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An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Wonderful Tentacally mage that I just had to share with you all given all the Ku-toa and other squidlike hotness we've been through. If Mara does go full Sea creature I'd love for this to be her new pic.

Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Wonderful Tentacally mage that I just had to share with you all given all the Ku-toa and other squidlike hotness we've been through. If Mara does go full Sea creature I'd love for this to be her new pic.


Don't tell this the players but I usually make a folder of stuff for every new rp where I throw in pics or even whole artists link, like for example
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Don't tell this the players but I usually make a folder of stuff for every new rp where I throw in pics or even whole artists link, like for example

That's kinda hot... Spooky but hot. I've been building up a folder of my own for a while now. I've been on a slimy seacreature binge lately with the Ku-toa showing up. I'll admit I didn't expect the plot twist to be what it was, I was imagining some sort of eldritch awakening. That's what made it a good plot twist!
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I jsut grab random pictures I like and toss em on my ulmf folders for whatever reasons. Whole bunch on there right now.

I recently this, cus I like durgens and I have this cus like taurs and such.


No.1: Fear the dragonlayers.
No.2: Yey futa-taurs

That's kinda hot... Spooky but hot. I've been building up a folder of my own for a while now. I've been on a slimy seacreature binge lately with the Ku-toa showing up. I'll admit I didn't expect the plot twist to be what it was, I was imagining some sort of eldritch awakening. That's what made it a good plot twist!

Glad you enjoy and feel inspired by the ride. I wanted to kick it off with something icky, the problem with using a pure eldritch horror path is it'd make it a rather short campaign on your end, so the only way I can do that is with retrospective storytelling .. though I've been playing with an idea in that regard for a while too, basically having a story that 'resets' whenever the player get a gameover, with the narrators situation slowly changing to be more lewd as well... perhaps something I'll do in a 1on1 sometimes.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Sooo, I have all but Corrupted spirits in a bit of a limbo of 'we kinda sneak past' or 'I follow' without an actual goal to sneak towards, do you want me to randomly roll a direction, and will you roll stealth or just autofail? Cause you gotta be a bit more concrete with what you do and where you go. :p
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Do all the exits look the same? Or do you want me to make a roll for anything further?

Stealth roll:
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I'll write a direction once my other games are done.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Would I have any insight into what this woman is, considering my background/class?
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Would I have any insight into what this woman is, considering my background/class?

Your money is on Dryad, but there are many fey and few mortals can understand them, less name all their kinds.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

@Zilrax and Ranger: I need to know what you mean with 'skirt the out..skirts', as this campaign has a rigidlyish planned map. Do you move south into the garden, or return to the main throne room and explore from there?
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I think the intention is try to stay on the outside of the garden and still go south.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

This is gonna be tricky to figure. If there's no way around the garden then guess we'll go back and... The next door on the left?

Having a centralized spot to easily find what ways to go from where might be good so we don't have to hunt through the thread for what the direction options are.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I think the intention is try to stay on the outside of the garden and still go south.

You cannot phase through walls so going out yet not getting outside is impossible.

Having a centralized spot to easily find what ways to go from where might be good so we don't have to hunt through the thread for what the direction options are.

thats the throneroom you came from. You are welcome to draw yourself a map for ease of navigation, but thats part of the setting. You could even put a map up for everyone, but thats giving danger to the enemy. :p

The next door on the left?

South-west door it is, gotcha, post comin soonish.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I can;t until Taya finds paper and a quill then :p.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I can;t until Taya finds paper and a quill then :p.

Feeling ya there, my characters not gonna start without a few pages to write notes on in my next campaign. <.<
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I usually have it on a lot of my characters but Taya's not the type to really think too hard about paper and stuff normally. Plus she kinda wasn't expecting to escape one hunger games to end up in sexual mansion hunger games. She's already missing the ability to climb somewhere high heh.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I usually have it on a lot of my characters but Taya's not the type to really think too hard about paper and stuff normally. Plus she kinda wasn't expecting to escape one hunger games to end up in sexual mansion hunger games. She's already missing the ability to climb somewhere high heh.

I left your backround uncommented to not spoiler things but.. well, yeah, sexual hunger games is not an inaccurate description, the idea for this campaign developed semi-oranically on me wanting to write a bit of an escape game with an erotic twist and the option to mentally or sexually dominate your fellow contestants and npcs.. if you do it right. :p
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Yeah it's always pretty amusing when that happens. One game I made a pc that completely by accident as a CG wizard ended up by contract owning a female Imp rogue, because my character is an estranged member of a specific diabolist noble house and one of her ancestors made the contract and that ended up being a plot point. Had no idea, just was going through the adventure, got in a fight with the imp, and just by coincidence I was the right one.

Considered banishing her but then was like, well then she'd jsut run and snitch to her infernal overlords so kept her around instead since she was contractually obligated to obey me, and I treated her well.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

part of this was inspired by your characters all wrestling it out in the Underdark, with Ranger being a dom leaning switch, figured we could just go wild with this. To be clear, no need to dom other pcs, but unless you get lucky/amass powers and plan, domming the npcs might end up with you on the wrong end of the lewdities. :p