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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The girls cry out into their gags as Ai whips them, the ropes doing a second strike everywhere she hits. Ai finds the whip easy to use, as the ropes are helping to guide her strikes, helping her strike just right.

Ai sees a few of the ropes forming what appears to be, and is, rope dildos, the ropes sort of hover around the girls, apparently waiting permission from their mistress.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

With her desire of further payback guiding her hand, Ai whips the trio of girls for a while. She is pleased by the ease of control the sentient whip gives her, not to mention the apparent double strike feature

Seeing the ropey dildos form all over them, Ai deems it time to let the proper punishment begin.
"You may give it to them now" she says, reducing the number of lashes dished out.
"I hope you girls find this event helping you in future decisions" Ai tells the girls
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The dildos all start to prod at the holes, but two of them do something interesting. Forming together, they form a double ended one. Pressing itself towards Ai, waiting for her permission before entering her, Ai can tell that this would become a rope strap on dildo, allowing her to administer the punishment to the girls if she wanted.

The girls, for what it's worth, are having different reactions, Ashley is angry as always, though she has a bit of tears in her eyes from the pain. The other two look something like the whipping earlier was bliss for them.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Seeing the double-ender come into being, Ai's smile widens even further. Letting the dildo enter her, she looks over the girls, considering who to give the treatment. Walking over to Ashley, she remembers her earlier words.
"It was you who decided to leave me here, eh? Well, have something in return" Ai says, setting Ashley up so she can see her tearful, angry face.
"The other two would probably enjoy this, so they can do without" she says as she thrusts the rope dildo into Ashley's womanhood
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ashley cries out in anger as Ai thrusts the dildo into her. Ai can hear the other two scream in bliss as the ropes enter all their holes, both being penetrated deeply in the ass and pussy, coming instantly as they were already aroused from the whipping earlier.

Ashley glares at Ai before another dildo enters her ass, her face quickly changing to one of pleading as she yells muffled protests into the gag. Ashley also ends up reaching a climax as the dildo pounds into her matching Ai's thrusts.

Ai can feel the the rope start to vibrate, causing her to reach a climax with Ashley, the ropes supporting her and allowing her to continue thrusting despite that. The moans from the other girls informs that the ropes in them also started to vibrate much like hers.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Never thinking she'd be pounding away at another woman before, Ai still enjoys raping Ashley tremendously. Locking gazes with her, Ai can hear the other girls cry out their pleasure, as their holes are ravaged by the rope dildos

Still not letting her vision wander, Ai keeps intently looking into Ashley's hateful eyes.
"Let's see how you like this then" she says, giving a dildo the command to enter Ashley's rear. Seeing Ashley's face change from anger to helpless pleading makes Ai pump into her even harder
"Where's that defiant look now? Ever happened to think that I might be stuck here forever like this!? BECAUSE OF YOU!?" she shouts at her victim, even as Ashley comes hard from the punishment

After a brief moment of pumping, the vibrating ropes break Ai's pleasure limit, causing her to orgasm as well. Almost collapsing on Ashley as her legs nearly give out from the intensity of her release, Ai finds the ropes helping her here too. Supporting her, they allow her to carry on. Hearing the other girls moan again suggests similar vibrations happening there as well. Ignoring them, Ai stops thrusting into Ashley, keeping the dildo still in her though.
"Had enough yet? Did you learn anything from this?"
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ashley nods her head furiously even as she reaches another climax, Ai watches the fluids soak into the rope and notices as it grows larger inside of them both.

The feeling causes her to climax as well. The other girls getting a chance to watch Ai watch Ashley, looking incredibly turned on by it.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Good, I'll let you have another one then" Ai replies to Ashley's fervent nodding. As their love juices flow down the rope, it absorbs them, beginning to swell up inside them both. As they both climax again, Ai notices the other two looking at them with pleasure-glazed eyes.

Pulling the double-ender out from herself but leaving it inside Ashley, Ai gets up, giving the newly enlarged rope dildo a new command
"You may finish her off now"
With her attention now on the other pair, Ai walks over to them
"And whatever are we going to do with you?
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The double ender continues to fuck Ashley along with the one in her ass. The two other girls watch with wide eyed home as the ropes continue to pound away at them, looking at Ai with pleading eyes to make them happy in some way.

Another double ender presents itself to Ai, slowly sliding in her.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Hmm, maybe I'll give you two some joy, you don't seem as stuck-up as you little boss" Ai says to the pair, as a new double dildo forms, easily sliding into her honeypot. Proceeding to give them both an orgasm each, she receives two for herself in the process.

