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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So you can probably cross them off the list of appearing in this gold rush event. Speaking of, has anybody been using the plat gunner? I didn't even bother CCing her yet. I mean her stats are nice but mages are so awesome because they ignore defense so they're always pretty stable. Of course some enemies have high magic resist, but that's what archers and most my fighters are for :p Doesn't help that she's still lacking an AW orb like Puppeteer either.

As far as mages are concerned, apparently only the initial target gets a magic hit, all the splash damage is physical. At least that is what Japanese wiki states. Therefore the difference between bazooka chick and mages is slightly less significant.

However I am not using Janna and I do not even have Odette. The main reason is that if I can I want to use Noel, because she farms gold. Than, as a second aoe damage dealer I usually pick Sorano. Maps that require three aoe dpsers are quire rare (especially now that we don't farm Undead Monster).

Now, perhaps Janna could give Sorano run for her money. The fact, that our summoner girl costs half the sortie of a mage is quite appealing and came in handy a lot of times. Both girls however deal roughly the same damage per shot and while Sorano has slightly lower attack cooldown than your regular mage it is very comparable. Janna skill doubles the size of her AoE and truth be told I do not know how this compares to Ifrit range, which would be the main point of the comparison.

Regardless - Janna is unquestionably the strongest AoE damage dealer we got since Sorano event and that is already some time. She hits 40% harder than a silver mage and still around 100 damage more than non-awakened Noel.

For the time being she is a great starter level AoE DD. Her awakening will eventually come and since Odette got a meh awakening skill and Sorano got none, Janna might become a strongest readily available AoE DD in game (though, admittedly, it is not very likely that her AW will make up for lack of the defense-ignoring of main impact).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

As far as mages are concerned, apparently only the initial target gets a magic hit, all the splash damage is physical. At least that is what Japanese wiki states. Therefore the difference between bazooka chick and mages is slightly less significant.

For the time being she is a great starter level AoE DD. Her awakening will eventually come and since Odette got a meh awakening skill and Sorano got none, Janna might become a strongest readily available AoE DD in game (though, admittedly, it is not very likely that her AW will make up for lack of the defense-ignoring of main impact).

Didn't know that, I thought the splash was just less damage. It will lower damage on single targets though. I wouldn't hold your hopes high that Janna will have a much better AW than Odette though. Then again, Odette has about the worst possible AW ability for her class, so it has to at least be a bit better :p
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Fruitsmoothie: Actually, they've reused Carrie for all 3 gold rush events. Bella and Fedora have been in Gold Rush 1 & 2. Betty, Garrett, Barbastraf, and Iris have been in Gold Rush 1 & 3. Julian and Hien have been in Gold Rush 2 & 3. The only units that haven't been reused are Monica, Themis, Conrad, Claire, Kyuteri, Strey, and Berenice.

Basically, Gold Rush 3 used three out of seven units from Gold Rush 2, and the only unit that came from an event was Monica.

I wouldn't be surprised if they brought back Carrie again, since most new players will want her to get a cost reduction. It would be funny if they were to make it a guest-type mission where you have to protect Dina's sandcastle from a marauding band of traitorous Carries.

Personally, I want them to bring Conrad again; I want him to raise Dahlia's skill to 2/5, so I can start feeding her rainbow fairies.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Fruitsmoothie: Actually, they've reused Carrie for all 3 gold rush events. Bella and Fedora have been in Gold Rush 1 & 2. Betty, Garrett, Barbastraf, and Iris have been in Gold Rush 1 & 3. Julian and Hien have been in Gold Rush 2 & 3. The only units that haven't been reused are Monica, Themis, Conrad, Claire, Kyuteri, Strey, and Berenice.

I knew some have been in the gold rush before, just didn't think any were used in the one that just happened last, my bad. Long shot on max reducing Carry, but that would be the best day ever.

Just found them all in events. I wasn't there for the first gold rush to notice much of a pattern I guess. Only Carry/Hien were reused in 2/3. Well it's more up in the air then. Out of 25 total gold rush units, there have only been 16 unique units. Don't think Julien was in 3 unless the image is wrong on the event page.

