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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The man looks down at her, giving a small nod and smiling in his own way, he might have been trying to be friendly, but his smile didn't do anything to settle her down.

"Good then, I want to introduce myself, I'm the owner of Chamber Corp, Vincent Xavier."

"You're probably wondering why I'm here, yes?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Despite the man smiling at her, the way he practically hovered over Ai, combined with the said smile did still not make her calm down too much. When the man revealed that he was the president of the game company, there was some confusion in the busty girl's mind. Wondering why a man of such importance was personally there to see her, she replied to the man the best she could. "That is a natural reaction from me, a mere tester to see a higher official face-to-face like this."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Vincent nods. "Quite. Well, I'll tell you then fully. You've experienced a glitch in the EGG system. You were trapped inside for an amount in time in excess of our safety standards. Obviously, we don't want this to get out, so I'm here to offer you an upgrade in testing status, as we'd like for this to be kept quiet."

He explains in a moment. "You're likely curious what I mean by an upgrade in testing status. It's pretty simple, we have more advanced products still in earlier development stages, and we'd be willing to allow you to test those as well."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"So that's what this is about..." Ai thought, somewhat relieved upon hearing the prez's words. She could understand the man's reasons quite easily. Such bad rumours could ruin future sales easily, that mighty was the power of hearsay. The offer to get a shot at the more advanced things they had in store made the girl curious. As if the EGG itself hadn't been advanced enough...

Bowing her head at the man, Ai agreed to his offer. "I'd love to test these other things. Though I'm not sure how much advanced they can be, as the original product is quite impressive already."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The man gives a grin. "Good, good." He says, seeming a little relieved as he dismisses the others. The nurse looks a little sad as she leaves, afraid almost Ai would describe it.

"Anyways, how about you get a good rest for tonight? Someone will be along and escort you to one of the tester suites." He says, turning and leaving as Ai is left alone again.

A few minutes later, a knock is heard at the door and a man enters, as he escorts her to the elevators, using a key and ushering her inside, as the elevator goes to the top floors. A short walk through a few hallways and Ai is lead to what looks like a hotel suite...though she'll notice after looking around there appears not to be any connection to the outside world.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

There still was some doubt in the girl's mind as the president got rid of the other people, dismissing them to their proper jobs. "Suppose that's a good idea..." Ai gave an answer, though it seemed like her voice didn't have much effect on the outcome as the man was already heading out to get her an escort. Being left alone once again, she had to spend a few minutes in silence before the escort came over to get her.

After a ride in the staff elevator, there was indeed a suite waiting for her behind the door. A quick look around did show her that the room was very much cut off from the outside world, making it suddenly gain a prison-like air to it. But there wasn't too much choice for her, so the busty girl settled down on her room. "They sure are keen on this silence thing...." she thought. Once the escort would go away, she would take a much-needed shower. Spending those hours in the EGG had made her sweaty, and that was to be cleaned away once there was an opportunity.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai had nice a shower, washing away the sweat and dirty feelings of the day. Feeling exhausted now, probably as a result of just everything that had happened, Ai collapses on the bed, finding it very very comfortable as she crawls under the covers. In the morning she awakes to find a tray of breakfast on her bedside table, as well as a small folded note next to it, ready for her to read at her leisure.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Hmmm... showertime!"

Having seen the man leave, Ai could do her washing in peace. Taking care to clean every inch of her shapely body properly, the girl took her time in the shower. Once satisfied with her level of cleanliness, she went off to have a good sleep, still somewhat tired from the ordeal she went through earlier.

Waking up to the smell of food, Ai finds a set of breakfast at the side of her bed. While munching on the foods, she also sees a note. "Let's see that..." the girl mumbles as she picks up the note to inspect it during her meal.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai finds the breakfast very tasty as she opens up the note.


Sorry to contact you like this, with a note, but as you know everyone here is very busy, so I figured this was the best way to fill you in on that's going on. We have a few products that you've been approved to test for. These are all strictly confidential.

1. EGG Dynamic Content Creator - This one might be a bit misleading, as it's actually sort of the testbed and the secret behind our EGG software. These machines are designed to help a person express creativity in any sort, offering the same VR as the EGG itself, this allows the tester to instead of expericing content, create it. It is possible to hook up to an EGG being tested, and then direct the other testers game with the controls
2. EGG Persistent Online World - A mostly in house project, as you know, there are testing stations all across the city. This is a project for special testers and staff, having an online persistent world using the EGG engine.
((This means that other characters in the world would be people from the egg world, multiplayer in the egg world, singleplayer from a thread standpoint))
3. Feel free to come up with a three if you have an interesting idea.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"So gooood~"

The food surprised Ai with it's taste, it was clearly not some mass-produced conveyor belt food, but a breakfast done with skill and love. Among the munching, she got to reading the note. It detailed other options open to her now that she had her upgraded status. "Not sure how good I'd be as a game leader, being the terribly uncreative girl that I am.... Suppose I'll go with the second option."

