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Addiction (Clara)

Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

After walking for a time, trying not to go anywhere but straight from the back of the Inn, Clara did eventually feel the air get hot, and moist, giving her an obvious clue that the springs were nearby. And when she continued in the general direction of the sensation, she was greeted by the sight of several naked bodies, both human and monster alike, using the pool for it's relaxing properties. About half of the pool's population were humans, surprisingly, and monsters who seemed to be partners with each other...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The entire sight was an odd one, to say the least. During her travels she hadn't ever seen anything like monster woman and humans bathing together in a hot spring. It was an odd sight, and Clara felt a bit nervous, but she'd still proceed with going into the water and hope nobody "frisky" bothered her. She took off the silk clothing she had been wearing, deciding not to go into the water with it on. She took her shirt off first, her bare breasts being reveled, then her pants, the lower half of her now completely naked. She left her simple outfit in a spot near a tree, making a mental note as to where it was. Clara approached the spring once she was naked and had put her cloths in a safe spot, going for a spot in the water that wasn't too close to anyone.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

After finding a suitible spot, away from most others, Clara found that after getting in the hot, soothing water, and letting the heat release the tension in all her muscles, no one really bothered her. Most either focused on someone closer, or already had a partner to mingle with. Even some of the humans seemed a little eager to meet a certain someone.

After a moment longer, the hot waters already having cleaned her, and removed all the dirt from her body, Clara felt something odd about the water, as if something was moving around her. And as instinctual panic filled her mind, the apparent cause of the movement seemed to surface itself, as what appeared to be the cute face of a girl, made completely out of what seemed to be some kind of slimy substance poked it's head out of the water, looking at Clara shyly with a small grin, before it surprised her further, when it spoke.

"Hi~" it said simply, sounding similar to a child.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Clara blinks, confused at what she is looking at and feeling surprised the thing had spoken "hi" to her. When she had felt something moving around her in the spring water she hadn't expected a girl made of slime to pop up. Interested in what this girl was she held back on leaving the spring for the moment and responded to the odd, slimy girl. " Uhh... Hello. What's your name? " Clara asked, unsure of what else to say to the girl. She felt an odd temptation to reach out and poke the girls head, to see exactly what she felt like. She ignored the feeling though, trying to relax in the spring water while she waited for the slimy girl to say something else.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The slime girl cocked her head, "Name?" she asked with a confused tone, "What is your name?" she asked right back with a continued simple disposition. The slime girl immediately appeared to Clara as a being of little intelligence.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

It was easy to tell that this girl wasn't exactly a lit candle. She seemed more like a wet match in a dark cave. This made Clara feel that trying to explain what a name is to her might be pointless. Scratching the back of her head for a brief moment, Clara replied to the girl. " My name is Clara." she started, " Clara is what everyone calls me, it's my name. What does everyone call you? What's your name?" That was as simple as Clara could make it. If the slime girl didn't understand then she was hopeless.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The slimy woman seemed to think for a moment, putting a very human shaped, see-through finger to her lips for a moment in thought, "People call me slime." she said simply, before seeming to change her disposition, and moving closer to Clara. She could feel what strangely felt like slippery, soft legs place themselves on top of her own in the water, and the slime's large breasts pushed up against Clara's naked body suggestively, while her slimy, soft hands placed themselves on her shoulders, "Food?" she asked. And while such a simple question would raise obvious questions, likely many of those questions were anwered when Clara felt what could no doubt be the slime's body gently pushing her legs open, and brushing along her slit.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Clara almost trembled when she felt her legs being opened, she let out a small gasp of pleasure out when she felt Slime's body brushing along her slit. Her face was already beginning to fluster from Slime pressing her breasts up against her own and the way her body was touching her private area. " N-not again... Not in front of these people... " she whispered out, not wanting to be fed off of like she was when those bug girls had found her, especially with all these strangers around her. " S-stop... Please... " she practically begged the girl. Clara's legs began to move, she tried to stand up so she could, hopefully, get out of the water and away from this slimy girl.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Clara's footing actually seemed very slippery, even more than it should have, given that she was in water, before she figured out that it was the slime from this... Thing in front of her, simply preventing any easy escape.