3rd: Hien, Monica, Garrett, Iris, Barbastraf, Betty, Carry

2nd: Fedora, Themis, Julien, Bella, Hien, Carry, Stray Hunter

1st: Betty, Berenice, Garrett, Claire, Conrad, Iris, Barbastraf (Male Mage), Bella, Kyuteri (Female Rogue), Fedora, Carry

Note: Magic crystal dailies are already back, funny. I thought we'd have to wait for the update. So what WAS the point of them posting that they'd be removed? They could have just told us that this update when they also announced that new ones would be added at the same time. Preemptive warning, not always helpful. I guess maybe they did it to give people a chance to 3 star them before they disappear (Get on that if you haven't already). Well I'm looking forward to the new dailies, not going to spend crystals yet on the old ones but I did hit up the 8 stamina one to use up my stamina before the patch.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Notice that maintance starts 10 am Japan time and ends around 3pm. They will remove old and add new dailies then and we will have still few hours to try em on instead of waiting whole week. Everything looks like I though it will.

Small off-top, this gold mage Barbastraf ~ I am calling him Bulbasaur. Suits him better imho ;p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wish I understood what was going on in the event options.SAD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update:
-Emergency Mission: "Gold Rush 4" Begins.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Unit Changes.
-Extra Crystals Purchasable from Shop (Until October 2nd)
-Sprites and Stand-up Art for Certain Awakened Units Added*
-Spica and Kojuurou to be removed from Magic Crystal Exchange on Oct 2nd.
*Sprites: Chloris; Illustrations: Fedora; Barbastraf, Cyrus, Garett, Rachel, Patra

Thursday Daily:

New Magic Crystal Guardians Beginner-tier (15/4):
Magic Crystal (70x6)
Normal: 4.26 ; Monica: 4.44; AW Monica: 4.56

New Magic Crystal Guardians Mid-tier (30/6):
Magic Crystal II (55x6)
Normal: 6.72 ; Monica: 7.08; AW Monica: 7.32

New Magic Crystal Guardians High-tier (45/8):
Magic Crystal III (55x6)
Normal: 10.08 ; Monica: 10.62; AW Monica: 10.98

Gold Rush 4:
1: Mehlis
2: Conrad
3: Claire
4: Zaram (Gold Avenger; Nickname:Anubis; Magic Resist: 10%)
+Skill: Iron Wall (1/5 Defence Raised by 1.8 for 10 seconds)
5: Xena
6: Carrie
7: Fedora

If you get 3-stars on all 7 maps, you will receive a platinum sailor when the event is over.

Three Magicians (30/2):
Black Fairy (6), Platinum Fairy (10), Bronze Fairy (85x2), Complete: Mehlis
Cyrus: "Allow us to demonstrate our awakened power."
Barbastraf: "Fuoofuoo! My blood's boiling. Speaking of which, that trainee isn't here yet? Good gracious... The young'uns these days..."

Great Bandit Assault (30/2):
Millennium Wine (6), High-quality Sake (15), Beer (80x2), Complete: Conrad
Conrad: "Gahhahhahhaha! Onward! Ya mongrels! Let's see 'em try and stop our assault!!"

Bowmen's Fort (30/2):
Magic Crystal III (6), Magic Crystal II (15), Magic Crystal (80x2), Complete: Claire
Nekomimi: "By noon this day, you will be dead men; our arrows will blot out the sun."

Nightmarish Cannonball (30/2):
Diamond (6), Ruby (15), Bouquet (80x2), Complete: Xena
Dark Knight: "Fufufu... These cannonballs will scorch the area upon impact. I wonder if you bastards can endure?

Revenge of the Burning Sands (30/2):
Asar (6), Hashim (15), Iron Soldier (80x3), Complete: Zaram
Desert Warrior: "Let's show them the power of us desert warriors. These bodies that have been honed by the land of burning sands will be affected by neither swords nor magic!!"
Anna: "No way... Neither swords nor magic affect them, how are we supposed to deal with that...!?"
Harissa: "..."

