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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Only Ricola has a conceal active. The other two lower movement speed of enemies.

Does this help?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Whelp , that 90/9 was fun map
Took Me 2 try to 3 star it
Now should I farm her or not , hmm....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Not sure what all this confusion about Supura is about, her stealth is right in her passive...

Anyhow, it should be noted that reanbell's 55/7 stage is a really great farming stage. Plat armor, gadoras(increase attack up 3/4 fodder for a variety of unit skillups) and the unit herself. Highly recommended if you have any increase attack units to skill up, especially so if you need to max Reanbell.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Reanbell, please. I already have a perfect copy of you from a long time ago. All I just wanted are Gadoras.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi there. I have updated the github page to current revision of pastebin documents.

The updating process was not as smooth as I have hoped, but I have improved it this time, so maybe next update can be posted faster.

@Petite - In ranged classes, for Eterna we have
instead of
as in case of all other characters. While this makes no difference in PHPBB encoding, this breaks my conversion macro, so it would be nice if you could change that.

As for the story translations - I didn't like how it looks for current example, I didn't like lack of table of contents or some other good way to navigate through it. I need to find a better way to present it (like changing the format to RST?), but I didn't have time to investigate into this further.

PS. Lots of love for adding AW abilities to the list, as well as for all your continuous work.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

News Report for Upcoming Maintenance:

(Premium) Platinum Magic Fencer Sienna (闇の魔剣士シエナ):
Blood Magic (ブラッドマジック): (s; HP halved, but attack 2x; range 1.3x; magic attack; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Forbidden Art 'Magic Blade of Fresh Blood' (禁術 鮮血の魔刃): (00s; Max HP halved forever; attack 1.9x; range 1.3x; unlimited duration; magic attack; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
(): .


Sienna means 'reddish brown'. It fits better than Ciena, which means 'ancient'.

Anelai said:
I am really surprised by this but I actually like new Ranger design. Gonna farm her a bit.
Japanese players say Ranger Aida is by Obui ( ), who is Daniella and Mitra's illustrator. He also did a couple of the new male units, Nicholaus and Miguel. He also plays this game, and spent so much money, he had all of the black units at some point. Dina's illustrator, Cyocyo Tasaka, drew Dine and Amanda the way he did because he didn't want to 'lose to Obui'.

Soma Fanart by Obui:

Nowadays, Obui's been drawing a lot of stuff for a Granblue fantasy race called Draf (ドラフ). One of the better original races since Nekokino, Fellpool, , and so on...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This is really infuriating me - only being able to ★1 each of the 神級 event maps with my alt account. It means Meilin will be stuck at -3 or -4 cost, i cant remember which. Even with awakened plats and following nico/youtube strategies to the T (i think those ppl are using crystal buffs tbh). Got her mincosted with my main acct, but really, its my alt acct that needs better mincosted units.


Unrelated sidenote: Lianas snowy owl has more of a cat face than an owl face.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

にゃんぱす;858533 said:
This is really infuriating me - only being able to ★1 each of the 神級 event maps with my alt account. It means Meilin will be stuck at -3 or -4 cost, i cant remember which. Even with awakened plats and following nico/youtube strategies to the T (i think those ppl are using crystal buffs tbh). Got her mincosted with my main acct, but really, its my alt acct that needs better mincosted units.


Unrelated sidenote: Lianas snowy owl has more of a cat face than an owl face.

not sure what's your issue, when I follow youtube strats without issue when I have only 6 or so AW units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sienna is cute! She's super cute! praise yolo! Let's get started!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ahaha I'm glad I decided to read the story translations as Petite posts them for the daily revivals, never would have seen this

Beastmen's Pride (獣人の誇り):

Golden Wolves God-tier (100/2) (金狼 神級):
Magic Crystal III (25), High-quality Sake (25), Ruby (25), Complete: Rainbow Fairy
The kingdom has turned to wagering on unsanctioned, illicit Golden Wolfboy pageants held at the Rural Gate Nightclub. Wolfman pageants. The wolfboys are beautiful, and the betting is heavy.

Otherwise incorruptible Mayor Christopher ignores our kingdom's by-laws, and presides as the lone judge at these lurid contests. He picks the Golden Wolfboy, makes or loses fortunes for those patrons in thrall to the vice of gambling.

Trotting, trotting, trotting. On parade for the Mayor. On parade at Rural Gate. Purebreds one and all.

