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Addiction (Clara)

Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The elven woman's face went crimson from Clara's relentless grinding, and had only slight success from her attempts to hide any further pleasure. She would go silent for a small moment, holding both her hands against her face, before bursting out with a loud moan to match Clara's, and then trying to hide her mouth again, only to give in, over and over again, until she was moaning just as madly as Clara from her eventual build-up of lust, and was now eagerly offering her lower body to Clara, helping her with her task to hump the elf wildly, and satisfy her crazed desires.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Her moans and shouts continued as she kept mashing and grinding the elves pussy with her own. Clara felt herself getting more excited when the elf had given in and was moaning madly, just as madly as she was and had started to help her. Clara continued as she suddenly began to play with her breasts, suddenly pitching her nipples between her thumb and pointer fingers as she pulled as twist, playing with them as she continued to have sex with the elven woman. Her shouts and moans would start to become more rapid and louder, the build up of pleasure starting to become too much to bare. Clara would soon climax, hopefully doing it with her partner.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The elf could no longer hold back her lust, moaning almost as loud as Clara as the blond woman humped her, while cursing herself for letting the woman put her on the verge of orgasm. "Damn human...! How could I let her do this to me... How degrading!" she thought shamefully, feeling the lust all too well within her, making her legs buck, and her mouth moan loudly into the air to compliment Clara's own shouts of exstacy. Her hands, instead of being over her mouth, simply went to cover her whole face in shame, her cries of passion only slightly muffled by her hands, continuing to cry louder and louder, until the elf suddenly felt her body surge with pleasure. Her hands parted from her mouth, as she let out a loud scream of pleasure that could be heard for miles as she orgasmed passionately, and powerfully, coating both her own, and Clara's pussies with her cum.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The blond girl continued to hump the elf after she screamed and came all over her own and Clara's pussy's, pulling at her nipples and she moaned and cried out. This didn't go long however, as she gave in shortly after the elf did. Feeling a surge of pleasure go through her body she began to mash and grind her pussy against the elves harder and faster as she let out a scream of pleasure. She threw her head back, then let a power orgasm, cumming all over the elf's and her own pussy. After her orgasm Clara went down on her back as her arms and legs suddenly relaxed, breathing heavily with a happy and satisfied look on her blushing face, her eyes shut. " That... That was amazing..." she whispered out, not having recovered from the state she was in just yet.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The elf let out a grunt of disgust from Clara's aura of satisfaction, pushing one of the human's legs off of her, and crawling back away from her. With naught but a huff, the elf went for her clothes which were scattered about, pulling her panties, and clipping her bra on. And after quickly pulling her hunter's garb over her head, she turned back, looking at Clara out of the corner of her eye, wordlessly regarding the human who she just let have sex with her.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

It wasn't long before Clara got over the state she had been in and returned to normal. Shortly after the elf had gotten up and away she realized what she had just done with stranger. A look a embarrassment and and shame quickly replaced her look of relief and satisfaction as she got up, sitting down and facing away from the elf as she suddenly covered her face with her hands, much like the elf had done when they had sex. ' What is wrong with me?! Why did I do that..? ' Clara suddenly thought to the purple apples she had been suspicious of. A small sigh escaped her lips, one of regret and frustration, as she came to the conclusion that the apples had done something to her and pushed her to do what she did. Embarrassed and ashamed of her actions the blond girl remained seated with her hands over her face...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The elf woman let out a small, "Hmph," trying to act as if she were of higher standing than Clara, even after just having sex with the woman. Apparently, putting on an act was her way of trying to forget what she'd just done, willingly, and with a human. "... You going to sit there and sulk?" she asked Clara, "Or do you not feel an apology is in order?"
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Hearing the elven woman speak to her Clara sat with her hands over her face for a moment, but let a sigh out as she got up from the ground, turning to face the blond hunter. Clara didn't bother to cover her breasts or pussy with her hands and arms, after just having sex with the woman she felt there was no point. Clara spoke as she looked at the woman, " I wasn't myself..." she stated, making an excuse for her behavior, " I apologize." Clara stood there in silence as she waited for the elf to reply, giving off a melancholy look. She then recalled the elf saying something about doctors. Clara figured she was from a village or something that had doctors. This might mean safe food and water, along with shelter and safety from monsters. Clara wasn't sure if she should, if invited, go with with this elven woman or just return to the beach. She didn't have to be at the beach until around noon tomorrow, she figured she would be better off going somewhere safe and resting, then heading back to the beach tomorrow.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The elf rolled her eyes, but a part of her knew that the apology given to her was about all she was going to get from the human. "I suppose that will have to do... Although don't mistake my meaning, I haven't forgiven you..." she told Clara, before turning to face her, "Although, I hope in the near future, you'll remember not to eat strange fruit without knowing what it is."
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Clara just nodded, not saying anything in response to the elven woman. Clara was worn down and not in the mood to get in an argument or fight because she said something to piss off a snooty elf. All she was in the mood for was to find some cloths and a warm bed then go to sleep for awhile. She hoped this elf offered for her to come to her village, the only thing that made her a bit hesitate was the fact that she was naked and walking into a public place in her birthday suit would be beyond embarrassing.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

