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A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 62, PP = 36, EP = 74/76, Status = Telepathy

Sivi nodded sadly at Ione's earnest words, but after what Ione said following the donning of her helmet her expression became one of hope. Mandragora offered her a friendly smile, while Clarissa and Arthur simply nodded and started down the stairs. Sivi, meanwhile, moved to walk beside Ione while Mandragora took up the golden skinned alraune's other side. "I won't make you regret this Ione, but if you ever wish for me to leave your company all you need to do is ask. I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Though she is our queen in this region, not all of us are like Lady Acrasia. I'll just have to earn my people a better opinion from you than she did by my deeds at your side!"

As they moved to follow after the demon and wizard who led the way down the steps, Mandragora blushed at Ione's suggestive comment while Sivi smirked. The nymph began to explain as they descended back toward the jungle; "Yes, I taught Mandragora a bit about her powers. Though members of your kind with such power are not unheard of, her abilities are very unusual for an alraune, and none around her could teach her how to control them properly. When you're surrounded by plants and unable to control the breath of a dragon, well, I bet you can imagine how many problems that might cause! She came to a sanctuary that I was staying at, and I ended up helping her learn a few things about magic."

Mandragora smiled sheepishly and added; "Magic wasn't the only thing that I learned under you, Sivi." The nymph laughed lightly at that and replied; "Oh yes, I showed you quite a few other things in our little extracurricular activities, didn't I? Yes, you spent a lot of free time in my chambers, receiving my 'lessons.' Well, what free time that you had that wasn't spent gallivanting about with satyrs at least!" Mandragora was blushing furiously by this point, Sivi's words having a clear effect upon her, but the nymph didn't seem to mind that at all.

If anything, she seemed to enjoy the fact that she was making Mandragora uncomfortable. "Oh Mandragora was a very frisky little bloom when she was younger! I suppose she hasn't told you about those times has she? Oh I've got such stories," Sivi began teasingly, but before she could go any further Mandragora interjected; "How do we get out of this valley?" Sivi giggled but decided not to go on unless Ione decided to press her further, instead saying; "It's a long walk back to the road you were found on, we'll just have to retrace our steps."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Glancing momentarily toward the mage and demoness as they descended off the last portions of the stairs, Ione turned her attention back to nymph right after. Sivi was being very understanding of her wariness, which the plant girl quite appreciated. She did wonder though, if the Fae whose looks so quickly changed at their queens words would ever return to mere curiosity, or even something better. She hadn't meant to lose any favor with them before, but then she hadn't meant to get on the queen's bad side either. Again, for what felt like the 20th time she shook her head from the troubling thoughts. 'Just focus forward Ione. And be ready for what lies ahead... not fret over the past...'

A shot of surprise ran through the plant girl upon hearing of Mandragora's unusual ability. She had expected some general history about their time together, not that the other alraune held such power within her. Ione couldn't help but give Mandragora a quick scan, expecting to see some other aspect of dragonic power slip out. As if she might just be a dragon in a plant girl's leafy clothing. Against her imagination just a plant girl continued to walk along beside her, but something else Sivi said sparked another something in Ione's mind. "Yes... having such fiery breath would... separate one quite a bit from their kin. Though from what you said before Mandragora I doubt your plantkin treated you the same as mine... despite such a power..."

The momentarily sadness left just as immediately as the other plant girl's sheepishness came, along with the light hearted laughs of her nymph teacher. Sivi was quick to spill the goods on the other aspects of Mandragora's 'training', as well as things she got up when not receiving them. Ione's thoughts were filling in quite a bit at the imagery the nymph painted, picturing quite a number of scenes involving the said satyrs. Not to mention those lessons with teacher as well. The plant girl's grin was well on it's way to stretching across her face, along with a renewed blush, though with the helmet she wore all of it was masked quite a bit from the two following beside her.

"Oh... I'd love to hear about such stories... One frisky blooms tales are another's pleasure to hear, though I'm afraid I couldn't offer you any similar tales I fear. I've told sweet Clarissa and Arthur this but I wasn't really a frisky thing myself when I was younger. I was actually quite the prude believe it or not, but that all changed when I met... Ione stopped talking quite abruptly, hesitating for a moment. Should she actually tell them about Viorica? It was only now that the plant girl realized that only Clarissa even really knew about her, and being a demon it was easy for her to accept. Would they be the same? The plant girl feared the answer. "... I met someone I... haven't seen in 16 seasons. I guess you could say they were my own teacher in a way... ah ha... ha..."

Listening to what 'Tales' the alraune would have to say, Ione committed to holding in middle of the group. Staying just a little behind Arthur and Clarissa as they led, moving them down the path and retracing the steps they had taken before when they were being escorted here in the first place. The path had slopped downward from the chasm she remembered, so as long as they find their way back up such a sloping path they should be alright on their way back.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 62, PP = 36, EP = 74/76, Status = Telepathy

Ione's glance at Mandragora revealed no hints of the abilities that Sivi had spoken of, not even a trace of draconic heritage evident in the other alraune's golden form. The other alraune quickly explained, "I was never badly treated, my kin were usually too afraid I'd set them on fire by accident or something to be mean to me." Sivi gave a nod to that and added, "Yes, her bunkmates were quite happy when one of our own stumbled across her and offered to help her learn to control her powers."

When pressed for stories, Sivi gave an impish smile while Mandragora blushed nervously, her expression trying to be both mortified and amused at the same time and ending up in a strange grimace that was somewhere in between. Before offering any tales, however, the nymph raised an eyebrow at Ione's explanation of her history and commented, "Oh? I cannot imagine such a beautiful bloom going to waste so! If I ever meet your "teacher" I'll have to thank them for enlightening you!"

Sivi promptly launched into a fairly sordid tale of how she'd once found Mandragora surrounded by no less than a dozen satyrs and gruffs, showing no hints of shame even as she delivered all of the incredibly lewd details. By the time she'd finished the story Mandragora's face looked to have changed from gold to purple from embarrassment, particularly as Sivi ended with the statement; "...and she had more seedlings the next day than I've ever seen! Fifty seven of them! I thought she was going to pop she got so fat, and when she was done getting rid of them all she passed out for a day and a half!" They'd also made their way out of the hidden valley containing Acrasia's sanctuary by then as well, and quickly found themselves at the bridge once more. The troll was present as before, standing watch with his arms folded, but he offered them a pleasant, "Hello," before stepping aside and letting them be on their way.

The bridge was extremely rickety, and Clarissa and Arthur both suggested that they should cross one at a time, a sentiment that Mandragora nodded to wordlessly but that Sivi smirked at and made no response at all. Regardless of whether Ione opted for haste or safety or perhaps did something more impressive using her powers, they all made it across the bridge without any incident. When they had all gathered together again, Arthur said; "I'd say we're still a long ways from Celesis, too long to walk in a single day for sure. I know of a village near here where we might be able to rest, but it's a little out of the way. What do you lot think?"

Mandragora seemed worried and quickly asked, "A human village? Would they let Ione and I walk around?" Clarissa, despite her frosty introduction to the other alraune, was quick to nod and say in a reassuring voice, "Most human settlements here in the amazon are fairly welcoming even to plantkin, so long as you behave yourselves. I'm sure you'll get along fine there. Though, I'm surprised that you didn't know that Mandragora." Mandragora smiled sheepishly and took a moment to reply, causing Sivi to roll her eyes and beat the alraune to the punch, "You're the first human she's ever met." Arthur and Clarissa both raised an eyebrow at that, and the demoness asked, "Really." Mandragora hesitantly replied, "Y...Yes." The demoness shot Ione a devious smile but said nothing further, and Sivi offered, "I know of this village. They're good people, easy going and friendly to strangers. We should be fine so long as we don't cause any trouble."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione momentarily frowned a little at Sivi's response to wanting to meet her "teacher", unsure how well she'd would be received by the nymph. 'She seems alright with Clarissa around, maybe she'll be ok with Viorica too... if she ever gets to meet her...' The sordid tale of her fellow Alraune's steamy romp amongst fae servants earned quite the smile from Ione, the picture of her fellow bloom surrounded by gruffs and satyrs of all shapes and sizes forming quite a delightful picture in her mind. She could easily imagine the various lewd acts Mandragora involved herself in among them. Standing, laying, sitting, shamelessly using all manner of positions on her fellow indulgers. "Mmmm, I bet you felt that for quite a while. It's always worth it though~."

By the time her fellow bloom's tale was said and done, Ione and her companions had made way enough to reach back to the bridge they had been diverted from, leaving the hidden valley behind them as they reemerged on the main path. Trog, the troll the plant girl had riden earlier, was once again standing guard, albeit less in hiding and more standing sentry. With a brief but pleasant greeting and stepping aside, the path onwards across the bridge was left open and it didn't take long at all before the whole of the group had made their way across the rickety structure. A little slower perhaps, due exactly to how rickety it was, causing them to go one at a time. But still such a thing was little problem and was crossed without incident all the same.