What does one have to do to be named the Golden Wolfboy? What is beauty? Who knows; that's for Christopher to decide. Desire. Selecting the lucky one. The one. The Golden Wolfboy.

The Mayor Christopher era will end in 177, when scandal erupts over the high number of Golden Wolfboys holding down golden jobs at City Hall.

Thanks for the good laugh
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on July 21st Between 10:00~15:00:
-Emergency Mission "The Forest of Demonic Flies and the Cursed Keeper" (魔蝿の森と呪われた番人) Begins.
-Subjugation Mission "Orc Hero's Challenge" (オーク勇者の挑戦状) Begins (July 21st~August 18th).
-Silver Unit (Female) Base EXP 3x (i.e. 450), and Silver (Male) Base EXP 1.5x (i.e. 450) Campaign Begins (Until July 28th 10:00).
Pick-up Summoning Begins (Until July 28th):
-Possible to only summon rarity platinum or black units of a specific class.
+Possible to summon gold or lower units of unrelated classes from both regular and revival summoning (percentages no different from regular premium summoning).
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.

(Event) Platinum Ranger Aida (闇の森の番人アイーダ):

(Premium) Platinum Magic Fencer Sienna (闇の魔剣士シエナ):
Blood Magic (ブラッドマジック): (s; HP halved, but attack 2x; range 1.3x; magic attack; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Forbidden Art 'Magic Blade of Fresh Blood' (禁術 鮮血の魔刃): (00s; Max HP halved forever; attack 1.9x; range 1.3x; unlimited duration; magic attack; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
(): .


Hah, I guess 'Pick-up Summoning' would help depending on how restrictive they are about the classes they use for collectors. But I bet they'll do something like make it so there's a combination of certain classes, like Youko, Summoners (Farne), and Alchemists (Machina) just to mock me (2/3 chance to get a character I wouldn't want).

It's been a while since they did an Exchange Quest. I wonder if this is being delayed because they're busy commissioning a bunch of illustrations for 2nd awakening*. They still haven't gotten ukyo rst to finish Bashira and Shizuka's AW illustration along with Figneria's illustrator, Watase Yukito** (Figneria's a popular character among fan artists, but I haven't bothered with looking up her illustrator).
*this is supposed to happen this summer along with the UI upgrade; would that be in August, or does September also count as summer?

**I just looked him up, and found out that I actually own some comics drawn by him. He's responsible for doing 'BLANGEL' (really violent comic about a girl who is effectively immortal, and can recreate herself from her own blood who will beat up even people she saves for pissing her off for being weak and helpless; Nice Guys™ are the scum of the earth). He did the first volume 9 years ago, and then went on a hiatus for almost 4 years until 2012 before going back to finishing it. I guess that explains why Figneria AW illustration is taking so gosh-darn long.

( )
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

にゃんぱす;858533 said:
This is really infuriating me - only being able to ★1 each of the 神級 event maps with my alt account. It means Meilin will be stuck at -3 or -4 cost, i cant remember which. Even with awakened plats and following nico/youtube strategies to the T (i think those ppl are using crystal buffs tbh). Got her mincosted with my main acct, but really, its my alt acct that needs better mincosted units.


Unrelated sidenote: Lianas snowy owl has more of a cat face than an owl face.

What a dedication~
My Clone account only have 1 AW unit (Zenobia)
Despite all the resources (300+Silver >.>) , and untouched 120+ SC
Too lazy to AW anyone... even -3 is fine too~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sienna is cool.

I din't like this new ranger, her looks is a bit weird to me, and different from other rangers ... I am fine with Fuu and Rico... I guess I will focus in leveling and AWing my units ...

Also about rangers, poison and desert aren't considered weather, or are they?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So, I did a couple yolo rolls, since I always have hope (and it is always crushed), but I did get Uzume :D , Daisy and Ur.
Should I bother with Daisy? The only bowrider I have aside from the silver one is Sarasa, and she has a defensive skill...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Also about rangers, poison and desert aren't considered weather, or are they?
Those are terrain effects. The main characteristic of weather is that it comes and goes in set intervals.

I believe all maps with bad weather effects will have this as a warning in its description: '悪天候'. Kanji are ideograms, so you can get by remembering the first one for being 'bad' and the second one as being 'sky'. You'll see the first one used a lot for compounds in games as '悪魔' (Akuma; Demon), so it shouldn't be difficult to get your brain used to spotting it.

