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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Moar Rainbow Crystal and SC , noice!! XD
Somehow using Mel / Zola is better anyway~

OTOH , gee.... Barrack exploding alert >.>
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

welp I'm not getting much SC this week of revivals X_X.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So how does Yuuno stack up? Her stats are on the lower end of plat healers and her skill does nothing for healing, but she does have the +7% attack for healers.

Worth working on her to use as a main healer? My main team usually doesn't have room for a third healer, even just to sit in the back and use her AW passive, so I either use her or I don't.

- What changes it all is the Awaken Skill (SAW) which turns her status to a troggle ie. click skill, she is now a healer until you click skill again.

Which basically make her a top 5 (close up) healer? In raw over time healing at least seeing that she lacks an "oh bip" skill to buff her healing in tight spots and close up as her comparatively low range obviously places restrictions on her use in some situations.

If someone has any information to the contrary, please let me know, but IIRC she only loses to B.Iris in non-skill healing over time, and not by very much. So long as range isn't an issue and you don't need spike healing from a skill, she's beastly.

You could technically set up some spike healing by toggling her back to attack and then to healing, but you need time to do that with the skill duration and cooldown. She does get 1.4x attack for the first 10 seconds of the toggle in either direction.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So how does Yuuno stack up? Her stats are on the lower end of plat healers and her skill does nothing for healing, but she does have the +7% attack for healers.

Worth working on her to use as a main healer? My main team usually doesn't have room for a third healer, even just to sit in the back and use her AW passive, so I either use her or I don't.

if you dont have the really op good gatcha healers and or are stuck on gold and silver healers shes great and paired with Shidisu or g iris or fedora it makes a good pair of primary healers with the other as a 3rd
either way another healer will be needed at some point and event healers are far and few between if you dont need her now atleast snag a copy just incase
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So how does Yuuno stack up? Her stats are on the lower end of plat healers and her skill does nothing for healing, but she does have the +7% attack for healers.

Worth working on her to use as a main healer? My main team usually doesn't have room for a third healer, even just to sit in the back and use her AW passive, so I either use her or I don't.

If someone has any information to the contrary, please let me know, but IIRC she only loses to B.Iris in non-skill healing over time, and not by very much. So long as range isn't an issue and you don't need spike healing from a skill, she's beastly.

You could technically set up some spike healing by toggling her back to attack and then to healing, but you need time to do that with the skill duration and cooldown. She does get 1.4x attack for the first 10 seconds of the toggle in either direction.

if you dont have the really op good gatcha healers and are stuck on gold and silver healers shes great and paired with Shidisu or g iris or fedora it makes a good pair of primary healers with the other as a 3rd
either way another healer will be needed at some point and event healers are far and few between if you dont need her now atleast snag a copy just incase

To both of You
Kanon have something to say~


Use Juno!! do not use G.Iris and Fedora!!


Best lesson ever!!!!!! XD
Whoever make it is a genius~


Joke aside
I think G.Iris Sedis and Juno will make a good Healer team
Since the two of it have ATK up , dat 7% is good I guess(?)

Whelp........ I even used 5 Healer before on Nutaku Event
IIRC Claudia Event
Having many , if you can afford it. Is not a bad choice , perhaps?
Then again , I might be wrong~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yuno/Juno is a decent event healer if you use other 'common healers' like the golds and Sedis, and since she is a unit farm, is really easy to CR. The toughest content can require up to four units to heal, so she's a good third or fourth-rung healer slot. If you use alternative healers like Shamans and Feng Shui her usefulness is lessened, but a healer is still a healer so it may be worth leveling her anyway.

Shiho is a better healer when it comes to actually healing, but Yuno will hold a range advantage and does buff other healers, so I wouldn't suggest dismissing her outright. Comparing her to Liana is sort of silly since Liana is much more expensive to max out and is presently much rarer, but Liana's skill is moderately more useful than Yuno's, while Yuno's passive is probably better.