Giving the pair a parting gift, she leaves the double-ender inside Mary's flower, and orders the ropes to place Jaime on top of her. In their new position, they can go on happily pleasuring each other until they lose conciousness.

Ai gives out some last orders to her ropey friends: "Have your way with them for some time, then let them go. Maybe this'll teach them not to leave people in trouble." Gathering up her belongings, Ai thinks it's time to move back out and maybe start looking into the main parts of the tower.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The ropes eagerly obey and start to position the three girls in very lewd positions. Mary and Jamie are quite enjoying it as the ropes cause them to come many times, Ashley glaring daggers even through her climaxes.

The ropes that aren't busy with the girls follow Ai as she leaves the room. Helping her get dressed, the clothes easily hiding her harness underneath, the ropes make a sort of bridge across the pit for her, so she can go up the non spider stairs.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Seeing her orders carried out, Ai feels delighted. As the girls moan out their enjoyment, she sees Ashley staring at her with burning eyes. Walking over to her, Ai drives her heel on the dildo inside her, causing a painful reaction
"Remember what I told you, wench. This is what happens when you ignore people in trouble"

As Ai starts putting her clothes back on, she remembers the harness.
"Ohhh, I'll keep it on. It's nice and tight"
Seeing her clothes and weapon brought over to her, Ai gives out a small bow to the ropeys. As they put on some of her clothing for her, Ai starts to feel like a princess from the old time stories. One with sentient ropes as servants. Leaving the room behind, she exits back to the lower basement room. As the ropes form a bridge for her, she walks over it with easy steps.

As she reaches the main room of the basement, Ai decides to leave the basement. Up on the surface again, she takes a look at the decrepit tower. Not considering it worth her while, she heads out to the swamps again.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The ropes continue to follow her, coiling together and following her as a dense rope demon before she sets off, bowing deeply to her. She sets off along the walks again, she finds herself at what appears to be an eight way intersection as night is falling. Noting off in one distance what appears to be a small camp, with wooden palisade walls and a small tower with an archer standing atop it.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai leaves the tower behind her, moving back to the boardwalks again with her new friend in tow

After some uneventful travelling, Ai finds herself at an intersection again. Noticing the camp, she decides to head towards it, hoping to find new adventures there
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai arrived at the small camp, the archer on the tower eying the rope demon following her. "That thing well behaved?" He calls down to ask her.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Reaching the camp's outer edge, Ai can hear the archer on guard hollering at her.
"Yes, he'll obey what I say" she answers the question
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The guard nods to her, opting not to really say anything else.

The camp is small, it looks like there's a few parties of adventurers who are mostly camped around group campfires, some have tents, most do not, there's plenty of open space around and a campfire in the center of camp where a few people are sharing stories and food.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

As the guard nods at her, Ai gives the archer a small bow and thanks, then heads inside the camp's perimeter walls

Looking around the camp, Ai sees all kinds of people, adventurers of all stripes. Noticing the central campfire, Ai heads over there. She picks a spot near the fire, then sits down to listen what the folks nearby have to say
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai's greeted with a few friendly looks as she sits down, a few glances at the rope demon behind her disappear as the demon becomes a large set of coils like a stool, going under Ai so she can sit on it. A few of the looks become smirks as people ponder that. But the stories continue, quite a lot of interesting tales and rumors spread around, before eventually someone turns to Ai.

"Alright, so I gotta ask, is there a story behind that guy?" he indicates the stool of coils she's sitting on. "Cause I bet it's an interesting one."

Ai's listening to campfire story has given her a few adventure leads in the form of rumors, feel free to create some.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The people seem friendly enough when Ai enters the circle. As she turns around to face the fire, Ropey forms up into a large coil, giving Ai a stool to sit on. A bit surprised again by the creature's gentlymanly manner, she gives it a friendly smile. Sitting down, she calls out the game interface and hits the save button.

Noticing that people are looking at her makes Ai a bit nervious. Getting asked about the rope demon's story makes Ai blush
"Ropey's story? Well.. I.. it's embarassing.." she says, looking down to her knees.

Listening over the various stories and rumours, Ai hears a particularly distressing story about a missing party member. A young rookie girl's gone missing near a suspicious, ruined temple of some ancient deity. Thinking about looking into this, she gets ready to depart after a brief rest