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An Innocent Campaign - IC

Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

South Training Room
Tag: Mara

The serpentine woman seemed disappointed as Mara, somehow, managed to shake herself out of the daze. She approached the still slightly stiff but not paralyzed Mara with a lustful grin. "Oh lookie there, a resilient one.. and you don't seem to have any spears. So why are you wandering about here for?" She flicked her tongue in Maras direction, long, and forked. Quite the beauty.. if you ignored the whole snake thing.

"Looking for a sparring partner, little one? I could help you out.. in exchange for a.. solid favour. What do you say? I'm a bit rusty and you wont get an offer like this ssslithering your way every day." She hissed, somehow making it sound seductive.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main Throne Room
Tag: Harem

Ellana found her way back into the throne room, a bit disappointed that her allies left the throne room. There was no telling where they had went! Except... there was a group of people right here that could help her Neato!

"Oh, yeah. She was nice, taught me many powers of the druid. She's very nice." The Wild Elf gave a polite smile to the group. "Rest? Well, I am a bit tired..." She stays silent for a moment, apparently in thought, before perking back up again. "Say, did any of you manage to see where the others went? It appears they've all split up..."
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main throne room
Tag: Ellana

"One of your friends is already resting in one of the guest rooms." One of the women informed, another adding, coming up behind Ellana: "The other two play grim and gritty survival by themselves. Why don't you stay with me a little while? I promise to treat you well." Harem cooed, leaning over Ellanas back, hands coiling over her chest, seductive, but not outright sexual as she whispered the last bit into the druids ear.

"Myrtle isn't the only one that can be.. friendly, you know."
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main Throne Room
Tag: Harem

"That's unfortunate..." Ellena frowns for a moment, thinking to herself. Why did the others have to make this so difficult? Granted, she ran off on her own too, but she had full intentions to return as soon as she could. Oh well, couldn't be helped now...

"I might as well wait for the person waiting here and if you're as nice as you say you are, I see little reason not to stay."
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main throne room
Tag: Ellana

"Wonderful.. but simply waiting might get boring. How about you relax, tell me a little of yourself.. and of course we are nice, hold on." The other Harem leaned back, soft, smooth hands squeezing then beginning to massage Ellanas shoulders.

"I assume this must all be rather startling for you." Another harem spoke, approaching Ellana with a tray of grapes and a silvery glass of wine atop of it, while a third one gently but insitantly nudged her along to take place upon a comfortable looking, large pillow.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Mara Silverwind
Snake Room
Tag: Harem
19/19 HP

"You know what, why not? On the condition the 'solid' favor doesn't involve me being turned to stone, statue, paralyzed, slave, or golem." She counted off her fingers as she listed off her conditions. To be honest, Mara wasn't sure if the snake woman was going to let her go regardless, even if she didn't agree to the training match. She could tell she was in danger, but this was the kind of test of her skills she was looking for.

"Sound good? Ready-set-Go!" Mara tried to catch the woman off guard, potentially surprising her. The magic flowed through her veins like normal but there was something odd about it. The flow felt ephemeral yet slick with some strange taint inside of it. Mara had no idea what the Magic Missile would look like but an undodgeable attack like this one would give a good indication.

If the snake woman could recover and send one of the snakes or eye-gaze or something equally spooky her way, Mara would retaliate with a quick Shield spell to keep her safe long enough to attack again. She had a feeling that once the woman was more oriented to debuffing her opponents and Mara would need to stay at the top of her game as long as possible.


Magic Missile:

Chaos Magic Roll (if relevant):
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main Throne Room
Tag: Harem

"You don't have to do that, i'm fine wi- Oh, that feels nice...." The Monk purred, sinking so ever slightly into the woman's hands. "About me? Well, i'm sure you can tell that i'm a druid. But I also dally into the martial arts. It helps me better concentrate on nature, though it helps when magic isn't available." The Wild Elf followed suit, placing herself on the pillow as directed.

