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Re: Akabur Games

^ I see that fanmade fem-Jafar got a few followers :p
Re: Akabur Games

Double cause nothing : another 2 intense time waste videos added since monday on dailymotion. 1 on monday with a tour of his apartment and another yesterday with some sketches and drawings. Gotta love waiting 1+ year on him with nothing to hold us but random home-made video crap and promises of epicness to come "someday".

I can over-hype myself to promises and maybes but this is getting lame :(
Re: Akabur Games

Yeah, I couldn't even be bothered to watch his last two videos. The same shot of that window with the TMNT pillow on the sill, and him gibbering about nothing I'm guessing. Or waiting for the taxi to another class. There was also a "dicks everywhere" post about Bordello, but I didn't think anybody would be that interested in a pencil-drawing of a sketchy dude with a horse dong.
Re: Akabur Games

That Korra game was just released. Everyone on 4chan says it's shit.
Re: Akabur Games

^ 4chan would call the Mona Lisa a POS since the actual painting is so small
Re: Akabur Games

^ 4chan would call the Mona Lisa a POS since the actual painting is so small

Are they lying? Because if what they say it's true then it sounds pretty bad.

Is this only someone's side project or was it a patreon thing? Because if it's the latter then kiddie gloves are off.
Re: Akabur Games

It's a side project, I think. There are two Korra games. The one that I think was mentioned previously in this thread is something a handful of posters from 4chan are working on, and it's way off from a release, I'd guess. This one is some old project the guy was working on and then abandoned. For whatever reason, he's decided that he'd might as well dump it on his fans or supporters. The whole thing was teased about two weeks ago, contingent on the thing actually running I guess, and now it's out.

It's pretty shit, though. There's about 15 minutes of gameplay in it, and a small handful of images. It freezes up at various points. Under other circumstances, I'd say his supporters should call for his head, but unless I've missed something, this is simply an underwhelming "meh" of an abandonware release that otherwise would have just been deleted.

It might be better if he released the source code so someone could at least improve on it, but I have a feeling you could recreate the game from scratch in an hour or two.
Re: Akabur Games

Are they lying? Because if what they say it's true then it sounds pretty bad.

Is this only someone's side project or was it a patreon thing? Because if it's the latter then kiddie gloves are off.

The person has a patreon but the game is completely free.
Re: Akabur Games

Anyone have a link to the korra trainer.
Re: Akabur Games

There's a link on the creator's tumblr-page: snip

Well, it IS Gunsmoke. What'd you expect from a guy who leaves, comes back with a new name, then vehemently denies being Gunsmoke even when everything about the art is the exact same. Dude never realized it's like a fucking fingerprint.
Re: Akabur Games

Pretty sure Bend or Break is a demo at current, and it's pretty good, all things considered.

I mean, it has a bunch of bugs and can fuck the game up, but it's not really long enough for that to really matter.

It's a lot simpler than Akabur's games, but the art is much better and it holds more promise.
Re: Akabur Games

It's not a demo. Or at least it's not currently meant as one. SunsetRiders or Gunsmoke or whoever has repeatedly said he has no intention of fixing or finishing it. It's something he started on, got bored with, and decided to release anyway.

There's no promise about it. He could always change his mind, but I doubt he would given the response the game has gotten. So what you see is what you get.
Re: Akabur Games

It's not a demo. Or at least it's not currently meant as one. SunsetRiders or Gunsmoke or whoever has repeatedly said he has no intention of fixing or finishing it. It's something he started on, got bored with, and decided to release anyway.

There's no promise about it. He could always change his mind, but I doubt he would given the response the game has gotten. So what you see is what you get.

He said he stopped working on this 8 months ago but did a few things a while ago before deciding to release it. He also said he is working on another game which more complicated than this.
Re: Akabur Games

Yeah, I misread "promo" and "demo"

My bad.
Re: Akabur Games

Anyone got news since last week's utter fail 2 videos ?
Re: Akabur Games

Not really. He declined again to provide a percentage or an estimate of the release date when asked, but that's about the only news on PT.

Apparently the guy doing BHB had space at an E3 convention where he was going to show it off. He couldn't finish a demo in time, and had to give up the space, though. I don't know what the fuck the deal with that is. Let's show off the stunning technology of Ren'py, black-and-white art for no reason, moderately legible English, and an exclusively menu-based interface at E3. We'll set the world on fire!

Edit: New update this morning.

Akabur said:
Hello, guys.

It's been a while since my last post, huh?

