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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

your edit part was what I meant by RNG-tank (her AW passive is RNG tanking, 25% nullify dmg)

I know, but my main point is that she needs to be able to pull more defense up when needed as a tank. Which she couldn't now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah, thats why I suggest minor defense boost, instead of straight up going better than Deine. I think she should at least be able to pull off some extra defense when needed? Instead of relying on B.Iris to provide that. She is the Heavy Armor after all. Even if its not enough for high end bosses, still it feels better if she can just provide just a little more when needed.

Edit: Now that I think of it, 5% extra chance to immune to damage during skill duration? or 10%? Sounds OK still.

your edit part was what I meant by RNG-tank (her AW passive is RNG tanking, 25% nullify dmg)

More than a buff to Dina or HA in general, we need less "ultimate" bosses and more "multiple treats", so 4 block actually matters and random blocks become significant.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I'm pretty sure the silver age of data spoilers is over, so this post is really going to be off-topic for the most part.

I'm probably going to have 3-4~ hours to play test the English version of the game I translated IF it's included with the updated Japanese version before the maintenance clears.

If not, then I would have to waste time registering to English DLSite to buy it. Was trying to save up for a slightly upper-end Wacom pen tablet that's been refurbished, so I could use it to help with my work. But the fault is my own for my poor communication skills, and unwillingness to correct the misunderstanding. I've been feeling really nervous and stressed out to the point that I have an upset stomach at the moment.

Right now, 24 hours after its release, the English version has 109 copies sold, 3 reviews, and is 2nd on the weekly popularity chart.

If the creator used DLSite's 'professional' translation service, then he would have to sell at least 400 copies to merely cover the cost for the 10 JPY per character fee. Half that if he hired someone who worked at minimum wage (I currently do translations for Aegis around a 10th of 4 JPY, which is below the minimum wage). I did it for free, so any copies sold would go directly to compensating him for his time trying to edit and fix the game so the English text could fit inside the windows without a problem. Aside from getting to play the Japanese version ~24 hours early, I didn't get anything out of doing this, and was too scared to ask him if he knew this one Japanese artist that I sent transparent .png files for one of his comics (that previous drama where the Japanese creator deleted everything being fresh on my mind...).

Fortunately, 2 reviews seemed glad more than anything that one of this guy's games is 'officially' translated with one hoping that his previous works get translated as well, and none of the posters on ULMF complained about the translation quality yet. I have reason to suspect the Japanese creator lurks the ULMF thread, so I'm not going to participate in it even if I find out that I'm not credited anywhere in the English version's files.

I'm hoping I'll be able to find and send a quick list of corrections after play-testing it with my saves from the Japanese version to fix any potential problems. Currently found 2 problems with the English version's text with the one I found earlier being what I consider a 'bad' translation rather than a simple mistake. Also found and sent screenshots of 2 mistakes with the Japanese version around midnight (Tokyo Time), so I'm curious if the creator will have time to fix that when that version's update is released soon; from what I understand, he has to send the file to the digital sales site to be evaluated before they update it, and I have no idea how quick they go through this process.

Once I find out if or how I'm credited, I'll send a link to the game's English and Japanese DLSite page to anyone on my Patreon list that isn't Anelai that asks/asked about it (1~2 people). I'm 99.99999% sure that this is completely irrelevant to her tastes or interests, and probably everyone else on there except for one lurker. If you read this far, then congratulations~.

EDIT: The game hasn't been updated 23 minutes ago. Either updates are scheduled at a different time, or my previous corrections postponed the release by another day... another day to increase the number of eyes that see my mistakes...

This space reserved for any news updates or spoiler information. Check back later if such stuff becomes available.

Special Stuff for Special People (Ero Scene Spoilers):





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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Once I find out if or how I'm credited, I'll send a link to the game's English and Japanese DLSite page to anyone on my Patreon list that isn't Anelai that asks/asked about it (1~2 people). I'm 99.99999% sure that this is completely irrelevant to her tastes or interests, and probably everyone else on there except for one lurker. If you read this far, then congratulations~.

