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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Indeed, she must be just an inocent soul in danger as much as the heirs had been, please bring her here, as i prepare all in case she have the mark. The old man said still on the bench, maybe getting ready to get up and move as fast as his old bones could to prepare the temple for this.

The persons at the exits dont acts against Angie and they just stay with theirs bussiness. The outside wa not so calmed as the outside, a huge storm was making the wind go wild and soon would start a powerful rain, making the fly too much hard for Angie, rays falling from the sky only made this worse and then at middle of the path she notice a really not so pleasant moment.

Three winged creatures were where Ashley was resting however they looks to dont be friendly, as the noble girl was trying to protect herself, her tanterd clothes were filled of damage making her underwear visible, Tybi was hidden at the woods, but this was not so usefyl against flying foes. The purple hair girl have her sword at hand, there was not sight of the ring so maybe still is at her bag, her heels were at the floor and then suddenly one of the creatures fly to her, she hit it in middle of the way but then other surround her and take her from the back pulling her dress until nearly take it all from her. Kyaaaaa!!!! Help!!!!

The girl scream as she fall at the floor by the pull and with her free hand maintain it still over her, but a little more and her clothes will be unusable.

The creaturs were half humans and part birds, they were laughting and loving this as they tried to put this girl under their control.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Of course, I'll hurry back as soon as can be," Angie told the old priest as she left, moving around the man at the exit since he didn't seem to have blocked her in any way. "Excuse me sir," she told him as she went around him.

When she was outside she saw how bad the weather was and thought to herself that this was likely why the men were at the shrine's exits, because the weather was so bad. The wind was blowing powerfully, which was making flying around very tough to control, because it kept blowing her off course in the process. After a short while though she managed to make her way back to where she'd left Ashley and Tybi at in the peaceful clearing, where she saw three winged creatures attacking Ashley while Tybi hid herself in the nearby trees. She saw Ashley take a swing at one of them with the sword she'd left her earlier, though the girl missed hitting the harpy or whatever it was. She saw only one way to get those girls off of Ashley, and that was to attack them.

Flapping her wings and darting straight at the trio that were trying to subdue Ashley, Angie aimed both hands at the two on either side of Ashley and blasted magic beams of light at them after which she flew straight into the third one, tackling her off of Ashley with a cry. "Get off of Ashley this instant you meanies," Angie cried as she unleashed her magics on them, glancing back at Ashley just as she tackled the third one. "Ashley take Tybi and run, I'll hold them off. Head to the shrine I went to over that way, I'll meet you there as soon as I can and we'll get rid of your curse," Angie cried to Ashley, intending on taking these three on herself while Ashley and Tybi ran for safety in the holy and sanctified place.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Looking the terrible vent, Angie dont wasted any time to go and try to help her friends, her holy attack hurt softly the two winged creatures as they manage to evade part of it, with only some damage on theirs wings. However the third one dodge her at time.

Sure, kick theirs ass Angie. Ashley said scared and blushing as she tried to hold her shatered dress with one of her hands at the last string than maintain it on her. Tiby was unsure on escape worried for the angel, but then Ashley was holded by one of the winged creatures after run a little. The two roll at the floor not before Ashley heard a thorn sound and her dress get in rags even more thanks to the pull between both. As she roll she feel her dress fall at her feet and then the nude body of her foe pressing against her, even this lick her cheek and in completely panick Ashley make a deep wound at the side of her foe making it shriek in pain and get away with a nearly deadly wound.

With only her underwear she roll and get ups trying to maintain her manlike underwear with one of her hands and her sword with the other. But the creature dont give up and with the last of the live on peril jump and fly to ctch the noble just before this get inside the forest. Ashey screams appear again, as she feels the sharps claws make a fine wounds at her back and then her lower underwear was getting pulled down.

Her average breasts bounce free as her bra fall in pieces at the floor, all this make her get in panic making her fail completely on hurt her foe. Until something fall over the winged creature. Tybi has jumped from the trees and fall direct on their foe, making it lost the counciest and leave both run away for the moment.

Angie was not able to help them as one of the two others foes has jump over her and make her get pinned face down at the floor, her wings were getting pulled with force as punished for the other creature as her hands were restrained by the first one. But the angel dont give up and struggle until shoot at them again wounding one of them and make the other free her to get out the impact zone.