After a moment, the elf, without a word, started walking back the way she first came, speaking to Clara as she did so, without looking back at her, "If you've nothing to say, then lets hurry back to Waymeet. And try not to assault anyone else there while you're at it, my sisters are not as forgiving as I am, and are liable to slit you open for such perversions."
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Clara crossed her arms as the elf spoke to her once more, getting annoyed. For some reason this elf was really starting to get to her. As much as she wanted to avoid more conflict, she was starting to lose the will to keep her mouth shut. Still, Clara decided to just nod and follow the woman for now. She'd bare what rude things she had to say without saying anything back. When Clara would start to follow the woman to the village called "Waymeet" she would be bothered by something. The thought that once she got to the village a bunch of strangers seeing her in this sorry state. She felt embarrassed just thinking about it...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

After a while of following the rude, haughty elf, Clara, as she was promised, was lead to what appeared to be a primitive settlement. Only, rather than seeing just a large collection of elves just like the woman, Clara found that there was actually a large collection of different races roaming about the town, busy with their responsibilities. A human blacksmith, making crude, but effective weaponry for the hunters and protectors of the town was seen pounding away at a sword upon a metal anvil. A centaur with packages strapped to her animal portion of her body was seen deliviering a large collection of meat, and edible plants to what appeared to be the Inn, a large building made of old wood, standing about two storied high, and large enough to store dozens of guests inside, which indicated that this town likely received a large number of visitors such as Clara herself who have lost their way.

And the strangest thing, was that the most Clara had received from her naked condition, was either a second glance, or a perverted one from some of the more predatory looking demi-humans in the village. A spider woman in particular, giving her a seductive, lecherous grin. The elf led Clara to the Inn, which the centaur had just entered to deliver her goods, up to the door made of wood, which had no knob to speak of, the only way to open it being a simple push of her hand, while locking it shut was likely performed by using a length of thick wood to prevent it from opening. Very primitive indeed.

"This is where you'll be staying, and where I've been instructed to leave you. The centaur minding the counter inside will take care of any creature comfort she can, a room, food and water come to mind. You will rest here, and mingle with the locals if you like. Get used to our settlement, as you'll likely be spending a long time here earning your keep, until you're fit enough to explore on your own, as so many humans before you have done." she instructed Clara, before turning, and pointing towards the middle of town, where a lone well was located, constructed of stones around the base, and wood over it, where a bucket was attached to a length of rope.