Opinion: Farm Yuno if you don't have at least three high-quality healer types that you are willing to level and use. After that I'd say maxing her out is optional but still not a bad idea.

As for her skill, it should probably be ignored; if you want magic DPS, use a unit that specializes in it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

To both of You
Kanon have something to say~


canons so tiny and cute i forgot about her and awed mel a while back i regret it slightly now but now i got other priorities other then her unfortunately
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

canons so tiny and cute i forgot about her and awed mel a while back i regret it slightly now but now i got other priorities other then her unfortunately

Well , that is obviously a Joke XD
That is like saying use a higher rarity instead
Who would still use Nanaly on FurFur after they learned Nanaly ASAP will be sent to grave , LOL
And the trend is using Rita , while using Kanon quote. Black===>Platinum
If You stil use Platinum than Black , than You are stupid

But on special case , is def not the case
So yeah , think of it as a Joke~

Well , I think I can AW Kanon
But like Your case
I have Mel CC Level higher and def easier to Max - AW than Kanon
Not to mention Mel aff is already Maxed , while Kanon isn't
And I rarely use Gunner , so probably not ATM~

And just like My always silly reason....
I prefer bewb , I think I prefer AW Zola
Even if I have to spent moar resources~ >.>
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maurette Gold and Plat Icons:

Sometimes I wonder if Maurette would be more useful with plat-level WT for her skills, even if she costs +3 more to deploy.

Kanon Visual Height Comparison:
Lilia is a prichy, pink giant.


The attack and defence buff for priest warriors made it so Fermi is now the strongest healer in the game. Celina was heads and shoulders better than everyone else.

Healer DPS (with AW Prince):
AW Fermi: 671 (25s)
AW Celina: 608 (20s)
NM Shiho: 557 (15s)

Attack DPS and DF in Comparison to Gigant Armours:
AW Fermi: 1774 dps and 1807 def (4260 physical damage) 25s
NM Fermi: 945 dps and 963 def (3416 physical damage) 80s
AW Dina: 1180 dps (range AoE) and 795 def (4990 physical damage) 40s
AW Dine: 724 dps (nearby land AoE) and 2412 def (6306 physical damage) 30s
NM Dine: 1208 dps and 1206 def (5100 physical damage) 25s
AW Miranda: 1116 dps and 729 def (4359 physical damage) 20s
AW Maribelle: 1122 dps and 1365 def (4632 physical damage) 70s
NM Jelius: 319 dps and 1495 def (5772 physical damage) 45s
AW Berenice: counter dps and 1684 def (4730 physical damage) 40s
AW Garrett: 1477 dps and 650 def (3805 physical damage) 20s

Dine costs 27-30, and Maribelle costs 21-25. At 14-17 cost, Fermi is a baby-faced demi-god.

With Black Iris and Charles AW skills buffed with Louise, Adelle, Kagura, Aria, and Lian Buffing Fermi:
611*1.07=653.77*3=1961*60/62=1897~ dps (47,425 damage in 25s)
602*1.29=776.58*3*2.5*1.25=7280~ Def (9978 physical damage; ) (25s) (Lian's 5/5 Skill [20s]: 11,434)

As strong as this is, Furfur deals 16,100 damage at LV15, so Fermi can only take chip damage from LV5's 7k damage. But she can survive a hit from a LV15 greater demon's 11500 damage if she has a Curse User deployed. Though, this is way more complicated than just using an evasion unit like AW Cypria (90% evasion for 30s) or AW Akane (90% evasion for 25s) which can be stacked with Leona's 75% damage nullification for 10s. These three characters seem like they're going to be necessary in the future for free players against the late Majin-level content unless 2nd AW changes everything.

I'm annoyed that Ada and Liselotte's daily revivals are after the next maintenance, which is probably for the All-Age Anniversary, and Liselotte's revival is right before I have to leave for my operation (there's close to a 1% chance it will kill me, and a 2-3% chance I'll go permanently numb, so it killing me is like rolling a chance-up premium black unit on the first roll).

