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Amarant: Unknown Path

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Man, am I SORRY, guys. Work for the past week has been a living hell. Let me just say that we are under new management and a lot of the ways I've done things around have have... changed against my wishes. My team is raising hell and as mediator its become a bit challenging to keep the higher-ups from getting rid of some of my best, but more over-zealous, members.

Anyway... onwards!


And there you have it, as was briefed to me before I came out here.

She stands up again and moves to the desk she was sitting at previously, picking up her smaller firearm and turning it over in her hand.

As for what those “things” are, they are the people who used to live here. Driven mad? Possessed by some evil? Simply refusing to die as others perish around them? Who knows. All I know is that they’re a threat and are to be dealt with. Whether they are salvageable or not is the Guild’s concern.

She says this all while disassembling the gun into many smaller parts, each gold piece more intricate than the last.

As she doesn’t seem interested in talking at the moment you finish your meal and wait idly for her to finish her work.

After a while you remember the state of your duster and stand up, removing the blood-soaked garb. You take off your gloves and well and drape them over the back of the chair, tuning towards the bookshelves. Now free of the bloodied apparel, you start gazing around at some of the books on the shelves nearby. You even manage to spot another one by the same author of the encyclopedia Beatrice grabbed earlier, entitled: “Cruel Rose”.

Some of the books seem singed and torn, whereas others are in pristine condition. Most of the former’s titles have been stripped away, their spines peeling and disintegrating. The latter section all seems to deal with history, philosophy, math, and other intellectual pursuits. Some of the titles you can’t even make heads or tails of: ”Ferlund’s Guide to Archaelogical Arcanum,” “Mercenaries and Peace: The After-war Boom,” and “The Tiers of Respeiro: From Pauper to Prince.

Huh you think, curious about the last one; Respeiro is your final destination it might just help… although, as you reach out for the book, Beatrice speaks up.

Don’t touch the books. Please. Some of them are evidence.

You notice she doesn’t even look up from her work as she says this.

With a sigh, you go back over to the table and sit, thinking you may as well take advantage of this respite to let your legs rest before continuing on.

An hour goes by as Beatrice finishes cleaning and repairing her firearms, putting the large one away by the sleeping mat in the corner and holstering the other. After grabbing a piece of dried meat for herself she drags the stool from the desk over and sets it next to the table where you sit, allowing her to dine with you.

She starts eating without saying a word, her eyes resting on you, almost as though she were still examining you. You shift uncomfortably under her gaze, still not quite used to her – or her tusks – quite yet.

As you move around you are reminded of your bloody clothes.

Beatrice… you pipe up, the woman unresponsive as she rips another piece from the dried meat.

Given the states of my clothes, I was curious if there is anywhere I could wash them? Perhaps, even, clean myself?

She continues to look at you, only answering after she has finished chewing her latest piece.

The river.

The river?” you ask, a bit incredulously.

Aye,” she responds.

But that means going out there with those… things.


You don’t mean to tell me that’s what you do?

I do, and before you ask, I don’t have time to guard you. I’ll be departing quite soon.

Soon? Are you headed back to Bayton? you ask, sounding hopeful.

Beatrice shakes her head, looking over towards a rucksack that’s sitting in a corner.

No, I’ll still be here inside the town… although, if I’m successful, then my answer shall change to “yes”. This, in fact, is why I brought you along: Help me in this endeavor and not only will I get you passage into the city, but I shall see to it that you are rewarded for your services rendered unto the Artificer’s Guild.

Your interested is piqued as she says this; not only can she get you into the city, but more gold will mean an easier trip as well as a proper meal and a proper bed tonight... Maybe even a bath. You almost lose yourself in the thought and decide to inquire further.

If I’m to understand you correctly, then, if I help you, you’ll not only get me into the city but your guild will also pay me?


Well then, what does this entail? I’m sure it will involve killing more of those creatures.

A just deduction.” she retorts. I’ve combed the vast majority of this town, scavenging what supplies I can and examining any artifacts I uncover. There still remains one location I have yet to venture to, though: the Catacombs of this towns governing body. A vast congregation of the creatures you faced earlier idly wanders outside and I have reason to believe that many more are inside. As for the reason I must venture inside, I have reason to believe that the key to all this, lies inside. So, I ask: will you assist me in this endeavor?

You’re unsure of what to say. You could barely handle two, but from the sounds of it you’ll be facing at least a dozen. You don’t know if you’re prepared for such a task.

I… I’m not sure if I can. You had to save me earlier. Besides, I’m low on rounds and I’m not the best in close.

Beatrice exhales through her nose in response.

From what I saw with that knife, spear, and sword, you can handle yourself quite fine. Although, If you say you’re better at range, I can supply you with some ammunition. ONCE, you’ve agreed to help: if you decide to go to Bayton on your own I shall have need of the ammunition, myself.

