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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Tentacle God
Oct 3, 2012
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just curious, who else uses Android to play this game other than me, and how does it work for you?
Unfortunately, I am going to have to say mouse >> Android touch screen. Just because of the accuracy issue and when you are intercepting a unit you cannot afford a miss. (Like using a rogue to catch a moving wolf)

It's great for farming/taking it easy though, but my mouse sensitivity + accuracy is insane in comparison. The last time I made a placement error on a mouse was during odette event. (And I only made 1 mistake on the last map) The last time I made a mistake on my Android Nexus 7? about once per 2 runs of 60/3 or 40/3

169 Blood Vials.
I just got past 100, last two run of 60/3 and 40/3 only give me 1 blood vial each. *le sigh*

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Jun 22, 2012
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The first new stage, the 40/4 isn't too hard. I only 2 starred it my first try, but it seems you need lots of magic to kill all the werewolves. So get your mages/witches/princesses ready for it. Not to many zombies on it. You get a max of 7 bloods on it, so not to shabby. I haven't tried the one after that.

Petite Soeur

Tentacle God
Apr 27, 2013
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Vampire Princess Karma:
+Stronger than regular princess.
-Unable to recover HP.

Immortal Princess Karma:
+Same strength as a vampire princess
-Unable to recover HP.
+When her skill is active, nothing can kill her and she'll survive anything with at least 1 HP supposedly (raising the skill level raises the duration).

Unless she has a draining regular attack or skill, she sounds like a powerful suicide unit. Though, the immortal princess class sounds like it would be useful against the lich trio on the last story mission map.

2-starred Silver Wolf Threat on my first try as well. One of the lesser vampires was able to sneak through the top lane (Only had Dahlia and my Prince there). I have to think about how I would want to do this map, since Dahlia's berserker skill was incredibly useful toward the end.
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Jun 22, 2012
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok, I have it three starred (the 40/3). I start off by placing my Witch Lord and my Vampire Hunter near the heart 4 ranged spots. The WL at the outer left one, the VH at the inner right one. I then place my prince before the heart. Next, I place my Witch at the outer right, then my princess below my prince, then my healer in the inner left spot. Next, I place my Valk above my prince, then place Euchida left of my princess. I replace my prince with my HA, then replace my Witch with my Warlock. Finally I replace my VH with Adelle (who is still a mage).



Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Vampire Princess Karma:
+Stronger than regular princess.
-Unable to recover HP.

Immortal Princess Karma:
+Same strength as a vampire princess
-Unable to recover HP.
+When her skill is active, nothing can kill her and she'll survive anything with at least 1 HP supposedly (raising the skill level raises the duration).

Unless she has a draining regular attack or skill, she sounds like a powerful suicide unit. Though, the immortal princess class sounds like it would be useful against the lich trio on the last story mission map.

2-starred Silver Wolf Threat on my first try as well. One of the lesser vampires was able to sneak through the top lane (Only had Dahlia and my Prince there). I have to think about how I would want to do this map, since Dahlia's berserker skill was incredibly useful toward the end.
By she can't recover, do you mean that she can't be healed by a healer?

My attempt/strategy on 40-4:

Place Valk and Prince immediately, put down first healer (Black cloth Alisa), put a soldier where the gold HA is or one space down, doesn't really matter. If your soldier/Valk is CC'd strong or your healer costs more than 16 sortie, you may need to put the soldier down before the healer to catch the first wolves that comes from the bottom. Put an archer where the mage is (Valerie in image) to take out the bottom zombies quicker. After that you want to replace the soldier with the red HA in the image (Obscured by the C in Clear) and put a witch (Lord or very strong Plat/Black) below it.

When needed, add the 2nd healer (purple cloth Polka in image) and replace the archer with a strong mage. Even with my so-so team, I only let a few tiny wolves pass during the final sprint. If your Valk and witch is stronger than mine, you shouldn't let any pass like that. Pretty easy map really. You could probably also remove the witch for the final sprint and add a 2nd CC'd mage to the spot at the top of the E in clear, or next to the Valk or slightly left and above the red HA to make sure you don't let any wolves pass.
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Petite Soeur

Tentacle God
Apr 27, 2013
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

By she can't recover, do you mean that she can't be healed by a healer?
The event image says HP Recovery is impossible, so I think that may be the case. Yeah...

I don't know about Vampire and Dark Resident Extreme. Vampire looks like it wants a lot of physical ranged units (that I won't have), and Dark Resident Extreme just seems like a cluster of awful, especially with the lich that shows up toward the end. Though, Vincent's dialogue about wanting to go deeper before the Prince's helper tells him to reconsider committing to such a foolhardy decision makes it seem like they have plans to continue this event like they did with the Dragonkin one.


