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Amarant: Noble's Path

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Definitely B: Go help Maria. Aim for a quick kill by targeting the creature's head.

No need to take chances - our friend is more important. Besides, the rat Jane attacked is almost dead and should remain dazed for a while (or might even expire on its own) giving them enough time to finish it off afterwards.

Assuming that the girls win the fight without further issues:
Make sure they are both alright, and that there are no more enemies headed their way (the last thing they want is to get surprised while celebrating). If necessary - use Minor Cure Wounds on Maria. After all of that hug and kiss Maria (a-few-seconds-long kiss on the lips) in excitement over their first victory.

After that we decide what to do.

Z - Minor Action if they win: Jane goes over and makes sure the rats are dead, stabbing into the base of their necks and upwards into their brains and skull.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

B The other one is almost dead anyways, and very well may expire on it's own after a blow to the head like that. Rush the other one, wrap Jane's left arm around it's neck, and start shanking it like there's no tomorrow!
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A. The enemy you leave alive is the enemy that fucks you (over) later. Plus, since the rat attacking Maria has yet to get through her clothes, she will be fine for the few seconds it takes for Jane to drive her dagger through the dazed rat's other eye. There's no guarantee that he'll just keel over or flee, so there's no point in leaving a possible liability.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A. It doesn't take that long to stab the stunned rat.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Looks like we have a tie. While waiting for a tiebreaker vote (or for Cevrik777 to decide with a dice roll or something) I'll just point out that the rat that was attacking Jane is in the opposite direction of the one attacking Maria, so she'll need to go to it and then go back. Those are precious seconds during which Maria will be on her own, and considering the speed of those creatures there's no telling what might happen.

Anyway, a little bit of fluff for Jane as she goes to help Maria:
"Maria! Get off of her, you disgusting beast!" Jane shouted in her mind as she rushed to her friend's aid.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I'm sticking with B because the beasts are A. Quick, so the one atop Maria can do some damage in a short amount of time and B. Because Maria is a friend, and sometimes doing the logical thing isn't in the best interests of someone you care about. Sure Maria might not die, or even be raped for that matter, but in the time that Jane takes to end the near dead ratfolk, Maria could be seriously injured and her clothes torn up. Besides, how would it look to Maria if instead of Jane helping her first when she's in need, and panicked, Jane took the time to go all the way over to the pool to kill something that is almost dead anyways then to help her when she's in trouble now. It's not the fastest solution, or the best, but it's better to keep a friend that trusts you (and one who is intelligent and as valuable as Maria) then to have that trust weakened and have Maria doubt Jane's loyalty.

Not to mention Maria is not as dexterous as the ratfolk or Jane, and not nearly as strong, so taking the time to kill the other ratfolk is basically saying to Maria "I'll be with you in a moment, so just soak up some hits in the meantime!" because nine times out of ten in this situation she is not going to get out on her own.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I'll give it some time to resolve...

Besides, I think I may take a break tonight and see what Dragon Age: Inquisition has to offer.

EDIT: Alright, B is pending as of the moment, but I'm going to refresh myself and take a small break: See you guys on Tuesday night!

Also, as we have a few new people joining in (Denmu, BlueSlime, Omegau), if those of you who are new want to, you can go ahead and post your scores for the fetishes involved in this story if you plan to stay for a while. They probably won't affect what's already planned for this chapter, but I may be able to swap some stuff around. Here's the post from before:
Jane’s Aunt also told her cautionary tales of all the monsters out in the world. Fascinating tales of fiends that lust after women. These monsters and creatures are:

Alright, so here’s where you guys decide what kind of fetishes will be involved. More so, what’s on the list of possible “opponents”. For this section, I’d like you to give it a simple 1 through 5 according to the table below, and any comments you have on the subject. I will state now that I am NOT going to be doing loli, scat, peeing, guro, vore, expansion to ridiculous proportions, and other waaaay out there stuff. Obviously, rape is going to be a thing in this CYOA… but then again, when is it not?

1 – “Ew, none of that, please.
2 – “I’m not really for it... but I can ignore it.
3 – “I don’t care either way.
4 – “Sure, I’m alright with that. Go ahead and include it."
5 – “Yes! I want THAT in the story! Big Thumbs up here.

Here is the list. Go ahead and leave a 1 – 5 and, if you want, any comments, questions, and concerns. Some items are to just see if anything is for/against them, some is to just gauge interest for them. Also, if you need to, you can also send me the answers in a message if you are so inclined.

