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Alduris: The Unveiling


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
New material mentioned in posts will be highlighted until the next time when new things are added.

How the game works:
(Non-combat scenes are pretty straightforward, I think, but feel free to ask any questions you have.)
Combat System​
List of actions available in combat:
Heavy Attack - 6 AP (Normal attack with 125% damage, 200% damage to Stamina)
Grapple - 6 AP (does no damage, but prevents the enemy from using heavy attacks, normal attacks, or spells and from moving. Initial grapple attacks have a hit chance roll against the enemy’s dodge and Physical Resistance. (d100 must be higher than opponent’s Dodge + Physical Resistance). Grapple attacks allow the aggressor to change the damage they deal with attacks to Stamina damage by, you guessed it, sexually assaulting them, if they so choose. The aggressor will take half the damage dealt to the enemy’s stamina as damage to their own stamina when using heavy attacks, and one fourth the damage when using normal or light attacks. The defender may use light attacks to deal damage or sexually assault the aggressor, or use a grapple attack to attempt to take the upper hand. They can either become the aggressor or escape the grapple and move away. Choosing to stop grappling while in the dominant position costs no AP and leaves the two of you in close range. Neither may use spells or abilities. Both will use their Unarmed stat times two for damage calculations.
Normal Attack -- 4 AP, Melee/Ranged derived stat in damage to Health and Stamina.
Light Attack -- 2 AP, 35% damage, increases chance to hit by 10% (less for swift enemies) up to 80%.
Defend -- 2 AP, reduces damage to Health and Stamina by enemy’s first strike in the next round by 25%. If enemy’s first attack is a grapple, add 25 to chance to escape. Only usable as the last move of your turn, obviously.
Take Cover -- 1 AP, reduces ranged chance to hit significantly until the opponent has moved to a spot where he/she can see you; it also adds 5% chance to dodge to enemy melee attacks for first round after taking cover.
Move -- X AP, specify how much AP you want to spend moving, which direction you want to move in, and what you hope to accomplish by moving -- the enemy will need to spend a similar amount to catch up to you – but they may also knock you down if you try to flee too often, making grapple attacks easier (+5% chance to succeed).
[highlight]Crippling Attacks: Using any attack you want as a baseline, you may choose to aim to cripple or otherwise debuff your opponent. If you choose to do this, you may trade any number of hit chance% for crit chance% -- a crit will grant you a debuff involving where you aimed.[/highlight]

Variables used:

Health (pretty obvious)
Mana (used to cast spells or activate abilities, will regenerate very slowly until you rest)
Action points: See above list.
Stamina: This will measure your ability to resist and sexual endurance. When you take damage, you will suffer the same amount of damage in stamina. If your stamina drops to zero, you will no longer be able to fight or leave the area -- rape is pretty much guaranteed if anyone is there. You will regenerate stamina only when you rest. Causing your opponent to run out of Stamina will allow you to do whatever you want with or to your opponent -- rape them, cuddle with them, kill them, attempt to enslave them, pleasure yourself in front of them, eat them -- whatever you want. Once I have alerted you that your opponent’s Stamina has reached zero, please roleplay with them however you wish in your next post, then let me know what you want to do after you are finished.

Damage dealt:
Critical Chance: d100 – if you score higher than 100 minus your crit chance, you will deal extra damage and/or cause special debuffs to your opponent. Normal and light weapons will deal an additional 50% damage, and heavy weapons will deal an additional 75% damage. Spells do not get a chance to critically hit due to already high damage.
Melee/Ranged/Unarmed Derived Stat: This will be your basic damage. (Melee/Ranged/Unarmed skills will be used primarily for determining whether or not you can use better weapons. Unarmed weapons will include things like brass knuckles, enchanted hand wraps, etc.)
Max spell damage/healing: Regenerative/Destructive Magic skill / 2. Otherwise, heroes will go around one-shotting things with spells, am I right?

Damage received:
Physical/Mental Resistance: Resistance will affect roleplay effects of certain attacks. Heavy attacks used by enemies will also have a roll against your Resistance. If they win handily, they might just inflict a status debuff on you. If they barely win, you might get some nasty bruises or something -- something you can roleplay with but won't necessarily limit you if you don’t want it to. However, if you win the roll, you'll shave off some damage by converting the hit to a glancing blow. Players will only get similar roles when attacking if the opponent is noticeably weaker (attacker’s STR is 50% higher -- or more -- than defender’s STR)
Damage Threshold lowers the damage you take from all direct attacks by directly subtracting from the damage you would normally take. Most attacks will be reduced to, at the lowest, one.
Dodge: Dodge(skill)/4 = percentage decrease to enemy's accuracy -- initial chance to hit is 95%.

