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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

News Update for Upcoming Maintenance:

(Premium) Platinum Witch Prim (幻光の魔女プリム):
AW Skill
Prism Shadow (プリズムシャドウ): (00s; cannot be targeted; auto skill, and unlimited duration; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
AW Ability:
Prism Mirror (プリズムミラー): possible to deploy a token that is identical to Prim; can only deploy one on the field; doesn't count towards unit total.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

News Update for Upcoming Maintenance:

(Premium) Platinum Witch Prim (幻光の魔女プリム):
AW Skill
Prism Shadow (プリズムシャドウ): (00s; cannot be targeted; auto skill, and unlimited duration; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
AW Ability:
Prism Mirror (プリズムミラー): possible to deploy a token that is identical to Prim; can only deploy one on the field; doesn't count towards unit total.


WTF! It's a really OP support-defensive unit

I did look into something cookie-related on a KanColle wiki when I decided I wanted to play JP Aigis, but I was having trouble with it somehow, so I tried a VPN.

Unfortunately TCP/IPv4 - DNS isn't something I'm knowledgeable about either. Though it might be good to learn a bit about it. But at this stage, I'd be inclined to stick with my VPN anyway because Australia's gotten much stricter about data retention recently.

My country Indonesia is also like that. The 'Internet Sehat' really messed up and blocked quite many website that actually not violate any rules.
Beside changing not really violet any rule; If you curious, I can teach or you can look at web link for the guide
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow I like Prim the likelyhood of me getting her tho is low X_X.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

WTF! It's a really OP support-defensive unit

My country Indonesia is also like that. The 'Internet Sehat' really messed up and blocked quite many website that actually not violate any rules.
Beside changing not really violet any rule; If you curious, I can teach or you can look at web link for the guide

Well be have 2 things mixed up here. One is dmm region locking and other is a third country censoring the site.
Changing dns wont work against the former.
For the later, it depends on how the censorship is applied but doing it via dns is moronic as any 10 year old could find how to bypass it :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well be have 2 things mixed up here. One is dmm region locking and other is a third country censoring the site.
Changing dns wont work against the former.
For the later, it depends on how the censorship is applied but doing it via dns is moronic as any 10 year old could find how to bypass it :p

Pretty much depends on how you bypass it. It's not difficult, one I give is for newbie and could work under law restriction
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I just brought the 3rd barracks and a new button appeared in the unit section.

What exactly does it do beside counting my fairies?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

quick question on the revival summons i know i cant pull lillia or saint iris normally but are units like those in the revival gatcha naturally without the spotlight being them or are the 5 or so units added on top of our gatcha with all the others still not available

i hope this is the case as besides sue i cant pull a dupe black and alot of the other units on the list of excluded units i have and would like to not get if i were to go nuts on gatcha sometime soon
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

quick question on the revival summons i know i cant pull lillia or saint iris normally but are units like those in the revival gatcha naturally without the spotlight being them or are the 5 or so units added on top of our gatcha with all the others still not available

i hope this is the case as besides sue i cant pull a dupe black and alot of the other units on the list of excluded units i have and would like to not get if i were to go nuts on gatcha sometime soon

when revival shrine is up, all previously removed units will be in it, and none of the new units that havent been removed. just take note not to mix up revival shrine with special limited shrine (the one that happens immediately before units are removed, the most recent being cornelia.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

didnt they ban gta v or something stupid like that?

Not quite (they have had issues with GTA though). We didn't have an R18+ rating for games until a few years ago, so things were getting withheld/censored. I don't even play such games and I thought it was dumb.

And that's only part of it. I don't want to derail the thread by listing the rest, but it's pretty conservative and doesn't reflect the views of the entire general public.

(Premium) Platinum Witch Prim (幻光の魔女プリム):
AW Skill
Prism Shadow (プリズムシャドウ): (00s; cannot be targeted; auto skill, and unlimited duration; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
AW Ability:
Prism Mirror (プリズムミラー): possible to deploy a token that is identical to Prim; can only deploy one on the field; doesn't count towards unit total.


What a cutie. And she sounds awesome. I'd like to get her too, but I really should leave the shrine alone for a while.

My country Indonesia is also like that. The 'Internet Sehat' really messed up and blocked quite many website that actually not violate any rules.
Beside changing not really violet any rule; If you curious, I can teach or you can look at web link for the guide

Yuck, that sounds like something they'd do over here.

I don't know if I'll need to do anything with DNS now, but I did start reading about it on Wikipedia out of curiosity. It does seem like something worth having knowledge of (especially for accessing games in other countries), so if you have any advice/resources that'd be great.

So I just brought the 3rd barracks and a new button appeared in the unit section.

What exactly does it do beside counting my fairies?