Standing on the path after the crossing, Ione listened to Arthur's comments of a village they could all find reprieve at. Never having been to Celesis, she didn't herself if the city was so far ahead. If it was though, resting out in the open was potentially not the best idea. At least for her non-alraune companions. She did have to blink a few times to herself at Mandragora's question about human villages, and when it was reveiled that Arthur was possibly the first human the other alraune had ever met up close, blink a few times more; catching of course the devious smile shot her way by the demoness, driving a little curiosity into Ione's mind as to what she might be considering.

"I suppose bed and board would be better comfort for resting... though I would have suggested laying atop either of us if grass and dirt was too uncomfortable for you three." Ione said, giggling lightly as she motioned between herself and Mandragora. "I'd be nice to be amongst some the village's company, especially if they are as friendly as you say Sivi. To be honest... a good time wasn't the only thing your queen teased me about. All those plates of food... I could really go for something meaty and juicy right about now." Visibly drooling with half-lidded eyes and drooping ears, Ione quickly fell into a day dream of eating delicious tender meats as she once again fell in line behind the others, prepared to march along the path as far as they would go before heading off to rest at this village.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 62, PP = 36, EP = 74/76, Status = Telepathy

Ione’s subtle but nonetheless lewd suggestion drew a smile from Sivi and caused Clarissa’s mischievous smirk to widen, but Arthur’s expression didn’t shift in the slightest and Mandragora’s blush deepened a shade or two. All four of them laughed as she drooled over the idea of a decent meal, even Arthur letting out a light chuckle that slipped almost unnoticed beneath Sivi’s hearty rolling laugh, Mandragora’s loud tittering giggle, and Clarissa’s airy, indulgent-but-dignified snicker. “I second that sentiment!” Arthur exclaimed, and there was a nod of agreement followed by their immediate departure towards the village that the mage had mentioned.

The trip, downhill most of the way and hardly treacherous despite the somewhat soggy ground, was passed in somewhat better spirits amidst their group and thus went by quickly and without incident. The largest buildings were visible from over the tops of the trees as they drew near, and it was still well before dark when Ione and company reached a tall wooden palisade, a guard tower on either side marking the sides of a gate that had been left open. Even so, a voice from the right-hand tower called down to them in a friendly but still authoritative voice, “Who goes there?” Arthur was first to answer back, “Travelers looking for a safe and comfortable place to spend the night!” A man appeared up above, holding a loaded crossbow lightly in his hands that he kept pointed away from them. Eying the five of them for a moment, he said, “You’re either the luckiest or the unluckiest man in the jungle, stranger! So long as you and your friends don’t cause any trouble you’ll find none here in Hafstead! The Festival of Blossoms is just starting tonight, feel free to stay as long as ya like!

Arthur nodded to the man and called back, “Thank you for your hospitality!” However, as they walked into the small but heavily decorated village, flowers in a rainbow of colors present on almost every available surface, Arthur remarked under his breath, “Feel free to stay and spend all our money, more like! Ha!” All those that they passed on their way to the local inn, not too many considering it was only two buildings past the wall, seemed simply delighted to have them despite the clearly inhuman heritage of more than half their number. Clarissa’s demonic features, as spare as they had been before, had vanished when they came within sight of the walls, making her appear as nothing more than an unusually attractive red-eyed human woman, but Sivi was still blue and Mandragora and Ione were still clearly alraune despite having unusual coloring for their race.

The inn itself, the Dancing Jaguar according to the flower-laden sign hanging over the door, had a large open common room that was missing a wall, allowing fresh air to keep the heat inside from becoming too unbearable and the smell of alcohol, pipe weed, and so many bodies pressed together from getting a foothold. People, humans and night elves largely, were gathered around the bar or seated at tables or standing in small groups thus leaving the place nearly packed. None of them received any disapproving looks from those they brushed past in the crowd, and indeed many of the looks they got from the people that they moved around were interested. One elven woman followed Ione with her eyes for a long while after she had passed her, looking her up and down while making no attempt to hide her interest.

A table cleared as they passed it, and Arthur and Clarissa quickly snagged seats before another group could lay claim to it. The table only had four chairs, but Clarissa moved over to Arthur's lap and patted the seat she had previously occupied. "Unless you'd rather have my seat~!" she suggested with a smirk, having to speak louder than she normally did due to the noise of the crowd in the room. Though they were getting a number of looks from those around them, none of them could be construed as hostile save for some of the envious looks that Arthur seemed to be getting from the local men for being surrounded by a quartet of beautiful women. Taking a quick glance around the table at her companions revealed that Mandragora seemed nervous, Sivi seemed quite at peace with their surroundings, Clarissa was maintaining an air of careful disinterest from those around them, and Arthur was relaxed in his chair despite having either a demon or an alraune in his lap.

"Is it always so crowded in here?" Mandragora asked quietly, to which Sivi laughed lightly and replied, "Not always, but it's the first day of a four day festival! People are getting themselves loose and drunk before the burning of the grove!" Clarissa looked momentarily confused and asked, "Burning of the grove? Surely they don't set fire to the jungle!?" Mandragora looked positively mortified at the idea, but Sivi laughed lightly and Arthur explained, "The Burning of the Grove is a ritual symbolizing the cycle of death and rebirth. A wreath made of as many different types of flowers as can be found is formed with no more than one flower of each type, and the village elder then places it into a pyre and burns it. As a boy I saw a wreath in Celesis containing over ten thousand different flowers go up in flames."

Mandragora still looked mortified, and Sivi rolled her eyes and said, "It's only a cutting of each flower, not the whole plant! And it's a celebration of fertility! It also generally accompanies the seasonal planting of the crops.... And other things~!" The nymph paused and glanced slyly at Arthur, causing Mandragora and Clarissa to glance at him as well. He let out a sigh and explained, "It's also generally thought of as a night on which children are conceived. It is said that the Burning of the Grove grants fertility to the inhabitants of a village, and all bonds of marriage are nulled for the night so that even couples in which one member is infertile might produce children."

Clarissa raised an eyebrow and said, "That explains all the looks we're getting! Their potency is probably legendary," she gestured at Mandragora and Ione, "and if you're allowed to cheat on your spouse for a night, why not go for the best looking woman in the bar?" Clarissa fluttered her eyelashes momentarily at a nearby man, but he looked away hurriedly and she scowled as she turned back to Arthur. "So, why did you never tell me about this festival? It seems to be pretty common, how come I've never heard of it before?" Arthur frowned and blushed slightly, hesitating for a moment before replying, "I was... Well, to be honest I was worried that I'd be jealous if you found someone else for a night, so I avoided taking us into civilization when this festival was on."

Mandragora just looked confused at his explanation and was still somewhat distressed by the burning of flowers, and suddenly interjected, "They.... They won't try to put Ione and I on the wreath, will they?" Sivi laughed loudly and said, "No! Of course not! Don't worry my friend, none of us here are going to let you get burned!" She glanced around at her companions, starting with Ione and then turning to Arthur and Clarissa, but the mage was still blushing and staring at the table while the demoness looked touched.

Just then, a waitress fought her way through the crowd and knelt down over their table, giving everyone except Sivi (whom she was standing directly next to) a prime view of her cleavage. Smiling serenely and shaking a length of her shiny black hair out of her face, the young human waitress said, "Can I get you lot anything to eat or drink? Kitchen's open 'til after midnight tonight in honor of the festival, and the bar's open until dawn! We've got good food and plenty of booze to lighten the mood for the coming festivities! Prices are low for the festival too!"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione followed her companion's lead a little sluggishly at first, the tantalizing thoughts of food still holding a grip on her. But it passed well enough, and in higher spirits than before they were all off again, traveling downhill towards their village destination. The soggy ground made walking a very light chore, not too muddy to risk a loss of boot or shoe or even an accidental tripping up. Other than that the journey was hardly a problem for any of them, and the plant girl found herself humming softly by the time the sight of tall buildings peeking of the treeline came into view. She remembered such familiar sights from times before, though she was sure she hadn't ever been to this fortified village before.

Standing with the others at the open gate, the light of day far from fading despite the time taken for the journey, Arthur was quick to respond to the crossbowman guard who questioned them. Ione caught the man's eye during his looking over, giving him a friendly smile that turned a smidge wider at his friendly poking at Arthur's sake. If only the crossbowman had known where he had been just so many hours ago! Surely he'd think Arthur more lucky than most rather than not, just as she thought of course. The alraune was quick to catch the name of the town too, Hafstead, raising a curious eyebrow at this mentioning of a Blossom Festival that was to be starting soon.

As they walked into the village amidst Arthur's quips, Ione had to catch her breath at the sight of so many colorful blooms and decorations displayed about. Even the mage's cynicism couldn't squash the sudden joy she felt well up from the rainbow of colors that surrounded them. Overjoyed, she greeted every pleasant look by people passing by them with a serene smile, gaining delightful smiles in return. None of the townsfolk seemed bothered by her party's inhuman presence and looking briefly to Clarissa, the plant girl noted just how much more she looked like just an attractive albeit red-eyed woman. 'Must be that... shiftshaping demons can do... I wonder if her tongue is still forky though?'