The standard chance to hit is always 95% without any dodge modifications. Higher level enemies will have an even higher chance to dodge.
Losing a battle due to stamina loss will involve rape, but losing a battle to health loss will generally be less pleasant.

[highlight]Spell Creation by Tassadar![/highlight]
Tassadar said:
Wanted to keep it sort of similar to the one you made. I think it might be easier to leave the ranges alone. I dropped skills, because modifying specific skills would add more complication to an already complicated system.

x = amount of damage a spell does.
y = duration of a spell. By default, always 1. Has to be decided upon spell creation, and cannot be changed later on without creating a whole new spell.
z = buff/debuff to a SPECIAL stat. By default, 0, and must be decided upon spell creation, and cannot be changed later without making an entirely new spell.

The mana cost of a spell, based on range:
Touch: y(.5x + .8z) -- one target
Cone: y(x + 1.5z) -- a few targets in an area in front of you
Beam: y(.6x + z) -- one target
Radial: y(x + 2z) -- all targets within a circular area around the caster (low-med range)
Distant Radial: y(2x + 3z) -- all targets within a circular area anywhere you can hit

The whole "cannot be changed later" thing shouldn't be a problem since there isn't a maximum number of spells a character can know at the moment. The numbers are small because magic needs to be an option all on its own, and since high mana at level 1 is around 50, it seems likely that characters won't get anywhere near 100 for a while.

Also, if a spell wants to affect multiple SPECIAL stats, treat it as though their were just another z, but make it so that all z values have to be the same.

For example:
A spell that just does x damage at Touch range would cost .5x mana and would deal x damage.
A spell that did x damage and depleted an enemies Strength by 3 for 3 rounds at Beam range would cost: 3(.6x + 3) = 1.8x + 9.
A spell that depleted all enemies Agility by 2 and did x damage for 4 rounds in a radius around the caster would cost: 4(x + 4) = 4x + 16.
A spell that just did x damage in a radius at a target of the casters choice for 3 rounds would cost: 6x
Edited by myself: Spells will do, at max, (Regenerative or Destructive Magic)/2 damage.

Simplified example battle (ignoring feats, faults, specs, and roleplay):
Player vs. Player
Player One: Teraphim
Name: Teraphin Solem
Race: Human
Age: 26

Strength: 7
Perception: 5
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 9
Luck: 5
Spirit: 3

Derived Stats
Action points: 5 + AGI = 14
Critical Chance: LUK% = 5%
Damage Threshold: Armor = 2
Health: 20 + (END x 4) = 44
Mana: 20 + (SPI x 3) + INT = 34
Stamina: 100 + (END x 8) = 148
Physical Resistance: Damage Threshold + END = 8
Mental Resistance: Damage Threshold + (END/2) + (INT/2) = 7.5
Melee: (Weapon damage / [Points below req STR + 1]) + (STR/2) = 6.5
Ranged: (Weapon damage / [Points below req AGI + 1]) + (AGI/2) = N/A
Unarmed: (Unarmed skill/5) + (STR/2) = 5.8

Alchemy – Primary stat: Intelligence – 10
Barter – Primary stat: Charisma – 10
Destructive Magic – Primary stat: Spirit – 6
Dodge – Dual stats: Agility, Endurance – 15
Explosives – Primary stat: Perception – 10
Guns – Primary stat: Agility – 18
Lockpick – Primary stat: Perception – 10
Medicine – Primary stat: Intelligence – 10
Melee – Primary stat: Strength – 14
Regenerative Magic – Primary stat: Spirit – 6
Repair – Primary stat: Intelligence – 10
Sneak – Primary stat: Agility – 18
Speech – Primary stat: Charisma – 10
Survival – Primary stat: Endurance – 12
Unarmed – Dual stats: Strength, Endurance – 13

Damaged Blade: 3 damage
Leather Armor: 2 Damage Threshold, 8 Durability

Player Two: Candus
Name: Candus Tamorin
Race: Human
Age: 18

Strength: 4
Perception: 4
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 4
Luck: 5
Spirit: 10

