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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well i one shot every map but only got the monk on the last one. My "heavy" cost team keep working well :p (and i don't wait for strategies :))

Edit can someone confirm we can skill up the soldier elf and monk before CC ?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Edit can someone confirm we can skill up the soldier elf and monk before CC ?
None of their skills have I/II/III/IV in their name, so I'm nearly certain it's completely safe to feed them copies of themselves. Rosalie's skill is the same as the platinum samurai from the magical crystal event.

Luckily for me, the no ranged unit map doesn't exclude ninjas. Hina completely wrecked everything that walked down that lane, so they got one-shotted by Mischa. Though, I did have to send out Karma to tackle Rin.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well i one shot every map but only got the monk on the last one. My "heavy" cost team keep working well (and i don't wait for strategies )
*sweat drops* way to make a top heavy team work.
3 starred everything first try as well. No difficulty involved here.

Back to studying for finals, ta ta~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Easy enough to 3 star everything. Only got one monk drop though. Hopefully I'll have better luck farming the last map.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

White Karma + the Golden Male ninja make this cake. First time I got to use my ninja, I was worried his range wouldn't be enough but the placement in the video is perfect even un cc'd. You could probably even put him one over to the right and have him in range of 3 spots, especially if they're cc'd. Whoo got my first of the event girl from this too.

Just used a modified version of this:

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/naBdOTPnQZQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

All together I deployed:

40 silver HA, 50cc14 Carry, 30 male ninja, 100 Prince, 40 Karma, 31 Dark Elf Duelist (Don't know her name yet x.X), 50cc41 Rean/Lean, 32 Themis, 41 Phylis, 46 Mischa.

Used Mischa near the soldier for her healing ability, HA's and Carry + the ninja took care of the ogres. I placed my DE Duelist girl where he did, but put Karma in front of Mischa so she'd take damage from my ninja too, killed her before she could kill White Karma. Most my disposable units were placed within range of even the un cc'd ninja, helped tremendously even with his low attack. I think CC'ing him now is a priority. 20 crystals now...slightly tempted to 5 gacha. Do want the black HA. I wonder how much higher their drop rate is. Can't be much different than buying two lottery tickets.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There's a new silver elf archer called Loren.

He has Excellent Arrow as a skill, so he's basically Spica food. Well that saves me from using any rainbow fairies on her.

Ninjas don't get any range bonus after their class-change. Actually, one thing I like about that map is that a ninja can reach all three lanes. I prefer sticking Hina where the Prince or Aria is standing; that way she softens up everything before they reach the middle lane (Mischa took so little damage from the big bruisers that she could recover from it easily with her skill).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There's a new silver elf archer called Loren. He has Excellent Arrow as a skill, so he's basically Spica food. Well that saves me from using any rainbow fairies on her.

Ninjas don't get any range bonus after their class-change.

Ah she desperately needed something like this. She's pretty sad how she was handed out in the event. I wasn't even going to cc her because of her crap stats/low skill level. This makes her a good candidate if you can get a few of that guy. Thanks for the heads up. Oh didn't know that about ninjas either, oh well he's still really useful for a male unit.

Current Default Team:

Still kinda sad Yurina got left in the dust a bit, I really don't use her. Her cost is just too high for what she does (23 even uncc'd). This new Dark Elf girl may have a pretty permanent slot on my team though. She kind of replaces Carry on maps where I'm not sortie starved, so maybe I could put Yurina in for Carry on most maps just to play with her. What's really weird is that I also rarely use Echidna. I find even with her OP stats and skill, I don't like gambling on if she can reach all the fighters I need her to for healing. I still don't use her in my main lineup, that little range loss can make such a big difference.

I love Themis too but unless I get copies of her, she's pretty meh. I have 33 Iris, 50cc30 Pirate Monica, 35 Spica as well. Still hoping to one day replace Polka/Fluoride with Iris, but I could really use a copy of Iris or two first. Man so many options now, it's a bit overwhelming. Think it's about time to let my Shiho eat my gold male archer and some other units and cc her already. She's one unit I was lucky enough to max sortie reduce and get her to 4/5 skill, so she'll be pretty absurd cc'd.

Might have to eat Bella too, as cute as she is, she'll probably never be good enough to replace my other archers. Maybe Fedora too. I have far too many "Maybe I'll use them someday" units that are kind of sub par taking up space even though my current team is extremely strong and well balanced. It's so hard to say goodbye to rare units though x.x Rare units being weaker than silver units just because you can never get their skills maxed or sortie cost reduced, unf. It hurts my soul.