Regardless of the demoness' subtle change, both her and Mandragora were still obviously plant persons, and Sivi was... blue and clearly a nymph. Still, the looks returned were delightful, so any uneasiness that might otherwise have been caused was no issue. Especially so with the interest that directed itself toward them when she and the rest entered the crowded Inn, the Dancing Jaguar from it's decorated sign. Small groups of humans and night elves mostly, with an assortment of others here and there, gave them all looks of interest as they moved in. One elven woman in particular not making any effort to hide her own interest in Ione as well, clearly taking a liking at what she saw.

The alraune gave a knowing glance at the elven woman, noticeable even behind the veil her helmet provided to most of her features. She even gave the woman a wink for her interest, making a note to find her later, if only to satisfy her curiosity if not much more. When the opportunity to find a seat arrived, Ione joined her companions quickly in claiming it, laughly happily at Clarissa's antics as she removed her helmet. "Mmmm, it's tempting. So very tempting... oh but you and Arthur always look so... cute together~. And if I took up on that offer I might just be tempted to have you sit on my lap instead sweet Clarissa..." With another laugh, she set back to relax, taking a glance at the envious but otherwise non-hostile looks from some of the menfolk before leaning back.

Mandragora was slow to relax though, and when the festival came to be explained between Sivi and Arthur, she only seemed to grow more mortified. Ione however, found her interest piked at, giving the others and even a few people outside the table some mischievous glances. "Explains the looks indeed! You said they'd be friendly to strangers... but I wasn't expecting they would to be 'this' friendly!" And at Arthur's admittal of purposefully avoiding civilization during the festival time out of jealousy, the plant girl let out a small awww, turning then afterword to quell Mandragora's rising concerns. "Mandragora, trust me. If anyone tried to make a burning wreath out of you or I they'd be in for quite a surprise. From the both of us I'm sure... ah ha..."

The sudden arrival of the waitress stole Ione's attention away, the view she awarded with her presence bringing delight into Ione's quickly imagination forming mind. At the mention of food and drink, her mind returned to a previous fill of ideas and she smiled brightly at their serving host. "Just some water for me, and a nice slab of meat if you will..." Following her companions orders and the hopefully short wait for their food to be prepared, the alraune would be drooling once more when the food finally brought over, wasting no time in digging into the delicious foodstuff served to her. Without realizing it at first, she would gnaw at her food in an almost feral way before blinking a few times and then lighting up in embarrassment, quickly settling into a more proper way to eat. "Ah ha ha, where are my manners... it's been so long since I actually ate with others..."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 62, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

The elven woman's smile broadened when Ione winked at her, and she offered the alraune a sultry, suggestive look and beckoned toward her table invitingly. She didn't seem off-put when Ione took a seat with her companions, and as Ione swept her helmet from her head the night elf smiled approvingly as Ione's pink hair came free of the restrictive head-gear. Clarissa received Ione's light hearted suggestion with a giggle as she hooked an arm around Arthur's neck, after which she quipped in turn; "I would be happy to~!"

Later, when Ione gave her light awww at Arthur's words, Sivi joined in with a mischievous look on her face, and the mage's blush increased decisively. Mandragora at last seemed to be comforted by Ione's regarding what would happen if anyone tried to burn either of them, though the other golden alraune still spoke in a hollow voice as she replied, "They... They burn flowers! Why flowers!? WHY!?"

The waitress wrote out their orders on a notepad, Arthur ordering some strange dish that allegedly had fish in it while Clarissa asked for a plate of shellfish. Sivi ordered a fruit salad, and Mandragora ordered a bowl of spiced noodles with a side of cheese and beef. For drinks, Arthur ordered a mead while Sivi and Clarissa both asked for wine, and Mandragora replicated Ione by asking for only water. "I'll have it out to you as soon as it's ready! We're pretty busy tonight so it might be a little while," the serving girl said while holding a pleasant smile. After she had departed, Arthur and Mandragora both fell silent, the former apparently now lost in veiled thoughts while the latter was still frowning at the idea of burning flowers. The night elf at the other table continued to shoot Ione glances, and Sivi and Clarissa entered into a polite conversation about magic rituals together that was apparently an effort to set aside their racial animosity.

When their food arrived some fifteen minutes later, the others all fell upon their meals with ferocity almost equal to Ione's, though they all at least used their utensils. As such, her initial assault upon her meal went largely unanswered besides a mirthful smirk that crossed over Clarissa's face at the sight of Ione gnawing on a whole steak. All too soon the meal was finished, each of them having cleaned their plates and downed their glasses. The food was excellent despite how packed the room seemed to be, and the waitress came by asking them if they'd like seconds.

After she had departed once more, Arthur spoke up, "Well, we're here for the night it seems, and the festival is on... What should we do?" Clarissa gave him a teasingly reproachful look and replied, "Why, join in on the fun of course!" Sivi rolled her eyes and added, "We were invited to participate, it would be rude not to do so now! Besides, it looks like our dear Ione has already found a partner!" The nymph shot a glance in the direction of the night elven woman who had been eying Ione, and Mandragora followed her gaze and finally put two and two together judging by the way in which her face lit up. That prospect, it seemed, was finally enough to pull the other alraune from her melancholic state, as she glanced about with wide eyes and said, "Wait.... You mean.... I could.... With whoever I want!?"

Sivi and Clarissa giggled, but Arthur made a concerted effort to be looking in another direction. It was likely only a coincidence that that direction happened to be at Clarissa's breasts as they shook lightly in time with her laughter. "Whoever accepts you is your for the taking!" Sivi said lightly, "You just need to find a partner before the ceremony is over." Mandragora was apparently so delighted by this prospect that not even the reminder about the ritual burning of flowers could dampen her spirits. "Whoever I want!" Mandragora said gleefully, and Ione could practically see the other woman looking over the others present in the tavern as possibilities ran through her mind.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Downing the last little bits of the juicy and succulent meatsteak that had been delivered, the plant girl let out a very satisfied sigh as she pushed her plate aside. The meal was as every bit as delicious and good as she had imagined it would be. A further delight of it being made from something domestic. Or at least something more common for most folks of the jungle to eat normally. Ione didn't know if the people here were accustomed to eating some of the types of meat she had grown used to relying on whenever she grew hungry, but she wasn't about to mortify the poor human waitress by asking for something more wild and different like basted giant spider abdomen or wolf steaks.

She was glad her eating hadn't bothered any of her companions, briefly surprised but then delighted when they took to their own food with almost the same enthusiasm as she did. Well except for the feral gnawing part at least. She'd have to make a mental note and remember to use cutlery first next time, if only for politeness sake. The alraune was surprised to see the choice in seafood amongst Arthur and Clarissa, briefly pondering whether to poke the mage's order in a test. Her mind wasn't convinced there was any fish to be found in the strange dish, but if it whet the man's appetite she couldn't complain. Between the meaty orders though it certainly was the odd one out in the very least.

The waitress' return to their table was a brief ordeal. Despite the offer for seconds to indulge in none of the party elected to dine further, and the plant girl was amongst them. One slab of meat was plenty fine a meal to tide her over for now, and she didn't want to be too full to enjoy the other festivities after all. From the glancing looks several of the surrounding folks gave her, and most noticibly the constant appreciative glances from that one elven woman, Ione didn't have to look far for a partner. The elven woman in particular caught the alraune's own interest very quickly with her sultry beckoning from before. And that seat right next to her was beginning to look very enticing...

"Looks like I've found a partner indeed~... and yes my... plant sister... you can with anyone you want!" With embarrassment at having her 'interest' spotted out Ione fidgeted a little but not so much. It had certainly helped Mandragora out of her mood, and already Ione could see Mandragora's eyes flickering about here and there. Spying out for every available catch she could find. Those stories Sivi had spoke of before came to mind for a second, and with such a history floating she had to wonder just how many partners the draconic powered other alraune would lay in the night with. 'If she had her way... every man in this village might not be safe~!'

Pushing her chair back, Ione stood and hooked her helmet to a belt while giving her companions a knowing smile. "Well... I've got a date for tonight! Though I'm sure we'll all have dates before the night is over. Perhaps some more than others...? Although... since my date seems so happy eying a flower perhaps we should double up my sister?" The plant girl teased Mandragora, inviting her along on her date and giggling a little before continuing to take her leave. Before she did so however, Ione made her way over to Arthur's other side, moving close to whisper to the globe struck gazing man. "It'll be alright Arthur. Go and enjoy yourself tonight. If it really bothers you that much though, you can always ask Clarissa to be your date you know~." With a smile and low giggle, the plant girl gave the mage a reassuring peck of the cheek, or accidentally stole a kiss if he happened to turn his head as she dedicated herself to the act. And with a blush, gave a small hand wave to the group as she made her way over to the elven woman's table.