You think it over in your head, wondering just how much risk versus reward there is in this scenario. You don’t have to answer right away, in fact, there are still some questions you have wanted to ask her for a while now. Whatever your decision, she seems extremely capable: she will probably survive whether or not you go along with her.

Regardless of vote: Questions that have yet to be asked WILL be asked, and Minor Actions will be carried out.

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

A) Decide the details don't matter and help her. Besides: You need entrance into the city.
B) Beatrice will be fine, and you can handle yourself: If there's a way into the city, you'll find it.
C) Hold off on answering for now: You still have some questions to ask her.

X) Other.

Z) Minor Action. Available.

Regardless of vote: Questions that have yet to be asked WILL be asked, and Minor Actions will be carried out.


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...


Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn.
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Goblin Necklace. Golden chain. Pendant adorned with runes and a magnificent Ruby.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Large round.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds.
-Rounds: x3 (3 in Cylinder)
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion & Goblin Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black. Couple of tears, some making your legs visible.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Small tear above left breast.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- ”Quite the Bust”: Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "..."

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy. Covered in dirt, especially the back. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Small cut on right arm. Healed.
-Small cut on left cheek. Healed.
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are heavily bruised, making the tops of your forearms rather sensitive. Swelling has started to die down.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
Last edited:
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I just hope she doesn't ditch her partway through this venture.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A, but if we could get some more information on these Catacombs, then that'd be great.

Z Show Beatrice the large round and see if she can identify what type of weapon it goes with, and if she can use it.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A, but if we could get some more information on these Catacombs, then that'd be great.

Z Show Beatrice the large round and see if she can identify what type of weapon it goes with, and if she can use it.

Yeah, sure. Let's go with this one. I'd suggest cleaning up first but the sooner begun, the sooner done after all. And doing this may let us get a real bath rather than a soak in a river.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A. It's probably choke-full of zombies or worse, but curiosity.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I hope I am not crushing anyone's hopes and dreams by simply making an update, but, I will have the next bit written up on Tuesday, tomorrow. Things are getting even more hectic and it seems as though I find my only free time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Hopefully this will all blow over within the next 2 weeks, and we can resume a normal updating schedule. Until then, expect updates once or twice a week.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Perfection must not be rushed. Hehe, anyways I hope everything works out IRL.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


Well, that was easy. A it is.

Minor Actions:
-Ask about the catacombs.
-Ask her what supplies she has to spare. √
-Show her the Large Round. √
-Ask her about the necklace.
-Ask “What’s notable about the town?”
-Ask about her, what she is. √

You ponder the situation a bit, weighing the pros and cons to the request: If you left you would have to take your chances at getting into the city on your own. Not to mention, you are a bit low of gold at the moment and her promise of a reward will greatly help.

You think about it a bit more and you almost lose yourself in the fantasy of a warm bath rather than a cold soak in the river. The additional gold will, hopefully, also afford you a decent room for the night and more food. It seems there is little choice, standing up and pushing the chair back.

I’ll help” you answer her.

You see her smile for the first time, a small grin that reveals a bit more of her tusks.

Glad to hear it she responds, standing up from her spot.

She walks over to her bedroll and grabs her large firearm again, as well as a couple of pouches that are lying besides a nearby pile of books. She continues rummaging around, gathering more supplies.

You sit there idly as she wanders around, filling the pouches with supplies and then hooking them to various locations on her chest, hips, and legs. Eventually you start to feel a bit useless and think about whether or not there is anything you can do to help or “ready up”. You see her large firearm again, though, and are reminded of the large round you found in the blacksmith’s shop earlier.

You reach for your bag, opening it up and shifting the contents around until you find the cylindrical object.

Beatrice” you call out to her, holding up the brass object.

She stops and looks up from her work, towards you.

Here, I found it while scavenging through the blacksmith’s shop. Hopefully you can make use of it as I can’t fire it.” You continue, walking up to her and handing her the round.

She holds it up to her face, twisting it around. You wonder if she can make use of it or if it’s for a firearm neither of you have. You’re about to ask her what it could go to when she finally speaks up, a bit of excitement replacing her usual serious tone.

Ah! This is a G series! You said you found it in the Blacksmith? I cannot even imagine how such a thing made its way there. Hm, that reminds me.

She then hands the round back to you and walks over to one of the corners of the room, moving aside a few barrels and boards, finally turning around with something spectacular in hand.

She holds an object similar to her firearm, but instead of two large barrels it only has a smaller one that extends almost the entire length of the wooden frame. She holds it firmly in both hands as she walks back to you.

This is a fine piece of craftsmanship. Unfortunately, I ran out of ammunition for it a long time ago. Effective at taking out targets at far range, this rifle’s one of the best I’ve ever used.” She says, handing it out towards you.

You gingerly take it, surprised at the weight. You hold it only for a second before you find yourself resting the stock against your shoulder. You’re not quite sure what it is, but you almost feel as though you know how to hold it, lining up the sights as you aim it at the wall.