Bestiality? When I say this I’m talking pure animal – werewolves, minotaurs, and the like are not included here. I’m referring to stuff such as dogs and wolves. I doubt I’ll get into pig, horse, or that kind of stuff in this playthrough.

Spiders? Bug-like anything? Whether it’s a massive spider or a small insect that has latched onto our heroine’s rump, I want to know what you think of anything with multiple legs and/or a caraspace.

Undead? Now, we skirted this in my last story, but it didn’t really go anything. This includes zombies mostly, but could extend to ghouls and other slightly more intelligent beings that could be considered in the same vein.

Mini-tentacles? I’m pretty sure this one’s okay, but just getting a feeling for them. Mini-tentacles are pretty much what they sound like and are usually a squirming mass or swarm that slowly travels as a single entity.

Transgender? Will show up in side-characters if at ALL. Mostly just gauging interest.

Plant-life? Will probably be in the form of tentacles if anything.

Bondage? How far is too far? How far is just right? I probably won’t be writing scenes depicting our heroine strung up in one of those fancy rigs that hold all her limbs, but I can definitely see her being strung up by her hands for a group.

Lesbian? Pretty straight forward.

Pregnancy? I think this may be a bit of a problem if I was to write the story realistically, so I’ll most likely only include it in “Bad Ending” write ups.

Tentacles…? Yeeeah… I’m just going to mark that down as a “5”.

Futanari? Do you guys want it to show up at all? Or are they simply a rumor, born out of a mage’s twisted fantasies?

Goblins? Yeah, they’ll probably pop up in some form regardless, but I felt I should include this anyway.

Beastmen? Werewolves, minotaurs, Ratmen ala this picture: This category will fill the role of half-man, half-creature cliches you see in fantasy.

Gangbang? I’m going to assume this one’s okay, but I’m putting it down as a precaution.
Go ahead and give your scores, if you care to do so.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I'll stop lurking for a few minutes and vote B.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Tie may be broken but ill add my b so its 2 over.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Well thank you for the opportunity to voice my opinion on the matter of the fetishes.









Pregnancy-5 (At least for bad ends like you mentioned. I'm sure that trying to incorporate it into the story and gameplay would be a huge hassle and just wouldn't be that fun. It'd be too restricting.)





Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Consider me a 4 for all categories, and a 5 for Bondage.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

B – Save Maria first.

Assuming that the girls win the fight without further issues:
Make sure they are both alright, and that there are no more enemies headed their way (the last thing they want is to get surprised while celebrating). If necessary - use Minor Cure Wounds on Maria. After all of that hug and kiss Maria (a-few-seconds-long kiss on the lips) in excitement over their first victory.
Z - Minor Action if they win: Jane goes over and makes sure the rats are dead, stabbing into the base of their necks and upwards into their brains and skull.
Anyway, a little bit of fluff for Jane as she goes to help Maria:
"Maria! Get off of her, you disgusting beast!" Jane shouted in her mind as she rushed to her friend's aid.
Even if the other rat was vulnerable, Jane simply couldn’t leave her friend in such a position for any longer!

"Maria! Get off of her, you disgusting beast!"

The thought roared in her mind as she charged towards the pair.

The rat on top of Maria tried desperately to reach its goal, the creature obsessed with the flesh hidden underneath the frustrating cloth. It reached out with its claws, desperate to rend her dress away. The girl managed to hold the rat-folk at bay, holding each of its arms in her hands. Her strength waned though, the perverted fiend twisting about and freeing itself from her grasp. Its hands now free it seized the opportunity and the front of her dress before pulling, its claws catching the green material.

Maria let out a scream as the front of her dress came away with a sudden Riiip. The cry was more out of surprise then pain, the rat having been careful to avoid injuring its potential mate: While the creature's normal behavior may have lead it to scratch at its opponent, weakening it before it decided to copulate, its lust was too strong.

Maria, while shocked by the beast’s actions, wasn't as easily frightened or stunned as other Respin nobles. As the rat-folk held the ragged remains of her dress in its hands, she didn't hesitate in delivering a swift attack to her attacker’s arm in the exact area her arrow had pierced earlier. The sudden blow caused the creature to stumble backwards as it squeaked in pain, grasping at the wound. It attempted to ignore the pain, its lust demanding it jump back on top of the vulnerable girl.

It never did however, a small glint of steel flashing behind it. It stopped the creature instantly as Jane buried her dagger in the back of the creature’s neck. A pitiful, raspy cry was all that escaped from the rat-folk as it died, its body falling forward as Jane pulled the blade free.

