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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"This shouldn't take too long." the nurse said as she flicks the machine on.

"Right, ok. First off, I'd like you to describe your feelings as the game progressing, and how they changed, including what changed them and...how, it changed them." she says. "If you don't mind."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Um... At first, I was pretty enthusiastic, I thought it would be a really cool game. Then I... um... lost to my first enemy. I was pretty conflicted about that. A little confused that it wasn't game over, a little worried about what kind of game I had gotten myself into, and part of me was... really looking forward to what I'd gotten myself into. She began to blush as she thought about her first experience with the tentacles. Then there was a part where I actually got sort of bored, because most of the rooms I encountered were empty, and the monsters were really weak. There was a long time in the middle where I was actually pretty scared and not enjoying the game because of an incident with a slime... Um. And then I started to... really... I started to enjoy it a lot because of... She turned bright red as she tried to spit it out. Because of a certain NPC.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The nurse nods along with understanding as she shares Alyssa shares her experiences.

"I see, she says. We tend to hear quite alot that the NPCs improve the experience. Ah, right, last question then." she clears her throat.

"Do you feel you've been majorly changed by your experiences, in the EGG?" she asks.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Uh... I... I hope not. I don't know.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The nurse sort of frowns at the short answer, not quite disapproving, but wondering if the girl had really considered it. But nevertheless, she turned around to face the machine, which was spitting out results.

She turned it off as she turned to face the girl. "Well then, the machine is finished, would you like to know what it says?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Uh, yes. I'd like to. Though really, she was sort of conflicted. Maybe I'd be better off not knowing.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Alright then." She says, as she reviews it. "Well, let's see. It seems pretty standard for the first time out. Sexual thoughts...are a little bit higher than usual for a first timer, and inhibitions are quite a bit down, compared to average as well. Still, nothing too out of the ordinary." She gives a smile.

"Don't worry too much about it though." She continues. "As is often the case, it's expected that these thoughts will return closer to normal as time passes, even with time inside the EGG, as you get a bit better at separating the thoughts. The results are probably a bit high now because you stepped out."

"You're all set to go" She says. "Though if you're planning on going back in, could you stop by Matt's office? And any questions for me before you go?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa looked away as the woman read her results, embarrassed that the nurse could somehow tell this. She was a little relieved that this was normal, but not too much so. She shook her head in response to the nurse, and began to walk towards the cafe, realizing she's sort of hungry. Wanting a quick lunch, and also having not brought much money with her, she bought a BLT and scarfed it down, eager to get back to the EGG and see how the game would continue. Or if it would continue from where she left off at all. When she was done, she walked briskly to Matt's office.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa entered Matt's office after she knocked and heard his voice asking her to come in. He invites her to sit down in a chair opposite his desk, mentioning it will only take a moment of her time.

"Ah yes, I just wanted to inform you that I've been set as your EGG testing advisor, this means that anytime you have a question or anything, you can come to me to inform me."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright, will do. Out of curiosity, are the levels linked? Like, one game can span multiple dungeons?
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Yes, actually. The level option at the start is more of a starting dungeon, than an entire game. Although it's possible to stop after the first dungeon, we think that the game pretty much starts after players complete the first dungeon. We're trying to get this into documentation, but you know, it takes a while."

He gives a smart nod as he finishes. "It is possible to start an entirely new game as well, of course, but it's not too hard to explore a world out from the first dungeon."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright, that's awesome. Um. Can I go get started again?
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Of course, of course. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me." He hands her a business card with contact information.

"Oh, and I'd suggest not to have more than two sessions a day, of course. Six hours is quite a long time to spend in a virtual world."

With that, he sends her on her way.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Oh, of course. Thank you. She waved goodbye to the man as she walked to the EGG.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa makes her way back to the EGG, ready to go back to her world where lots of fun awaits her.

She sits back down as it closes, and the EGG boots up.

EGG Options
Load Saved Game
Start New Game
Change Settings
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright, let's get going. Load saved game.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The inside of the EGG goes dark again as Alyssa feels the world fading away, leaving her weightless while the game loads. It takes a little bit longer than the first time, but it's not long before Alyssa finds herself hugging Mary tightly and giving her a kiss, as that's where the game finished it's save.

She's back in the tavern, no time lost, Mary giving her a slight blush at the sudden kiss. "...Aly...someone could see..." she mutters, which is of course technically true, but the bar was empty except for Tom, who had looked away at that moment to check his stock of ale.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa pulled away, thoroughly embarrassed that she had returned right at that point. I really hadn't intended to save that... She cleared her throat. Uh, sorry. Anyway, it's getting sort of late, I think I'm going to go to the room. Having a bed for once is going to feel so nice. We can decide on our next move tomorrow morning.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The party retired to their room for the night. Their single room, Mary decided, to save on funds, of course.

The room has a couple of beds, but Mary drags Alyssa off to one of them to share with her, leaving Jeff to the other one. Handing Alyssa a pair of sleepwear, Mary changes and heads to bed, snuggling close to Alyssa when she joins her, if she doesn't, Mary goes to join her instead, of course.

In the morning they all feel refreshed and head downstairs, where Tom is cleaning off the bar, just getting set to open for the day.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Save on funds, yeah, I'm sure. Alyssa couldn't help but smile that Mary had convinced Jeff that this was indeed the case, with all the treasure they were hauling around with them. Or maybe he was just playing along? She pulled on the clothes Mary had handed her and followed her to bed, snuggling up into her arms and quickly falling asleep.

The three of them woke up somewhat early, but still feeling quite good. They dressed and walked downstairs, but Alyssa was somewhat confused as to what exactly they were doing. Okay guys, what are we going to do for today? Jeff said something about trying to find a building to buy as a base, but I don't have any idea what the real estate market is like around here. Any idea where we should look?