Beatrice eyes you inquisitively. You’re not sure why but you let the rifle drop from your shoulder, attempting to hand it back to her.

Hm,” she says, “Actually, hang onto that. I don’t have anything left for it and you can consider it a down payment on our agreement.

You can hardly believe it at first, looking down at the rifle and then back to her. Such a thing is... you can hardly believe it. Of course, you only have one round for it.

If you find any ammo along the way you can use that, but at least now we each have a small and large firearm to work with.

You set down the rifle on the table as Beatrice continues to secure the rest of her supplies. The myriad of tasks she completes is amazing, some of them confusing. She has plenty of ammunition of many different types to work with, setting down a few boxes for you to pick through as she finishes up.

You pick through and find rounds suitable for your revolver, managing to add twelve to your current inventory. Two full cylinders now in your possession, you feel much better about the journey ahead. Hopefully, you won’t have to use too many, but at least now you can keep these things at range.

You sit down as Beatrice continues. She never stops, always constantly in motion. You wouldn’t say she looks frantic, as her movements always seems very methodical and filled with purpose, but that doesn’t keep her from moving from place to place inside the room. You’re about to close your eyes and rest, but one last sight from Beatrice catches your attention:

It seems she is filling a few glass flasks with water. You notice that she has brought a water-skin with her, but instead she’s taking this liquid from a metallic jug set on her desk. Once she has filled and corked about four of them she sets them into a pouch on her left breast and walks back to the table.

She now has many different pouches and containers clasped to her form. You don’t inquire as to what they contain and stand up to put on your duster.

Are you prepared to leave?

You slip your arms through the sleeves of the duster and then answer her:

Yes, and thank you for the ammo. I don’t suppose you have anything else you’d be willing to part with? Anything that may help us?

No, unfortunately I have been running low on supplies. One of many reasons I need to finish up in this settlement soon. I have no types of bladed weapons here, but I do know where we can procure one on the way to our destination. Other than that, I take it you were pleased with the ammunition you found?

Yes, very much so,” you thank her. “I was running quite low and I doubt what I had could carry me through the rest of my journey.

"Glad to hear it."

She’s about to turn to leave but you catch her as you have one last question for her.

Beatrice, one last question, if I may?

Of course.

You hesitate at first, wondering how to exactly phrase it but eventually ask what she is and why she has tusks.

Her face sours at the inquiry, her eyes narrowing as they continue to meet ours. At first she doesn’t respond, turning towards the door and only turning to answer you once she has it open, her hand on the knob, ready to leave.

Jacqueline, I am what happens when savagery takes advantage of civilization.

And with that she crosses the threshold of the door into the dark room.

Regardless of vote: Questions that have yet to be asked WILL be asked, and Minor Actions will be carried out.

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

Add some more questions to the queue. They'll be all be answered I promised.

X) Other.

Z) Minor Action. Available.

Regardless of vote: Questions that have yet to be asked WILL be asked, and Minor Actions will be carried out.


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...


Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn.
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Goblin Necklace. Golden chain. Pendant adorned with runes and a magnificent Ruby.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds six Rounds.
-Rounds: x15 (3 in Cylinder) +
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round.On Table. +
-Rounds: x1

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion & Goblin Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black. Couple of tears, some making your legs visible.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Small tear above left breast.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- ”Quite the Bust”: Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "..."

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy. Covered in dirt, especially the back. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are lightly bruised, making the tops of your forearms somewhat sensitive. Swelling has died down significantly.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Oh man for a second there I thought we were going to get a shotgun! Still, a rifle is really nice to have.

Anyways, take the rifle and follow Beatrice. Maybe apologize to her and tell her you did not mean to offend of upset her. Show her the amulet if possible since she seems to be well educated in these sorts of things.

Z Take the small knife or short-sword and cut away parts of the skirt so it doesn't get in the way anymore.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

More questions?

Ask her:
How to tackle the zombies most effectively
What the plan is, and what the backup plan entails.
If the rest of town contains useful equipment.
Where she plans to get the extra weaponry.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

More questions?

Merely a transition period as well as a chance for you guys to write your own conversation as the characters make their way to their destination.

As far as the update: I should have it up by the end of the day IF no surprises come up.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


Minor Actions:
-Take the Rifle √
-Show her the Amulet √
-Take the small knife and cut away parts of the skirt so it no longer gets in the way √

-Ask about the catacombs. √
-Ask what is notable about the town.
-Ask if the rest of the town contains useful equipment. √
-Ask how to tackle the zombies most effectively. √
-Ask what the plan is, and what the backup plan entails.
-Ask if the rest of town contains useful equipment. √
-Ask where she plans to get the extra weaponry. √

Your expression drops a bit, somewhat confused at Beatrice’s reaction. You would call her a bit overdramatic but she probably has her reasons. She said it was the result of “savagery taking advantage of civilization”. You don’t know what she means by it, but you feel as though an apology may be in order. Whatever the case, you decide you better not keep her waiting.

