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An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 21/40

"The next town? I'm not sure, really. The people we've captured so far haven't offered us much in the way of information, I'm afraid. Honestly, I was hoping you'd know. But I suppose you'll make a good plaything, at least." The woman replies, and her smiles turns malicious as her eyes begin to glow blood red.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Realizing the true motives and remembering the past of her mother Mithra decide to attack the strange girl and put an end to her corrupt sickness.

With a smile than hide her true intention the elf said: Well at least you are sincere… (Then before end to speak Mithra launch a surprise quick attack with her sword using both hands against the conjunctivitis girl to prove her skills ), but I'm not in mood to games, why do you look for someone more? I'm in an important quest
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 21/40

To-hit: 3 + 46 + 3 = 52 vs 41 == hit.
Damage: 10 + 12 = 22 damage.

Her sudden attack seems to catch the woman by surprise, striking her hard but not quite killing her. She is too stunned by pain and shock to respond, however.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Looking a free spot in the defense of the red eyes girl Mithra decide to send a second attack trying to end this battle.

(Use Both hands to attack ... ,)
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Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 21/40

To-hit: 2 + 46 + 3 = 51 vs 41 == hit.
Damage: 4 + 12 + 5 = 21 damage.

Mithras second blow cuts the woman from her left shoulder to her right thigh. She falls, in two pieces, to the ground, very dead.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

After realizing than maybe she exaggerate a little, she clean her sword and try to fing something around the pile of rags, Mithra know than if she dont find any clue her unique option will be go to Artmirst (or use the river to try to find another town, but that is dangerous withou the right equipment)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

There didn't seem to be anything of any particular value among the rags, though they do serve to clean her sword off. Shrugging, Mithras turned toward the apparently empty town.

(Gain 4 exp.)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

insecure about what could find Mithra walk toward the town in a state of alert

Action: Go to Artmirst (stealth mode)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Stealth: Success.
Perception: Success.

Mithras slowly walks down the dock, creeping and hiding behind crates and such, until she reaches the end. She spotted three gray skinned humanoids crouched behind a wall, apparently waiting in ambush should anyone come down the road. Their backs were to here, and she could attack them from behind if she so chose, though it might also be possible to sneak around them.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

She decide to beat them now, after all she could be ambushed the next time or any other innocent in the future. Using her sword with both hands Mithra try to do a silence and deadly wound to the close one

Action: Use two hands to attack with the sword.

PS: Can i use Battle Aura or Flight when i attack?
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

(One action per turn, you could use either before you attack though. I'll hold off on your post until you decide.)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Maybe when i have more Spirit or have less opponents.

I go for surprise attack.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Stealth: Success.
To-hit: Automatic Success.
Damage: 9 + 12 + 6 = 27 x 2 = 54 damage.

Successfully sneaking up on the trio of hiding demons, Mithras cleaves one of the creatures heads off before it even knows that she is there. The other two creatures immediately turn toward the sound of its comrades head falling to the ground, however, and spot her. They prepare to attack her, but she can at least get in one more attack before they can strike at her.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Realizing than she could have problems against two opponents Mithra decide to activate her Battle Aura trying also to scare them, but avoiding to call the attention of others. She prepare herself for the attack of both demons in a defense stand trying to do a counter attack, after.

Action: Battle Aura use 12 EP
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 25/40, Battle Aura 12

Mithras feels her energies flow through her, and begins to move with blinding speed, easily avoiding the counter attack of the two demons. She could now easily strike against the demons, her power burning through her energies but allowing her to strike with the speed and power of lightning.

(I'm not even rolling this with Battle Aura 12. Just RP how you kill them.)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

(i was just testing the power, maybe the next time i should use only 10 or 7. ;) )

After know than maybe she overestimate her foes Mithra send a devastator light speed attack (so quick than even i don't see it).

(a really bad grammar text don't look if you hate wrong orthography)
In just an instant the surprised demon face look expectantly how a red line who start from the low parts to the head of his friend start to separate both parts.The senses of the first one start to fade and before realized what have happen his head roll over the floor.

After decapitated one in the first round and slice in two the second in the next turn Mithra turn off her battle aura. She try to recover some energy looking any other hidden demon before loot the body's
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Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 13/40

Easily slaughtering the two demons, Mithras power fades out as she releases it, her energy drained. After a quick inspection, there didn't seem to be any other threats nearby, and on a glance at the bodies Mithras sees that their skin changes color naturally with the ground around it, obscuring the corpses somewhat. Perhaps she could skin the demons and sell it somewhere.

(Gain 4 exp.)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Looking the magic property of their skin Mithra decide to take it (maybe will help her in the future). After that she continue her path to the city in Stealth mode trying to avoid more problems and also a place to rest a little.

Action: Take the Skin,also if there is a safe place to rest a little and waste some exp points i will apreciate it XD
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 13/40

(Add 2x Stalker Skin.)

Perception: Success.

Mithras spots a tavern nearby that might still be in good enough condition for her to stay in for the night. It lies across the street and down six or so buildings, so she'd have to cross some open ground if she wanted to get to it.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithra go to the tavern looking around trying to avoid be surprised by any opponent