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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Grim Reaper
Sep 8, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So...I did 3 rolls to complete stamp after finishing Hibari and I got Matsuri and Uzume... Matsuri's buff skill only affects her?
That kinda makes Uzume way better...when I actually could have gotten a usefull black :(
Not sure how you came to that conclusion; Matsuri buffs all melee units.

Whether Uzume is more useful or not due to her boost being unconditional will depend greatly on your team.


Grim Reaper
Apr 1, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

i'm not the only one seeing this new background while maintenance is going on, am i?

edit: this is what i'm talking about. also this new update put's DMM at exactly 3.0.0. i wonder if there is any internal changes. it looks like the message is on a fancier paper.

i think it's set now. anna has been put aside in favor of alicia who is now poster girl. imouto wins \o/


Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

wait what. i thought that was anna. i didn't even know anna had a sister. they look exactly the same. i thought it was a different artist using different styles.

edit: checked again and another change just happened. the loading animation got changed to kerry!

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Petite Soeur

Tentacle God
Apr 27, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anna's Gypsy Curses:

Anna: "It appears the UI will be changed, but does the Prince know what will happen if I'm removed from the home screen? Map drops will become awful, nothing rare will appear from the gacha, and your sacred crystals will decrease before you know it among other misfortunes, which include etc. etc. ... eeheeheehee!"
Anna: "Now then, what would you like to do, Prince?"

Your gypsy curses don't scare me Anna; Prichy Princess Lilia will counter it with good fortune~!

Premium Banner:

Onikiri no Shodachi (鬼切の初太刀): (25s; attack and defence 2.3x; attack 1.4x against youkai; changes to '鬼切' when expires; AS: ; WT: 5; CT: 80)
Secret Art of Tree Binding (樹縛の秘術): (25s; attack 1.6x; slows movement of attacked enemies; AS: ; WT: ; CT: 30)
Song of the Flourishing Forest (樹林繁栄の唄): (30s; self and druid-type token attack 1.3x; attacks 5 enemies within range at same time; movement slowing effect; AS: ; WT: ; CT: 45)
Obuto's Poison Needle (オブトの毒針): (30s; attack 1.5x; assassination attack [10%]; AS: ; WT: ; CT: 50)
Magic Spear Girtablulu (魔槍ギルタブルル): (20s; attack 1.8x; assassination attack [?%]; AS: ; WT: ; CT: 60)
Sinful Bow of Godslaying (神殺しの罪弓): (20s; 3-consecutive attack; assassination attack [10%]; AS: ; WT: ; CT: 40)
Sinful Bow Mistilteinn (罪弓ミストルティン): (20s; attack 1.2x; attacks 3 enemies within range at same time; 3 consecutive attacks each; AS: ; WT: ; CT: 45)
Maou Bow Mistilteinn (魔王弓ミストルティン): (30s; attack ?x; attacks ? enemies within range; consecutive attack; AS: ; WT: ; CT: ) *Incomplete Skill*
Imperial Heal (インペリアルヒール): (30s; attack 2.5x; range shortened; AS: ; WT: ; CT: 45)

Samurai Spirit (侍魂): samurai cost -1 if a team member; while deployed, samurai auto-retreat when defeated.
Hermit's Sanctuary (隠者の聖域): self: max HP -30% and range+20; while skill is active, ranged units within range cannot be targeted by enemies.
Majin Reincarnation [Weak] (魔神転生【弱】): self: auto-retreats when defeated; can deploy again after a somewhat long time has passed.
Miraculous Initiation (神業の手ほどき): while deployed, archer, ranger, and bowrider attack +10%
Hermit's Knowledge (隠者の知恵): self: max HP-30%; while skill is active, ranged units within range cannot be targeted by enemies.

6 Stars: Elias Joins

Looks like we're having a star trial event. Though, it seems Elias had her regular skill changed.