Angie 4/5 hp
winged: 2/7
winged2: 2/8
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As Angie swooped in to free Ashley, she was only able to knock the two to her sides away, as the third one she attempted to tackle shot out of the way just in time. She barely had time to see Ashley getting up and starting to run away as the third one she missed in her tackle went after her before the other two were on her, pulling at her wings as punishment for attacking them. As she struggled, Angie noticed out of the corner of her eye Ashley managing to struggle loose from the other one as Tybi fell on its head and knocked it out after Ashley stabbed or slashed it with her sword, leaving a gruesome wound therein, though it was hard from her position to tell which sort of attack it'd been really.

Just as she thought she was done for, Angie managed to blast the one pulling on her wings off of her, which forced the other one that was trying to pin her down to back off or get hit as well. Angie rolled over quickly and flapped her wings mightily, hopping back to her feet, where she prepared to fight some more. "Come on you two... we don't need to fight. Just back down and swear to leave us in peace and I'll heal your companion over there and we can all leave here. You can go your way and we'll go our way," Angie said to the two she was facing off with, keeping her battle stance and her wings ready to flap and take flight with while raining beams of light down onto the pair from the air, or just out flying them and doing so in the air.

If the two backed down, then Angie would too, where she would be true to her word and heal the wounds on the one that Ashley blasted with her ring, then she would even offer to heal the other two if they needed it, then she would head to the temple with Ashley and Tybi in tow. If they didn't back down however, then Angie would try and knock them out with her magics without killing them, going directly for their heads with a less powerful blast, but a more focused and well aimed one.
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The two winged creatures cyrcle at the air around Angie, trying to find an opening than could end the fight in an instant, even when the angel as spoke to them. Suddenly as the both sides were close to attack, a powerfull impact from a ray break a huge tree close them making apowerful noise and a start of a fire, than fortunately would stop by the intense rain.

The two creatures look at each other nodding and went down not showing any bad intention and maybe accepting Angie's propose. The third was still at the floor with a bleeding opening at a side where the noble has attacked to get free. Even with her celestial healing powers, Angie needed some time to recover the creature the enough to dont be in danger.

Once ended Angie notice her transparent pink dress completely more than wet, her wings were heavy too by the even more intense rain, it was hard to even seen out the forest, the powerful dark clouds were pressing against the mountain, hitting each other and droping all their inside at the place.

Angie notice many wounds on the others two, mostly from a fight before she join, showing than Ashley had defended herself quite well before she return and maybe for some minutes, it was not really needed the healing but these wounds could get infected if they werent threated. When she start to look for her friends, she notice some footstracks fresh at the mud, nearly nude with only her button underwear, Ashley should had opted for a wet path to protect her delicate bared feet, however as a noble and the low visibility it was not so possible than she could find the temple in these conditions. Angie could imagine the poor girl very scared hurting herself as she run away like a little lost animal and try to maintain the heavily drenched underwear on its place. Angelique should decide if she will fly to the temple, look around flying over the dense forest or walk folowing the still visible footsprint.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Watching the two carefully as they flew around her, Angie saw a beam of energy crack through the trees and strike one, setting it ablaze, but thankfully the rain was coming down and would quickly put it out for her so she didn't need to worry about it. At that she noticed her foes come down, seeming to have decided to let her help them and to stop fighting, so she lowered her hands and went to the one that Ashley had wounded quite badly. Healing her wounds took a bit of her energies as well as a bit of time, but she was able to stop the bleeding enough to save her life, and she even healed the wounds on the other two enough so that it sealed them, though she didn't take enough time to heal them completely as she needed to conserve some energy and she needed to hurry along to find Ashley and Tybi before anything else attacked them. The rain was coming down hard and quite badly, and it had drenched her wings to the point that flying would be a chore to say the least, and it had also drenched her dress to the point that it was transparent again and anyone looking close could see her body most likely.

Deciding that it wouldn't be safe to fly above the treeline or over the lake to get to the temple again to wait for Ashley there, Angie looked over to the winged girls and nodded her head to them before flying off, staying under the tops of the trees but following the trail Ashley had left, but using her wings to move faster and a little safer so she didn't trip and fall in the intense rain. "I hope you three recover well, I am sorry I attacked you, but you were hurting my friend and I couldn't allow you to do that any more. I hope you understand. You should hurry along and find shelter from this storm though, and I need to find Ashley, stay safe," Angie told the three winged girls... if that's what they were anyway, then she flapped her own wings and flew off, hoping that they found shelter from this storm.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Once she leave to search the noble, Angie had a harsh time flying with these problems than the rain has bring her now, the track was getting vanished by the large pudles and grass path, also the trees were very close and she sometimes get scratched as she goes deep inside the woods, Ashley looks to had been going well to the temple but suddenly she looks than her steps at the mud werent guiden there, the angel lost the track in a man made path, she could follow it as this looks to take to the temple or take other with some footsteps going even deep inside to the forest and maybe ending at the mountain. Many tracks were close the path maybe from the townpeople and some looks to end to where she could see some smoke with difficulty.