Maria looked up at her savior, smiling at her life-long friend as she let out a breath of relief, her eyes almost watering from the stress that was now fading. Jane’s work wasn’t done yet however, the girl turning to the other foe she had fought earlier.

She expected the other rat-folk to have charged her or fled back into the tunnel, but there it still lied by the water. She approached it cautiously, wondering if it was a trap or ploy of some sort. As she got closer however, she saw there was nothing to fear, the being wheezing and panting, too exhausted from the massive blow it took to its head to get up and run. Even so, she didn’t pity it, not after what it had tried to do. While it would probably survive its wounds, she couldn’t let it recover to simply come back again or try to take advantage of someone else.

With a quick motion of her blade she ended its life, its chest seizing to move up and down as its life ended. Others may have stayed to contemplate the death of the creature, such as how intelligent of a life may have been lost, but all Jane could feel was a sense of vengeance, her loins still feeling the after-effects of the creature’s attempt to have sex with her.

Once she had taken care of the rat-folk, she immediately crept back over to the torch-lit path, stepping over the charred remains of the first rat that had fallen: if there were other rat-folk hiding in the darkened path, she would deal with them eventually, but Jane needed to check if any more enemies were on their way and she hoped that the corpses of their comrades would stay their ambush for just a little while longer.

Maria ran up to Jane, ready to embrace her friend. Their celebration would have to wait however, as Jane held up a hand along with a signal to be quiet: The battle they had just waged made quite a bit of noise, and between Jane’s spells, the rats squeaking, and their cries throughout it all, the last thing Jane wanted was to get surprised while celebrating their victory.

Sure enough, as Jane neared the bend where the first torch was placed, she heard a series of voices begin to grow louder. Hurried footfalls also accompanied the distant echoes – how many exactly, neither of the two girls could tell, but it was at least three pairs of boots that now approached them.

Jane and Maria exchanged glances, knowing they needed to either prepare for their arrival or flee. Maria stood at the ready, an arm covering up her now more-exposed chest.

Primary Vote: What do the two girls do now? Do they meet the group that’s coming towards them, whether to meet them diplomatically or with an ambush, or do they flee down one of the other tunnels?

A) Wait and prepare for the group coming down the tunnel, attacking as soon as they reveal themselves.
B) Wait and prepare for the group coming down the tunnel, attempting to parley with them.
C) Flee! Escape by heading down the darkened tunnel.
D) Flee! Escape by heading down the moss-covered path.

X Other/Different course of action

Z) Minor Actions

Fluff/NPC nudge: Small, inconsequential NPC actions: allows voters to give their own little touch to the story descriptions and add their own flavor text.

The battle’s over, but we’re not out of the woods yet...

Also: Good job putting that bit in there about checking to see if enemies were coming. I began messing with the idea of having the group further ahead hear the battle a few posts ago. Glad someone keyed in on what could possibly happen… least they turn the corner to see Jane and Maria performing the other portion of that Minor Action. What a confusing sight indeed… :rolleyes:
- 1 Pleasure from Time.

+21 XP
- Rat-folk (7 XP) x3

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown. Shoulder length. Few bangs in front, rest pinned behind head.
Eyes: Green

Magic Armor: -3 damage from all attacks.
– 2 Rounds remaining

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 5/10
Cantrip Charges: 2/5
Corruption: 6/100
Pleasure: 4/20
XP: 56/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds (1 Mana): The caster concentrates on their wounds, healing themselves in the process.
Effect: Heal yourself for your INT + Base INT.
CT: Medium(20 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture. Requires Focus.

Magic Armor(1 Mana): The caster puts a protective shield over themselves to ward off blows.
Effect: The caster has an armor value equal to their Base INT for 5 rounds.
CT: Short(3 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture.

Fireball(2 Mana): The Caster shoots a ball of fire towards their foe that explodes on impact.
Effect: The target takes the caster’s INT die + Base INT in fire damage during the initial cast and 1d4 – 2 fire damage for the next 3 rounds.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range 30 ft. Gesture. Saving Throw: Dex (6+ to put flames out).

Wave of Force(2 Mana): A massive amount of force blasts forth from the caster’s palm, sending their opponent flying backwards.
Effect: Deals 2d4 + Base INT and send the target flying d4 x 5 ft.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Comprehend Language: The caster closes their eyes and concentrates, able to understand whatever those around them are saying for a short period.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: Ear-shot. Duration: 5 minutes. Requires Focus.

