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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For despia AW skill you also need to remember faster hit for witch will lock enemy movement as witch hit slow the target.
Even now i still consider her aw skill is a better situation.

I don't know about Ester being sandra replacement as both have a pretty different role, but sandra is like 1st unit that have skill to hit across the map with pretty high true dmg (even her class role comment is "Can use deadly sword skill (auto-translate)" she does totaly helped wednesday / thursday godly tier map.
It also mentioned that Ester skill use have bigger aoe range and the new buff recover deployment cost making her more broken unit than ever >.< (i want black gacha unit any is fine T_T)

Next.... Yay..... (scream / dance)
My 1st time to be able to full kill clear in subjugation map :D
still crying when i see 50 magic crystal mailed to my mail box >.<...
although not too sure if i want to get the multi kill completion prize as atm chr is extremely important on event... will check what happen on future event 1st whether i want to continue or not
The low lvl strat i use:
PS: there actualy alot alteration i made cuz i only have 1 valk and...... the last 3 flying dragon incoming my spica killed the bottom 1 too fast that it landed on my duelist and killed her and giving me a huge leak at bottom path (had to change her to rachel -.-)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maybe they meant replacement in the sense of clearing the map of fodder. I don't know, anyway. Esther didn't actually seem that broken until this patch. Before she was just a nice melee support class because fast skill activation + pegasus riders mix together very well. But now increased damage on AW skill, less def minus (was worried about her being easy to shoot down by archers) and unit point gathering... With the class trait of 70-100% return on withdrawal as well, she's pretty usable on most maps. Even if the mobs are somehow too strong for her to fight directly, can basically drop her in, skill, clear fodder and earn unit points, then withdraw her for her unit points back, easy extra unit points.

I wonder how's her synergy with Corinne though. Still haven't got myself to use her much.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yay! More silver units to farm. I just have to choose between witches and mages. Orz

Odette's unit exp when being fed to other units being normalized is a great thing now. She's going to be slightly easier to raise compared to before.

Desupia's AW has the downside of having lower attack range upon activation and it can affect how you use her. To me, that AW skill is more along the lines of a boss-slaying skill and not a general use skill. I wouldn't recommend getting that skill unless you need a way to kill certain bosses really fast. Just be careful about some bosses because some have mechanics that punish you for trying to kill them fast such as Maou.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah that's what I thought about Despia's skill as well. Her normal skill seems much better for general use but in terms of quickly getting rid of things or bossing, her AW skill is much better.

It's basically a trade off but I'm somewhat leaning towards her normal skill because it has more flexibility. Especially the -range from her AW skill is painful, even though Despia received a small range buff.

Reading about AW skills is kinda interesting though. Seems AW skills tend to either take their old skills and improve it by a bit (most common path) or completely take a different direction (e.g. Anya's AW skill).

The fact that not all of them are straight out improvements and can come with drawbacks like Despia's makes you want to think things through.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

that is way too many skill levels to try and gain within 2 days how many copies would that take 20, 30, perhaps more? dont think I need more magic resist that bad rather not throw away masses of crystals for that. it sounds worst than gold rush farming to me 2 days to get 16 skill levels
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

^ Actually when thinking about it, why is this revival event 2 days anyway? Lian's lasted an entire month though it was only active on weekends as well. Do they intend to speed through revival events and force us to spend SC if we want them all? Or is it some sort of placeholder to give us something to do until they put a proper revival event up?

SC spending aside, I would welcome it if it means some event units I want shows up sooner.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

^ Actually when thinking about it, why is this revival event 2 days anyway? Lian's lasted an entire month though it was only active on weekends as well. Do they intend to speed through revival events and force us to spend SC if we want them all? Or is it some sort of placeholder to give us something to do until they put a proper revival event up?

This revival event is farm based, where you get multiple unit drop from the original event map.
Revival farm unit has always been like this 2 days event, same with last time Ling (monk) as well.
For revival event that required revival crystal thats when it last-ed for 1 month. The revival crystal unit usualy from star / item collection event, while the farm revival unit is well...... farm event.

Well the good part new map = more free SC... no complaining here :D + you can test ur current unit how easy is old map event ^^
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I did read that it seems to be drop based than crystal based on the image but didn't know that other ones were also like this.

Guess it's pretty unlikely that I'll be able to actually get -3CR or something then unless I'm willing to spend SCs but... not really. Well I'll try my luck when it comes to it, will probably at least devote some stam to it seeing even if I miss 2 days of whatever the next event is, I'll at least get a copy or two of an event unit in return even if it might end up rotting in my storage.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'll at least get a copy.

