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RPG [Ahriman] 風紀剣士アサギ/ Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (RJ149951)

Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

You may be waiting a while. It's currently through act 1 and a little into what could be considered act 2. It's going to take a while as I'm doing this mostly with machine translators. Currently I'm in the process of transitioning to using RPGMaker Trans instead of directly modifying the game with RPGMaker VXAce for the 1.3 update.

no problem. Im sure it is a lot of time and work, thanks for doing it. Ill wait
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Another one that took me a little was the phonetic combination "masoanaru", which Whip is referred to in many capture instances. I'm on my phone so I can't give you the kata, but I had to basically break it apart randomly until I found maso (masochist) and anaru (anal).

Only then was I able to translate it to "Anal Masochist". It might be better to call her an ass whore for English translation, much like how "meat toilet" is better translated as cum dumpster.

I think it also has to do with how used you are to Japanese nuances/slang. I'd played through so many hentai games that when I first saw Asagi say "masoanaru" I instantly assumed it meant anal masochist and it just naturally glazed over in my mind.

It's kind of like when a native Japanese speaker says something that sounds English (I wonder what phrases like that are called...). For example, in the bad ending with Prince Black he talks about a new porno he's making with "Cum dumpster Ero Mask". The last line he says translates to something like "Kummingsuuun" (Coming soon) I instantly imagined a guy speaking engrish and it just made the whole moment comical.

He's not the only one who does this either, White Mask says it every time she says her own name or certain special moves like "White V" (Or White peace, can't remember exactly what she said or the name of the move off the top of my head. It's the move where she leaps at the enemy with her legs spread like a V)

Anyway, I think the translation to anal masochist is fine, it conveys an emphasis on the anal part of her... perversion? Preference? (Persona I guess). The masochistic side of her persona is communicated as well, all in a two-word compound adjective "Anal Masochist". I'll admit, it only barely rolls off the tongue, but it's close to the original meaning and doesn't add a lot of extra words.

I agree on the meat toilet part; even though I know what the phrase means, it doesn't keep me from imagining an actual toilet made of meat, nor does it keep the resulting nightmares from haunting my dreams later on that night.

Cum dump/dumpster is a great English version of the phrase. I wish there were more similar english phrases that would fit this context. You can only see cum dumpster so many times before it gets old. Pretty interesting that the Japanese phrase uses "toilet/urinal" and the English equivalent uses "dumpster". Wonder which you guys think is nastier imagery.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I know what you mean about some words being better directly translated. Katakana is ALL about seeing the words as something other than Japanese, because that's exactly what kata is used for: loanwords.

At least that's what I've read in most J-E dictionaries.

So. . . Masoanaru -> Anal Masochist; meat toilet -> cum dumpster

Also, does anyone notice that each heroine has their own fetish or weakness? From what I can tell:

Mask -> Idol/superheroine in peril
Whip -> Anal play
Asagi -> Creampie
Ura -> ??? (Bondage?)
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

... So if I'm right, we're discussing whether we should translate 'ピンチ':

Simple; in one word
Long; more than one word

Literal, but perhaps not contextually correct
Contextually, but deviating from the usual translations

Crisis is one word. It is also both literally (meaning/denotation) and contextually (connotation) correct.

Huh, really? I always thought 'in a pinch' could be used quite seriously as well. Wiktionary and Google describe it as "In an urgent or difficult situation; when no other solution is available." and "in a critical situation; if absolutely necessary."

You have type in the whole phrase "in a pinch" to get that meaning. As I said it is a figurative manner of speech, and an idiomatic set expression. "Pinch" by itself doesn't convey the same meaning.

Also, if you note the example sentences in those dictionaries, the "in an emergency" meaning of "in a pinch" is used as a qualifier phrase, to describe the use of an undesirable solution or method when no other choices are available ("There's room for four adults, five in a pinch." "This music isn't what I would have chosen, but it will do in a pinch." etc.) Heck, it's pretty much means the same thing as "when necessary" in those sentences, and doesn't directly describe the "state of crisis/emergency" meaning implied by a native Japanese when he uses the word "pinchi".

