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Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary enjoys the time tied next to Ai, working the ropes a little tighter so it will take a little while to escape when they want to. She eagerly returns the kiss for a while, until finding she's tightened her bindings a little too much.

"..Oops...Sorry." She says with a small grin. "...but that was fun."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Enjoying herself with the mage's lips, Ai totally ignores her working on the ropes, still wanting to tonguewrestle with Mary. After a while, she finds the bindings back on her, maybe a bit too tightly.
What is this..." she thinks as she withdraws from Mary's lips.

Hearing the other girl speak again, Ai replies to her
"...yeah... it was... pretty awesome.."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"It was! Oh...I didn't want the ropes to fall off, so I tightened them a little, sorry, I think I made them too tight, it might be a bit hard to get out of them now." Mary says, starting to struggle, her body rubbing against Ai's pleasurably.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Don't worry.. about it. We'll get out some way or... another" Ai gasps at her partner, joining the body grinding in an attempt at escaping the newly-fastened bonds
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary gasps when Ai struggles back, before long manging to undo the tightening she manged, getting the ropes off.

"How about we keep this rope for later?~"
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Moaning a bit as they work themselves out in a quite erotic fashion, Ai soon finds herself undone from the bindings
"Yeah, it might be of use later." she replies as she gets up and picks up her clothes from the ground

Done with robing herself again, Ai turns to the doors
"So, which way should we go to next?"
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary also dresses herself, enjoying her outfit quite a lot. She examines the room, looking at the three exits.

"Hmm, I tend to always think one should go straight when at such an intersection, just easier to press on forward, you know."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The two have a relatively uneventful trip down a long corridor that twists around to the left, and are then presented with an option; turn again, to go straight, or to open a rickety looking door in the direction of the entrance.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"A rickety looking door? Imagine what fun could be hiding behind that, shall we?~" Mary says with a grin, looking at Ai, knowing the most fun always lay behind closed doors.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The flimsy-looking door draws Ai's attention, despite it going towards the entrance.
"I can imagine all kinds of things.." Ai replies to Mary, opting for the door herself
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

When the two try to open the door it simply falls off its hinges, revealing a very large room with nothing in it but a small, plain chest just off-center. Even the chest looked as if it might fall apart given a little more time.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary watches with a blank stare as the door falls over. "Wow, this place must really be old...and look at that chest..."

Mary examines the chest, pondering about while looking around the rest of the room, stepping inside.

"Bet you it's a mimic..." She says to Ai, having a lot of experience with them in the past.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Oh.." Ai remarks at the door that was obliterated with a simple touch on the knob.

The room is way too big for the flimsy-looking chest near the center. Seeing no other things besides the aforementioned container, Ai turns to Mary as she wonders at it being a creature in disguise.
"Most likely it is.." she says, carefully going for the lid
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

When Ai carefully opens the lid, it too falls off its hinges, and the chest becomes a simple box with no lid. Inside is a robe, very dusty, but surprisingly still intact. A popup over the robe informs them that it will give whosoever wears it +1 defense.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"I was honestly kind of hoping for a mimic..." Mary says. "Well, it's a robe and I'm a mage, but you're also wearing robes of a sort, and you take more attacks. So I think it should go to you."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Well this place is completely falling apart.." Ai thinks as the lid falls off

Despite her initial protests, Ai decides to listen to Mary. She dusts of the cloak and puts it on.
"So, back to choosing more routes.." she says, turning to head back towards the intersection
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Ownership of the robe decided, they could now go back the way they had came, to the three-way intersection, or could continue on the path they had been going.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"I guess maybe we should turn off again, explore the side before continuing straight this time, I know it's proved to be useful to me before..." Mary suggests as Ai changes herself, half looking away and half watching.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"That works for me, I think we'll be going through most of the paths here anyway.. Ai replies to Mary, blushing slightly at her peeking episode still
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The girls decided to go back the way they came; luckily the path was still clear. The took the door that had been on their right (east), and came very quickly to an intersection; there was another rickety looking door to the north, and a path southward.