Horsemen's Raid (30/2):
Platinum Armour (6), Gold Armour (15), Iron Armour (80x3), Complete: Traitor Carrie

Final Battle (30/2):
Platinum Fairy (10), Magic Crystal II (15), Crystal (20), Complete: Fedora

New Story Missions:
-Silver Vampire Hunter Khuri
+Skill: Strengthen Attack I
-Silver Rogue Ballad
+Skill: Assassination I
-Silver Soldier Asar
+Skill: Reinforcement I

Battleground in the Burning Sands (25):
Iron Soldier (70), Wilfred (60), Hashim (50), Complete: Ballad
Anna: "Here is the territory where fellow humans have been forced by the monsters to fight one another."
Soldier: "Report! It seems many enemy soldiers are heading this way."
Anna: "It looks like the monsters were watching out for us. Prince, please prepare for battle."
Anna: "By the way, while we came well-prepared, the soldiers are exhausted from marching in the heat."

Ruined Capital in the Desert (28):
Iron Pirate (70), Iron Mage (60), Mauro (40), Complete: Velotte
Anna: "These ruins... how awful. It looks like this is all that's left from when they fought the monsters."
Soldier: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! What the hell!? What's that monster wrapped in bandages!?"
Anna: "That monster is...!"
Anna: "That's the monster known as the mummy!"
Anna: "It possesses a dangerous characteristic where its strength increases the more it's hurt! Everyone, please be careful!"

Oasis in the Scorching Heat (30):
Iron Soldier (70x2), Roy (60x2), Hashim (40x2), Complete: Nenya
Anna: "Prince, we have discovered an oasis nearby. While I would like to let our tired soldiers rest from their march..."
Anna: "It doesn't look like we can do that. I received a report that an enemy band is heading towards this oasis."
Anna: "Let's punish them for getting in the way of our rest!"

Lurking Monsters in the Sea of Sand (33):
Iron Samurai (70), Iron Armour (60), Burgun (45), Complete: Khuri
Anna: "The bones of that giant creature... it looks like it has been eaten by something..."
Anna: "A multitude of sand clouds are heading our way! Prince, prepare to engage them!"

Base Struggle First-part (36):
Iron Ninja (75), Iron Archer (75), Hayate (50), Complete: Kagerou
Anna: "We finally made it up to here."
Anna: "According to our scouts, the soldiers of this country sound like they're being forced to do manual labour."
Anna: "If we can control this battle, I think we may be able to save the people suffering at the hands of the monsters."
Anna: "Prince, this is the pivotal moment. Let's begin preparing for battle!"
Soldier: "Prince, report. We secured the safety of the ruins' interior. We've also confirmed the monsters' retreat."
Anna: "Thanks for the report."
Anna: "Prince, it looks like these ruins are a fortified base for the monsters."
Anna: "It should be hard for them to commit their evil-doings in this country now that they have lost their base."
Anna: "I'm slightly concerned about the monsters who retreated, but let's free the people of this country first!"

Base Struggle Last-part (40):
Iron Soldier (70x2), Leo (70x2), Hashim (55x2), Complete: Asar
Soldier: "Report! All of a sudden, giant gates appeared! Monsters are stepping out of the gates!"
Anna: "It seems the monsters that retreated from the prior battle have been confirmed to also be heading this way. They may be planning to retake the ruins."
Anna: "However, we won't let them have these ruins. In order to save the people of this country... Prince, please take command!"
Anna: "That was an intense battle, but we somehow managed to prevail."
Anna: "The monsters that appeared from the hell gate were probably ruling this country. They were an enemy with a fearsome power."
Anna: "Prince, this was a long and harsh journey, but I think we should rescue the people who've been suffering at the hands of these monsters."