You grab the rifle on the table and sling it over your shoulder; you may only have one bullet now but perhaps you can procure some more later on. You can’t help but wonder how she will reward you later on, especially considering such a thing as this is a down payment.

Rifle in your possession now, you grab your gloves, stuffing them into your bag, and turn to head to the other room, shutting the door behind you. You are quickly bathed in darkness, the candlelight fading, and are only able to keep your orientation by the light coming from the large crack in the wall. You take a cautious step forward, not wanting to trip in the blackness. A little bit more and you start to make out the silhouette of Beatrice and her harness of pouches.

She doesn’t say anything, instead grasping the edge of the crack in the wall and hoisting herself up once you’ve arrived. All her new gear, in addition to what she was wearing before, doesn’t seem to slow her down, the tusked woman launching herself up just as easily as before.

Her ease reminds you of your difficulty from earlier, as well as the incident on the hill. As you think about this you are reminded of how you’ll soon be dealing with more of those things from earlier. If you were to trip on it during such a fight then it would be much more dangerous than simply sliding back down a hill. You pull the small skinning knife from your belt and decide it’s time to remedy this.

The pittance of light that pours forth from the crack affords you just enough visibility as you get to work on the fabric. The knife cuts through the cloth easily enough but you find that the holes already present make the ordeal go by much faster. You cut a line through the material, eventually shearing off two large conjoined pieces, and leaving yourself with a much smaller skirt that comes down to just above your knees. You can’t help but smile a bit, content with your work.

That done, you turn to the large crack and grasp the edge. You find that the bottom of the gash is lower this time, the floor apparently higher than the ground outside, allowing for an easier climb.

As you pull yourself up your mind wanders again, curious about your mission. Beatrice said that she has covered most of the town, but you can’t help but wonder what else is out there. The town itself also has to have some notable features, well, besides the ghouls that plague the streets. On that note, what weaknesses do these things posses, if any? The one from before survived a lethal wound to the throat and yet it rose up and attacked you again. The other one lost an arm and didn’t even flinch, only relenting once you had taken its head off.

You reach the top of the ruined section of the wall and cringe at the memory of the decapitation. You’re starting to have your doubts about whether or not this was the best plan. Perhaps it would have been easier to chance Bayton’s gates instead of Brill’s inhabitants. Either way, you’ve agreed to help Beatrice; not only will she grant you access to the city but she may need the help. As you step off the edge of the wall and drop to the ground below, though, you can’t help but wonder: “What if the two of you need help?”

You impact with the ground, having to bend and almost kneel even as the semi-wet ground softens your landing. You slowly rise up and see Beatrice not too far away. The light outside, while still hazed and grey, allows you to see her better than the orange glow of candlelight from before, revealing the full assortment of pouches and equipment she has brought with her:

Her form is intimidating to say the least; six feet, at least, her height only seems to add to her air of confidence. Two belts cross one another around her hips and waist, holding two pouches, one on each hip. Square in shape, they are a dark brown leather with iron clasps, their contents unknown. The front of the outside belt is lined with leather loops, each one containing a single brass cylinder. A dark leather bandolier crosses her chest from her left shoulder down to her right hip, meeting, and latching, with the belts. As with the belts, various leather loops run down its length, holding much larger brass cylinders as well as glass vials. The vials are the ones you saw earlier, seemingly filled with nothing but water, whereas the cylinders seem to be more ammunition for her larger firearm. The blue button-up shirt she wore before is no longer visible, except for the sleeves, the torso portion now covered by a sleeveless vest, it’s length cut at the waist. Her arms are now have additional protection, a set of leather spaulders and vambraces now protecting her forearms and shoulders. She also has a backpack strapped over her shoulders, its contents still unknown to you.

The lantern from before hangs from her side, unlit for the moment, as well as a small pick, and a ornate metal sphere, fine, intricate lines covering its surface. From the waist down is mostly unchanged, the leather chaps still covering a more comfortable pair of cloth leggings. The one addition comes in the form of a small belt, on her left thigh, that holds three blue rods, their purpose completely unknown to you. Besides all of this, she has her usual revolver fastened to her right thigh and the large firearm slung across her shoulder. You can’t help but admire the woman as she looks as though she’s headed off to war. Truly a sight to behold.

At the moment she stands on the edge of the small hill, overlooking the misty town. She turns back to you as you approach. Her green eyes narrow, but her brow softens as she looks at you. You think about apologizing and letting her know you meant no offense by the earlier question, but to your surprise she speaks first:

I apologize about earlier. It’s a portion of my life I would rather not discuss if that’s alright with you.

You nod as you assure her it won’t bring it up again. She still looks at you and you find it hard to keep eye contact, the assortment of tools and weapons she has on her person calling your attention. You meet her gaze again, this time her eyebrow cocked inquisitively.

