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Amarant: Noble's Path

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Weapon: Dagger.

Vote: A. Immediately attacking, for a change, doesn't appeal to me because we know so little yet. Being friendly is a surefire way to get killed, so middle ground and listen in on their conversation sounds just fine.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Followin' Gear's long post ( =P )
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Hey, my posts aren't that long... well, okay maybe they are :p

Anyways, I like the Dagger as a choice, especially since Jane has a larger hit die for dexterity based weapons. Speaking of which, what weapons are considered dexterity based? Bows most likely, as well as guns and perhaps crossbows, but what about rapiers and other melee weaponry?

A seems to be the best option. While openly attacking isn't the best course of action, I doubt these gentlemen are going to be very friendly. Likely they're guards for another expedition, but what their orders or inclinations are is not entirely clear yet. I'll go with Kasei and see what they're saying to glean their intentions and why they are there. Should sneaking fail, however, then I want to be prepared based on two scenarios.

If they don't attack right away then have Jane reveal herself while Maria waits in hiding with her bow and have a chat with the two men from afar.

If they start attacking right away, however, then have Maria cast Blind on the crossbowmen while Jane uses a Fireball at him, with Maria focus firing on said crossbowmen.

Z Pop a few buttons on Jane's blouse. Just enough to show some skin and to distract, but not enough to show any noticeable cleavage.

This I believe is the better of choices offered. Heh. Anyhow, my addition to Gear's post is the fun fact that their assuming the duo are enemies. I'm sure that Jane or Maria will be able to recognize bandits. These two seem to be more treasure hunters to my mind.

Z: Minor action dependent on the duo's response. (Criteria: If either of the duo show anger or make moves to get close to Jane then this minor action shouldn't happen.) With the way the two men seemed to be. . . nice isn't the correct word but neither is mean, they just seemed to be two fellas who were doing their own thing. A smile curved on Jane's lips towards them. (Minor Action is simply a graceful smile <3.)
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I'll chose Dagger since better accuracy means it's more reliable.

A Sneak to the cave, if that fails go gear's backup plan
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A – Sneak along the cliff-side, hoping to get close enough to hear what they’re saying.

If sneaking fails…

If they’re hostile of show aggression:
- then have Maria cast Blind on the crossbowmen while Jane uses a Fireball at him, with Maria focus firing on said crossbowmen.

If they don’t:
- then have Jane reveal herself while Maria waits in hiding with her bow and have a chat with the two men from afar.

Z Pop a few buttons on Jane's blouse. Just enough to show some skin and to distract, but not enough to show any noticeable cleavage.

Anyways, I like the Dagger as a choice, especially since Jane has a larger hit die for dexterity based weapons. Speaking of which, what weapons are considered dexterity based? Bows most likely, as well as guns and perhaps crossbows, but what about rapiers and other melee weaponry?

Ranged weapons are mostly dexterity based. Daggers, swords, axes and other melee weapons are strength based, yet you still need DEX to hit with them.

Also, I forgot to link a bit of concept art that I was using as the basis for how I envisioned Maria:

The two girls remained crouched behind the rocks, hiding from the two armed men. While they were armed, she couldn’t tell if they were bandits, pirates, or simply explorers ready to defend themselves. Still, she wasn’t willing to risk engaging them openly.

Jane turned towards Maria and let her know her plan: Sneak along the rocks until they were close enough to possibly glean what they could from the men’s conversation. Then they could hopefully find out who they were dealing with. She also told her, that if they were detected, to blind them if they turned hostile, hopefully giving her enough time to fireball the orc and have Maria fire her bow at the crossbowman.

Maria nodded as Jane brought her hands up to her collar – she undid two of three of the buttons to her blouse.

“Wha- what are you doing?” Maria asked.

“Well, if we do have to converse with these two, I hope they will be a little hesitant to harm a beautiful woman… at the very least, this will act as a minor distraction.”

Maria shifted her head slightly while letting out a hesitant “well, alright…”

They then proceeded with the stressful task of making their way up to the campsite.

The waves that washed in and out along the coast muffled their sandy footfalls as they made their way from crevice to rocky crevice, the two, young nobles making sure to travel quickly and at the same time. Jane was quick with each trip, making sure to stay low and travel swiftly. Maria was a tad slower, but still managed to get to each new hiding spot behind Jane. Again they took a small break before making a small dash to the next section of stone, and again as they crept forward for the third time, now only about fifty feet away. Jane could hear them a little better now, but still didn’t understand what they were saying.

Again they crept forward, Jane now able to see a large crate next to the tent as well as a barrel, each big enough to hold a good deal of supplies. She also noticed other assorted bags and pouches nestled around the camp – about six in all. The two of them also seemed to be drinking, alcohol or not, she didn’t know.