"When I have free time, I usually sew or weave, you wouldn't believe how often I have to maintain these robes, they get torn so easily."
She continues, absent mindedly grabbing a grape and plopping it into her mouth. "I wouldn't say startled... I'm more worried than anything. I know nothing of what this plane contains, which is both a good and bad thing... I'll probably start exploring it, once I meet up with the others." The Wild Elf takes another grape, as she speaks. They were juicy...
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

South Training Room
Tag: Mara

"Actually it might involve up to three of those you've just said, but don't worry, we can keep it temporary. Huh. Golem is actually an interesting idea, now that I think about it a little more..." The snakelike woman grinned, then raised her brow.. Maras suprise attack made it so that she couldn't disagree with the rules in time, but it did seem to catch the snakewoman off guard, as she attempted to back off and get a proper distance going.

"Ughh.." The snake-woman stumbled back and hissed angrily at the blasts of more ectoplasmic energy hitting her, leaving her stumbling back and dazed.

"Tzkk tzkk.. checky. I should.. work on you a little for that one." She narrowed her eyes, the snakes around her arms coiling and hissing at Mara as her green eyes took on a more dangerous hue.

(And Mara wins initative and gets to attack again. The Snake-woman seems somewhat distracted by her earlier attack but readies herself for retaliation!)
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Mara Silverwind
Snake Room
Tag: Harem
19/19 HP

"You're not turning me into a rock! Not if I have anything to say about it!" Mara threw her hand up, channeling a taste of the magic she felt in Harem's domain. Her body began to blur before splitting into four identical copies. All four of them pointed at the snake woman and shouted in unison, "and I have plenty to say about it!"

If the snake gal did manage a hit on Mara herself there was always Shield. All of her friend-making spells seemed to be a little less than useful right now but hey, sorcery was all about flexibility. It'd take a bit of effort but she could shake up her spell slots no problem. In fact there was a scorching laser spell she had been dying to try out.

Mara and her copies shifted from side to side as they watched the snake woman's movements. The advantage was in her corner but she'd still yet to see what the snake woman had in store. Her sword was heavy on her hip, reminding her of what she could fall back on. She'd much rather avoid that if she could. "Alright Queen Cobra, let's see what you have hidden up your coils!~"

Chaos Magic Roll (if relevant):
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main throne room
Tag: Ellana

"Hooh.. so you must have quite the strong, but tense muscles.. perhaps you'd like a more.. throughout massage?" Harem cooed, as the hand continued to knead and the pillow gave way, letting Ellana sink in deep into it. A third Harem reached out, slowly opening up Ellanas outfit.

"Hoooh? Why do your robes tear so much? Do you fight many dangerous fights?" Harem asked with inviting interest. "The unknown is always both exciting and frightening isn't it? But it helps if you have people close that you can absolutely trust. That are your friends." Harem cooed softly into Ellanas ear, the last bit having an odd tingle to it, leaving Ellana feeling warm and calm on the comfortable pillows, with the friendly Harem girls watching her. Though, two of them were currently softly, sensually kissing each other, at the edge of Ellanas sight.

"Here, have a drink too." One of the harems smiled, subserviently presenting the wine.

(Also, cons save!)
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

South Training Room
Tag: Mara

"You can call me Cany" The snake-woman suggest to replace 'queen Cobra'

"Oh interesting magic, quite so.." The snakewoman grinned, rubbing her hands together, before placing them upon the ground.

"Indeed, time I unleash a little.. Rise of the Snakes!" And with that, the vipers from her hand slithered forth.. as did many, many more snakes. An entire swarm infact!
After releasing the mass of serpentine creatures, Cany folded her hands, seeming to concentrate and sending forth the snake swarm, well coordinated through their summoner.

Both of the two main vipers bite at an illusion, but the same dodges their attack. The main swarm slithers up and around another illusion but... as its an illusion and not the real Mara, she is not inconvenienced. However, this illusion finds snakes coiling all over her, before bopping into nothingness, three mirror images remaining.