Derived Stats
Action points: 5 + AGI = 9
Critical Chance: LUK% = 5%
Damage Threshold: Armor = 1
Health: 20 + (END x 4) = 36
Mana: 20 + (SPI x 3) + INT = 60
Stamina: 100 + (END x 8) = 124
Physical Resistance: Damage Threshold + END = 5
Mental Resistance: Damage Threshold + (END/2) + (INT/2) = 8
Melee: (Weapon damage / [Points below req STR + 1]) + (STR/2) = 3
Ranged: (Weapon damage / [Points below req AGI + 1]) + (AGI/2) = N/A
Unarmed: (Unarmed skill/5) + (STR/2) = 3.75

Alchemy – Primary stat: Intelligence – 20
Barter – Primary stat: Charisma – 8
Destructive Magic – Primary stat: Spirit – 20
Dodge – Dual stats: Agility, Endurance – 8
Explosives – Primary stat: Perception – 8
Guns – Primary stat: Agility – 8
Lockpick – Primary stat: Perception – 8
Medicine – Primary stat: Intelligence – 20
Melee – Primary stat: Strength – 8
Regenerative Magic – Primary stat: Spirit – 20
Repair – Primary stat: Intelligence – 20
Sneak – Primary stat: Agility – 8
Speech – Primary stat: Charisma – 8
Survival – Primary stat: Endurance – 8
Unarmed – Dual stats: Strength, Endurance – 8

Weathered Staff: 1 damage, 15% chance to stun target for next round.
Clothing: 1 Damage Threshold, +3 to Speech, 5 Durability

Burning Hands (touch): .5x
Ray of Light (beam): .6x

Scenario: Not particularly important in an example, but let's have both of them start at close range, nearly face-to-face, but with both cognizant of each other.

Teraphim d20 + 9 AGI = 16
Candus d20 + 4 AGI = 13
Teraphim gets the first strike.

Teraphim: 44 HP, 14 AP, 148 Stamina
Candrus: 36 HP, 9 AP, 60 Mana, 132 Stamina

Teraphim: two heavy attacks, one light attack
2x Heavy Attack:
[Hit Chance: 2d100, higher than 7 = successful attack; 11,16; success!]
[Crit Chance: 2d100, 95 or higher = crit; 11, 24; normal hit]
[Damage dealt: 2 * (6.5 * 125%) = 14.3 damage]
Candrus: 22 HP, 9 AP, 60 Mana, 103 Stamina
1 Light Attack:
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 7 = successful attack; 89; success!]
[Crit Chance: d100, 95 or higher is a crit; 79; normal hit]
[Damage dealt: 6.5 * 35% = 2.3 damage]
Candrus: 20 HP, 9 AP, 60 Mana, 101 Stamina

Candrus: 2 x Burning Hands at max (10) damage each, find cover
[Hit Chance: 2d100, higher than 9 = succesful attack: 69, 51; success!]
[Damage dealt: 10 x 2 = 20 damage]
Teraphim: 24 HP, 0 AP, 108 Stamina
Candrus: 20 HP, 0 AP, 50 Mana, 101 Stamina

Candrus jumps into a nearby small building.

New Round:
Teraphim: 24 HP, 14 AP, 108 Stamina
Candrus: 20 HP, 9 AP, 50 Mana, 101 Stamina

Teraphim: Follow Candrus (1 AP), 1 grapple, 1 normal attack, 2 light attacks (all converted to Stamina damage if grapple is successful)
Teraphim swiftly follows Candrus into the building.
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 12 = successful grapple; 13; success!]
Normal Attack:
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 7 = successful attack; 19; success!]
[Crit Chance: d100, 95 or higher = crit; 74; normal hit]
[Damage dealt: 2 * 6.5 = 13 damage to Stamina only]
2x Light Attacks:
[Hit Chance: 2d100, higher than 7 = successful attack; 45, 95; success!]
[Crit Chance: 2d100, 95 or higher = crit; 41, 76; normal hit]
[Damage dealt: 2*(6.5*35%) = 4.55 = 5 damage to Stamina only]
Candrus: 20 HP, 9 AP, 50 Mana, 83 Stamina

And so on. Candrus would most likely attempt to either break the grapple and start casting spells again or attempt to switch to the dominant role in the grapple. Teraphim would probably keep trying to rape Candrus into submission in order to gain a lovely sex toy, or whatever. Keep in mind that if you try to get someone unwilling to follow you, they will obviously try to escape.
Please note that I love to reward ingenuity -- if I say that the building you just entered seems unsteady, knocking down the walls to bring the roof crashing down is a viable choice -- though you’d obviously need to consider the risks and consequences.
There will be no permanent deaths, but long-term debuffs are certainly a possibility.
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Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

World design: A or B
Difficulty: I think B
Sex: Does it matter they're all yes, unless that's a typo or you meant to put differing levels of sex in there?