On the first tab, if you click any of the buttons in the second column, it'll remove all the fairies/cans from that barracks/all of the barracks, and store them in the fairy barracks. Then you can withdraw them on the second tab in lots of 1/3/5. I only got it yesterday and it's pretty good.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

when revival shrine is up, all previously removed units will be in it, and none of the new units that havent been removed. just take note not to mix up revival shrine with special limited shrine (the one that happens immediately before units are removed, the most recent being cornelia.

well if thats the case im likely to avoid it or only dip a few sc its way as i have all the gold in that list and a few plats ill have to wait till a aisha spotlight rolls around even though its a trap

edit:nvm found one

edit:just read petites post and was curious if Pupuru would be in daily revivals at some point
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on July 7th Between 10:00~15:00:
-Emergency Mission "Evil Hermit Country's Trap" (邪仙郷の罠) Begins.
Trading Post:
-Healer Sedis, Samurai Akane, Dragon Rider Abel, and Mage Armour Raichi Replaced
-The Following Added:
Magic: Archer Spica and Princess Louise (200); Angel Eln and Curse User Mitra (70)
Revival Premium:
-Until July 14th 10:00.
-Certain Classes and Units Rebalanced (First Phase).
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.

(Event) Plat Valkyrie Meiling (虎姫メイリン):

(Premium) Platinum Witch Prim (幻光の魔女プリム):
AW Skill
Prism Shadow (プリズムシャドウ): (00s; cannot be targeted; auto skill, and unlimited duration; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
AW Ability:
Prism Mirror (プリズムミラー): possible to deploy a token that is identical to Prim; can only deploy one on the field; doesn't count towards unit total.


Let's see if I can avoid making as many mistakes for the classes and units tomorrow unlike in the past. What generally happens is that I work on it partway, and then get distracted, and lose my position when I resume.

Fed 5 copies of Momiji to my main that was at -1 3/10, and somehow managed to reduce her to mincost and raise her to skill 5/10. Unsure if I want to focus on raising her, or if I would want to work on someone else like Gretel. With Master Druid Pupuru, Gretel would have 35 magic resistance. The only character I could have with a naturally higher base would be Black Spirit of Battle Cynthia, who has 40, but I'm still worried about the 2nd AW requirements requiring rainbow crystals (been too afraid to retire my premium gold or plat units because of it).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Another Valkyrie for my collections!
Also... Hermit country's trap!? Could it be!?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Mother Valkyrie for my collections!
Also... Hermit country's trap!? Could it be!?

sounds like a continuation to sukuha's story. and meiling's weapon really looks like guan yu's weapon.

edit: my brain was not working right, i meant faa's. (GR10 gave hints of it in the map that drops isabel)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yuck, that sounds like something they'd do over here.

I don't know if I'll need to do anything with DNS now, but I did start reading about it on Wikipedia out of curiosity. It does seem like something worth having knowledge of (especially for accessing games in other countries), so if you have any advice/resources that'd be great.

Wikipedia is a good source. It's a simple concept, exactly the same as a telephone guide/book/directory, but with IPs and domains instead of phone numbers and names :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Seems the latest trend is can't be attacked units~ >.>
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So Conrad has a question here...
Are missions past the desert maps any more efficient for unit exp grinding? The seesaa wiki article seems to be saying that the most efficient maps for pure unit exp are the late desert maps. Is this true? Or are there better places to grind for fodder in the later story missions?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does anyone know if the timing as to when you fused the same units together, matters?

i.e. Fusing 2 units together "before" cc or awaken vs "after"
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Only matters when the unit changes skill upon CC. Everything else no. And wasnt that question or a similar one already asked a few pages ago?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does anyone know if the timing as to when you fused the same units together, matters?

i.e. Fusing 2 units together "before" cc or awaken vs "after"

Are you talking about extra benefits for fusing two of the same unit?

If so, then yeah, sometimes it does matter. There are two special bonuses for fusing the same unit together, cost reduction and skill level up. Cost reduction only looks at the unit's name to determine if it reduces cost, Skill level up looks only at the unit's current skill.

Some units change skills after they CC, and when they do, they lose all the levels that they gained in their old skill. Because of this, you may want to wait until after class change to fuse these units, so you can get the extra skill up.

You don't have to worry about this for pretty much any event unit though, because most, if not all of these units, do not change skill after a class change.

For example, Katie has the reinforcements 2 skill (+10 unit points) before class changing, but this is upgraded to the reinforcements 3 skill (+15 unit points) after class changing. Therefore, if you fused two copies of her before class change, you would give her a cost reduction of 1 and a skill up of 1 (assuming she hasn't had a cost reduction or a skill level up yet). If you then class changed her, she would keep her cost at -1, but her skill would change, and would be back down to level 1.
Any subsequent Katies you feed to her after this will not level up her skill if they are not class changed, since they don't have the same skill. They will have a chance to reduce her cost though.
For units like the current event bishop, which have the same skill pre/post CC, you don't have to worry about CCing before feeding, as they will always have a chance at skill level up.

As for AW, you *never* want to feed an awakened unit to another unit, as skill never changes on awakening. Also, it takes far to many resources to awaken a unit, and there is no special benefit to feeding an AW unit to another unit anyway.

TL;DR: If you want to level up the skill, CC first might matter, otherwise, it doesn't. AW never matters here.

Was that what you were wanting to know?