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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"I'm not a mage myself...but I studied magic a little, so I might be able to counter this..." Yuki takes a look at the barrier, studying it as she concentrates, at some point she touches a few spots on the barrier, the magic receding as the giant slime is let out.

The mini slime that had followed Ai and Yuki goes to join the main body, as it slowly moves itself out, giving Ai and Yuki a slime hug.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai looks on at Yuki, seeing the semi-mage unlock the magical barrier with a few select touches on it. Ai is happy to see the slime free from the cell. As it slides forward, some of the mass reaches at the girls. Ai returns the embrace wholeheartedly, squishing her body against the slime's gelatinous mass
"You're welcome, I'm happy to help such kindly creatures. That encounter was... a bit rough at times, but I enjoyed every second of the ordeal" she says to the creature in a shy voice
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Yuki blushes as she overhears what Ai said. "..Really? Even when it forced us together...?" Of course, saying that deepened her blush and made her try and hide her head.

The slime seems to be asking the girls to follow it as it starts to go down another stairway.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"It's not my style to lie about such things" Ai says back at the girl, still holding on to the slime. Yuki's cute expression makes her smile a bit as the slime lets them go

The huge slime eventually starts to descend down another set of stairs nearby, urging at the girls to follow it with an outheld pseudopod.
"It might know the way.." Ai says to Yuki, going after the big jelly
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai and Yuki follow the slime down the steps, Ai noticing that this part of the abandoned temple seems even more abandoned, as if it were decades or possibly even centuries since someone came down this way. Partway down, Yuki decides to cling onto Ai, giving her a half hug as she hold onto the girl, feigning being scared.

The party arrives at the bottom, what seems like a long hallway over a dark pit is the only thing here, torches lining the outside walls, a blue light illuminating a large slab at the far end.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Heading down the stairs, Ai soon takes note of the place being even more untouched than the areas before that.
"Wonder how long it's been since somebody trod around these stairs?" she thinks, looking at the walls surrounding them. Yuki soon grabs onto her, surprising Ai first. But she soon notices the feigned state of fear the other girl is giving, letting her cling on nonetheless if it helps Yuki calm down

"This is.. quite a sight to behold.." Ai says out loud as they enter the torch-lit pit hallway. The slab at the back catches her attention as the soft blue light shimmers on it. Letting her curiousity take over, she starts going towards it
"What is that? One of those ceremonial altars or something?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"I'm not sure...it certainly doesn't seem like it..." Yuki starts, trying to figure out what it is.

As the slime prods the group foward a little bit, the pair walk forward. "Oh!" Yuki exclaims. "This...is a destiny stone..."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Looking at the slab still, Ai listens to Yuki as she ponders. Seeing no other alternative, she starts to head towards it. The big slime pokes at her back after the first step
"Oh, such a hurry you are in, we're going there" Ai says back at the pokey slime behind her

As Yuki suddenly comes to a realization about the stone's true origin, Ai turns towards her as they walk towards it
"A destiny stone? What's that?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Well, it's...sort of what it says? It's a stone with destiny written on it..." Yuki starts. "They're rare magical artifacts that reveal the future to those who read them."

Ai gets closer now, just close enough to read and make out the letters as Yuki explains what the stones are all about, how they used to be considered something a lot more important, but now a days they aren't always considered that important.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"That important things? No wonder it was hidden down here" Ai says as they close towards the slab of stone.

Once they are next to it, Ai starts to read text written on the stone's smooth surface, listening to Yuki explain the history of these stones
"What's wrong with people? Did they start to fear these stones or something?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"They just became...less common, less important, people moved on."

Ai starts to read the stone.

An age has gone
One of light
And one of dark
A girl will appear
One of no home
Betrayed once
But friends still made
The monsters will serve
The new dark overlord
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai's eyes widen as she reads the text appearing for her.
"What.. is this..?" she thinks, looking at the eerily accurate text about her recent past. But the last passage worried her
"Me, some evil queen of monsters? I don't wish to rule anybody, just have a peaceful co-existence between kindly enough creatures.." Ai continues pondering as the words sink deep into her mind
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Oh...another overlord stone...? That's...no comforting..." Yuki starts to say as she reads, looking at Ai with shock as Ai realizes the stone is about her.

"This is...about you? So I guess that means you rescued me to make me one of your monster's pleasure toys, isn't that the case?" Yuki says, teasing Ai about her new 'dark overlord' status.

"Don't worry too much...'dark overlord' isn't as bad as it sounds. But...I'm sure there will be some heroes who've heard this prophecy before who might want to 'punish' you for being a dark overlord." Yuki concludes, wrapping her arms around Ai's neck in a comforting hug.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"No.. I'm here to get you back to your party members, but.. stop teasing me" Ai says at Yuki, not sure about being able to go back anymore, with the prophecy heavily weighting on her mind. As Yuki embraces her, Ai returns the favour
"Yeah, let's hope I don't have to fight anyone for this.." she replies to the other girl's consolation
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Are you sure? I think it'd be more fun to be a pleasure toy..." Yuki says with a smirk as Ai decides it's time to leave.

"Secret Trait - Dark Overlord: This trait allows you to befriend certain monsters and makes it possible to encounter 'heroic' adventuring parties. It has many advantages and some small disadvantages, but it's generally tied into story.

This trait changes gameplay, but is currently in testing, please let us know if you find it fun."

The Giant Slime and Spinalis both follow Ai and Yuki as they make their way for the exit now, Yuki smiling and enjoying being with Ai now.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Well.. I enjoy it sure, but there's a certain limit to everything... I know how zealous some people can be" Ai replies to the smirking Yuki.

Looking over to the sudden trait window, Ai finds it somewhat relieving her mind from all this sudden madness. As they start to leave, Ai turns her attention towards the massive slime
"You seem intent on following me, so you'll need a name. There's a particular regality to your massive stature, so I guess it'll be King." she says, smiling at the big blob as they head back up
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Yuki smiles again. "Well, maybe I'll just stay by your side then, mistress Ai." giggling as she replies.

King seems to approve of his name, as the entire party starts to make their way out. Ai discovers that her new status as a 'dark overlord' seems to make her sensitive to magic, and after a little while, discovers she can do a tiny bit of it herself. Yuki gives her a bit of advice, and Ai finds herself able to summon up a new set of clothes easily.

They surprisingly find no enemies as they make their way out of the temple.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Really? Well, if that is your desire.. you're welcome to stay with me"

As they head out, Ai feels something new in her body. As she gives it some thought, it turns out being a magic sense of some kind. After a little bit of advice from her friend, Ai manages to conjure her white robes back. Being back in her familiar clothing makes her a bit happier

The group work themselves out from the ancient temple, oddly enough finding it completely abandoned as they head up.
"Did the perverts clear out? This is odd.." Ai thinks as they are in the wilderness once more
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Maybe we got lucky, or they got scared. I doubt they all left..." Yuki says, noting that Ai got clothes for herself, but Yuki is still almost completely naked.

Taking a look around, Ai can see the mysterious fog is still around, if a little thinner, and that it's probably very late in the evening.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Who knows. You can't conjure clothes yourself?" Ai thinks, looking at the practically naked Yuki standing there with only her panties on. Quickly coming up with something, Ai taps Yuki on the shoulder, creating a white and blue one-piece dress with a knee-high skirt.
"That should be better" she thinks, looking at her handiwork with

"But it's getting late.. It think we should find a resting place" Ai says, looking at the ominous mist still covering the surroundings