Feng Shui Users mitigate the effects of terrain while deployed, which includes poison and desert heat. They also decrease the duration of weather (they don't lessen the effects).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Meiling, Sienna, and Aida Ero Scene Spoilers:



Angel-Powered Cornelia:

Banner (Ero):
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update On July 21st:
-Emergency Mission "The Forest of Demonic Flies and the Cursed Keeper" (魔蝿の森と呪われた番人) Begins.
-Subjugation Mission "Orc Hero's Challenge" (オーク勇者の挑戦状) Begins.
-Silver Unit (Female) Base EXP 3x (i.e. 450), and Silver (Male) Base EXP 1.5x (i.e. 450) Campaign Begins (Until July 28th 10:00).
Pick-up Summoning Begins (Until July 28th):
-Possible to only summon rarity platinum or black units of a specific class.
+Possible to summon gold or lower units of unrelated classes from both regular and revival summoning (percentages no different from regular premium summoning).
-Certain Unit(s) Illustration and Face Icon Modified (i.e. Regular Gold Iris).
-Home Screen Anna Stand-up Changed.
-Gold Small Spirit of Blessing Alegría (アレグリア) Added.
+Provides 18k experience for same rarity unit during synthesis (cannot be used with other materials).
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.

Daily Revival:
-Each Revival Lasts for One Day Between 0:00~23:59.
-Guaranteed 1st time drops (excluding drops already gained in the past).

July 18th: Trainee of the Gunnery Academy (砲科学校の訓練生) (Plat Gunner Kanon; Click!)
July 19th: Imprisoned Magic Fencer (囚われの魔法剣士) (Plat Magic Fencer Charlotte; Click!)
July 20th: Ghost Ship and the Admiral's Determination (死霊の船と提督の決意) (Plat Sailor Reanbell; Click!)
July 21st: Pegasus Knight of the Empire (帝国の天馬騎士) (Plat Pegasus Rider Isabelle; Click!)
July 22nd: The Dark Knighthood and the Targeted Healer (暗黒騎士団と狙われた癒し手) (Plat Healer Juno; Click!)
July 23rd: Beastmen's Pride (獣人の誇り) (Plat Rogue Ada; Click!)
July 24th: The White Empire and the Fake City (白の帝国と偽りの都市) (Plat Soldier Liselotte; Click!)

July 25th: Fallen Angel's Seal (堕天使の封印) (Plat Angel Chloe; Click!)
July 26th: Dark Knighthood and the Holy Night Presents (暗黒騎士団と聖夜の贈り物) (Plat Bow Rider Sarasa; Click!)
July 27th: Mechanical Soldiers of the Ancients (古代の機甲兵) (Plat Puppet Manipulator Ricca; Click!)
July 28th: Save the Witch! (魔女を救え!) (Gold Witch Chloris; Click!)
July 29th: Witch's Daughter (魔女の娘) (Plat Witch Belinda; Click!)
July 30th: Dark Ninja Army (闇の忍者軍団) (Plat Ninja Azami; Click!)
July 31st: Oni-dwelling Swordsman (鬼を宿す剣士) (Plat Samurai Momiji; Click!)

"Jasenkyo's Trap" Unit:

Meiling (メイリン):
Summon Tiger Power (虎力招来): (90s; HP 1.3x; attack 1.3x; AS: 60; WT: 50; CT: 100)
Yaohu Cannon (妖虎砲): (30s; ranged [200] magic attack; cost recovery per kill 2x; AS: 60; WT: 25; CT: 50)
Certain Kill Blow (必殺の一撃): 20% chance for 1.8x attack.

Emergency Mission "The Forest of Demonic Flies and the Cursed Keeper":
-Farm-type Event for Plat Ranger Aida

Aida (アイーダ):
Spirit Eagle (スピリットイーグル): (30s; attack 1.9x; slows enemy movement speed; AS: 62; WT: 17.5; CT: 35)
Demonic Fly's Blessing (魔蝿の祝福): (20s; attack of all enemies within range -20%; AS: 62; WT: 30; CT: 60)
Trap Power Up (罠威力上昇): while deployed, ranger token attack +10%.

