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Alexis (Xivvix)

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Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

The girl swings at the Tech, hoping to knock him to the floor. The Tech, tired of being assaulted, counters Alexis' attack, grabbing both her harms before they contact him, and directs them upward, drawing her close. He gives her a quick peck on the cheek before kneeing her in the stomach. She buckles and he releases her arms, stepping backward


Alexis DEF 3
Alexis CONST: 3
Tech HP: 2

Flee W/N (67%)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Falling to one knee, Alexis coughs from the blow to her stomach. She wipes a hand across her cheek where the tech had kissed, the look in her eyes showing she was not as amused as he was. Finally, she growls at the smirking man, before lunging towards him, fists balled.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis tries to tackle the man with the intentions of beating him to a pulp while pinned to the ground. However, the Tech seems to have figured out her fighting style. he quickly dodges her attack, causing her to tumble to the ground. Before she can recover, He is on top of her back, pinning her to the floor. He grabs her under her chin and pulls her head backward painfully.

"Like I said, I love the feisty ones," he says with a chuckle.


Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3
Tech HP: 2

Can't Flee, Grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

'Not again' Alexis thinks as her head is pulled back by the man. Shaking her head, she tries to free herself from his grip, while at the same time pushing against the floor, hopping to send the man toppling off her.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis thrashes under the weight of the Tech. She manages to break free of his grip on her head, but is shocked to feel something between her legs. It's the Tech's hand! He is rubbing his hand over her mound, only the light cotton panties separating her from his hands.


Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 2
Tech HP: 2

Can't Flee, Grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Ah!" Alexis gasps as the man starts to touch her. "S-stop that!" Her legs instinctively pull together, trapping the man's hand between them, but also preventing her from squirming quite so much. Instead of attempting to push the man off, Alexis twists at the waist and begins swinging with one arm back at him, flailing wildly in hopes of scoring a hit.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Hah, I think you like tha-" His taunting cut short by a cold-cock to the jaw. Alexis manages to get a hit on the man, and in the process rolls onto her side. She is still pinned now by the man, but at least for the time being he has stopped groping her.

Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 2
Tech HP: 1

Can't Flee, Grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis laughs once at her success in shutting the man up, then renews her attack. On her side now, she is better able to direct her attacks, pushing off the ground with one hand and using the other to swing at the man. She doesn't say anything, mainly because of the tech's taunt. Even if unwanted, the hand between her legs and rubbing her mound does feel good.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis launches a hand at the man's face, hoping to finish him off. Even in is weakened state, he is able to grab her hand, pulling it backward, and painfully pins it to the ground. This rolls the tan woman onto her back. "Now now, you keep attacking me and I can't focus on the task at hand, now can I?"


Alexis DEF 1
Alexis CONST: 2
Tech HP: 1

Submit (risk game over succumb roll)
Can't Flee, Grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"You... bastard..." Alexis grunts as she is rolled over onto her back. She looks up at the man, chest heaving in exertion after her many failed attempts to escape from him. For a brief moment, she almost gives up, before looking at the gleeful smile on his arrogant face. Leaning forward, she swings again at his face, hoping to at least give him a bruise or black eye for how he's treated her.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

She swings at the man, connecting with his smug smile. he goes cross eyed for a moment or two, mumbling something that Alexis can't quite make out. He then falls on top of her. She shoves him off to her side, and notices that he is out cold. Standing up, she wonders what she was doing before this man interrupted her.

Alexis DEF 1
Alexis CONST: 2
Tech HP: 0

Search the area
Search the body
Rest (38% encounter per DEF recovered)
Travel N/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis leans against the nearby table, catching her breath after the struggle, before leaning down next to the man. Without any pause, she begins rummaging through his coat and pockets. 'He's some kind of scientist here, right? she thinks as she searches him, 'He must have something that'll help me get out of here.'
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Searching through the Tech's pockets, she finds a note. It simply reads:

"All Lab personnel, do not let any subjects near the stairwell in the North East corner. Sever punishments for anyone caught sharing this information.

-Dr D"

Reading the note, she smiles to her self.

Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3

Search the area
Rest (38% encounter per DEF recovered)
Travel N/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"North-east," Alexis mumbles to herself. The note she had found when she first woke up in this place said she should try to get to 'the top'. As much as she doesn't want to follow the orders of the person who had kidnapped her, she doesn't have any other idea of how to get out of this place. Mumbling the directions to herself again, she tosses the note to the floor next to the man, then takes a look around the room, hoping nothing else jumped out at her while she looks for something useful.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis searches the room and finds a white short sleeve button up blouse. She is a little disappointed at how lightweight the material is, she can see her black bra through it. But it is a shirt and does cover more than her underwear alone. Putting it on and buttoning up, she feels more confident.

Alexis DEF 3
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Search the area
Travel N/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Straightening out the shirt, Alexis looks around the room, then decides to head west, into the section of the lab she hadn't checked yet.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

The partially dressed woman heads west, further into the lab. She notices a wall to her west with what looks like a heavy metal door on it. This portion of the lad has many of the same things as the previous. Cabinets, beakers, tables, and shelves line the room.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Search the area
Travel N/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis immediately begins looking around the room, hoping to find something she can use to defend herself from any more attackers.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis searches the room and finds a metal rod that looks like it is used to hold things over burners. Figuring it might make a good whacking stick, she unscrews it from the table and swings it a couple times to get the hang of it.

(Metal rod will add +1 to each combat roll)

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Search again
Travel N/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Giving the rod a few swings, Alexis smiles at her new found weapon. "Time to get out of this crappy place," she says, spirits high again as she heads north out of the lab.
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