The two girls knelt down behind the rock, recovering and making sure the two men were still engaged in conversation. The next stretch was longer than the others, but it would probably bring them close enough to understand what the two men were saying. After signaling to each other once again, the two girls crept out from behind the rocky depression.

Maria followed once again, having to pick her dress up slightly, lest she trip or lose her footing in the sand. Jane, while ahead, didn’t feel any more comfortable, her heart having sped up just a little bit more with each trip. She was exquisitely aware of each step, the sand parting underneath her weight as she moved towards the next available hiding spot. She tried to focus on their voices again, trying to hear them over the ocean and the sound of her heart beating. She could start to make out words, syllables, exclamations of surprise and bouts of laughter. Unfortunately, they weren’t in any language she knew.

She cursed internally, but quickly realized she could understand them if she wanted to – a bit of focus and she’d be able to know exactly what they were saying. She wouldn’t however, be able to talk to the, her cantrip working only one way.

Jane had almost made it to the next section of the cliff that offered ample coverage when she noticed the orc pick up a tankard. He held it up to his lips, but hesitated, taking on an annoyed look. He said a short phrase to the other before beginning to turn around. Jane quickly realized he was most likely headed for the barrel to refill his drink, it’s position lying in between the two groups. Jane quickly sped up, almost diving into the sand as she took cover behind the rock. She pulled her legs in, attempting to remain as concealed as possible. She ignored the sand on her clothes, instead turning towards Maria as she heard one of the men shout.

Maria was still a few feet away from where Jane was hiding, her hands held up in front of her, the girl trying to seem as non-threatening as possible. It seemed she too realized the language barrier between the two groups, trying to convey simple words such as “Peace” and “Friendly”. Jane noticed Maria glance quickly in her direction, but she wasn’t sure if it was a sign of some kind of sign or just out of concern. She was also unsure of whether or not the two men knew she was there or not, wondering if she had managed to avoid detection. If so, she had a lot more options available to her:

She could channel a cantrip to understand them, but that would take time, with each second ticking away another that Maria might be in danger. She tried her best to peek around the edge, but with how close Maria is, they would see Jane the instant she saw them. She was conflicted, not knowing if she should fight and reveal herself, or remain hidden and see if she can understand what’s going on.

Primary Vote: What does Jane do?

A) Jane casts a cantrip to understand what they’re saying, remaining hidden until she needs to act.
B) Jane casts a cantrip to understand what they’re saying, but steps out from her hiding spot, attempting to parley with the pair.
C) Jane forgoes the cantrip, launching an attack from where she is.
D Take a chance and Peek out from behind the rock anyway, (with or without cantrip).

X) Other

Z) Minor Action

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown. Shoulder length. Few bangs in front, rest pinned behind head.
Eyes: Green

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 10/10
Cantrip Charges: 5/5
Corruption: 2/100
Pleasure: 0/20
XP: 15/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds (1 Mana): The caster concentrates on their wounds, healing themselves in the process.
Effect: Heal yourself for your INT + Base INT.
CT: Medium(20 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture. Requires Focus.

Magic Armor(1 Mana): The caster puts a protective shield over themselves to ward off blows.
Effect: The caster has an armor value equal to their Base INT for 5 rounds.
CT: Short(3 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture.

Fireball(2 Mana): The Caster shoots a ball of fire towards their foe that explodes on impact.
Effect: The target takes the caster’s INT die + Base INT in fire damage during the initial cast and 1d4 – 2 fire damage for the next 3 rounds.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range 30 ft. Gesture. Saving Throw: Dex (6+ to put flames out).

Wave of Force(2 Mana): A massive amount of force blasts forth from the caster’s palm, sending their opponent flying backwards.
Effect: Deals 2d4 + Base INT and send the target flying d4 x 5 ft.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Comprehend Language: The caster closes their eyes and concentrates, able to understand whatever those around them are saying for a short period.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: Ear-shot. Duration: 5 minutes. Requires Focus.

Material Shift: The caster focuses, enhancing or weakening the strength of an inanimate material, such as wood or metal for a time.
CT: Long (60 Seconds). Range: Touch. Duration: 1 hour. Requires Focus

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration: 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience: None
First Kiss: Edwin Darnel


Dagger: Damage: STR + d4
+ 2 to hit.

Mana Potion (x2): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Scroll of "Bolster"
Scroll of "Racking Pain"
Scroll of "True Strike"

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Dark stockings.
Shoes: Flat boots, brown leather, flat heel .
Brassiere: Black silk bra.
Underwear: Black silk.