Inhabitants of the Evil Forest (20/1) (魔の森の住人):
Aida (), B Archer Gaga (), Bouquet ()
Pretty Boy Strey: "Fumu... This is the 'Evil Forest', eh? Indeed, it's certainly brimming with a threatening atmosphere, isn't it?"
Anna: "According to the information Bashira obtained, Majin Belzébuth is lurking somewhere deep in these woods..."
Bashira: "I hear its power, that has been sealed during the Millennium War, hasn't completely returned yet. If we're going to defeat Belzébuth, now is our only chance!"
Strey: "—!? Wait... if you move now, you'll definitely be shot by 'those guys'. ... Prince, look over there... enemies."
???: "... Heeh. It appears your archer has a pretty good set of eyes. I'm surprised he was able to see me."
Anna: "Ah, who in the world are you...!?"
Jungle Archer: "Those who hunt miscreants like you who conspire to harm Belzébuth-sama."
Bashira: "Belzébuth... sama? ... Who are you!?"
???: "Our chat ends here. We won't allow you to trespass into this forest any further!"
Jungle Archer: "—Shit... what are they...? They're on a completely different level compared to those who trespassed up to now. Aida, let's fall back for the time being."
Aida: "You're right... We must quickly tell everyone what happened; Belzébuth-sama is in danger..."
Anna: "Please wait, please listen to what we have to say!"
Strey: "... They're gone. She appears to be their ally, but who is that woman...?"
Bashira: "I fear they're descendants of the clan that were guarding Belzébuth."
Anna: "Bashira-san, do you know her!?"
Bashira: "Yes. I remember her being mentioned in the information I obtained."
Bashira: "Prince, also for our future march, please let me tell you about her clan."
Anna: "Understood. Well then, Prince, let's move somewhere quiet for the time being."

Bashira Introduction:
Bashira: "Again, I'll tell you the information I heard. The ones you fought earlier should be the descendants of the clan that were guarding Majin Belzébuth."
Bashira: "They say her tribe worships Majin Belzébuth, who settled in the Evil Forest long ago, as their god."
Bashira: "According to the legends, their ancestors fought alongside Belzébuth during the Millennium War."
Bashira: "According to one theory, it seems her clan, by worshiping Belzébuth who possesses overwhelming power, has maintained a strong sense of community."
Bashira: "Moreover, in the legends from long ago, due to the Evil Forest being so firmly entrenched by the supernatural, people rarely approach it."
Bashira: "Earlier, we were regarded as enemies... It seems they don't communicate with those of us who live outside the forest."
Bashira: "However, I have definite information that Majin Belzébuth's revival is drawing close. We cannot keep ignoring them..."
Bashira: "It would be nice if we can defeat Belzébuth while avoiding a confrontation with her, and her people..."
Bashira: "For now, we have no choice but to search the Evil Forest and find Belzébuth's location. Let's strive to do our a best to find it quickly!"

Trents of the Evil Forest (25/2) (魔の森のトレント):
Aida (), S Archer Daniella (), Silver Fairy()
Aida: "It's your fault Belzébuth-sama's location has come to be known to the forest outsiders! How do you intend to take responsibility!? Answer me!"
Cultist: "I apologise for having drawn the Prince's army to the forest. However, this is also for the sake of spreading belief in Belzébuth-sama across the world... it couldn't be helped."
Aida: "Belzébuth-sama has no need for new ones of us. Our clan who has been serving since ancient times is enough."
Cultist: "It's because you say such things that we don't know whether or not Belzébuth-sama can be resurrected even after so much time has passed, you know?"
Aida: "What do you mean by that...!?"
Cultist: "I'm saying the faith of the meagre few, like those of your clan, is insufficient to the needs of Belzébuth-sama."
Aida: "What...!? You're talking big for a newly initiated...! Hurry up, and leave this forest!"
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... won't you stop, you two...? This isn't the time to be splitting apart our allies. Look, enemies right over there are coming... Bubuh."
Aida: "The intruders from earlier? We must do whatever it takes to protect Belzébuth-sama... With me—the strongest warrior—here, we'll definitely subdue them!"
Soldier: "Report! Enemy sighted up ahead!"
Anna: "We finally made it... Prince, please prepare for battle."
Aida: "—Kuh... No way, I lost a second time... This is the power of the Prince's army... huh...? Belzébuth-sama, forgive me..."
Aida: "... I regret saying this, but we have no choice but to depend on those guys from the cult..."
Soldier: "The enemy is starting to retreat!"
Anna: "Guys from the cult...? That must mean she has allies in this forest outside of her clan, right?"
Katie: "It's enough of a possibility to consider people outside the forest being drawn by the legends of Belzébuth to seek out its great power, but..."
Bashira: "Anyway, we still have to stay on our toes... Prince, please let me continue guiding you through the forest!"