The act would no doubt catch the elven woman's attention further, Ione meeting the elven maiden's eyes with her own and giving her a warm smile as she approached, either with or without Mandragora should the other plant girl choose to tag along. When she finally reached the table she'd give her hair a little toss, and lean a little forward supported by a chair to address the woman. "I can't help but notice you've taken quite the interest in this little bloom. Perhaps you are one who enjoys a little... handiwork in a garden hmmmm? You wouldn't mind keeping a pretty flower like me company for a while would you? I could use some friendly company after the day I've had. And you certainly look like very... friendly company."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 62, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Mandragora brightened instantly at Ione's offer, however teasing it might be. Sivi rolled her eyes knowingly, but the other alraune rose from her seat a moment after Ione had made it and replied, "Okay! This'll be fun~" As she passed the nymph to reach Arthur and Clarissa's chair, Ione distinctively heard Sivi mutter, "She's always so shy right up until someone gets her naked!" Arthur, despite his apparent distraction with the breasts of the beautiful demon sitting in his lap, was quick to reply to Ione's suggestion, "Oh I was planning on it." Clarissa was close enough to hear that of course, and gave Ione a wink as she and Mandragora made their way over to the elven woman who had been eying her earlier.

Such was the state in which Ione and Mandragora left their other companions, Sivi smirking crookedly at their backs while Arthur and Clarissa made eyes at one another. Mandragora seemed fairly nervous and stuck close to Ione, who could feel the tension in her body whenever they brushed up against one another, which was fairly often in the rambunctious crowd, but the journey was brief and uneventful. The night elven woman watched them approach with a soft smile, her eyes half closed and a glass filled with dark blue liquid in her hand. When they arrived before her, the group of men and women assembled around the woman eying the two of them as well from their seats at her table, Mandragora clung to Ione's side and allowed her to speak.

"Oh I do enjoy my gardening, you might say~" the woman replied in a voice so soft that it was nearly inaudible over the boisterous crowd around them, but something in it made it impossible to miss even as it slid beneath the din of the tavern. "I would welcome the company of a pretty flower such as yourself. Tis a rare sight to see a golden bloom such as yourself, much less two at the same time! I do wonder if you've both come just for little old me~" she continued as she quirked an eyebrow before taking a sip of her wine. "I promise you that I can be quite friendly~ Though, would your friend here prefer to join us or find her own pleasurable company for the night? I can certainly aid her in that, as you can see, I have many friends!"

A glance at Mandragora would show the other alraune not paying too close attention, as she was glancing between the two loudest groups in the tavern, one a group of human men who looked foreign that were still wearing soldier's armor, and the other a group of local humans and night elves of mixed sex that had started singing. If Ione insisted on asking her whether she would prefer to join them or have her own, the other golden alraune would think for a moment before replying, "I don't know.... Either way works for me! You decide!" As it turned out, it was Ione's choice to say whether or not she wanted Mandragora around for her time with the elven woman, and whatever that might entail.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

The alraune pondered for a moment, crooking her neck in thought while still giving a warm smile to the night elven woman in front of her. There were so many people Mandragora could wrap her tendrils around if Ione let her go off with them now. The friends of the Night Elf were giving them both quite the appreciative eye, but there was also a few groups around that had caught Mandragora's obvious interest. Several human and night elf locals being jubilant and singing loudly, and armored men as well. Some kind of military group that was obviously not from around the area. Ione twisted her face at the sight. Wasn't there some place to the west that shuffled out lots of soldiers?

Ione cleared her head of the moment's discomfort and brightened. As long as there was friendliness abound, it didn't really matter where any of them had come from. She still had to decide if she wanted Mandragora's company along with the mysterious Night Elf. From how tense and the way the other alraune clung to her, it almost seemed like she had already chosen herself, even if Ione was given the last word on it. It was hard to believe Sivi's words from before... of how shy she'd be until someone got her undressed. She wanted to see if all the tales from before were true first hand, but there was something else as well. She wanted to see just how different Mandragora really would be from the ones she knew...

Releasing a close hug from the other plant girl that she hadn't realized she had begun to squeeze, Ione gave her plant sister a look. "I know you would have much fun with so many, but do stay with us for tonight. Stay with me...?" The question came out much quieter and unsure, echoing the same uncertainty that had come from when they had both met each other back in the open field. Uncertain face, drooping ears and all. But just as quickly, Ione spun back to give the Night Elven woman a sultry smile, her ears perking straight back up. "If we're such a rare sight, would be better to indulge now while we're ripe for the taking no? Who knows how long the dry spell without blooms like us will be."

Giggling, the plant girl gave a quick number of glances at the people standing and sitting around the night elven woman, returning their eying with appreciative smiles of her own. "Hmmmm, I wonder. Just where shall our little 'gardening' take place. Surely not right here in the tavern? That would be rather... naughty~..." Ione could imagine the lewd looks the others would give, the strange delightful stars Mandragora's eyes might shoot out at the act, and even the embarrassed flushed faces of some of the locals too. That cute waitress from before even came to mind, dropping her jaw and a bunch of food, at which Ione could only barely suppress a giggle while waiting for a response from the woman.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 62, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Mandragora caught on quickly to the uncertainty and Ione's tone, and seemingly as a measure to alleviate it the other alraune blinked at her for a moment before replying; "Sure! She'll never know what hit her~ Well, she will, cuz she'll probably remember us for a long time after tonight, buuuut.... You know what I mean!" That said aloud caused the elven woman to giggle loudly, but she returned Ione's sultry smile with one of her own readily. "You're quite right, it might be some time before I have the opportunity to sample two rare blooms at once! I should enjoy it while I can~"

At the question regarding where their little amusement was to take place, the elven woman giggled at the idea that they would do such things right in the middle of the tavern. "Of course not right here~" she exclaimed, "We still have to obey common decency! No... We will retire to my home after the burning of the wreath! I'm sure that you two will find it quite comfortable~ My name is Jezebel, by the way. What might I call you two lovely little flowers?" Mandragora was first to reply, "I'm Mandragora! It's a pleasure to meet you Jezebel!"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

"Jezebel... such a lovely sounding name. I almost feel as if I had heard it before somewhere. For the ones who come to know me well, I am called Ione. Likewise as my sister, it is a pleasure." The plant girl gave a happy nod toward the elven woman, giggling lightly once again at the jest that they might just end up enjoying themselves right there in the tavern. Taking such an activity to the privacy of a home would probably be for the best, despite how mischievous the thought still was to do it in the open. Ione briefly wondered just what kind of home Jezebel happened to have; she and the others hadn't traveled much into the village and if the amount of friends Jezebel had were any indicator, the night elf might very well be someone living fairly well off.

Without even realizing it, after Mandragora agreed to stay the alraune slowly began to wrap and pull herself closer to her other alraune sister. A task that wasn't really that difficult considering how close the other alraune was to start with. As such, it went nearly unnoticed by Ione that she had pulled Mandragora so incredibly close that the two of them could almost be cuddling, if the other alraune didn't already take to clinging to her willingly. "Do you know when the festivities will be taking place? We're still a bit new to this particular ceremony, and my poor sister is a bit anxious at seeing all those burning flowers."

It was said with a light tease of course, all while giving the other plant girl a reassuring squeeze in the embrace. Ione hoped it wouldn't actually be that long before the ceremony started, though it wouldn't stop her from eventually taking a seat at the elven woman's table along with Mandragora if she wished for it. The plant girl also took the time to give a glance around once more, looking around the crowd again and giving those foreign soldiers a gaze once more, but mostly looking back at the table she left to see how Arthur, Clarissa, and Sivi were doing. She expected the mage and demoness pair to still be eying each other, but she didn't know what the nymph might have taken to doing.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 62, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Mandragora, for whatever reason, seemed to share Ione's habit of becoming clingy in these sorts of situations, and only when they grew so close that their squishier bits started to mash together did Mandragora seem to become content with their proximity. The reminder of the burning of the flowers caused her companion to stiffen and erased the smile from her face, but Jezebel rising smoothly from her seat, giving Ione her first view of the night elf's supple curves, seemed to restore a bit of Mandragora's good spirits. "I will be taking place shortly in the village center. Shall we go and see before I take you two beautiful blooms to my home?"

Her glance in the direction of the foreign soldiers showed the lot of them having, by Ione's guess, a wonderful time. About half of them had a woman in their lap already, and the other half were either laughing, eating, or in the process of courting someone so that they might join those sectioned into the other half. Of course, those with women already in their laps were observing at least some sense of decency: they weren't actually having sex yet, and their clothes were still on. That said, a few of them and their respective partners were doing more or less anything they could that could be called decent in some civilized circles.