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she flew through the woods, Angie was jostled around by the wind and bumped into the trees as she flew above the ground to try and make better time. "Surely Ashley couldn't have gone too far ahead of me, I was only back there for a minute or so," Angie told herself as she flew along, following the trail Ashley had apparently left behind.

After a few minutes of following the tracks as best she could, the trail seemed to converge along another trail as well as the road, which threw Angie for a loop really, as now she didn't know which way to go to find Ashley and Tybi. "Which way did they go?" Angie asked aloud to herself, looking in the three directions towards the temple, the mountain trail, and where the smoke was riding from.

Well where there was smoke there was usually fire, and in a storm like this that had to mean somebody's campfire or something of the like surely, so maybe Ashley went that way, Angie thought as she debated. Then again she had told her to go to the temple when she ran, so maybe she'd gone there. She doubted that Ashley would have followed the trail up the mountain any, unless she was forced to, so for now she decided to head in the direction of the smoke, flying flow to the ground so the wind wouldn't blow her around anymore. "Hold on Ashley, I'm coming," Angie muttered as she flew as fast as she could.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Even when Angie has tried to heal her foes as fast as possible, she need some moments to do it, even more at the deep wound than the one than Ashley has nearly killed and with the hurry she nearly even fail at this what could had made all worse. The heavy charge of water and moving around the trees also make her dont go so fast as she expected and more as she needed to check the track with her vision afected by the rain than was making her glasses by another burder.

As she see her three possibles choices she decide to take the one with smoke, as she suppose than Ashley has also noticed it even when she is inside the woods. Flying a while until reach the place she notice a huge tree at the floor borken by a powerful ray, there a girl with silver hair is at her knee, taking something from the damaged area who should had been also victim of the storm power. She dress a dark coat and a leather armor, the storm noise has made her unable to notice the angel flying some feet behind her. For more than Angie look around she cant find out any of her friends.
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As Angie flew through the woods, she had to constantly clean her glasses because they kept fogging up or getting wet, which was making her think of ditching them completely since all they were doing was causing her to take more time here, but she may end up needing to read something closely and if that were the case then she'd need them. Despite being an angel and all her parents had gotten her glasses because as they said her eyes were a bit weak and she did often find herself squinting at letters written too small on parchment and paper when not wearing them, but she didn't necessarily need them to see. Who knows maybe she wouldn't need them any longer sometime soon, at least that was what her parents had told her anyway, that one day she wouldn't need them anymore.

Wiping her glasses once more, Angie followed the path towards the smoke with the thoughts and hopes that she wouldn't need her glasses forever, where she soon found herself staring at a girl with silver hair standing at a huge fallen tree. The woman she saw had leather armor and a coat over that seemed to keep the woman dry. She didn't see Ashley of Tybi neither one, but this almost looked to be like something that ring of Ashley's could do, and she was positive that that ring had magic in it of some sort. Deciding it likely best to speak up so she didn't frighten the woman and maybe cause her to attack, Angie moved a few feet back before calling out to her to get her attention.

"Um excuse me miss... might I ask what happened here?" Angie called out to the woman, to see if she knew what had caused the tree to fall over or anything of the sort. "I'm looking for a couple of friends of mine and saw the smoke and came to investigate, thinking that they might be here," Angie would then say.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The woman dont turn back inmediately, but Angelique could manage to heard a possible weak gasp, she focused on continue her doing for some seconds before turn back. A lighting hit this huge tree, that event is not uncommon at storms of this size. The woman said as she slowly turn back, her mantle was always blocking in part the damage on the tree, but it was obvious what angie would see there.

Its possible than your friends had returned to the mountain, i saw some flying around nearly an half hour ago. It was clear what kind of race she suppose is Angelique. There havent anyone else here, but i heard someone running away a moment ago, that person must not been from here as it was making a lot of noises, but suddenly the noise stop and get out the road The woman have green eyes and some dark marks on a side of her face, her size is over average and have some possible weapons hidden at her mantle.