"Tzzzk.. cocky aren't you. Don't make poor Cany go serious on you. I heard you gave Anastacia some trouble as a group, even with her true form released. Well, not like she's that strong.." The snake-woman sounded a bit hesitant about this. That said, Mara had three less people to fall back on now.. She had to rely purely on her heroic luck allowing her to avoid all those snakes.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main Throne Room
Tag: Harem

"Yeah, they get a bit sore after a while, but my training exercise usually get the kinks out. But, you're more than welcome doing it how you want to do it." Ellena smiles, pausing for a moment to look at the woman who began opening her robes. "I do find myself in a few fights, yeah, but it usually snags itself on local flora. I tend to live in the wilds mostly and it isn't kind to things that can get tangled." She rubbed her finger along some of the many patches on her robe.

"Yeah, I couldn't explain it any better. I'd love to go out and see what's out there, yet at the same time I fear what could be out there, ya know? But I guess that's the risk of adventuring, right?" She smiles, looking over to the wine offered to her. "I don't really drink... but I don't think a sip would hurt, what year is it?" She grabs the glass, lightly sipping the contents as she places it on her lips.

Con Save:
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Mara Silverwind
Snake Room
Tag: Harem
19/19 HP

"Uhh, uhuh. That ice girl was super weak! We didn't break more than a sweat taking her out," she bluffed. Mara sincerely hoped this woman wasn't as strong as the swordswoman turned-ice-spirit that had almost one shotted the lot of them. In fact, if Mara hadn't been staying back as far as she had been, she would've been just as frozen as the rest of them.

The mess of snakes was bad. Like bad for her and bad to think about. There were more snakes surrounding her than Mara would like to have seen in her entire life. She and her copies expressed different levels of fear and disgust at the swarm slithering around them. Fortunately, she had just the spell for this, prepared even!

Mara and the clones shifted back so to have the entire swarm in front of her before all of them pointed their open palms down towards it, and their snakey mistress. "Let's turn up the heat!" She cried, having momentarily forgotten the unique change to her spells. Even so, the spell Burning Hands would undoubtedly be effective at hitting the numerous snakes in front of her all at once.

The snakes and their mistress must make a DC13 Dex save or suffer 3d6 damage, taking half damage if they pass.

Chaos Magic Roll (if relevant):
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main throne room
Tag: Ellana

"Hmnn I'm great at massaging.. Even our great mistress lets me massage her sometimes." Harem cooed with a forlorn smile, guiding Ellana to lie back and, unless stopped, proceeding to gently, but throughoutly strip her naked.. "How else to massage you?" Would she say.

"Exactly, no risk, no fun, some say." harem enthused whilest Ellana.. felt perfectly fine eating the grapes and drinking the wine. Perhaps there was nothing to worry about?

"It's not really a wine measured in years. .. Myrtle can make grapes grow magically as she desires. I'm sure you believe that after meeting her." Harem cooed, and softly began rubbing Ellanas back, whilest another harem suprised the druid with a dripping of an oillike substance on her back, giving Ellana a warm feeling as the sweet smelling oil was caressed over her body and rubbed into her skin.

"So, why do you rather live in the wildernis than in civilization?" Harem asked, with the voice of one with genuine interest.. either she was good at this, or she was putting a lot of effort into keeping the druids attention on an innocent seeming trap of hers..

(Will save too, while at it!)
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

South Training Room
Tag: Mara

"Super weak humnn.. The Yuki-Onna isn't the strongest of us, but.. well, I guess I better start taking you serious then." It seems Maras bluff was sucessful, if perhaps not for her own benefit.

When backing off, the snakes snapped after Mara, but again, she was skilled... or perhaps lucky in that the tiny, venomous fangs missed both her and all her copies.

With the blast of Maras magic, all the snakes.. seemed to go in heat, more interested in something other than fighting her. To put it simply, Mara learned more about than she had perhaps wanted to. It made the writhing, undulating masses of serpentines a lot worse, until Cany folded her hands together. Something about this seemed familiar.

"If you so easily dispatched of Anastacia I'm sure you already know. To.. ensure our powers don't warp this place or clash, our mistress has us seal our true forms away. Now, I'm about to unleash mine. It's called.. One for everyone. Zuckerstange!"

Suddenly, all the snakes perked up, hissing and slithering back towards Cany, covering her form in its entirety. the yellow glowing eyes remained the same, but other than that.. her form changed. her legs fusing together with a tail like a lamia, her skin gaining a more greenish complexion, her body almost uncovered, but for a few modestly, teasingly placed snakes that didn't withdraw.. neither did a bundle of snakes, now making up the womans hair.