Mar 20, 2010
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well 3 stars everything. I think the new farm spot is 50/5 since 60/6 is to much "unit switch" for me :p and look like 60/6 is 16 blood like 50/5 .


Jun 22, 2012
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anyone got a video or advice for the 50/5 one? Like to see it before I spend 5 points on it.


Mar 20, 2010
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well it start with a slow zombie rush -> wolf/werewolf rush -> zombie rush + 1 Vampire -> white werewolf + valkyrie.
you have a little time to build something with the first zombie rush since they are not professional sprinter.

-silver big chested archer drop on 50/5
-silver male healer drop on 60/6


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anyone got a video or advice for the 50/5 one? Like to see it before I spend 5 points on it.
You probably need a: A CC'd valk or similarly strong duelist, b: two CC'd mages, mostly for range, this is very important. I failed here because of it. Zombies piled up on my Valk and HA and basically permanently stunned them, since I only had one mage with enough range to reach them, everything else just started waltzing passed them on the final rush. The enemies themselves aren't too hard (Nothing on my team really died), you just can't let zombies pile up or you'll lose.

This is a good example video anyways:

Pay very close attention the mage range there. The first mage they place near their prince is out of range of most the enemies on their valk and HA, so don't place them there. I didn't notice that unless the enemy is placed a certain way on your Valk, that mage won't be able to attack them. You can notice that at around 3:20. I may have 2 stared it otherwise (Used Echidna as a temporary CC'd mage), though I probably need to CC a valk as well. Put a 2nd mage where their archer Soma is instead of where they place their first mage. I'm pretty limited on my strategies since I don't have a Lord Witch.

Their start is pretty sloppy too, you can tell it was their first run. Try to catch the enemies sooner than they did by placing soldiers/valk quickly near the entrance.
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Jun 22, 2012
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah, I've got most of that covered. However Vamps are strong against magic and weak against physical. My VH will probably eat them for lunch. I also have a level 42 (50cced) Black Valk, so I'm good there. I just need to wait till I build up 5 points so I can try. I think I can beat that stage. It looks easy enough. I only worry about my HA since my best one is only level 26 unCCed. But he is plat, so has a lot of hps already (1700+) with Enhance 3.


Mar 20, 2010
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Rean drop at 60/6 and look like the 10X blood drop on 60/6 is 100% maybe i need to farm here :p


Tentacle God
Oct 3, 2012
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

60/6 is not 100% as far as I am aware. Tested it out a few runs ago (3 runs all lich kill) and got nothing. But that was before the fix. Maybe it's 100% now.

3 Starred everything except the last map, need a better strategy. (Probably a 3rd healer) Duelist/HA getting stunned ftl


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So far it doesn't seem like the higher maps are too much better for the stamina cost.

I got an average of around 4 blood on 60/3 reliably. So unless the higher maps have a very high chance of the 10 drop, it might be better for me to try to stick with 60/3. I'll test 40/4 a bit, don't think I'm going to try 50/5 again just yet.

For anybody who is able, could you test an un cc'd mage's range for me on 50/5? In the bottom left corner, closest to the intersection, will an un cc'd mage reach enemies constantly who are in the intersection being blocked by a HA or whatever in the left most melee position? I hope you understand what I'm asking. If they can, Odette may save me on 50/5, if not, I'm kind of screwed. Well an image is better:

Un CC'd Mage at AA, Heavy Armor or whatever at K and E. The mage is certainly in range of the K at least, but the enemies stop some space before your ally on K to attack it, so the range of an un CC'd mage is risky to gamble. I can't tell from the videos, it seems very close. It seems being able to hit E would be even riskier with an un CC'd mage at AA.

Ah got 43/44 on 40/4, so close x.X 7 blood there, nice. I just did 5 runs on 40/4, and every single time I got 7 blood exactly, so seems pretty reliably better than 60/3 to me (Just got Bandit Head Motima on my last run too). It's not as difficult as 50/5 to catch everything that can drop items, even if you can't 3 star it.

So my experience: 40/4: 7 blood per 4 stamina (1.75) (5 runs in a row atm), 60/3 was around 4 blood per 3 (1.33) (Many runs).

That's nice, even if I can only farm 40/4, my 8 remaining crystals means probably between 144-168 blood and I already have 166. With natural regen, at least 370 should be easy.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jan 31, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

can't even 1star 60/3 just how pitiful I am. Anyone can tell me if it is worth doing the daily quest later for raising affection or should I stick with phalanx 2?

Fruity not sure if this what your looking for

Oppss did't see the UNCCed


Tentacle God
Oct 3, 2012
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anyone can tell me if it is worth doing the daily quest later for raising affection or should I stick with phalanx 2?
Stick with Phalanx 2, unless you don't need any gold/plat (has too many) fairies. Although the medium level quest has been known to have good drops (I never got anything good from it though

About 33 Goddess crystals or so later~
Please note, attached is very heavy in terms of spoiler. Hence, open at your own risk/regret.