Obuto is a scorpion known as 'Deathstalker' ( ). Lulu's AW Skill (?) assassination is probably 30% like Betty's mid-tier assassination AW Skill. The Maou Bow skill is an unused one in the game's code. There's a lot of unused skills in this game.

Ero Scene Spoilers:

Added rest of ero scenes for astute readers.
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Tentacle God
Oct 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Please look forward to Aigis 3.0.0 Waifu Update in 49 minutes.

- Draa

Petite Soeur

Tentacle God
Apr 27, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update On August 25th:
-Emergency Mission "Imperial Healer" (帝国の治癒士) Begins.
UI Renewal:
-Early UI Renewal for DMM-version "Millennium War Aegis" and "Millennium War Aegis R".
+Other Functions Planned to be Steadily Added in the Future.
Trading Post:
-Following Units Replaced on September 1st:
+(Magic) Gunner Janna, Sailor Viera, Ninja Hien, Witch Ryuryu
-Certain AW Illustrations Modified (i.e. Dolce).
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.
-Pick-up Summoning Ends.

Daily Revival Link Compilation and Schedule Post:

Sapphire Majin Lulu:

Lulu (ルル):
Obuto's Poison Needle (オブトの毒針): (30s; attack 1.5x; assassination attack [10%]; AS: 70; WT: 30; CT: 50)
Magic Spear Girtablulu (魔槍ギルタブルル): (20s; attack 1.8x; assassination attack [30%]; AS: 70; WT: 36; CT: 60)
Majin Reincarnation [Weak] (魔神転生【弱】): self: auto-retreats when defeated; can deploy again after a somewhat long time [40s] has passed.
Majin Reincarnation (魔神転生): self: auto-retreats when defeated; can deploy again after a some time has passed.

Second Youkai Taisen Unit:

Hibari (ヒバリ):
Onikiri (鬼切): (30s; attack and defence 2x; attack 1.3x against youkai; AS: 67; WT: 1; CT: 50)
Onikiri no Shodachi (鬼切の初太刀): (25s; attack and defence 2.3x; attack 1.4x against youkai; changes to '鬼切' when expires; AS: 67; WT: 5; CT: 80)
Samurai Spirit (侍魂): samurai cost -1 if a team member; while deployed, samurai auto-retreat when defeated.

Emergency Mission "Imperial Healer" (帝国の治癒士):
-Star Trial for Plat Healer Elias

Elias (エリアス):
Imperial Heal (インペリアルヒール): (30s; attack 2.5x; range shortened [208]; AS: ; WT: ; CT: 45)
(): (s; ; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )

Star Trial:
Characters given after event is over.

5: Silver Healer Alyssa Joins
6: Elias Joins
7: Skill 2
8: Skill 3
9: Cost -1
10: Initial Level 10
11: Skill 4
12: Skill 5
13: Cost -1
14: Skill 6
15: Initial Level 20
16: Skill 7
17: Cost -1
18: Skill 8
19: Initial Level 30
20: Skill 9
21: Cost -1
22: Skill 10 (Max)
23: Cost -1 (Mincost)
24: Initial Level 40
25: Initial Level 50

5: Gold Armour
6: M Crystal*3
7: Gold Armour
8: Gold Fairy
9: Plat Fairy **
10: M Crystal*5
11: Plat Armour
12: Gold Armour
14: Rainbow Fairy
15: Gold Armour

16: Plat Armour
19: M Crystal*7
22: Plat Fairy
23: Plat Armour
24: Rainbow Fairy
27: Plat Fairy
28: Plat Armour
29: Spirit Queen
30: Rainbow Fairy