However, the slight attempt at escape didn't seem to click with the slime's mind, as it seemed confused at the way Clara was acting. It tilted it's head as she blushed, and begged her to stop. "... No food?" it asked simply.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

" N-no food. Not here... " Clara started, trying to relax a bit as she spoke. " If you want some food then... Let's go somewhere else, away from here..." She had noticed that the slime girl wasn't being forceful, unlike the other monsters she had met. She seemed eager, but not violent. The girl seemed to be asking instead of just taking. Seeing that this was the case Clara didn't feel opposed to letting this thing feed from her, she just wanted to do the act where a bunch of strangers wouldn't see her.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The slime seemed confused for a moment, before Clara felt her body being lifted, and taken up out of the water. The rest of the slime's body came out as well, in the shape of an attractive, naked woman. Even her nipples and slit could be made out, as if the slime was making an exact copy of the female body. And while the slime got out, all of the slime that was not used to form the shape of a woman, held Clara, and pulled her out of the water.

Clara experienced a feeling of weightlessness as the slime pulled her out, until she was on her back, with the slime completely all around her body. However, the slime seemed to think that Clara simply didn't want to be in the water, as she got back down, seeming even more eager than before, as Clara could actually feel a little bit of her slime entering her lower holes, and even seeming to be trying to get into her mouth as well.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

"H-hold on!" Clara said, raising her head to keep the slime from going inside her mouth as her legs closed. " You misunderstood me, I wanted to go farther then this... I don't want anyone to see us..." she explained, hoping the simple minded creature understood her. " Let me get up and ill show you where I want to go..." Carefully, she began to try and get up from the ground so she could quickly lead the Slime to a close by area where the people in the spring wouldn't see them. The slime was even more eager then before, Clara had a feeling it might not comply and would just continue here, in front of everyone.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Although the slime seemed quite slippery from before, it seemed incredibly sticky now, as she could barely move inside of the female slime's body. Instead of getting up and moving away, Clara was simply along for the ride, as if she was floating on air as the slime carted her away from the monsters and people at the spring. The slime seemed to comprehend what she wanted, but didn't understand it entirely, once again. Clara was taking some distance away, but not out of earshot of those at the spring. However, at that point, further complaint was impossible, as the slime woman seemed to be at her limit, and couldn't wait any longer to have sex with Clara.

The slime forced her own lips against Clara's, the solid tongue, which could barely be told apart from a real tongue, started working around Clara's mouth, replacing saliva with tasteless slime as the monster fed on her fluids inside her mouth. And not long after, Clara felt the slime around her crotch start to press against her slit, as if the slime girl was forming a phallus shaped part of her body. She felt something pushing against her anus as well, before the feeling of being double penetrated soon followed, as the slime formed two cocks from her crotch, so she could hump Clara, and another from the body of slime, just under Clara's ass, sliding both of them inside her.

Due to the ability to change shapes, the slimy cocks had no set length, and so Clara found that they grew as long as they could fit inside her, as her ass and pussy were filled with slime...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

She was about to protest when the slime had only dragged her out of sight, however before she could make her complaint Slime had already forced her lips against her own. Her face flustered up once more as the slime tongue danced around in her mouth. The passionate kiss was better then the one the bug girl had given her earlier. When she felt something pressing against her slit and her anus she felt excitement, actually eager to get fucked by the slime woman. It didn't feel like rape this time so she felt like she could enjoy it. When she was penetrated in her flower and anus the blond girl bucked her legs as she let out a muffled moan out, her moan muffled due to the slime tongue in her mouth. Although it was muffled, it wasn't hard to tell from it that Clara was enjoying the violation. With the pleasurable feelings growing within her she felt a climax getting closer and closer, the slime phallus's felt more pleasurable to Clara then anything else she had ever felt violate her insides. She could only let more muffled moans out as she spread her legs father apart so the slime could get in easier.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The slime violating her pussy sent waves of pleasure through her, and the additional length in her ass gave her another strange sense of pleasure, and a feeling of being 'full' from having it so deep inside her, as it was not restricted by the limitations of a normal cock, and so it easily coursed around inside her ass, a good quarter of the slime's body inside Clara's pussy and ass at that point. And as Clara was overwhelmed with all of the slimy cock that was filling her, she suddenly was surprised when, during the everlasting kiss with the slime girl, she accidentally forgot herself, and swallowed some of the slime in her mouth...