Majin's Followers (30/4) (魔神の信奉者):
S Bowrider Renarde (), S Rogue Ballad (), Black Fairy (), Magic Crystal
Anna: "We've marched a long distance through the forest, but it seems it's still a long ways until we reach Belzébuth's location."
Bashira: "...!? Everyone, please be alert. Someone has started to approach!"
Cultist: "You're the ones trying to halt Belzébuth-sama's revival...?"
Cultist: "Now that Aida and her clan has failed, we're the only ones who can protect Belzébuth-sama... There's no one but us...!"
Katie: "Based on the look in their eyes, and their words and actions, they must be the ones from the cult..."
Cultist: "Please watch, Belzébuth-sama...! We shall prove that we are the most devoted to you right now!"
Anna: "The enemy are taking battle positions! Prince, please prepare for battle!"
Cultist: "Haa... Haa... Im, impossible...!? Is our faith insufficient...? For us to lose in this kind of place... Unbelievable..."
Cultist: "Belzébuth-sama... Please forgive me! Just this time, for turning my back to the enemy... I beg of you, please forgive meeeee...!"
Bashira: "It looks like we managed to make them run away. ... However, I was kind of scared."
Katie: "Yeah. Our confrontation with them was brief, but their blind faith is above and beyond abnormal..."
Bashira: "I believe they're going to do whatever it takes to resurrect Belzébuth... It's a Majin, yet..."
Anna: "We can't relax too much. Prince, let's quicken our pace and continue our search for Belzébuth."

Wicked United Front (40/5) (邪悪なる共同戦線):
Aida (), S Valkyrie Tigre (), Gold Fairy (), Bouquet (x2)
Cultist: "What to do...? Ahh, what should we do...? The way things stand, Belzébuth-sama's revival is... Aida, what should we do...?"
Aida: "... Will you shut up for a bit!?" (Since it's like this, it doesn't matter what happens to this body, I have no choice but to figure out some way to defeat the Prince...)
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... That's enough...!"
Belzébuth's Servant: "It is clear we won't defeat them when all parties present aren't mutually working together..."
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... Belzébuth-sama surely desires that we join forces, and fight as well... Bubuh."
Cultist: "Belzébuth-sama...! That's right, since our goals are the same, we should be fellow comrades. Why didn't I notice this sooner!?"
Aida: "... We're not comrades... But the belly cannot be replaced by the back. We have no choice but to cooperate."
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... For Belzébuth-sama, I'll also participate in battle... Bubuh."
Soldier: "Report! The enemy are starting to advance up ahead!"
Anna: "Guessing from their organisation and positions, their backs must be against the wall... Prince, please give your orders carefully!"
Cultist: "I, it's no use... it's the end... We weren't able to protect Belzébuth-sama... Uuughh..."
Aida: "Damn it... The way things are, Belzébuth-sama is going to fall into their hands..."
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... There is nothing more that can be done... Bubuh..."
Belzébuth's Servant: "—Bubuh!? N, no way... Is this for real...!? B, Belzébuth-sama's voice... Oh no! It's still too early... to resurrect!"
Aida: "... Eh? Resurrect...? Belzébuth-sama? What do you mean!? Belzébuth-sama has regained power!?"
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... Don't know... However, it's a fact something strange is happening to Belzébuth-sama. We must go to Belzébuth-sama's side at once!!"
Soldier: "Confirmed the enemies' retreat! Their entire forces are starting to retreat deep into the forest."
Soldier: "According to the report from the front-line soldiers, the enemy side were shouting that Belzébuth revived!"
Anna: "Belzébuth revived...!? Prince, let's follow after them at once!"