As for her companions, Arthur and Clarissa had started emulating the mercenaries already, as the demoness had flipped around to straddle him in his chair. Sivi had left her seat as well, but Ione spotted the nymph casually bent over a table, showing off her underwear to most of the restaurant while she spoke to the man across the table from her, an apparently human man who already had two women sitting in his lap with their arms draped around his neck, one a night elf and one a high elf. All in all, her other three companions seemed to be getting along quite nicely.

A gong rang from somewhere outside that drew the attention of everyone in the crowded tavern, many of whom were smiling with anticipation while clutching at their respective partners as they rose and began heading out of the open-air building. "That'd be the call for the festivities to begin~ Shall we?" Jezebel repeated while offering her hands to Ione and Mandragora. Her kindred took one, and then they waited for Ione to grab the other so that they might depart and observe the ceremony... And then enjoy the festivities that were to take place afterwards between the three of them.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

The sound of the gong ringing out from somewhere outside the tavern immediately caught the alraune's attention, along with all the other patrons of the building as well. With a knowing smile, Ione mirrored her other alraune kin and took the free hand Jezelbel offered. "Mmmm, yes... let's~!" She naturally parted from her sister then, untangling and slipping from the squishy comfy closeness they had shared so briefly. A little loss; only but a hint of such closeness they'd come to share surely! And taking the Night Elf's hand in her own, the plant girl took to her side in the hand hold, squishing up against the woman's arm as much as her bramble armor could comfortably afford.

In the slowly moving crowd of exiting Tavern goers, Ione once again spotted Arthur and Clarissa, along with Sivi and the group of soldiers the plant girl gave a glance as well. Civility had ruled the actions of all of whom she saw before, the closest things to risque behavior being some close cuddling amongst the mercenaries, of which the mage and demoness were enjoying themselves. They really did look like quite the pair, and it made the plant girl's heart swell once again to see them on better terms with each other. Sivi the plant girl noticed, quite happily had her bent over bottom for all to see from the bar. And Ione had found herself staring at the covered blue bottom of the Nymph for an extra moment when it registered what she was looking at. 'From what I remember of nymphs, I'm surprised she's even wearing underwear at all. I wonder just how blue that bottom of hers really is...'

Ione had noticed the faerie's catch, or at least the one's she was inquiring, had an outsider among them. One of those distant high elves from forests colder than she would have liked. The woman must have traveled quite a way to get here, and the same could easily figure for plenty of others, like the soldiers the alraune noted before. With how hospitable and civil everyone was being, their foreign company certainly wasn't unwelcome. 'Better than some of the 'other' locals around here...' she thought darkly for but a second, before setting once more to the task of following the dispersing crowd out of the shop to where this ceremony was. Hooked around one arm of Jezebel and the other alraune around the Night Elf's other.

Exit Tavern, Watch ceremony, Panic when Mandragora inevitably faints cause flower burning, Profit
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 62, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Traveling arm in arm, Jezebel led Ione and Madragora through the softly jostling crowd as they filtered towards a large tower at the top of which a massive wreath of flowers in every imaginable color had been crafted. It was visible over the heads of the people around them, who were all smiling and laughing joyously whether or not they had a partner, though it seemed that the majority did. The platform at the top of the tower was surrounded by lanterns holding stones that let out a soft white glow hanging from posts on each side, and standing in front of the angled wooden structure holding the wreath of flowers was an elderly human man wearing a white robe. The gong sounded a second time as they approached, the great brass plate visible on a stand sitting on the right hand side of the tower from the way that Ione and her two companions were coming.

They were eventually forced to stop by the crowd that had formed in front of it, and a few moments later the gong rang once again. The people around them all went silent at once, and after a few moments in which he allowed everyone to settle the old man at the top of the tower raised a torch p over his head and began to speak; "Hear me, people of Hafstead, visitors, foreigners, and friendly neighbors! Another year passes! Another year of growth, of life, of peace, and of happiness! And another year of the same, began with the burning of this wreath, our sacrifice to the Great Mother Goddess Janis, a representation of our examination of the beauty of her creation and our acknowledgement that with life, must also come death in order to make room for new life! May it be so!"

There was a loud cheer from all around, including Jezebel, but Mandragora looked as though she were about to faint. The man held the torch high into the air before turning around dropping it into the center of the wreath. Chords of fire ran straight from the center and out to the wreath, which began to burn. The flames were not solely orange, however, as brilliant bursts of blue, green, and even white appeared from time to time as particular flowers came alight. The flames weren't particularly high, the fresh plants not quick to burn and not providing for much fuel either, but they were fairly bright, and they were plain to see from anywhere in the village given the height of the tower. The pedestal on which the wreath had been lain did not burn, but it was impossible for Ione to tell from this distance and angle what it might be made of.

After watching the wreath burn for a moment the elder turned around and shouted; "To another year of peace and prosperity my friends!" There was an accompanying cheer, "Now make merry! Feel the joys of life to your heart's content!" There was another cheer, and music was struck up nearby as people began to sing, shout, dance, and embrace. The display was enthusiastic to say the least, but Mandragora had very nearly fainted when the flower wreath had gone up in flames, and was shivering somewhat heavily. Jezebel, seeing and feeling this, smiled and turned to Ione, "Poor Mandragora is so distraught~ Shall we retire to my place and help relieve her distress?"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

The jostling crowd wasn't too much trouble to navigate through for the alraune, even hooked arm to arm with her Night Elf consort for the evening along with Mandragora. Only a few times did someone come a little too close and too roughly but it was of little bother. Ione had something much more important consuming her senses than a little push and shove. And that something was the giant wreath of flowers crafted and hung at the top of a large tower. At the sight of which, she joined the same joyous laughter and smiles erupting around her. There were so many colors! So many different kinds of flowers, just as had been said before for the ceremony! Even if they were soon to be gone, seeing them collected was a sight in itself.

As was the man at the tower's platform, surrounded by glowing lamps of white stone, standing in front of the massive wreath. A brass gong to his left sounded out as she approached, and after being stopped by the forming crowd as they settled and hearing the gong ring out once more, the white robed man began to speak after silence took them all. His words spoke of sacrifice for the Great Mother Goddess Janis, for continuance prosperity and... growth and... happiness. There was certainly going to be much of that happening once the ceremony was over with all the partnered people in the crowd to show for it. The plant girl tightened a little against her own partner at the thought too.

Following his words came the moment they were all waiting for... except for Mandragora perhaps. With a raised torch overhead and a cheer from the crowd, the elderly man dropped it into the waiting center of the wreath and immediately lines lit up to ignite the decoration. Burning so many different colors, Ione like the crowd around her found herself in awe of the display of wonderful fire. "So beautiful... look at all the blue bursts!" She could hardly contain a squeal of excitement every time a light of blue popped up. But even with her preference nothing kept her from enjoying the other colors of the wreath as they came too of course.

With the white robed man's final shouts and cheers from the crowd, it seemed the ceremony proper was off to it's start. Everywhere Ione looked she saw couples and their partners making way to sing, dance, and embrace. She had lost track of Sivi, Arthur, and Clarissa in the crowd, but she could only assume they were enjoying the same. Enthusiasm was everywhere! Except for one place... only a foot or two away and shaking heavily to Jezebels arm. Poor Mandragora was almost completely taken in tremors, staring at the ground with her head slumped. And at Jezebel's suggestion Ione nodded. "That would probably be for the best. My plant sister is... well let's just say she more enjoys creating life than seeing it destroyed... from what I've heard~"

A near silent giggle leaking out, the plant girl twisted around from Jezebel's side to her front, forming a triangle by reaching out and pulling the distraught Mandragora closer. "Oh, but let's stay for just a minute or two before we go. I do so enjoy a good dance to music and song... don't you~?" Ione's smile broadened, but though she handled it lightly for Jezebel the alraune showed concern for Mandragora if only through her eyes. 'I knew she'd react badly to the ceremony... but I didn't think she'd shake like this. It's like she's never seen flowers die before...'
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 62, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Ione's teasing words brought Mandragora out of her stupor, the other golden alraune's blush visible even in the fairly dim lighting around them as she looked up at Ione. Jezebel, on the other hand, giggled and replied; "That's good! I'm sure we'll all be creating life soon enough~" That combined with the circle that Ione formed, all three of them pressing tightly together like that, only caused Mandragora to flush even more brightly, and a smile once more broke out across her kin's face. "Yeah... I mean, yeah! I love dancing!" she said, softly at first but then more energetically as she realized how morose she still sounded.

Jezebel, for her part, seemed to recognize Ione's concern for Mandragora and as such sought to shift it was well. Ione felt Jezebel's hand slip below her waist and give her bottom a light pinch, and from the way that she jumped it seemed likely that she had done the same to Mandragora. "Well then, lets dance~!" Jezebel said, and then grabbed the two alraune around the shoulders and began to pull softly on the two of them, setting them into a spin that Mandragora went along with gleefully. Laughing, the elven woman began to hop lightly, her legs shifting position as she came down in a sort of jig that took the three of them spinning through the energetic crowd, the way parting for them as other revelers danced and sung along around them. A couple stopped to stare and laugh mirthfully at the sight of the three of them, and Ione took more than one quick grope from passersby who were perhaps a little too into the swing of things.