Ada's god-tier map is the only Emergency Mission map I haven't 3-starred yet. I skipped it during her original event, and I'm glad I did. Instead of suffering from the 25% drop rate with units that haven't even been awakened, I can get all 3 drops on my first trip with my overpowered awakened units...

Speaking of Majin, the next one up is most likely going to be Bifrons, since they named it as part of the schedule alongside Vepar.

Bifrons is the one that controls all of the undead, and one of its servants is the Draco Lich. Draco Lich has a short range (Anya's AW skill has slightly further reach), but anything caught in its wide AoE is going to get hurt hard. To make matters worse, Draco Lich has a paralytic attack that reduces a unit to 0 block, so it can go back to using its ranged attack. The only way to deal with him is to either gank him with a status-ailment immune character (Death Avenger Roana), gank him with 3 melee units that are close enough to it so they all take turns (not possible on some maps), or kill it with ranged units outside of its reach (this strategy has worked on most instances of Draco Lich). Don't know how effective angels with status-ailment immunity from Dominion Miruno will be (depends on how many times Draco Lich will attack with its ranged magic before the angel can wake up and attack him).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Since Liselotte's revival is this week, it's about time I got some advice on my Soldiers again. Right now I mainly use Katie because her cost is lowest and her defence is still higher than Jerome's, but I probably won't AW her. Jerome's getting AW'd no matter what though. I have Altair now as well though (and her skill's maxed thanks to Jake), but she isn't levelled yet, and her cost makes her less viable too. I was going to leave Liselotte because I only have one copy of her, but with the daily revivals I'd be able to mincost her eventually, making her cheaper than Jerome and Altair. Her skills/ability are really good, too. But how many Soldiers am I likely to need?

I've seen that UP generation chart around too, though I can't find it atm. I forget where Liselotte was on that, but I think Jerome was pretty good (unsurprisingly) and either pre-SAW or post-SAW Altair drops off a ton after a while. Though the short term seems more important for UP generation, so I'm not sure if that's too bad. Either way, I'm not exactly sure what to do with all these Soldiers (aside from using Jerome), so I'd appreciate some advice.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Liselotte has the same skill as all of the other Gold+ soldiers, except for Altair and Jake. She's good skill-up food that is worth farming.

To make things fair, Liselotte has a mincost of 13, so she's only as good as a -1 Jerome, except Jerome has a +2 initial cost buff when you start a map, so his 13-14 cost only means you have to wait 1-2 seconds to deploy him on a 10 initial cost map. Jerome's biggest competitor is a mincost Aria (she's the easiest soldier to mincost), and Aria is theoretically superior to Jerome on maps that start with 10 cost until you cost reduce him a little bit. Jerome's biggest benefit is that his AW skill is automatic, so you won't waste any real-life time pressing buttons, and any time gained from Aria would require super-human precision. Jerome and Julian are the best soldiers because of this, since most of your time is spent farming maps, so characters with auto skills are the most-convenient.

The reason you may want Liselotte regardless of all of this is her ability; if you want your heavy armour units to have the necessary defence to tank the worst physical foes this game has to offer, then you're going to need Liselotte on your team (she'll also buff Altair so she can tank foes more easily with her skills). Katie's +2 def will stack with this, so Liselotte+Katie means your heavy armour tank will have +7% defence, which can be buffed further with characters like Princess Louise, Rear Tactician Lian and Spirit of War Cynthia.

Altair's ability gives auto-retreat for soldiers while she's deployed, which means you can treat your other soldiers like sacrificial pawns if you have characters that can give them nullification and evasion (i.e. Leona and Sarasa) without worrying about losing a star if they fail.