I just…” you begin. “ I- you looked quite prepared. Are you sure you need my help” You add a nervous chuckle to the end of the question.

Her features soften as a small grin forms at the corner of her mouth and quickly fades again.

While I may be well-equipped, nothing beats an extra pair of eyes, especially with the number of foes we will be engaging.

She looks back down to your skirt and scans the rest of your form.

I see. Good; we can’t have such a thing getting in the way. Also, I take it you know how to handle that gun? I didn’t come this far to be killed by a stray bullet from a pointy-eared fool.

Your eyes narrow at the comment, only to see her actually smile at your vexation. Perhaps she does have a sense of humor, albeit an annoying one.

She turns back to overlooking the city, perhaps surveying a route to take through this twisted town. You look out over it too, the vista hauntingly beautiful, the rooftops and peaks of abandoned buildings and structures now layered with the mist. “What magic wraught such a fate here?” you wonder. Did every single person who once lived here now suffer the same fate as those monstrosities from earlier? Your mind trails off and eventually you find yourself thinking about the amulet in your bag again, reminded of its magical effects.

Thoughts of taking it out of the bag and wearing it prod your mind again and you find yourself having to physically shake your head to rid your mind of them. You think about what could be done with such a thing. Whether you should throw it away, hold onto to sell, or perhaps… wait: Beatrice studies artifacts, perhaps she can help.

You swivel your bag to your front and unlatch it, flipping it open and reaching inside. You shift asides the old trains tickets and the crystals, as well as a few other items, and find the trinket at the bottom of the bag, right where you left it.

This time it is far more than a simple golden chain with a ruby pendant. No, this time it almost seems to have an inherent glow, the pendant now replaced by a diamond. If you had any doubts before as to whether this was magical or not, they are now gone. This piece of jewelry almost seems to have a mind of its own, changing shape to look ever-more appealing to it’s owner. No matter its value you’ve kept a clear head and managed to ignore it. As you hold it in your hands though, you find yourself having to repeat your intention to show it to Beatrice over and over again in your head. Finally you manage to call out her name.

Beatrice turns around again, eyes going wide as they land on the necklace.

What- Why…” she stammers, flustered for the first time since you met her.

She closes her eyes for a second, seeming to recompose herself.

Why exactly do you have such a piece as that in your possession?

Her words almost don’t make it to you and you have to tear your eyes away from the shining bauble. You find yourself hard-pressed to make coherent words, your mouth feeling dry all of a sudden. You blink a few times as you find your breathing has become a bit more labored. You find yourself looking at the piece again and grasp it with two hands now. Slowly it raises up. It’s such a nice piece of jewelry. You admire it again, the diamond transforming the light into a myriad of colors that echo through the air. Its glow emanates even more furiously, the radiance of it blinding you with its splendor. You can’t help but think of wearing it to a gala of some sort; paired up with a long silk dress, this necklace would make you the highlight of the evening. Men would come to see such a gem and then end up admiring your form.

They would be enthralled by you, enchanted by you. Such a fantasy would be most delightful. One of the men then extends his hand out for a dance. You don’t know what to say, such an offer makes you blush and you hesitate slightly to put your hand in his. His eyes seem to gleam an essence of desire, of worship, and his smile calls out to you. Gingerly, you extend your arm reaching out to accept his-

A pain surges from your cheek. The pain is staggering and you find yourself knocked backwards. You stumble a bit but manage to find your footing. You blink a few times as the worst of the pain subsides and you can see the necklace lying on the ground. You look back up and see Beatrice standing there, open palm hovering above her shoulder. Her face holds the same stoic expression as ever. Her brow furrows as she sees you are finally aware of her again.

Just how long have you had that? At first I was confused as to why you possessed such a piece of wealth. Only when I saw the way you looked at it did I realize what it was.

She then moves over to where the necklace lies on the ground, eyeing it warily.

You’re lucky: If you were alone when you took that out again who knows what would have happened? Even worse, if a less reputable sort was around…

She looks back to you, reaching an hand out to inspect your cheek. Her skin is rough, the many years of hard work and labor present in the texture.

Sorry about that. I might have overdone it. I simply don’t like to take chances with an item that could be potentially cursed. It won’t last longer than a couple minutes.

She takes her hand away and turns back to the piece of jewelry, it’s radiance rapidly fading. You rub your cheek, the pain surprisingly fleeting quite quickly. You knew the item was magical but for some reason you just couldn’t get the better of it.

What is that thing? I, ach… picked it up off of a pair of goblins that tried to get me to drink a potion earlier. I was thinking I could sell it or something… I kept it at the bottom of my bag but when I took it out…

Beatrice turns back to you, putting her hands on her hips.