Maria Chauss
Age: 21
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 122 lbs.
Breast Size: 32c
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Constitution: 16/16
Mana: 7/7
Cantrip Charges: 6

(STR) Strength: d4 + 0
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 0
(INT) Intelligence: d12 + 5
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 0
(CHA) Charisma: d6 + 1

Daze (1 Mana): Make contact with an enemy’s head and daze them, causing mental trauma. The target suffers 1d4 Mental Damage and is unable to act next round.
CT: Instant Range: Touch. Gesture
Saving Throw: WIS vs. Caster’s INT (Can only avoid 2nd round of stun)

Blind (1 Mana): The caster produces a searing light, blinding enemies and making them unable to act effectively for a turn.
CTL Short (3 Seconds). Range: Line of Sight. Gesture.

Barrier (2 Mana): The caster sets up a large field that will keep anyone or anything from passing through it as long as it remains active. The shield has 20 health and has no roll to hit when attacked. Once its HP reaches “0” or the caster stops channeling, the shield dissipates. The barrier does not consume additional mana for each turn.
CT: Short (3 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Disintegrate Object (3 Mana): The Material Shift Cantrip in a much more volatile form, the caster sends forth a bolt of energy that eats away at any solid, inanimate object it hits. Permanently destroys one piece of enemy equipment or armor.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: 25 ft. Gesture

Transfer Mana: The caster channels their mana, sending it to another nearby magic user. The caster can send up to 3 points of mana with one cantrip charge.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: 30 ft. gesture

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

- Mending: Repairs a simple object or a piece of clothing.
CT: Long (1 Minute). Duration: Permanent. Range: Touch. Requires Focus

- Detect Magic: The caster attempts to scan a piece of equipment to see if it contains any magic.
CT: Medium (30 Seconds) Range: 5 ft. Requires Focus.

Language: Ancient(Intermediate)
Magical Theory Prodigy: +5 INT
Studious Charm: +1 CHA
Archaeophilia: You have an obsession with ancient artifacts and relics, both magical and mundane.

Sexual Experience: ---


Hip Quiver – Arrows: 20
Short Bow.
Damage: STR + DEX /2

Mana Potion (x1): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Corked Inkwell/Quill
Lantern w/ Oil
Blaze Rod
Rope – 20 ft. worth
Book: “The Tarmen Journal of Academic study and Archaeological Findings. Vol. XXXVI”

Head: Striped Scarf around neck.
Chest: Teal dress.
Arms: Teal dress.
Legs: Teal dress. Simple cloth pants.
Shoes: Walking Boots.
Brassiere: Grey silk bra.
Underwear: Grey silk underwear.

Dice Report:
Dexterity Check – Dove behind the rock.
Wisdom: d8 + 2
Rolled: 7
Total: 9 vs. ? = ???.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I came to suggest using the "Comprehend Language" cantrip before we begin sneaking, but I see I'm too late. This will teach me not to forget them in the future.

Anyway, I vote B: Cast the cantrip and then step out of her hiding spot.

Understanding what the men are saying will at the very least grant a warning if either man suggests attacking the women. Also, as long as she remains alone Maria is guaranteed to look like an easy target, while having someone else beside her might discourage the men from attacking. Besides, if Jane is to cast any spell on the men she needs to see them, and if she just looks from behind the rock without going the men might see it either as a sign of hostility (i.e. she's planning to attack them) or as a sign of cowardice (i.e. she's hiding because she's scared of them).
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I came to suggest using the "Comprehend Language" cantrip before we begin sneaking, but I see I'm too late. This will teach me not to forget them in the future.

Anyway, I vote B: Cast the cantrip and then step out of her hiding spot.

Understanding what the men are saying will at the very least grant a warning if either man suggests attacking the women. Also, as long as she remains alone Maria is guaranteed to look like an easy target, while having someone else beside her might discourage the men from attacking. Besides, if Jane is to cast any spell on the men she needs to see them, and if she just looks from behind the rock without going the men might see it either as a sign of hostility (i.e. she's planning to attack them) or as a sign of cowardice (i.e. she's hiding because she's scared of them).

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Going to go with moonblack's on this, but I will add that if the crossbowmen has any bolts and starts to load his crossbow, then all bets are off.

Start casting fireball immediately at him (crossbowmen) if this happens and yell for Maria to blind the swordsman and focus on shooting the crossbowmen before focusing on the other.

Other than that try to be as non-threatening as possible in the situation, Jane doing her best to smile... and for the love of all that is do try and speak in Jane's language just to see if they understand her. No need to kill each other if they can understand each other and work things out civilly. Heck, ask if they want to have a drink together, and if they can't understand Jane then gesture towards the keg and make a gesture for drinking. Nothing like alcohol to settle any ill will and mistrust. Maybe Jane can get them drunk off their asses and have them pass out?
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I'm going to have to disagree and vote A. Yes, it is important either way to try and figure out what is being said. But, if they are hostile, coming out from behind cover/concealment will ruin our element of surprise. Right now we have the advantage and we should press it if we need to, not give it up.