Did he ever mention the game's name?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance on Jan 26th:
-Emergency Mission "Labyrinth of Evil Spirits III" (悪霊の迷宮Ⅲ) Begins (Until Feb 2nd).
-Majin Advent "Shuten Douji" (酒呑童子) Latter Maps Added.
2.8 Million Registered User Campaign:
-Second Phase Begins.
+Login Present Sacred Crystal and Gold Small Spirit of Blessing Between Jan 27th~Feb 2nd (7 Each).
Trading Post:
(100 Rainbow) Black Parliamentary Secretary (Maid) Anna.
-Plat Bishop Paula Removed on Feb 2nd 10:00.
Pick-up Summoning:
-Focus on units being rebalanced.
Heavy Dina
M Fencer Ingrid
Gunner Fredrica
Royal Guard Mireille
Dark Priest Dorothea
Princess Sherry
Bandit Seria
Mage Sasha
Dragon Rider Erenia
Dragon Shaman Rubinas
-Certain Class/Units Rebalanced (Details After Maintenance).
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.

Youkai Slaying Sniper Unit:

Aoba (アオバ):
Anti-Youkai Shell (対妖怪弾): (30s; attack 1.5x; attack 1.5x against youkai; prioritise youkai; AS: ; WT: 20; CT: 40)
Tengu-style Youkai Slaying 10 Monme (天狗流妖滅十匁玉): (25s; attack 2x; 2x against youkai; attack speed slowed; prioritise youkai; AS: ; WT: 15; CT: 30)
Tengu's Inkajo (天狗の印可状): halts movement of youkai-type enemies when skill activates; immune to bad weather effects.

Story Mission & Daily Revival Link Compilation and Schedule Post:

Rebalanced Unit Info:


Princess: HP/DF buffed
High Princess: AS quickened

Vampire Princess: HP/DF buffed
HP Recovery per attack (2%) Added
Vampire Queen: AS quickened

Immortal Princess: HP/AT buffed
Immortal Queen: AS quickened

Dragon Princess: HP/DF buffed
True Dragon Warrior: AS quickened

'Gold Get!' ability added to Destroyer's class perk.

Dark Fighter & Dark Knight: DF up when HP decrease effect added.

Avenger: damage increased below 90% HP

Magic Fencer: magic attack added when skill unactivated

Dragon Rider: HP/DF buffed

Royal Guard: HP regen added.

Archer: AT buffed

Mage: AT buffed

Witch: AT/Range buffed

Dragon Shaman: AT buffed

Shaman: AT buffed
High Shaman & Shaman Lord: Range buffed

Bishop & High Bishop: slight AT multiplier against undead
Elder Bishop: AT multiplier against undead

Onmyouji: AT buffed

Gunner: AT buffed

Alchemist: AT buffed

Dark Priest: AT/Range buffed


AW Skill '滅多打ち' defence-up effect added; duration buffed; CT/WT modified

AW Skill '怪力爆砕鉄球' defence-up effect added; duration buffed; CT/WT modified

Skill and AW Skill AT buffed

Gold Iris
Parameters Modified (AT buffed; DF modified)

AW Skill '剛剣ガラティン' AT buffed

Skill & AW Skill AT buffed

AW Abililty defence amount buffed

AW Ability attack amount buffed

AW Skill '援軍要請・攻勢' deployment cost buffed

AW Ability changed to 'Attack Power Up'

Parameters Modified (DF buffed; AT modified)

AW Skill AT/DF buffed

AW Ability DF amount buffed

Vampire Karma:
AW Ability changed to 'Pursuit'

AW Skill deploy cost buffed

AW Skill AT multiplier added

Skill and AW Skill AT buffed

AW Skill DF multiplier added

AW Skill auto and unlimited duration added; WT/CT modified

AW Ability HP amount buffed

AW Ability HP amount buffed

AW Skill AT/DF buffed

Parameters Modified (AT buffed; DF modified)

AW Ability changed to 'Attack Power Up'

Parameters Modified (AT buffed; DF modified) Why?

Skill and AW Skill AT buffed

AW Ability changed to 'Attack Power Up'

AW Skill range buffed; AS quickened; WT/CT modified

Parameters Modified (AT buffed; DF modified)

AW Skill duration buffed

Parameters Modified (AT buffed; DF modified)

Skill and AW Skill AT buffed

Skill: duration buffed; AW Skill: DF buffed

Skill & AW Skill AT buffed

AW Ability conditions changed to 'just a team member'

AW Skill AT buffed

Skill: AT buffed; AW Skill: AT/DF buffed

AW ability revival time shortened; AW Skill: AS quickened

AW Skill: HP halved removed; AW Ability changed to '闇妖精の女王'
Dark Fairy Queen (闇妖精の女王): MR+50%; while deployed: elf (half/dark) and dwarf AT+10% and will auto-retreat when defeated

Skill AS quickened

Emergency Mission "Labyrinth of Evil Spirits III" (悪霊の迷宮Ⅲ):
-Complete Bonus-type Event (One New Map Every 2 Days Added Between Friday~Wednesday.
-Mimics Drop an Item (Not Necessary for 3-star Clear).