Resurrected Demonic Fly (55/7) (復活の魔蝿):
Aida (), S Bandit Funes (), S Witch Calliope (), Plat Fairy
Cultist: "Th... this chrysalis is Belzébuth-sama...? It appears to be quite different from what I heard from everyone else, huh?"
Aida: "Wh, what's the meaning of this...? Oi, explain!"
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... It's too early... We couldn't provide Belzébuth-sama enough energy to completely revive..."
Belzébuth's Servant: "I fear... Belzébuth-sama noticed that danger is approaching, and has voluntarily chosen to revive in a chrysalis state..."
Belzébuth's Servant: "... This is a situation wrought by our own shiftlessness. We must protect the chrysalis at all cost until Belzébuth-sama's complete body emerges... Bubuh!!"
Aida: (Belzébuth-sama... Please don't worry. On the honour of my clan, I will protect you without fail...!)
(time passes)
Anna: "Prince, please look! Aida and the others are over there!"
Bashira: "... Ah, what is that chrysalis...? Could that be Belzébuth!?"
Anna: "The enemy are attacking all together! Prince, let's do whatever it takes to defeat Belzébuth here!"
Aida: "N, no way... Belzébuth-sama... isn't moving... Kuh, uuugh... I wasn't able to protect..."
Cultist: "It's over... Everything is finished... Our god is dead..."
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... Carry Belzébuth-sama... Bubuh!" (Since it's come to this... We have no choice but to turn them into nourishment.)
Cultist: "Carry? I see, we definitely need to perform a burial so Belzébuth-sama will be able to rest in peace..."
Aida: "That's right. Belzébuth-sama is a mighty god. Even though Belzébuth-sama has passed away, I have no doubt Belzébuth-sama will keep on watching over us."
Bashira: "Prince! Aida-san and the others are carrying Belzébuth away!"
Katie: "I thought Belzébuth's life was extinguished... Are they plotting something...?"
Anna: "I'm worried. Prince, let's follow after them to make certain."

Faith's End (90/12) (信仰の果て):
Aida (), S Heavy Danaan (), Plat Bucket (), Ruby (x2)
Cultist: "—Hi, hiiiiII!! Belzébuth-sama! Have mercy...!! Someone save us—gyaaaaAAAAhh!?"
Aida: "... A human, was devoured... Belzébuth-sama... to a person... This can't be...!?"
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... What's wrong, Aida? What are you afraid of...? You're being turned into Belzébuth-sama's nourishment?"
Belzébuth's Servant: "As your clan has also done long ago, present your body to Belzébuth-sama... Come, fulfill your clan's duty... Bubuh!"
Aida: "No... Nooo... Let, go...! This is completely strange...! This is not the god we believed in..."
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... Fool. Have you forgotten the meaning of your own life...? Unbecoming of the descendant of the clan who has served us... Bubuh."
Aida: "Stay away... Stay awaaaay!? Someone, help... Someone...!"
Anna: "—This voice is... Aida-san!?"
Bashira: "Over there, Prince! No way... Belzébuth is preying on Aida-san...!?"
Anna: "What's going on...!? Prince, let's rescue Aida-san!"
Belzébuth's Servant: "—Bubuh!? N, no way... Although not complete, Belzébuth lost...!?"
Belzébuth's Servant: "Flee from here, Belzébuth-sama...! We, your servants, will show you the way towards the resurrection of your true form without fail... Now, let's go... Bubuh!"
Soldier: "Belzébuth and the others are starting to withdraw! Shall we pursue them...?"
Katie: "We must've dealt a serious wound to them, so I doubt they'll do anything with those wounds. We should give priority to treating those that have been injured."
Aida: "Everyone... thank you, for saving me..."
Anna: "Aida-san!? Thank goodness, you're safe."
Aida: "Thanks to you... But that was a really close one. I had no idea the god I believed in was a monster that preys on humans..."
Aida: "Damn it... What we have believed in for ages was such a hateful being... If this is a nightmare... I want to wake up..."
Anna: "Aida-san..."
Aida: "... Sorry, for letting you see me in such a miserable state... I'm fine now. When I think about the future of my clan and this forest, I have no time to feel sorry for myself."
Aida: "You're my life's benefactor. Whenever you're troubled, I'll become your strength. So, call me whenever you have need."
Anna: "We will, thank you very much! If there's also anything we can do to become Aida-san's strength, then please let us help by all means!"
Anna: "Well then, let us return home, Prince. You've done a fine job on this expedition."

Subjugation Mission "Orc Hero's Challenge":
-Available until until August 18th.
-Cost Won't Regenerate (bring Soldiers, Valkyries, etc.)