Flesh-Consuming Disease (20/1) (肉体を蝕む病):
Iron Heavy (x2), Bronze Fairy (), Beer ()
Gimmick: Ally unit attack decreased [small].
Anna: "Prince, I received a report that a mysterious disease has been spreading throughout this land, so we came to investigate, but the cause remains unknown..."
Alyssa: "This sickness isn't fatal, but those afflicted are unable to put any strength into their bodies. First time I've heard of a sickness like this..."
Katie: "Now that you mention it, my body feels heavy for some reason..."
Julian: "Actually, I also haven't been able to put any strength into my arms since a while ago... Thanks to this, I'm having a hard time even swinging my sword."
Alyssa: "Could it be we're already affected by the disease...? How is the Prince's body?"
Soldier: "—Report!! Enemy sighted up ahead!"
Julian: "Bad timing to be attacked when the disease is spreading...!"
Katie: "It's more likely they're attacking us with precise timing."
Julian: "What do you mean?"
Katie: "No, I may be overthinking it. First of all, the prompt clearing out of the enemy must be taken care of."
Anna: "Somehow, we managed to clear away the monsters. However, the condition of everyone in the army is also worsening..."
Alyssa: "That's right... Everyone is showing signs of the sickness, so I think it would be best if we pull back for the time being."
Anna: "It's as Alyssa-san says. It's apparent we'll be in danger if we're attacked by monsters in this state... Well then, let's return—"
Soldier: "—M, messenger!! More monsters have been sighted at the point up ahead!"
Julian: "Shit, one thing after another... However, there's no way we're just gonna ignore these monsters..."

Spreading Epidemic (30/2) (蔓延する疫病):
S Bandit Mortimer (), B Archer Ars (x2), Bouquet ()
Gimmick: Ally unit attack decreased [small].
Bergen: "Say, boss... seems all our bandit buddies have gotten sick... ... You don't look so good either, huh?"
Mortimer: "Heh, I, Mortimer-sama, ain't gonna submit to some sickness!"
Bandit Underling: "... Boss, your arms're wobbling... can't even hope to swing your axe anymore..."
Mortimer: "Sh, shut up! Keep that crap to yourself!"
Anna: "Even the robust and healthy Mortimer-san has gotten weak..."
Alyssa: "The sickness is steadily spreading to the soldiers. We must quickly find a cure..."
Soldier: "—Report!! Monsters are starting to attack the front!"
Mortimer: "... Even if I've come down with some kind of disease, these monsters don't concern me... This isn't the time to be whining, go fight!"
Mortimer: "... Haa, haa... H, how's that...!? Defeated all the monsters here..."
Bergen: "Oi, Boss!? You're sweating like crazy... Don't push yourself, go rest a bit!"
Alyssa: "Mortimer-san, please let me test my healing art. Haa—hh!"
Mortimer: "......... Oi, are ya even trying? I don't feel any better...?"
Alyssa: "I thought this would happen, but... In the end, it looks like my healing art won't cure it. What in the world should we do...?"
Atra: "—P, Prince! Please wait... Haa, haa... At last, I found you...!"
Atra: "A disease has been spreading throughout our elf village, and everyone has fallen ill... Then the dark elves began to attack us!"
Julian: "The disease has reached even the elf village...!? No, more importantly, the dark elves' attack is overlapping with the monsters'... How peculiar."
Anna: "Prince, let's quickly head to the elf village!"