This is just a general problem when loanwords are borrowed from one language to another. Even if the meaning is not distorted from the original, the loanword usually only has the most evocative/explicit meaning of the word in the original language, instead of a host of other meanings. Compare "au naturel" in English and French. The former explicitly means "nude", while the latter means "in a natural manner", which requires context and other phrases for the reader to arrive at the "nude" meaning. See also "voilà", which means "aha" in English, but just means "see there" (and not necessarily with a triumphant tone) in French.

Sake and katana in English explicitly refers to Japanese rice wine and a Japanese curved single-bladed sword respectively, but in the original Japanese they can refer to any alcoholic drink or curved blade, respectively. (The proper Japanese terms are "Nihonshu" and "Nihontou").

Prepositions are also often omitted in loanwords. Compare English "tout suite" with the original French "tout de suite".

False friends are even worse. Like accidentally saying préservatif or preservativo in French or Spanish when you meant to say "preservative".

I have to agree on the "bitch" topic too. it's always struck me as strange that they use that to mean slut.

Funnily enough, "bitch" used to mean "sexually-promiscuous woman" in English when it was first used as an insult in the 14th century. It's similar to whore in that respect, that is, "a woman who is willing to sleep with a man for money." This use continued in the 19th century:

BITCH. A she dog, or doggess; the most offensive appellation that can be given to an English woman, even more provoking than that of whore. ["Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," 1811]

"Female dog" is, IIRC, from the 11th century ("bicce"), and is the first and original meaning of the word, but at the point English wasn't really quite English yet.

The "submissive attitude" and "abrasive personality" came into being in the early 16th century, IIRC. "Submissive attitude" came into being when the word was used 'sarcastically' for men, similar to "sissy" (from sister).

(Yeah, politically incorrect and so on, but that's the case for a lot of words if you look into the etymology.)

"Abrasive personality" derives from the adjective form "bitchy", possibly as a comparison between personality 'changes' when women and animals go through menstrual and estrus cycles. (Again, politically incorrect, etc, etc.)

Quite possibly, when the word was borrowed into Japanese, it was still used somewhat commonly to refer to promiscuous women, and the Japanese just latched onto the most evocative and explicit use of the word, similar to the cases I mentioned earlier (for other words and languages).
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Crisis is one word. It is also both literally (meaning/denotation) and contextually (connotation) correct.

Most important thing is that "crisis" consists of six letters whereas the other feasible alternatives are less accurate and use up more space because of higher letter count.

Practical considerations for those actually doing the text replacement.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Been thinking about it a bit as well. Strangely enough I had a dream where I renamed it to 'Danger' (perhaps thinking too much...). Also 6 letters but perhaps not the best. Does convey the sense that the character is at risk or in danger of future malicious events.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

All this talk on one status translation. :p

I wonder if this sort of conversation happens at the translation departments of Funimation.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

All this talk on one status translation. :p

I wonder if this sort of conversation happens at the translation departments of Funimation.

XD, in my opinion whatever sounds the sexiest would be a good status translation.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

LOL, good grief... are we still going on regarding pinch? :eek:

Anyway, that collection of sex sprites in the gallery is something to behold. The amount of work he put into this game... really looking forward to his next one!
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

What are you talking about? :rolleyes:
As a proud and distinguished community, we should naturally strive to achieve only the highest quality translation. One that many people will enjoy and be grateful for, for generations to come. :p
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I'd settle for "Hey, these guys aren't horrible" on this my first translation attempt. Sooner or later I'll actually learn Japanese and then go from terrible ( just above horrible) too bad, then meh, then slowly creep my way to "Wow, I actually understand you."
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Here's a breakdown of the final battle and some background info that no one asked for :D I noticed a mention of "hidden beneath leaves" and and an individual named "Akusuke" several times during the cutscene that takes place after the final battle. I got some throrough explanations from Ahriman and I'll share them here because they're pretty interesting and give a clearer understanding of the plot.