That sounds about right; goblins sometimes come into this town scavenging supplies and taking whatever they can find. As to what that it is though, I can’t say for sure. Whatever it is, if it tries to force you to wear it then I’d err on the side of caution: nothing good comes from magic that compels the user. Hm, tell me: at what times did you feel compelled to wear it?

You think back to when and where you got it and every interaction you had with it since then. You describe to Beatrice about how it only seemed to really affect you when you first picked it up and when you took it out. Besides that, it didn’t really seem to call to you.

She listens to you intently, following the events you describe and how it got inside your head. After you finish she simply stands there for a bit, thinking. Every once in a while she glances to the necklace on the ground and then stares at nothing again, apparently lost in thought. After a while you almost want to try and get her attention. Fortunately, she speaks up after a little bit more than a minute:

I’m pretty sure it might be safe to carry as long as we don’t look at it or touch it. Do you have a rag or some sort of cloth you can lend me?

Um, sure… hold on one second.” you say as you reach into your bag.

You eventually find the blood-soaked blouse you had from earlier; with a gash down the front and a giant bloodstain you very much doubt you would wear it again. You hand it to Beatrice, who gives you a wary look as you hand it to her.

I won’t pry.” she assures you as you hand her the blouse, albeit still curious about how the blouse came to end up in such shape.

The cloth in hand, she uses it to scoop up the necklace, wrapping it over and over again until she knot’s the sleeves together, making sure the bundle is tight and secure.

That should do it. Now…” she starts, setting the bundle back on the ground. “My guild is always looking for new magical artifacts. We use them to better understand magic and the way it works. We can use stuff such as this to better understand not only that but the world we live in. With your consent, I’d like to take possession of this artifact and take it back to the guild to be studied. Such a powerful item can surely lead to new innovations and advancements in how these objects work.

You think about the decision:

You think about your decision. This medallion holds some power that is far beyond you, something sinister enough that you don’t think pawning it off for some gold would be wise. You look at the bundle that Beatrice holds, your eyes narrowing as you come to a conclusion.

“You’re right…” you say, “something like this is too dangerous for me to keep: you should take it to your guild.”

Her brows raise, a subtle sign of delight as she nods at you. She opens her backpack to stow the bundle, shifting a few items around to place it near the bottom. In all honesty, you’re glad to be rid of it, a part of you fearing what that thing could cause to happen. The vision that played out in your mind felt almost like a dream in the sense that you couldn’t tell it from reality. Something that could alter reality in such a way must be kept safe and Beatrice’s guild seems to be experts on such matters.

With the amulet secure Beatrice latches the pack shut, and looks back to you.

“Thank you, we’ll see that you’re compensated for this find. Now, let us be underway.”

With that out of the way the two of you make your way down the hill, away from Beatrice’s refuge, and further into the city.

As before, you guys make your way through a few shops houses, and alleyways, making sure to keep an eye out for any enemies. You stick close to Beatrice as she leads the way, apparently quite familiar with the area. Just how long has she been here you wonder. As the two of you move through the town, Beatrice holds her pick ready.

The pick itself looks like a miniature mining-pick: four inches of slightly curved steel extending from the shaft and ending in sharp points. The bottom half of the wooden shaft is wrapped in leather, a smalls liver of which extends from the bottom making a small loop around Beatrice’s wrist. It seems she uses it as a melee weapon, although you wonder why she prefers it to a blade.

Before long the two of you arrive at another dilapidated building. As usual, Beatrice heads inside first. She doesn’t crouch, instead opting to stand, making step after careful step as she traverses the wooden floor. You follow her inside. The house itself looks no different from the other: Devoid of supplies and filled with bare bookshelves and cabinets. There is one difference this time s you notice one of those abominations has made its way inside.

This one is no different from the others: the skin a sickly grey form that swayed from side to side as it idly stood there. And just like the others, another casualty of Beatrice, as she came up behind the being and swung her pick straight down onto its cranium, the steel point easily piercing the skull and sinking down into the brain matter of the mindless foe. The wound to its head apparently enough, its body goes limp, crumpling into a heap on the ground as a greyish, bloody mess starts to ooze from its scalp.

The way she took it down, she’s obviously done this many times. Perhaps there’s some insight she can provide…

You approach Beatrice as she wiped her pick off on the dead man’s clothes. She looks up at you momentarily as you step forward, looking back to the pick and replacing it back into the loop at her hip once done.

So…” you begin, “what should I know about these things? I mean, I’ve gathered so far that if you decapitate them or stab them in the head that they will stay down, but it seems as though slitting their throat will only temporarily subdue them. What exactly is the best way to tackle them?

Beatrice turns to you and simply points at the revolver on your hip.

That.” she simply states. “These things are very resilient and will continue to attack even when wounded beyond any reasonable means. The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them. It’s a good thing you have a firearm, as that is what I’d recommend. A single bullet can kill. Better yet, it can do so beyond the reach of these ghouls. If there are too many though, simply try to back off and continue to fire. Only engage them in melee if you have the jump on them or if you have no other choice. If it really comes down to melee, though, use that sword of yours or one of these if you’re desperate enough.

