look of intent, the plant girl flushed deep at the two, her nether easily hinting her mood at the situation. Approaching them again, this time Ione would trail her hand along Arthur's arm before approaching Clarissa. Smiling warmly, she brought herself close to the demoness, her hands finding Clarissa's own thighs and smoothing along them. "This place should be... perfect for all three of us. As the blooms mingle here, let us mingle too no~?" Ione said, her face inching a tad towards her as she spoke.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 38, PP = 36, EP = 57, Status = Fine

"Yes, I think that avoiding any "distractions" would be well within our favor. Lead on then, Ione." Clarissa replied, her eyes still glowing slightly. She had raised an eyebrow when Ione had seemed pained by the question regarding her name, but she hadn't inquired further about it. Her gaze had remained level throughout the rest, even when Ione mentioned her own brand of attention getting, and the demoness laid an arm around Arthur's back. He had stirred as her hands touched his thighs, and her kisses landed along his neck, but the man's will had seemingly been subverted once more. After Ione had retrieved Arthur's things, off the trio went to her hidden place.

Clarissa smiled appreciatively at the flowers that surrounded them in the that glade, but Arthur remained as lifeless as a zombie as she led him along. "So many beautiful flowers." She muttered, as Ione dropped the things she had taken and then unhooked her armor, allowing it to drop to the earth and revealing her body for the pair to see. Arthur stirred as he beheld her body, and now his arousal was visible even beneath his robes as he blankly stared at her, and Clarissa turned her gaze back toward Ione at the motion. The demoness smiled brilliantly, now quite the joyous expression she had seen in Arthur's memories, but extremely close as she said; "But you.... You are the most beautiful flower of all, easily." Clarissa stepped forward, leaving Arthur to stand and gawk, and with a few simple motions the demoness was just as naked as Ione.

Her skin was slightly paler beneath her garments, the tan she had received from exposure to the elements plain to see but leaving her no less attractive for it. "Tis a gorgeous place to call home, my little flower, and truly a representation of its maker. As gorgeous within as you are without, I can see.... Yes, this place shall be perfect!" Turning to Arthur, Clarissa firmly said; "Disrobe." The young man obeyed the demon's order, unclasping and allowing his robe to fall, revealing that he wore only a cloth around his visibly engorged loins beneath. His chest and arms had a number of scars on them of varying ages and sizes, each a different story as yet untold, and despite his clear focus on the magic arts, he was possessed of a fairly athletic physique. His loincloth fell with his robes, leaving him as naked as Ione and Clarissa.

It was then that Ione began to edge her mouth toward Clarissa's, and her legs spread slightly while Ione's hands played across them. Without another moment’s hesitation, Clarissa leaned forward and kissed Ione fully on the mouth. The demon's tongue turned out to be forked, a fact that Ione noticed only when it was wrapping around her own. They were about the same height, so Clarissa's chest pressed against Ione's perfectly, and she was able to feel the tips of the other woman's breasts hardened against her own. As their tongues mingled, Clarissa wrapped her arms around Ione's back and neck, holding her close.

The demoness only held the kiss for a moment, however, before, she pulled back and lustfully said; "We do seem to be ignoring someone.... Shall we start the mingling now?" She half glanced at Arthur, and then continued; "Or would you like to sample one of us? I can assure you that he and I will both be to your liking."
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

Visibly swooning from Clarissa's joyous comments about the sanctuary as well as the comments she directed towards the plant girl herself, Ione could barely contain her excitement at the events about to unfold. Feeling Clarissa's lips finding their place over her own, the alraune moaned softly as the demon's forked tongue played within her mouth. The demon's body soon joined with the sensation, and the presence of her bust pressing against her own sent shivers through the plant girl. She was enjoying it, much more than she had expected she would be, and for a moment she wondered if the previous experience might have had something to do with it. Perhaps Arthur's memories had amplified the effect of her enjoyment somehow?

Whatever the case, Ione knew for certain that being wrapped in Clarissa's arms as she tongue kissed her, with their nipples stiffening rapidly from the rubbing of their chests together, that it was the best place in the world at that moment. Breaking off their lips with a light smack, the demoness lustfully pointed out that they seemed to be missing someone in the fun, and Ione took the moment to get a good look at them. Arthur had removed his clothing after being commanded, and as they had mingled had disrobed completely, all the way to his... day born suit? He was naked regardless of the saying, and she noticed the various scars that adorned his athletic build, wondering just what tales might follow them.

'Mmmm... I can ask him later about those. I can ask them both later about a lot of things... but for now...' Ione's mind trailed off as she eyed Arthur's member intently, his charmed state leaving him very impressionable toward the both of them loving each other in his full gaze. Drawing lustful breathes herself, the alraune let off a mischievous giggle as she regarded the woman she was wrapped around. "It'd trouble him so wouldn't it? To be stuck standing there himself while watching two pretty girls 'play' with each other. No way for him to... satisfy that 'itch' he's now got..." Wrapping her arms further around Clarissa, she brought herself closer to her, closing her eyes and enjoying the feel of every curve. "Ah... but I'm not so mean. Well... maybe a little, but just for play. No, I think the best way to suffer him, is with kindness~..."