Attack on Elf Village (40/3) (エルフの里の襲撃):
S Soldier Rosalie (), S Archer Loren (), Black Fairy (), Magic Crystal ()
Gimmick: Ally unit attack decreased [med].
Loren: "How goes the cure for the afflicted?"
Rosalie: "... For the time being, we're dealing with it, but nothing seems to work too well... You also don't look so good..."
Dark Elf: "Fufufu... It's quite ironic that the elves are being defeated by a sickness that was born from human lands."
Rosalie: "—Dark Elves!? Coming to attack the village at this time...!"
Dark Elf: "You brought this upon yourselves by joining hands with the humans. Regret your own foolishness!"
Loren: "Damn... In these conditions, we cannot muster the military strength to oppose the forces of the dark elves..."
Atra: "—Loren! Rosalie! Everything's going to be fine; the Prince and the others have come!"
Rosalie: "Prince...!? Thank goodness... They really did come to help us!"
Dark Elf: (Humans...? By the looks of them, they appear to be afflicted by the sickness.)
Dark Elf: (Fufufu, we're at full strength thanks to the antibodies we received them 'them'... It's clear we have a chance at victory!)
Dark Elf: "—Cur... No way, unbelievable...!! They should've been weakened, so why...? ... We have no choice but to fall back."
Rosalie: "Yattaa! We made the dark elves retreat! Prince, thanks for your help!"
Loren: "You really saved us this time. ... However, we don't know how to deal with this disease. What in the world should we do...?"
???: "—As for that matter, please leave it to us of the Imperial Army."
Rosalie: "Wh, who...!?"
Elias: "No need to take stances. I am Healer Elias of the White Empire."
Elias: "Right now, measures are being taken by us of the White Empire against the disease that is spreading across the lands."
Loren: "I, is that true?"
Elias: "It is. There is no falsehood in my words. I'll teach you the way to cure it. I shall share with you all information pertaining to the disease."
Elias: "However, in return, we'll have the Prince grant a request from us of the White Empire. Is this acceptable...?"
Julian: "Didn't seem like you to come all this way to merely deliver a cure... What do you think, Prince?"
Prince: "..."
Anna: "Understood, Prince. Well then, let's shift locations, and listen to what Elias-san has to say."

Elias Introduction:
Elias: "Allow me to introduce myself again. My name is Elias. I serve as a healer for the White Empire."
Elias: "Well then, let's cut straight to the topic at hand."
Elias: "Right now, there's a disease spreading across this land, but it's not a naturally occurring one."
Elias: "It's one that has been crafted by the foul magic of Majin Belzébuth."
Elias: "When the Imperial Health Institution went to investigate,
they discovered that the one that has been spreading across the lands has the same symptoms as one found in an old document."
Elias: "According to the documents, that disease was one that was spread by Majin Belzébuth, and it was described that his fly servants were responsible for carrying the sickness."
Elias: "Since the fly servants of Majin Belzébuth appeared in the city where the disease initially broke out within the Empire, we're certain that it's the same disease."
Elias: "At the same time, it turns out there were also directions to produce a cure in that document, so the Empire in its current state has successfully prevented the transmission of the disease."
Elias: "However, as long as Majin Belzébuth doesn't exhaust his magical strength, he should be able to produce the sickness again and again."
Elias: "Meaning, if we don't defeat Majin Belzébuth, then it won't be possible to cut off the source of this disease."
Elias: "And, as the for the place he's lurking, Prince... We found out it's within your kingdom's territory."
Elias: "... It is natural for you to be surprised."
Elias: "However, after going over all of the information pertaining to the reported sightings of Belzébuth's fly servants, and the disease outbreak regions, the only place he could be in is your kingdom's territory."
Elias: "... Therefore, we of the Empire want you to grant us permission to dispatch our army's soldiers into your territory to seek out Majin Belzébuth."
Elias: "Of course, in exchange, we will send your kingdom the cure to the disease."
Elias: "I don't think it's a bad offer..."
Elias: "... Ehh, you've made a wise decision. Thank you for your understanding."
Elias: "Now then, there isn't much time, so we of the Imperial Army will be heading out to search for Belzébuth."
Elias: "Prince... Please don't interfere with our business. If you don't do anything, then we of the Empire will try to resolve everything. See you later."

