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An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Stealth: Success.

Mithras bolts across the street to the tavern, heading inside and glancing around. There was nothing living in the taverns main hall, and after a moment she believes that nothing is going to follow her into the building.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithra accelerate her steps toward the building, even when nothing have happen she know than she must still look around just in case.

action go to the tavern use steaith and perception to try avoid any problem like a tramp or foe hidden
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

The room was empty of life, nothing moving that she can detect. Likewise, nothing moved out in the street.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

(I'm not paranoid, in a moment of stress i read your previous post and without notice type nearly the same)

After enter in the tavern Mithra feel some relief taking her time to block the door to avoid posterior surprises, then she check for any useful item in the closest room (or monsters)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Perception: Failure.

After closing the door, Mithras doesn't find much of interest on the first floor other than the well stocked pantry. The food was all still quite edible looking, and there was a good amount of ale and other alcohols still in stock.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithra at least feels relief to find some food. after check (and store)which food will resist more days and take less space in her backpack, she take some of the other edible food to eat now. In that moment her eyes look the aloe and the alcohol happily taking some new bottles and store them.

Just in the moment when she was was ready to make the dinner she feels curiosity about what could find in the second floor, maybe she will have luck to find a map or weapons if not maybe clothes or ropes to use in a future chance Maybe i must eat before look she think for herself. In her mind the worse scenario start to appear, What about if there was a monster and the food will reveal her location? if that thing attack when she is eating maybe she will be not enough to beat it.

With a little sigh she take her sword and proceed with caution to the second floor.

Action: go with Stealth mode to the second floor and look around to find something in these rooms
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Perception: Success.

Quietly going up the stairs after gathering some food and booze, Mithras finds herself in a long hallway with perhaps 10 or so doors. Only one of them is open, revealing the bloody corpse of a man clutching a sword in his right hand. She can't tell exactly what killed him, but from the gore on the floor around him she can tell that it was very unpleasant. The other doors are all closed, and no sounds from behind them hint at any danger.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithra look a little terrorised the scene, she decide to enter with caution looking inside the room for any surprise attack then she try to close the door (oh no the monster is behind the door XP) trying to don't make noise, after that she check (poke) the body to know if he was really dead or at least know more of what happen to him.

only if the guy is dead
realizing than he was dead she take his sword and store it in her bag then with her sword in hand she start to check in any place than could hide the monster or any precious item
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Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

The room is empty and the man proves to be quite thoroughly dead. She pries his bloody sword from his hand and tries to wipe some of the dried blood off, succeeding only marginally.

(Gain 1x Double Edged Shortsword.)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Realizing her situation Mithra think what to do now "Well maybe the monster go out before my arrive or that thing is hidden in other room, but that will be weir unless this guy closed the room after be damaged, even if that is not true i cant rest with his body in the floor" Mithra loot the body to try to find the keys (or money) then she use a sheet knot it like a bag to take care of the body.

If the keys are not there
Mithra decide to look in the administration lobby, she go there looking around just in case (stealth mode)

also could you say me please when i can use my points i want to use 6 exp points to learn an ability
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Searching the mans body, Mithras only finds a few coins in a small pouch. There is no sign of keys on his person, nor is there anything else of interest. Returning downstairs, Mithras finds it just as she'd left it, empty.

(Gain 16 denarii. You can use experience only when you rest.)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithra look a little disappointed after not found the keys maybe she could break the doors but she was a little tired, so she decide to just prepare all to rest and let them until tomorrow. She return to the room where she will close the door and use the body and some furniture or things to block the door after that she will look through the windows of the room(using Stealth mode)

Action Try to do all that, if nothing happen she use Rest
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

The doors are all unlocked, negating Mithras need to search for keys or break in, and all of them prove to be empty of anything useful. All but one are just more bedrooms, these with the beds all disheveled and stained with something that looks and smells like old sex fluids. The last room is a broom closet.

Returning upstairs to the room with the corpse, Mithras barricades the door and then proceeds to go to sleep on the single bed. There are bloodstains on a corner of the sheets, but other than that, the bed is comfortable, and she quickly finds herself in a restless sleep. She awakens a few hours later, undisturbed, and ready to continue on if she chose, but it was night time out now, and perhaps it would be best if she just stayed in bed.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithra wake up, only the blood and the corpse remember her where she was knowing than will pass some time before sleep in a comfortable bed like this so, she decide to rest until the dawn.