Pulling back somewhat herself, Ione's gaze returned to Clarissa's as she brought on a twist to head and a thoughtful look. "Clarissa, before we start... are you... a changing one?" The question brought a silence as the alraune took a moment before speaking again. "In... both domains... Fey and Demon, creatures and beings alike are changers right? Erm... they cause people to change with the... experiences... they share with others. I was just wondering if perhaps... you're one who does that too." Nervous despite the lust, Ione looked away briefly before calming with a giggle. "Hmmm... whatever the answer that won't stop me from enjoying this scene though. Let's go show Arthur a real good time that'll make him wish he released you and met me earlier. And then afterwards..." Ione let in a big breath, resuming after, "Afterwards I think I want you all to myself~."

Eyes lidded, Ione grinned in anticipation and helped maneuver them both toward Arthur, reaching out to slide a hand down the side of the man when she had gained reach of him. Letting her hand trail along the side of his length, Ione flashed an intent look toward Clarissa as her grin only seemed to get larger. "If you don't mind, I'll take him within this way. Unless you need to take him in yourself to feed that is. You can go first if that's the case, and Arthur can share with me some... deeper kisses... than that peck I gave him earlier..." Enthusiastically smiling, the plant girl idly stroked at her own folds for emphasis as to what kind of acts she was referring to.
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Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 38, PP = 36, EP = 57, Status = Fine

"Changing? Oh.... Oh! Yes... Even though I cannot feast upon your delicious essence, a bit of me will rub off on you through our... Contact. Don't concern yourself with it too much, Ione. It won't harm you even a bit!" Clarissa replied, though the demoness had taken a moment before responding, presumably to sort through Ione's words. Smiling, Clarissa allowed Ione to pull her over to Arthur, and as they approached him Clarissa said; "Yes... It's time that he have a taste of just what he's been missing, all these years of keeping me under his control. And when we're done with him, you can have me for as long as you like!"

Arthur twitched at Ione's touch, his breath coming up short even though he retained his blank expression, and when her fingers brushed against the side of his length and she eyed Clarissa with her lewd grin, Ione received a similar expression in return from the demon, who had allowed her hand to dart against his thigh and cup his balls. When she spoke, Clarissa giggled lightly as she nuzzled her body against the sorcerer's, seemingly highly comfortable there after Arthur's arm had wrapped around her waist. "Oh, feel free to take him first! Even without my magic working on him, he can go more than once, so with my attentions he should last more than long enough for me to get a chance to take my meal. Especially with the both of us here, offering our attentions! You can take him however you like, I'm sure I can keep myself occupied until my turn comes up." Clarissa replied, as she continued toying with Arthur's sac and looking into Ione's eyes.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

"Mmmmm... looks like you get this pretty flower first then, sweet Arthur." Wasting little time with Clarissa's blessing, Ione was quick to press herself against the man, her bust squishing against his own chest. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she could feel his manhood as it twitched, driven up and pressed against her as she slowly rubbed herself upon it. Drawing breaths and gentle laughs from the motions, the plant girl soon found herself seeking the mans lips as she continued, letting her tongue slip inside. Her tongue danced with his, exploring the mans mouth briefly before the alraune pulled away with increasingly more lust to give Clarissa a happy glance. Holding the glance for a second, one of Ione's hands slipped away from around the man's neck, traveling downward as she began to adjust herself for what was to come.

With a flushed face, Ione giggled happily as she regarded Clarissa for a moment. "He he... you weren't kidding about him... even like this he's wonderful!" The plant girl said, while subconsciously a few tendrils of hers slipped out from her back, some waving softly in the air, some moving to brush against Arthur while a few even reached to brush against the demoness. Ione shivered at the feeling, but shivered even more so when her adjustments placed Arthur's length with a clear shot at her opening, something she took little time to make good on. Lowering herself to the hilt, the alraune let out a small cry as she literally impaled herself on the man. Gasping from the sudden intense feeling, in a swift motion she pulled herself onto the man and up his length, wrapping both her legs around him before dropping back down on him, letting the man carry her while they enjoyed each other.

Riding in joint with Arthur as he pumped into her, Ione's gasps soon turned to moans as she was carried and wrapped against him. With every motion she could feel herself heat up more and more, and more and more nectar dribbled away from her nether, leaving a few puddled drops beneath her. Her fragrance freely wafted through the air as well, a scent only mired by the passion being delivered between her and the mage. Filled with ecstasy, the plant girl kissed at the mans neck and nibbled upon his ear, utterly delighted at the sensation she was feeling from him being inside of her. As she rode against Arthur, her tendrils seemed slowly take more of an interest in Clarissa, and almost comically they brushed and pulled against her as if not wanted to exclude her from any attention.

'This... was... a... good... decision...' Ione thought, the clarity quickly removed by the feeling of her penetration. Just the thought that Arthur could deliver this kind of pleasure to her made her shudder with excitement and anticipation at just how great her time with Clarissa would be! If those faint memories from long ago were any telling, the alraune was sure that she might not be able to think straight for days.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 38, PP = 36, EP = 57, Status = Fine

Arthur kissed Ione in return as she pressed her lips against his, his excitement pressed against her stomach twitching as their tongues danced together. He was eager and dextrous and passionate, and tried to preserve the embrace even as Ione herself pulled away and glanced toward Clarissa, who was watching them with a lewd smile on her face. Her smile broadened as Ione's hand strayed down to Arthur's member and lined it up, and Clarissa replied; "Trust me, it gets even better if you let him be on top. For a human, he's a spectacular lover." Her words were frank and held a ring of praise for the man that Ione hadn't heard before.