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

World design: A or B
Difficulty: I think B
Sex: Does it matter they're all yes, unless that's a typo or you meant to put differing levels of sex in there?
No, that was on purpose. ;)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

I could go for C. Though, an interesting idea might be to go for all 3 in one game somehow, sort of like Jumpers. Still, that's a bit ambitious, so consider my vote C.

Also, I've always liked SPECIAL. It reminds me of unisystem, almost. For the Difficulty, I've found that B is the best route, unless you're hoping for lots of ero, in which case I'd go with C. Leave god modding for when you don't have the opportunity for smut.


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Thanks for the votes, everyone. ;) I'll keep plugging away on the systems in the meantime. Also, your votes are essentially cancelling each other out... >.>


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

I too am a newcomer who wants to be involved in an active PbP here.
B for difficulty
A or B for setting. I could be okay with C, but I would rather it not be a vanilla modern (ie: there are sci-fi/magic/monstrous elements in it, just its set during modern times rather than 5000 years in the future.)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

C for setting and B for difficulty.


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Okay, all votes have been accounted for... And we're still tied up with the World Design vote.

I'll take any closing arguments from anyone (playing or not) before moving forward, but it looks like we're going to be combining all three worlds into one. Suggestions would be wonderful, but I think I may have an idea...

EDIT: We still have room for four more players!
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Eh? Combine all three? Mmm, maybe I'll switch to C just so we can ground ourselves. (But if we do C, will there be magical powers or no?)


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

I'l leave that up to you guys to discuss. In any event, I'm writing a story that can feature any (or all) of these choices and working on other things, so try to come to a consensus. I am more than willing to blend two or three of the worlds together.

I've decided that all of these choices are awesome with me. :)

EDIT: Alright, here's how we're gonna vote this time.
Game World

Discuss this amongst yourselves for a while, and I'll post on Sunday.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Perhaps I'd be more inclined to vote one way or another if I knew a brief synopsis of your story? (Or ideas for each case, should you have separate ideas for A, B, C, and D.)


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Perhaps I'd be more inclined to vote one way or another if I knew a brief synopsis of your story? (Or ideas for each case, should you have separate ideas for A, B, C, and D.)
Heh, well, that makes sense to me.

Basic Synopsis:
Veiled Gateways have begun to appear all over the world of Alduris. No one knows anything about them, but anyone who goes in never comes back out. The next day, however, monsters of every sort begin to emerge from the Gateways. Towns with gateways nearby are decimated quickly, and many towns attempt to fortify themselves. Enter the players, all arriving at the town of Endren at the same time. They have returned from a short trip to the countryside to find their homes destroyed. They journey to nearby Endren with what little supplies they can salvage to figure out what is happening and find themselves in the middle of a siege. If they manage to help the town, the world will open up for exploration once the attack is repelled.

The Kingdom (angels of all shapes and sizes) and the Consortium (demons of all shapes and sizes) begin to come to Alduris through the portals as well a few hours after the initial Unveiling (wave of invasion). Their war spills over into the human world.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

This sounds like it could be fun, consider my interest raised :).

I find myself preferring a fantasy setting for these kinds of games, so A. Difficulty sounds like it's already been decided, but I was going to vote B anyway so it's all good ;)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

My Dark Gate's yet to start, so I could try this as well. It's probably gonna be my first game of this type, so yeah, new guy and all that

A is my choice too for the setting, and can't really argue against the multiple votes on difficulty so B there. I'll also vote A on the third question :cool:


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

I'm pretty ambivalent about world design. A would be fine with me too.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

As I said, C or D. Though, if people really want A, I could go for that too. For some reason, SciFi EroRPs don't seem to last very long on these boards. Not sure why.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

It's probably just a coincidence. "SciFi EroRPs on this board" isn't a very big sample size after all.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

I'm fine with any setting, fantasy is just my vote.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

With that synopsis, I find myself gravitating back towards A) Fantasy.

Looking forward to it! :)


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

[highlight]Vote: World Setting[/highlight]
A) Fantasy (Critical hit!)

Glad that's outta the way.