Stage Data Comparison:
Mission Name (experience per charisma/gold per charisma with Noel):
Base Struggle 2nd (14.5/81.67): 40CHA; 580EXP; 3267GOLD; 20FOOD
Base Struggle 1st (14.27/80.19): 36CHA; 514EXP; 2887GOLD; 18FOOD
Lurking Monsters (14.24/81.48): 33CHA; 470EXP; 2689GOLD; 17FOOD
Scorching Oasis (14.2/83.03): 30CHA; 426EXP; 2491GOLD; 15FOOD
Ruined Capital (14.07/83.67): 28CHA; 394EXP; 2343GOLD; 13FOOD
Battleground (14/85.8): 25CHA; 350EXP; 2145GOLD; 12FOOD

Undead Monsters (13.42/117.85): 42CHA; 564EXP; 4950GOLD; 20FOOD
Road to Capital (12.77/81): 22CHA; 281EXP; 1782GOLD; 9FOOD
Rural Gate (10.25/82.5): 12CHA; 123EXP; 990GOLD; 3FOOD
Fire Dragon (13.41/93.64): 34CHA; 456EXP; 3465GOLD; 17FOOD
Dragon Hunting (13.43/101.91): 37CHA; 497EXP; 3960GOLD; 18FOOD
Extermination 3 (13.33/99): 30CHA; 400EXP; 2970GOLD; 16FOOD
Extermination 2 (12.36/83.22): 22CHA; 272EXP; 1831GOLD; 7FOOD
Lookout Tower (13.16/87.12): 25CHA; 329EXP; 2178GOLD; 13FOOD

Food EXP Per Charisma/Betty Gold Get Per Charisma (/w Noel):
Base Struggle 2nd: 16.11/? ()
Scorching Oasis: 15.55/? (102.85)
Rural Gate: 15.23/ 167.5-180 (184.25-198)

Extra Notes:
Rural Gate (12): Iron Soldier (70x2), Iron Archer (70x2), Hector (50)
Hashim Food Base XP: 100+5xLVL (i.e. lvl 15 Hashim is 170; lvl 20 Hashim is 195xp)
Bronze Food Base XP: 70+5xLVL (i.e. lvl3 Hector is 80xp; lvl20 Leo is 165xp)

Dragon Princess's Revival:
Available for 8 days total on the 13-14th, 20-21st, and 27-28th of September, and the 4-5th of October (Sat-Sun between 0:00~23:59).

Dragon Crystals Trading (Ends October 9th):
Time Fairy: 500 (one-time purchase)
Echidna: 150
*Unspent dragon crystals won't be deleted. And the previous dragonewt event will be revived at some point in the future.

Dragon Princess Anya Materials:
1 Drania (from previous dragonewt event)
1 Silver Dragonewt
1 Bronze Dragonewt
1 Time Fairy

Maps and Story:
Runaway (10/0):
✩~No Drops~✩
(dragonewt appears)
Anna: "Huh!? Those look like dragonewt soldiers. Did some survivors remain on the surface?"
Anna: "It seems their target is that small shack. What do you suppose is in there?"
Echidna: "Ahh, my pursuers are already here... I no longer have the energy to flee..."
Echidna: "You, over there! Ahh... Thank the providence of the goddess."
Anna: "It looks like someone is hiding inside the small shack. Were they being chased by the dragonewts?"

Echidna Introduction:
Echidna: "Thank you very much for coming to my rescue. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am the dragonewt miko Echidna."
Echidna: "It's true our clans used to fight with one another. However, our quarrel with the humans is already in the distant past."
Echidna: "Instead, we are hoping to peacefully coexist with the humans..."
Echidna: "But when the great elder commanded us to war with the humans once again, I ended up fleeing from the underworld."
Echidna: "The great elder sits in the top position of our clan. None of us can refuse his commands..."
Echidna: "He still bears a grudge against the humans since he was one of those who experienced the war with the humans in the past."
Echidna: "But even among the dragonewts, there are those who wish to coexist with the humans like I do!"
Echidna: "So, prince, would it be possible for you to lend me your strength...!? Of course, please leave the guidance to me."
Echidna: "Right now, my clan is proceeding to invade the surface from every direction. Let's put a stop to them first...!"
Echidna: "... There isn't much time. Prince, let's work together!"

Re-invasion (20/1):
Gadoras (3), Dragonewt Warrior (40), Dragon Crystal (70)
Baby Dragonewt: "Cech da hoomuns! Wock dem up in ah cage!"