First things first, Akusuke is the demon boss, the self proclaimed "God of Pleasure/Desire". He, like Asagi, once followed the path of Public Morals and was a superb Public Morals Swordsman. However his own desire and libido grew and grew until his death. He was angered to find out that his sword (Hagakure, the same one Asagi uses) manipulates the user's personality (as well as other's it is used on, more on that later). His desire to attone for his oppresion, along with him being consumed by anger and unfulfilled lust, made his spirit became demonic, (and I think it's safe to say) Godlike/Devillike. His eyes were opened, sexual desires shouldn't be hidden or punished, they should be openly enjoyed and savored! All of this culminated in his desire to create a world filled with lust and openness to one's sexual desires, a "Pleasure Heaven". He has a distinct hate for the Public Morals Philosophy, as well as Hagakure (The wooden blade Asagi wields).

Hagakure translates to roughly "hidden under leaves" and is one of the scriptures from Bushido, the Japanese Way of the Warrior. In this context it serves as a reference to Bushido. The philosophy of Bushido , in case you're wondering, or the Way of the Warrior is to find a way to die. When choosing between life and death, a (warrior/samurai) must always choose death. If a warrior fails their goals and chooses life, they must be seen as a coward. If they fail their goals and choose death (suicide) they are seen as dying a dog's death. This is considered more honorable than the former, however. Basically Hagakure deals with choosing selfishness or honor when deciding to live or die (for one's master). The "hidden under leaves" meaning represented the end of the Bushido philosophy/lifestyle similar to how summer ends under the leaves of fall.

Back on topic. Hagakure has the power to cast out selfishness and sexual desire when it strikes someone. According to Akusuke, it "manipulates the wielder's personality", presumably similar to how a cursed/demonic blade would change the user's personality into one filled desires of violence/bloodlust. This change causes the user (Asagi in this case) to have a seemingly unbreakable will and resistance to pleasure or at least the resistance of becoming completely corrupted. This is shown just after the first phase of the fight against Akusuke, where he "defeats" the heroines and forces them to succumb to his "Hell of Pleasure/Pleasure Hell" assault where they are ravished thoroughly by tentacles in all of their weak spots. Asagi was able to resist complete submission by chanting the name of the sword, becoming "nothing/empty", and focusing her will on the Public Morals philosophy. This allowed her to free herself, attack Akusuke (temporarily incapacitating him) and free her friends, who were almost completely tamed by the overwhelming pleasure. There is a catch to the sword's abilities, that I've theorized to make sense at least. The sword can only manipulate the user if it is being used by them or in other words being held by them. In theory without direct contact to the user, their will will only be as strong as a normal person's. So when Asagi is defeated by Akusuke in the bad ending it would make sense that she would be disarmed before being completely tamed and/or brainwashed.

When Akusuke is defeated he laments at being unable to create his "Pleasure Heaven", and atone for his oppression as a Public Morals Swordsman. Asagi feels pity for him and considers that maybe Public Morals isn't the only way of life. (Note that in other areas in this world, Ahriman's world that is, sex is openly enjoyed. This is another part of Asagi's pilgrimage, to "bring people to their senses" so to speak.) Asagi however sticks to her resolve, as her will and belief in Public Morals has been strengthened throughout her journey, and she has grown greatly as a result.

But in master Ahriman's words, her growth isn't really the most important thing, because he prefers seeing strong-willed heroines surrender to pleasure. :D

Asagi - Masochist (She also seems to enjoy particularly enjoy sucking dick, her early capture scenes have her submissively and obediently giving head to her captor. She even gets complimented by the enemies each time, so maybe that's one of "special skills".
Whip - Anal Masochist (Made very clear throughout the meat of the game)
Ura - Kissing, implied masochist as well (When the three brother's did their triple licking technique to find which erogenous zone she was weakest to, I believe they concluded she was noticbly weak from tongue kissing. Also note that her some of most submissive scenes have her tongue kissing her captor, like during one of Prince Black's porn shoots.)
Blade - Her own ego/ she has a thing for Prince Black, possibly a thing for being filled with cum/ creampies too. Notice how she completely surrendered to Prince Black after being sexually trained and filled to the brim with his cum. When rescuing her from Akusuke's realm and her deepest fantasy is revealed, she starts off dominating Prince Black but eventually is dominated by him and filled up with cum until the point where her womb is bulging. So basically "creampies" and "Prince Black".)
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Wasn`t the blade of Hagakure shattered during the final bad end?
The hilt was lodged in Asagi`s rear end.