Now if you excuse me, i must check others places like this before leave. The woman said waiting for Angie to leave before go out too.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Ah, my friends are... well one of them is human and the other would look like a small girl. I am not from around here, I am an angel, and my name is Angie, I am trying to help break a curse upon one of my friends actually. But I shall leave you to your work, I was merely investigating the smoke in hopes my friends were here, I mustn't tarry any longer, for they could be in danger, because I just fought with some women a few minutes ago with wings that were attacking my friends," Angie said to the woman before bowing her head slightly to her and taking wing off towards the direction in question that the woman had said the sounds of someone running off had gone.

She headed back to the road after that, flying as fast as her wings would carry her in hopes of finding Ashley and Tybi soon, so that she could take them to the temple and cleanse Ashley of her curse with the priest's help.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The woman was not impresed with what Angie said, she just nod. Sure, i hope than you can find them. she bow softly as she saw the angel fly so she could continue her urgent work in middle of the storm.

With her heavy wings she fly across the woods, trying to find the road again, it dont her too much effort and then just when she was close to go following the road she notice the track going to the outside, she follow it the enough time to notice a little body resting bellow a tree. When she get closer she notice Tybi slowly awaken and looking at the angel before fall uncouncious not before point to the deep inside the woods.

Once she decide what to do with Tybi she went to check the place and notice the noble girl's underwear at the floor and the human far away looking at a stone circle completely with her eyes looking the space, her young body completely drenched in water and resting over her rear and closed legs and her feet at diferent places, her hands were protecting her neithers from any attempt of go through or even see her virgin zone, as also her sword looks to be ready to be used to defend herself. Between she and her manlike underwear Angie could see her bag.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Flying off after the woman spoke, nodding her head slightly at her words before going, Angie felt her wings getting heavier and heavier as the rain came down on them. She was trying to find the road once more so she could continue looking for Ashley and Tybi, where she indeed soon found them, with Tybi laying at the foot of a tree. Angie thought the poor little thing was injured as she raised up and pointed a little further on before fainting again. Angie immediately rushed over to Tybi and scooped her up in her arms, carrying her along as she went in the direction she pointed, where she assumed Ashley was at.

"Don't worry little one, I'll protect you now, and I won't let you go," Angie said softly to Tybi, kissing her on the forehead as she walked, deciding to land now.

When she found Ashley, it looked as if she'd been fighting something or someone else it seemed to Angie, and she noticed how little clothing the girl had on now as she went over to her, walking slowly so as not to scare her. "Ashley... I'm here now. I dealt with those winged creatures earlier and came as soon as I could. What happened? Are you okay? I believe that we can remove that curse of yours now once we get to the temple over that way," Angie said to Ashley as she approached, pointing over in the general direction of the temple after setting Tybi down next to Ashley, where she began checking the human girl over for wounds to heal, after which she healed Tybi after checking her for wounds.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley was mindlesly looking at the lake until a time later when Angie spoke. Hmm...eh? Angie? Where we...? Oh fuck! Ashley half awakened words were turned into surprised ones when she touched her bered neithers and the bare touch mahe her turn down. Dont look! Dont look, Angie! Who made this? where is my underwear.? She shout as she cover her lower place and looks around, dont paying too much attention at the mud at her feets and how drenched by the rain she is now, she soon notice her manlike underwear some feets away of her and tried her best of hide her naughty places as best as she could. Angelique dont manage to see anything strange, at least she dont see any manlike member or tail at the girl, but most of human's prvate stay hidden for her.

The damage on her last cloth was huge and she needed to use her two hands to maintain it at place, as one of the sides have a wide open than dont let her to have a support to maintain her cloth at place, she take her handbag and with some difficults return to take the sword and store it there. Ok...i guess than this will be enough. Ashley said to herself before turn to Angie. Wait, do you said something about a temple? I cant go there like this if there is someone there... that would be so humill...Oh great i can see you completely with that wet dress, dont say me than go there like this is fine for you. Aisha was sure than the angel will have a strange answer for that, it was like the angels feel common being naked.

Well... we cant return to the city like this, i would die by embaressmen and all will be a hell to me in that place from that moment. You could go there and bring me clothes but i will kill you if you leave me alone again in this place infested of monsters. Ashley take a moment to snezze a pair of times and then continue. I...i guess than we must go... to that temple, but you should help me to dont be so exposed.