Well you are in luck i guess.
The 1st time 4th mission will give you 100% drop of the event unit.
As for the rest looking as the last mission cost 60/6 i guess the drop rate is about 50%.... well someone had to confirm it since i only said based on the map cost...

PS: now its 24 hr before maintenance.....
*look at petite with puppy eyes* i'm eagerly waiting what our next event going to be :D
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

2 dancers, Anna, and uzume in the background...

Supaaaaa prince goooooo
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I will most likely skip the next event. I have too many units I want to finish working on and I would rather try to farm for silver units instead of a Platinum event unit. I will also be trying to farm Odette's event missions for mages, witches, and hopefully extra copies of Odette. Now to pray there is a mission with a silver healer. Hear my prayers, Aigis-sama!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Spoilers for Upcoming Maintenance:
-Emergency Mission "Certain Kill Technique that Shakes the Earth" (大地を震わす必殺剣) Begins.
-Revival Mission "Secret Magic Technique" (魔術の秘法) Begins on Sat-Sun (11-12th).
-Platinum Mage Odette (Skill 1/16; Increases magic resistance to all allies).

Platinum Swordmaster Gloria:

Skill: Ougi Rock Sundering Sword (奥義 岩砕滅隆剣)
Attacks enemies in a large area with a high power attack. Increases damage given to land enemies, and halts the movement of enemies hit by the attack.

Secret Magic Technique Banner:

Hm, I knew she was going to be an event unit, which is good for me since she's one of the 3 characters revealed in the broadcast that doesn't appeal to my aesthetics.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Another swordmaster......
While their skill seem interesting (looking at sandra)... I kind of wish we have some other type of unit like ranged physical or magic at low cost....
*at 1st i though that ilustration is soldier o_O*

O well even sandra which is a flying skill specialty still have quite big power on ground unit (1887 dmg was it ? *lvl 70* and x1.5 to flyer), while this event unit is specialty on ground enemy can i expect her to hit 3k dmg skill hit :p

Combining the 2 swordmaster also sound like agood idea for future map :D
+ i also kind of want to demand to have their awakening soon
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Seems We will get about 4-5 sword masters. Maybe :p

We have Sky and the-soon-to-be Earth already.

There's Still water and fire ... Maybe :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

As a unit she doesn't look bad... as a character? Nope. Don't like character designs of that type. Feels meh...

Whether I use her at all will probably be determined by her skill. Not like I have any shortage of duelists anyway.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aw sweet, more Swordmasters! I feel like Swordmasters have a great opportunity for creative ideas. Their actives can all be different in how they attack. Gloria's skill could be a circle AoE rather than Sandra's cross.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on July 9th between 10:00~15:00:
-Emergency Mission "Certain Kill Technique that Shakes the Earth" (大地を震わす必殺剣) Begins.
-Revival Mission "Secret Magic Technique" (魔術の秘法) Begins on Sat-Sun (11-12th).
-Platinum Mage Odette (Skill 1/16; Increases magic resistance to all allies).
-Story Mission 1.5x Drop-Up Campaign Ends.
-Daily Mission Orb 2x Drop-Up Campaign Ends.
-Rune Lord Skill Awakening Added.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.

Platinum Swordmaster Gloria:

Skill: Ougi Rock Sundering Sword (奥義 岩砕滅隆剣)
Attacks enemies in a large area with a high power attack. Increases damage given to land enemies, and halts the movement of enemies hit by the attack.

Secret Magic Technique Banner:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite, any Chance this going to be star trial ?

nvm, read hineuta


Any news about machinist?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If this star trial again.... i wonder when they if they going to make anymore farming event...
Or just like Paula.... They going to use 2nd week for farming revival event... while no more main event farming (they should just combine 2 of this event into 1 :p = 2 new event unit instead of reviving the old 1)

Well at least star event mean i can stock up my gold again on monday and use weekend chr to get multi kill reward subjugation map... all good :cool:

PS: while i hate farming event myseld cuz its hard to maximise the unit....... but its a good time to stock up silver + plat cans
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hm, I knew she was going to be an event unit, which is good for me since she's one of the 3 characters revealed in the broadcast that doesn't appeal to my aesthetics.

I love me warrior women so this is a bonus for me, I hope to god its not a collection event I loathe those so much.

With sword masters are they just single target duellists that have a massive AoE on skill?

I only used sandra for a few missions that she trivialised when she was first released the skill was good but I didn't find a place for her in my main roster.