Dream and bad grammar
A dream from a memory of the past start to appear have passed a decade but it was so detailed like it was from yesterday, it was when Mithra have 8 years old, her father was out the town hunting a evil beast who have been making problems to the town.It was in the midnight when she was sleeping when she heard them, some sounds from the third floor, every year she heard them and wait under her sheet until her father go up stairs to stop the noise.After all she have forbidden go there so she decide to cover herself again, the time passed and the sound increased with the time. It was her duty to protect the house, no even the town until her father and the other warriors return to home. Taking a short sword (than her father give her when she start to training a year ago) decide to go to the place where come the noise, each step than she give make more clear the sound until be in from the door. They are moaning s, she go closer trying to realize what was happening... Just in that moment Mithra wake up of her dream all sweat trying to don't remember the continuation of her childhood trauma
(Rest, also sheet updated)
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Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40, Grappled

(Okay. Also, congrats on being the first person in the game to be attacked in your sleep.)

Resting until dawn, Mithras suddenly awoke once more in the middle of the night. She found herself being quickly wrapped in silk by a trio of massive black spiders, who had already partially bound her arms and legs in thick webbing.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithra nearly scream from the terrible scene but she sucesfull avoid it with a soft bite in her lips, trying to pass inadvertent. Thanks to the adrenaline from the dream she could think more quickly, In a second she take a little look of the room while with a hand she check the resistence of the silk. Instinctively
she bet for her solution and take her sword than rest close to one of her hands with all her strenght to dont lose it.

Depending of some factors the choice will change
(i dont know how is the room but, only Mithra and you (tassadar) know where are the spiders, if the room have windows or from where the foes come from)

1.- (if the room have windows and is open because the monster come from there, or she forgot to close it) Mithra fly (7 SP) to the window, if the she is sticky in the "Spring air" (mattress bed) then use double to fly with it. This will help her to go out the situation, then the next turn she will go up the house or the street (depends where are monsters), she even can try hide her to make a stealth attack when the spiders go out

2.- (If the window is closed or dont exist)Mithra fly to a corner and use the mattress like a shield or tent (8 SP) with the impact and the power of her fly she will be out of the silk and will have a moment to rest because th spiders will be surprised.

3.- (If there are not windows and the spiders are on the bed and the door is open) She take her sword and use fly (9 SP) while she go to the door her sword slash "accidentaly" a spider.

if nothing work then she just try to take out the silk of her body

Action:Mithra make one of the previous actions
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 30/40

(They came in through a window that was closed, but is now open.)

Using her spiritual powers, Mithras caused herself to levitate off the bed, and pulls herself magically through the rooms single open window. She also manages to pull herself free of all of the webbing, and now floats in the air above the street. The spiders scuttle out the window after her, but have no way of reaching her from the building.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

"Damn this place is really dangerous, i cant even sleep without seal the windows. Well at least I'm free of that silk" Thinks for herself Happily to be free of the bad combat position of before. Mithra look around (without lost of sight the spiders) to avoid other surprise foes then she reduce the power of the flight and taking her sword her sword with both hand rush again the arachnids

(If she don't reach them to make an attack)
Instead of 2SP use 1 to flight trying to go closer but avoiding to be in the attack range of the spiders, then use battle aura 1SP only if the next turn i can change it before attack

Action:use perception throw to chack the area after that reduce flight to 2 SP per turn then move and attack using her sword (1) with both hands in a Whirlwind rush
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Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 28/40

Perception: Success.

Looking around, the area seemed to be clear of enemies other than the spiders, as nothing else seemed to be moving. The large arachnids skitter around the house, most of the moving higher while a single creature proceeds down to the street, all presumably trying to find a place to attack her from.

To-hit: 2 + 46 + 3 + 4 - 6 = 49 vs 20 == Hit.
To-hit: 6 + 46 + 3 + 4 - 6 = 53 vs 20 == Hit.
Damage: 7 + 12 = 19 damage.
Damage: 4 + 12 = 16 damage.

Mithras flies over and slashes at the pair of spiders climbing the house, striking both cleanly. Both of the foul creatures let out sickening shrieks of pain, but cannot attack the floating girl from where they are. They seem to be heading for the roof.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

"So they will try that, oh well i hope than the next step work" Mithra think for herself while she wait until the spiders a little more away of the window to take action, then she start her performance like if she don't have enough SP to end the battle "Damn... i cant resist more." then she use Aura Battle (1SP)when she start to heavily breathing and even using the gravity at the start Mithra increase the power of flight (7SP) to go inside the room and using the low light of the activation of her power to avoid any web trap she go to the ceiling trying to hide herself on a blind spot (thanks to the curtain window) and make an attempt of a Stealth Attack (even she throw her money bag to her second sword who still rest in the wall near the bed to make it fall to make noise).

Anybody who look through the window will think than Mithra is below the bed

Action:change flight to 7SP to go to the ceiling of her room trying to make a Stealth attack the next turn and activate Aura Battle in the process.

PS: I know than maybe she would beat them all flying, I'm just trying to check something (I'm also boring XP). Please only read the action part, the filler is just for fun