I've been extremely busy lately, and when you are busy time tends to fly by with an astonishing speed. Yesterday was Tuesday, but today is Sunday already? 0_0

I'm not going to talk about how much I work on the game and all that crap... Most of you know by know how I live my life: I ignore everything and everyone, and my work is ALWAYS my number one priority. Hell, I even pick up my PS3 controller only every other day (as opposed to every day), which is saddening, because playing video games is the second most important activity in my life... Although... No, I think my priority list would actually look like this:

1. Health.
2. Work.
3. Education.
4. Video Games.
5. TV-shows.
6. Movies.
7. Family and friends.

Yes, that's about right. And since you guys play a big role in my work you are almost on top of that list... I value you more then family and friends apparently. And rightfully so, I must say. Pesky family, puny friends, what they ever did for me? When YOU guys, enable me to keep on working on the projects of my choosing and not answer to anyone. This doesn't stop me from continuing to ignore that tone of emails and messages from patreon I still haven't replied to yet though...

Past couple of weeks Lola's non-story sex scenes were taking all of my time... I just finished a huge chunk of work today and will be taking a small break to work on a couple of CGs for BHB. After I'm done with that, I will be getting back to Lola. I decided to use a new approach in creating her non-story sex scenes... Basically the whole scene consists of 9 major scenes that you can jump between. 3 for oral, 3 for anal and 3 for traditional. Then ever each one of them has two different endings: "Cum inside" and "Pull out". So... 2x3 = 6 different endings... Plus 3 secret "special finisher" endings - one for every route and only accessible by fulfilling a special condition... All that is done now and 100% working. But this is not all. There should be another 3 lengthy non-story sex scenes that will be only available when a super secret condition is met... This is something that I will be working on as soon as the "BHB" bit is done.

I know that the description from above is confusing as fuck and doesn't tell you anything really, or maybe gives you a completely wrong idea about things. This is why I don't like to talk about things that are still in development. I know many guys would start working on the game by creating an intro movie, a logo and a catchy title, and then proceed with endless talks and discussions instead of actually working. I use different approach: I prefer to lay low in my bat-cave for 6+ months and then jsut surprise everyone. Usually this is not possible, but Patreon changes that.

Another reason why I don't like to discuss my work in progress is that when I start discussing things like that, people start to voice there opinions, give me suggestions and that often changes the original idea into something else, and I try to avoid that...

All you need to know is that Lola's sex scenes taking tons of my time and you will see exectly why when you'll get to play them.

I try to avoid giving you any sort of promises because that is not the right way to go in my humble opinion. All I can say is: "Just trust me...".

Well, I suppose I could discuss some more "PT:GOLD" related things since were started talking about this... Who knows how long it will be until I decide to share anything else again right?

Well the current state of things is that there is a possibility that Rose the teacher will be not getting any additional events and there will be no way to bone her...

Instead I'm thinking about giving Azalea (the shop owner) much more screen-time then I had planed originally. I'm thinking about creating a whole little story for her that will not only feature several quests just about her but will even let you make some decisions that will lead to two distinctly different consequences for the girl. This whole thing will not affect the main story much but if done properly could be really fun to play.

I also plan add this and that. And also that thing is already in the game, and that other thing is about to be in the game... To hell with that. Just trust me...

Anyway this is how things are at the moment. And as for any release dates... You should NOT expect the game anytime soon. The thing is I managed to save enough money by now that I have no reason to worry about the fate of "PT: GOLD". Even if (god forbid) patreon were to go under tomorrow I would still have enough money to sustain myself long enough, to be able to keep on working on the game full-time and finish it the way I see it. That would burn all my saving for VanArts of course, but the game would be out no matter what... This is why I am not rushing things anymore. Most of you know me for a very long time, so I know I don't have to prove you guys anything. I'm pouring my soul into this bitch, yet again, so you know it's going to be good.

And that's all. Thank you for your support.

I'm sharing a short random clip of Lola, hope you'll like it. The texts haven't been proofread yet so I hope there not too many mistakes.

Thank you for your support.

Your loyal slave, Akabur.

I wonder what the chances are that all these new scenes he describes are chibi-only?
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Re: Akabur Games

Apparently the guy doing BHB had space at an E3 convention where he was going to show it off. He couldn't finish a demo in time, and had to give up the space, though. I don't know what the fuck the deal with that is. Let's show off the stunning technology of Ren'py, black-and-white art for no reason, moderately legible English, and an exclusively menu-based interface at E3. We'll set the world on fire!

someone here totally lack sense of humor =Р