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Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Today was like any other day, for Tiffania, or Tiffa, as her friends called her. She was out hunting and ranging for her tribe, the Dark Foot tribe, and it was late in the day. She'd just managed to bag a deer and was cleaning it near the roadside and preparing to take it back, when she heard the thumping of hooves. Looking up from her kill, she saw a centauress galloping along, with a young woman riding on her back, wrapped tightly in a cloak, that was muddy and stained quite badly.

The centauress was looking over her shoulder every few moments, Tiffa saw, as they closed in on where she was, as if trying to spot something that was chasing her and the one riding her. She was on the edge of the road and was just about to slam into Tiffa, when she turned her head back around as the woman on her back gasped and tapped her, pointing at Tiffania, where she stopped quickly and nearly threw the young woman on her back off in her hurry to stop, but managed to keep from doing so, and hitting Tiffania in the process, barely.

"You, dark elf... i-is your town nearby?" the centauress asked Tiffa as she stood there, panting up a storm and looking exhausted, as did the girl on her back.

(Since we already decided on the setting and whatnot, we can just skip that and do the fetishes list. :p)

Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...):
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.):
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen):
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE):
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like):
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things, or magical constructs):
Non-Consensual Sex:
Fey Beings:

Roughness - How rough do you want things to get? (Same scaling as above):

If there's anything not added above that you'd like to see some of, just add it here:


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

Humans: Y 3
Female/Female: Y 3
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...): Y 5
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.): Y 5
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen): Y 5
Anthros: N
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE): Y 5
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like): Y 5
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things, or magical constructs): Y 5
Futanari: Y 5
Non-Consensual Sex: Y 3
Slavery: Y 1
Fey Beings: Y 5
Corruption: Y 1
Pregnancy: Y 1
Birthing: Y 1
Oviposition/Seedbearing: Y 3
Lactation/milking: Y 3

Roughness - How rough do you want things to get? (Same scaling as above): 3

If there's anything not added above that you'd like to see some of, just add it here: No urethra insertion, hyper body parts, and all the way through.

Today was a good day like usual for Tiffania, walking around and tracking prey in the forest nearby. "Another day and another deer as usual. This is the good life! Though I wish that something interesting would happen..." cheerfully said Tiff as she gutted and cleaned the deer she had caught on the side of the road.

Her wish was soon fulfilled when the dark elf heard galloping coming towards her. Turning to see what the source, she saw a centauress with a young woman wrapped tightly in a cloak running on the road towards her.

At hearing the centauress's question, Tiffania answered, "Why yes, my town is nearby, it's just down the road. You two look like you are in a hurry, is someone chasing you?" Then she wiped her hands on the grass to clean them and stood up, settling in a ready stance with her hands on her twin swords for any signs of danger.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"G-Good, please... take us there. I-If you need, I can carry your kill there, but we should hurry," the centauress said, still panting, and seeming frightened of something, but not elaborating on it really as she awaited Tiffa's response.

The young woman on the centauress's back, pulled the cloak around her a bit more, looking a bit cold and exhausted, but unhurt, and also hopeful, that Tiffania would help them.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Ah you don't have to worry about that! You too tired to carry a dead deer anyway. Now follow me! Maybe once we reach my home you can tell me your name and what has got you so spooked." cheerfully said Tiffania while still tense at the unseen threat that is scaring these two. Then she started going down the road towards the road as fast as the centauress can gallop while her hands stayed near her swords in case of an attack.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

The centauress looked relieved, that she wasn't having to carry the deer carcass back to Tiffania's town. "But, I'd hate for you to have to leave it, after all the work of hunting it. It... looks like we're in the clear for now, s-so if you'd like to finish cleaning it and whatnot, then we can wait for a few minutes more, I guess," the centauress said, looking at the mostly cleaned deer, as Tiffania had already gotten most of it cleaned and cut.

When Tiffania was finished with the deer, if she opted to stay and get the last bits of it that she hadn't got yet, they headed off, with the centauress moving quickly, and looking worried still, while the girl on her back clung to the back of her bearer's human half. After a few minutes, they crested the hill and saw Gereth in the distance, on the far side of the little valley it was in, nestled against the western edge of a mountain.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Well if you say so, I'll grab the best parts then." said Tiff when she heard the centauress's offer. Then she quickly looked around the deer corpse and sliced off the tastier parts of the body, years of experience allowing her to finish the job within minutes. Wrapping the meat in cloth and putting them in a leather sack, the dark elf ranger started jogging along with the centauress and her passenger down the road towards her home town, Gereth.