Falah (小祝福の聖霊ファラハ; Black-rarity)

Silver Feng Shui User Fei (フェイ)
Kokuei's Task (刻詠の業): (60s; range 1.6x [352]; ally units within range gain 50% physical evasion; AS: ; WT: ; CT: 100) same skill as Rinne

Heavy Infantry Forbidden (20) (制約:重装歩兵禁止):
Magic Crystal (), Bouquet (), Beer (), Completion: Gold Armour
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Heavy Armour
Bashira: "I never would have thought we would come back to this labyrinth."
Anna: "The Labyrinth of Evil Spirits, where not a single person has yet to traverse its depths..."
Mortimer: "We were busy rescuing the Emperor when we came before, so we didn't have time for dungeon exploring. There's surely untouched treasure slumbering within, I feel it in my bones!"
Lean: "Geez, Mortimer. You're too greedy. Passing through this labyrinth to instill discipline into people like you is one of the goals of this expedition."
Anna: "You're right, Lean-san. New dangerous foes are appearing one after the other, so NOW we must become stronger."
Mortimer: "—Oi! Look o'er there! Found treasure right off the bat!"
Cecily: "... Wait, I fear that's a monster 'mimic' shaped like treasure. I heard they conceal rare items and lie in wait."
Bashira: "So that's how it is! Well then, please leave it to my bow; I shall defeat it safely from here, OK!?"
Cecily: "No, you better put away your bow and arrow, Bashira. If you hurt that thing even the slightest bit, it'll run away at an extreme speed."
Cecily: "Rather than unskillfully damage it with ranged weapons, you would be better off catching them with your melee soldiers, Prince."
Goblin: "Gya! Gya!"
Anna: "Monsters have appeared. Everyone, please prepare for battle!"

Soldier Forbidden (20) (制約:兵士禁止):
Gold Fairy (), Bronze Soldier (), Iron Armour (), Completion: Alegría
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Soldier

Cannon Forbidden (30) (制約:砲兵禁止):
Plat Fairy (), Silver Fairy (), Bronze Fairy (), Completion: AW Fairy
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Cannon Armour and Gunner

Archer/Pirate Forbidden (40) (制約:射手、海賊禁止):
Magic Crystal III (), Magic Crystal II (), Bouquet (), Completion: Freude (Plat)
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Archer and Pirate

Armour Forbidden (60) (制約:鎧禁止):
Black Fairy (), S Soldier Crave (), B Mage Roy (), Completion: Plat Armour
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Heavy Armour, Mage Armour, and Cannon Armour

4 Letter Name Limited (90) (制約:名前四文字限定):
Silver Fairy (), S Feng Shui Fei (), Bouquet (x2), Completion: Falah (Black)
Gimmick: Can Only Deploy 4 Character (Name, i.e. ナナリー) Units, Prince, and Token

Bow Rider Forbidden (20) (制約:弓騎兵禁止):
Gold Fairy (), B Archer Ars (), Iron Fairy (), Completion: Bond Spirit (Gold)
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Bow Rider

Magician/Mage Armour Forbidden (30) (制約:魔術師、魔導鎧兵禁止):
Crystal (), Silver Fairy (), Bronze Fairy (), Completion: Bond Spirit (Plat)
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Mage Armour and Mage

3 Letter Name or Lower Limited (30) (制約:名前三文字以下限定):
Beer (x2), Gold Fairy (), Magic Crystal (), Completion: Skill AW Fairy
Gimmick: Can Only Deploy 3 Character or Lower (Name, i.e. イリス) Units, Prince, and Token

Witch/Druid Forbidden (40) (制約:魔女、森隠者禁止):
Magic Crystal III (), Plat Fairy (), Beer (), Completion: Bond Spirit (Black)
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Witch and Druid