Easiest trip to 50 ever. Thank you, worthless male gold archer. Shiho went and ate a bunch of silver units taking up space too for her CC cost, Shiho is the best <3
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Didn't notice it earlier, but the chance of summoning the black heavy armour is just 3 times more likely than her peers. Basically, she currently takes up a larger slice of the 3% pie during a premium summon.

I already posted this earlier, but it's really good to get a visual idea of the rare or premium summoning process:

If you want to summon based on a specific unit:
-Click "特定のユニットを選択" (Select specific unit).
-Check the box with the unit(s) you want.
-Click "選択されたユニットが出るまで召喚する" (Summon until selected unit appears).

I just tried a simulation with Dina, and I got her with 10,000 yen along with the black archer and the platinum valkyrie Dahlia. I couldn't imagine spending that much money on this game. Most of the sacred crystals I already purchased went to increasing my unit box.

In any case, I'm surprised you haven't class-changed your black witch after all this time. In case you're wondering, this is what my main team looks like (due to me sacrificing time from farming earlier events):

Ahh, I also want to get Shiho to lvl 50 after noticing that she synergises really well with Dahlia (I can activate Shiho's skill, and then have Dahlia go berserk on high attack opponents without fear, like that white baphomet).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In any case, I'm surprised you haven't class-changed your black witch after all this time. In case you're wondering, this is what my main team looks like (due to me sacrificing time from farming earlier events):

Ahh, I also want to get Shiho to lvl 50 after noticing that she synergises really well with Dahlia (I can activate Shiho's skill, and then have Dahlia go berserk on high attack opponents without fear, like that white baphomet).

I really like Desupia how she is. Of course she'll get much stronger cc'd, but her cost will increase so much that I wouldn't be able to use her as a cheap burst of damage with her near automatic skill usage. It'd take me a lot of work to build up her skill as well (I do have a few of those old silver dragon units that can reach attack 4).

I mean you usually use witches because you don't have the sortie to put out mages or you use them just to slow enemies, so a high cost witch is like a high cost Valkyrie, kind of goes against their main purpose. Still she is OP as fuck, will have to work on her soon.

Nice team :) Love the ninja girls.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well the Monk unit can dodge attack like a rogue.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So cruel Fruit, for putting Yurina on the bench. (Currently having a dose of moe overload)

I mean you usually use witches because you don't have the sortie to put out mages or you use them just to slow enemies
Fruit, incorrect concept in this case. You use Calliope for slow and Desperia for single-target armor ignore ranged damage. Desperia is the witch with the highest dps, and shouldn't be used only for her slow. (It beats the point, but in the polar opposite of what you mean)

Black units are fairly unique in their mechanic/stats/skill set in that they are best used in roles other than the class they belong to:
Black Rarity Unit (Classic role -> Most suited role)
盗賊ベルナ (Rush cleaner -> Dodge tank)
一角獣騎士クリッサ (Deployment farmer -> Duelist)
怪力少女ディーナ (Tank -> Tank & cleanup)
白き射手ナナリー (Ranged dps -> Boss killer)
魔女デスピア (Slow -> Armor ignore dps)
--- logic ends here ---
聖女イリス (Healer -> Guardian Angel)
伝説の海賊ミネルバ (Long range damage -> the cheat button)

Well the Monk unit can dodge attack like a rogue.
She's definitely one of the better duelist in game, just not sure how her stats is. (OTOH, the answer to small versus big Quest map!?)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So cruel Fruit, for putting Yurina on the bench. (Currently having a dose of moe overload)

Fruit, incorrect concept in this case. You use Calliope for slow and Desperia for single-target armor ignore ranged damage. Desperia is the witch with the highest dps, and shouldn't be used only for her slow. (It beats the point, but in the polar opposite of what you mean)

Black units are fairly unique in their mechanic/stats/skill set in that they are best used in roles other than the class they belong to:
Black Rarity Unit (Classic role -> Most suited role)
盗賊ベルナ (Rush cleaner -> Dodge tank)
一角獣騎士クリッサ (Deployment farmer -> Duelist)
怪力少女ディーナ (Tank -> Tank & cleanup)
白き射手ナナリー (Ranged dps -> Boss killer)
魔女デスピア (Slow -> Armor ignore dps)
--- logic ends here ---
聖女イリス (Healer -> Guardian Angel)
伝説の海賊ミネルバ (Long range damage -> the cheat button)

She's definitely one of the better duelist in game, just not sure how her stats is. (OTOH, the answer to small versus big Quest map!?)