Together with the Empire (50/5) (帝国と共に):
S Heavy Dwight (), S Rogue Harissa (), Plat Armour (), Crystal ()
Anna: "Please wait, Elias-san! Please let us also work with you!"
Elias: "... Prince, why did you come? I said 'please don't interfere with our business', didn't I?"
Julian: "We're healthy thanks to your cure. Let us repay you at least this much."
Dwight: "Elias-dono, this is their kingdom's territory. If we ask them to work with us, it would be to our advantage, wouldn't it...?"
Elias: "... Understood. Since you put it that way, it can't be helped, but the Imperial Army has no intentions of making friends with you."
Katie: "The Empire is the same as ever..."
Anna: "However temporary, we can work together like this. Prince, let's coordinate closely with them!"
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... Dangerous fellows have joined hands. However, them handing over the cure was outside our prediction. That should've been a valuable thing..."
Belzébuth's Servant: "However, once Belzébuth-sama's body is complete, his magical power will be unlimited... Let's use the fellows from Makai to buy us time... Bubuh."
Dirk: "—Report! Belzébuth's Servants have been sighted up ahead!"
Elias: "Just as planned. Well then, please have the entire army take battle positions."
Anna: "Prince, we'll also prepare for battle!"
Elias: "Confirmed the annihilation of the demons. No prominent casualties on any teams as well. We should declare this a resounding victory."
Dirk: "Hmm, didn't expect this to be so anti-climatic."
Dwight: "I'm glad working with the Prince's army turned out to be better than expected."
Julian: "I hate to say this, but I'm impressed by the elite members of the White Imperial Army... It looks like we'll have a simple enough time reaching even Belzébuth's location with them by our side."
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... Foolish humans. Celebrate your short-lived victory while you still can."
Belzébuth's Servant: "It won't be long until Belzébuth-sama's body is complete. When that time comes, you'll return to dust in an instant... Bubuh.
Julian: "Majin Belzébuth's body... is complete!?"
Elias: "Everyone, there's no point panicking. Indeed, I believe we don't have much time left until Belzébuth's revival..."
Elias: "However, I already anticipated such. In other words, we of White Imperial Army have made no errors in judgement at this point in time."
Dwight: "It is as Elias-dono says. Now then, everyone in the Prince's army. Please prepare to march."
Katie: "Remaining calm and collected even in this situation... The strength of the White Imperial Army is immeasurable."
Anna: "However, now that we can join forces, there isn't a better time to call them dependable allies."
Anna: "Prince, let's keep cooperating with Elias-san and the others, and head to Belzébuth's location!"

Brutal Elder Troll (70/6) (暴虐のエルダートロル):
S Healer Alyssa (), S M Fencer Cassis (), Plat Fairy (), Magic Crystal II ()
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... That's a troll?"
Belzébuth's Servant: "In that gigantic body, the ability to regenerate wounds... Monsters of the physical realm are undependable, but they may prove slightly useful."
Troll: "What... you. Sniff sniff... Not smell very tasty. Also, stinks. You, keep away."
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... We're not food! Trying to eat something just because it's alive... Whatever. I'll go find a useful monster elsewhere. Bubuh."
Troll: "GuooooOOOOOhhh!!!!??"
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh...! What's this!?"
Belzébuth's Servant: "So his own regeneration ability and the pathogen we're carrying are battling against each other, and causing his mental state to go berserk...? Bubuh!"
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh...! This is good. It would be interesting if I were to send the troll in this condition towards the humans... Bubuh."
Anna: "Prince, trolls have been sighted around this area. They seem to be harming merchants, who have requested that we exterminate them..."
Troll: "UGOooooOAAAAAhhh!! Humans, want to eat! Humans, want to eeeaaat!"
Katie: "—That's a troll! Prince, please give you orders with care!"
Katie: "Fuu... Somehow, we managed to defeat most of the trolls."
Anna: "However, the trolls were acting quite weird earlier..."
Katie: "Did something happen that changed the trolls that live in this area?"
Anna: "... We'll probably need to investigate this further. Prince, let's discuss this matter after we've returned."
Belzébuth's Servant: "... Looks like they're gone... Bubuh."
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... I can't believe they defeated the rampaging trolls, the power of humans is nothing to be trifled with... Bubuh."
Belzébuth's Servant: "Bubuh... However, I was able to learn interesting experimental results from this battle..."
Belzébuth's Servant: "... Bubuh. Quickly, must report to Belzébuth-sama... Bubuh."