Material Shift: The caster focuses, enhancing or weakening the strength of an inanimate material, such as wood or metal for a time.
CT: Long (60 Seconds). Range: Touch. Duration: 1 hour. Requires Focus

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration: 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience:
First Kiss: Edwin Darnel
Stripped for Riordan and Ulmag
Teased by a Rat-folk


Dagger: Damage: STR + d4
+ 2 to hit.

Mana Potion (x2): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Necklace of Invisibility: Allows Jane to become invisible for a minute. Touch and focus to use.
Ring of Bolt: Has one Charge of the "Bolt" spell.
Scroll of "Bolster"
Scroll of "Racking Pain"
Scroll of "True Strike"
Spell Descriptions can be found here, under the 3rd Spoiler.

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Dark stockings.
Shoes: Flat boots, brown leather, flat heel .
Brassiere: Black silk bra.
Underwear: Nothing.
Jewelry: Necklace of invisibility - small silver pendant.
Jewelry: Ring of Bolt – small gold ring.
Maria Chauss
Age: 21
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 122 lbs.
Breast Size: 32c
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Constitution: 16/16
Mana: 6/7
Cantrip Charges: 5/6
Pleasure: ?/20

(STR) Strength: d4 + 0
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 0
(INT) Intelligence: d12 + 5
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 0
(CHA) Charisma: d6 + 1

Daze (1 Mana): Make contact with an enemy’s head and daze them, causing mental trauma. The target suffers 1d4 Mental Damage and is unable to act next round.
CT: Instant Range: Touch. Gesture
Saving Throw: WIS vs. Caster’s INT (Can only avoid 2nd round of stun)

Blind (1 Mana): The caster produces a searing light, blinding enemies and making them unable to act effectively for a turn.
CTL Short (3 Seconds). Range: Line of Sight. Gesture.

Barrier (2 Mana): The caster sets up a large field that will keep anyone or anything from passing through it as long as it remains active. The shield has 20 health and has no roll to hit when attacked. Once its HP reaches “0” or the caster stops channeling, the shield dissipates. The barrier does not consume additional mana for each turn.
CT: Short (3 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Disintegrate Object (3 Mana): The Material Shift Cantrip in a much more volatile form, the caster sends forth a bolt of energy that eats away at any solid, inanimate object it hits. Permanently destroys one piece of enemy equipment or armor.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: 25 ft. Gesture

Transfer Mana: The caster channels their mana, sending it to another nearby magic user. The caster can send up to 3 points of mana with one cantrip charge.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: 30 ft. gesture

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

- Mending: Repairs a simple object or a piece of clothing.
CT: Long (1 Minute). Duration: Permanent. Range: Touch. Requires Focus

- Detect Magic: The caster attempts to scan a piece of equipment to see if it contains any magic.
CT: Medium (30 Seconds) Range: 5 ft. Requires Focus.

Language: Ancient (Intermediate)
Magical Theory Prodigy: +5 INT
Studious Charm: +1 CHA
Archaeophilia: You have an obsession with ancient artifacts and relics, both magical and mundane.

Sexual Experience: ---


Hip Quiver – Arrows: 14/20
Short Bow.
Damage: (STR + DEX) /2

Mana Potion (x1): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Corked Inkwell/Quill
Lantern w/ Oil
Blaze Rod – Provides light for an hour.
Rope – 20 ft. worth
Book: “The Tarmen Journal of Academic study and Archaeological Findings. Vol. XXXVI”
Goblin Carving – Has a simple design. Carved by the goblins who used to inhabit the Coastal cave.

Head: Striped Scarf around neck. Large tear.
Chest: Teal dress. Front of dress missing around chest.
Arms: Teal dress.
Legs: Teal dress. Simple cloth pants.
Shoes: Walking Boots.
Brassiere: Grey silk bra.
Underwear: Grey silk underwear.
Stats will be gleaned from enemies during combat if they have not been encountered beforehand.
Ratfolk x3

Left Rat HP: DEAD
Middle Rat HP: DEAD
Right Rat HP: DEAD

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d10 + 2
(INT) Intelligence: ??? - 1
(WIS) Wisdom: ??? - 1
(CHA) Charisma: ??? - 2

Claws: ??? & Successful Clothing Attacks shred clothing
Rat-Folk Scent: ???
Rat-folk racial ability: ???
Move Silently: ???
Game/Dice Report:
Power Votes:
Gear47Demon: I
MoonBlack: I
Diagasvesle: I
Kasei: I
Tomaito: I
Xaero: I