Cany extended her hand, a multitude of snakes slithering from her body, forth, to form a staff, turning into a semi-solid design as she grinned, her eyes piercing as they fall back upon Mara. "Alright.. letsss try thisss again my sssweet." She hissed and Mara felt herself freeze up in that predatory and, due to the wildmages own.. efforts, rather lustful gaze, a lot stronger than before.. (cons save!)
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Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Mara Silverwind
Snake Room
Tag: Harem
19/19 HP

"Oh- oh ewwwww! That's what that power does? At least its better than dead snake. I guess." She was still ankle deep in writhing snake except they were a little too busy to bite her anymore. "So does this mean I win?" It was then that her previous comment came back to bite her. The transformation was a certain kind of beautiful. The kind that makes you feel dirty afterwards and need a really really hot shower with a Haremette washing your back.

"If I say I was kidding will you go back to normal?" Mara blanched at the monstrous woman towering over her. If she was previously out of her league, this was a whole other ballpark, stadium... sport even? He muscles tensed against the returning stiffness that accompanied the gaze. It felt stronger than last time, even a little sensual but she had weathered it before and she'd do it again! Her sorcerous body was all kinds of resistant to stuff like that.

If of course she did manage to survive the gaze's power, she would pour her magic into a great feat of prestidigitation! Yes, a child's cantrip but with many uses to a clever mind like Mara's. In her hand would appear a small hand mirror. She'd hold it up in front of her as protection. Next round however, there was a certain non-combat spell that would come in mighty handy.

CON Save!

Chaos Magic Roll (if relevant):
Total:20 (Exciting??)
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Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

South Training Room
Tag: Mara

"Oh that isss clever." Cany remarked at the attempt to lift a mirror at her. Sadly, Mara was noticing that her body refused to obey her right now. Sure, the mirror appeared still, but her body was completely paralyzed.

"Wont work though. I have three abilties I can use at my leisure. Turning your flesh into stone, turning stone back into flesh and shaping stone." The snaked .. slithered closer, staring at Mara. "Ssso why don't you be a good girl and keep looking into my eyesss. .. not like you can stop yourself from doing it. As for turning back to normal.. Thisss ISSS the real me and.. wait what?"

She remarked as Lior began fading away. "Huh, an escape spell? Interesting. Such a shame though, I wanted to turn her into a pretty, pretty statue."

(Random magic roll: 6! Yous in the Gorgons subconscious for 2 hours... that said, with you also getting hit by her paralyzing gaze.. hrmnn...)

Lior finds herself looking at the door, as she focuses, re-sealing her true form. She feels a certain sense of disappointment and curiosity. Now she has two interesting things to hunt down, but where to start? Lior crosses her arms, snakes twirling along them, just an extension of her self really. The wild-mage begins to suspect something is amiss at this point.

"Perhaps I should simply sent out a few vipers to scout." The gorgon mused. "Kind of feels like cheating, but I want to work on on my pretty little statue.. let Harem and Earlana do the hunting."

(For pushing the snake-woman to her second form, Lior levels up! Lior also suffers -2 to all mental saves involving serpentine creatures as a side effect of her chaos magic!)
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

(Okay waited long enough :p)

Tag: Whomever.

Taya huffed as she looked through the spices, trying to figure out what she was looking at. She wasn't sure what she could do with em but she'd bring em along.

"Dunno what you found, but bring it too. Let's get out of here, we'll figure it out later. We should see if we can find somewhere we can secure. With all those statues and stuff they must have a workshop somewhere we can make use of.," hissed Taya, licking her lips before heading out. Maybe she could make some toxins out of these spices. Or at least she could throw them in someones eyes. Nobody enjoyed getting eyes full of dust.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Tag: Taya

Theres too many spices to easily carry them all. She can identify some common ones like some pepper, which would need to get grounded up, or some red hot chili powder.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Tag: whomever

Taya would take the chili Pepper and some random things she did not recognize that possibly were magical or poisonous or something. Technically chili pepper was poisonous so that was good enough for her and her toxic goddess.