Her partner's moan joined her own as she impaled herself upon his manhood, and he caught her in his arms, placing them on her hips and buttocks as she wrapped her legs around him. Without a second's hesitation, Arthur began pounding into her body, his wild motions into her eventually finding rhythm with her own so as to allow Ione's flower to take him from tip to hilt with every thrust. Clarissa's pleased giggle accompanied their lewd moans, and while the two of them coupled the demoness said; "And I thought I was an enthusiastic lover! Make sure you leave some for me, my gorgeous little flower!"

Arthur's moans only came into sharper relief as she leaned forward to kiss at his neck and nibble at his ear, the surprisingly athletic sorcerer holding her up and pounding his manhood into her with ease, and showed no signs of tiring. Clarissa strode into Ione's waving tendrils, allowing the alraune to brush them against her body, but Ione was so distracted by Arthur's motions that she could barely concentrate on keeping them moving, much less do anything with them besides bare teasing. The demoness didn't seem to mind being the odd one out, however, as she smiled with delight as she watched the two of them. Stepping forward, she slid her hand to where they were joined by Arthur's member, and grabbed and softly squeezed his sack. Ione's juices had coated it, and swiftly covered Clarissa's hand as well since they continued to leak from her pussy as it was filled up with Arthur's throbbing cock.

"If you keep going like that, he's not going to last much longer." Clarissa warned, though she couldn't keep the smile from telling in her voice. Indeed, Ione could feel Arthur's hot precum dribbling into her passage, and he seemed to be throbbing steadily more strongly as he continued humping into her body. That didn't change the fact that he felt amazing as he kept plowing into her, however, and it even felt better as he began to harden in preparation of filling her up with his seed. Whether she made him pull out, or took his load within her body, Ione's first session of lovemaking with Arthur was quickly proceeding toward its crescendo, and her time with Clarissa that would surely come afterwards was drawing ever closer.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

Ione was in intense bliss as she continued to cling to Arthur, the feeling and sound of his penetration now very loud to her senses. At Clarissa's comment about his closeness, the alraune's moan's ceased, turning into low pants as she briefly thought of it. Did she really want Arthur to spill himself within her, to feel his seed mix with her nectar? Perhaps it was strange to think of it so suddenly, but the plant girl did remember how capable she was at baring seeds. Arthur was sure to impregnate her if she let him stay within, and as her clear sense once again began to fade Ione found herself much less against the idea than she had been when it first raised itself. 'I'll... just have to... find a good place to... bury... them...'

Deep pumping from Arthur spurred an eep from the distracted plant girl, and as the feeling of the mage's precum leaked into her senses, Ione felt her body subconsciously tighten further around the man's member. Gripping more of him inside herself, the feeling of his length pressing deep into her folds sent further spikes of pleasure into the alraune's mind. With a brightly flushed face, Ione wrapped herself tighter around him and began to pump herself more in motion with Arthur, matching each deep thrust into her with a deep thrust down upon the man. Stopping every once in a while with him up to the hilt to grind herself around, taking the time to catch her breath and enjoy the sensation further.

So close to her own release, it's 'itch' echoing like subtle torture in her mind, Ione decided it was time to relieve both of themselves. Biting and tugging his ear slightly, Ione brought her lips closer to them before issuing a single order in a lustful hushed tone. "Arthur... faster..." The plant girl encouraged, rapidly moving to quicken her pace to entice him further. Every fast pound from the man onwards sent increasingly more and more shivers through Ione as her folds slipped along the man's throbbing manhood, it now covered thoroughly in her sweet nectar. Moans from her turned more into crys as she was penetrated so enthusiastically, and the sweet scent of her enjoyment was ever more dense through the air around the trio.

Fidgeting from where she still clung to the mage, Ione found herself clinching briefly before the inevitable wash of her climax took her. "Hnnnggh... Ahhhhh!" The intensity of the moment gave further pause to her, her face now absolutely glowing as her half lidded eyes rolled up against a lewd grin. Panting shallow breaths, Ione continued to let the man pump into her until he himself was satisfied with the act, letting him lose himself within her if he hadn't already. Whenever his motions had slowed, Ione loosened herself from around him, letting her feet return to the ground and pulled herself off his member, the trapped contents of her nether leaking away and sputtering against her leg and off the ground as they fell. All the while the plant girl sported a very lewd grin that she flashed toward both Arthur and Clarissa.

"I hope... you... had fun with this flower Arthur..." Ione spoke to the man, knowing that he wouldn't be able to respond but teasing him still. "The next will leave you... a lot more worn out I'm sure." Running her hand through his hair and giggling for a moment, Ione turned to address Clarissa before noticing her tendrils, still waving and brushing against the demoness, a few now focusing with more able motions at brushing against some rather... sensitive areas. Blinking, the alraune's face quickly turned... embarrassed as she willed them to return to herself, physically having to grab and pull one back with her hand as it seemed to refuse her mental orders. Laughing in a cute nervous tone, Ione motioned to Arthur. "I... erm... Arthur's all yours... sweet Clarissa... I'll just wait for you... to have your turn with him... ah ha..." Grinning, the alraune once again thought further, anticipation of her session to come with Clarissa drawing into her mind and enticing her imagination with lustful images.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 38, PP = 36, EP = 57, Status = Pregnant