Clothing Attack Right Rat’s Clothing attack vs. Maria
Rat’s Dex: d10 + 2
Rolled: 7
Heavily Wounded: -2
Total: 7 vs. 3 = Clothing Attack Successful – Chest portion of dress shredded.
Maria’s Dex: d8 + 0
Rolled: 3

Graaple Escape – Maria vs. Right Rat
Maria’s Dex: d8 + 0
Rolled: 4
Total: 4 vs. 4 = Escape Successful
Foe’s Dex: d10 + 2
Rolled: 4
Heavily Wounded -2

Reflex CheckRight Rat vs. Jane

Attack – Jane vs. Right Rat
Jane’s Dex: d8 + 1
Rolled: 4
Attack from behind: +5
Total: 10 vs. 3 = Critical Hit!
Rat Dex: d10 + 2
Rolled: 3
Heavily Wounded: -2

Damage – Jane vs. Right Rat
STR D6: 4 + 1
D4: 2
Crit d4: 3
Total: 10 Damage

Right Rat: Dead

Attack – Jane vs. Left Rat

Damage – Jane vs. Left Rat

Left Rat: Dead

Perception Check – Enemies Approaching
Jane’s WIS: d8 + 2
Rolled: 5
Specific Minor Action: +10
Total: 17 vs. 7 = Superior Crit: Full Action allowed!

Round End
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Dammit! I was looking forward to the other portion of that minor action! :(

Oh, well:
Hide! Retreat back the way they came and hide, then watch and see how many people are coming before doing anything. Try to learn anything of value by observing them. If they happen to speak the same language as Jane and Maria, the two might learn something useful. Also, Jane and Maria might get the element of surprise should they choose to attack the new arrivals.

I don't want to risk it with the moss-covered tunnel, and the other one is likely to have more ratfolk. So let's try the way we came from. As a "bonus" if the new arrivals hear Jane and Maria's retreat they might decide that whoever is responsible for the slaughter of the ratfolk got scared and ran away after hearing them.

Question: How long does it take to drink a Mana Potion? Would it count as a Minor Action? I considered drinking a potion, but decided not to – Jane still has enough mana for 2 Fireballs and another use of Magic Armor, which should be enough for the moment.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path


If we leave and the group decides to split up in order to search the tunnels for us, we'll have less people to deal with. "Deal with' can mean fighting or parlaying with them if we so choose. But we should definitely cut down the number of people we encounter.

Z) Maria should cast mending on her dress the first chance she gets, but that's just assuming she can even find the time to do so during all of this since it takes a full minute of focus.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Dammit! I was looking forward to the other portion of that minor action! :(

Oh, well:
Hide! Retreat back the way they came and hide, then watch and see how many people are coming before doing anything. Try to learn anything of value by observing them. If they happen to speak the same language as Jane and Maria, the two might learn something useful. Also, Jane and Maria might get the element of surprise should they choose to attack the new arrivals.

I don't want to risk it with the moss-covered tunnel, and the other one is likely to have more ratfolk. So let's try the way we came from. As a "bonus" if the new arrivals hear Jane and Maria's retreat they might decide that whoever is responsible for the slaughter of the ratfolk got scared and ran away after hearing them.

Yes let's go with this due to the Moss Colored Path holding tentacles. No need to screw up our main heroine and set her down the path so quickly.

Fluff: It looked from the ceiling down at them, it's tongue rolling out to lick it's eye. The big strange blurs where panicking and looking all the ways while there was big thumping thrummings coming from further down. But Nomo, the Gecko, didn't care about any of that and looked for it's prey in the darkness. (From a Gecko's perspective :p. . . If Geckos aren't in the cave then *shot*.)

Z - Jane grabs the ripped strips of Maria's clothes fast, and binds them against her friend's bust, helping her make them far less visible as well as giving them proper support. If her friend was constantly worried about her hanging teats, then it'd be bad.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I will second both moonblack and diagesvesle, but will add that if there's any way to dispel the cast light orb that's still lying around, then do so. No need to let whoever is coming know that there's at least a mage around.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I will second both moonblack and diagesvesle, but will add that if there's any way to dispel the cast light orb that's still lying around, then do so. No need to let whoever is coming know that there's at least a mage around.

And I will go with you, except that instead of using the remains of the dress to bind her friend's breasts, which are still covered by a bra, use them as makeshift panties if at all possible. Any protection is better than none.