I said "Usually". Until I get Desupia's skill up, she won't be useful for damage, which is why I've avoided her until now (My Calliope has higher damage with skill activation atm...). I forgot to put Valerie back on my team after the no range units too, so I did just bench Carry again XD Image is perfect.

Haha now I feel bad, I love Yurina's design (One of my top 5 for sure), just wish I got her max cost reduced and her skill higher. She just doesn't really do anything that remarkable with 4/10 skill for 23 cost. Dreading the thought of her cost skyrocketing upon CC as well. All she really has is her 2 block over my normal duelists, but it comes at a MUCH higher cost, her skill is also really specialized. Sucks that missing sortie reduction during an event can make a girl pretty useless :(
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

All she really has
Excuses excuses, you just don't have enough love.

Unfortunately, in terms of Carry:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Excuses excuses, you just don't have enough love.

Yeah, let's hope one day they have a super event and bring back some old event girls. Yurina is high on my regret list for being unlucky with her drops/feed attempts. In fact, she's probably about the only thing I regret missing, other than the dragon princess. Most my units are either still extremely strong/functional or would have been worthless even if I was luckier. Yurina could just go into the "useful" range if I had her cost reduced/skill upped more. They need to bring them both back one day.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

First time I realized exactly how broken black rarity units are:
Kurisa + Prince + Karma (and only them) cleared map 4 like it's the easiest thing in the world orz
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Poor Yurina being force to sit at the bench for not having max reduce cost.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yes, +1 on poor Yurina.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There, there, Yurina, at least for me you are a super-star and that is without any cost reduction. At least during previous event, when you were my only platinum unit. Noone else could solo those damned dark elf mages... Compared to max cost reduced Avanger girl however, hymm..

I don't have any affinity items laying around, but to practice my poor Nihongo skillz I tried to translate the Avenger char screen monologues. Is it some sort of S-M relationship -_-"? Did I miss something with the previous event end? From what I understood Loana(?) just said 'oh crap, we are defeated, human too strong' and that was it...

In the subject of black units power - I really wonder what the longevity of this game is. So far I have great fun playing (progressing missions, not rural gate farming...) with my team of non-CCed silver units. But even with three class changes I see a dramatic increase of my army power and giant drop in difficulty. Is there really anything to do (other than rural farm) once you get a stronger team? Even in form of platinum units, not to mention the broken black ones...

And now for current event - ok, so this Rin girl can be cost reduced five times... How many copies (approximately) do I need to get to achieve that? Should I consume them one by one? I remember a couple of pages ago someone said it is a common knowledge that you get better chance for cost reduction (or was it skillups?) if you eat multiple copies in one go? If the probability is cumulative (say eating one gives you 10%, eating two gives you 20) than it is better to eat four at a time... And finally - based on your previous event experience, which map is likely to be best for farming (in terms of stamina efficiency)? The probability increases with difficulty, cool, but from first to last one cost also increases 700%...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aww the new monk girl is so cute. Does anyone know the percentages of her dropping? Run through all the missions except the one with 7 stamina, and she only dropped in the 1st one xD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't have any affinity items laying around, but to practice my poor Nihongo skillz I tried to translate the Avenger char screen monologues. Is it some sort of S-M relationship -_-"? Did I miss something with the previous event end? From what I understood Loana(?) just said 'oh crap, we are defeated, human too strong' and that was it...
I don't know about S&M, but Loana has a masochistic personality.

And now for current event - ok, so this Rin girl can be cost reduced five times... How many copies (approximately) do I need to get to achieve that? Should I consume them one by one? I remember a couple of pages ago someone said it is a common knowledge that you get better chance for cost reduction (or was it skillups?) if you eat multiple copies in one go? If the probability is cumulative (say eating one gives you 10%, eating two gives you 20) than it is better to eat four at a time... And finally - based on your previous event experience, which map is likely to be best for farming (in terms of stamina efficiency)? The probability increases with difficulty, cool, but from first to last one cost also increases 700%...
The number of copies you feed has no bearing on the success rate of skill-ups and cost-downs. Feeding four copies at the same time is the same as feeding each copy individually. I'm pretty sure the thing you read a couple pages ago was related to a bug involving a platinum mage called Odette having a reduced chance of a skill-up when she was fed multiple copies of herself.