Once her town is in sight, Tiffania smiled in relief that they only need to cross the valley to reach her home. "Ah, my home town, Gereth is in sight! We just need to cross the valley and we'll be safe! If you want, we can take a short break to catch your breath and rest your body before we can move on." said Tiffania.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Very well, we shall await you," the centauress said, looking around warily as she stood there, keeping a hand on a large greatsword she had at where her human half met her horse half.

After making their way to within sight of Gereth, the centauress looked to Tiffania and nodded, easing herself down so that her charge could climb down. Tiffania saw that the young woman on her back was small, barely standing at 5 feet tall even, maybe an inch over that, if that much, and her cloak that was pulled around her bulged around the back side of it, as if something were there hindering it from going flush against her body. She didn't speak, and though her head and much of her face was covered by her cloak's hood, Tiffania could see it enough to see a thankful smile.

"I cannot thank you enough, miss. I... call me Reina," the centauress said, bowing her head slightly to Tiffania.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Hah! You are welcome Reina, you can call me Tiffania and may I ask who is your companion? If she doesn't want to so who she is then I understand. Anyways, Gereth is just about an hour away and the roads are patrolled by the local militia. In addition to that, there should be a guard post nearby so you two can explain your situation." Tiffania replied while giving Reina and the girl a warm smile. Then she stretched her limbs and took a swig from her water flask while she rested and waited for the two to finish resting. "Ready when you are." said Tiffania when she recovered enough energy to resume the journey back to Gereth
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Well met, Tiffania, and this is... she's... my charge. L-Liliana, she's... w-well, very special," Reina said, stammering a bit and looking like she wanted to say more, but was scared. "I..." Reina began to say when Liliana looked over at her and gently waved a hand, silencing her, where Reina nodded softly as Liliana lowered her hood to reveal long beautiful blonde hair that flowed down in wavy locks, as her large beautiful... silvery wings unfurled from beneath her cloak, which was different likely than Tiffania might have expected on an angel.

"I... I'm an angel, as you might have guessed, just from the cloak being all bulging on the back and stuff. You've brought us to your home, s-so I believe we can trust you enough to reveal that much, at least. I promise, that we'll tell you the rest when we arrive and speak to your chieftess. But until then, will you please trust us, a-and understand that the rest of what Reain and I will speak of, must be spoken in private, behind closed doors, and not just where anybody can hear?" Liliana said after a few moments, looking over to Tiffania, giving a hopeful look at the dark elf, and the kind and gentle look of the young angel gave Tiffania's heart a little flutter, and she felt a slight stirring in her lower regions, but nothing that she couldn't manage of course until later.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

When Liliana revealed herself as an angel, Tiffania was surprised at the sight of her silver wings. Blushing slightly at the beautiful visage, the dark elf ranger cleared her voice and straightened herself up, realizing this is more serious than expected. "Alright I understand that this is a private matter Reina and Liliana. Okay, since this is more serious than I thought, we are running to the nearest guard post to get some extra people for safety, then to straight to Gereth. We'll set off when you two are rested." said Tiffania, a serious look on her face as she kept a lookout for any signs of danger.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Thank you, miss Tiffania, I can't thank you enough," Liliana said, bowing deeply in thanks to Tiffania, while Reina did the same.

With that, the pair were ready to move whenever Tiffania was, and they followed her along, with Liliana no longer hiding her wings, and letting them shine in the sinking sunlight. By the time they reached the guard post, which was really more a tiny settlement/village of its own, than anything, the sun was almost fully set, and Tiffania saw a couple of the guard rangers coming up to meet them. "Hey Tiffa. Who're they?" one of them said, smiling to her in greeting, as Liliana saw a bench nearby and immediately moved to sit down for a bit, while Reina moved to her side and sat down herself, looking a bit exhausted herself.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

Smiling back in greeting, relieved that she is in some safety now, Tiffania waved her hand towards Reina and Liliana. "Ah, the centauress is Reina and the angel is Liliana. I saw them running down the road and they requested my help. They looked very scared and kept looking back where they came from so I agreed to help them. Apparently they have something important to tell the chieftess so may we stay for the night? I don't think it is a good idea to travel in the dark with the unknown threat still around and plus these two look like they have been on the run for a long time." Tiffania told the ranger. Then she made a small yawn as she was slighty tired from the hunt and the rush to get here.

Turning to the pair, Tiffania gave them a reassuring smile and said, "Hey, you two don't mind if we stay here for the night? I'm sure that whoever is chasing you won't risk attacking this outpost but if you feel that you two are still in danger, we can still run all the way to Gereth if you want."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Mmm, very well then. I'll have a couple of the other rangers take the meat from your kill to get it all fixed up for you. Go ahead and get you some rest hon," the ranger told Tiffania.

"Of course, we really could use some rest, after our rush and all," Reina said, looking thankful for the offer of rest for the night.