Arthur moaned aloud as Ione tightened around him, but he kept up his pace as her own motions came to match his powerful, deep thrusts, their bodies making wet noises as his manhood slammed into her nectar-soaked flower. Every time she paused to grind herself and catch her breath, he seemed to speed up his motions, never giving her a moments rest from the pleasure he was causing her. As she moved to nibble on his ear, and whisper her command into his ear, the mage needed no further command. Groaning, he began hammering his throbbing cock into her body so quickly that Ione could do nothing but shake and moan under the assault. The entire time, Clarissa had been softly massaging Arthur's balls, and by now her hand was coated in Ione's nectar. As the two approached their mutual climax, however, she withdrew her hand and moved to stand behind Ione, her hands reaching around to massage the alraune's breasts.

The young man proved to be the better between the two of them in stamina, as Ione found her orgasm before Arthur had, but in the midst of her bliss a small part of her sensed a sudden heat pouring into her body a second or two after her climax began. The convulsing of Ione's inner walls drew out every drop of Arthur's cum, pulling all of it deep inside so that her fertile body could use it to make seeds. The two of them were locked in that embrace for what felt like an eternity, Arthur filling Ione's body with his seed while she spasmed wildly and released copious amounts of her love honey.

After a moment of recuperation following their orgasms, Arthur allowed Ione to dismount him, and then immediately stumbled back a step, still panting heavily. As she had expected, he didn't respond to her words, only stared blankly at her as some of his semen began leaking down her legs. Clarissa, who had stepped back as Ione dismounted, giggled at the alraune's many exploratory tentacles. She even seemed disappointed as Ione forcibly withdrew them back into her body, but when she suggested that it was the demon's turn to have Arthur, Clarissa shook her head, and said; "I think I'll give him a moment or two to rest. In the meantime." Clarissa grinned widely, her eyes glowing once more as she stalked toward Ione, before suddenly pouncing toward her.

Within seconds that seemed to pass in a blur of motion, Ione was placed on her back on the ground, her legs spread wide while Clarissa was on her hands on knees in front of Ione. "I'll just keep myself.... Busy.... With you until he's ready to go again at full strength. It shouldn't be very long." With that, the demoness lowered her mouth to Ione's nether lips, and began to kiss and suckle at the juices that Ione was still leaking. A moment later, the demon's tongue darted into her and began lapping up the mixture of Arthur's cum and her own nectar that was inside of her while sending thrills of pleasure up her spine. The demon's tongue was like nothing she had ever felt before, diving into her depths and making her shiver uncontrollably. Where Arthur had been powerful, Clarissa's touch was delicate. Where Arthur was strong and swift, Clarissa's touch was perfectly precise and made with agonizing slowness.

Clarissa was not disappointing. Within seconds of beginning her work, the demoness had Ione once more in the throes of ecstasy as she worked her tongue into the alraune's moist flower. Every touch of her tongue and her lips was nearly orgasmic in and of itself, and she felt herself rapidly reaching toward another orgasm as Clarissa lapped at her nethers relentlessly.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

The alraune's eyes shifted to Arthur, ogling his tired form as he stood panting heavily in the aftermath of their love making. As she watched him, Ione could feel the warmth of his seed inside her already being put to work by her fertile body to make seeds, the feeling bringing it's own kind of pleasure to the alraune. 'Mmmmm, he filled me with so much! I almost wonder how many seedlings I'll release...' The plant girl thought briefly, letting a hand lay softly across her stomach, it only barely showing any difference from her normal appearance. At Clarissa's comments about letting Arthur take a rest, Ione had to admit after taking another glance at Arthur, the man still panting and standing with a stumble here and there, that he might indeed need a little time to recover.

It was only briefly lost on the plant girl what Arthur's rest also meant, and as she turned her eyes to meet those of the demoness it quickly began to sink in. Her eyes going wide, Ione watched with a small showing of surprise as Clarissa stalked toward her, those crimson eyes of hers glowing bright as they had for Arthur. For a moment, the plant girl felt herself be drawn in by those eyes, a distraction that was quickly seized on by the demoness who in a flash was upon her, pouncing her to the ground. As Clarissa hovered on her hands and knees over the plant girl beneath her, Ione continued to stare wide eyed at her before slowly melting into ease. This was a moment she had been waiting for since she first laid eyes on the woman after all, and she was going to enjoy every second of it.

With what the demoness had in store for her, Ione was sure to enjoy every second of it too. Lowering herself to the plant girl's spread legs, the moment Clarissa's mouth began to work on her lower lips Ione couldn't help but let out a small cry of delight. Her kisses and suckles drove new shivers of pleasure through her and the plant girl reveled at the feeling, but it was the feeling of the woman's tongue that sent shivers straight down her spine. The forked appendage worked magic on her insides, darting deep into her as it lapped against her folds and lapped up the various juices that had mingled within her from her previous session. Ione's pants grew louder and louder at the act, and to try to steady herself from the shivers the demoness was inflicting, she attempted to grip at the ground to do so.