In that sense, Akusuke surpassed the blade/Asagi`s swordsmanship (in bad end).
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Actually, that Hagakure personality came out when the party were enslaved by Akusuke the first time (when Asagi chased after the guy alone). It's like a deep consciousness engraved into her mind, called "shadow". Thanks to that, she was able to break free of the guy's mind control.

However, when the guy throwed away his humanness and transformed into some kind of lust god, he raped even her deep consciousness, shadow, and erased it, along with all humaness from the girls. Asagi, however, with her resolution, became nothingness to resist the guy's attack.

In short, it's a battle between emptiness (lust) and emptiness (justice).

So, the sword just saved her the first time. Moreover, according to the last boss, it's actually an artifact of lust or something.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Wasn`t the blade of Hagakure shattered during the final bad end?
The hilt was lodged in Asagi`s rear end.

In that sense, Akusuke surpassed the blade/Asagi`s swordsmanship (in bad end).
Wasn`t the blade of Hagakure shattered during the final bad end?
The hilt was lodged in Asagi`s rear end.

In that sense, Akusuke surpassed the blade/Asagi`s swordsmanship (in bad end).

Asagi describes it as a "gift" from her new master Akusuke, as it was supposed to symbolize that the blade and the Public Morals philosophy was equivilant to shit to her, I can't remember if she literally used the word "shit" but she clearly was saying it was worthless/meaningless to her now. I'll have to see when I work on translating the defeat scene. I don't think Ahriman would shove a splintered piece a wood into any of his characters, it fits pretty far in her with the length that it is (It's a smooth rod shaped blunt piece of wood). Just look at the in-battle rape animation where her captor uses it as a makeshift dildo, if Ahriman wants it to fit without needing to be broken, it'll fit lol.

Like I theorized in my previous post, the blade only would influence her if she's wielding it, or constantly touching it. Any residual resistance the blade gives her wouldn't be significant; corruption by the God of Pleasure is thorough enough to brainwash the unprotected Asagi, as shown in the bad ending. Further proof that the blade's personality manipulation isn't strong enough to reverse brainwashing is that Asagi has the blade shoved deep in her "loose masochist hole" (her words not mine) so the blade being destroyed isn't necessary for it to not affect her brainwashing.

What this means, basically, is that there's no reason for a splintered wooden blade to be shoved into Asagi.

Akusuke definitely surpassed Asagi's swordsmanship (although he doesn't use a sword himself as a demon), in the bad ending but the way Ahriman describes it, Asagi changes to the thinking/philosophy of Akusuke, seeming to imply she was convinced or persuaded. Corrupted is clearly the best term though. Ahriman's stated that Asagi's masochistic disposition is inherent, so her being tamed and or brainwashed is easily done (without the interference of Hagakure). So basically:

Disarm Asagi -> Brainwash/Tame/Train her -> Sword no longer boosts resistance because there is no resistance to boost. Akusuke doesn't need to destroy Hagakure for any reason and doesn't really have motivation to do so. He hates what it represents (repression of desires) but doesn't have a reason to break it before shoving it into Asagi as the final symbol of her new philosophy, it fit well before. That and I don't remember seeing the sword broken. I'd have to ask to be 100% but I don't imagine a splintered wooden sword being shoved into Asagi, the most violent things I've seen in an Ahriman game is whipping and nipple piercings. I'll ask to be 100% though, I'd hate to mislead anybody.