Just to give concrete examples. Soldiers that synergise well with Altair are the Silver Soldier Rosalie, and the Plat Soldier Jake (yes, you used him as skill-up food, but he's actually better as her faithful lackey). Rosalie has a skill that gives her 50% evasion for a long duration, and Jake has a regular skill that counters physical damage with 1/2 true damage. If you had Jake tank Furfur while Leona's buffing him with damage nullification, each time LV15 Furfur fails to kill Jake means it will receive 8050 true damage. Furfur has a decent attack speed, so if you're lucky, Furfur will deal a substantial amount of damage to itself against Jake.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A quick warning for anyone who's goin to aw skill liselotte. Her aw skill makes you wait the entire 40 sec duration until the skill ends for the cool down to occur. So while it looks like a better skill overall it really isn't. Since without her aw skill you only wait 35 seconds to reactivate the deployment cost. While with the skill you wait 70 seconds instead
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A quick warning for anyone who's goin to aw skill liselotte. Her aw skill makes you wait the entire 40 sec duration until the skill ends for the cool down to occur. So while it looks like a better skill overall it really isn't. Since without her aw skill you only wait 35 seconds to reactivate the deployment cost. While with the skill you wait 70 seconds instead

this warning applies to SAW aria and SAW katie as well.

also, damn dracolich in reanbell G-tier...i don't think i'm ready for it...

regarding dracolich in majin bifrons, i'm inclined to think that it's not going to pop up until the higher tier majin maps (maybe 7 and up, based on the slardars in vepar, or even 11+)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm , I guess AW Roana is wise move for now?
....... damn I spent all the PlatFairy for Shiho
I hate the farm map without PF drop >.>

Praying that AW Thetis alone can survive~

Jerome-Katie is good enough I think
So far I have no UP problem
And You can -1 Jerome with the PlatCostfairy anyway
Even if people couldn't afford 250SC Stamp
There is always free PFC , if one AW Belinda
Just snatch the PFC for Jerome~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

also, damn dracolich in reanbell G-tier...i don't think i'm ready for it...

dracolich in reanbell ???

you mean zombie dragon the slow low def where u can just keep shooting it to death =P
I though the main problem of that map is more of those lich (on the 1st event i believe almost all of us abuse serra Saw OP-ness *just newly implement*)

you can tank zombie dragon with 2 tank switching / while dracolich need 3 tank (both need aw healer to cut the paralyst time)

PS: if you plan to tank dracolich with immune stat like roanna, care on your healing as it atk hurt and fast (no comment for erenia user cuz dragon rider is cheat with all the aw ability buff now --- poke that 1400 dmm point unit)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

dracolich in reanbell ???

you mean zombie dragon the slow low def where u can just keep shooting it to death =P
I though the main problem of that map is more of those lich (on the 1st event i believe almost all of us abuse serra Saw OP-ness *just newly implement*)

you can tank zombie dragon with 2 tank switching / while dracolich need 3 tank (both need aw healer to cut the paralyst time)

PS: if you plan to tank dracolich with immune stat like roanna, care on your healing as it atk hurt and fast (no comment for erenia user cuz dragon rider is cheat with all the aw ability buff now --- poke that 1400 dmm point unit)

I havent seen that map actually, was just scared because dragon zombie. the only time I've experienced 'dealing' with a dracolich was during Metus G-tier, and back then I wasn't strong enough for that map anyways.
that said, thanks for note, didnt realize there was a difference.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I havent seen that map actually, was just scared because dragon zombie. the only time I've experienced 'dealing' with one was during Metus G-tier, and back then I wasn't strong enough for that map anyways.
that said, thanks for note, didnt realize there was a difference.

Well this map is more friendly to handle that annoying dragon. Considering I already min cost max skill my Reanbell, I gonna pass

Currently trying to level Plat Units (lacking Plat Fairies), too many Black Spirit and Tin Can, I could make a black unit to 80 with those
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anyone here have Esther? Is it worth Skill AWing her? I'm just skeptical about her reduction in defense.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anyone here have Esther? Is it worth Skill AWing her? I'm just skeptical about her reduction in defense.

The reduction in defense is ignorable. While using her skill she can only be targeted by ranged enemies and there's ways to get around that if it's really an issue(since she doesn't block, other nearby allies can tank the strikes).

It's more than worth it, that skill awakening is great.