Clarissa's delicate and precise movements of her mouth and tongue were proving too much for the young alraune, and as her lower lips continued to be played with she felt her grip loosen against the ground. Her gentle huffs became low moans as the demoness carried on with her motions, the slowness to it agonizing to the plant girl's senses which cried for release. Another release soon began to come to again, and Ione could feel the same 'itch' that she had felt before begin to take her. Whining for a second as she tried to hold herself together, the plant girl broke into lewd moans as Clarissa never let up her motions. So much were the intense feelings coming from below that Ione's back arched in anticipation as she drew closer to the orgasm drawing near.

"AH... ah! Clarissa! I'm... you're...!" Ione could barely make out any words as she was wracked by ever growing pleasure, and before she could attempt to continue to try speaking, she let out a loud moan as her body was shook by her sudden climax. Trying to arch even higher, the plant girl had little success as she felt herself spasm more and more. More nectar flowed forth from her nethers, and a good deal found itself either lapped up or adorning the face of the enthusiastic demoness. As Ione found herself settling from the orgasm, her body slowly descended from the arch it had lifted itself to, and with eyes rolled slightly back she stared to the sky above, panting heavily herself as she recovered. From the dumb grin now plastered on the plant girl's face, it was easy to say that she was one content and happy bloom at that moment.

Forgotten by the plant girl at the time, the one tendril that hadn't retracted back lay just off to the side of her twitching here and there. The reason for it's own shivers very apparent by the lines and puddle of seed that had sprayed out during the plant girl's orgasm. Seed of which, a small hint still mired the tip of the tendril with, glinting slightly as the light hit it.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 38, PP = 36, EP = 57, Status = Pregnant

Clarissa's perfectly precise motions continued even while Ione was arching her back in orgasm, drawing out her climax for as long as she could as the alraune's nectar flowed freely onto her forked tongue. Indeed, even after Ione began to come down from her arch, slowly lowering herself onto her the forest floor, Clarissa continued to playfully lap at Ione's now highly sensitive flower. As she recovered, Clarissa spotted the plant girl's one errant tendril and giggled as she watched it twitch up some of Ione's seed onto the ground.

Momentarily taking her face from Ione's nethers, Clarissa said; "Well, don't you look like the happiest little plant in the forest? Tell me, Ione, are you content yet? Because I have much more joy to give you yet!" The demoness sat up and beckoned over to Arthur, who had nursed his erection back to life as he watched Clarissa bring Ione to climax. The mage's eyes were still empty, but his body's excitement was quite plain to see. Clarissa once more took up her position, bent over Ione with her rear in the air, and her face buried in the alraune's pussy.

"Do you think you're ready for more? Or have I exhausted you already, my beautiful little flower?" The demoness intoned, giving her lower lips a few playful licks and kisses.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

Panting happily, even in the throws of her recovery Ione could herself begin to shiver again as Clarissa continued lapping her tongue against the plant girl folds. There was something else though, a strange warmness that she could feel for the first time now that the pleasure wasn't shadowing her senses. It seemed almost familiar somehow, and as it rung through her mind memories of that woman's touch poked through, the familiarity of her alluring motions leaving an eerily familiar impact on Ione's consciousness. It wasn't the same though, and a dull pain grew over her from trying to remember further, to which the alraune quickly abandoned in favor of enjoying the returning pleasure.

Clarissa's brief removal from her nether sparked a small look of confusion to cross the plant girl's face, but the enthusiasm of the demoness along with Arthur's inclusion into the scene broke that confusion, a wide grin breaking out among her still panting face. When Clarissa moved to hover her body over the alraune, bending over to reach the plant girl's flower with her shapely rump hovering overhead, Ione couldn't help but let out a sigh of pleasure at the sight. Every detail of the demon's pussy was laid bare before her, her folds and walls teasing her with just the sight of them. Just from the visual stimulation of her willing partner, the alraune felt herself warm further, eagerness to continue willing her the strength to do so.

At Clarissa's words and playful kisses, Ione let out a few light laughs. "Ah ha ha... teasing a flower with a flower. Clarissa... you're so terrible~." Smiling with intent, as the demoness returned to kissing and licking at her nether, Ione moved her hands up, trailing them along the woman's legs and thighs until finally reaching the very bottom of Clarissa's waist. Giggling lewdly at the thought of it, the plant girl grasped at Clarissa's waist and pulled her self up, moving her face forward until itself was but an inch away from the folds of the demoness. Ione let her hot breath waft over those lips but only a few seconds before she began to return the treatment that Clarissa had given her, kissing and licking at her with some passion.

Delightful shivers ran down her spine as Clarissa delved once again into the plant girl's honeyhole, and it edged Ione on to indulge the same to the demoness. The alraune attacked her nether lips eagerly, letting her tongue trace lines and circles around her folds, stopping to kiss and suckle Clarissa's sensitive nub. After a number of moments though, Ione pulled away from the demoness, eying Arthur where he still stood, playing with his length as he blankly watched the scene. Almost immediately more lustful thoughts arose through the plant girl, and moving her hands down to Clarissa's rump she slowly pulled her cheeks apart, revealing the star hidden between for the man to see.