She then slips one of the glass vials from her bandolier and hands it to you.

Here: Holy Water. Rare, but it will sear the flesh of any of these fiends. All the more proof that whatever twisted them so involved magic.

You take the vial and thank her, tucking it into one of your pouches.

Between the two of us we should have more than enough ammunition. But, just in case, I’d take a look…

She then walks over to a corner of the room and lifts up a floor board, and then another, and soon a section of the floor has been upended. Once done she motions you over and, as you step forward, you see what is underneath:

An assortment of blades, weapons, armor, and even a few other miscellaneous devices and objects. Axes, swords, daggers, throwing knives, even pole-arms are stashed here under these floorboards. Four glass vials are even neatly tucked inside an ornate box lined with red cloth. Your surprise is apparently quite noticeable as Beatrice speaks up again:

Surprised? This stash is just one of many I’ve put together across the town. Unfortunately, you won’t find anything too special here: I’ve reserved the magical items for the guild and what mundane items these villagers did have were not too special. Either way, have a look inside, you might find something useful. I would caution against taking too much, though.

You nod and then go about sifting through the items:

For weight purposes you can take what you think you can actually carry. I expect good judgment.

Longsword w/scabbard
Dagger w/ sheathe.
Medium Crossbow
4 X-Bow Bolts.

Chain(5 ft.)

Leather vambraces
Leather gloves

Sealing Wax (Orange): Will harden when poured, fusing something shut or acting as a glue.
Unknown Teal Potion: Use at your own risk.
Unknown Dark Green Potion: Use at your own risk.
Unknown Black Potion: Use at your own risk.

For voting: Put this under "Secondary Vote."

You’ll have to think about what to get. For now, you have a few more questions for Beatrice:

You get her attention again and inquire as to what the plan is once you reach the catacombs and what the area is like. Also, what backup plan does she have if any. After you finish though she comes back with a very concise answer:

There is no backup plan.” she calmly states. “If things go sour down there we simply fight our way out. Luckily, I think the catacombs are mostly linear, meaning, as long as we kill whatever is in our path, we can escape back the way we came with relative ease. What I know for certain, is that there will be more things down there and we might not always have the luxury of using our firearms. Although, we may have the luxury of funneling them through certain chokepoints, allowing us to take them out quite easily.

Beatrice sits down as she continues to explain how the catacombs will most likely be dark, her lantern probably the only source of light. She goes over how the two of you also want to finish up before nightfall, as the town becomes quite dangerous during the dark hours. Fortunately, the catacombs are close. Unfortunately, none of her other stashes are.

She also goes over some of the supplies she’s brought with her, showing you how some of her devices work and what she has in her inventory. She discusses her firearms and their intricacies as well as what potions and supplies she has.

After a small respite you grab what you need from the stash and head out.

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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

What is to be done about this cursed necklace:

A) Keep it. You are sure can manage to keep it wrapped up until you can pawn it off.
B) Allow Beatrice to take it. She, and her guild, would greatly appreciate such a powerful object.
C) Convince Beatrice that neither or you should take it. It's too dangerous.
D) Keep it, but only to keep Beatrice from having it. Disposing of it as soon as you can without Beatrice's knowledge.

X) Other.

Z) Minor Action. Available.

Secondary Vote:

Decide what equipment to take with you while keeping in mind how much they should weigh and how you'd store/carry them.

Tertiary Vote:

Pending Destination: Catacombs. Proceed?

A) Yes.
B) No, because.... [Reason]


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...

STATS: Jacqueline*

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Goblin Necklace. Golden chain. Pendant adorned with runes and a magnificent diamond. Radiates with a magnificent light.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or throw at enemy. +

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds six Rounds.
-Rounds: x15 (3 in Cylinder)
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.
-Short-sword. Has Scabbard. Fastened to left hip.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Slung across left shoulder.
-Rounds: x1

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, and Vial of Holy Water. +
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black. +
-Shirt. Buttoned. Small tear above left breast.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgable about the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- "Quite the Bust": Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "....."

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy. Covered in dirt, especially the back. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are lightly bruised, making the tops of your forearms somewhat sensitive. Swelling has died down significantly.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice*NEW*


Current Inventory:

Gold: (?)
-Dried meat (x3)
-Fruit (X1)
-Canteen: Holds water.
-Piece of Chalk
-Parchment. 4 sheets.
-Corked Inkwell
-Lantern Oil. Contained in a ceramic Jar. Corked.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light.
-Flint & Tinder.
-Canteen: Filled with Water.
-(2x) Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or thrown at enemy.
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn. Has the necklace Inside it.