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Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Stick with Phalanx 2, unless you don't need any gold/plat (has too many) fairies. Although the medium level quest has been known to have good drops (I never got anything good from it though

About 33 Goddess crystals or so later~
Please note, attached is very heavy in terms of spoiler. Hence, open at your own risk/regret.
I like her original look more. It's kind of sad you'd have to lose her dark persona to have her stronger version. I hope you've been recording blood drops where you've been farming D:

can't even 1star 60/3 just how pitiful I am. Anyone can tell me if it is worth doing the daily quest later for raising affection or should I stick with phalanx 2?

Fruity not sure if this what your looking for

Oppss did't see the UNCCed
We posted a strategy a page or two back where you don't put out any melee units until the first wave of wolves pass, since they don't drop anything. If you try to fight them without an OP team, you'll lose. 2 star is very easy if you let them pass. What I did:

Witch on S, lord witch or plat/black witch on U (This could also be a normal witch but I have a black, so it's a cautious recommendation since I don't know how a normal witch would fare), CC'd healer on T, let first wave of wolves pass.

Prince on G, valk or similar duelist on F (Mischa is good here for her low cost), place soldiers at H or L as needed to catch weak wolves, but don't try to stop the big werewolves or you'll waste sortie, I think there's a few that will get passed your Prince in the second wave and that's okay, after your 2nd healer and other duelists are up, you won't lose any more lives. If you try to stop them in the 2nd wave, they'll kill you if you don't have the 2nd healer up yet. Eventually you can put another CC'd healer on V, and another duelist on H (In whichever order is needed). Then cover L with a CC'd HA (Important since it'll probably be soloing a werewolf and a weak wolf itself at the end, though you could also just remove it if you have enough lives).

That'll get you an easy 2 star. You should still have like 4+ lives by the end if you let the big werewolves pass, just make sure you have the HA up before the final rush or you could miss the rogue that can drop Cecily. This is assuming you're like level 80 or above and that your non CC'd units are like 40 or higher, so be careful. I can't really make an easier strategy to clear it.

Oh I didn't notice I had a screenshot similar to the final strategy I decided to use there, here:
I'd just put a witch/lord witch on S or a lord witch on W if you have it instead of the archer I have in this image.

I really shoulda recorded my strats for 60/3 and 40/4, I'll have to do 40/4 in a few hours.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jan 31, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Stick with Phalanx 2, unless you don't need any gold/plat (has too many) fairies. Although the medium level quest has been known to have good drops (I never got anything good from it though
I wanted to concentrate on raising the affection of my unit if the daily event is better for it than phalanx2 I'll waste some crystal for it but last time I did it I also didn't get anything good.

If that strategy requires lord witch then I'm screwed I don't even have lord witch but I do have 2despia black,2plat(adelle and fignelia) witches.

Also tried putting UnCCed mage on AA couldn't reach E(duelist) and requires enemy to stick with K(HA) unit, better put HA on L if your using UnCCed mage on AA.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wanted to concentrate on raising the affection of my unit if the daily event is better for it than phalanx2 I'll waste some crystal for it but last time I did it I also didn't get anything good.

If that strategy requires lord witch then I'm screwed I don't even have lord witch but I do have 2despia black,2plat(adelle and fignelia) witches.

Also tried putting UnCCed mage on AA couldn't reach E(duelist) and requires enemy to stick with K(HA) unit, better put HA on L if your using UnCCed mage on AA.
I posted an image of what I used on 60/3 in an edit, and I have Despia there, so if you do, you don't need a lord witch. I don't have one after all. I said lord witch just to be safe for those without plat/black witches.

In the image I have: Despia (30), Prince (90), 2 CC'd healers, 1 CC'd HA, Carry (40), Mischa (44), CC'd archer (Best to put a witch here or on S. I think I had Soma there to see if her ranged skill could help my HA kill the final werewolf quicker.) and still got 2 star. The most important thing is to just let ALL the wolves/werewolves pass in the first wave. I keep mentioning it because I made the mistake of thinking I could let my Prince kill the final one because the healer was set up, but then he was too busy fighting it to stop weaker wolves and I failed.

Thanks for the info :D
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Tentacle God
Oct 3, 2012
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I hope you've been recording blood drops where you've been farming D:
I was farming 50/5 by 3 starring it, it used to drop 10x quite often, now it doesn't. Feels like the dev shut down the rate for it majorly. Same with 60/6, the lich haven't dropped 10x once yet. (Actually I haven't gotten 60/6 to drop at all ><)

Bah, what's wrong with this game, 4x Mischa and 0 cost down. (From -1 to -2, all 4 failed) 4 runs of 50/5 no 10x drop and 5 runs of 60/6 nothing drops. This game's RNG is broken.
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