"Oh poor Arthur. Just wherever shall you put that thing I wonder?" Laughing, Ione used her grip to waggle Clarissa's ass invitingly at the man, while her lone tendril sailed up to beckon the man over before returning finally into the alraune at long last. "We'll both make you feel wonderful sweet Clarissa. Let's all have our fill~." Ione spoke enthusiastically before returning to service the demoness, her tongue delving deep into her nether folds while still holding her cheeks open slightly, waiting for if Arthur would indulge and if Clarissa would let him.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 38, PP = 36, EP = 57, Status = Pregnant

Giggling in response to Ione's words, Clarissa chose not to speak in response, her breath instead falling upon Ione's already aroused lower lips just before the demon's tongue began to flick lightly against her clitoris. Every stimulation of her jewel caused Ione to shiver, but when her own breath washed over Clarissa's aroused nethers her efforts faltered for a moment. Ione felt as much as heard it as Clarissa gasped, but the pause in her assault upon Ione's body lasted only a moment, as Clarissa was back at her licking and kissing even before Ione could start her own mouth work upon the demon's soft folds.

For however brief it was, Clarissa most definitely appreciated Ione's efforts. Though she kept up her own attentions, lewd moans accompanied every movement of Ione's tongue against her flower, and she was leaking her love honey into the plant woman's waiting mouth within seconds of the start of Ione's efforts. She let out a disappointed mewl as Ione pulled her mouth away, but she let out another surprised gasp as the alraune she was on top of pulled her cheeks apart. Arthur, for his part, seemed to need little encouraging. Ione's tendril met him as he was already positioning himself behind him, his balls still coated in her own nectar as they hovered over her.

Ione's suggestive words and wriggling of her hips caused Clarissa to giggle once more, and she made no effort to stop him as Arthur moved in and pressed the head of his member against her anus. Rather than press in, however, he moved down and brushed the rounded head against her petals. Ione had already resumed her licking, and as such the act was slightly intrusive, but the man was only there for a moment. He dipped into those soft folds before Ione's eyes, Clarissa moaning and gripping around around him tightly before he slipped out. The reason for that became quite clear a moment later, when Arthur once more pressed the juice covered tip of his member against Clarissa's anus, and effortlessly slid it inside.

Both Arthur and Clarissa moaned aloud as he slid into her, the demoness blushing brightly as her rear hole was penetrated and her folds were licked all at once. She redirected her attentions to Ione's sensitive nub a moment later, but her tongue had lost much of its dexterity to the attentions being brought upon her, Arthur having quickly started thrusting into her ass following the initial penetration. Clarissa's juices continued to leak onto Ione's tongue at an ever increasing rate as the two worked upon the demon's body, until finally, after only a few short moments, Clarissa began to shudder as her juices literally sprayed onto Ione's tongue. The demon's orgasm caused her tongue work to momentarily stop, but once she had come down from her climax Clarissa started right back at it with relentless fury.

Her passion at the very least made up for the loss of dexterity, and Ione reached her own orgasm once more under Clarissa's indelicate ministrations a few moments later. By then, Arthur's thrusts had reached a fevered pitch, every motion ending in his balls slapping into Clarissa's pussy while Ione continued to lap at it with her tongue. The three of them continued in that way for a short while longer, Ione and Clarissa eating each other out while Arthur slid his cock into Clarissa's anus, but all three were quickly reaching the limit of their endurance. Clarissa orgasmed again, and that seemed to set off Arthur. The human mage and his demonic lover both tensed, one after the other, and Ione could watch it all happen from her perspective beneath them.

Arthur hardened suddenly, and his balls contracted before her eyes as he began to pump Clarissa's ass full of his seed, her own squeezing forcing him out of her hole before he had finished cumming. Ropes of cum covered Clarissa's ass, pussy, and even Ione's face as Arthur continued to cum, the demon's juices once more squirting out of her flower as well as the two came together.

When his rod finally finished throbbing and releasing the last of his seed, Arthur collapsed back, panting. His eyes were closed, but he didn't seem to be too weakened by the ordeal. Within seconds, he was asleep where he sat, leaving Ione with a still panting Clarissa on top of her, her lower body covered in Arthur's sperm. "Such a... Ha... Mess... He always... Makes." She said, her voice a hoarse whisper.
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

Ione's tongue enjoyed it's return to Clarissa's folds for a few seconds before the intrusion of Arthur's member into them. As she drew her head back at it's arrival, the plant girl marveled at the lewd sight of the demoness being filled by the man, Clarissa's moan from the feeling washing over the girl's nether. Seizing quickly on the opportunity presented to her, Ione momentarily left her treatment on the demoness to focus on Arthur's length, moving her lips to his base and giving it light kisses as it slid out of Clarissa and trailed along her mouth before the mage readjusted himself to attend to Clarissa's rear entrance. Quickly adjusting herself to give the man room to work, Ione returned once more to treating Clarissa as Arthur sunk himself into her.

Arthur and Clarissa's moans were quite the enticing sound, and they were soon joined with Ione's own as the three of them continued to 'mingle' amongst each other. The alraune could feel every pound of the Arthur upon Clarissa's rear, the vibration shaking them both with every thrust. With every pump as well more of Clarissa's juices leaked out, the taste of them coating the plant girl's tongue thoroughly. Giggling, Ione absorbed herself into giving the demoness a good time, letting her tongue explore deeply into the woman's maidenhood, her breath heavy from her own treatment. It wasn't long before the mage's and plant girl's doubleteaming drove Clarissa to the brink, and with a shudder and spraying of juices the demoness came.