Mandragora rapidly pulled out of her dour mood at the jubilant dance that Jezebel took them through, even attempting to follow in the elf's footsteps, though she wasn't quite as agile as Jezebel and thus wound up doing a good bit of energetic flailing in comparison to the grace with which the night elf moved. By the time they spun themselves to the edge of the crowd, the other two women at least were laughing jubilantly despite their dizziness, and after stumbling about for a second Jezebel blushed and bit her lip, pressing closer to the two of them than she had during their dance. "I find myself overeager.... Shall we retire to my quarters? I'm eager to... Get to know you both a little better~" she cooed quietly, and Mandragora grinned hungrily at her, all traces of her earlier distress banished. Glancing at Ione, she innocently said; "I can think of a few ways to get to know one another better~ What do you think Ione?"

Assuming that Ione hadn't had a sudden change of heart, Jezebel would back down the street while holding them both by the hand, a smile and a blush present on her face until she eventually turned around in order to lead them to her home properly. They passed a number of other couples and a few other small groups, some of whom hadn't managed to make it inside to start what might generously be called indecent activities, one pair half hidden in a bush already well into their first round of lovemaking by the sound of it. As they passed it, the low moans of the interwoven man and woman and the rhythmic rustling of the bush that they were hiding was enough to confirm the suspicions of Mandragora at the very least, as shot another smirk at Ione and reached out a hand to smack Jezebel's bottom. The night elf gave a low yelp that almost sounded like a moan in itself, and shot a quick look back at Mandragora. Ione noticed that she walked with a bit more sway in her hips after that, almost as if she were inviting more such attention.

They arrived at the woman's home all too soon, and she released them to unlock the door and lead the way inside. She spoke a word in a strange tongue that caused a number of lights to appear, illuminating what was unmistakably a store front... And also apparently a bar of some sort, and also had a small lab in the back. Jezebel ignored all of that and pulled them both through the room, around the counter, and into a side room containing a narrow staircase. Up the stairs they went, and then down a short hall with two other doors besides the one that they eventually walked into. Jezebel's bedroom was lit with the same word that she'd used to activate the ones downstairs, and she turned on her heel and released them both after all three had come inside.

"Make yourselves comfortable my friends~" Jezebel said breathlessly, and then slid out of her dress with a single smooth motion. It passed over her skin as if it had been made to fit her perfectly just for that moment, gliding across her purple flesh and drawing the eye to wherever it passed over. Her breasts came free, round and tipped with a darker shade of purple than the rest of her. Next came her navel, in which a tiny piece of jewelry with a crimson gem set into it hung loosely from a piercing there. Finally, the dress dropped down her perfectly smooth legs, a pair of black silky panties the only thing keeping her from being completely nude. "My home... And my body... Are yours to enjoy!"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione was relieved at her plant sister's return to a lightened mood, and her eyes flickered back to a happier and less concern taken glint when it washed over Mandragora. The visible blush was a better sight to see than the other alraune's shiverings, and a reflection too. The plant girl never did get to see how her own blushings might look very often; there usually never was a puddle or one of those mirrored things on hand for it. With Mandragora so close, and flushing so brightly, even in the dim light she got as much of an eyeful of that blush as Jezebel did. And like something infectious, it wasn't long before that blushed face was matched with a similar warmth spreading across Ione's own.

A pinching feel of the Night Elf's wandering hand certainly helped to spread that warmth too. The very moment she felt that pinch, Ione was just as quick to match Mandragora, letting out a jump and breathing the smallest little intake of breath. She found herself staring at her pinchy perpetrator, pondering returning such mischievousness before the Night Elf took the lead and, with her hands placed to both of the alraune's shoulders, brought them all into a spin. Moving out into the crowd, the plant girl took in as much delight as her partners, giggling joyfully as the three of them set into their dance amongst the other merry goers. More than once she saw others staring, and even felt their excitement from random gropes as they passed. It was all quite the exciting fair to the alraune to say the least.

The dancing seemed to last longer than it actually did too, though the dizziness she felt might have had something to do with it. Between Mandragora's energetic dance flailing and their host's agile jig, Ione nearly found herself tripping up at times just trying to keep up. Even as they neared the end of their fun and made it to the edge of the crowd, she had to fight the urge to topple over from the dizziness and exertion. As much as she enjoyed the dancing and song, it really dawned on her that she would need more experience doing it to get some proper footwork. Something to ask Sivi about perhaps? Or maybe even sweet Clarissa or Arthur too.

Pressing closeness garnered the alraune's senses, and following Jezebel's coos and Mandragora's innocent comment Ione grinned with much mirth. "How could I ever say no to such eager hearts as yours? To be honest if we stayed and kept dancing I think I might grow 2 or 3 left feet... lead on my gracious host~!" She made no effort to shrug away from being led to the Night Elf's home, giggling amiably at her host's backwards lead walking for the time she kept it up. All around her Ione could see the eagerness shared by the various others of the village. Many of them hadn't even gotten somewhere private before taking up their fun, and from the sounds of one bush they passed such a thing was not even a bother for some.

Following the bottom smacking antics of her plant sister, and the increased swaying hips of their host it gave, the Night Elf's home was finally reached. Once inside, entered and lit through some strange muttering of tongue, Ione began putting together just why she would apparently be so well known by her own words. What better way to make a reputation and connections through a storefront... and a bar... and some kind of tinkerers place filled filled with just as many bottles as the bar had, but certainly nothing one should drink without a care. She only had a moment to glimpse the sight before being led away, through the room, up a staircase before finally reaching a door after long last and taken into undoubtedly Jezebel's bedroom.


The plant girl's eyes narrowed into lust at Jezelbel's comment, captivated by the woman's undressing for a moment as her form was made bare. "Oh believe me... I intend to make myself very comfortable..." Just how she would go about it took her fantasies, letting her mind wander to just which way she wanted to enjoy the purple delight that stood before her. She had said her home and body were theirs to enjoy... offering herself up to two beautiful little blooms whose eyes she had caught... yes... caught... With a devilish spark, the perfect way to enjoy the evening hit home, and stifling a giggle, it took a moment for Ione to steady herself for her plan.

She had to lean over a little to keep the excitement from spilling out and ruining things, and for a moment it may have even looked as if she had suddenly taken ill. Before it could raise any concern however, Ione stood straight up looking down at Jezebel with as straight a face as she could muster, with a hint of a grin tugging at a corner of her mouth. "Just look what's been delivered to us so willingly, and in such a lovely place. A beautiful till... why it's criminal parading such a body around in front of the likes of us!" Teasingly slow paced, the alraune made her march over to the nude Night Elf, taking her by the arms and wrangling them behind the Night Elf's back as she flashed a full smile. "We're going to have to... exact a fine from that cute little body of yours~"

Nudging her 'captive' along, the alraune moved her closer to the bed, stopping short of making her sit on it just yet. She exchanged a tendril for holding the woman's arms bound behind her, stepping back out and away to admire the the sight as another tendril crept up from behind and wrapped over the woman's forehead, and two more crept out to slowly whisk up and around the woman's legs, holding her still. Quite the sight, but Ione didn't want to hog the whole fun of binding the Night Elf up. "She looks even better wrapped in OUR tentacles doesn't she Mandra?" The alraune emphasized, winking at the other alraune to further the hint to join her in the catch. And when she would take the hint and lash out, Ione would giggle mischievously, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and standing close to encourage the act.

It'd be the last thing Jezebel would see for a time, the sight of both of them standing together with their tendrils stretched out ensnaring her, before the one around the Night Elf's forehead would squeeze around, covering her eyes as it blinded her vision. Robbed of her sight, Ione knew it'd only make the sensation of both hers and Mandragora's feeling tentacles that much more intense. Already she could feel her own return from the constrictions, that smooth skin of her host exciting a shutter in her from time to time. She could feel Mandragora shutter as well as she let her own appendages roam, pretzeling the trapped Night Elf's breasts from time to time. A sight that made Ione giggle further with excitement, pulling her plant sister into a hug of their own to enjoy.

Something happened then. Something that, as she hugged back against her fellow plant caused a well of desire to surge forth from somewhere within. But it wasn't any normal desire that came. This was very different... as if the thought that Mandragora suddenly might not wish to go along with her 'playing' was urging her to do 'something' about it. Pushing back with a curious look and then a deep grin, Ione's deeply blue glowing eyes pulled Mandragora straight in. "It feels so nice doesn't it... lets really show her how we do things in the jungle... sweet Mandragora." The distance between them closed so quickly, Ione gazing intensely until after one last show of hesitation, she pulled Mandragora into a deep kiss and lost herself to the sensation of taking her plant sister's lips for the first time.