(/) ():
(), (), (), ()

Premium Summon:
-Premium Chance-up Unit Rates:
+Plat: 6x; Black: 7x.
-Black Druid Fiore
-Black Archer Ursula

Fiore (フィオレ):
Secret Art of Tree Binding (樹縛の秘術): (25s; attack 1.6x; slows movement of attacked enemies; AS: 200; WT: 1; CT: 30)
Song of the Flourishing Forest (樹林繁栄の唄): (30s; self and druid-type token attack 1.3x; attacks 5 enemies within range at same time; movement slowing effect; AS: 200; WT: 5; CT: 45)
Hermit's Knowledge (隠者の知恵): self: max HP-30%; while skill is active, ranged units within range cannot be targeted by enemies.
Hermit's Sanctuary (隠者の聖域): self: max HP-30% and range+20; while skill is active, ranged units within range cannot be targeted by enemies.

Ursula (アーシェラ):
Sinful Bow of Godslaying (神殺しの罪弓): (20s; 3-consecutive attack; assassination attack [10%]; AS: 57; WT: 1; CT: 40)
Sinful Bow Mistilteinn (罪弓ミストルティン): (20s; attack 1.2x; attacks 3 enemies within range at same time; 3 consecutive attacks each; AS: 57; WT: 5; CT: 45)
Attack Power Up (攻撃力アップ): +10% attack
Miraculous Initiation (神業の手ほどき): while deployed, archer, ranger, and bowrider attack +10%.
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Tentacle God
Aug 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm , I heard You can change Anna
Is it possible now?

I'm having UI jetlag...


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 25, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well that was pretty easy to figure the new menus.Kinda dislike the new awakening menu since they are all piled together.

In the bonding menu the 100% at the bottom selects your unit you would like changed.


Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

holy moly, it tells you what level you'll land on. very useful for early levels and when to hit exactly the cap with a tin can.



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 25, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game




Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

can you choose a girl to greet you?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 12, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm , I heard You can change Anna
Is it possible now?

I'm having UI jetlag...
You can choose any unit that you have 100% aff, male or female so yes you can choose Conrad.

If you want Anna back you can also do that.

The new AW menu is alrigth but i miss the icons for each orb, now i'm gonna have to learn their rea names :/


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 25, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

............the Lag is just way too bad.I think it might go down again considering the lag.


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You can choose any unit that you have 100% aff, male or female so yes you can choose Conrad.

If you want Anna back you can also do that.

The new AW menu is alrigth but i miss the icons for each orb, now i'm gonna have to learn their rea names :/
Don't make fun of Princess Conrad!

Anyway, I can't update the game in couple of hours so I will be just bitching around but this most made my blood freeze. The hell? My Japanese sucks so much I will be just clicking all the "texts" until I find orb I need D: learning this is impossible for me, lol. I still remember "yes" and "no" by the colours D:


Tentacle God
Aug 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks people~

Fluffy Tails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodbye Anna , Thanks for all this time~

Tsumetai Ookami

Demon Girl
Nov 28, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So cool!!

They changed a lot of things on units' menus, more sort options, atk, def, hp ... it's possible to see the unit's arts ... I guess the wiki will have to change image cropping guide ...

They could have organized the Clearing House units in different tabs

I will need some time to get used to it ...


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 12, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Don't make fun of Princess Conrad!

Anyway, I can't update the game in couple of hours so I will be just bitching around but this most made my blood freeze. The hell? My Japanese sucks so much I will be just clicking all the "texts" until I find orb I need D: learning this is impossible for me, lol. I still remember "yes" and "no" by the colours D:
I wasn't make it fun of him/her, don't worry although you can't know how many of wich orbs your missing the rest is still pretty understandable (minus the constant crashing this shit made me unable to get the 1400 talisman for Hibari).

PS: The "back" option is no longer in blue in the upper rigth corner now is in red down in the lef corner of the screen


Grim Reaper
Sep 8, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

*sets secretary to miri for now*



Tentacle God
Jun 13, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The 5 sta and 6 sta are annoying... annoying fly, annoying regen. Saki can help chip them away but ... it's harsh
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