"Aye, I'm quite exhausted myself as well, and... I don't think those that were following us would attempt anything here, surely," Liliana said, still looking a bit worried, but confident in what she'd said.

With that, the ranger showed them to one of the guest houses for the evening, where Liliana fell over into the bed and sighed as she landed, looking like it was the first bed she'd felt in ages. Reina of course, being larger than most beings, had a bit of trouble moving about inside, but she made do for now. Liliana made to remove her cloak altogether after a minute or so, raising back up to do so, and revealing that she was wearing a slightly tattered simple white dress, that looked almost like a nightgown one might sleep in.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

After giving her fellow rangers her bag containing pieces of her kill, Tiffania followed Reina and Liliana to the guest house. Setting down her equipment and taking her armor off, the dark elf covered her mouth as she yawned and sat down on her bed. "It seems that you had a rough time Liliana. Well don't worry, you are in safe hands now." reassured Tiffania when she saw the state of Liliana's dress.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"I thank you again, miss Tiffania. You don't know how much it means to me, to us," Liliana told Tiffania, looking relieved that she'd found someone that was willing to help them. "Is there a bath around, that we can use by chance?" Liliana then asked, looking hopeful.

"Aye, I second that, food and a bath would be nice indeed," Reina agreed, looking over at Tiffania with a hopeful look as well.

Just then, another elf, this one not a dark elf, but a high elf, one that lived with Tiffania's tribe, came in, bearing a couple of trays with food and drink on them. "The head ranger asked me to bring you all some food quickly, so here you are, ladies," she said, smiling softly at Tiffania and the others.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Ah thanks! I only ate small meals throughout the day so I appreciate it. said Tiffania when the food and drink trays are brought in. Hearing about Reina and Liliana's inquiries and remembering about the unique angel's tattered clothing, the dark elf turned to the high elf and asked her, "Oh hey, do you know where the baths are? All three of us worked up quite a sweat and we could use a chance to wash our bodies, also Liliana here could wear something more comfortable don't you think?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Of course, we have a public bathhouse for all to share and use, and a couple of smaller bathtubs around too if you'd rather a more private bath. The fenced in house set a tiny bit away from the rest is the bathhouse. As for clothing, I'll see if I can find something suitable for her," the high elf said, bowing politely and retreating to go find some clothes for Liliana to wear when they got out of the bath.

They sat there and ate, with the newcomers devouring everything on their plates, and with Liliana eating in a rather more ladylike manner than her companion, but still eating everything that was given to her, obviously hungry from how quickly they'd fled their home. After that, Liliana blushed a bit and nodded to Tiffania and Reina, and mentioned going to the bath, where Reina accompanied her, and Tiffania could as well if she wished, where Tiffania would see Liliana undress after they got there, and she'd see that she was quite unlike any angel that she'd ever heard of before, in that she was not a matriarch.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

After finishing her delicious meal after eating rations all day, Tiffania let out a happy sigh, content that her belly is full. She then decided to accompany Liliana and Reina to the public bath house, wanting to clean herself and know what Liliana looks like when nude. Stripping her clothes off and revealing her D-cup breast and 8-inch long dick, Tiffania turned to ask Liliana and Reina if they are ready but the words died on her lips when she saw the naked angel.

The reason why she is surprised is not the fact that Liliana is beautiful but the fact that she is not a matriarch. "Oh...hey Liliana, I guess that you are more unique than I thought," said Tiffania while blushing at the sight, an easy going smile on her face and hands on her hips.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Y-Yeah, that was another thing, that we were gonna tell you a-and your chieftess when we spoke. But, I really wanted a bath to be honest," Liliana said, sighing softly, and blushing a bit. "I... kind of am a princess, o-of a sort. I suppose since you've trusted us this far, that it would be okay to tell you though. I am a true hybrid half angel, half succubus. We're incredibly rare, and... as of right now, I'm one of only six maidens like this. The ones chasing us, at least we think, want to use me for my powers, because I can wield high level light and dark magics both, which no regular angel or succubus can do really, at least not normally very well anyway," she went on to say after a few moments, after sinking into the water, her large own large F-cup breasts floating in the water, while Reina stood nearby, with a bucket of water, dumping it over her haunches since she couldn't really fit in the bath like the other two, very easily.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

Letting a sigh of contentment when she entered the bath, Tiffania intently listened to Liliana's explanation while soaking in the water. Trying to not take subtle glances at the angel hybrid's huge breasts, she composed herself a little more, now knowing that she is in the presence of someone very important. "Oh wow, you think there will be people from your home will be looking for you? What spells do you know? I'm a little curious. Also I'm sure that you will grow up into a powerful leader in the future." said Tiffania.