She wrestled her tongue relentlessly within the foreign space, filling the other alraune's mouth and aggressively overwhelming the possibly surprised plant girl, letting out a soft moan all the while. She almost couldn't believe she was actually kissing another alraune, something that would have seen entirely foreign a concept only but a short while ago. Yet here she was, eagerly doing it and enjoying it. When Mandragora would begin to moan back, Ione made it a point to loop a few tendrils around her, mostly to guide a hand to the straps of her clothing to have it finally undone and removed, but also to tease the other alraune once or twice with a frisk. Letting the naughty things smooth up her leg and against the plant girl's petals with a quick swipe.

When she finally pulled away from all the kissing and tonguing she had been giving, giggling from the sight of the deeply flushing Mandragora, she then too had to giggle back at her 'captive' when she caught sight of her again. She was still standing at the bed where she left her, wrapped in squirming tendrils and blinded, forced to merely hear every smack and moan that drifted over from their making out without sight of it. All the while unable to participate or pleasure herself too, save for a small occasion when the end of the tendril around her eyes, which was hanging a little off the side of her face, would worm about and bump into her lips sparingly. 'I'm so bad... teasing her like this, I bet her heart is beating as fast as mine is~. Yes, it's time to have even more fun with our host~'

With clearly excited breaths, the alraune moved to have them all join at last, breaking away after leading Mandragora over and bringing her hand to smooth over the Night Elf's exposed body. She traced her fingers over the little gem of the woman's navel as she pressed her own now exposed flesh against her side, cooing as the feel of her perky nipples trailing along it delighted her senses. Much the same as it might have had when her armor was first taken off earlier while still making out with Mandragora. Now though, her excitement was reaching a fevered pitch, and she just couldn't tease any longer; she had to really indulge.

"Fufu, are you enjoying your... punishment~?" Ione couldn't help but let out a small playful laugh, turning Jezebel's head toward her own and batting away that one tendril end as it bonked her. "Being bound up and bullied so by our natural vines... it's unbearable isn't it?" Whatever the response, Ione would giggle before sealing her lips around the Night Elf's own, kissing her only briefly and then offering her up for Mandragora to taste and liplock with. She breathed deep then, tasting really for the first time just how much her own natural scent she was giving off, and even tasting her plant sister's too and the scent of Jezebel's arousal. And within a certain part of her, a tendril stirred and began to wrap around inside through a very special path that the alraune took no instant then in mistaking.

Dropping the playful act, she let out a very real eep as she backed away suddenly, wrapping her arms around herself tightly in a futile effort. Only Mandragora would see the reason then for her outburst when, a welcoming surprise popped it's head out from a masculine spot above Ione's folds, growing to a decent length and bobbing around. Ione could only look back with a deep flush and a caught expression before laughing. "Ah... I guess all this talk of creating life has REALLY gotten me into that kind of mood..." Narrowing her eyes, the alraune eagerly glomped Jezebel from behind, her grown passion making itself very known to the woman's senses as Ione whispered sensually to her. "It looks like your sentence will have to be extended for this charge too~"

Tightening the tentacles around Jezebel's legs, Ione finally gave them space to breathe, pulling them apart and exposing the woman's own folds for Mandragora to gawk in get quite a good look at. The rising urge she felt to thrust into the inviting place was only tempered by her will, knowing that there were other places she would indulge in first, and another partner's desire to indulge as well. Supporting the Night Elf's weight and lifting her, Ione inched backwards and dropped herself down onto the bed behind, lowering the woman in her grasp who pinning the alraune's grown organ against her own stomach. Gasps escaped her, and giggling she gave a little adjustment as she lined herself up, teasing the woman's star with eager prodding before finally thrusting herself in with a cry of delight.

Alraune tendril double teaming GO! +2 Pretzel Action!

Also, Ione Charms Mandragora for fun and Derpery

Also Also, suddenly penis (which in Ione's case is technically just another tentacle but still), and humpings.

Also Also Also, Ione stats are from the adjusted character sheet

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 76, Status = Fine
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 70/76, Status = Fine

Jezebel bit her lip and blushed, her eyes wide as they flitted between Ione and Mandragora intently. A throaty laugh came from her fellow alraune, and Mandragora was only a step behind Ione as she came toward their elven host. As Ione wrapped her arms around the woman and placed her arms behind her back, her golden cousin smirked and stood behind Jezebel while running her hands slowly up and down the night elf's sides, coming close to her pert bosom but never quite reaching it. "Oh no~ What are you going to do?" Jezebel said lightly, immediately playing along with the game that Ione started even as her hips began to roll with eagerness, "I've been very improper.... I really ought to be punished!"

The three of them approached the bed as one, and Mandragora moved around to join Ione when they had almost reached it and joined in on her mischievous teasing with a grin and a giggle. Once Jezebel was rather thoroughly wrapped up in their tentacles, including one of Mandragora's wrapped gently around her mouth to keep her from speaking, her cousin replied; "Yup~ She's like a present now, but one that doesn't need to be unwrapped in order to be enjoyed!" A light murmur came from the bound and gagged night elf as her vision was shut out as well courtesy of one of Ione's tentacles, but that was the only sound that Jezebel could make as the two alraune explored her body using their tentacles and Ione pulled the other golden alraune into a hug. The sudden mental assault was not something that Mandragora had been expecting in that situation, and her eyes widened as she was momentarily lost in Ione's gaze, caught utterly and easily in her spell.

A goofy grin was the other plant woman's only response save for a slight nod that followed a moment later, and then the two of them kissed deeply. Mandragora let out a soft moan into Ione's mouth as their tongues intertwined, and she could feel Jezebel shifting slightly in the bonds that the two of them had created from their entangled tendrils. Ione's clothing was on the floor in short order, followed not long after by what little garments Mandragora covered her nudity with, and the two were soon exploring one another with hand and tendril just as they were still doing to the helpless night elf not ten feet away from them. Ione maintained the dominant position throughout her kiss with Mandragora, the other alraune allowing herself to become all but completely subservient to Ione and giving Ione's tongue whatever ground it asked for without ever disengaging from it, and the quick swipe against the other woman's petals caused her soft moan to rise momentarily in its pitch, a feat that Ione could replicate as many times as she liked.

When they broke apart, Mandragora came over to the captive night elf eagerly. Jezebel murmured wordlessly through the tendril wrapped around her mouth, but the answer could be determined in a far more concrete manner than by her voice; Jezebel's folds were practically dripping with her love honey, her nipples were hardened into pebbles as was her most sensitive of jewels, and her entire body had adopted a flush that lightened her skin tone a shade or two. Of course, all that Ione had to do was ask and Mandragora would shift her vine aside, and that much would allow Ione to seal her lips over the elf's and join in a kiss fairly similar to the one she had just shared with Mandragora, but also different in the details. Jezebel was more aggressive and teasing than the spellbound alraune had been, her tongue flicking lightly against Ione's and then pulling back as if daring her to come deeper, and she let out a little moan when the kiss was broken prematurely. Mandragora, who had started kissing circles around one of Jezebel's nipples, quickly acted on Ione's gesture and claimed the night elf's lips for her own, holding the kiss for a while longer than Ione had as her tentacles suddenly became much more aggressive, something that Ione was not spared from either as she felt one of the other plant's tendrils rubbing against her nether lips.

Mandragora only paused briefly when Ione pulled away and allowed her cock to suddenly burst forth, already hard and dripping. She giggled softly and rolled her hips backwards slightly, exposing both her dripping snatch and puckered anus for Ione as if offering herself. "It certainly has! Are you... Going to use that thing? I'm definitely ready for it~" she said, her voice low and husky, but then she was made to let out a slight whine when Ione went for the teased night elf instead. Mandragora's tentacle had replaced itself, preventing Jezebel from speaking, but if there were any doubts about the woman's eagerness at this point they were quickly dispelled when she felt Ione's member pressed against her backside and started rubbing on it. Her gyrations were so intense that it took Ione a moment to line herself up against the desired hole, but when she pushed into Jezebel's tight ass rather than into her pussy, the bound night elf nonetheless let out a lewd scream around the tendril buried in her mouth. Jezebel was incredibly tight, but not crushing or in a manner that might endanger the woman if Ione got too rough, and from the way that her ass easily accepted every inch of her member it was clear that it wasn't her first time trying this out.

Lying on her back on the bed with the tentacle-wrapped night elf on top of her, Ione was nonetheless in total control of how fast their coupling went, but for her part Jezebel was writhing and bucking like a wild animal while Mandragora stood over the two of them, watching Ione's cock disappear into the elf's rear hole while bursts of her love honey came dripping out of her exposed sex. "Such a tempting target.... I can't resist!" she said, and then leaned forward as a cock all but identical to the one that Ione was already making use of sprang forth from her body. Even with whatever motions that Ione was making, Mandragora quickly lined the head of her dripping cock up against Jezebel's folds, but before she pushed in the golden alraune freed the woman's mouth for just a moment as that particular tentacle wormed about.

