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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

oh crap lol I was confusing them fast forwarding/ resuming normal speed in the the video for the slows effect. but yeah... 1 -2 second area freeze for a skill isnt that appealing mikoto basically does this with his regular attack constantly
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have a question for you guys....
I got a tablet lately, and of course i was trying to get Aegis on it.
Well the problem is with either Chrome or Firefox Browser
i got the error:

too many Redirects

So he would not load the game, troubleshooting tell to clear cache etc.
accept 3rd party cookies and stuff but thats not working either...

anyone of you guys may encountered the same problem and if what did you do to fix it?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This event is making me wonder if I should awaken Charlotte in preparation for the second phase along with working on Ether (I have one copy from a story mission, and another from base summoning). Right now, this is how I farm the 50/7 map:

Order: Aria (Charlotte) > Prince > Memento (LV50)> (Aria Skill) Hina > Sedis > Dahlia > (Aria Skill & Aria Retreat) Charlotte > Gank Grey Demons with Karma and then Ricca

I just love the fact that my Ricca at CC70 can kill one of these things all by herself, though I'll have to give her support if they have higher stats during the 2nd phase.

If I farm this event non-stop, and spend crystals on stamina to use up leftover charisma, I should have 1478 fragments by the end (33-34 sacred crystals at least). This decision would be easier if the 50/7 map dropped platinum armours instead of black fairies.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

From what I recall about Vincent's daughter is that she will pass through a unit that is paralyzed instead of continuously attacking them and staying blocked. Having an on-demand status recovery button will be useful in situations where you need to kill something immediately instead of a portion of the team remaining paralyzed and the rest of the team gets destroyed by enemies they can't handle.

I do have Olivia to take care of Vincent's daughter without problems, but I'm just considering situations where I would encounter her unprepared (blind runs).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Exkale: Roana is immune to paralyze , so Vincent daughter is blocked.

@Moonchaos, on android you need to install dmm application and then aegis app from it. On your browser at dmm.co.jp page somewhere down you have link to download dmm application.after you install it check second app on the right, find aegis there and install.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Millennium War Aegis: Bride in the Moonlight II
(千年戦争アイギス 月下の花嫁II)

Release: March 30th
Serial Code: Kaguya's Maidservant Hikage

There's no details about this unit, though some Japanese players insist that she's going to be a new 'maid' class that's like Anna, but specifically for Kaguya.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

On these types of events, are the event items 100% drop if you kill the mob that drops it or is it % based?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Today I did some small fast speedpainting, hope you like it!

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

On these types of events, are the event items 100% drop if you kill the mob that drops it or is it % based?
Actually, how this game works is that there's a percentage chance that a monster shows up, and if you get a board with that monster, then it's a 100% drop.

For most story missions, you can tell when you get the specific monsters that drop items because it changes the number of total foes you must vanquish. For most other missions and quests, they switch non-drop monsters with drop monsters. For example, green slimes drop nothing, but they're sometimes replaced with red or blue slimes that do drop stuff. In the case of this event, any enemies that shine are ones that drop their fragments 100% of the time. However, it's nearly impossible to tell—without cheating—the difference between the Grey Demon that does drop its black fairy with the one that doesn't.

So far, I've been doing the 50/7 map, and I've been getting all three of the monsters carrying fragments on all of my trips.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Exkale: Roana is immune to paralyze , so Vincent daughter is blocked.
What I mean is that when a unit is paralyzed by Vincent's daughter, she'll pass through. If a dangerous enemy happens to come along after her, then removing the paralyze effect immediately with Liana can help save the run. It's all just theorycrafting on my end, but it's something to be prepared for :p

The 50/7 map feels like it's a 100% drop rate for shards. I have gotten the black fairy and Christopher twice from the runs I have done so far. Nice to have a good start on saving silver healers for when I want to awaken Liana.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

We can always use more Aegis fanart~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

so as someone who just recently started (ok restarted but basically at the same point as a beginner >.>) should i even bother doing the event or should i focus on upping my team?? ive already tried the second event quest but failed miserably so the only chance at the new unit is to farm the first quest 50 times >.>.... also any good ways of strengthening units faster or do i just keep farming for iron units to feed?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't know the drop rate for the first map, no reason for me to do it more then once. But if its 100% then you can easily farm up to 50. That way you get both event units. A Black healer for a new account would be handy, even if she ends up being as strong as a plat.

And ya no real easy way to level up your team, just gotta climb higher in levels so you can access higher level farm maps.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

haa.... drop rate on first map is just one fragment per run T^T
so just feed the lvl 1 units to the units i want to lvl or is there any other way to increase exp gain? (aside from faeries which i probably cant get atm)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Think you posted while I edited so I'll post it here. You can try for platinum armors when the daily comes up as well. Mondays I believe.

No other easy way, the higher level you get the more higher level feed you can get. Eventually you'll get to the oasis map that drops multiple Bronze.

Remember to put the codes on the front page, I missed out on the plat healer since my level was too high.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

trust me finish the event. youll get two units for the price of one.

also no easy way out of the rut(im refering to leveling up lol). it will take a loooong time to do it. but keep doing it till you can do events

Edit: btw dont forget the main rule of aegis dont feed on silver units. you need them to CC your characters. each extra copy will give you a huge boost once you CC them
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