Chaotic Battle (30/2):
Gadoras (5), Dragonewt Warrior (60), Dragon Crystal (95x2)
Dragonewt of Many Colours: "Duhuh! Ahm'ah paintah!"

Dragonewt 2 (40/2):
Gadoras (5), Dragonewt Warrior (80), Dragon Crystal (75x3)
Ars: "This isn't working. Bring out our elite warriors!"
(dragonewt with pots and pans tied with strings hanging off its body appears)
Ars: "Who are you? Where are the elite warriors?"
Pots 'n Pans Dragonewt: "Dahah! Ahm'ah peddlah!"

Dragonewt King 2 (70/3):
Gadoras (7x2), Dragonewt Warrior (70x2), Dragon Crystal II (85x2)
(dragonewt infomercial)
Dragonewt King: "You, too, can be a king for only five ninety five!"
Satisfied Dragonewt Customer: "Aye sold muh mum and dad fer five ninety five! It's Ezay~!"

Dark World (30/3):
Gadoras (6), Dragonewt Warrior (60), Dragon Crystal (100x3)
Ars: "You shaggy son-of-a-bitch. You may have got the king, but my minions are gonna kick your arse."
Ars: "You just committed suicide, boy."

Dragon's Den (35/4):
Gadoras (8), Dragonewt Warrior (50x2), Dragon Crystal III (75x2)
DC per trip: 4.5; per stamina: 1.125; per charisma: 0.128

"The dragons vanished from the sky, and now the last unit drains away. We sit together, the Drania and I, until only the Anya remains."

Underground Decisive Battle (40/5):
Gadoras (10), Dragonewt Warrior (80), Dragon Crystal II (100x3)
DC per trip: 6; per stamina: 1.2; per charisma: 0.15

Gadoras: " "

Great Elder (50/5):
Gadoras (13x2), Dragonewt Warrior (65x2), Dragon Crystal III (60x3)
DC per trip: 5.4; per stamina: 1.08; per charisma: 0.108

Great Elder: "Misfit. Can you hear me, misfit?"
Great Elder: "Tell me, misfit. Tell me how misfit flew."
Great Elder: "Misfit talked before, so talk now."
(Anya stares with a constipated expression.)
Great Elder: "Misfit must learn social skills, not misfit skills. Skills like 'communication'."
(Anya spoke one word. One word, and only one word.)
Anya: "Anya~!"
Great Elder: "That word I do not like, misfit. You do know what we do with misfits?"
Great Elder: "Don't test my patience. Tell me how misfit flew."
(Anya hopped.)
(Anya twirled.)
(Anya was still a misfit.)
Anya: "Anya~!"
Anna: "Please look, Prince!"
(Anya is seen rotating inside of a rotisserie oven.)
Ars: "Welcome to Kentucky Fried Anya Thighs."
Anya: "Aanyaaa..."

Premium Summoning:
-Increased chance for:
+Platinum Soldier Gerome
+Platinum Archer Bashira
+Platinum Magician Sasha
+Platinum Bishop Patra

Divine Intervention of the Goddess:
-Physical Damage Reduced by 30%
-Magical Damage Reduced by 30%
-Deployment Cost -2
-Healer and Feng Shui-type Healing Power 1.5x
-All of the Above
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Spica soon removed from shop, saw that before I saw Petite's post on the forum. Oh fuck that. Nice gold rush units though, too bad I gotta focus on Spica first x.x Arghhh, I need 109 Magic Crystals before the end of the day. I really wanted Claire/Carrie and kind of wanted Gina so that's cool. The rest I don't really plan to use unless Anubis looking guy is interesting.

1 x5 Red Gems found on the 15/4 new daily. The new dailies are pretty easy so far, haven't tried the 8 stamina one yet but the first two are extremely newbie friendly. Drop rates seem about the same as the old maps but the maps are much faster to complete, I appreciate that.