"That is the center of town, where the leader of our town, Beatrice, will give all of you humans who arrived today an orientation, and welcoming to your new home. And in case you're wondering, by home, I mean this island. Due to a magic that keeps any life inside, and prevents it from leaving, you'll most likely spend the rest of your days here." she told Clara simply, with a simple, 'tour guide' disposition.
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Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Stepping into the somewhat primitive inn Clara's eyes looked around, taking note of the details of the place. The entire town was nothing impressive, although the towns people were certainly... Interesting. That spider woman thing that had given her a weird look was in the back of Clara's mind. The girl hoped she didn't run into her during her stay here. Thoughts of the town and certain spiders were interrupted when the elf began to talk. Clara's attention went back on the snooty elf when she began to speak. Clara paid attention and listened to everything she said, hearing every word carefully. When the elf finished speaking to her, Clara nodded before speaking, " Alright. ...Thank you for bringing me here. " her voice seemed to have a bit of gratefulness. That was all she had to say to the elf in response to what she had said. A lot was on the girls mind though. Thoughts how leaving this town tomorrow to go to the beach filled her mind, right along with ones wondering if it would be possible to leave this island and return home. Clara really didn't care for this places rules, as she didn't plan on staying here. She wouldn't stay here until she was "fit" to explore the island. She was a seasoned enough adventurer to get back to the part of the beach her boat was at one she had at least something to wear.

It wasn't that she wanted to get to her boat and try to escape the island once she had some clothing a bed rest. She wanted to see the octopus woman tomorrow, along with her children.

After Clara said those words to the elf she'd simply nod once more and walk away, over to the counter to the centaur. She would speak to the creature politely, saying, " Excuse me... May I have something to wear? "
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The centaur quickly nodded politely at Clara, "Sure thing, I'll just be a moment." she said, before setting down a wooden cup she was cleaning, and walking into the back of the Inn. And after what seemed like too long, even though only about a minute had passed, the centaur emerged from where she'd gone, with fairly basic, completely white silk clothing. A silky smooth shirt, and pants, that might have been passed off as pajamas was handed to her by the centaur, who said, "Here, this may not be much, but it's the most we got just right off hand. And at least it'll cover your decency, eh?" she laughed a little.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

" Heh, yeah... " Clara said as she seemed to force a laugh right along with a smile. She reached out and took the clothing the centaur was offering her, knowing it was alright. She was quick to slip the silk shirt and pants on, feeling better now that she wasn't naked. The outfit itself felt much more comfortable then the tough leather armor and thick cloth clothing she had been wearing before. They reminded her of the pajamas's she used to where when she was a little girl. After quickly getting the clothing Clara looked back to the centaur, " Thank you. " she said. Clara suddenly remembered something. She still needed to take a bath. " Is there a place to bathe in this village?" Clara suddenly asked, really hoping there was a place in this village that had hot water baths.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The centaur shrugged, "Well, that's if the young lady doesn't mind taking just a warm bath," she told Clara, "But, there is a nice, and large hot water spring not far from here, where lots of people go to relax in the hot, purifying water. I've been there a few times myself, just to let the water clean my coat." she said, blushing a little with a smile.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

She was slightly confused to why the centaur was slightly blushing, but to focused on the spring to care. A dip in hot and purifying water spring sounded exactly what Clara could use right now. It sounded much better then just bathing in hot water. She didn't give it a second thought, she decided she'd go to the spring as soon as she knew where it was. " A hot spring sounds heavenly.", she said, " May I have directions this hot water spring? " Clara politely asked, ready to head there right now.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The centaur nodded, "From the back of this building, just keep walking straight. After that, just follow the feeling of heat. Either that, or follow the folks heading to the springs, just like yourself." she laughed a little, before blinking, eyes looking away from Clara for a moment, as if remembering something. "Oh~" she began, looking back to Clara as if she'd forgotten something she was glad she remembered, "And I won't ask how you came to be without clothes, but over in those springs... You might find folks who have similar, 'interests' as the one who took those clothes of yours... So watch out for anything a little too frisky." she told her.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

" Alright, I will..." Clara said to the centaur with a nod. She had already figured there would be "folk" who have similar interests to the ones she had already encountered before meeting the elf. That wasn't enough to keep her from going though. Having nothing left to ask or say, Clara headed out the inn's front door. While she made her way to the spring she would keep an eye out for anything too "frisky". Clara hoped she avoided anything like those bugs she had seen in the forest, or that spider that had given her a disturbing look. She hoped she avoided things that wanted sex with her and would use force to get it. As Clara made her way to the back of the inn she started to think something, ' remember, just head straight and follow the feeling of heat...' she thought.