Priest/Healer/Bishop Forbidden (60) (制約:神官、癒し手、司祭禁止):
Black Fairy (), S Healer Christopher (), Magic Crystal II (), Completion: Black Armour
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Priest Warrior, Healer, and Bishop

Tactician/Dancer Forbidden (90) (制約:戦術家、踊り手禁止):
Bronze Mage (x2), High-quality Sake (), S Mage Maja (), Completion: Spirit of Small Blessing (Sapphire)
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Front Tactician, Rear Tactician, and Dancer
Lapis: "Fumu, after all, it's not... here, either? ... Where in the world could 'it' be?"
Katie: "Prince! Demons have appeared!"
Lapis: "... Mu, those, could they be... humans?"
Lapis: "Even a demon of my calibre cannot simply enter the depths of this labyrinth."
Lapis: "... This doesn't sit well with me. Humans should stay put in the surface where they belong. I shall destroy them here."
Anna: "Prince, demons are coming! Prepare for engagement!"
(Lapis and her cronies appear)
[Lapis and Demon Swordmasters will leave battlefield over time, and won't affect star rating (no drops).]
(demons assemble)
Katie: "Prince, the might of the demons is too great, have the front lines fall back! We might suffer casualties if we leave them be."
Anna: "Understood. I'll request the support of the soldiers versed in the healing arts from the Imperial Army taking the rear guard at once!"
(time passes)
Lucia: "Prince, Imperial Priest Knight Lucia at your service. What's this about greater demons appearing—"
Lucia: "—Wha!? That looks like... Could it be, Lapis... sama...?"
Lapis: "... Who are you? Oh, I see, Lucia, huh...? It's been a while."
Lucia: "I'm grateful for the help you've given me in Makai... ... However, if you so much as lay a hand on my friends, I'll fight you with everything I've got!"
Lapis: "... Lucia." (If I borrow the hand of the others, it'll be possible for me to eliminate the foreign enemies along with the useless weaklings...)
Lucia: "So you have no intention to withdraw... However, there are things even I won't compromise on. Lapis-sama... please prepare yourself!"
Lapis: "Lay down your weapon, Lucia. It's to neither of our benefit to continue fighting."
Lapis: "I came seeking something slumbering within this labyrinth's abyss, but I don't wish for you guys to see it. You humans are too weak to pass through this point."
Lapis: "Nevertheless, Lucia... If you humans wish to proceed to the depths of this labyrinth, then you should come to my side."
Lapis: "When the time comes, I shall lend my strength. That is all. Well then, I'll be leaving."
Anna: "The demons are starting to retreat!"
Lucia: "Prince, please take note not to lay your hands on the demons in her group!"
Lucia: (Lapis-sama... Even though your whimsical, your kindness that I felt in Makai wasn't a lie, that is what I believe...)

Majin/Summoner Forbidden (90) (制約:魔神、召喚魔術師禁止):
Spirit Queen (), B Bandit (), Wine (), Completion: Bond (Gold)
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Majin, Summoner, Demon Summoner; Enemy: Dracolich (paralysis)

Prince/Emperor/Princess Forbidden (90) (制約:王子、皇帝、姫禁止):
Magic Crystal III (), Crystal (), Ruby (), Completion: Bond (Plat)
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Prince, Emperor Princess; Enemy: Elder Troll (Regen)

Pirate/Merchant/Monsterslayer Forbidden (90) (制約:海賊、商人、魔物狙撃手禁止):
Black Fairy (), S Monk Mao (), Gold Armour (), Completion: Falah
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Pirate, Merchant, or Monster Slayer

Bowrider/Pegasus/DragonKnight Forbidden (90) (制約:弓騎兵、天馬・竜騎士禁止):
Bouquet (), Silver Fairy (), B Mage Semmel (x2), Completion: Fes
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Bowrider, Pegasus Rider, or Dragon Rider

Revival Majin Advent "Shuten Douji" (酒呑童子):
-Available Until Feb 2nd.
-Cannot deploy multiple units with the same name.
-Player Rank 50+ necessary to play.