-Long-barreled Revolver. Single Action. Swing-out Cylinder. Holds five Rounds.
-Rounds: 8 (5 in Cylinder)
-Shotgun. Break action. Two barrels. Holds 2 shells. Slung across left shoulder
-Shells: 7 (2 loaded)
-Pick. Steel. Small. Shaft is 1 foot long.
-Shock Sphere. Throwable. Will explode and stun all nearby enemies.

-Thigh Holster: Holds Long-barreled revolver.
-Blue button up shirt. Buttoned. Long sleeved. Cloth.
-Bandolier. Left Shoulder to Right hip. Contains: 2 Vials of Holy Water, 7 shotgun shells.
-Belt 1. Supports pouch 1. Holds: 8 revolver rounds. Lantern.
-Belt 2. Supports pouch 2. Holds: Small pick on left hip. Shock Sphere.
-Pouch 1. Contains: Canteen.
-Pouch 2. Contains: -
-Left thigh Belt. Holds: Three burning rods.
-Small vest. Cloth. Ends at waist level. Sleeveless.
-Leather spaulders.
-Leather vambraces.
-Cloth pants. down to ankle.
-Leather chaps. Perfect for riding and adds protection around your legs.
-Sturdy Boots.
-Bra: Grey. Cloth.
-Underwear: Grey. Cloth.
-Backpack: Contains: dried meat(x3), Fruit(x1), Compass, Piece of chalk, Quill, Inkwell, Lantern Oil, Flint & tinder, parchment,

- Artificer: A member of the Artificer's Guild, a guild known for studying magic and lost technology.
- Reclaimer: Reclaimer rank. A hunter of the eldritch, you scour lost ruins and abandoned pieces of civilization for history of old.
- Revolver Training I: "Better... but there's always perfection." -Smith Mordel
- Shotgun Training II: "You're almost as good as me now, 'Trice!" -Flint
- Half-Orc: An orc half breed. Born from the coupling of an orc and a human. You, luckily, got more from your mother's side.
- Meticulous: You are one for planning and preparation, and aren't good at improvising when things don't go as planned.
- Firearm Favored: Confident with a gun in your hand, but you find yourself quite distressed when fighting without one.
- Bayton Raised: Born and raised in the pirate city you learn certain skills and rules... or guidelines, rather.
- Curious of Alchemy: You can't truly make potions, but you can most likely discern potion from poison.
- Bookworm: You not only read, you take pleasure in acquiring any new information.
- Gunsmith/Tinkerer II: Knowledge on how to fix and repair many different types of firearms and mechanical devices.

Physical Appearance:
-Snow-white hair: Slicked back. Cut just above the neck.
-Sharp face, with narrow, green eyes.
-Height: ~6' 2"
-Bullet wound scar on right forearm
-Large blade scar on right abdomen.
-Large blade scar on left thigh.
-Small tusks protruding from lower lips, an inch from the gum-line.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Primary vote:B. We owe her after all, and I'm sure our donation nets us some spoils once all's done.

Secondary vote: Take the crowbar, it's obviously super effective against zombies and any creepy crawlers we may encounter.
Also take all 4 potions, they're light and we got room to spare.

Vote to proceed with mission: Yes.

Minor action: Reload revolver.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

C that thing is bad news and, while it may seem great to hand it over and learn something from it, it would be a disaster if it got loose somehow and Jacqueline or Beatrice looked at it. Chuck it.

Secondary Vote:
Sealing Wax sounds handy
Leather Vambraces because more armor is always nice
Leather gloves better than dress gloves
Unknown Teal, Dark Green, and Black potions ask Beatrice what they do.
Dagger w/ sheathe back-up daggers are handy to have and better than skinning knives.

Tertiary Vote
A onward to glory!
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

B because, if something happens it happens to her...yeah i'm an evil bastard

Secondary Vote:
Sealing Wax sounds handy
Leather Vambraces because more armor is always nice
Leather gloves better than dress gloves
Unknown Teal, Dark Green, and Black potions ask Beatrice what they do.
Dagger w/ sheathe back-up daggers are handy to have and better than skinning knives.

Tertiary Vote
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

B, give Beatrice the amulet.

Take the crowbar, because opening doors is important and lockpicks may not work on everything. Take the long-sword to go with the shortsword, because it would probably be more effective at taking off heads in a pinch. Take both bits of armor for added protection, don't want dem zombies to get a bite in on the arms. Take all of the potions and ask Beatrice what they do, and the sealing wax.

And then A. Because progress.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

B. It will probably net us a reward. In fact, minor action: ask if Beatrice's guild would reward us for turning it over. Unless she flat out says "no," do it. Otherwise, A.

Secondary Vote: Take the dagger, and strap it to your leg. Take the hand axe, and either hook it through your belt or use the rope to make a harness. Take the armor, because yes. Lastly, take the chain, because why not? We could use it to barricade a door or something.

Next, A: proceed with mission.

And lastly, minor action: reload revolver.