Did anybody think the gold rush daily wizards were going to fusion when they crossed paths...just me? I actually waited to kill them until they walked through each other on the left vertical path.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

used all my stam on the first event mission.......and about 10 bronze fairies is all i got, is this supposed to be right? >.>
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

used all my stam on the first event mission.......and about 10 bronze fairies is all i got, is this supposed to be right? >.>

Yeah, it's normal. Enjoy your tears. Usually the harsh drop rates mean with natural stamina, you'll probably only get 2-4 of the units. It's a good idea to focus on which units you want when spending crystals because it can become quite expensive to try to farm them all.


Yeah 6% drop now? Gross x.x 12 stamina gives you about 31% probability to get the Black Fairy drop and 24 stamina is 52.5%. Guess my estimated guess wasn't too far off.

Oh wow, the final new Magic Crystal/Red Gem daily is awesome. It spams those eye monsters at you, 39 total. The final wave is huge. So it's a big ranged battle, really fun. Got 3 x3 Magic Crystals/Red Gems from it. Unlike the other two, that one is more dangerous if you aren't prepared for it. I know some people have melee heavy teams but you should bring along a couple archers/mages and such. Desupia, Spica and Daniela took pretty good care of them and I used Carrie to tank their damage. They come out pretty fast on you so you need a 15 sortie skill soldier as well to get units up in time.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nearly finished with all of the spoiler data for the signature in my post; the only thing that is unknown is the drop numbers for the later maps. Bronze fairies are tentatively at 2.

The only units I absolutely need are Mehlis and Conrad. Other than that, I guess I'll grind the Claire map for magic crystals.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

whats that pink button under the gold rush event button ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

whats that pink button under the gold rush event button ?
Divine Intervention of the Goddess Buffs. If the event is too difficult, you can buy your way to victory. I wouldn't recommend it for this event unless a certain map becomes nearly impossible to 3-star (the only buff worth considering in such an event is the emergency healing buff which costs 3 sacred crystals).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Divine Intervention of the Goddess Buffs. If the event is too difficult, you can buy your way to victory. I wouldn't recommend it for this event unless a certain map becomes nearly impossible to 3-star (the only buff worth considering in such an event is the emergency healing buff which costs 3 sacred crystals).

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Farming 45/8 Daily in style. 2 Second afk ftw.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This day looks terrible :( first of all I need to farm like 50 magic crystals, then I have to farm all gold rush maps with such terrible terribls drops .___.

I want all of them: Claire and Carry for sortie/skills and all the others because I dont have any of them. Mehlis seems very nice and this monk girl is dueler, I am right?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Important Bug Fix:
The latest update caused the following units to lose their awakened abilities:

Reload the game to fix this (check your unit's stat screen to make sure). They're going to give 1 sacred crystal as an apology on the 2nd of October.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Complete the first gold rush map in 7 runs.

Got lucky and black fairy drop in the second runs.

5 run later i got Plat fairy.

First Gold Rush map drop:

Two goblin, one in the first wave and one in last wave drop bronze fairy.

Plat Fairy drop from the Orge that went to the top lane.

Black Fairy drop from the wolf raider that went to the bottom lane.


the new crystal map is super easy.

All three map is ranged battle. The only thing that should be careful is Beholders (flying eyeball monster)

15/4 map has mixed unit of Armored Swordmans and Beholders. Nothing cannot be deal with with two snipers and a healer. Place prince for the buff if you want.

30/6 map is the same as 15/4 map but with some red armored swordman instead. Sniper, Witch lord and Priest are all you need.

45/8 is different, the only enemies are Beholders. So quickly put down you best sniper and priest on the top, and the put another sniper and priest on the bottom.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Important Bug Fix:
The latest update caused the following units to lose their awakened abilities:

Reload the game to fix this (check your unit's stat screen to make sure). They're going to give 1 sacred crystal as an apology on the 2nd of October.

CURSSSEEEE THEMMMMMM. I blame all my low drop rates on the magic crystal dailies for this.

Oh and curious: Do the benefits from Monica stack? Because I have a few of them. Guess it can't hurt to make a team just for it with them all, not like those maps require that many units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Claudia has AW?