Kibahime Introduction:
"Prince, sorry for suddenly calling you. However, there's something I must tell Prince no matter what..."
"Somehow, father... No, Shuten Douji looks like he has captured the capital of the Eastern Land."
"Responding to Shuten Douji who completely regained his power, hordes of his underlings gathered to his side, turning the capital into the oni capital overnight."
"... Sorry. If only my power wasn't stolen by Shuten Douji, none of this would've happened..."
"I know this is a selfish request. ... But, please! I want to borrow your strength to defeat Shuten Douji!"
"... I didn't even have to ask, you say? Thank you so much, Prince!"
"Well then, I'll go ahead and give you a warning before you set out."
"Like I told you earlier, if you consider the current situation where a great horde of oni that serve Shuten Douji have turned the capital of the Eastern Land into their base, I'm sure a multitude of oni are lying in wait for us..."
"So, to deal with that many oni, I think you should add to your team those that have the power to roll out soldiers quickly like Valkyries, and bring them to the front lines."
"Also, watch out for Shuten Douji's supernatural strength."
"Shuten Douji, without using any special powers, came to subdue countless oni with just his supernatural strength alone... It's difficult for regular soldiers to withstand his attacks."
"So, Prince... before you face the upcoming battle, you must review your team and make the proper preparations."
"—Eh? Am I fine with my actual father being slain...?"
"No. There's no hesitation within me. Of course, if I said I don't feel anything, that would be a lie, but... Even then, I want to obtain freedom."
"Besides, I don't want to see any more humans being hurt... I was taught by the Prince that humans and oni can join hands. So, it's not possible for me to ignore Shuten Douji's brutality any longer."
"Prince, I'll entrust my back to you, OK?"

3-Star Rewards:
LV1~4: Plat Armour
LV5: Black Armour
LV6~9: Plat Armour
LV10: Black Armour
LV11~15: Rainbow Fairy

LV1 Event Scene:
Iroha: "This is too much... That beautiful capital... is completely buried under countless oni..."
Kibahime: "All because my power was stolen... I'm terribly sorry."
Anna: "Please don't apologise! Kibahime-san didn't do anything wrong."
Anna: "So, now let's face ahead, and concentrate on defeating Shuten Douji."
Shuten Douji: "... AaN!? Who's gonna defeat WHOMm!?"
(Shuten Douji appears)
Kibahime: "—Father!?"
Shuten Douji: "... Hm? I was wondering who it was, but if it isn't Ibaraki Douji! It's about time you came back!!"
Kibahime: "Don't spout rubbish! There's no way I would return to father's place... That's right! I'll defeat you, and claim my freedom!"
Shuten Douji: "Han, interestiiing! Go ahead, make my daaay!!"

LV10 Event Scene:
Shuten Douji: "—Gu... Guwaah!! Damn, it all... I'll remem... ber... this......"
Mortimer: "... Did we beat 'im?"
Kibahime: "... No, somehow, it looks like we didn't bring him down..."
Anna: "How do you know?"
Kibahime: "The ties of our blood, I guess...? I know."
Hien: "Even so, there's no mistake he's suffered a grievous wound... For the time being, he's in a state where he can't lift a single finger."
Kibahime: "Yeah, we won... That's for certain. So, let me tell you, Prince. Thank you for lending me your strength. With this, the capital has finally been released from the oni's grasp."
Anna: "That's right! From now on, let's do our best to bring back the smiles in the capital. Prince, you're going to be busy!"
Anna: "Well then, everyone, let's return home. Prince, good work!"

Original Maou's Labyrinth Post:

Paula (ポーラ):
Heal Magic Plus (ヒールマジックプラス): (60s; attack 1.6x; range 1.3x [338]; recover allies' HP; AS: 192; WT: 35; CT: 70)
Ex Heal Magic (エクスヒールマジック): (70s; attack 1.8x; range 1.4x [364]; recover allies' HP; AS: 192; WT: 35; CT: 70)
Turn Undead (ターンアンデッド): 1.3x attack against undead.

End of the Abyss (90/12) (深淵の果て):
RC V (x3), RC III (x3), Bonbori (), ()
Gimmick: All Enemy Status Increased.

Premium Summon:
-Premium Chance-up Unit Rates:
+Plat: 6x; Black: 7x.
-Black Vampire Princess Silvia

Silvia (シルヴィア):
Magic Sword Hrunting(魔剣フルンティング): (110s; attack and defence 1.5x; 5x HP recovery from class perk; AS: 69; WT: 1; CT: 160)
Vampiric Sword Hrunting (吸血剣フルンティング): (20s; attack and defence *x; *x HP recovery from class perk; AS: 69; WT: 5; CT: 30)
*1st: at&df 1.4x, class 5x; 2nd: at&df 2.2x, class 7x; 3rd: at&df 3x, class 9x, skill automatic and duration unlimited.
(): 50% physical evasion.
(): possible to deploy token that is exactly the same; token doesn't count towards unit total; only one on the field at a time; both self and token have 50% physical evasion.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game



Is there any change?
Can't read~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Did I read it wrong? AW Aoba when skill activated all Youkai stops moving??