Soma: "Prince, I came here with a report!"
Soma: "A little while ago, when I was scouting within our territory, I discovered a band of orc-sans."
Soma: "I hear the orc-sans originated from Makai. Wondering what's up, I followed after them, and when I caught up with them, the orc-sans were setting up an army formation within our territory."
Soma: "Right when I was about to return to report to Prince, I was spotted... and I was caught by the orc's chieftain."
Soma: "Ah...! No, he didn't do anything to me...!! Sorry for making you worried..."
Soma: "However, the orc's chieftain asked me to deliver a message to the Prince. ... Well then, here it goes."
Soma: "'Prince, I hear of your repeated acts of bravery. If I were to strike down the Prince's army who's renowned even in Makai, I'll become the『Great Chieftain』and head of the orc tribal chiefs.'"
Soma: "'This is selfish, but even this is a trial to become the Great Chieftain. If rumours spread that monsters are staying within your territory, then you also won't be able to maintain your reputation.'"
Soma: "'If I win, the path to『Great Chieftain』will open to me. If I lose, I'll withdraw from your territory. It's not a bad deal. Why don't we have a duel to see which of us is the strongest?'"
Soma: "That is all... Prince, what do you think...? It'll be very dangerous if we were suddenly invaded by the orc's military strength..."
Soma: "Let's go subjugate them... You say? Understood! Well then, I shall explain the upcoming battle."
Soma: "The battle this time will be a 'Great Subjugation Mission' where the goal is to defeat many enemies to the last man standing."
Soma: "Great Subjugation Missions are different from regular missions in that the goal is to just 'defeat the enemy'. Defeating the enemy is more important than preventing casualties on our side."
Soma: "Furthermore, you'll clear this mission even if your life reaches zero, and the number of enemies you defeated will be tallied in the final results."
Soma: "So, let's think of how to defeat as many enemies as possible!"
Soma: "In addition to that, while on this mission, our deployment cost won't regenerate."
Soma: "Let's make sure to bring units with 'request reinforcements, or those that can recover cost like Valkyrie-sans or Pegasus Rider-sans!"
Soma: "Finally, even if you defeat the enemy, you won't receive any EXP, gold, or drops, so keep this point in mind as well."
Soma: "That ends the explanation!"
Soma: "Since the Prince became famous, orc-sans came from Makai to challenge us to battle... and I got rescued by a courteous orc-san."
Soma: "There were a lot of strong-looking orc-sans, so I predict that this will be a very fierce battle! Please don't charge into it without thinking things through, OK...?"
Soma: "Well then, let's begin the 'Great Subjugation Mission'!"

Single Map Rewards:
100: Silver Alchemist Thelma
300: Spirit Queen
400: Platinum Armour
500: 50 Magic Crystals

Multiple Map Rewards:
Every 100: Crystal Fragment (0~2000)
Every 200: Crystal Fragment (2001~10,000)
1000: Gold Small Spirit of Blessing Alegría
2000: Platinum Fairy
3000: Black Fairy
4000: Gold Fairy
5000: Platinum Fairy
6000: Black Fairy
7000: Gold Fairy
8000: Platinum Fairy
9000: Black Fairy
10,000: Rainbow Fairy

Beginner-tier (15): 100 (オーク勇者の挑戦状 初級)
High-tier (30): 300 (オーク勇者の挑戦状 上級)
Extreme-tier (35): 400 (オーク勇者の挑戦状 極級)
God-tier (40): 500 (オーク勇者の挑戦状 神級)

Premium Summon:
-Premium Chance-up Unit Rates:
+Plat: 6x; Black: 7x.
-Plat Magic Fencer Sienna
Sienna (シエナ):
Blood Magic (ブラッドマジック): (15s; self: current HP halved; attack 2x; range 1.3x; magic attack; AS: 63; WT: 12.5; CT: 25)
Forbidden Art 'Magic Blade of Fresh Blood' (禁術 鮮血の魔刃): (00s; Max HP halved forever; attack 1.9x; range 1.3x; unlimited duration; magic attack; AS: 63; WT: 30; CT: 60)
Magical Warrior's Oath (魔戦士の誓い): magic fencer and mage armour class cost -1 if a team member; while deployed, mentioned classes auto retreat when defeated.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aida's illustrator is actually Shiden Hiro (四電ヒロ; ). Aida has the same regular skill as Black Vampire Hunter Sue.

While I bolded it in red, they added a new gold fairy that can be gained from the subjugation mission. I'm not going to be happy with anyone asking what it does...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's here! Thanks petite! Also Ana's cute worth this update.