The brief moment of rest Ione received after Clarissa's climax was short lived, and the plant girl let out a cry as the demoness started back without relent after she had recovered. It wasn't as slow or methodical as before, but it's passion couldn't be denied, and Ione was soon squirming as her climax drew near. 'It's... too much...' Losing her own pace on the woman, Ione shuddered soon after, letting her own juices free as she was driven to the peak herself. She weakly continued to lick and tease at Clarissa, gaining strength once more after a time as the three of them continued to enjoy their company, lost in the pleasure of that moment between themselves.

For all their endurance it wasn't without limit, and after a short while of love making that endurance begin to wane. Arthur's fevered thrusts and throbbing sack gave notice of the man's approach, as did Clarissa's own light squirms and moans. Edged on by her own approach, Ione dove in fiercely herself to match Arthur's motions, and the effect was not without result. Rather quickly Clarissa arrived at her own climax and so too did Arthur as he reached his own. As Clarissa's honey coated the plant girl's face and tongue once more, Ione watched with lewd glee as Arthur hardened and contracted before her, filling Clarissa's ass with cum as much as he was able before he was pushed out, streams of his seed coating the demoness rear and even coating the plant girl's own face as it continued.

The intensity of their last hurrah was not lost on Ione and soon after Arthur unloaded upon her and Clarissa began to fade her movements, the plant girl let out the built orgasm of her own. Drained from the surge of pleasure and the session of lovemaking, Ione's grip on Clarissa faltered and the plant girl landed on her back, staring up at the demon's honeypot that still leaked small drips of juice upon her. Arthur soon drew away himself and slumped down, falling asleep it seemed from where he sat. He looked quite cute as he rested, and as Ione took notice she let out a weak laugh at the sight.

Panting heavily, Ione grinned half lidded, her face quite the sight as she listened to Clarissa's comment. "He... certainly does. It's... so thick~..." Giggling, still a bit weakly, the plant girl let her hands trail lovingly along Clarissa's arms as she laid back recovering, shivers sill reverberating through her from before. "I've... lost so much... I fear I might just... dry up at this rate..." Ione said as she wormed her way out from under the demoness slowly, clearly taken by fatigue before pushing herself up into a sitting position herself. If her coated face wasn't apparent before to Clarissa it certainly was now, and behind the face of splattered juice and seed those mischievous eyes looked back with a satisfied grin.

"You two... are wonderful. I hope this bloom... was wonderful for you too..." Idly, Ione wiped a small streak of the splatter off herself. "Some of us are more of a... mess than others it seems... we're going to need to wash up. There's a small standing pool we could use back in that overhang. Sadly it's only about knee high and it's fairly small. Should be large enough for the three of us though." Glancing back to Arthur, Ione was suddenly stricken with a question. "He'll remember all of this won't he? Even the way he is? I can't seem to recall the details of that power, even though she told me about it long ago."
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 60, PP = 34, EP = 72, Status = Pregnant

Clarissa shifted and moved off of Ione as the alraune began to worm her way out from underneath the demoness. Despite their enthusiastic encounter, Clarissa didn't seem tired at all. In fact, she stood up and stretched, showing off her curves as she purred; "Oh, you poor thing... You do leak so much at even the slightest touch!" The demon was grinning lewdly down at Ione as she rose to a sitting position, having clearly been energized by the feeding. Glancing briefly at Arthur, Clarrisa continued in a more normal tone; "Quite the mess he made on you, I see! He can usually do that three times, but I was a little... Overeager, in my feeding. He'll be awake in a couple of hours, but until then, I don't think he'll be moving too much."

The demoness giggled lightly at Ione's words, Clarrisa replied; "Oh yes... You were wonderful, and I'm sure that Arthur would say the same if he could... And his pride allowed it. But yes, a chance to clean up would be wonderful."

Tilting her head and frowning, Clarissa paused a moment as she eyed Ione, and then said; "You have mentioned a "her" several times now, with an odd tone in your voice. Whom are you speaking of, my little flower? And to answer your question, yes, he will remember all of this. He will remain under my control for a long while after he regains consciousness as well."

(Gain a mutation and 6 experience!)
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

At Clarissa's question the plant girl froze, looking off to the side for a few seconds. She had been bringing her up as she talked throughout the ordeal, so it was understandable why Clarissa might be confused to her mentioning. "Ah ha ha, that's good..." She started, a clear nervousness forming in her throat. "About... her... she's... she's someone special to me. Someone I knew a very long time ago, and haven't seen ever since." Sadness lingered on the alraune's words and plastered face at the comment, but was soon obscured as she begin wiping off the excess with her bare hands and onto some nearby grass and bushes. "Um... let's talk about this more as we wash up ok?"

Making her way over to where Arthur sat still slumped and asleep from before, Ione crouched down to hook her arm around him in such a way as to lift and carry him over to the small standing pool at the overhangs entrance, with or without the assistance of Clarissa should the demoness choose to help. Lowering him slowly into the shallow pool, Ione soon joined the man along with Clarissa in tow, the plant girl delighting in the feel of the water against her skin. Fresh water always did feel so nice, it's gentle coolness sending it's own kind of pleasure washing over her. Once settled into the small pool, the plant girl idly began to clean the man, scrubbing away and running her hands over the man's form and through his hair as he bathed sleeping.