Thats basically the whole Shuuten Douji map just stops???

Thats some definition of OP I guess.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Did I read it wrong? AW Aoba when skill activated all Youkai stops moving??

Thats basically the whole Shuuten Douji map just stops???

Thats some definition of OP I guess.

Plat event princess Sukuha did that before.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Plat event princess Sukuha did that before.

Oh I see. I didn't read much about units I don't have so I didn't realize this. But I can see her being useful to players without Sukuha then.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Parameters Modified (AT buffed; DF modified) Why?
Please Petite, why are you even asking. Of course it's to ensure that Leone reaches 4k attack without shop buff.

^ Blame soranokira for that answer. I am innocent.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

some weird buffs got in there. and some rather minor ones.
Looks like Dina got buffed the most of the whole lot, and it looks like she can be a tank after all. rip Deine? (I mean, looking at things now, Dina > Deine almost outright.)


Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

some weird buffs got in there. and some rather minor ones.
Looks like Dina got buffed the most of the whole lot, and it looks like she can be a tank after all. rip Deine? (I mean, looking at things now, Dina > Deine almost outright.)



Obviously I don't have Dina so I don't know but I have to ask if the skill is still 45 and 40 second for skill/AW skill? If so its a bit too strong.

Edit: Saw it in the picture and it seems AW skill is at 45 second. WOW.

So time to reevaluate her lol.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

maybe they are preparing dina for heavy armor 2nd aw it may look insane now but could balance out after kinda thing
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In other news:
Amy got her AW art, pretty cute. mfw drinking wine though:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well decided to blow my 250 saved crystal to get the premium card next month, here the result:

2 Black

5 Plat
Melvina (double)

15 Gold
28 Silver

It's a bit below average but i'm satisfied, pretty interesting class than i did not have, should keep me busy testing new thing for a while.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

so frederica got a flat 83 attack increase, at 1144 base now (which is over 2000 base splash attack across the map without any kind of setup beside prince). dont think she needed it as i think she was a most powerful unit already, but i take it anyway.

on another news i did my usual-after-every-patch single yolo roll, and black light came..was hoping for the new vampire, got mireille
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Obviously I don't have Dina so I don't know but I have to ask if the skill is still 45 and 40 second for skill/AW skill? If so its a bit too strong.

Edit: Saw it in the picture and it seems AW skill is at 45 second. WOW.

So time to reevaluate her lol.

I glad I have her in her maximum potential :D Now I can do Level 10 Majin
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Could it be that the new Vampire Princess is broken as fuck?

5187 HP, 881 ATK, 894 DEF at 20 cost.

And if I understand this right upon the 3rd skill activation her skill becomes infinite duration: 3x ATK/DEF and 18% HP recovery on hit... all you have to do is make sure she lives until then.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Could it be that the new Vampire Princess is broken as fuck?

5187 HP, 881 ATK, 894 DEF at 20 cost.

And if I understand this right upon the 3rd skill activation her skill becomes infinite duration: 3x ATK/DEF and 18% HP recovery on hit... all you have to do is make sure she lives until then.

Should also add Racua perk
Will not DED :V
After HP full , Revive~


So MF now can deal Magic Damage outside skill duration , I really dunno if this good or bad.....
I have Ingrid - Sienna - Sabine - Anemone - Charlotte - Silvers
Now if there is Horus Revival , I'll have complete Army of Magic Fencer :V

I was hoping Mireille have more HP / DEF
But she got regen instead
Oh well.... atleast it's not a nerf
It seems I worry too much :V
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Could it be that the new Vampire Princess is broken as fuck?

5187 HP, 881 ATK, 894 DEF at 20 cost.

And if I understand this right upon the 3rd skill activation her skill becomes infinite duration: 3x ATK/DEF and 18% HP recovery on hit... all you have to do is make sure she lives until then.

All the new blacks have been broken for the past couple of months. It's the power-creep in action.