Ashley was looking to the angel wings and the useless transparent dress than she was dressing and then turned to see the uncouncious little girl, she looks to be a little worried for the girl but there looks to be another thing at Ashley's mind. My... underwear will not resist if you take us there flying... because we should also take Tybi and i must hold of you... the priority will be cover my body, so you must use your wings until i hide in a safe place...do you know if there is some clotehs at the temple?
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I'm sorry Ashley, I had to make a decision and I couldn't protect you and fight them at the same time, it was three against one and I doubt I could've handled doing both. And yes we're going to the temple, the priest there said he'd help me to remove your curse, but we'll likely need to look at your whole body anyway to see if there are markings on you in any case, so don't worry about your clothes for the moment okay, and I'm not going to leave you alone again if I can help it," Angie said to Ashley, trying to calm her down as she watched the girl look around for her underwear where Angie then wrapped a wing around her to cover her body and shield it from prying eyes. "And I'm sure we'll find something for you to wear at the temple at least until we get back to your home. The priest there said he knew your family when I told him your name and he said he'd do whatever he can to help remove this curse on you. But don't worry about being naked Ashley, it's not a bad thing, just something you aren't used to yet, but it's nothing we can really help at the moment so there's no reason in getting so worked up about it," Angie added to Ashley, patting her on the shoulder with one hand while carrying Tybi with the other.

With that, Angie led Ashley back to the temple around the lake, keeping her close by so that she didn't lose her or that she didn't get all worked up again about not having her clothes any longer. "Also to answer one of your questions, yes I am completely fine with being naked if need be. I wouldn't mind giving you my clothes here if it'll make you feel less embarrassed and exposed though," Angie said as they walked on, her right wing curled around Ashley to keep the rain off of her and everything still.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Well i dont blame you Angie, im sure than it was a hard choice and you had a lot of problems beating them, protecting us would had certainly be imposible as you fight them. After all a beautiful inocent damsel like me just managed to kill one and hurt baddly the others two. Ashley answer sarcasticaly as she tried to put her undies and cover herself at the same time. I dont know any damn priest or temple, why he needs me naked in first place? But oh well will feel bether having you with me, after all i will feel less shame if two persons look at my body than just one, Angie... Ashley gasped when the angel place her wing to cover her, it made her looks less afected by her nudity and she dont yell so much later, however it was not a so comfortable moment as the wing was so drenched in water than it was nealy as have a sponge in her whole body.

I will only accept to get inside the temple dressed and only unchast sluts get used to be naked on public... for humans, im not sure but is normal for many girls of others races than arent whores and are inocent Ashley tried to avoid insult Angie changing a little at the end her words.

After a time walking they just reach the path where they could reach the temple, meaning than they would need to walk a long while what will need nearly an hour, as Ashley tried to walk for comfortable zones for her barefeet, so she dont get hurted with stones or others things. Uhm... its just than that dress is not for my taste Angie and i would be wearing a wet dress pressing at my body as all see me as naked, so pass... It looks better on you Angie, it suit you and hide your thing between your legs a little.

The storm havent ended and time from time they could still see some thunders what make Ashley get closer to feel herself more protected of them, Tybi remain sleep as it looks like she try to recover herself. After some more complains for walk like this at the rain, the trio were close to the temple, but there was not any light inside the place and Angie dont see anything from there. Ashley who has decided to hug the angel from the middle of the walk to dont feel so cold tried to get free and point to some tall grass, but suddenly stop. Maybe get apart like this and wait you there will be not a good choice and it looks to be warm inside... both choices arent safe.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well I didn't say he needed you naked, just that the two of us would likely need to check you over for markings or symbols on your body that are to this. And you didn't kill that one winged woman, I spared her and healed her wounds, because I managed to talk the other two down after you ran off. But it isn't only indecent people that don't care about being nude in public, why there are some rituals back in my home that you're required to be naked during the entirety of them," Angie said to Ashley as they walked, feeling a little sad that the girl would say such a thing about people being naked in public. "And alright then Ashley, if you don't want my dress then that's okay. Just let me know if you change your mind alright," Angie added as they went on, helping Ashley choose her steps carefully so she didn't step on any sharp rocks or anything to hurt herself.