In the final bad ending Asagi becomes the living incarnation the desire to be conquered by men, according to Ahriman.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Actually, that Hagakure personality came out when the party were enslaved by Akusuke the first time (when Asagi chased after the guy alone). It's like a deep consciousness engraved into her mind, called "shadow". Thanks to that, she was able to break free of the guy's mind control.

However, when the guy throwed away his humanness and transformed into some kind of lust god, he raped even her deep consciousness, shadow, and erased it, along with all humaness from the girls. Asagi, however, with her resolution, became nothingness to resist the guy's attack.

In short, it's a battle between emptiness (lust) and emptiness (justice).

So, the sword just saved her the first time. Moreover, according to the last boss, it's actually an artifact of lust or something.

Do you mean "humanity"? Akusuke died long ago and is already a spirit, a demon more specifically. Instead of throwing away his humanity, it appears that he ascended from a demon to a full blown "Lust God/Devil" in the middle of the final battle. He cast his humanity aside when initially became a demon.

The way Ahriman described it to me, Akusuke was angry when he found out the sword manipulated people's personalities. I interpreted that to mean it manipulates the user as well, but that may not be the case. This is the translation of what he sent me: "And, the essence of "Hagakure" was angry to know that it is the sword to manipulate the personality." (Referring to Akusuke being angry).

Seems like instead it is a sword made to manipulate only other people's personality by removing selfishness and libido.

Hagakure has been able to manipulate people since way back whenever Akusuke used it, so it wouldn't be the first time that ability was displayed/used.

Apparently Asagi won't really need Hagakure to resist the way she did in the fight against Akusuke in the future. Ahriman said he can't answer exactly how her high her resistance is, but says she is free of selfishness and has a very strong will. He said he likes the idea of Hagakure being her strongest weapon but her biggest weakness if it is taken from her.

Asagi becoming "shadow" is true, that's what it's called when she becomes nothing/empties her mind (I forgot to ask him about that). By separating her mind from the overwhelming pleasure her body was experiencing she was able to endure long enough to counter attack and escape. This isn't a "Hagakure state" or "mode" however, it's more accurately a "Shadow/nothingness state" or "Mode".

Hagakure is the opposite of a lustful item, it removes libido and selfishness from whoever is struck by it. Ahriman's translated statement: [The "Hagakure" is the name of the sword that has the Asagi.
The name of the Holy Scripture of Bushido, which was written in the Edo period and "Hagakure".
Description says "or find and to die and Bushido" is famous in Japan.
This is the expression that was born from metaphor to say "do not say the dead = selfishness".
Do not say selfish, publicly live it can be written that it virtues of Bushido.
However, this concept is also negative opinion that it's the concept that denies the individuality of personality.

"Hagakure (sword)" has expressed its negative aspects of this work, "public morals swordsman Asagi".
And it slashed the person in the "Hagakure" will lose selfishness.
And, we have been getting rid of wet in libido who.]
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I love this discussion into the plot.
I just wish I had more to report. Its goes very slowly it seems. Had to completely redo several of the files I had done previously due to some lack of understanding of RPGMaker Trans. So in the end I'm not a whole lot further than I was last time I commented. Though I am back from the home front and weddings. I should be able to work on it a bit more. While it was good to be back, it is difficult to do much with family around constantly.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I have problem that appears when changing location while chasing guy who is running away with green haired girl(Studio 1).
Could anyone help me out?
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

If you are using translation patch, it does not go further than that i reckon, due to no Pics or something, due to text altering on them
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I love this discussion into the plot.
I just wish I had more to report. Its goes very slowly it seems. Had to completely redo several of the files I had done previously due to some lack of understanding of RPGMaker Trans. So in the end I'm not a whole lot further than I was last time I commented. Though I am back from the home front and weddings. I should be able to work on it a bit more. While it was good to be back, it is difficult to do much with family around constantly.

No worries :) And yea, Donny is a good source of info.

Anyway, after playing this game... I feel like those guys in the NTR ward after their girls ran off.
Lack of any good games lately, or something with a cute spankable butt :p
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