Satisfied in giving the man a quick wash, Ione gave a light laugh and tussle of the man's head, settling him to rest safely and peacefully in the bath as the two others attended to themselves. "I met her long ago, during a time when... I was getting used to being alone. Before then I had lived with other blooms but..." She trailed off, a look of pain as well as a flash of hate emerging as she focused down on the pool they sat in. "There were no good reasons to ever stay with... them... so I left. A couple of seasons later... that's when I met her..." Smiling serenely, Ione turned her gaze back to the demoness, staring half-lidded and seemingly entranced as she recalled the woman from her past.

"She was amazing Clarissa. Such beautiful fair skin, dark blue hair, vermillion eyes, and so eloquent! During the time I spent with her, everything felt so wonderful, and she taught me so many things. I learned almost everything I know about demons from her, even how to use some powers." As she continued Ione's scrubbing began to grow more than just that, and before her eyes Clarissa could see Ione slowly begin to grope at herself, massaging her own breasts in front of her with a little passion. She was quick to catch herself though, and with some reluctance stopped herself short, settling back to bathe herself normally. "Mmmm... though lessons weren't the only thing that rubbed off on me. I was never quite so lustful until I met her. In fact, I used to be quite the prude little sprout, if you can believe that."

The alraune took time to stretch before gazing back to Clarissa, some color still missing in her eyes as she addressed her. "We got up to such fun, her and I! It was like she was a storm running through, shaking this little bloom all over! We must have coupled together for such a long time... but eventually though... eventually it came to an end. And well... I haven't seen her since." The plant girl finished quietly, washing herself with less enthusiasm than before, sadness once again marking her features. It had been so long since she had seen that woman, and she truly wondered if she ever would see her again. The woman had warned they might not, but Ione hoped otherwise.

Mutation Log
Funny Ears acquired - Takes effect on rest
Re: Ione (Ryu Doppler)

HP = 60, PP = 34, EP = 72, Status = Pregnant

Clarissa still looked confused, but nodded as she suggested that they speak more as they cleaned up. When she moved to lift Arthur, Clarissa quickly moved to the man's other side to help, as Arthur only stirred slightly upon being lifted to his feet. Practically dragging the mage over to the shallow pool of water, Arthur was easy enough to lower into the water, and Clarissa smiled as she aided Ione in cleansing him in the water.

Once he was cleaned and set aside to rest, his head lolling onto his shoulder in his rest, Clarissa cleaned herself, wiping away the cum that coated her backside as Ione cleaned out her privates. Arthur was apparently quite potent, and her abdomen had already expanded a tiny bit as the seeds that he had sired grew within her, but it wasn't like she intended to try and prevent that now anyway. Clarissa looked in her direction when Ione began to speak, though she chose to remained silent.

All throughout her explanation and the display that accompanied it, Clarissa watched and listened without interrupting, her face carefully neutral. When she finished, the demoness before her sighed sadly and nodded, her eyes closed. "It's... Not surprising to me. I suspected the gist, if not the exact details of your story after you mentioned her so many times." She said slowly, before opening her eyes and looking into Ione's own eyes with an even stare. "Some of my kind have such.... Flings... Often. Most do, as a matter of fact. I don't want to belittle your experience with her by any means.... I'm sure that you both enjoyed yourselves, and she certainly has left her mark on you, but... If she was one of my kind, I doubt that she truly cared for you in the way that you did... Do, for her." Clarissa paused, her body tensed in preparation, as if she expected Ione to react violently to what she had said.

Very quickly, she continued; "She was right to tell you not to expect her to return, at least. Most whom I know... Myself included I'm ashamed to say, simply left while our partner recovered. I suppose that not being able to feed upon one of your kind helped to prevent that. Did you ever catch her name?"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

"She... cared enough to give this bloom a name where non other fit..." Ione said, her spirit only growing glummer at Clarissa's indication. Had the woman really not held similar feelings as she did? Before she would have never even raised the possibility, the memories of those times still fresh in her mind, but with so much time having passed doubt now raised it's head in the plant girl's mind. Despite her own rising doubt no matter how hard she seemed to insist the idea, viewing that woman as anything other than someone who cared for her echoed as an impossibility. A familiar dull pain pulsed through her as she pressed more, but stopped as it became to much, winching visibly and taking to rubbing her temples to ease the sudden discomfort.

As soon as the discomfort subsided, eyes visibly more weary now from both the implication and the recent aching. At the mentioning of catching the woman's name, Ione blinked a few times, taking a moment to scrub at her own face before addressing the demoness. "I did. It was surprisingly hard to get it out of her. When I first asked, she repeatedly mentioned how it would be better if I didn't know. She was... very insistent, but eventually she relented after a few persuasions..." She said, looking away as her face flushed from the memory of that moment, remembering the woman's grinning face hovering inches above hers as she 'demonstrated' a particular power of hers on a younger Ione as she squirmed underneath.

Ione, recovering from momentary blush, turned her gaze back on Clarissa. "She said her name was Viorica. I don't suppose you... you might know her?" She questioned, visibly brightening at the idea that the demoness might have knowledge about that woman. Or even better, might actually have met or even know her! It took Ione a moment to realize that in her excitement she had moved much closer to Clarissa, staring at her with a little intensity, and with some embarrassment shrunk away slightly. "She didn't really talk much about her friends. Not to me as the case was. The only thing she really mentioned about her own affairs was getting back at some bastard. Some sort of unfinished business... though I don't think she meant she was going to deal with a seedling of hers though..."