That being said, if they aren't apparently hostile, I agree with trying to get them drunk.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A, we dont know if they are hostile
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Going to go with moonblack's on this, but I will add that if the crossbowmen has any bolts and starts to load his crossbow, then all bets are off.

Start casting fireball immediately at him (crossbowmen) if this happens and yell for Maria to blind the swordsman and focus on shooting the crossbowmen before focusing on the other.

Other than that try to be as non-threatening as possible in the situation, Jane doing her best to smile... and for the love of all that is do try and speak in Jane's language just to see if they understand her. No need to kill each other if they can understand each other and work things out civilly. Heck, ask if they want to have a drink together, and if they can't understand Jane then gesture towards the keg and make a gesture for drinking. Nothing like alcohol to settle any ill will and mistrust. Maybe Jane can get them drunk off their asses and have them pass out?

Going with this, but also adding that Jane maybe could try to act sexy and unbutton a few more buttons? If they're hostile, it could add make them hesitate attacking Jane and Maria right away if they're interested in Jane's body. At worst it could buy a moment or two.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A. Bit of a waste to use a cantrip on, but such is life.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Going to go with moonblack's on this, but I will add that if the crossbowmen has any bolts and starts to load his crossbow, then all bets are off.

Start casting fireball immediately at him (crossbowmen) if this happens and yell for Maria to blind the swordsman and focus on shooting the crossbowmen before focusing on the other.

Other than that try to be as non-threatening as possible in the situation, Jane doing her best to smile... and for the love of all that is do try and speak in Jane's language just to see if they understand her. No need to kill each other if they can understand each other and work things out civilly. Heck, ask if they want to have a drink together, and if they can't understand Jane then gesture towards the keg and make a gesture for drinking. Nothing like alcohol to settle any ill will and mistrust. Maybe Jane can get them drunk off their asses and have them pass out?

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Going to go with moonblack's on this, but I will add that if the crossbowmen has any bolts and starts to load his crossbow, then all bets are off.

Start casting fireball immediately at him (crossbowmen) if this happens and yell for Maria to blind the swordsman and focus on shooting the crossbowmen before focusing on the other.

Other than that try to be as non-threatening as possible in the situation, Jane doing her best to smile... and for the love of all that is do try and speak in Jane's language just to see if they understand her. No need to kill each other if they can understand each other and work things out civilly. Heck, ask if they want to have a drink together, and if they can't understand Jane then gesture towards the keg and make a gesture for drinking. Nothing like alcohol to settle any ill will and mistrust. Maybe Jane can get them drunk off their asses and have them pass out?

Thirded? Probably more.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

The story will be up sometime between tonight and tomorrow morning. As for something to mull over:

What do you guys think about scraping XP and instead, having it be a system where events, items, and our actions build the characters stats and traits instead of an arbitrary "Level Up!".

As an example, brought up by an anonymous messenger: Conversing with a powerful political figurehead and learning something worthwhile from them could grant us an extra point in Charisma?

I'd have to hammer out the details, but for instance: Each completed adventure would grant rewards such as these and certain major events, depending on how their completed could yield them as well.

All in all, let me know what you guys think.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I like that system, but I say keep XP and have it go towards health and/or mana gains as a sign of Jane's increasing power and hardiness.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

After thinking about it I'm with Gear47demon here: Keep the XP we earn from adventures and encounters, but make it give extra HP and Mana "as a sign of Jane's increasing power and hardiness". Items and events (and occasionally certain decisions) grant extra skills and abilities.

Another thing you can do with XP: When she has earned enough XP Jane can teach other people, either for money or in exchange for a favor. I admit this is actually an idea I'm going to use in a RPG Maker game, so I'm not sure how well it'll work in a CYOA like this.

Overall I like the idea.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

After thinking about it I'm with Gear47demon here: Keep the XP we earn from adventures and encounters, but make it give extra HP and Mana "as a sign of Jane's increasing power and hardiness". Items and events (and occasionally certain decisions) grant extra skills and abilities.

Another thing you can do with XP: When she has earned enough XP Jane can teach other people, either for money or in exchange for a favor. I admit this is actually an idea I'm going to use in a RPG Maker game, so I'm not sure how well it'll work in a CYOA like this.

Overall I like the idea.

Ooo, I like that idea! Yeah, as Jane gains experience/XP have Jane be able to teach people how to be more charismatic... or possibly help Maria out with her magical abilities :D
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

That all sounds good to me as well. Trying to picture how teaching others would come into play in this situation, but it might work.

An alternative could be to increase HP/MP after certain usage milestones are met. So say each MP spent on a spell (or HP lost to damage) counts towards a specific goal which, when met, gives us a boost to whichever would apply. In effect, using spells frequently would give us more MP to work with, and taking damage would make us more able to withstand the damage we take.