Having made up her mind, Ai would finish her breakfast with eagerness and see when see would be able to continue doing the testing.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

And then...the world froze. But it continued, like nothing ever happened.

Ai made her way towards the testing area, noticing how nice the living conditions here were. It was more like a fancy hotel then a sterile testing facility. When she reached her destination, a quick knock on the door had someone inviting her in.

A look around the room revealed there to be four egg stations, though all were closed off from each other, and Ai couldn't see if any of them were occupied or not. A young man reading a manga was sitting at a desk with his feet up on the table, he gave her a quick and friendly wave, returning to the book unless she asked him a question.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

A brief stillness in space caught Ai's attention. She wondered about it very briefly, but continued on her way soon. It was probably nothing.

The privileged test areas were so much comfier and homelier than the earlier lab-type location. Thorougly enjoying herself, the brunette found the new test area pretty fast. The testing machines were somewhat unclear as to their occupation statuses, so she asked the otaku person. "Which one can I use? I'm not sure if there's someone in these or not..." the busty girl inquired from this new supervisor.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The man puts down his book to look at Ai, before pulling a sheet out from under his desk. He looks at it quick and makes a few marks on it. "They're all free." he explained. "Go ahead and step into any of them, we keep them curtained off because well, we don't want anyone to recognize anyone they might meet online, for the most part, at the moment."

He gives her a quick nod before returning to his book.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

After Ai's question, the comic dude stirred a bit from his reading reverie. Apparently, all of the pods were free, despite being so unsuggestive about the status of their possible inhabitants. "Alright, that's what I'll do." the busty girl replied, getting herself into a console while the man went back to his reading.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai manages to slip herself into one of the pods, getting settled as she waited for the usual menus and settings to show up. She saw as the world was loading and connecting, and found herself in the usual black nothingness, floating.

However, when it disappeared, it wasn't with the usual generated world she was used to. Instead she was still in a black void, though standing on what looked to be a platform of solid light. It was kind of cool honestly, very fantasy looking. Menus appeared in front of her, sort of character creation options.

The game suggested import of her single player character, which would be adjusted for online play and balance. Because of the game mode the original game had entered, her character would be of the summoner class. She could retain her spear, and her 'friends', though she could only have one of the three summoned with her at a time.

Of course, she could make an entirely new character from scratch, including what sort of armor she'd like to wear, if she so wished.

But one way or another, it seemed to want her decide on her character before entering the world proper.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The special game console was familiar at first, with the usual menus hassles and such. But once those had passed, there was a bit of new in works, with some deeper analysis into her game persona and the acquired class system. Even though she could have created a new character, Ai really had no reason to. "I've pretty much estabilished myself already, so why change a good thing?" the girl thought, opting to go with her already existinging specs.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai finds herself finishing the loading a few seconds after she decides to import her character. The world doesn't fully go to black, but it looks like she's descending from her floating platform. The world sort of blurring vertically around her, feet hitting solid ground softly after a moment while the world blurs into view.

Above her is a blue sky, clouds drifting lazily through the air. She appears to be in a town square of sorts, a sort of safe login area, she suspects. Around her seems to be a hamlet. It looks a little busy, NPCs and PCs alight moving around. The town has a few shops, and is enclosed by walls, she can tell that much, though she can't see the entire place from where she is.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

A short transport descent followed Ai's decision to go with her already estabilished character set-up, bringing her into the town of the multiplayer game. It seemed what one would expect from a starting town, a small but still decently busy place. While she might have found something in the stores, there was no money on her, at least to her knowledge. Not really sure what to do, the busty girl decided to look about for possible adventure hooks. If that failed, she just might have to leave the town on her own.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai decided to wander about town, hoping she'd find an adventure hook or two. At first it doesn't seem like she's having much luck. Until she feels someone bump into her. It was at a high speed, from behind, knocking her off balance for a minute. By the time she turned around, all she saw of the event was a shady looking man dashing into an ally. The part of town where she was happened to be fairly empty, and simple game knowledge told her the person who'd bumped into her was an NPC, so this was probably the adventure hook she had been waiting for.

Of course, she could ignore it, but if she wanted to give chase, she had only a few moments to make that choice.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Bumbling forward after such a harsh tackle, Ai took a moment to get herself re-oriented. Seeing the shady man run told her that this would be the opportunity for adventure that she was looking for. So, the girl went after him even while she had just been tackled.