As they went onwards down the main path to the temple when they got back to it, Angie wrapped her right arm around Ashley while she carried Tybi in her left, pulling Ashley close to her and wrapping her wing around her a bit more as she lifted it up over her head some as well to keep the rain from hitting them so much and hard. When they finally did arrive at the temple again, she saw it looked deserted, with no lights on inside as if the old priest had gone to bed early or something... or worse he may have died of old age on her, which was bad, and leaving Ashley out here with Tybi while she checked inside was a bad idea as well, though she didn't have many options really.

"Hmm... I don't like leaving you both out here, but this place looks almost deserted now for some reason. There were four people here all told when I left to come and get you both earlier, three worshipers and the old priest, who by the way didn't know you personally, just knew your family's name," Angie said to Ashley, then decided that it'd be best for Ashley to come with her at least up to the door so she could get under the awning above it and out of the rain. "Here, hold onto Tybi for me okay and keep her out of the rain please. I'll check inside and see why it's so dark and everything, then come get you, if I'm not back in a few minutes then peek in and check on me, and if something's wrong then run back to town okay and get help," Angie added, heading up to the door and handing Tybi off to Ashley to hold onto while she headed inside the temple again to see what was wrong there.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

hm, so that is why you take so much time to find us. Ashley answer back once she finds out than Angie havent tried to defeat the creatures as fast as possible. Anyway, the idea of let both look me everywhere is not pleasant and being nude at a ritual its a lot different than exhibit yourself as also gives me a lot of questions, because is the first time than heard about these things... i mean how an inocent girl like me would know about that? Angie could heard some fear at her words, maybe she never expected to sacrifice so much to take away this curse, after all the noble girl has tried to protect her body all these years and suddenly all these attempts to take her dont stop to come to her. Her nude body presed at a side of the angel leaving her place her arm to her side, so she could feel herself protected a little more. She wanted to continue talking to forget all this temple issue but Angie looks to dont change of topic so she mostly remind quiet the next moments.

This place have worshipers? they could be from my town, Angie... I would be marked if they recognize me, go quickly for clothes and return before anyone else come, please. Ashley beg whispering before take the monster child and wait close the door, her nearly useless rag was exposing her rear as she maintain a grip on a side of her cloth, then Tybi started to suck her niple making all get worse for some instants until she sit and pull her away of her breasts, it make her feel as she was loer than a human nearly breastfeeding an unknown girl most likely wet and naked at the outside of a church as she use the roof as a shelter, slowly the cold made her resign herself and huge the drenched little girl to warm herself and hide a little her body.


Angie soon was at the entrance hall of the temple, all was completely out of any light and the place was just a little iluminated by the lightstorm, the sky was so dark even when it was just midday and some water drops were starting to get inside the temple. It was weird but she was starting to feel tired, maybe she was hungry or getting sick after be so long outside, her wings were leaving a trial as the water slowly fall from them, as also her softly mud filled feet. Slowly a door get opened and what looks to be a monk on its full covering mantle get out. Welcome to our temple, pray as you guard yourself from the rain. The man then tried to return to the room than was filled with some candles.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Alright Ashley, I'll see if there are any robes around, but even if there are people from your home town in here, I don't think you need to worry about it all that much myself, but that's just me. But if you'd like to come on in and warm up some then please do, I'll see what there is to see inside," Angie said with a bit of a sight before heading on inside, seeing Tybi starting to suckle on Ashley's nipple a little before the girl pulled her away, thinking it adorable and that Ashley looked almost perfect for it.

Angie stepped on inside the entrance hall where she saw virtually no light at all, save what was coming in from the lightning flashing outside. She was starting to feel a bit tired after all that had happened that day, though she didn't know why. She didn't think she was getting sick or anything, though she did feel a bit hungry, probably because of being down here in the mortal world now and the fact that she wasn't at full power might have something to do with it, but she knew she couldn't stop now. As she walked through, dripping water and tracking mud a bit as she went, Angie saw a door on the far side of the room open and a monk come through, though she couldn't tell if he was a different one than the previous one she'd met here.

"Um... thank you sir. I was here earlier and there was an old priest that was to help me remove a curse from a friend up mine, the girl from the Lione family that I spoke to him about. Is he ready to aid me in this endeavor? Because I have her here with me and merely need to get her and bring her inside," Angie said to the monk, stepping closer and peeking inside the candlelit room a bit to see if the old priest was in there. "She also needs some clothes too, just a robe to wrap around her will do for now, because she was attacked earlier and her clothing was torn up quite badly, so she has barely anything on and it is quite cool out thanks to the rain," Angie added to the monk, to also try and get Ashley some clothes before bringing her inside to at least wait out the storm.