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VN/TEXT NTR Loli Shota Ryona [Alice Soft] Sengoku Rance / 戦国ランス

Re: Sengoku Rance

well before i got 12 cost they would have the conversation with that small blue haired girl and then on oda it would be where the leader and his sister were doing math. Could the problem have been i started with 3 extra power?
yep, those events should be after the talk with Ikkyu normally.It could occur in turn 3 already(according to wiki and my experience)

i have the wiki link saved and use it when i need something i think it can answer answered. though im still not totally sure what covert action is really meant to do, it never seemed to help my battles like its description said it does. :p the link is at the top of this page btw, so while i do fail greatly im not that fail yet XD
never used covert action. They should increase chance, that enemy won't attack you on next turn, but basically, you are just wasting actions.Same goes for battle preparations(construction skill). To get the boost to the battlefield bar(in castle taking), you should use mass-attack abilities, especially Natori's storm or Seigen's(the leader of Tenshi sect, don't remember his name exactly) scythe attack.Mass shikigami of powerful diviners(like Hojou Shouun) also helps.

other then removing it from my computer and re installing it (which i really dont want to do since my deamon tool expired ) is there a way to start a new game and not have it count as a + game? I was told to simply delete the saves from the folder but when i look in at teh save data its empty so i cant locate the saves to delete them
im playing the translated version
no, erasing savedata is solid method, I got the intro and all. Maybe the files are just hidden(try moving the folder), or the game saves are in "my documents" folder. You could always just start the game without selecting any bonuses(I chosed +10000 gold and an item, and game played like the first time, with all events triggering normaly. Only now I get choices to go for the IF routes)
Re: Sengoku Rance

ok, so i might have asked this before but i dont remember if i actually asked it or just thought about asking.

how do you get those bird units the red armor "guy" uses
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Re: Sengoku Rance

you must conquer Takeda territories first(I mean, don't let others finish off Shingen), and then do the "tsubaki ranch girl" purple events(3 times, i think). Don't remember the province name, but it's closest to hanny's and tanooki(racoons,Imagawa)
Re: Sengoku Rance

i have :( got the event where she wanted to see a 2k mounted unit but still didnt find one to hire.

that fat old guy with the 20+ children, the event with the boob touch and declare war on oda event is random isnt it >.>

its fine, names are for people who want to remember things :p

>.< is anyone else lagging or is it just my computer on this site?
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Re: Sengoku Rance

dug up some wiki. Item that gives +1000 cavalry is in Purupet's shop, you must buy out this branch: All-knowing God -> Book of Speed 2 -> Cavalry Assault Team . But for starters, you'll have to capture any cavalry unit(I had some generic ones after defeating the Takeda cavalry generals attack.And one attack before that usually have three generic cavalry unit).

The event with boob touch will start after the third or so event(in-between turns) in Asai-Asakura:they will talk how Oda increasingly gain power(you should conquer three clans by then)and that they should propose to join in one clan to Rance.The princess will volunteer ^_^.
Re: Sengoku Rance

how odd, i guess the rance/sill convo was overwriting that event then >.> had to waste a fan and declare war on them. I had that religious group beat, the fish man, and the raccoon dogs beaten, then on the turn they were suppose to declare i beat hara. I ended up with a convo between rance and sill about breakfast.

and ty ^,^ i should be warring them soon so i will try to capture one of them.
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Re: Sengoku Rance

Man...taking Cairo is anoying (true story line) i have trained a kick ass sized army All unites have 6000+ soldiers), gotten smoothly to the last tier of the teritorry with no fuss, but the deamons have always more troops than i have, and it's imposible to take it in those few turns (assasinate 2 unites and have both mage unites with me for the extra damage).
Re: Sengoku Rance

o.0 what turn are you on?

i beat the game around turn 135 and my largest army was 2500, true route.
Re: Sengoku Rance

In 350 or so turns.:D I love to take my time in every stratetgy games.^^
After hours of suffering i finaly found the best combo to deal with the problem.:D
Re: Sengoku Rance

if you have rinze she has an attack all which is more effective against monsters and you can give her an item (cant be removed) to deal more damage against them.

so random thought for demon king event, i remember some text about sill placing a spell on rance so the girls he fucks dont get pregnant, so i was wondering, can anyone remove the spell or only sill?
Re: Sengoku Rance

I did all this and i started it. It shows a blonde anime girl seeping in the autumn. The screen turns black and then this window pops up with random letters and signs. Did i install it wrong or something?:confused:
Re: Sengoku Rance

are you in jap unicode and also did you patch it with the english patch?
Re: Sengoku Rance

i dont think im in jap unicode. I just mounted the sengoku rance and tried installing it in jap first but it said there was an error in a movie or something. so i just installed it by segoku rance english v.1.01
Re: Sengoku Rance

i think its possible to move the translated files to the jap folder and replace what i had to do once
Re: Sengoku Rance

but the jap folder is mounted. idk if i can or not, but when i tried to put the english folder into the jap folder, it says there is insufficient memory. :(
Re: Sengoku Rance

well i 7-zipped mine but your pc doesnt have the memory for it >.<
Re: Sengoku Rance

a new pc

but ive never used demontools can you rename the jap files to Rance7

and the 149,971 to Staff and the 178,745 one to Rance7
see if that will let you start it
Re: Sengoku Rance

I am playing this and got to turn 40 somthing not sure exact number and kouhime's coprse is found after she gets captured by the demon possesing her brother, soo is there any way to keep her alive? or does she have to die?