"OH GODS YES PLEASE FUCK ME-MMMMM!!!!!!!" Jezebel screamed, but her words were cut off as the tendril that had gagged her resumed its duty by thrusting into her mouth, going so deep that Ione saw it bulge the elf's throat out slightly with its first thrust. Mandragora buried herself to the hilt into Jezebel's pussy with a single smooth thrust, and the thin barrier between their two cocks wasn't enough to keep Ione from feeling it as Jezebel's other hole was filled. That was all that it took to send her over the edge apparently, as Jezebel began to quake violently as her ass squeezed around Ione's cock like a vice and a spray of her juices coated the both of them. "Oooh she gets so much tighter when she cums~ I wonder how she'll react... When I do this?" Mandragora muttered, and Ione felt the other alraune's cock squirm inside of Jezebel, followed immediately by a sudden clenching and a muffled scream of pleasure.

"She's so wet.... Lets see about you!" Ione would then feel one of the tendrils that Mandragora had used to explore her body suddenly pressed against her pussy, and unless she did or said something to stop the other alraune, Ione would feel that tentacle worm its way into her depths until it had filled her completely, and only then did Mandragora really begin to move, wet smacks and bursts of Jezebel's love honey issuing from the dominated elf's sex as the other alraune's moans joined the chorus sounding from Ione and Jezebel. Ione was able to feel every thrust from the other alraune, and Mandragora was probably able to feel her own motions as well, while Jezebel was locked between them and made to experience everything as the blinder remained over her eyes and one of Mandragora's many tentacles writhed around in her mouth, and yet another explored Ione's sex if she allowed it, making for ever-increasing tidal waves of pleasure that threatened to drive all of them to their peak rapidly.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)


The lewd scream of the night elf, muffled as it was, was heaven to Ione who quickly picked up her pace in light of it. She started off gentle at first, feeling out Jezebel while maintaining her slow thrusts. The night elf's ass accepted her motions easily enough for the plant girl to pick up that this wasn't the first time something had made it's way within it. Not having to worry about her pace in light of that, she sighed contently with a giggle as she pumped faster, using her grip on the night elf to raise her as she pulled back and then ground her as she moved in. Entering into a rhythm with her as she sought to enjoy every inch of the woman's tight arse.

A rhythm more easily said than maintained. The purple skinned beauty's bounces and squirms sent wave after wave of force down through Ione, rocking the bed underneath as she kept up to maintain control. Even with the help of her own tentacles, had the woman been trying, the plant girl wasn't so sure she could have kept her tangled. Thankfully, she had Mandragora to help for that, and with her plant sister's aid she was able to contain her 'prisoner'. Smiles abound from Ione as her sister moved to indulge herself, and as she lined her own member up the alraune gave a hearty laugh at Jezebel's brief declaration and deep throating before she was finally fully double teamed by the golden skinned pair.

Immediately, she felt the effect of the night elf's orgasm, groaning slightly as the vice like grip came over her buried length, and then giggling as she felt the enthusiastic wigglings of her sister's own length exploring inside. Wrapping herself a little closer to the night elf, she took the heavenly feelings as they came all in. Every slick motion of her pumps inside the night elf's ass. The feeling of Mandragora's length edging and pumping so close to her own. Vibrations from every muffled scream the night elf released from around the tendril in her throat. Every shiver going down her own spine. Each aspect of passion was music to her senses.

The moment Mandragora's comment registered with Ione, the moment she felt one of the plant girl's tendrils worm it's way around and to her own wet folds, the alraune tensed, her movements becoming less graceful than before. Her eyes slowly went wide as she felt the thing squirm at her entrance, her jaw dropping then as it found it's way inside and filled her to the hilt. She stared wordlessly in shock at Mandragora, even as the other alraune picked up her pace and began to pump rapidly into the both of them. She had teased Mandragora before with quick swipes and barely considered she might actually use her tendrils on her... but now here she was. Actually being filled with and making love with another alraune.

Shock wearing thin, Ione's moans returned just as rapidly as her ministrations, returning to the rhythm that she had briefly lost at the tendril intrusion and joining the increasingly loud sounds of their lovemaking. Her face flushed deeper now, slowly breaking out of the last vestiges of shock and into her own goofy smile as she was wracked by the beautiful feelings of pleasure welling up within her. Trobbing more and more with every hump, Ione could feel her heartbeat thumping louder and louder as the desire to lose herself within the night elf's ass grew more and more powerful. And in similiar respect, an ever increasing effort to clamp down and shudder in bliss upon her plant sister welled powerfully too.

"I... I can't take it anymore!" In an instant it became way too much for Ione to contain, and with a drawn out cry she lost herself. The twin orgasmic feelings of clinching down and spraying out rocked her into a squirm, causing the alraune to clinch her eyes shut as she rode out the intense feelings and little jumps they caused. Shot after shot of warm seed fired deep into the Jezebel's tight rear, and a clinched tightness enveloped the invading tendril as the plant girl's own honey threatened to leak out around it. Panting with the giggling breath of a pleased flower, Ione even in her aftermath worked up into a steady grind to draw her own partner's pleasures out. And to help deliver them to orgasms of their own, if they hadn't already gone over the edge too.
The lewd scream of the night elf, even muffled as it was, sounded like heaven to Ione's ears and she couldn't help but pick up the pace in light of the sweet sound. She started gentle at first, taking care to feel out the ass her grown appendage was now probing with slow thrusts. Even without much lubrication the night elf accepted her quite easily, and the alraune didn't need to be a genius to figure that it wasn't the first time Jezebel had been naughty with this particular hole. Giggling contently in light of this, the plant girl quickened the pace of her thrusts, grabbing at the sides of the night elf for leverage as she moved her into a rhythm with her pumping.

A rhythm more easily said than maintained, for when she became eager following her probing, Ione found her wrapped 'prisoner' to be quite a tentacleful! She found that for every one of her thrusts and pumps, Jezebel returned with motions of her own. Bucking and squirming wildly, sending wave of force through the plant girl and causing the bed beneath them to make so ever a slight creaking sound. Her breasts bounced freely in the exchange, a little tempered from the night elf's own rampaging bosom above, but making for their own delightful sight none the less. A sight indulged into briefly from Mandragora, when her plant sister finally moved to join further into the fun.

Ione gave a lustful hearty laugh at the brief declaration, her face stretching out into wide grin while watching the tendril work it's way into a bulge in the night elf's neck. And the plant girl's face flushed deeply when Jezebel orgasmed at the intense feeling of being taken in both front and back. "It's the best isn't it?" She whispered sweetly, giggling as the wiggle motions from Mandragora resounded through the thin membrane separating their cocktendrils. The feelings of that wriggling length. Vibrations from every muffled scream the night elf released around the tendril in her throat. The many shivers going down her spine as her own shaft was caressed by Jezebel's tight arse, and from the shifting sensation where her many tentacles still wrapped and squirmed around her form. Each was it's own wave of indulged pleasure to the plant girl.

But the moment Mandragora's comment registered with her, the moment she felt one of the plant girl's tendrils worm it's way around to her own wet folds, Ione tensed, her movements becoming less graceful than they had been before. She stared with slowly widening eyes as the feeling of it squirming at her entrance and then worming it's way to the hilt hit her, causing her jaw to drop. The shock hit her all at once, dulling the feelings ever briefly even as Mandragora picked up her own pace, pounding into both her and Jezebel. Ione had teased before with quick swipes, but she hadn't really prepared for Mandragora to suddenly do... that.

When the shock finally wore thin, the alraune let out a loud moan as the tidal waves of pleasure returned, her whole body now flushing from the sensations running once again through her in force. She returned a goofy smile and picked up her own pace once more, falling back into the rhythm of pumping and gyrating in sequence with Mandragora to prolong their lovemaking. The plant girl pulled Jezebel backwards enough to be practically laying on top of her, pressing her bust into the night elf's back and tracing little rough circles with her nipples where they were still able to bounce. Her cock echoed her heart by this time, thumping with increasing passion as the time for her own released neared, encouraging both her most sensitive places in preparation.

"I... I'm gonna... ahhhh~" Wracked by too much pleasure, Ione let out a long lewd sigh as she lost herself, her twin genitalia both orgasming in unison to the pleasure. Jezebel's ass received rope after rope of the plant girl's warm seed as she hilted into her, ensuring she fired deep into the night elf on reflex. On Mandragora's end, that worming tendril of hers which had fidgeted so deeply with Ione's own folds was sprayed in her honey as they clamped down seeming to grasp at and even draw the other alraune impossibly deeper. The alraune froze once again at the feeling, but only for a moment before pleased giggling breaths escaped her and she looked at Mandragora with intent filled eyes before, using one of the tendrils wrapped around her, pulled them all even closer as she forced them all to grind down into each other intensely. Hoping to drive them to their own limits and return the pleasure she just experienced right back.
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