Notes for the below: Round naturally (.5 and up = round up, less than .5 = round down)

[highlight]Make your Character Sheets now![/highlight]

Character Sheet:

Race: Human

Distribute 45 points in any way you like.

Derived Stats
Action points: 5 + AGI =
Critical Chance: LUK% =
Damage Threshold: Armor =
Health: 20 + (END x 4) =
Mana: 20 + (SPI x 3) + INT =
Stamina: 100 + (END x 8) =
Physical Resistance: Damage Threshold + END =
Mental Resistance: Damage Threshold + (END/2) + (INT/2) =
Melee: (Weapon damage / [Points below req STR + 1]) + (STR/2) =
Ranged: (Weapon damage / [Points below req AGI + 1]) + (AGI/2) =
Unarmed: (Unarmed skill/5) + (STR/2) =

Alchemy – Primary stat: Intelligence =
Barter – Primary stat: Charisma =
Destructive Magic – Primary stat: Spirit =
Dodge – Dual stats: Agility, Endurance =
Explosives – Primary stat: Perception =
Guns – Primary stat: Agility =
Lockpick – Primary stat: Perception =
Medicine – Primary stat: Intelligence =
Melee – Primary stat: Strength =
Regenerative Magic – Primary stat: Spirit =
Repair – Primary stat: Intelligence =
Sneak – Primary stat: Agility =
Speech – Primary stat: Charisma =
Survival – Primary stat: Endurance =
Unarmed – Dual stats: Strength, Endurance =

These skills will gain two points per SPECIAL(S) point invested in the appropriate stat, or one point if the skill takes two stats. Please post this formula to show how exactly how you got each of your skills' points: [(points gained from SPECIALS) + (points invested in skill)] * (percentage increases or decreases from specialization and/or feats) = (total)
Please include decimals to the tenth if applicable.
You only start with points gained from SPECIALS, but every level thereafter will give you a chance to add four more directly to your skills.

Specialization – Create One

Examples/Accepted Specializations
Pacifist: increase by 10% to non-combat related Skills and 5% increase to Intelligence and Charisma but a 15% decrease to combat-related Skills with a 5% decrease to Strength and Endurance.
Warrior: 10% to melee weapons with a 5% increase to Strength but a 15% decrease to ranged stats and a 5% decrease to Intelligence.
Ranger: 10% increase to ranged weapons with a 5% increase to Agility but a 15% decrease to melee weapons and a 5% decrease in Endurance.
Sorceress: 10% increase to destructive magic with a 5% increase to Intelligence but a 15% decrease to guns and a 5% decrease in Endurance. [Tassadar]
Scholar: 10% increase to destructive magic with a 5% increase to Spirit but a 15% decrease to melee weapons and a 5% decrease to Strength. [Quartz]

Faults – Create At Least Two
Basically, create two using the below list as examples. If you create more than two, the remaining number of faults may have positive effects as well as negative effects (but they must be, on the whole, at least slightly more negative for your character than positive). Keep the numbers small, though – anything too detrimental or too beneficial will be rejected. Please keep in mind that, while you are required to have two, your character should have additional flaws that apply only in decision making (being endlessly horny, timid in fights, hateful of one gender, etc.). You are not required to list these flaws here if they do not provide direct stat/skill decreases.

Example Basic Faults
Farsighted: You have a little trouble with things up in your face. When not wearing glasses, you lose 5% accuracy against all targets in a short radius around you.
Nearsighted: Sometimes, things far away are a little blurry. When not wearing glasses, you lose 5% accuracy against all targets beyond a short radius around you.
Weak In the Knees: Whether due to an old injury or just plain bad luck, your legs are a little weaker than most people's. +5% damage taken when struck in the legs.
Sensitive: You happen to enjoy sex, even if your mind says you don't want to. +5% damage taken against sexual attacks.
Terrible Pitcher: You can claim your bad elbows all you want, but you just have a little more trouble with thrown weapons. -5% damage dealt with thrown weapons.
Weak-willed: Sometimes you just can't help but fall for other people's tricks. -5% resistance to mental attacks.
Stutterer: Y-y-you have a l-little trouble g-getting your p-point across. -5% to Speech.

Physical Description:

Basic Personality Description:

Home Description:
As previously noted, the characters will return to their homes to find massive devastation. Please provide a relatively detailed description of their house (before and/or after being destroyed) as well as what/whom they have lost and what they manage to salvage.

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