The slime either didn't seem to notice that Clara had just ingested some of her body, or it didn't bother her at all...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Clara's eyes shot all the way open when she felt the tasteless substance go now her throat, she tried coughing to stop it but was unable to keep it from sliding down into her stomach. A look of sickness seemed to spread across her face as she squirmed uncomfortably. The fact that she had just eaten a part of Slime seemed to be making her sick. However, she seemed to quickly forget about what had happened as the slime girl kept thrusting her phallus's inside her, more of the slime going inside of her. The pleasurable feeling was more then enough to keep her from thinking of what she had just swallowed. And as the waves of pleasure continued Clara felt herself about to cum. She resisted as long as she could, but it wasn't long before she gave in.

" Mmmmm! "
she moaned against the slime woman's deep kiss, her moans seemed to be getting louder. It wasn't long before she let a muffled cry out, and bucked her legs as she came. Her entire body went limp after the powerful climax, resting in the slime as her eyes slowly began to shut.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Feeling the slime use it's body to absorb Clara's fluids, as well as feeling a strange warmth coming from the slime that she had swallowed being absorbed into her own system, Clara's passing into a certain state of unconsciousness was given one last look into the slime girl's eyes, which seemed pleased, satisfied, as well as happy, before Clara's eyes shut completely, and she drifted off into a state of small sleep inside of the slime, still with a great deal of it inside her holes...

After the dark void of sleep, which felt rather weightless, and serene, when Clara came to, the first thing that greeted her senses was the smell of smoke, as if there had been a fire. Next, she was greeted with the fact that her whole body seemed to be cocooned in slime, while the slime that composed the female body seemed to be resting on top of her... Which brought the question, in at least one form or another to her mind, do slimes sleep? Or was what the slime was doing on top of her some kind of ruse?

Nevertheless, the slime seemed unconscious, and dormant, yet firm. Firm enough to hold Clara in place, and firm enough for her to still feel the slime that had fucked her before, still inside her. Likely, the slime never thought to pull out of Clara at any point...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

A gasp escaped Clara's lips when she regained consciousness, seeing what was happening, where she was. The smell of smoke and the sight of being trapped in this slime confused and scared her. She tried moving, feeling awkward with the slime still inside of her. Quick to realize that she couldn't move in the sticky substance, she stopped her struggling, shaking her head a bit. She tried to relax, taking a deep breath as she calmed herself down. She wanted out of this cocoon but knew that she didn't have the strength to escape. She'd have to get out through other means. Clara looked at the Slime that had taken the form of a girl, " S-Slime... Are you awake? " she suddenly asked, her voice a bit shaky, but normal. She really couldn't tell, it looked like it was asleep, however looks can be very deceiving.

' I hope this things lets me go... ' she thought to herself, loathing the thought of being trapped like this. She couldn't stay here like this, she had something important she had to do. She not only had to, but she wanted to see her children. The Slime seemed nice, and gentle. Maybe iy was just protecting her. Maybe it wasn't planning on keeping her like this.
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Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Clara seemed to shake the slime awake with her struggling, as the slime's 'eyes' opened, before 'she' lifted her head slowly to look at Clara with a quick-to-appear smile,
"... Food?" she asked. The slime inside Clara's body already began to move again, slowly, in a fucking motion...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

" Ah... N-no, Stop it... " Clara said in response to Slime's sudden actions, " S-Slime, I need you to let me go... Please, let me go..." she asked. The girl knew she wouldn't be able to break out of slime she was in, the only way she'd get out is if Slime let her out.